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S05.E03: Workin' the 'Ween

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Honey and Marvin ask Jessica and Louis to be baby Maria’s godparents, and Jessica offers to babysit her on Halloween night. But the Huangs are in for a spooky evening when they agree to help wean the baby off of her pacifier. Meanwhile, Eddie is hired by mattress store owner Harv for a job to make some extra money so that he can buy himself a car and ends up having to work in the creepy store all by himself on Halloween.


Original air date: 10/19/18

I know I am not suppose to laugh, but Evan and Emery as Skully and Mulder cracked me up. I never realized how uncanny Ian Chen looks exactly like Constance Wu in a wig. 

And is that George Wendt as the furniture boss? Man, he looks different from his Cheer days. I hope to see more of Eddie's friends in the coming episodes. I like how Eddie is taking responsibility for his life in career goals instead of this stupid regression which plagued shows like Blackish and Modern Family where child actors have no growth in the later seasons because their characters became stagnant. It's one of the few things which this show gets right.

Edited by Robert Lynch
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Also loved Evan and Emery and their Mulder and Scully costume. I also loved how Louis kept changing his Halloween costumes almost every scene. "She is probably scared because you look like a new scary stranger every time she sees you!" 

I like that Eddie is trying to be more mature, and I am thrilled that we are finally seeing Eddies friends again. I miss them.

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It's been shown in past episodes how much Louis loves Halloween, so I felt kind of sorry for him getting roped into the babysitting job.  Well, being a godfather calls for some sacrifices, I guess.

Nice play on words in the title "Workin' the 'Ween" with Halloween and weaning off the pacifier.

Good to see Eddie taking his job seriously, and wanting to sell a mattress.  Good work ethic.  

Now for the quibbles:  

Doesn't it seem strange that those quadruplets (or four look alike sisters) all went around trick or treating seperately?  If they all wanted to be with their own friends, it might make sense, but I think three of them came to the door by themselves.

Also, who the heck thinks it is their duty to deny kids candy based on the quality of their Halloween costume.  Louis apparently.  No ghosts in a sheet (lazy) and whatever else he said.  Their house deserved to get egged.

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  On 10/20/2018 at 8:13 PM, rmontro said:

No ghosts in a sheet (lazy) and whatever else he said.  Their house deserved to get egged.


The other two were just a Dolphins jersey and the sheet implying a member of the KKK so I am with Louis on that.

Ian would make a very pretty girl!

Edited by biakbiak
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This was the first funny episode this season.  Evan continues his mean streak in slapping his older brother, but I have to admit their Mulder/Scully dynamic was funny with the "mystery" of the bratty quadruplets.  

It was a bit frustrating to see Eddie's friend making a mess in the mattress shop but there were a few good laughs there too.

I thought there was going to be something important on Honey's list for Jessica, but there really wasn't.  

Edited by Camera One
  On 10/20/2018 at 9:49 PM, biakbiak said:

The other two were just a Dolphins jersey and the sheet implying a member of the KKK so I am with Louis on that.


I totally missed any mention of the KKK so I had to go back and watch that section.  His exact words:  "No white sheets - it's either a lazy ghost or something much worse".  So it could be a KKK costume, which of course would not be appropriate.  I don't agree with denying a kid candy though just because he's a "lazy ghost".  Dolphins jersey is pretty weak admittedly, but I'd still give the candy out.  Call me a sucker, but I'm not the Halloween police.

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As long as people say "trick or treat" and "thank you" with a shred of enthusiasm, I give them candy. I'd rather have a group of enthusiastic teenagers with no costumes than some costumed 8-year-old jerk who complains that my candy isn't good (yes, that actually happened).

I knew the girls would turn out to be multiples but in real life they'd have figured out that it was confusing folks. "Wait, you were just Britney," "oh, no, that was my identical sister." Duh. I'm sure it's happened before.

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  On 10/20/2018 at 8:13 PM, rmontro said:

Doesn't it seem strange that those quadruplets (or four look alike sisters) all went around trick or treating seperately?  If they all wanted to be with their own friends, it might make sense, but I think three of them came to the door by themselves.


Yes, it is an odd thing for them to do. And also, if you know you have a sister who looks almost exactly like you, and she's dressed as Britney, and a house calls you Britney and refuses you candy because they claim you're trying to double-dip, why the fuck would you egg them rather than saying "that was my sister". I mean, I get it might not have been believed, especially on the fourth one. But that whole family were assholes. If you look alike and don't want someone to think you're double-dipping, go to the house as a group, don't act all shocked an offended that reasonable people would not expect identical quads.

  On 10/20/2018 at 10:39 PM, rmontro said:

I totally missed any mention of the KKK so I had to go back and watch that section.  His exact words:  "No white sheets - it's either a lazy ghost or something much worse".  


The point he was making is that the "something much worse" is the KKK. He was basically saying, don't even try to guess, just avoid because the best case scenario is it's a lazy ghost.

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  On 10/22/2018 at 12:15 AM, theatremouse said:

The point he was making is that the "something much worse" is the KKK. He was basically saying, don't even try to guess, just avoid because the best case scenario is it's a lazy ghost.


Yeah, but he's still saying don't give candy to the lazy ghost.  Which seems ridiculous to me.  Maybe a five year old kid comes to the door in a sheet, and you're going to tell him he can't have any candy because he didn't put enough work into his Halloween costume?  

As for the worst case scenario, I've never seen a kid trick or treating in a KKK costume.

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  On 10/20/2018 at 8:00 AM, ElectricBoogaloo said:

What kind of mattress store is open all night on Halloween?!


And leaves a 15 (?) year-old all alone to run it?

What really bugged me was the plot about taking the pacifier from a young baby who is soothed by it.  Right now she has no teeth, and even when she does have baby teeth, they're not going to be her permanent teeth. The problem is when a toddler gets used to sucking a pacifier all day long, which means she also is unable to speak. Keep the pacifier for the crib and maybe the car or stroller, when you want her to sleep. When the baby/toddler is crawling or walking, no pacifier unless she agrees to go in the crib, which means she is tired. By the time she is 1-2ish, and can fully understand what you are saying to her, you can wean her from it at night. For me, that happened when the baby kept throwing it out if the crib and then crying for me to give it back, as a way of getting me back in the room. I finally said that if she threw it again I was not returning it, and that she needed to go to sleep.  By that age she was old enough to understand that I was not abandoning her and that I would be there in the morning. We had 2 unhappy nights, and it was over.  A young baby's only other alternative is her fingers/thumb which you cannot ever take away from her. Prolonged thumbsucking will likely result in buck teeth. 

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One of the most enjoyable episodes in a long time. I loved it!!! This felt like the old Fresh Off the Boat in it's glorious days.

Loved Mulder and Scully, the X Files music when they had the quadruplets reveal. LOVED all of Louis's halloween costumes with Maria but especially Sylvester and Tweety! So so so freaking cute!

I almost died of laughter when Louis and Jessica emerged dressed as Honey and Marvin. 

So glad they haven't regressed Eddie's character (so far) and I love the end where he was the one who soothed Evan. 

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  On 10/22/2018 at 2:13 AM, ItCouldBeWorse said:

What really bugged me was the plot about taking the pacifier from a young baby who is soothed by it.  Right now she has no teeth, and even when she does have baby teeth, they're not going to be her permanent teeth. The problem is when a toddler gets used to sucking a pacifier all day long, which means she also is unable to speak. Keep the pacifier for the crib and maybe the car or stroller, when you want her to sleep. When the baby/toddler is crawling or walking, no pacifier unless she agrees to go in the crib, which means she is tired. By the time she is 1-2ish, and can fully understand what you are saying to her, you can wean her from it at night. For me, that happened when the baby kept throwing it out if the crib and then crying for me to give it back, as a way of getting me back in the room. I finally said that if she threw it again I was not returning it, and that she needed to go to sleep.  By that age she was old enough to understand that I was not abandoning her and that I would be there in the morning. We had 2 unhappy nights, and it was over.  A young baby's only other alternative is her fingers/thumb which you cannot ever take away from her. Prolonged thumbsucking will likely result in buck teeth. 


It was really odd to me that they were so concerned about a 2(?)-month-old baby sucking on a pacifier. That is extremely typical and there is nothing wrong with it. My kid switched from pacifier to thumb very early on, which was fine by me because they all suck on SOMETHING and it might as well be something that doesn't constantly fall out and need to be repositioned. I'm not surprised they had pacifier concerns as a storyline since it is a big Judging Parents For Yet Another Thing issue, but I'm surprised they didn't have Grandma Huang just say "who gives a shit?" or similar, someone to be the voice of reason.

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Jessica wasn't as horrible in this episode as she has been in others, but Evan has moved into insufferable territory. I really can't stand the kid (and originally, it was Eddie I disliked -- he's really grown into the role).

I liked that Honey and Marvin told Louis and Jessica to get out and deal with their issues in their own home. 

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  On 10/22/2018 at 1:58 PM, joanne3482 said:

That was my favorite part. So sweet. 


That part was well done. This was my favorite episode, along with the Mulder/Skully bit. A little nitpick: Britney's popularity wasn't in 1998, but early-mid 1999. She did release Hit Me, Baby...One Time in October of 1998, but I remember her popular year was 1999, so the writers were a little too quick on that. Too bad. Fresh off The Boat could have made a nice segment about overbearing mothers being up in arms against that look that Britney had in 1999. You know, midriff shirt, short skirt, and everything that made the soccer moms up in arms against Britney Spears. I would love too see how Jessica would have took Britney's look. It was really tamed in those early years of Britney where every mother was up in arms against Britney's slutty look.

  On 10/22/2018 at 9:53 PM, SmithW6079 said:

Jessica wasn't as horrible in this episode as she has been in others, but Evan has moved into insufferable territory. I really can't stand the kid (and originally, it was Eddie I disliked -- he's really grown into the role).

I liked that Honey and Marvin told Louis and Jessica to get out and deal with their issues in their own home. 


Agreed, I really can't stand Evan. Eddie is absolutely my favorite, and I really wish we saw his friends more often. 

I need more Marvin too. I kind of preferred him and Honey pre-baby though.

I enjoyed the episode and tried to overlook Eddie running the store and the pacifier/age. I first thought why at 15 would they hire him at a higher end sales job? Don't most 14-15 year old have to start at grocery stores, fast food etc (plus at least when I and my kids worked you have to be 16 to handle large sums of money or do cash outs?). I hope the mattress job is not a regular on the show. I would rather see cattleman's ranch as the workplace set.

As for the pacifier I agree agree about the age but I think the point was that the baby's father is a dentist and it is not right for a dentist's baby to use  pacifier? When I had my first child I weened him off he pacifier , and came to find out that he needed it. he was born early and had a speech issue and using the pacifier helped strengthen muscles! I had no idea pacifiers did more the soothe. My child was a droller and after a few more months back on the pacifier the drooling slowed and he speech progressed.

I also hope this is the last we see of Jessica's book. I was hoping to see her more as the super mom at the school. I'm surprised she has not been more on the kids for getting straight A's , or practicing the piano or entering spelling bees and other competetions, I would have thought she would have searched out every scholarships and made them start to enter. 

The best thing about this show has been Eddie'r progression. I couldn't stand him in the early episodes and now he is terrific. Having his friends in the episode elevates it tremendously. I also like how they are dressing and styling Honey now as opposed to the earlier episodes. Much better. 

Whatever happened to Mitch at Cattleman's? When Matthew Chestnut came on the scene, Mitch disappeared. Did the actor get another job?

  On 10/22/2018 at 11:20 PM, Robert Lynch said:

That part was well done. This was my favorite episode, along with the Mulder/Skully bit. A little nitpick: Britney's popularity wasn't in 1998, but early-mid 1999. She did release Hit Me, Baby...One Time in October of 1998, but I remember her popular year was 1999, so the writers were a little too quick on that. Too bad. Fresh off The Boat could have made a nice segment about overbearing mothers being up in arms against that look that Britney had in 1999. You know, midriff shirt, short skirt, and everything that made the soccer moms up in arms against Britney Spears. I would love too see how Jessica would have took Britney's look. It was really tamed in those early years of Britney where every mother was up in arms against Britney's slutty look.


Isn't it supposed to be 1999 this season? Last season had the Titanic episode, wasn't that in 1998?

 If I remember correctly, Britney's video "Baby One More Time" was a huge hit since its release. I was 14 years old when it first aired in 1998 and every girl in my school wore her hair like Britney in the video - and I'm not even from America. She was instantly known and popular everywhere around the world. 

  On 10/23/2018 at 12:49 AM, One4Sorrow2TooBad said:

Honestly, I don't remember the Harry Potter craze with kids getting huge attention till around 2001.  I may be off on the time though.


This I agree with. I never heard of Harry Potter in the 90s. It was after the first movie that it became so popular. 

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  On 10/22/2018 at 1:54 AM, rmontro said:

Yeah, but he's still saying don't give candy to the lazy ghost.  Which seems ridiculous to me.  Maybe a five year old kid comes to the door in a sheet, and you're going to tell him he can't have any candy because he didn't put enough work into his Halloween costume?  

As for the worst case scenario, I've never seen a kid trick or treating in a KKK costume.


I've never seen it, but considering that this happened it wouldn't surprise me these days: https://www.tristatehomepage.com/news/local-news/owensboro-man-s-nazi-costume-sparks-criticism-online/1552705089

  On 10/29/2018 at 11:26 AM, SosaLola said:

Isn't it supposed to be 1999 this season? Last season had the Titanic episode, wasn't that in 1998?

 If I remember correctly, Britney's video "Baby One More Time" was a huge hit since its release. I was 14 years old when it first aired in 1998 and every girl in my school wore her hair like Britney in the video - and I'm not even from America. She was instantly known and popular everywhere around the world. 

This I agree with. I never heard of Harry Potter in the 90s. It was after the first movie that it became so popular. 


I think it was relatively popular before the first movie. I saw the first movie with family having not read any of the books. But I remember my cousins had read all of the ones that were out and remember it being pretty big otherwise with other people. I just had not caved to see what the fuss was about. Then I loved the movie and hurried to catch up on the books, and when the next book came out of course it was a huge deal.


ETA: I see @Possibilities and I posted similar comments at the same time.

Edited by VMepicgrl
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