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S07.E21: Suns Out, Buns Out

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They're all just going to hop onto reality show after reality show in order to make the next dollar. If any of them were smart, they'd try to get hosting gigs. Kailyn was going that route but she wasn't understanding that in order to be a tv host, you have to be likable. She's as unlikable as they come.

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On 10/15/2018 at 9:49 PM, Caracoa1 said:

It's obvious Cheyenne was brought on to revive ratings... She is an immature, spoiled rotten, self-absorbed drama queen!

Amen to that! Last night she had her whole va jay jay hanging out of her thong bathing suit.

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2 hours ago, Calm81 said:

I’m worried about what will happen if the gender reveal shows another girl. Because Tyler is probably thinking “if I’m going to be stuck with Cate now that she’s pregnant can I at least get a son out of it?” as I remember him seeming upset when they found out Nova was a girl when he wanted a son.

"The Ashley hears that ‘Teen Mom OG’ stars will be welcoming yet another girl."


I guess Ty will have to stick around for that next surprise miracle trap baby if he wants to try for a son (with Catelynn, anyway). 

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
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8 hours ago, IDreamofJoaquin said:

Wow! 2 days have passed since this aired and only 43 comments.   I remember when it would have been like 233 with the little flaming hot symbol.  This is as dead as The Challenhe forum. 

We get to watch Maci pretend to have PCOS and leave her kids.

We get to watch Amber go to L.A. and pretend she is sad about leaving Leah for a month.  Her humble abode will do.  What did she expect to stay in something designed by Frank Gehry just because Andrew is Twitter verified?

We get to watch Catelynn return from rehab early because she missed her family only to leave Nova again to pretend to be a mental health ambassador.  As someone with bipolar disorder and a snazzy new diagnosis of trauma I want to see someone with their shit together be an ambassador.  I should be the ambassador.  Tyler also gets to pretend he has two kids. He doesn't, Brandon and Teresa have two kids and he has one.  Tyler also pretends to hang out with friends?

We get to see Sarah Palin pretend to know how to talk.  She jumbled up a bunch of her words in her segment Farrah style.  I can't remember exactly what they were, I should have written it down but she made no sense.  Anyone else pick up on this?

This episode title "Suns Out, Buns Out" was directed at Cheyenne and her buns in front of her family and it rivals "In Sod We Trust".   I did not understand any of what going on with that segment.  

This show is a hot mess...I felt the same way about Catelynn and Tyler running out to do the Dr. OZ Show as "ambassadors of mental health" Really? It seems to me that Catelynn should have stayed home and reacquainted herself with her daughter and taken the necessary steps to get moving on continuing her therapy at home and providing her horse with necessary grooming and exercise...but no...Catelynn needed a quick shot of celebrity from the hair and make up to the audience applauding her. So much for Tyler thinking about giving Catelynn an ultimatum...now he's been baby trapped with another child on the way that he will ultimately have to take care of the Catelynn runs out to Arizona again due to "trauma".

Yes! I noticed Sarah Palin mumbling some nonsensical stupidity...Frankly, I was hoping that there would NO Sarah Palin segments on this show but apparently that will not be the case. Bristol is a control freak...she and her mom are Alpha females. She is very much her mothers daughter. I remember her solo reality show...I watched a few episodes...I wish I hadn't. When she wasn't bullying her other baby daddy she was making homophobic remarks. Dakota remarking that he could envision Sarah Palin sitting next to Bristol stoking the fire was very revealing. He knows how joined at the hip she and her mother are. Interesting to note that Dakota and Bristol got engaged a few years ago and a couple of days before the wedding he backed out. Then a while later they got back together and she got pregnant and then they married. They have always had issues. She lacks empathy and seems to want to raise her daughters, like she did her son, as a single mom. Their argument over the phone was mind numbing...she talked over him, said stuff that had nothing to do with anything and then ended it before he got to say much of anything. Ugh...he should have a party when they finalize their divorce...she's a real pain in the ass. Sidenote: I see she's already grooming her son for a career in reality TV...

Amber...more sitting on a couch, just in a different state and city. Andrew...what a geeky dork. How long before Amber starts yelling at him and kicks him out? And Gary...his mother is pathetic. Just admit you had a drunken one night stand with some guy and got knocked up. "I was dating him" but I can't remember his name or anything else about him except that he had brown eyes and was "stocky". Please. To top it all off, she now is claiming that the guy Gary thought was his Dad his whole life was played by her. He paid child support for years to her for Gary believing that Gary was his child when she knew it wasn't...she's just trash.

Cheyenne is a petulant spoiled brat. She's another one living on the MTV dime with no discernible skills or educational goals that will help her in the long run to provide for herself and child. Way to go Cheyenne.

Maci and Taylor...BORING......and enough of the product placement with their lame TTM t shirts...just stop.

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Those TTM shirts are so plain and each and every shirt they try to promote is uglier than the next. I don't know who is buying these clothes.

I feel like Cheyenne's dad is trying way too hard for tv,  I would have been annoyed about the unconditional love thing too.. but Cheyenne's whining voice is too much to handle. She is a very pretty girl but that voice and personality is terrrrrible.

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4 hours ago, Calm81 said:

Also, when dr oz was asking about the lowest point for them as a couple Cate said “when we first began couples therapy a while back” and Tyler’s look said it all “bitcj, NOW is our lowest point, not then, NOW!!!”

It's interesting. He asked for their lowest point as a couple, but I think they each have their own, individual "lowest" point. Tyler took back the engagement ring and was shying away from marriage. Cate likely feels that was the closest she ever came to losing him; so that's HER lowest point. 

Tyler, right now, feels trapped. He's trying. I think he cares for her and believes in their family. But he's not getting what he's giving. 

He definitely should not have made another baby with her, though. Big mistake. HUGE. 

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4 hours ago, Kellyee said:

Catelynn and Tyler should be good for one season of Marriage Boot Camp though.

Sure why not. They already did couple's therapy (the same season Farrah appeared with her invisible imaginary boyfriend). 

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On 10/16/2018 at 11:07 AM, heatherchandler said:

Is anyone else here having MAJOR Dakota attractions??  I didn't think he was hot at all when the show started, but for some reason I now think he is super hot.  I usually don't go for his type.

Raising my hand.  And god help me, I think it's because of his vulnerability.  I just want to cradle him.

Joining the chorus of celebrants who have weaned themselves from this show.  Cheyenne has nothing going on that I give one shit about; Bristol is repellent, and her obnoxious mother keeps showing up for no good reason but the occasional "amen"; Whitney Thore already has the PCOS franchise; Amber is just disgusting and not in a good (i.e. hate-watchable) way, and Tyler needs to get off TV so he can finally dump Catelynn, who is sucking the prana out of all of us.

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On 10/15/2018 at 8:49 PM, SeenYouWitKieffah said:

I was intrigued when the doctor asked Catelynn what she learned at rehab, and disappointed in her answer: that her anxiety stems from past trauma.

I'm not disputing the truth of that statement, but, like, hasn't she heard that 100x before?? I was hoping to hear some real insight, and that answer felt lazy

Hell to the yes. I wish I could like this a thousand times. Isn't that statement like Therapy 101? Catelynn has had trauma in her life, I am not denying that. Drug addiction, teen pregnancy, adoption, a miscarriage are all traumatic events. But I don't think for one second she's willing to do any of the needed hard work to face her depression and anxiety. She gets to go on Amazing Spa vacations that any of us would love. I hear the whistle of the gravy train pulling out of the station.

Edited by jacksgirl
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On 10/16/2018 at 2:12 PM, Brooklynista said:

Where did Tyler get male friends? In the 10yrs we've known him, have we ever seen him chilling w the fellas?

Not sure about the other guy, but one of those guys has been identified as "Catelynn's cousin" in past episodes.   I remember Tyler talking to him.  He's missing a tooth and was heavier in the other episodes.   So basically he's telling Cate's cousin the truth but not Cate.  


I think Tyler wants OUT, but if Catelynn got her shit together, stopped being such a sad sack, and either went to school or got a real job, Tyler might be willing to stick around.  She's such a sad sack life suck.  Where in her head does she think that a 20 something guy finds an overweight complainer, who doesn't take care of her kid, relationship, or HERSELF attractive?  He'll take care of Cate for only so long.  Doesn't it occur to her that he might find a strong, hard working, energetic, go getter who is an asset to their relationship and a loving mother to their daughter more intriguing?  I don't think Tyler is some prize, but he does hold the pieces together most of the time.  Enough already with Cate being such an anchor around his neck.  Tyler's not gonna be a neurosurgeon, but he'll probably do okay at a blue collar job somewhere.  Give his daughters their baths at night after some mac and cheese with a side of broccoli, read them a story and then tuck them into bed.  I SERIOUSLY don't see him rolling around on the couch in his PJ's all day feeling sorry for himself. 

Cate needs to get it together or Tyler needs to cut himself loose.  I'm over watching her chin quiver every time he suggests that he's not happy.   Grow up already Catelynn.   Placing Carly for adoption was the best thing for her.   Tyler and Catelynn were not in any position to raise her or take care of her at that point in their lives.   Maybe work on accepting that despite Tyler's "hints" that their relationship would end if they kept Carly "I think keeping it would RUIN us", placing Carly WAS the best decision and that they still get to be a part of her life and they now have children of their own to love and raise.  Cate needs some decent outpatient therapy, a job, and an identity that DOESN'T include Tyler.

Edited by Emmierose
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While Bristol has lost weight since she Danced with the Stars and has apparently had some work done, it was only this morning that I realized what's making her face look so freakish to me.  She's had liposuction under her chin, but they took out too much fat, so that she is Skeletor from the tip of her chin to the top of her neck, and it is disturbing.  One more reason not to watch.

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12 hours ago, Emmierose said:

  Tyler's not gonna be a neurosurgeon, but he'll probably do okay at a blue collar job somewhere.  Give his daughters their baths at night after some mac and cheese with a side of broccoli, read them a story and then tuck them into bed.  I SERIOUSLY don't see him rolling around on the couch in his PJ's all day feeling sorry for himself. 


I don't know if he's grown up or changed his mind since then (well, he  has become the CEO of Tierra Reign, but...) but he told his mom that he could never see himself working a regular job.

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He will, though. The Teen Mom free ride is almost over--its in its death throes now. He won't be able to swan around doing "passion projects" or selling that tacky crap they're hustling. Maybe if he's lucky he can get a construction job. But isn't Michigan's economy pretty bad right now? And don't they live out in the middle of nowhere? Neither of these two Nobelists has fired up one synapse between them to think about the future. They'll be back in the trailer park within two years. Catelynn will almost surely follow her mother's path to addiction. Nova will get pregnant at 15. Its depressing.

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1 hour ago, Pepper Mostly said:

He will, though. The Teen Mom free ride is almost over--its in its death throes now. He won't be able to swan around doing "passion projects" or selling that tacky crap they're hustling. Maybe if he's lucky he can get a construction job. But isn't Michigan's economy pretty bad right now? And don't they live out in the middle of nowhere? Neither of these two Nobelists has fired up one synapse between them to think about the future. They'll be back in the trailer park within two years. Catelynn will almost surely follow her mother's path to addiction. Nova will get pregnant at 15. Its depressing.

Come on!  He IS the CEO of Teirra Reign, after all. 

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Someone posted from this Starcasm article elsewhere, but I think it bears repeating based on the comments above.

Here is a [viewership] timeline, including the most recent Teen Mom OG Season:

3.654 million on July 5, 2011 (Season 3 premiere)
3.249 million on June 12, 2012 (Season 4 premiere)

BREAK [Amber's in prison]

1.952 million on March 23, 2015 (Season 5 premiere)
1.485 million on February 22, 2016 (Season 5 finale)

1.192 million on August 22, 2016 (Season 6 premiere)
1.381 million on June 26, 2017 (Season 6 finale)

1.319 million on November 27, 2017 (Season 7 premiere)
1.044 million on March 26, 2018 (Season 7 finale)

957,000 on October 1, 2018 (Season 8 premiere)
851,000 on October 8, 2018 (Season 8, episode 2)


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2 minutes ago, Snarky McSnarky said:

Someone posted from this Starcasm article elsewhere, but I think it bears repeating based on the comments above.

Here is a [viewership] timeline, including the most recent Teen Mom OG Season:

3.654 million on July 5, 2011 (Season 3 premiere)
3.249 million on June 12, 2012 (Season 4 premiere)

BREAK [Amber's in prison]

1.952 million on March 23, 2015 (Season 5 premiere)
1.485 million on February 22, 2016 (Season 5 finale)

1.192 million on August 22, 2016 (Season 6 premiere)
1.381 million on June 26, 2017 (Season 6 finale)

1.319 million on November 27, 2017 (Season 7 premiere)
1.044 million on March 26, 2018 (Season 7 finale)

957,000 on October 1, 2018 (Season 8 premiere)
851,000 on October 8, 2018 (Season 8, episode 2)


Wow, a visual representation of circling the drain. 

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Another distressing result of TM is that these young people, because they're on TV and get lots of money for it, believe that they have important things to say that will be helpful to other people.  Bristol Meyers is just starting out, and she already understands this (although to be fair in her case it was god who understands, but he told her.  Tomato-tomato).  Tyler and Catelynn spent at least three seasons giving speeches about how wonderful adoption was; now we are told (duh) that Carly's placement with her adoptive parents is a trauma, at least partly responsible for Catelynn's depression.  They were especially blase about how easy it was to maintain a relationship with your child, how "part of the family" it all felt.  Now, in the same vein and with predictably the same results, they hold themselves up as examples of how to deal with mental illness.  Maci is helping other women with PCOS... uh... by going to Washington and getting a prize?  Amber has expressed herself hopeful that the example of her successful life will give hope to people with a diagnosis of bipolar disorder, and look how productive her life has been!  God only knows how Cheyenne is going to make the world a better place--maybe by demonstrating that you're never too old to let your butt hang out at your parents' pool party?

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What drive me crazy is that they all pretty much live in low cost of living areas and likely have low property taxes. Every one of the teen moms, especially the originals, should own their homes outright. I read somewhere they all make aroun $500k a year. I don’t see why any of them should have s mortgage. At least if they owned their homes outright it would be one less thing to worry about when housing is usually a person’s greatest monthly expense. Even if they worked crappy jobs down the road their money would go farther because the wouldn’t have to pay mortgage or rent. The only one I think will truly be fine once the shows are over is Chelsea because her dad supposedly manages her money, plus she has a husband who actually goes to a real job every day. Amber and Jenelle are likely the first ones to go broke. 

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3 hours ago, Mothra said:

Maci is helping other women with PCOS... uh... by going to Washington and getting a prize? 

No!!! Give her a little credit, geez...she won the award for LYING about having PCOS for a storyline, which apparently "helped" other women. *side eye*

Edited by CaliforniaLove
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On 10/16/2018 at 7:55 AM, teapot said:

no shit, not, "I want to take what I've learned to make sure Nova doesn't have to go through what I went through" or "I'm glad that I was able to take some time to learn how to cope with my depression so Ty's not doing everything all by himself."  nope, just memememe ME!

I listen to this podcast called Teen Mom Trash Talk, and it's fun and hilarious...but the episodes have been about thirty minutes long as of late, and the girls veer off topic (I like when they do that so it's ok!) a lot.

If this all ends, I'll miss those girls and you all much more than the Teen Moms themselves!

and I'm super pissed that this all may have to do with Farrah.  Who I still hate.

I listen to teen mom trash talk too, love it! I'm excited they are going to start a 90 day fiance one because teen mom may have run its course...

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19 hours ago, Mothra said:

While Bristol has lost weight since she Danced with the Stars and has apparently had some work done, it was only this morning that I realized what's making her face look so freakish to me.  She's had liposuction under her chin, but they took out too much fat, so that she is Skeletor from the tip of her chin to the top of her neck, and it is disturbing. 

I noticed this too.  I think she is pretty but she has a very old and worn out type of face.  Like Kate Middleton and Pippa.  They are pretty but just have older looking faces.  (but not worn out like Bristol)

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The other day (because I’m so cool) I was in my car coming back from grocery shopping and decided to pretend that my car was microphoned up with cameras like these girls have it. I had some of the most IMPORTANT conversations with myself that I EVER had. I mean, it was so riveting that I was thinking how many people I could help with the verbiage I was spewing. 

I was talking about how annoyed I was with myself that I clipped coupons for cat food and kitty litter and the cashier got me yacking to the point where I forgot to give her my coupons and how devastated I was to not save that $3 that I would have applied to a special iced coffee treat.

Do you know HOW MANY people I could have helped during my 20 minute annoyed RANT about the importance of holding coupons in your hand at the same time you’re placing items on the converyour belt to remind you?!!?! That’s some 500k a year shit right there!!!! Many moms (and Gary’s of the world) could benefit from that tip! I’d fly to Washington for my award. ?

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34 minutes ago, Calm81 said:

I mean, it was so riveting that I was thinking how many people I could help with the verbiage I was spewing. 

Sounds better than Cate and April talking about going to boogietown after picking up that poor mini pig. Cate blocking the cameras so she could get high. Jenelle showing everybody how to react to road rage with her son unbuckled in the front seat. You might be on to something?

I'm thinking of so many others now.

Edited by Mr. Minor
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I think also a big chunk of the problem with the TMs is that the constant coddling by producers combined with their Z-list celebrity and social media followings in particular has convinced them that their thoughts and feelings must be addressed immediately and are inherently superior to everyone else's. It's been that way for the better part of 10 years, so why would that mindset change now just because they're biologically older? If anything, year after year of sitting around complaining about their perpetually adolescent problems has only served to addle their egos beyond repair. To then, sitting around on your couch complaining feels like actual labor and should be considered "real work" because it's more or less what made them famous and the network has been throwing money at them to do so. Catelynn and Amber probably think they should be handed gold stars for pooping or puking in the right spot because hey, it's hard existing with mental illness and you should be grateful that they chose to be alive or interact with you that day! Even as the ship is sinking, they're too far gone to be able to grasp the fact that they need actual skills and experience to survive society and no one is going to kiss their asses for getting dressed every day or call shipping out 5 shitty t-shirts a week out of your living room "running a business." They're all too spoiled to live. They're like toddlers who become accustomed to the potty training reward system and then expect to be given a lollipop for completing every basic life task.

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 You guys, it's hard to imagine just a short time ago, being so engrossed in this show and Twitter and The Ashley and all the things, and now, I too have finally freed myself. I still come here for the snark, and Amen to all of Tracey's Teen Mom Trash Talk podcast listeners (Are you part of the facebook group? Hilarious) but I haven't tuned in once this season. Off the dvr and everything.

Rip. Gary's Chickens.

Ps. I just caught Bristol's appearance on Celebrity Wife Swap. Y'all need to look that one up. 

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On 10/15/2018 at 8:24 PM, toodywoody said:

So who cares about Cheyenne's drama. No one knows her for shit and why would anyone care about some fight at her family's BBQ. 

Who cares about Maci getting some award (should have been for drinking while pg).

Who cares to watck Cate and Amber hug the couches and beds.

This show is a joke.

Fast forwarded through Cheyenne.  Fast forwarded through Maci.  Don't care. 

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On 10/17/2018 at 11:58 AM, kicksave said:

Yes! I noticed Sarah Palin mumbling some nonsensical stupidity...Frankly, I was hoping that there would NO Sarah Palin segments on this show but apparently that will not be the case. Bristol is a control freak...she and her mom are Alpha females. She is very much her mothers daughter. I remember her solo reality show...I watched a few episodes...I wish I hadn't. When she wasn't bullying her other baby daddy she was making homophobic remarks. Dakota remarking that he could envision Sarah Palin sitting next to Bristol stoking the fire was very revealing. He knows how joined at the hip she and her mother are. Interesting to note that Dakota and Bristol got engaged a few years ago and a couple of days before the wedding he backed out. Then a while later they got back together and she got pregnant and then they married. They have always had issues. She lacks empathy and seems to want to raise her daughters, like she did her son, as a single mom. Their argument over the phone was mind numbing...she talked over him, said stuff that had nothing to do with anything and then ended it before he got to say much of anything. Ugh...he should have a party when they finalize their divorce...she's a real pain in the ass. Sidenote: I see she's already grooming her son for a career in reality TV...

The Palin-Meyers relationship drama also includes a Maury-esque segment dealing with paternity.   After Bristol announced she had gotten pregnant again out of wedlock (while promoting abstinence), there was also some court-drama and hububub about the paternity of her elder daughter. Apparently, at first Dakota wasn't sure if Sailor was his child, but I guess became convinced she was.  He had to prove paternity and apparently asked for child support (before they reconciled & married).  When he filed for child support: 


David Martin, a rep for Bristol, also weighed in, telling ET, “My values are such that a real American hero doesn't ask for child support.”


Those Palins are so patriotic and classy. They'd never disrespect a veteran, let alone one who earned a Medal of Honor! /sarcasm 
(I guess Bristol isn't any kind of hero, either, since she wanted child support from her first baby daddy Levi...and will surely be coming after Dakota for support when TM ends.)

On 10/18/2018 at 11:47 AM, IgnoranceisBLISS said:

Am I the only one that thought that Sara Palin had a few drinks on the plane ride to LA? She acted like she had to really think about what was coming out of her mouth and it wasn't slurred but was very stilted. 


Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
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Obviously, I'm behind on watching because I didn't know a new season started. 

I have to call shenanigans on Bristol and Dakota.  The last part of the first episode and most of this episode they were wearing the same clothes while discussing their issues and it escalating to separation/divorce.  It looks to me like their separation/divorce was planned all along (and they were probably already separated) but they kept it to do re-enactments and have drama for Bristol's story line for the show.

I'm also going to call bullshit on Cate's "anxiety."  Being uncomfortable and/or not really liking/wanting to do something is not anxiety but these days it seems to be labeled that way.  I see this way too much with 20-somethings and younger; especially among popular youtube personalities.  Graveyard girl is a good example.  She goes on and on about her anxiety sometimes making hour long videos but really it seems like she is getting anxiety confused with just not liking or wanting to do something.

We all have seen for years how lazy Cate is, and that laziness leaks into all aspects of her life.  When confronted with anything she doesn't want to do or like to do, she throws down the "anxiety card" and then she doesn't have to do it.  There are consequences for that and it gets her what she wants in the short term but look at how miserable she is.

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