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Season 6 Discussion


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I have come to realize that after several weeks I have no desire to learn more about any of these unlikeable people. I do wish Olga the best, but I just feel that each storyline is so unbelievable or exaggerated, each does not align with the characters involved. None of these people are worth having my limited viewing time.

Edited by Chalby
changed do not to does not
  • Love 12
  On 12/10/2018 at 3:17 AM, iwasish said:

Her father said he was covering her rent just since “this month” so she could save for a new apartment. It hasn’t been months. 

So now he can pay the full rent for the future. Even less money for Leida. 


I thought it had been a few months. If Im wrong, Mea culpa  and that does make things different

Edited by JennyMominFL
  • Love 7

Is Eric supporting one child under the age of 18? In NY anyway child support is 18% of wages, so if he is paying $1,000/month, he's making $5,500 /month or $66,000/year.

If he is supporting 2 kids it's 22% of wages, so if he's paying $1,000/month he's making $4,500/month or $54,000/year.

These are what the figures are in NY (the last I knew), I can't imagine they're that much different in WI.

He's making okay money, so where is all of his money going?

  • Love 10
  On 12/10/2018 at 3:21 AM, Honey said:

Is Eric supporting one child under the age of 18? In NY anyway child support is 18% of wages, so if he is paying $1,000/month, he's making $5,500 /month or $66,000/year.

If he is supporting 2 kids it's 22% of wages, so if he's paying $1,000/month he's making $4,500/month or $54,000/year.

These are what the figures are in NY (the last I knew), I can't imagine they're that much different in WI.

He's making okay money, so where is all of his money going?


I doubt he's making that much money. Leida probably exaggerated how much he's paying just like she exaggerated everything else.  

I do know what his job is, but I'm not sure whether I'm allowed to say that here. Let's just say he probably makes about 18K.

  • Love 5
  On 12/10/2018 at 3:21 AM, Honey said:

Is Eric supporting one child under the age of 18? In NY anyway child support is 18% of wages, so if he is paying $1,000/month, he's making $5,500 /month or $66,000/year.

If he is supporting 2 kids it's 22% of wages, so if he's paying $1,000/month he's making $4,500/month or $54,000/year.

These are what the figures are in NY (the last I knew), I can't imagine they're that much different in WI.

He's making okay money, so where is all of his money going?


Do we know for a fact that he’s paying $1000 a month? I doubt he is. That number sounds high. I had a friend whose dad was a very successful doctor. He paid less than $1000 a month in support 20 years ago. He wasn’t living in a crap apartment being financed partially by his teen daughter like Eric.

does anyone know how to edit messages and add quotes to prevent double posting?

  • Love 2
  On 12/10/2018 at 3:26 AM, bravofan27 said:

I can see Eric, whose not on the lease, not paying rent at all, waiting till eviction, and then sticking Tasha with the back rent, claiming that she owes him since he paid rent whenever. I hope it doesn't happen, but Eric seems like he'll throw his family under the bus to save some cash.


Tasha needs to get her name of the lease. Stat! 

  • Love 15
  On 12/10/2018 at 3:19 AM, JennyMominFL said:

Im  thought it had been a few months. If Im wrong. Im wrong and that does make things different


He said that he had been paying the full cable and electric and “ groceries”’ for a months but didn’t ask her for the rent this month so she could have money for a new apt.

I can see how you were confused. He spends so much time making excuses/trying to reason with  Leida. 

  • Love 5
  On 12/10/2018 at 3:13 AM, JennyMominFL said:

At 19 I had been in the Marines for 2 years, My son had been in the Army for 2 years. Tasha is not a child. She has not paid rent in months and she trashes the house, She needs to go. Frankly so does Leida.


Tasha hasn’t paid rent for ONE month because Eric told her to save it toward a deposit on a new place.

  • Love 16
  On 12/10/2018 at 3:26 AM, brillia79 said:

Do we know for a fact that he’s paying $1000 a month? I doubt he is. That number sounds high. I had a friend whose dad was a very successful doctor. He paid less than $1000 a month in support 20 years ago. He wasn’t living in a crap apartment being financed partially by his teen daughter like Eric.

does anyone know how to edit messages and add quotes to prevent double posting?


That was a “calculation” by Leida. He might also be paying alimony, I know the amounts are combined into one on a wage garnishment. I wouldn’t trust Leidas numbers.

  • Love 6
  On 12/10/2018 at 3:26 AM, brillia79 said:

Do we know for a fact that he’s paying $1000 a month? I doubt he is. That number sounds high. I had a friend whose dad was a very successful doctor. He paid less than $1000 a month in support 20 years ago. He wasn’t living in a crap apartment being financed partially by his teen daughter like Eric.

does anyone know how to edit messages and add quotes to prevent double posting?


I think Leida said he was paying some thousands per year? In any even I think he only has one minor child that gets child support. His other two are over age 18.

  • Love 2
  On 12/10/2018 at 3:26 AM, brillia79 said:

Do we know for a fact that he’s paying $1000 a month? I doubt he is. That number sounds high. I had a friend whose dad was a very successful doctor. He paid less than $1000 a month in support 20 years ago. He wasn’t living in a crap apartment being financed partially by his teen daughter like Eric.

does anyone know how to edit messages and add quotes to prevent double posting?


I too think that $1,000/months sounds like a lot, but that's the number they keep repeating.  If he's paying that much, he's not poor.

  • Love 1

If Im wrong and Tasha is on the lease without Eric and, only just stopped paying rent l think Eric and Leida should move.  If they are both on the lease and Tasha has not been paying  rent for months she should go. 

 I know Russia has citizenship by blood. Will they recognice a second citizenship? If not would they even let Steven take the baby?

  • Love 2
  On 12/10/2018 at 3:26 AM, brillia79 said:

Do we know for a fact that he’s paying $1000 a month? I doubt he is. That number sounds high. I had a friend whose dad was a very successful doctor. He paid less than $1000 a month in support 20 years ago. He wasn’t living in a crap apartment being financed partially by his teen daughter like Eric.

does anyone know how to edit messages and add quotes to prevent double posting?


We don't know how many garnishments he has in addition to child support.  Maybe all garnishments add up to $1,000??? Also, Leida lies...sooo....

  • Love 10

So, essentially, this is reality (non-fiction) TV and we’re watching an Indonesian citizen (on a K-1 visa) persuading convincing coercing an American citizen to break the law on American national television on a weekly basis... 🍸

Nothing wrong with that! None at all. Nope.

Edited by CSS.MD
Law-abiding typo. 👩🏻‍⚖️
  • Love 17

Princess Leida, it's time to go home to Alderaan. You have no money of your own to help out and pay for groceries and such for you and your son? Daddy can't wire you a few dollars through electronic banking? You have a lot of unrealistic expectations with Eric the Scoundrel.  Actually, Eric the Loser, but well, you two probably deserve each other. You have zero business ordering around his daughter. If the apartment isn't properly clean enough for you, clean it yourself, or hire a cleaning service. You want the Green Card, and Eric is your winning Golden Ticket. You don't like your soon to be stepdaughter and she certainly doesn't like you. Grow up, get some manners, and stop complaining. You chose this life. You could have said 'no'.

Steven and Olga - ummmm, she should be included in any discussion with the US Embassy. You can't do this on your own, little kid. Russia may have very different laws. At least Olga seems to have a friend who cares. The child is better off in Russia until you grow up, deal with your anger issues, your abandonment issues, your temper, etc. Stop acting like a little boy who is used to getting his way and will throw a tantrum or whatever to get it.

Must have missed Fernanda this week.

Larissa, you are marrying Coltee and his mother and the cats. He is not going to leave Debbie. Get used to it. The cousins behaved horribly.  Get used to it Larissa, because they are what you will be getting. Give back the ring, throw it at him - nothing will change. You will probably still marry him to get the Green Card and whatever misery befalls the happy threesome.

Ashley, you will not have many friends left if you continue to be flighty and skip the 'wedding' to elope. These women spent a lot of time, energy, and money to buy their dresses for you. At least pay them back for their inconvenience. I wouldn't doubt that one of her friends had something to do with the nasty comments. You are still marrying a 20 year old boy. Send him back to Jamaica to apply for a student visa, so maybe you could live together for a bit.

Kalani, you treat Asuelu as a simpleton. Why you chose to hook up with him is questionable. He will never be a suitable spouse for you as long as the true love of your life, your sister, is around. Stop belittling him and treating him as a child.  He will not be a good partner for you for quite some time, if ever at all. Cut your loss and find a job and support your child.

  • Love 19

Debbie knows how to push Coltee's buttons. Talk of moving to a senior's apartment is just that - cheap talk. Coltee would never let her do that.

I too have noticed Leida's lack of designer labels - shoes, purses, etc. Even if she wasn't super rich, she would still probably have AAA or higher fake LV.

Wish some of these people had some self awareness and a way of seeing how their actions or inactions impact others.

  • Love 11
  On 12/10/2018 at 4:20 AM, Frozendiva said:

I too have noticed Leida's lack of designer labels - shoes, purses, etc. Even if she wasn't super rich, she would still probably have AAA or higher fake LV.

Wish some of these people had some self awareness and a way of seeing how their actions or inactions impact others.


Exactly. She does not seem the type to be low-key or discreet about her wealth. If she really had it, I’m 1000% certain she would’ve FLAUNTED THE HELL OUT OF IT.

But she doesn’t. So all she has is words, words, words...


Also, her family look like they could EASILY BE MY NEXT DOOR NEIGHBOURS! (I’m upper-middle class, not “Crazy Rich Asians”.)

  • Love 12
  On 12/10/2018 at 4:26 AM, CSS.MD said:

Exactly. She does not seem the type to be low-key or discreet about her wealth. If she really had it, I’m 1000% certain she would’ve FLAUNTED THE HELL OUT OF IT.

But she doesn’t. So all she has is words, words, words...


Also, her family look like they could EASILY BE MY NEXT DOOR NEIGHBOURS! (I’m upper-middle class, not “Crazy Rich Asians”.)


She can afford to pay full-price for her items. I check out the sales and see what is in my size at 50-80% off.

  • Love 4
  On 12/10/2018 at 3:26 AM, brillia79 said:

Do we know for a fact that he’s paying $1000 a month? I doubt he is. That number sounds high. I had a friend whose dad was a very successful doctor. He paid less than $1000 a month in support 20 years ago. He wasn’t living in a crap apartment being financed partially by his teen daughter like Eric.

does anyone know how to edit messages and add quotes to prevent double posting?


I have a family member who pays $1400/mo for one child, so a thousand is not far fetched.  However, if support is income based I would think Eric pays less because he is obviously broke.

Regardless of his monetary situation, NO ONE should suggest a father walk away from his responsibilities.  And the fact Leida, a mother herself, suggested this is mind boggling.  Would she want someone suggesting that about her child?  Bitch go back to Indonesia and live off your parents.

  • Love 20

Only half-way through, but my respect, like the Grinch's heart, grew about three sizes bigger tonight for Fernanda and Jon- especially for Fernanda, because that took a lot of guts to speak up for a woman she doesn't know well and hasn't exactly welcomed her with open arms.  I think they (the three of them) can work this out, for sure.

Also:  FUCK OFF, LEIDA.  You are a she-bat from hell


Coltee, STOP WEARING SHORTS.  It's a bad look on ya, bud.

Edited by liammaam
Colt's legs offend me
  • Love 22

Alsooooooo, if I were Ashley's friends, I'd be so done with her.  Bitch, they already bought their dresses (for what, the third time??) and flowers, and... it just screams immaturity to me.  Ashley and Jay are pretty boring and I don't really pay much attention to their storyline, but this made me really annoyed with her.  

Sidenote:  I got married in Vegas and it was AWESOME.  I just would never drop that bomb after so many things have been purchased by other people. 

  • Love 20
  On 12/10/2018 at 3:26 AM, CoachWristletJen said:

Leida probably exaggerated how much he's paying just like she exaggerated everything else.  


This. I think she's rounding $700 up to $1000. 

They left the $1000/month comment in.. but censored the annual amount.  "It's $@#&$% thousand dollars per year!"  (Probably because it's not $12000.)

  • Love 6
  On 12/10/2018 at 4:58 AM, Splithair said:

I thought Anfisa was bad.  I thought Angela was bad.  I thought Pole and Tricky Ricky were bad.  

Leida and Eric are easily the worst people to ever be on this show.  Their segments make me physically uncomfortable. 

Does anyone think that Ashley's psycho ex-friend was the one posting the hate-filled comments on her website?


I thought Jesse was bad.

That guy was narcissistic and behaved terribly in front of Darcey’s daughters...

But that was when I was young and innocent and hadn’t been exposed to Leida.

Anfisa was at least HONEST about being gold-digger (in contrast, Leida is a covert gold-digger pretending to be rich with a disturbing fixation on getting a man to stop paying child support for his biological children WTF).

Also, even when Leida appears to Ben “honest” about just wanting to “further a medical career in the US”, I still think she’s lying because I think she’s trying to establish herself as an Indonesian “Real Housewives” type with her tall tales about being from a “well-respected, wealthy family” but she’s playing coy about just wanting to be famous.

I call BS about wanting a medical career in the US. Absolute BS.

  • Love 19
  On 12/10/2018 at 5:11 AM, CSS.MD said:

I thought Jesse was bad.

That guy was narcissistic and behaved terribly in front of Darcey’s daughters...

But that was when I was young and innocent and hadn’t been exposed to Leida.

Anfisa was at least HONEST about being gold-digger (in contrast, Leida is a covert gold-digger pretending to be rich with a disturbing fixation on getting a man to stop paying child support for his biological children WTF).

Also, even when Leida appears to Ben “honest” about just wanting to “further a medical career in the US”, I still think she’s lying because I think she’s trying to establish herself as an Indonesian “Real Housewives” type with her tall tales about being from a “well-respected, wealthy family” but she’s playing coy about just wanting to be famous.

I call BS about wanting a medical career in the US. Absolute BS.


I knew I forgot a few.  Jesse was awful.

  • Love 4
  On 12/10/2018 at 3:17 AM, iwasish said:

Her father said he was covering her rent just since “this month” so she could save for a new apartment. It hasn’t been months. 

So now he can pay the full rent for the future. Even less money for Leida. 


Leida will be harrassing Tasha for back unpaid rent now that  she’s got her out of the apt.

  • Love 5
  On 12/10/2018 at 5:19 AM, Lindalu said:

Leida’s keeps yammering on about how rich her family is. It doesn’t take much to be rich in Indonesia. You can get a full time maid for about $100 a month.  And who the hell comes to another country with a child and all the “education “ she supposedly has without one damn cent? I mean come the hell on!!! You come here with no money to contribute? Something is definitely fishy about that!! 


Oh but that’s only if you’re a law-abiding citizen who pays the official minimum wage.

You can get domestic workers for less than US$100/month if you employ a minor: https://www.hrw.org/news/2009/02/11/indonesia-protect-child-domestic-workers

I wouldn’t put it past her (assuming she paid the maids from her own money instead of mooching off her parents).

This is Leida we’re talking about. Stop-paying-child-support-to-your-minor-biological-child Leida.

ETA: Current minimum wage in Jakarta: http://www.gajiumr.com/umr-jakarta/

Edited by CSS.MD
Minimum wage info.
  • Love 6
  On 12/10/2018 at 5:19 AM, Lindalu said:

Leida’s keeps yammering on about how rich her family is. It doesn’t take much to be rich in Indonesia. You can get a full time maid for about $100 a month.  And who the hell comes to another country with a child and all the “education “ she supposedly has without one damn cent? I mean come the hell on!!! You come here with no money to contribute? Something is definitely fishy about that!! 


Debbie needs to sit her down and explain that the bride’s family pays for everything.

  • Love 19

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