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Season 6 Discussion


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26 minutes ago, Drogo said:

Something smells giphy.gif

I don't believe for a second we're getting an accurate depiction of what Steven and Olga's days are like.  TLC would have us believe she is breastfeeding the entire day while Steven runs errands and gets upset at her.  We couldn't see any footage of them planning their park outing... only the frustration over the carseat?  And we couldn't see them going to the pediatrician's office together about the baby's rash... only Steven's frustrating Lost In Translation experience with a pharmacist? 

I also don't believe there's any abuse or feelings of sexual ownership here - Steven was frustrated that they didn't sleep next to each other.  Which yeah, I get that and I don't think I'm a deviant.  Nobody wants to travel 5000 miles to be treated like an incapable nuisance.  I think my boy Steven's doing his best and feeling unappreciated when he's really looking for some words of affirmation that he's a good dad, which he really wants to be. 

Olga's insistence on doing everything herself ("Mom takes care of baby") and her patronizing "Steven/Steven/Steven!"s are alienating him; he's already feeling alienated in a place where he can't communicate with most people, and insecure about his abilities to father a child as a fatherless child.

And I'm not at all afraid he's going to harm her. 

Agree 100%!  

10 hours ago, millennium said:

Congratulations, show!  You made me feel sorry for POS Eric.  I would have thought it impossible, but there it is.   If Leida accidentally gets smooshed by an errant steamroller in the next episode, I won't complain.  

Really? I don't feel sorry for Eric at all.

Let's say that Leida parent's are rich (doubtful but let's pretend), Eric seriously gave her false expectation on how his life in America is truly.  I bet he sold himself as solid middle class American and actually is just above the poverty line (at this point, I think that Daynelle had more while she was on the show begging for Mohamett to kiss her). Damn, even the guy that married Daya a few seasons ago, had more money and he was living with roommates and ACTUALLY had a real bed. 

So, why did little Miss Ritchie Rich Leida go after sad sack grey skinned, losing his hair pushing onto 60 Eric?  My guess, she couldn't get into the States without him.  I think her main focus is to be an actress and this was the only way.  Sad really, cause of Alless.

Steven I can't even.  The kid needs a good few slaps.  Kalani needs to go back to her real "husband" - her sister and live happily ever after. Jay and Ashley, really don't care.  Dolt/Larissa/Dolt's mom need to watch Big Love together and get a duplex or a home with a granny suite.

  • Love 5
24 minutes ago, Mr. Minor said:

It makes sense. I'm sure these people sign a contract and have no control of the edit they receive. The edit Steven is getting on this show so far is going to follow him around for a long time.

The interesting thing is, no one's really ever shown in a flattering light, necessarily.. the difference is the Steven/Olga snippets always show Olga only in reaction to Steven, so whatever she says is part of The Steven Problem anyway. 

With the other couples, there's been broadcasted evidence of each party's flaws. 

  • Kalani is mean... but Asuelu is untrustworthy and incapable
  • Ashley is controlling... but Jay is SKINS and too aloof
  • Eric is cheap... but Leida is too spoiled and demanding
  • Jonathan is inconsiderate... but Fernanda is too jealous and emotional

But in the Steve/Olga equation, they haven't given us a "too _____" for Olga, only Steven.  I just find it hard to believe she hasn't had any less-than-shining moments they could have included for us.  I agree that this will haunt him for a long time, if not forever- accurate depiction or no. 

  • Love 12

Kalani is winning!  Unemployed homeless unwashed single mom getting a nice wedding dress....!


  Woo-hooo!  I hope they buy Asuelu a tux or else he is going to show in his beach sarong!  Hahahahahah! 


Why are they even even getting marry?  Asuelu already hates her! 


Everything bothers her.  Even the brother’s joke has to be made public.  It even bothered her to take Oliver to meet his real Samoan family when she CHOSE that family! 

Edited by Dance4Life
  • Love 7

Gee, I don’t see any impressive floral arrangements at Leida’s first wedding, at least not on the altar. Maybe there were all at the reception? Or maybe those arrangements she showed the thirsty florist were just the venue’s usual displays for the public? Maybe even silk flowers? I’ve been to weddings where the lobby and other public areas have massive flower arrangements where the bride and groom take photographs, but they were provided by the venue as part of the ambiance. 


  • Love 13
9 minutes ago, shockermolar said:

EXACTLY. The minute he said she needed to "show" him her appreciation and not just tell him I looked over to Mr. Shockermolar and was like, yup he's pissed because she's not DTF. And given the surgical incision, nursing newborn, sore nipples and likely still some lochia what kind of it horrible excuse for humanity would actually say that knowing he was on camera? And all the nonsense about the baby not coming first? WTF? For Olga that baby will not only come before YOU for the rest of his life, he's come before HER. That's parenting in a nutshell.  And my hatred of him skyrocketed even more. No STEVEN you aren't running errands for Olga asshat, you're taking care of your newborn son. Even my 20 year old son, during the pharmacy scene, was all "What is up with this guy? That's like $20USD. It's MEDICINE for your BABY. Gah!"

I really want to smack this kid around. The look on poor Olga's face when he goes on rants. The poor girl looks exhausted from it all. He should be appreciating and helping HER for just giving birth to their son. 

Edited by usernameG
  • Love 15
34 minutes ago, greekmom said:

Really? I don't feel sorry for Eric at all.

Let's say that Leida parent's are rich (doubtful but let's pretend), Eric seriously gave her false expectation on how his life in America is truly.  I bet he sold himself as solid middle class American and actually is just above the poverty line (at this point, I think that Daynelle had more while she was on the show begging for Mohamett to kiss her). Damn, even the guy that married Daya a few seasons ago, had more money and he was living with roommates and ACTUALLY had a real bed. 

So, why did little Miss Ritchie Rich Leida go after sad sack grey skinned, losing his hair pushing onto 60 Eric?  My guess, she couldn't get into the States without him.  I think her main focus is to be an actress and this was the only way.  Sad really, cause of Alless.

I agree with everything you wrote about Eric.  THAT's how heinous I find Leida.  

  • Love 5
27 minutes ago, greekmom said:

Really? I don't feel sorry for Eric at all.

Let's say that Leida parent's are rich (doubtful but let's pretend), Eric seriously gave her false expectation on how his life in America is truly.  I bet he sold himself as solid middle class American and actually is just above the poverty line (at this point, I think that Daynelle had more while she was on the show begging for Mohamett to kiss her). Damn, even the guy that married Daya a few seasons ago, had more money and he was living with roommates and ACTUALLY had a real bed. 


Most have been desperately poor. It is a requirement to be on the show. There was that one guy from New Orleans with the Thai girl living with cockroaches and they showed it.  


The only ones that had a little money or at least employed with a ‘good’ house were Melonie, Molly and maybe the guy with 19 year old Nikki (?).  He got her a car. He had a daughter her age and hopefully they became friends. 

They had a cute wedding in Hawaii.

You see, that guy was simple and frugal. He was just an old perv that wanted a young new wife to enjoy his money with.


 He is everything Eric pretends to be!


(I can think of 2 other couples, but won’t drag out this post). 

  • Love 3
Just now, Dance4Life said:

Most have been desperately poor. It is a requirement to be on the show. There was that one guy from New Orleans with the Thai girl living with cockroaches and they showed it.  


I forget his name, but he was one of the few American men on this show to demonstrate genuine compassion for his imported bride.   She was woefully unhappy here, pining away for her family and homeland.   And because he loved her, he left everything behind and moved to Thailand.

  • Love 11
8 minutes ago, magemaud said:

Gee, I don’t see any impressive floral arrangements at Leida’s first wedding, at least not on the altar. Maybe there were all at the reception? Or maybe those arrangements she showed the thirsty florist were just the venue’s usual displays for the public? Maybe even silk flowers? I’ve been to weddings where the lobby and other public areas have massive flower arrangements where the bride and groom take photographs, but they were provided by the venue as part of the ambiance. 


That guy watching the show laughing his ass off!  He couldn’t stand her and left in just 2 short years! The only thing he left her with was an account to American  Cupid.  It worked!

(Yea, then there is Aless but we don’t know the whole story about that).


She can’t keep up with the lies.  My dad is a doctor and paid $300,000 for my first wedding.


 I am a doctor but want to come to America because doctors don’t make any money in Indonesia.


Which one is it, Hun??

  • Love 12
1 hour ago, Cherrio said:

I don't think they have much in Baraboohole Wis. except a bunch of ignorant losers.

Wow. That’s painting a description of Baraboo with a wide brush.  I’m sure there are more good intelligent residents than not.   It’s not fair to demonize a whole town over a picture of some stupid boys — and Eric.

  • Love 16
5 minutes ago, millennium said:

I forget his name, but he was one of the few American men on this show to demonstrate genuine compassion for his imported bride.   She was woefully unhappy here, pining away for her family and homeland.   And because he loved her, he left everything behind and moved to Thailand.

That was the cockroach guy.  They left because he couldn’t afford America. They moved away from New Orleans because she was acting kinda you know What!  He kinda slipped in his talking head and told us. They tried Oregon first. 


This is what Annie and Penguin need to do.  They can be Baht rich in Thailand!

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, CoachWristletJen said:

These two! LOL!

There's so much irony here. I'm guessing Leida wants to make the local Holiday Inn look splashy to show off how well Eric can provide, but by getting in these nickel and dime bickering sessions over choosing her flowers over his child support, she kind of defeats the purpose.

What I want to know is, why do these couples have to have a wedding in the first place?  Just go to City Hall if it’s too expensive Colte and Eric, specifically.  Two cheapos and they are having a splashy wedding.  I don’t get it.  Better to buy a bed for the kid Eric, and a couch for Colte’s big shot fiancé.  Better yet Colte, buy Larissa a dress that doesn’t go up to her he-ha.  She’s beginning to look like a streetwalker.

  • Love 10
1 minute ago, Dance4Life said:

That was the cockroach guy.  They left because he couldn’t afford America. They moved away from New Orleans because she was acting kinda you know What!  He kinda slipped in his talking head and told us. They tried Oregon first. 


This is what Annie and Penguin need to do.  They can be Baht rich in Thailand!

I'm not sure if I missed the relevant talking head ... but my impression was that he left not for economic reasons (because there was no guarantee of employment for him in Thailand -- probably the opposite) but because she was so unhappy.    

  • Love 4
14 hours ago, Chickabiddy said:

A cash bar?!?! Jesus wept. You are having a wedding with 25 guests and can’t even spring for their bar tab? Then just offer soft drinks and sweet tea, but please for the love of all that is holy, don’t expect your guests to pony up for refreshments. 

I couldn't agree more.  It's the height of tackiness, and beneath even Eric.



Seriously, I want start a GoFundMe  to help fund Olga’s escape from that psycho.

Watch that.  Back when 16 & Pregnant first aired, TWOP posters donated to a fund for Catelynn and Tyler because those two just needed a little help to get into college and escape their backgrounds.  We saw how that turned out.


14 hours ago, Frozendiva said:

Ashley, you and Jay received hundreds of racist comments? Seriously? Maybe bots or people who are filled with hate trawl wedding sites. Most people wouldn't bother. I could see a handful of townspeople - that's it.

I actually think it was people associated with the show who did it.  Or I might not actually think it, but it wouldn't surprise me.


14 hours ago, shouldbedancing said:

There's a Google Translate app, you can use the calculator on your own phone and have her type the numbers. It's  not hard Steven, you're doing nothing!

If you're talking about the scene in the pharmacy, it looked like he didn't understand what the amount was, and was asking her to write it down, and she wouldn't do it.  I see producer involvement in that, too, because putting numbers in writing is a common way to overcome language barriers.


3 hours ago, annewithaneee said:

I'm guessing it's a filming thing, though -- if the windows are down, there'd be way too much road and wind noise. I think we may have seen Larissa crack it just a bit - like a smoker in winter - in previous episodes. I'd guess/assume that production would mandate windows up for anytime they're putting one of those little cameras on the dashboard (which might be basically all the time, they're such a reality show staple and I'm guessing it's because it's a super cheap way to get all kinds of footage).

Again with producer involvement.


1 hour ago, magemaud said:

I wouldn't take fashion advice from Larissa. She had an equally disturbing wardrobe malfunction where I thought I could see her sweaty thong under her too tight/short dress. 

Everything she wears is a disturbing wardrobe malfunction.  Surely she gained weight and hasn't bought new clothes, because I can't imagine picking outfits that fit that horribly.

  • Love 3
9 minutes ago, millennium said:

I'm not sure if I missed the relevant talking head ... but my impression was that he left not for economic reasons (because there was no guarantee of employment for him in Thailand -- probably the opposite) but because she was so unhappy.    

After the cockroach crash pad they moved into their own place.  She was unhappy in New Orleans because she didn’t like the people. This is why he took her to Oregon. 

Other than that they were in love and she wasn’t a gold digger......unlike Annie and her stupid dowry. Girls like you don’t get a dowry!  Dowries are for sweet virgins with education. It is funny seeing her family shaking the piggy bank and not even a single penny falls out! Hahaaaha! 


I actually think it is a good idea for some of these couples to live in the cheaper countries.  In Asia, you can do e-commerce. I actually did that and made a good living.   He can teach English which would sustain them in a comfy lifestyle.  There are things you can do as an expat.  

  • Love 5
4 minutes ago, usernameG said:

Every conversation that Kalani has with Ansuelo is a trap for him. She purposely sets him up to fail with her family because she's a giant asshole. I think this is the couple I hate the most this season.  That's saying a lot because I really can't stand Leida and greasy headed Eric.

Without question, Kalani and Asuelu are the most painful to watch. I think it's because he looks like he feels entirely trapped. She's way too big of a bitch for him to seriously be in love with her. Besides, he barely knows her! But he's hanging in there and trying to make it work for the good of his little son, whom he loves dearly! Kalani sits on her ass feeling like she holds all the cards, like he can sit there and put up with her continual degradation and abuse, or he can turn around and leave. He hates his situation with these mean people, but he feels trapped.

Olga can choose to stay in Russia. And Leida can fly home, but Asuelu feels trapped. As far as establishing his own rights as a father, he's stuck in a system that he doesn't really understand! That's why I'm wondering if he's from Samoa or American Samoa. I seriously hope someone watching the show reaches out to him. 

Despite her condescending "NPR voice," Kalani has consistently established to us that she is a stupid person who makes stupid decisions. She's lived in the states all of her life and she's still a big loser, relying on her parents at the age of 30! Her decision to spend money on a hotel room when it was still daylight and she only had an hour more on the road was perfectly indicative of what an idiot she really is.  She simply can't think good or do things good. And she's mean! 

I really hope that someone watching the show reaches out to Asuelu. I think he's smarter than she is, and he's certainly a better person than she is. Even if he did cheat on her, who could blame him? He's not in love with her and never will be at this point. He's just trying to make it work for the sake of the kid. He's only 22 years old!

I think he can move on and find another woman in the States. Also, he can get a job, perhaps not his dream job, but he can work and make a living. He really does need help from someone outside Kalani's wretched family. My guess is someone watching the show will reach out to him.  I could see him setting up house with a woman he cares about and getting joint custody of his son. Perhaps even full custody if Kalani's 'white hot rage' becomes an issue. I don't know whether it is or not, but I see more red flags of stupidity, violence, and inability to cope with Kalani at this point! One of her biggest stupid decisions was to allow her steady stream of abuse to be documented on camera. #TeamAsuelu

  • Love 11
12 hours ago, Toaster Strudel said:

Coltee and Debbee - Coltee deserved a tight wedgie when he shot down short-term house guest Larissa's complain about the car being hot with a snarky, passive-aggressive "It's like we live in a desert, isn't that weird?" 

I actually had to laugh at that. Although I don't know how they're even driving 1 second in that car with the windows up - something is fishy because Larissa's makeup wasn't melting at all during that car trip. 

11 hours ago, millennium said:

I am convinced Larissa is a professional comic performance artist and this is all a big Borat-like scam.   She is fucking hilarious (the sweat stains on the front and back of her skirt, not so much).

I love her - her talking heads are my favorite and comical relief from the rest of the show. 

3 hours ago, iwasish said:

And now she’s dumping her kid on Eric’s oldest daughter.i wonder if he speaks English at all. Does he even talk? And he should get enrolled in school. 

Kids that young pick it up REALLY fast. 

  • Love 5
16 hours ago, iwasish said:

She wanted the expensive SUV. Turned her nose up at the smaller one. Wants the furnished apt for 3250 a month instead of the 1650 a month unfurnished. In a year that’s 19000. And 38000 in two years? For furniture. Does that 1600 stop when the value of the furniture is made up? 

I can see moving to a slightly larger place, but she wants everything all at once. Baby steps, honey. One thing at a time. 

Why would Colt even agree to look at apts that cost $3k/month? Was that production-driven conflict? Or was he unaware of the price? 


13 hours ago, brilliantbreakfast said:

I don't think Debbie is the one holding the umbilical cord, I think it's Coltee.  See also:  The look of panic on his face at the thought that she might go to a senior residence, something she seems perfectly well prepared to do once her son grows the hell up enough to leave home.  Yes, she's making it too comfortable for him, but HE's the one clinging to mama.

She's not that old. And while she says she is disabled, she seems able to live alone. Drives, walks, climbs stairs, cooks, speaks. You'd think she would finally want some freedom! But if she feels she needs to stay w/ Colt forever, I wonder why she doesn't try harder to get along w/ Larissa?


12 hours ago, Dance4Life said:

If it is real..... because I  find it hard to believe as well.   My first thought was that the comments were coming from Jamaica. From his friends that got jealous he is in America with a cute young white girl. Like, he didn’t have to settle for someone like Angela.     Which Jay mentioned on his talking head, too.

Like women who liked him? Doubt it. The rhetoric seemed very American: 14 kids....single mother.....2nd Ammendement.....N word....


8 hours ago, Dance4Life said:

Like Luis and Kenzie (was that her name?).  Call me Daddy. No!  Says the child.  Lol!

Kensley (not sure of the spelling). 


5 hours ago, CoachWristletJen said:

Kalani pisses me off more than any of them because Asuelu doesn't seem to perceive all of his options.

I hope someone watching the show will reach out and offer Asuelu some legal help because he does have rights and judges do frown hard on alienation of affection which Kalani and her Cousin It Twin seem to be working up to doing! Kalani doesn't realize she could lose custody. 

What options? What rights? How could Kalani lose custody?? To Asuelu? In an American court? Never in a million years! For mocking the idiot wearing a grass skirt and no shoes who didn't know what a car seat was? I doubt she's even slightly worried.


1 hour ago, Drogo said:

I don't believe for a second we're getting an accurate depiction of what Steven and Olga's days are like.  TLC would have us believe she is breastfeeding the entire day while Steven runs errands and gets upset at her.  We couldn't see any footage of them planning their park outing... only the frustration over the carseat?  And we couldn't see them going to the pediatrician's office together about the baby's rash... only Steven's frustrating Lost In Translation experience with a pharmacist? 

Oh we definitely see Olga becoming more the humorless, wet blanket in each episode! Steven is just tolerating her (barely). He's there for his baby and that's it.  I bet he's thinking of a way he might secure a visa for Richie and leave her behind.

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, islandgal140 said:


There are diamonds being forged in the bowels of the earth that are experiencing less pressure than the buttons on Coltee's shirt. 

If I'd have made a bet with myself last night, I'd have won. I KNEW this exact scene would pop up here today and I thank you for not disappointing! Ya got shirts that fit Coltee. Put 'em on.

I don't see Eric being the one to decorate that sad plain room adequately for a wedding. It'll take more than flowers to dress it up.

I do hope we're getting a bad edit of Steven and Olga. I'll keep my fingers crossed on that one.

I was surprised Fernanda went with the last dress. Reminded me of Meghan Markle's. I'd have loved to see more. She wore them all beautifully.

  • Love 5
45 minutes ago, LGGirl said:

Wow. That’s painting a description of Baraboo with a wide brush.  I’m sure there are more good intelligent residents than not.   It’s not fair to demonize a whole town over a picture of some stupid boys — and Eric.

I am sure there are a few good folks, but its population 12,000 so its a very small city.  The photo shows an entire group of juniors participating so that's not great. Plus, many other people spoke about the widespread problems there.

  • Love 4
18 minutes ago, StatisticalOutlier said:



If you're talking about the scene in the pharmacy, it looked like he didn't understand what the amount was, and was asking her to write it down, and she wouldn't do it.  I see producer involvement in that, too, because putting numbers in writing is a common way to overcome language barriers.


Again with producer involvement.



That is exactly how they act in Russia.  They have  Soviet mentality and won’t bend over to help foreigners and Americans get the brunt of that attitude.  


They blame their suffering on us and don’t see as powerful unlike most other countries! Basically, they don’t have any respect for Americans.  This is why the pharmacist acted like that.  They do it everywhere.


 So, if you go to Russia acting helpless like Steven they ignore you.  You need to go there prepare and ready to be independent.


Too bad he can’t spend his time in Russia doing nice things since Olga has to stay home.  This is why he is frustrated.  



He is the one leaving the apartment running all the errands in a foreign Soviet land! I believe it is hard for him. Olga doesn’t understand this part. 


When Olga came to America she had a job, money, spoke English and is a cute girl.  Of course, she had a different experience.  


We don’t get that in her country!


(Yea, I still think he is an abuse boohole).

  • Love 6
2 hours ago, Drogo said:

I would agree, if it wasn't so familiar.  Rather, it reminds me of feelings I felt once (and I know other non-abuser/murderers have felt also when their children were born) but taken completely out of context of the full new-parent experience.  Like someone took your worst moments during a stressful time, and made that into a blooper reel of your life to show the world "who you are."  Not sure if that makes sense. 

well, Drogo, I hope you're right.  I know TLC edits these shows to create "characters," and Steve is now the "evil character."  Again, I hope it is all just bad editing but more than the rage is the gaslighting her...making his rage her fault.  

  • Love 10
23 minutes ago, eatsleep said:



She's not that old. And while she says she is disabled, she seems able to live alone. Drives, walks, climbs stairs, cooks, speaks. You'd think she would finally want some freedom! But if she feels she needs to stay w/ Colt forever, I wonder why she doesn't try harder to get along w/ Larissa?


Like women who liked him? Doubt it. The rhetoric seemed very American: 14 kids....single mother.....2nd Ammendement.....N word....



Debbie seems like the type that fudge some paperwork to get herself a nice government check!  I think this is what she means by ‘budget.’


  She needs to go!  Be free Debbie!  Larissa feels it is 2 against one...so, why should Larissa make any effort to fund her? Debbie needs to be nice to Larissa.  Then come on here and post with us to tell how she acts in real life. 


Well, in foreign countries they know all about American lifestyle.  They know that stuff. If not by education then the rap culture.  If Jay is always on the phone and sneaking out then it is more believeable that the person posting those comments are indeed from his Jamaicans honeys.  They are doing it to be hateful towards Ashley and get Jay to come back to Jamaica.


or, someone from Ashley’s past.  But, strangers?  Ashley is not that important! 


But, producers did not write that.  That is taking it too far from TLC. They have to much too lose. 

  • Love 1
3 minutes ago, Dance4Life said:

Well, in foreign countries they know all about American lifestyle.  They know that stuff. If not by education then the rap culture.  If Jay is always on the phone and sneaking out then it is more believeable that the person posting those comments are indeed from his Jamaicans honeys.  They are doing it to be hateful towards Ashley and get Jay to come back to Jamaica.

If the comments were from Jay's girlfriends, i'd expect them to be a lot more hateful toward Ashley, belittling her looks, telling her he'll cheat on her, etc. I doubt they would attempt to deride her about the possibility of becoming a single mom to a bunch of kids....bc that's not a thing there. A lot of Jamaican families are single-parent families. That's White American rhetoric.

  • Love 5
21 minutes ago, KateHearts said:

Wow, really? I find Olga's self-constraint while Steven is grilling her ("have you EVER thanked me for EVERYTHING I'VE DONE FOR YOU?") admirable and notat all dull. She is exhausted (yes, they both are), trying to learn parenting (yes, they both are), and she doesn't have a moment to be "kind and loving" because he is constantly running his mouth about how she puts the baby first (which she should), and about how HIS feelings are hurt.  New dads are sure to feel displaced, especially in the early months as babies require nearly 24/7 direct attention and moms are tired/recovering (in this case from a major surgical procedure); still, any guy with a brain in his head would realize that this is all new and stressful.  Steven doesn't consider her feelings, at all.

Please explain and describe how Olga considers Steven's feelings.  When we see them together.  Maybe I'm missing something. 

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

I couldn't agree more.  It's the height of tackiness, and beneath even Eric.


Watch that.  Back when 16 & Pregnant first aired, TWOP posters donated to a fund for Catelynn and Tyler because those two just needed a little help to get into college and escape their backgrounds.  We saw how that turned out.


I actually think it was people associated with the show who did it.  Or I might not actually think it, but it wouldn't surprise me.


If you're talking about the scene in the pharmacy, it looked like he didn't understand what the amount was, and was asking her to write it down, and she wouldn't do it.  I see producer involvement in that, too, because putting numbers in writing is a common way to overcome language barriers.


Again with producer involvement.


Everything she wears is a disturbing wardrobe malfunction.  Surely she gained weight and hasn't bought new clothes, because I can't imagine picking outfits that fit that horribly.

I’m sure she figured she’d get ColtE to buy her a whole new wardrobe. 

Even if Debbie gets her own place, Larissa isn’t going to change ColtE’s cheap ways.

if they get married, she’d better plan on kicking in 50% of everything. 

  • Love 1
12 minutes ago, eatsleep said:

If the comments were from Jay's girlfriends, i'd expect them to be a lot more hateful toward Ashley, belittling her looks, telling her he'll cheat on her, etc. I doubt they would attempt to deride her about the possibility of becoming a single mom to a bunch of kids....bc that's not a thing there. A lot of Jamaican families are single-parent families. That's White American rhetoric.

Hahahahah!  That is because Ashley is sneaky.  She read the ones about him.  Not her! There were hundreds and hundreds of comments! 


I don’t understand your comment about single moms.  


 Jamaica is an English colony, and all those kids work at the resorts.  They understand English and culture very clearly. I am from the Caribbean and it is not any different than America. We know all about America.  How do you think we end up here???


I already posted what happened to me when I visited Jamaica.  They will stalk you online.  Now they are stalking Ashley.


But, that was not TLC.  The entire network would get shut down over those messages.  They were horrible and unlawful! 

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