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Steven needs to go back home, get himself together, deal with his anger and control issues, and then re-evaluate what he can bring to any kind of relationship with Olga and his son. For a while, Olga needs to find some friends and a support system, move to a new town, and ghost Steven for a while.

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1 hour ago, Adeejay said:

I can't help but believe that because Ashley's immediate family is not a part of the show, the only thing they could come up for a storyline is the fact they are an interracial couple.  I find it hard to believe that perfect strangers would care so much as to go to this level of harassment.  A comment or five I could understand, but hundreds seem very excessive. 


If it is real..... because I  find it hard to believe as well.   My first thought was that the comments were coming from Jamaica. From his friends that got jealous he is in America with a cute young white girl. Like, he didn’t have to settle for someone like Angela.     Which Jay mentioned on his talking head, too.


 He was quite a player in Jamaica, after all.

And, he is the one that is 20.  Something kids would do and post 100s of messages like that.

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1 minute ago, Frozendiva said:

Steven needs to go back home, get himself together, deal with his anger and control issues, and then re-evaluate what he can bring to any kind of relationship with Olga and his son. For a while, Olga needs to find some friends and a support system, move to a new town, and ghost Steven for a while.

If so, he will trash talk Olga and how she didn’t appreciate him, just took advantage of all he did for her, to anyone who will listen. Some other girl will fall for his poor me story and not be lucky enough to get out. 

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2 minutes ago, iwasish said:

If so, he will trash talk Olga and how she didn’t appreciate him, just took advantage of all he did for her, to anyone who will listen. Some other girl will fall for his poor me story and not be lucky enough to get out. 

At some point, the next victim will clue in that Steven is the common denominator in all his relationship woes.

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How many episodes are there left? 😫🤮

Edited by CSS.MD
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4 minutes ago, Frozendiva said:

At some point, the next victim will clue in that Steven is the common denominator in all his relationship woes.

Probably after a black eye or two, maybe a twisted arm. If she’s lucky. It only escalates.

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All you need to do is Google “child support in Indonesia” and you’d have figured out this woman is SCAMMING YOU.

It’s not “Indonesian culture” you dumbass. What do you think we’re such savages that we don’t think a father should be required by law to look after his own offspring?

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2 hours ago, sconstant said:

Where was he during furniture shopping?  Was Tasha babysitting?

As they went into the store, Leida said Tanille (Eric's oldest daughter) was babysitting while they shopped. Of course, they had to go to a fancy Scandinavian furniture store, don't they have Bob's in Wisconsin? 

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2 hours ago, Chickabiddy said:

Yeah, so  Leida, how did that $300,000 wedding work out for you?  Two year marriage? That’s like a thousand guests per year. Oh, and sweetie, if you need to tell people you are classy, you probably aren’t. Just an FYI.  

 Ooh, and Leida is blaming the child support for her sad flower budget. That girl is going to wage a war of attrition with Eric about that. Mark my words, she will wear him down over time. He will end up giving up visitation as a small price to pay for freeing up that cash for Leida. This is hardly a stretch for a man who is happy to send his 19 year old daughter to a budget motel...the very sand daughter who gave his homeless ass a place to crash. Leida and Eric really deserve each other. They are a match made in hell.

A cash bar?!?! Jesus wept. You are having a wedding with 25 guests and can’t even spring for their bar tab? Then just offer soft drinks and sweet tea, but please for the love of all that is holy, don’t expect your guests to pony up for refreshments.  I suppose I should just be thankful the ceremony isn’t at a courthouse  with  Arby’s afterwards.

Kalani feels that trying on the dress makes it real...and having the baby didn’t?!?. When she says she wants girl time with her sister, what she really means is time to talk shit about Asuelo. And why the fuckety fuck does she always call Oliver “my baby” Honey, if you could have made him all by yourself, you wouldn’t be in the situation you are. But hunan reproduction being what it is, Oliver is  actually half Asuelo’s. I know that grosses you out, but thems the breaks when you have unprotected sex with your vacation fling. Live and learn, and then get a condom like the rest of us  slut people. 😉

She and her family really have a superiority complex. Guess it’s not a surprise why not one of those siblings is married and still living at home with mom and dad. They are so fucking insufferable.

Steven is fucking scary. Poor Olga. Steven is a fucking ID Discovery crossover episode in real time. I could see him turning into a family annihilatir because neither Olga nor the baby will ever be appreciative enough or loving enough for him. He is so toxic. Poor, poor Olga. Never in my whole crusty life have I ever wanted to reach through my TV to try to rescue a reality TV participant. Seriously, I want start a GoFundMe  to help fund Olga’s escape from that psycho.

I find their scenes so gut wrenching. It’s too much reality for a Sunday night.

I’m off to go jump in a bottle of vodka...

OMG I was just thinking about Olga and wondering if I could somehow help her and was actually going to check and see if there was possibly a Go Fund Me for her. She so needs to be away from that guy and my heart hurts for her circumstance, I wonder if she has any decent helpful people in her life?

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Steven is a heinous person. Work out your childhood abandonment issues on your own time, not Olga's. Stop being jealous of a two week old. You keep saying you want to be a dad not like yours, so do it.

Leida continues to prove how klassy she is by referring to herself as such. It's like Eric probably claims he's "A Nice Guy(tm)." If you have to keep telling people you're it, probably you're not. 

Is anyone still wondering why Kalani was a 29 year old virgin? This episode should dispel all speculation. She's insecure, unpleasant, judgmental, way too enmeshed with her family, and just a See You Next Tuesday. No surprise that should couldn't give it away in Rancho Santa Margarita.  Neither can piranha face, I mean Kalini. 

Jonathan's mom certainly knows how to make an event all about her, doesn't she? She was practically rending her shirt with grief over not being the one trying on wedding dresses. And "age appropriate?" Look in a mirror, lady. 

I can't get too worked up over Coltee and Larissa or Ashley and Jay this week.

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2 hours ago, Chickabiddy said:

Yeah, so  Leida, how did that $300,000 wedding work out for you?  Two year marriage? That’s like a thousand guests per year. Oh, and sweetie, if you need to tell people you are classy, you probably aren’t. Just an FYI.  

 Ooh, and Leida is blaming the child support for her sad flower budget. That girl is going to wage a war of attrition with Eric about that. Mark my words, she will wear him down over time. He will end up giving up visitation as a small price to pay for freeing up that cash for Leida. This is hardly a stretch for a man who is happy to send his 19 year old daughter to a budget motel...the very sand daughter who gave his homeless ass a place to crash. Leida and Eric really deserve each other. They are a match made in hell.

There was an actual academic study (in economics) that links expensive weddings to higher likelihood of divorce: https://www.harpersbazaar.com/uk/bazaar-brides/a22085716/couples-who-have-expensive-weddings-are-more-likely-to-get-divorced/

“Expensive” being relative, if she pushes Eric to his child support-paying limits, that would count as “expensive” too.

She kind of deserves to be catfished. My schadenfreude-meter is very happy for her... Eh. 🖤

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I’m not even sure it’s that lavish a wedding for 300k and 2000 ppl.  That’s way under 100 a head by the time you strip out the rest of the stuff.

It’s amazing you can get 2000 ppl to show up to your first wedding but then no one for your second wedding.  I think she needs to improve the quality of her social circle.  

And why doesn’t she have any money of her own to go with that pleasant as pie attitude of hers?  That should have been some nice money coming in since daddy foot the bill.  

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45 minutes ago, CSS.MD said:

NOPE. I call BS.

That’s IDR 4,000,000,000 LOL.

Or, that was a US$21-and-change wedding. :) So either her parents are crazy-rich billionaires (that can't manage to afford a commercial flight into Chicago) or Leida is lying, or Leida doesn't grasp exchange rates and doesn't get that the $4000 tag on the couch doesn't translate to 30 cents for Eric.

There's an IKEA in Wisconsin, Eric! Going to one overpriced store doesn't mean you give up and go home, not if you want to actually address the issue.  Go pick up a bed for Aless.

Edited by CoyoteBlue
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1 hour ago, Toaster Strudel said:

Indonesian Succubus

I think I saw that on an episode of Kolchak: The Night Stalker.

Congratulations, show!  You made me feel sorry for POS Eric.  I would have thought it impossible, but there it is.   If Leida accidentally gets smooshed by an errant steamroller in the next episode, I won't complain.  

Steven had me laughing in sheer horror.   And this is what he does on camera.   Imagine what he must be like when it's only him and Olga.    He put the perfect finishing touch on that awful little scene by storming out to go pout on the kiddie swing.

What is with this show and uneaten restaurant food?   First we had the star-crossed pizza Darcey and Jesse left behind, now Asuelu up and abandoned what appeared to be a huge, untouched sandwich.   And why does everyone in this show need to have serious talks at restaurants?   If Kalini wanted a heart-to-heart with Asuelu, why couldn't she do it at the house?   Or did she just need an excuse to don that horrendous jumper?

I am convinced Larissa is a professional comic performance artist and this is all a big Borat-like scam.   She is fucking hilarious (the sweat stains on the front and back of her skirt, not so much).

Ashley and Jay ... I think it was a bad idea to broadcast all that hate speech word-for-word ... but I'm not convinced the show didn't somehow have a hand in those troll posts.

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One question...If Coltee has no A/C in the car, why are they ALWAYS riding with the windows all the way up?

Stop bringing Larissa to places to shop for things, then say you aren't getting them.  So far, it's the couch, the car, and now the apartment.  I don't blame her for being pissed.

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Just now, Honey said:

One question...If Coltee has no A/C in the car, why are they ALWAYS riding with the windows all the way up?

Stop bringing Larissa to places to shop for things, then say you aren't getting them.  So far, it's the couch, the car, and now the apartment.  I don't blame her for being pissed.

I noticed that too!  I don’t really like  much A/C in my car....but I have to turn it on in about 5 minutes.  Even if it is not hot outside the car gets pretty warm and stuffy. There is A/C in that car.


Larissa and Colt scenes are fake.  It is all so very Anfisa and Jorge.  He also took her mansion shopping.  She tried on a $100,000 dress and then that one wedding ring that was 6 or 7 carats.  


After it was all done, Anfisa got married in a $50 Bebe dress and they drove to the JOP  in a broke down Suburban with those pipes hitting her head.  


Anfisa was pisssed! She told Jorge....why didn’t you rent a limo??  Hahahahaha!

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2 hours ago, HappyDancex2 said:

I’m not even sure it’s that lavish a wedding for 300k and 2000 ppl.  That’s way under 100 a head by the time you strip out the rest of the stuff.

It’s amazing you can get 2000 ppl to show up to your first wedding but then no one for your second wedding.  I think she needs to improve the quality of her social circle.  

And why doesn’t she have any money of her own to go with that pleasant as pie attitude of hers?  That should have been some nice money coming in since daddy foot the bill.  

Exactly! Last week I priced the Plaza Hotel in NYC for a wedding venue.  Their cost is $375 a head, so for 2,000 people that would be $750,000, and that doesn't include flowers, dress, entertainment, alcohol, cake, and decorations!

Relatively speaking, her wedding was an inexpensive affair.

When she was bitch-spouting in the car, I wanted him to say "Okay, give me the ring, I'll take you home to pack, and bring you right to the airport" Do not pass GO, do not collect another blow job on the way.

I do give him credit for one thing...Telling her that his children are NOT a burden.

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10 minutes ago, Kangatush said:

I wonder what kind of server Steven was if he can't read large, clearly written numbers.  And the douche canoe needs to understand that he will never be #1 with Olga again.  Baby comes first.  Baby should come first.  Post-op cuddles with a massive boohole should never be a priority.  I loved when Olga asked why it was all up to her to fix things.  

The thing that most gives me hope is that right now (in film time) they haven't heard word one about a Visa.  He'll have to go home soon and she doesn't even need to pretend that she wants to still be with him.


And shout out to my bro Asuelu for being comfortable enough with himself to go out in a sarong.  I'm surprised we didn't see Kalani berate him about it.

Omg!  I saw that sarong and couldn’t stop laughing.  They look down on him because he is poor. I love when he talks and messes with them.  I like Kalani because she is American and rich.  Yes, I wanted to come to America. See! I set my goals and I am here in America now.  Yall heifers need your own goals! 


It is so obvious now!  Steven is a crack baby.  He looks like a tweaker. She better not leave that baby alone with him.

He has no intention of nurturing Richie and will beat him.

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6 hours ago, Hannigram said:

Does anyone here believe her family spent 300,000 US dollars for her first wedding. Asians are known for having a lot of wedding guests but 2,000 is huge even by Asian standards. 

The entire village showed up and since it is a Muslim country they served Kool-Aid.  That is the only way they managed to spend $300,000.  No Alcohol!


2nd wedding.  Same.  No alcohol.  Ca$h Bar.

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3 hours ago, HappyDancex2 said:

Leida is Indonesian Veruca Salt.  She wants an oompa loopma and she wants it nooooooooowwwwwwww.  

Eric is broke not minimalistic.  Broke sleeps on “box springs with a really thick mattress pad.”  My mind had trouble computing that he thought adding that the mattress pad was really thick somehow made it seem less broke-like.  

He also slipped in that they might have to CHOOSE some of the bills that get paid.  Guess all of them and on time isn’t an option.  Broke.

He’s looking at much bigger homes but can’t buy them yet.  These things take time.  Broke.

He wants to buy a non inflatable couch but these things take time. Broke.

He wants to buy a bed that has a fancy mattress that lays upon the box springs but these things take time.  Broke.

To be fair, he's working on it.

Now for Judgy McJudgerton:

1.  Eric:  "simplistic" doesn't mean what you think it means.

2.  Allessandro already has a bed.  It's that single bed in Eric's bedroom.  Eight hundred dollars for roses or eight hundred dollars for a double bed?

3.  Olga's misery took me back to my early days of nursing a baby.  It's good in all kinds of ways that she's nursing, but nursing a baby does tire you, and after a week or so, you begin to feel as if your body doesn't belong to you any more.  For her pissant boyfriend to give her shit for not fucking him (I am sure that's what he means when he says she no longer "shows him that she loves him") is just too goddam much.  Don't give in, Olga.

4.  OTOH lack of sex is probably a big part of why Steven is being extra-shitty, especially as he sees Baby Richie suckling.

5.  I am not surprised by the horrible racist comments being posted on Ashley and Jay's wedding page.  Our current political atmosphere is one in which prom-goers in Baraboo WI feel it's amusing to pose doing a Nazi salute, and nooses appear on campuses (campi?).  My judgment is that this is what you should expect to happen, especially these days, if you insist on posting private information (Ashley moaned that the time and place of her wedding was public knowledge--hmmm...how'd *that* happen?).  As an old fool, I am not contaminated by social media and therefore am not sympathetic.

6.  I ff through Kalani.  Same thing, over and over.

I will resume judging after I finish watching the episode.

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Ugh, I forgot I was watching 90DF and thought I was back watching Unexpected with the Steven/Olga storyline.  He would fit right in with douchenozzles like Shayden and Diego.  Hell, he kinda looks like Shayden.  I still feel terrible for Olga though.  She undoubtedly had it worse in the orphanage; a former coworker of mine adopted a child at about a year old from a Russian orphanage (and he'd be Olga's age now) and the poor kid had attachment and behavioral issues from the jump.  He's finally sorted out, but that was after being raised in a fairly affluent, loving home.  Olga didn't have those advantages, and yet kept her cool around dumbass Steven.  I was actually hoping that the Russian government was going to bust him and deport his shit for brains self.

As ridiculous as they are, I think Eric and Leida are perfectly matched: both are exceptionally delusional and unattractive (though she does have nice hair and he...does not).  I swear that was not a picture of her and her ex at the wedding ceremony--it looked to me like 2 cardboard standees posed in front of the officiant.  Or perhaps bad Photoshopping.   But the producers have got to step it up on the "shopping for furniture" plot device.  It makes no sense why Larissa and Debbie went to a 2nd hand rent to own place, nor did it make sense that Eric & Leida went to the high end place.  Clearly, Rooms To Go and IKEA aren't allowing TLC to film there, and looking at Wayfair makes bad TV, so just drop it altogether already.

After wasting too many hours on Say Yes to the Dress reruns this morning, I kinda want a bridal shopping show set at that boutique in Chicago; those were some elegant long-sleeved gowns Ferndanda tried on.  I liked the first one the best as well, but it was damn refreshing to see a couple of gorgeous, clean-lined dresses with sleeves and not blinged out to the moon and back.

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4 hours ago, Adeejay said:

Ashley's children are where they should be - off camera.  I have to say that for someone who appears seemingly intelligent, I am surprise she is making such a dumb decision.

The deal for these reality shows is that both parents have to sign off for minors to be on.  Maybe baby daddy refused to sign.  Some women will try to act like it was their choice, but it wasn’t.  Everyone knows that having the kids on increases your chances of being picked up for another season and even more money for you.  Kids make more interesting storylines.  


This is why her storyline is so boring. We want to see the Insta-2O year old Jamaican kid convert to suburban daddy.

Like Luis and Kenzie (was that her name?).  Call me Daddy. No!  Says the child.  Lol!

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3 hours ago, CoyoteBlue said:

Or, that was a US$21-and-change wedding. :) So either her parents are crazy-rich billionaires (that can't manage to afford a commercial flight into Chicago) or Leida is lying, or Leida doesn't grasp exchange rates and doesn't get that the $4000 tag on the couch doesn't translate to 30 cents for Eric.

Believe me, if they were the kind of people who had IDR 4,000,000,000 (LMAO!) to burn on a wedding, we would’ve gotten different optics.

Way different.

(Not even talking about social media, because this is a no-spoiler thread, just what we see on American TV.)

At first I was still willing to give them the benefit of the doubt (like, maybe they’re just very discreet wealthy people who don’t enjoy flashing their wealth). BUT NOT AFTER THIS EPISODE. 😐

Nope, nope, NOPE.

Definitely a LIARRRR.


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Leida, hate to break it to you, but child support is the law here in the US, and why on earth Eric doesn’t show her the legal papers explaining it is anyone’s guess. He is such an idiot, he needs to get rid of this woman. Now.

Larissa is downright mean to Aseuleo (I can’t spell his name). 

But my biggest problem with this show is production filming Steven being abusive to Olga and not doing a damn thing about it. This is horrible. I vote we all contact Sharp Entertainment and give them hell.


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Asuelo never had a chance with Kalani's family and never will because all Kalani does is badmouth him. Unless she can learn to keep their business their business, any relationship they have (marriage or otherwise) is doomed. 

Steven is still an ass. My second child was CSection birth. I went in the hospital thinking it would be a breeze. Leaving, my opinion had changed. That operation is no joke. How Olga was able to keep it together AND deal with a newborn + that 20 yr old baby Steven is beyond me. 

I like Larissa. I think Colter is passive aggressive. Its shitty how he dangles carrots (couch, apartment) and then doesn't come through. One thing though, she did know he lived with mom. I mean, he did not hide that. So she needs to decide if she wants to move forward with this life or go back home. 

Princess Leila is awful. Just awful. Most furniture stores have websites. Eric could have perused the site to check out prices before he left the house. I agree it would have been idiotic paying that much for a couch and bed though. I don't think Allesso sleeping on a mattress on the floor is a big deal though but two grown people sleeping on a twin bed is fucking ridiculous. 

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This is an article that describes what Indonesian weddings entail: https://honeybrides.com/weddings-in-indonesia-a-guide-to-customs-and-etiquette-at-indonesian-ceremonies/ (hopefully this will explain to Americans why allegedly 2,000 bloody random strangers guests attended her wedding. LOL.)

Here are some photos of what an upper-middle class Indonesian wedding venue is supposed to look like for a traditional/impersonal reception (where the parents get to invite all their business partners/acquaintances).

The bride and groom will sit on the throne and complete strangers will come up and congratulate you and wish you well (I’ve been arguing with my parents about this before I even had a boyfriend LOL). 😫😒

(The smaller intimate western-style weddings my friends and I want are like the ones you see western girls post on Pinterest where everybody has a seat at a lunch/dinner table.)


Somebody please send the link to this thread to that florist so she can stop fawning (I feel kind of bad for her that Leida fooled her into feeding her ego and narcissism). LMAO. 😂🤣😢

Edited by CSS.MD
Autocorrect is officially disinvited from my wedding.
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5 hours ago, HappyDancex2 said:

Leida is Indonesian Veruca Salt.  She wants an oompa loopma and she wants it nooooooooowwwwwwww.  

Eric is broke not minimalistic.  Broke sleeps on “box springs with a really thick mattress pad.”  My mind had trouble computing that he thought adding that the mattress pad was really thick somehow made it seem less broke-like.  

He also slipped in that they might have to CHOOSE some of the bills that get paid.  Guess all of them and on time isn’t an option.  Broke.

He’s looking at much bigger homes but can’t buy them yet.  These things take time.  Broke.

He wants to buy a non inflatable couch but these things take time. Broke.

He wants to buy a bed that has a fancy mattress that lays upon the box springs but these things take time.  Broke.

He wants to buy a fancy wife, but these things take time.

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Kalani pisses me off more than any of them because Asuelu doesn't seem to perceive all of his options. Is he from Samoa or American Samoa? I'm guessing he's from Samoa which is kind of a bummer because if he's from American Samoa he could have a judge who passed the American bar exam hear his case in his home country.

Either way, he still has rights, and Alani is a beast, a great unlikable beast who could get into serious trouble for parental alienation at this point! She's throwing around her weight using her American citizenship to bully Asuelu into doing whatever she wants, including marrying her ass. He doesn't really want to, but he loves his son. I think he would go home at this point, otherwise.

I hope someone watching the show will reach out and offer Asuelu some legal help because he does have rights and judges do frown hard on alienation of affection which Kalani and her Cousin It Twin seem to be working up to doing! Kalani doesn't realize she could lose custody. Again, she's not very bright. Not nearly smart enough for Asuelu! Let's just hope the boy has his father's brain and not hers.

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Larissa- Colt is not going to give you want you want.  And you will always rate second after mother.  That's why you need to leave.  I'm sure Debbie will pay for your ticket back to Brazil.

I think my blood pressure literally rises while I watch Steven and Leida on my tv set.

Steven is not mature enough for a real relationship or a baby.  How sad is it that orphan Olga would be better off alone in that sad looking Soviet-style apartment building than with Steven?  Very few kids are better off having zero relationship with their fathers, but this might be a prime example.

Theoretically, I should have some sympathy for Leida since Eric probably made her think he has more money than he does.  But her attitude is so awful, that I can't muster any good will toward her.  This spoiled princess who clearly relied on mommy and daddy for every cent has no right to complain or whine about Eric supporting his own children.  Apparently Eric pay child support isn't cool, and Eric living with Tasha isn't cool, but it was totally fine for Leida to be supported by her family and to have her parents raise Alless.  She's trash.

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11 hours ago, iwasish said:

Can’t stand Ashley. 

If you can’t find a guy who doesn’t cheat, it maybe you are looking at the wrong guys. One who likes to discuss his heavy sack is probably not a wise choice.

So true.  Although Jay is still basically a kid, he seems like an okay guy.  He's just not thinking with his correct head.

Edited by Rdh1314
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11 hours ago, Caseysgirl said:

Fernanda looked beautiful in every dress she tried on. Glad Jonathan’s mother softened up a little. God! Every second with Steven is fraught with anger and anxiety. This is with a camera crew there. What will he like when they are alone?  He hasn’t lasted even a week and he is totally out of his element taking care of a child. I pray for her peace of mind he heads back to the US without her ( hopefully, TLC will pay her for her trouble).

I don't see Steven as "fraught with anger" at all.  He and Olga are 20 years old...of course they're out of their element taking care of a baby! I understand Olga just had a C-section and fluctuating hormones, but she could make even the SLIGHTEST effort to be kind and loving to Steven, and things would improve greatly.  She comes across as a very dull bitch.

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She's not awful, she's made all kinds of sacrifices to be with him.  And all she asks in return is that he give her the identical life she had before.

6 hours ago, timesywimesy said:

Welcome to the boards, Leida’s sister!

I just don't think you guys understand what a sacrifice is.  It's when you give up lots of stuff for someone, and in return, you demand to be in the same position as before while being whiny about it and waving around the sacrifice card.  Otherwise it's just not proper.  

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Just now, Granny58 said:

I believe he said Tenielle was babysitting. 

Or was it the Captain? 

When he said he'd 'find the money' to double the floral budget, I thought for sure Tasha's getting a call to give him this month's rent after all.

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Babies communicate by crying, Steven.  It is their way of saying they are hungry, cold or need to be fed.  I held my babies when they cried, or nursed or gave a bottle.  They are not spoiled, they are quite awesome if I say so myself.

9 hours ago, CSS.MD said:

There was an actual academic study (in economics) that links expensive weddings to higher likelihood of divorce

Great!!  My less than $3000 for 44 people wedding a bit over a year ago makes me feel good.  (I was never, and I do mean NEVER gonna drop that much coin on a wedding.)

Edited by Mrs. Hanson
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