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S13 E10: The Next Level


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I felt awful for the girls in the media training.  Kelli was ruthless and just really demeaning in how she talked the ones who messed up.   That was just brutal and many of those questions were just so random.   Poor Amber may lose SG over her mistake and was put further back in the triangle - over a flag football question that I myself didn’t understand why her answer was so bad.

If I were a young dancer considering trying out for the DCC in the near future, that whole scene really would turn me off towards the idea.  And I’ve been watching this show for years and have been under the mindset that I could handle things by preparing, but that just seemed like something I wouldn’t want to put myself through.  Poor girls.

  • Love 13

I thought the way they intro’d the swimsuit calendar reveal was dumb. The previous segment was all about being up to speed on football and current events, and then it’s like teehee, silly girls don’t need to know football, 72 days since our creep photographer got up in your space and now let’s show you how we use your image for profit!!


my answer to 72 would have been D-Line, for the record.  :)

  • Love 20

I’m really loving all the rookies, now that they are being featured (in the episode 10). Between last week and this week, the rookies come across as classy and talented.

Kelli’s question of 72, on football day, was kind of dumb. Was anyone really going to answer that question correctly? 

I really liked this episode. I know it’s crazy that there are still so many on the squad still. Usually it’s the opposite. Just goes to show you that Kelli can have favorites but those are the ones that won’t make it. And man, she holding on tight this year.

  • Love 5

Savannah looked amazing on the calendar! 

I'm getting tired of each season they say a number they supposedly need to get down to, but we all know they really won't cut down to that number. 

Even knowing of the Me Too movement, I would not have known how to answer the question. This is where I feel they are unfair. If I made the team and they trained me on how they wanted us to respond, I'd responde as they said. It seems like a trick. Would they want you to say DCC should be involved in that or to not take a stance? Who knows?

Edited by abracadabra
  • Love 22
1 hour ago, abracadabra said:

I'm getting tired of each season they say a number they supposedly need to get down to, but we all know they really won't cut down to that number. 


I think she's been pretty true to sticking to 36 for several seasons...I remember one time they went up to 39 and girls had to share a locker.

Edited by Mardo2044
Too wordy
  • Love 1
53 minutes ago, Mardo2044 said:

I think she's been pretty true to sticking to 36 for several seasons...I remember one time they went up to 39 and girls had to share a locker.

That was at the old stadium. I believe at AT&T the DCC locker room has 39.

Cameos seem really late this year, I’m pretty sure they’re usually around week 4 & 5. Really enjoyed seeing the triangle blocking for the second year in a row, Jalyn & Daphne really got amazing placements for their rookie season, I wonder how the veterans behind them feel. I also really liked the calendar cover reveals, they’ve only done that on the show one other time. 

How on earth do these former cheerleaders look so amazing two or three kids later? Asking for a friend...

  • Love 13
3 hours ago, PBSLover said:

I really liked this episode. I know it’s crazy that there are still so many on the squad still. Usually it’s the opposite. Just goes to show you that Kelli can have favorites but those are the ones that won’t make it. And man, she holding on tight this year.

I think this is the best way to look at it. It has been driving me crazy!  An earlier episode Kelly said to Judy no one from below 36 was improving and Judy said "some have".  So maybe Kelli just doesn't like the way it is shaking out this year so she's waiting longer to see if things change.  Like you say "holding on". 

  • Love 6

In defense of the flag football response--I'm 60 and read the news every day, and listen to some of it.  I had no idea of the meaning of flag football.  Not a reason to cut a girl trying out for cheerleading.  I agree the girls should have some meetings about "hot" topics and an appropriate response for DCC.  Especially for the me too thing.  

  • Love 23
3 hours ago, MyFavShows said:

I felt awful for the girls in the media training.  Kelli was ruthless and just really demeaning in how she talked the ones who messed up.   That was just brutal and many of those questions were just so random.   Poor Amber may lose SG over her mistake and was put further back in the triangle - over a flag football question that I myself didn’t understand why her answer was so bad.

If I were a young dancer considering trying out for the DCC in the near future, that whole scene really would turn me off towards the idea.  And I’ve been watching this show for years and have been under the mindset that I could handle things by preparing, but that just seemed like something I wouldn’t want to put myself through.  Poor girls.

My opinion on this is that I myself didn't know the correlation between "flag football" and concussions and like Amber, when thinking of flag football thought immediately of a recreational activity sort of for fun and after I watched this episode I wanted to see what I had missed on Cowboys news and flag football/concussions and hardly any real information was listed other than articles titled "is is safe to play flag football?"  This did not appear to be a big topic on social media as of today as I am someone who watches podcasts and reads articles on the Cowboys website quite often, I don't remember seeing anything about this that would stand out.  I do remember there being something mentioned before the actual opening of The Star, that there would be a facility that would have extensive research and treatment available for players dealing with concussions but have not really heard much talk about it recently  and when clicking on the link for "tour the Star" was led to more info on the shopping and restaurants than the medical facility and/or related programs within.  So, just now  I googled "the Star" and "concussions" and had to really dig to find any detailed information on what the facility had to offer in that area, I was eventually able to look into the Baylor Scott & White Sports Therapy & Research Center that is located in the Star and it had listed that there was a concussion center as part of this facility but there was no link to information on what that part of the center was about or what they do there.   This was really irritating to me after seeing "On the show" the reactions and behavior of Kelli and Brenda and I am not seeing where someone would even know how to "do their homework"  on this topic  considering what I saw when I googled the key words it does not appear to be a common or detailed topic at all. Considering that Amber is an intelligent lady I am bothered by her office visit and the talking heads by Kelli and Brenda and their concern over her being an ambassador risk.  Maybe there is more about this than I personally am able to find out about, but I would think a good thing for the organization to do to help these ladies would be to give them resources to study and learn about the star ahead of time so they can be prepared for those type of questions.  I think perhaps a question about injuries in football and prevention maybe would be a better way to ask her instead of what seemed to me a "trick question"  and it seemed manipulative to see if she would be "In the know"  about the flag football topic as I hardly was able to pull up any detailed links to discussion on the correlation between FF and concussion just now.

  • Love 16
5 hours ago, MyFavShows said:


I felt awful for the girls in the media training.  Kelli was ruthless and just really demeaning in how she talked the ones who messed up.   That was just brutal and many of those questions were just so random.   Poor Amber may lose SG over her mistake and was put further back in the triangle - over a flag football question that I myself didn’t understand why her answer was so bad.


The powers that be really set the TCC up to fail by not prepping them with canned answers to all hot button topics. 

I think if they were given DCC approved answers about CTE, me too, deflate gate, etc and THEN messed up, then there’s a valid criticism and cause for concern. 

Didn’t Brenda ask Taylor if she was familiar with me too? Taylor was screwed either way, if she had just said “yes,” and gotten critiqued for not following up with something. If she had said, “yes, and I am so excited to use my potential platform as a DCC to help other young women smash the patriarchy and send most men to an island somewhere to rot.” Kelly and Judy would have had an aneurism. 

I applaud Taylor for trying to tackle the media training issue with Kelly and Judy, it looked like she had practiced what she wanted to say beforehand even if her nerves got to her in the room.

  • Love 14

I am glad to see the professional, in charge Kelly finally come back out on the show. She’s very correct to be concerned with how any of those girls would behave in an interview. There were definite huge failures. She wasn’t mean to me at all. She’s their boss and they need to understand how badly a mistake in an interview can reflect on the team.

It’s equal to the dancing to me, maybe even more in some ways. A girl forgetting sequence is not national news. A girl not knowing “ me too” is going to hit twitter and social media everywhere and look terrible for the Cowboys. She can’t afford to have a girl who only uses Instagram or even one who is unaware they have  4 podcasts. These girls can’t be idiots.

Shes made it clear that cuts won’t be made just for dancing and I think she was right to cut Taylor. I’m not sure why they bothered to give her another night, but I guess Judy liked her dancing.

Edited by rose711
  • Love 16
2 hours ago, Mardo2044 said:

I think she's been pretty true to sticking to 36 for several seasons...I remember one time they went up to 39 and girls had to share a locker.


I think she tries to stay with 36 because it works out better for formations, group numbers, etc.  The year they took Morgan, they had 39 (2013) and the year they took Yuko, 2016, they had 37.  There was also one year, 2015, KaShara's rookie year, they only took 34 per the roster list.  

Edited by Kayce
  • Love 2
1 hour ago, healthnut said:

That was at the old stadium. I believe at AT&T the DCC locker room has 39.

Cameos seem really late this year, I’m pretty sure they’re usually around week 4 & 5. Really enjoyed seeing the triangle blocking for the second year in a row, Jalyn & Daphne really got amazing placements for their rookie season, I wonder how the veterans behind them feel. I also really liked the calendar cover reveals, they’ve only done that on the show one other time. 

How on earth do these former cheerleaders look so amazing two or three kids later? Asking for a friend...

That's one little fact I always found a little odd. Granted they might have more  common spaces, like showers, charging center and a place to serve a buffet, but to stop the actual lockers at 39 was different. I know there has to be a finite nbr but I guess I would hoped they could push to the low 40s.  I know Judy likes the magic 36 for her triangle/sideline formations but I do wonder if the 36 is all the NFL will allow - kinda like there is a limit for how many players can be on the active roster.

  • Love 1

I think Kelli finally got through a bit to Victoria. Victoria’s treatment of Jinelle is not something Kelli would have tolerated from any other rookie. I think Kelli has been surprised that Victoria is continually acts as immature as she does, but at least Kelli seems to see it.

Kelli telling Victoria that she’s ready to cut her may have gotten Victorias attention. But to me, 4 times in the office should have been more than enough. Has anyone had that many and not been cut? The only girl I can think of is that Taylor that was called in repeatedly. 

Edited by rose711
  • Love 9

I, for real thought that Jinelle was going to levitate and drop kick Victoria in the jaw. She was LIVID and I have no idea how she was able to hold all of that rage in without exploding.

Victoria should have been sent home over Taylor T ....but we don't live in a perfect world, so we are again stuck with her doofiness.

It was nice to see that as many vets as possible were featured on the different calendar formats. I am just sorry that Lauren's fabulous smile and abs did not get shown. That girl deserves a cover.

  • Love 17
52 minutes ago, parrotfeathers said:

In defense of the flag football response--I'm 60 and read the news every day, and listen to some of it.  I had no idea of the meaning of flag football.  Not a reason to cut a girl trying out for cheerleading.  I agree the girls should have some meetings about "hot" topics and an appropriate response for DCC.  Especially for the me too thing.  

Agree. 1000%. Because there are so many outlets to get what a person seems "newsworthy" (in detail or just the highlights) - what is important to one person, may not just be that important to the next. 

Not to downplay the #MeToo movement - but Kelli seemed awfully upset about her not knowing - like she "must know", no matter what kinda thing . If this was a training exercise - then use that as an opportunity to teach know to answer questions you don't know or have an opinion about. I look at it, the #MeToo movement deals with a very personal and private topic. Yes, many are bringing the issue to light, but there are also many who do not want to do so, or are ready to do so.  Just maybe, someone for their own reasons, good or bad, wants to "avoid" the subject. You don't know what all has happened in someone's life, prior to TCC.

Edited by sATL
  • Love 12

Whether or not Amber should've known the answer to her "media" question, why, if "ambassadorship" is extra-super-critical for those on show group, would "is-she-media-ready" testing be done AFTER show group has been selected?   That's just stooopid.  


ETA:  And Kelli, just hand them the book that tells them how the Jones' want them to respond to particular questions.  Puh-leez.  

Edited by Hildegard802
  • Love 18
8 minutes ago, Hildegard802 said:

Whether or not Amber should've known the answer to her "media" question, why, if "ambassadorship" is extra-super-critical for those on show group, would "is-she-media-ready" testing be done AFTER show group has been selected?   That's just stooopid.  


ETA:  And Kelli, just hand them the book that tells them how the Jones' want them to respond to particular questions.  Puh-leez.  

I guess she was relying on the panel interviews to see how they could handle themselves.

They can’t tell girls how to respond to every question. This was a test to see how they would react in live situations. How would they predict that Victoria would repeatedly say “I have no words.” I don’t know how they could give them a book to deal with these situations. 

  • Love 5
13 minutes ago, TaraS1 said:

Kudos to Jinelle for maintaining her composure when Victoria gave the pathetic, "I wanted to talk to other girls with weight problems, so that's why I rudely ignored your texts and shunned your help." excuse.  For Jinelle to say that was a fair point, instead of screaming obscenities at her, demonstrated a level of maturity I shall never achieve lol.

Also, when Victoria said, "Y'all just can't get enough of me!" or whatever her flip little comment was when they called her in, I hoped a giant hook would appear and just jerk her out of the room.  But alas...

I wanted to smack VK's chipmunk cheeks from here to the Great Wall of China.

  • Love 7
8 hours ago, sATL said:

DCC: can you find a few coins in your budget for Melissa R to get a stylist for a few semi-professional/dressy-casual pieces ? Maybe a Belk Discount ? Please include shoes..


I have no particular feelings about MRS, (some of her segments are ill conceived, but she is sweet and good on camera and pretty), but I LOVED that she showed up there looking mom-casual in her flats and shorts. I don’t know how these women totter around in heels 24/7 and chase their kids. I thought she looked great, and nothing like she got her outfit at Deb, circa 1991 :D


6 hours ago, Lunacat said:

I thought the way they intro’d the swimsuit calendar reveal was dumb. The previous segment was all about being up to speed on football and current events, and then it’s like teehee, silly girls don’t need to know football, 72 days since our creep photographer got up in your space and now let’s show you how we use your image for profit!!


my answer to 72 would have been D-Line, for the record.  :)

Dumb! Dumb, dumb! And makes the girls that have the balls to speak up look dumb for no reason. I hope they actually did some football 101 and that’s those faces Kelli made werent just good acting. It was pretty convincing and makes me wonder how often she is acting.

  • Love 10

Of all the. . . I FINALLY get a chance to stay at a place that has cable with CMT for once and what happens?  I have to go to bed early because I have to be up at 4:30 am the next morning.  I'm slightly bitter about not being able to watch an episode when it's first run instead of the next day or so on iTunes.  I don't have cable as I gave it up due to Comcast continually raising their prices (especially since I only got ONE month of service at the price they told me before they raised the price by adding on "taxes"; I dropped it as soon as I saw that).  If, I get a chance, I'll watch it after work, but before I dog sit.

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, parrotfeathers said:

In defense of the flag football response--I'm 60 and read the news every day, and listen to some of it.  I had no idea of the meaning of flag football.  Not a reason to cut a girl trying out for cheerleading.  I agree the girls should have some meetings about "hot" topics and an appropriate response for DCC.  Especially for the me too thing.  

I agree, that question was not on the nose like the "me too" question.  I know about the concussions issue but did not make the connection, I was thinking about like rec football and did not think her answer was all that bad.  I think they were going for "I hadn't heard that, but I'm here to cheer for the cowboys and NFL football is an exciting contact sport with a long American tradition!"  ...which may have lead to a follow up a about concussions.  That said it was a big jump, and in my opinion poorly asked question.

  • Love 5
6 minutes ago, Hildegard802 said:

No, not every question.  The soft balls get answered like this: "It's so challenging but it's such a great experience and I'm learning so much" etc etc etc.  But with the "BIG ONES!!," it's simple to do. 

They can’t possibly predict what every news story will be or what people might ask. The only ones they could predictably give canned answers to are the ones about kneeling, maybe Erica’s lawsuit, or stories directly about football. That’s a whole lot. The girls need to know the basic news going on around them just as much as they need to know the number of yards on the football field. I don’t give any of the girls a pass for their big screwups. 

Even flag football, if you know anything at all you can at least recognize that a professional football team shouldn’t become like frat guys playing shirts and skins. I was surprised by her answer and the flag football question  was even set up by her asking about injuries in football being a hot topic.

You can see how much Malena went up in Kelli’s view because she gave a thorough and interesting answer to the question.

Edited by rose711
  • Love 9

My eyes are bleeding. Favoritism much?  Victoria has fumbled during the entire training camp — and she slighted a vet, but Taylor doesn’t handle an answer well during Media Training (TBF though, she was set up for failure; if the title of a seminar involves “training,” then training should indeed be a part of the equation) and she gets cut even though she’s been a star performer. SMH. ICE.  It’s a foregone conclusion:  Victoria is going to be a DCC BECAUSE of who her mother is.  I mean no slight against Victoria; she seems like a genuinely lovely and talented young lady, but she is not ready to be a DCC.

  • Love 8
2 minutes ago, nittanyvolleyball said:

Kelli's definitely shutting down the "Kelli guaranteed VK a spot on the team" rumors by saying she will cut her

12 minutes ago, rose711 said:

They can’t possibly predict what every news story will be or what people might ask. The only ones they could predictably give canned answers to are the ones about kneeling, maybe Erica’s lawsuit, or stories directly about football. That’s a whole lot. The girls need to know the basic news going on around them just as much as they need to know the number of yards on the football field. I don’t give any of the girls a pass for their big screwups. 

Even flag football, if you know anything at all you can at least recognize that a professional football team shouldn’t become like frat guys playing shirts and skins. I was surprised by her answer and the flag football question  was even set up by her asking about injuries in football being a hot topic.

You can see how much Malena went up in Kelli’s view because she gave a thorough and interesting answer to the question.

I love Malena.  My soul will be crushed if she doesn’t make the team this season.

3 minutes ago, exitstageleft said:

That was some World Class Fuckery right der!



  • Love 3

I wish Kelli would have torn into Victoria harder for her actions toward Jinelle. They gave her extra tools that no other TCC have gotten and she decides to ignore every attempt Jinelle made to help her. Her immaturity was highlighted by the fact that she thought that would be okay to do then flippantly excused it by saying she wanted to work with women who have had weight problems. She should have been apologizing to both Jinelle and Kelli the second she walked in that room and instead she is joking and acting like she did no wrong. I have never seen Jinelle look anything but sweet and happy before this and you could tell she was just DONE with VK. Victoria should have been cut right there but she gets more chances now ? but at least Kelli seems to have stopped giving her a million excuses.

As for Taylor T not knowing the Me Too movement, I was thinking maybe she just didn’t know how to answer such a loaded question but then she said she gets her news off Instagram ??‍♀️ Read some news sites people, there is even a news app on your iPhone where you can subscribe to different news outlets and quickly read the daily news. I just can’t excuse that level of ignorance (but still think VK should have gone before her).


I felt the flag football comment was confusing, it should have been worded differently. Amber was responding to the flag football idea, not ignoring concussions. But she also should have an answer ready for topics she doesn’t know - but isn’t that the point of media “training”?

  • Love 11
7 minutes ago, nittanyvolleyball said:

Kelli's definitely shutting down the "Kelli guaranteed VK a spot on the team" rumors by saying she will cut her

She seems to have changed her tune a lot about Victoria after the Jinelle situation, but she still kept her and she still said that there was a place for her on the team. Then she said that she thinks Victoria is under so much pressure, but so is everyone else. 

I don’t get it. No other rookie would continue to get these chances when they are desperate for reasons to cut people.

  • Love 11
2 minutes ago, jlc said:

What are the chances that one of the cheerleaders will EVER be asked about flag football at an appearance? 

Flag football is just a term that means no contact football.  The flag is pulled from a pocket of the player instead of tackling. It’s pretty common. I don’t even watch football and I know that. It’s reasonable to expect them to know. 

Maybe im seeing Kelli’s viewpoint because social media is even more intense than ever. Any mistake by the girls can end up in a story. Also, she’s probably under great pressure to keep all cheerleader related mistakes out of the news. The cowboys have a lot to deal with already.

Edited by rose711
  • Love 6
2 hours ago, rose711 said:

She seems to have changed her tune a lot about Victoria after the Jinelle situation, but she still kept her and she still said that there was a place for her on the team. Then she said that she thinks Victoria is under so much pressure, but so is everyone else. 

I don’t get it. No other rookie would continue to get these chances when they are desperate for reasons to cut people.

I think she is still making excuses and is going to put her on the team. I think she is trying to make it look like there is no favoritism because of who her mother is, but there is definitely favoritism. They just want us to think it is because she overcame so much instead of it being straight up favoritism! 

Edited by jlc
fixed my typo
  • Love 3
15 minutes ago, rose711 said:

When was that? I don’t remember. 

Even Melissa was surprised at how many cheerleaders were left.

I'm not sure either, I think it was one of the seasons where Kyndall Fuller was a casualty. I just remember them cutting two girls and then one of the girls waiting in the studio making a comment about how they just cut two people...most of the time they warn the first ones and cut the last.

  • Love 1

'Wow, like, I don't even have the words to describe' ... how irritating it is that all VK got for just totally bailing on Jinelle is a little slap on the wrist. I know that Kelli told her they were prepared to cut her, but people like Madeline get essentially ripped apart for moving a locker or being defensive. VK just ... ghosting on the help that they wanted to provide her, no matter what her reasoning nor how qualified Jinelle might or might not be [and she was just trying to set her up with a nutritionist and have her see a doctor, it sounds like. like, oh how terrible] is so disrespectful? And the tone of that meeting didn't really feel like it matched just how disrespectful that is -- especially in comparison to how meetings go with other girls who've done something not even half as wrong.

  • Love 14
2 hours ago, rose711 said:

I think Kelli finally got through a bit to Victoria. Victoria’s treatment of Jinelle is not something Kelli would have tolerated from any other rookie. I think Kelli has been surprised that Victoria is continually acts as immature as she does, but at least Kelli seems to see it.

Kelli telling Victoria that she’s ready to cut her may have gotten Victorias attention. But to me, 4 times in the office should have been more than enough. Has anyone had that many and not been cut? The only girl I can think of is that Taylor that was called in repeatedly. 

Loni Lindsey was called in a BUNCH of times for her kicks, but ended up making it in season 2. I think she was called in about 5 times and there was even a shot in a later episode that season of her shocked face when she wasn't called in one night. 


34 minutes ago, rose711 said:

When was that? I don’t remember. 

Even Melissa was surprised at how many cheerleaders were left.

 Season 10. They cut that courtney girl, Kyndall, and two others. 

  • Love 3

I think the consensus may be building that Victoria should have been cut this episode. The favoritism of her not getting cut for ignoring help they gave her compared to them cutting Taylor after one big mistake (and Kelli said she didn’t trust Victoria on appearances either) is getting impossible to ignore. 

2 minutes ago, soapmaniac22 said:

Loni Lindsey was called in a BUNCH of times for her kicks, but ended up making it in season 2. I think she was called in about 5 times and there was even a shot in a later episode that season of her shocked face when she wasn't called in one night. 


 Season 10. They cut that courtney girl, Kyndall, and two others. 

Thanks. I’ve never seen season 2. It’s not on Amazon. I’m going to take a quick look at season 10.

Edited by rose711
  • Love 4
47 minutes ago, MelissaB326 said:

I wish Kelli would have torn into Victoria harder for her actions toward Jinelle. They gave her extra tools that no other TCC have gotten and she decides to ignore every attempt Jinelle made to help her. Her immaturity was highlighted by the fact that she thought that would be okay to do then flippantly excused it by saying she wanted to work with women who have had weight problems. She should have been apologizing to both Jinelle and Kelli the second she walked in that room and instead she is joking and acting like she did no wrong. I have never seen Jinelle look anything but sweet and happy before this and you could tell she was just DONE with VK. Victoria should have been cut right there but she gets more chances now ? but at least Kelli seems to have stopped giving her a million excuses.

As for Taylor T not knowing the Me Too movement, I was thinking maybe she just didn’t know how to answer such a loaded question but then she said she gets her news off Instagram ??‍♀️ Read some news sites people, there is even a news app on your iPhone where you can subscribe to different news outlets and quickly read the daily news. I just can’t excuse that level of ignorance (but still think VK should have gone before her).


I felt the flag football comment was confusing, it should have been worded differently. Amber was responding to the flag football idea, not ignoring concussions. But she also should have an answer ready for topics she doesn’t know - but isn’t that the point of media “training”?

It was not difficult  to join the dots with the question - it started with being about injuries and then into flag football. thus, logically its about the injuries from contact, most famously concussions and the long-reaching health implications. that Amber wasn't able to join those dots was a little concerning.

  • Love 6

Ok, for reference, the 4 people cut, rather swiftly in season 10 were Kayleigh, Courtney, Selina and Kendall. Selina said she had never even been called in. With Kayleigh, Judy said they didn’t have a clear reason so they went with their gut. It’s season 10, episode 7, the cutting board.

oh, going back into the episode they also cut a girl called Taylor, she had tight low kicks in the same episode. 

So thats 5 cuts in one episode almost at the last day of the season.

Edited by rose711
  • Love 3
51 minutes ago, rose711 said:

Flag football is just a term that means no contact football.  The flag is pulled from a pocket of the player instead of tackling. It’s pretty common. I dMaybe im seeing Kelli’s viewpoint because social media is even more intense than ever. Any mistake by the girls can end up in a story. Also, she’s probably under great pressure to keep all cheerleader related mistakes out of the news. The cowboys have a lot to deal with already.

I think the lawsuits and like you say social media making this a bigger concern this year.  The candidates on the whole are really strong this year, so maybe she is looking to cut on other things than dance because she has that luxury.

  • Love 2
49 minutes ago, jlc said:

I think she is still making excuses and is going to put her on the team. I think she is trying to make it look like there is no favoritism because of her her mother is, but there is definitely favoritism and they are going to put her on the team. They just want us to think it is because she overcame so much instead of it being straight up favoritism!

I don't think Kelli planned on Victoria gaining weight.  She was too kind rather than clear with her, and that was a mistake.  My DH had to go in and talk to his dad about the marines From ROTC and his dad was in charge of the program...he said it was all yes, sir no sir like a commanding officer to a recruit.  He said the first 2 sentences he was shocked, but then he got it and understood.  I don't think VK is taking this seriously and Kelli should have set the tone from the start...she does VK or the team no favors soft peddling it.

  • Love 10

The title said cameos, but that didn't happen - at least not in the show I saw. 

The only explanation for VK still being there is that TK has a lot of dirt on KF and threatened to leak it all if VK doesn't make the team.  VK - weight issue, disastrous media segment, immature, a mess with the dances, and a poor attitude - anyone else would have been long gone (and they are) if they had one of these issues.

  • Love 8
2 hours ago, TaraS1 said:

Kudos to Jinelle for maintaining her composure when Victoria gave the pathetic, "I wanted to talk to other girls with weight problems, so that's why I rudely ignored your texts and shunned your help." excuse.  For Jinelle to say that was a fair point, instead of screaming obscenities at her, demonstrated a level of maturity I shall never achieve lol.

Also, when Victoria said, "Y'all just can't get enough of me!" or whatever her flip little comment was when they called her in, I hoped a giant hook would appear and just jerk her out of the room.  But alas...

LOL ? ME TOO!!!! Enough already! CUT

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