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S13.E08: Here Comes Kitty

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10 minutes ago, scorpio1031 said:

t's like when Kelli confronted Ashley Pro near the end of TC about references from former coaches about how she supposedly acted while on their teams.  If she never acted like that in TC and Emma vouched for her, why tell her and make her upset?  If she does do something, call her on it then and there so she understands what she did wrong.  But if they didn't do anything, don't start a problem because now you have Brennan wondering if she did something and being self conscious.

It’s just so rude. The more I think about it, the angrier I am getting. It’s like 'let me give you a slap, in case you are feeling good or self-confident.’ What the hell is wrong with Kelli?

Edited by PBSLover
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Oh, God.....the filler music gets WORSE. During the segment where they show Nick their pom routines, oh wow!! It was REALLY bad. ?

Malena wanted to show them, "even more". Well, honey, it ain't Vivid Video.

Edited by tinabee1967
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18 minutes ago, scorpio1031 said:

It's like when Kelli confronted Ashley Pro near the end of TC about references from former coaches about how she supposedly acted while on their teams.  If she never acted like that in TC and Emma vouched for her, why tell her and make her upset?  If she does do something, call her on it then and there so she understands what she did wrong.  But if they didn't do anything, don't start a problem because now you have Brennan wondering if she did something and being self conscious.

its almost like Brennan isn't falling into line iwth the expected 'oh poor Brennan, not looking good enough this year again' plot and so they're just making up excuses not to want her. now it's that she might have her own desires and wants and to prove something to herself that she can do this. because no human ever has been motivated by that in the past. nope, not ever.  they've alll mentioned how much more confident she is this year, how she's standing out, how she's got the dances with more power and now its 'weeeeeeeeell, we're not sure you want this for the 'right' reasons.  fishing for a reason to cut her is what it felt like.  an unnecessary call into the office done for drama and totally unfair to Brennan who we all know has been called in time and time again and doesn't need to be played with like that.

11 minutes ago, MrsEVH said:

Didn't get to watch a lot with my DH home on VAC and yakking during it so I'll have to re-watch when he's not around. I fast forwarded through the boring stuff and watched the dancing, office call- ins, and cuts.

IMHO Malena is not pretty much less beautiful. There have been other AA girls who I consider pretty/beautiful; Jackie Bob, Jacie, Nicole H, Deryn D. Dara M.

In next week's previews Hannah says dancing on a field is different than dancing on a basketball court. Was she a cheerleader on another pro team or in college?

Why was Jinelle chosen or volunteered to help Victoria?  It's not like she's her GL.

I thought Tara was going to get cut but was let off with a warning instead.

Jinelle has always been incredibly fit and healthy, she's pretty much the physical ideal of a DCC from TPTB standpoint


plus isn't Vk's group leader Kashara? if Kashara's having weight issues of her own, then sending VK to her a isn't likely to be seen as as advantageous in comparison to Jinelle who eats very clean, works out well, is very toned etc.

Edited by CaseyRe
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 Brennan wondering if she did something and being self conscious.

Ok, this was trending into Mean Girls territory - as Brennan has history (or at least they planted it in her head) that her issues are self created.  "You are the only reason preventing You from making this team."

So I'm hoping this is just to make things dramatic and that Kelli wouldn't just mess with someone's weak spot.

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Yes, Judy's hot pink dress! 

Nick: "Kitty, I'm worried we won't get your opinion." Love him.

WTF with the hazy talk about Madeline's locker room attitude? I'm hoping they address some of that next week--saw Mads crying and hoping not to get cut in the preview for the next episode, but it may have been about being on the struggle bus while learning the dreaded field entrance. I did not like her last year because I thought she was not on the DCC dance level, a bit immature, and very unaware of her privilege--going on and on about her "sacrifices" of sleeping on an air mattress for two weeks in Dallas trying to be a DCC. I wonder if she's fake sweet or selectively sweet. Some folks on here have wondered about what happened between her and Sydney Durso McArthur, as they seemed like besties for a minute and then radio (rather, social media) silence...no more Sydney and Maddie pics, and Maddie doesn't appear to work for Sydney's company anymore. I'll give the girl this, though--she looks and dances more like a grown woman this year, she is very pretty, has a rocking figure, and her performance quality has improved greatly.

I really liked Bridget's introduction segment, and I didn't find anything weird at all about her decision to return home. If the woman was working two jobs while trying to be a bio major and on the dance team, she clearly was not rolling in money. Arizona State's website estimates that the annual cost of out of state tuition and expenses is over $44,000, so perhaps she just needed to find a more affordable place to attend school. No shame in that whatsoever, and in fact, I say kudos to her! She's now a vet tech who loves what she does, and she and her fiancee and dog are so freaking cute together. I already loved her dancing and thought she's beautiful--now I'm even more impressed. It was sweet to see her smile looking at pictures of her siblings, even if that was a kind weird shot CMT chose to do.

I thought Kelli was kind and clear with Dayton throughout the visit, and it was clear to me that she was struggling to hold it together. I have never, ever seen Judy cry during or after a cut like that and it made me like her even more. I think it genuinely was hard for all of them. Kelli said that they can see her as a DCC and want her to be a DCC, and I agree that Dayton was ready this year and feel it would have been cruel to string her along. Even in the midst of her heartbreak and disappointment, Dayton was impressive with her grace, dignity, and determination to more forward in her dancing life. She seemed beyond her years (and so far beyond VK) in that talking head moment. 

I have no love for VK and I, too, wish that CMT would stop devoting so much of each episode to her, but I must say, I can only imagine what she experiences from her mother at home and I principally blame Tina for her daughter's lack of maturity, inflated sense of her talents and destiny to be a DCC, and overall obnoxious goofiness that seems mostly about wanting attention. I just imagine the Kalina household (with its fancy dance studio) as Micromanaging Mom Central. That said, I find it ironic and just desserts for Tina that, last year, she criticized vets like Stephanie for weight gain (yes, she was a little heavier, but she still looked smokin' and way more fit than VK at any point this season) and now her daughter is out there packing on the pounds and probably stress eating half because of the pressure Tina puts on her.

Loved the clips of Ashley and Brianna dancing! I feel like those were some of the few sustained clips of rookies that let you get any sense of performance skills this season. More of this, please, CMT! It's a dance show and I like to actually see them dancing.

Does rookie Rachel scowl at Melissa Rycroft next week?! Or is it Madeline? Dying to know the conversation there. Rachel made me a fan back at auditions, I liked her even more after her office visit, and even more at the nursing home this week. She is a beautiful dancer who really takes critique well, obviously is gorgeous, and seems so sweet and well spoken. She's among my favorite of the featured rookies. I wish I could say something about more rookies, but we barely see or hear from them. Le sigh.

Edited by M1977G
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Jinelle eats incredibly healthy.... as in one of the healthiest eaters they’ve ever had. It’s just a way of life for her. My guess is they asked her to help Victoria because they knew she was stopping at Whataburger for a number one with cheese too often.

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The calendar shoot was right before TC this year, so I blame it for the weight gain on some of the girls.  They worked out like crazy, drank juices and ate low carb.  Then they came back and dove into practice for how many hours a night and how many hours a day.  They are probably eating more and their bodies are happy to see food.  

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9 hours ago, RedbirdNelly said:


I agree with everyone on Kitty. Very odd. I don't get the "deserves the respect" comment at all. How does participating in some junior program give you more of a right to try to lose weight than other people? I wish they showed more discussions; it's hard to follow.

TPTB have said that vets should come into auditions/TC knowing what’s expected and being better. Don’t be out of shape and be ready to perform at all times. In this case, VK should know better like a vet. She’s been around this her entire life. Her mother has given feedback. So no excuse in my book. (Although I hate how she’s getting a ton of attention both by TPTB and CMT, I do like her. She seems like she be a hoot to hang out with. I also think w/a little bit of maturity and getting her body in shape, she could be a good DCC.)

9 hours ago, shaunamarie said:

I disagree with this.  I can't think of any that has been cut before WITHOUT Kelli trying to work with them first.  She isn't being blind in the least.  She is being fair.  It's really no different than if someone has an injury and can't practice the jump split right away.  She gives chances until they are out of time.  

Her weight should’ve been addressed from day 1 and more frequently if it was still going up. If she had lost maybe 2-6 lbs since that first meeting, then I would be on board with giving her a little more time. But it’s hard to expect immediate results 5 weeks into training camp. 

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14 hours ago, tinabee1967 said:

Some of those senior citizens looked like they could not have cared less about the girls performing. They just sat there like, "Whatever." Rockette lady was so cute! I liked bull whip lady as well. :)

Malena needs to GO. So does Kristin. I am tired of both of them. Malena works my last nerve. It is always the same issues with her. Yes, we know she is really trying. Yes, the guest choreos like her and think she is beautiful. Enough already. Kristin came across as very aloof in this episode. That did not work in her favor.

I feel like Dayton's cut was handled with professionalism and dignity. Dayton was upset, but she had a mature attitude about it. WOW I want to see her come back with bells on next year. :)  You GO, Dayton!! :)

Nick was allovertheplace this episode. He needs Ritalin. A little disappointed in Kitty. She calls out the fat asses and did not do so this time around. I hated hated how she made excuses for VK. If it was any other girl, she would have said,  "you have got rolls and you're totally spastic when you dance." Kelli would have cut them that night based on that alone. 

Poor Tara. They were fishing for a vet to pick on and she got caught in the net.

This season sucks, so far. 

I guess it's not really a spoiler anymore, but Dayton tried out for Royal Caribbean about a week after her cut and was signed on to dance with them in their shows. She leaves soon to train and then heads to her port in the UK. Dayton isn't coming back, she found something so so much more than the DCC could have ever offered. 

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I really hope they at least gave Dayton's mother the courtesy of a phone call to let her know that Dayton was going to be cut. I realize they don't do this for all TCCs, but I do think it's a consideration that should be given to legacies, especially legacies like Dayton, where the mother is actually employed by the organization and the TCC has grown up in it. If I were Dayton's mom, I would be furious that Dayton, who is improving and really stood out at Show Group auditions, was released but Victoria, who is not improving and has gained ELEVEN POUNDS since auditions was given more time AND a personal coach to help her make this team. Why are they bending over backwards to give VK extra help but throwing Dayton to the wolves and in fact telling her, "You will not make this team just because you're someone's daughter." I honestly may have quit my job over the way Dayton was treated if I were in her mom's position. At the very least, I would be in Kelli, Judy, and Charlotte's offices raising hell. I'm glad Dayton has found a great opportunity with Royal Caribbean, but that doesn't change the fact that the way she was treated by DCC is unacceptable.

If they were going to extend Victoria the "respect" of more time because she's a legacy, they should have done the same for Dayton. Given the circumstances, there is no excuse for releasing her but keeping Victoria AND going out of their way to help Victoria not get cut. 

Kitty Carter's influence over this organization and affiliation with DCC needs to end. What a nasty b!tch. Her "honesty" isn't constructive. It's unnecessarily mean and unprofessional. And, frankly, it's hard to take comments about TCC being "fat," "unattractive," or having a bad attitude seriously when they are coming from a woman who looks and acts like Kitty. I would not be surprised if Kelli wasn't planning on cutting Dayton but Kitty steamrolled her into it to buy VK some extra time. And I do not think Judy wanted to cut Dayton but it appeared her hands were tied. 

Malena, Kristin, and Victoria need to go. They're not ready and they're not improving despite multiple warnings.

Edited by blairwaldorf
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9 hours ago, RedDelicious said:

Bottom line is Dayton couldn't perform the dances.  She had some nice facials but she couldn't pull off the rest of it.  It was sad but it wasn't that surprising.  I thought the sobbing was melodramatic.  She's a very, very young 21 and has a lot of maturing to do. 

Yeah it’s surprising to me she’s 21 - her personality seems much younger.

When she was interviewed about not voting last season (which I thought was none of their business, btw) didn’t she say she was 19?  She must have a birthday after auditions and before/during camp if she’s 21.

I thought the sobbing was a little over the top too.   It’s not like it was an Auto Amy situation.

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2 minutes ago, MyFavShows said:

Yeah it’s surprising to me she’s 21 - her personality seems much younger.

When she was interviewed about not voting last season (which I thought was none of their business, btw) didn’t she say she was 19?  She must have a birthday after auditions and before/during camp if she’s 21.

I thought the sobbing was a little over the top too.   It’s not like it was an Auto Amy situation.

Mom was a DCC and now she has to break it to her.  The cut was unexpected.  These are still young women - it is going to hurt and they will take it personally.

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1 hour ago, JohnGalt said:

Kelli is a real person with emotions. There seems to be this idea that everything she does is fake, for the tv show, etc. It’s just simply not true. Certain things get played up and manipulated, but she’s not faking her regret about last year and Brennan. Who can blame her considering how many girls dropped out?

Oh course she regrets what’s ibviously a bad choice. Even as a decent manager she knows she made a bad decision.

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2 minutes ago, MyFavShows said:

Yeah it’s surprising to me she’s 21 - her personality seems much younger.

When she was interviewed about not voting last season (which I thought was none of their business, btw) didn’t she say she was 19?  She must have a birthday after auditions and before/during camp if she’s 21.

I thought the sobbing was a little over the top too.   It’s not like it was an Auto Amy situation.

If I were in her situation, I'd probably sob too. because its not just the loss of her dream, but she might also feel like she was letting her mom down, or tha she was failing the legacy. that's a lot to carry. she clearly knew going into the office, something was going down, because her sweet face was just devastated from the moment she was called.  and to hear that you're not ready, after weeks of 'you wont make it just because you're a legacy, you won't make it just because of who your mother is' as well as the implication that at this stage she'd only make it because of who her mother is (which seemed unnecessary to say personally, girl was already down, no need to kick her) and the thought that she was going to have to call her mom and tell her she was cut...I'd be damn emotional too and I'm not a crier.

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10 hours ago, Gigi88 said:

She does and always has. Last year she told K & J to cut Tara because she just wasn’t attractive but to keep Savannah who wasn’t performing well because she’s pretty and teachable. Yet Kitty has stated before on other girls that “pretty doesn’t cut it”  that along with her ridiculous statement towards VK “give her the respect to lose it” makes her lose all credibility and look like a moron ?‍♀️

Was Kitty not correct about Savanah’s potential though?  Didn’t she get ROTY last season?  

Edited by MyFavShows
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16 minutes ago, MyFavShows said:

Yeah it’s surprising to me she’s 21 - her personality seems much younger.

When she was interviewed about not voting last season (which I thought was none of their business, btw) didn’t she say she was 19?  She must have a birthday after auditions and before/during camp if she’s 21.

I thought the sobbing was a little over the top too.   It’s not like it was an Auto Amy situation.

Dang. Even if you knew Dayton was getting cut, hearing it, seeing it, didn't seem over the top to me. I cried. My heart broke for her. 

Filming her heart break for so long was over the top. 

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9 hours ago, Gigi88 said:

Her face showed most of it. She looked really puffy and disheveled . Her hair is a mess but that could be fixed with a shampoo and hair cut to give her more volume.  Does anyone know what Tara was doing for a living? Maybe she had a demanding job and was just trying to hang in there. 

Kelli told her when she was called to get a hair cut. Does she?

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6 hours ago, CaseyRe said:

we know she was told at auditions that she was soft from last nights ep so if she was soft at auditions and is now 11 heavier than that, it's a problem for them.  so she's had a few weeks and has still gained more weight. also, she shouldn't need K&J to tell her. you know when you've gained that much weight,e ven if you don't weigh yourself, which I imagine she does.  that's a lot of weight, probably about 10% of her total. her clothes would be tight/not able to do up depending on hhow snug they were before.  No way she was unaware she was gaining a lot of weight


If she has been involved in some manner with the Cowboys organization, SURELY she knows it is imperitave to be toned and lean in order to wear the uniform and look good in it. WHY does VK think it is OK to be 11 pounds heavier?? There is just no excuse.

Kitty should have pulled her aside or better yet, called her out and said, "Victoria....I am disappointed in you. Wanna know why? Everyone else around you looks great, but you have a big spare tire around your gut!! You have been around the cheerleaders since you have been a baby and had ALL that time to get and stay in shape. You are wasting my time and everyone else's with that smug attitude of yours." 

1 minute ago, tinabee1967 said:


Edited by tinabee1967
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I am done with the season. The blatant favoritism is appalling. Watching the show must be awkward, I'm guessing, for people like Dayton and Tara. Tara probably had an inkling that Kitty might not like her but to watch someone talk you down like that *smh*. The same with Dayton, it's one thing to suspect that people might not be pulling for you, but it must be heartbreaking to have everything confirmed.

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I thought the sobbing was a little over the top too.

It was her natural (real) reaction.  Unless she's Meryl Streep, those were not fake.  I tend to feel (just by what I've seen) that maybe DCC isn't Dayton's dream.  Maybe she didn't want to let her mom down. Who knows? 

VK - it was her 3/4th office call - was so fake. I felt like she didn't take it seriously but was trying to act like it was.  Her behavior and bad acting skills made me feel like the stories of her being guaranteed a spot were real.

There's a movie "Drop Dead Gorgeous" that is about pageant life.  I swear the old pageant winner who sells pork products is played by mama Kalina.

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9 hours ago, Mardo2044 said:

I don't think a nutritionist would sign off on any quick weight loss and that is what would be needed now.  I don't know that Jinelle is the right choice, she has a super high metabolism and came to the squad with rare "underweight" "skinny" comments when entering DCC.  Of course, I don't know that we have ever seen a TC canidate gain while auditioning, so maybe they actually mean it when they say healthy weight loss! lol!

Yeah - IMO sending in Jinelle to advise a TC who is struggling w/ weight is like sending in Charlotte to help a poor TCC who’s struggling w/ their finances.   On the surface they seem like an expert, but no way either can truly understand “the struggle”.  Unless Jinelle used to be heavy when she was in Australia, but I don’t think that’s the case.

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4 hours ago, homelife said:

Thank you! I ended up purchasing the episode (first time's a charm!) from Amazon for $1.99. Maybe the stream errors are a CMT ploy to see how much of a hold they have on us with this episode's cuts.

Episode notes:

- Maybe rookie Rachel didn't convey herself well while at the senior home? ""I lost my grandparents... today just brought me down to Earth and reminded me why I wanted to do this in the first place." So, you're becoming a DCC to hang out with seniors? She probably meant for the opportunities that DCC affords the girls, like being that role model to little girls, meeting with seniors, etc, but the sound bite did not match that sentiment.

- To comment on Kristin seeming apathetic at the senior home - to me she seemed engaged, talking with individuals. You have to remember that for some, they have lost their grandparents and it's a lot more emotional and tough for them. And as for her seeming aloof at the barn social, so did Dayton in the clip they showed of Kristin sitting beside her? As a feminist, I get truly annoyed when anyone, male or female, tell me I look unhappy or sad because I'm not smiling. I don't need to be smiling all the time to make it known I'm enjoying myself. Probably like Kristin and Dayton, I am an outsider observer, soaking it in a bit, perhaps seeming quiet, before I feel I can be a participant and just "be".

- Judy looked stunning in the hot pink dress at the senior home.

- To utilize a Kelsey (Lowrance) term in the negative, Tara looked like straight-up "crispy bacon". Super harsh and crusty. Her spray tan looked markedly old, as she confirmed in the office interview. Her hair, to me, has always looked ratty - greasy and with nasty roots that are not at all ombre, and the acne on her chest and arms. 

- Kitty's critiques turned to the vets (Tara and Miranda - the latter of whom IDK what she was talking about looking 70s??) in a defensive manner to move away from the VK weight topic. Like so many others, my mouth fell agape when Kitty verbalized "she's been in this program for 10 years.. give her the respect to lose it." No, Kitty. She has been in this "program" since TC started. She has spent her childhood idolizing the DCC organization and yet not "respecting" what it takes enough to be hitting it hard at the gym. Like someone also pointed out, the cardio the girls are doing in the studio, while endless, is NOT enough of a workout to maintain weight on a cruddy diet.

- Perhaps this episode's shitty cut and VK adoration campaign is paving the way for Kelli and Judy to hang up their boots as directors. Judy has become less and less vocal through the seasons, especially this one. Watching previous seasons, I miss that spitfire Judy. It's like she lets Kelli run the show now while she just nods at her shoulder. The DCC organization needs fresh blood. I nominate Michelle Keys for everythinnnngggg.

I am currently watching season 12, the episode with Kitty and Nic. Kitty made a comment about Gina's attitude. They all questioned her comment and she started back pedaling a little, then turned it into a comment about several girls. It was very weird, and it made me start to question things about Kitty. 

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8 hours ago, Stee said:

Kitty also has some sort of vendetta against girls who are good dancers and know it - she called out Erica for her hair and made a bully out of Gina. The show always has to backtrack in future seasons when those girls end up being stars of the team. 

Girls Kitty didn’t like in their rookie years: Erica, Gina, Tara, Danielle, Jessica, Mia. Remind me again why we love Kitty so much?!  Just because she’s “brutally honest?” Her track record isn’t so great. 

I don’t think Kitty didn’t like Erica and Mia.  Cause she yelled at Erica for her hair and Mia for her face dropping after getting yelled at, I don’t think it meant she didn’t like their dancing/them.   IIRC she was very complimentary of Erica’s solo after she danced in the prep session.  Danielle was a polarizing DCC - some people loved her and many just didn’t see it.    I can’t remember what happened w/ Jessica?   Which Jessica?  The brunette or the current blonde Jessica?

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6 hours ago, Newmanbritt said:

Ashlee is my favorite after this episode! Girl can dance!!!

Bridget and her own audience... adorable! Can’t believe she can handle training camp and make show group with a full time job? She should get with Malena and Kristen and tell them her secrets for juggling both

very impressed with the way Brennan carried herself at the office visit, she’s so well spoken and I love seeing her shine this season!

Lily has arrived!!

i feel for Victoria... standards are set, yes, but I don’t think Kelli and Judy did her any favor waiting until she’s 11lbs heavier to bring up weight issues. 

Dayton and Rachel both had me in tears!!!!

wish I could’ve seen some more Kitty-esque feedback

Ashlee, yes! Spunky, cute, fun to watch.

I LOLed about Bridget and her own audience! It's like she's showing Kelli and Judy, "Hey, I can perform for even the people up in the nosebleed section. Can't you just see me on the field?" I thought it was brave of her, and yes, adorable.

Kitty Carter is one of my favorite people on the show. She's entertaining even by herself. In fact, I've thought that she could have her own show, but now, I'm not so sure. She was not herself last night. I don't know what it was, but it was disappointing. 

5 hours ago, ByTor said:

If a DCC stays on a healthy eating plan, IMO Jinelle is exactly (or pretty darn close to) what she should look like

1 hour ago, PrincessLeia said:

Jinelle eats incredibly healthy.... as in one of the healthiest eaters they’ve ever had. It’s just a way of life for her. My guess is they asked her to help Victoria because they knew she was stopping at Whataburger for a number one with cheese too often.

Yes! And not only is Jinelle a healthy eater, but she's consistent about her health and weight. And that's what they want in a DCC.

4 hours ago, homelife said:

- Maybe rookie Rachel didn't convey herself well while at the senior home? ""I lost my grandparents... today just brought me down to Earth and reminded me why I wanted to do this in the first place." So, you're becoming a DCC to hang out with seniors? She probably meant for the opportunities that DCC affords the girls, like being that role model to little girls, meeting with seniors, etc, but the sound bite did not match that sentiment.


Rachel's talking points may not have been perfectly executed, but the sentiment was there, and I think she'll get a pass on the little things. I imagine Kelli and Judy can see very clearly that with Rachel, they're not going to have a Kalyssa on their hands come February, posing nearly nude on her IG, or a Jenna, texting Shelly about her position in the triangle. Rachel is humble, sweet, she loves the Lord, she takes direction, and she's drop dead gorgeous. She's exactly what the DCC needs right now, and Kelli and Judy know it.

Ok, do we have to hear from Malena every single damn episode? Come on, already. It's the same old talking points anyway. Borrrrinnnng.

I too cried when Dayton got cut. Although I did wonder to myself, where was all this emotion before? I wish she would've let it all out on the dance floor and during interviews, not just upon her exit. Sweet, beautiful girl, and it was tough to see her cut.

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4 hours ago, chabelisaywow said:

It was her natural (real) reaction.  Unless she's Meryl Streep, those were not fake.  I tend to feel (just by what I've seen) that maybe DCC isn't Dayton's dream.  Maybe she didn't want to let her mom down. Who knows? 

VK - it was her 3/4th office call - was so fake. I felt like she didn't take it seriously but was trying to act like it was.  Her behavior and bad acting skills made me feel like the stories of her being guaranteed a spot were real.

There's a movie "Drop Dead Gorgeous" that is about pageant life.  I swear the old pageant winner who sells pork products is played by mama Kalina.

I absolutely love that movie and you’re right that that lady looked like TK!  Omg I’m about to check IMDB to make sure it wasn’t her.

Edit - it was not her - lol - that lady in drop dead gorgeous was also the kidnapped lady in Fargo - didn’t realize that until checking IMDB :).

Edited by MyFavShows
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4 minutes ago, jlc said:

I am currently watching season 12, the episode with Kitty and Nic. Kitty made a comment about Gina's attitude. They all questioned her comment and she started back pedaling a little, then turned it into a comment about several girls. It was very weird, and it made me start to question things about Kitty. 

When she made the comment to Kelli about her not dealing with certain girls, I wonder if she was referring to last year.  Kelli allegedly let great dancers get away with bad behavior.  Or maybe Kitty has turned into a caricature of herself - (I can't remember who posted that) - and feels she needs to be the bad guy.  I would hate to think that she doesn't like these girls just cause they didn't grow up at her studio.

I was also wondering if she is in on the plot for VK to make the team no matter what, so she's on her side while on camera, but like Judy really doesn't want to be involved in this

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13 hours ago, JerseyGirl said:

It was that Kelli was cold and heartless in her speech to Dayton on why she was cut. VK wasn’t ready and had weight issues but she didn’t get cut. VK has been in the office every week and one recent trip for Dayton and she gets cut. And no “auntie” sympathy for Dayton like they have been all season for VK. 

I can’t look at this show any more when they say they pick the “best of the best”.  

I also thought her speech was cold and it wasn't very helpful. "Taking more classes," was very sterile and I think she has been more in depth with other girls during their cuts. 


13 hours ago, sATL said:

How is Jinelle supposed to help with weight loss ? Is she a nutrition coach/mentor ? 

I think she's knowledgeable and perhaps Kelli saw her as an accountability partner. She also works for the DCC now and would have access to all of their resources too. 


13 hours ago, sATL said:

Malena - stop boo-hooing over quitting your "dream" job. Dream jobs/positions change as you progress in your career, baby girl. 

A true dream job is not one you quit. I have zero sympathy for her poor choices. 


13 hours ago, sATL said:

Are Tara's roots supposed to be that dark? To me the length was just one hair issue...

It's really in style right now. I don't like it. 


12 hours ago, Lolfordays said:

I seriously can not believe they will sit and have a discussion about mid sections and weight and not address KaShara. The blinders they have for that girl are insane.

i think Kitty is what she is. A studio owner on the Dallas scene that makes her living sniffing out people like VK that she can sucker into spending money. A huge part of her business plan is “Insult dancers into thinking they can not make DCC without spending tons of money at my studio”.  If she was THAT good, Dallas would not be her end game. She’s Dallas good. Just like these girls are Dallas good dancers or Dallas pretty.

Tara does seem to have lost her spark. She’s not Dallas born and raised and obsessed. A year or two putting up with the ridiculous DCC nonsense can take the shimmer and shine off of the position for a girl. 

The irony is that Vicky isn't even one of her students. She grew up in an entirely different studio. And now that she's persona non grata, she'd back at it and not Kitty's beyond a class or two. 

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4 hours ago, Rubyslippahz said:

I was waiting for the Power of the Star to turn the folks in the senior home young again, kind of like the movie "Cocoon". 

I was waiting for Kelli to pass out scoresheets, explain her completely original "Yes No Maybe system" and ask the seniors to help her cut some rookies.  Seems like she's asking everyone else for their input.

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10 hours ago, NoChtngWhenEtng said:

Not to be on VK's team or anything, but I would be offended if Jinelle was my weight loss mentor! As if she's ever had to lose weight!

Tara did look puffy and something has to be done with her roots/greasy hair. But I think Kitty has never loved Tara's sleek New York look compared to the Dallas big hair.  I need to rewatch to see her dancing, but when she was called into the office she certainly seemed on xanax or something. 

Bridget's backstory was really odd.  

Tara does have a very trendy look.  That dark roots, fried ashe blonde hair that looks like zero effort was made/concern given hairstyle is very popular w/ young girls.  My daughter and her friends are all about the dark roots.

The DCC have always seemed to be about 3-4 years behind the times when it comes to hair - I remember them having huge 80’s hair stlll in the early 90’s when that stuff was long out of style around me.  

I agree Bridget’s story was a little disjointed - so she quit college after her first year cause she was “overwhelmed”?  Came back to CA, “asked for help”, became a charger girl...and got engaged to her high school boyfriend.  Now she’s moved to Dallas to try and be a DCC?   I take it as see either flunked out of school or had some type of problem being on her own.   I hope she’s going to be able to handle Dallas and DCC if she makes the team.

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33 minutes ago, Maven said:

Ashlee, yes! Spunky, cute, fun to watch.

I LOLed about Bridget and her own audience! It's like she's showing Kelli and Judy, "Hey, I can perform for even the people up in the nosebleed section. Can't you just see me on the field?" I thought it was brave of her, and yes, adorable.

Kitty Carter is one of my favorite people on the show. She's entertaining even by herself. In fact, I've thought that she could have her own show, but now, I'm not so sure. She was not herself last night. I don't know what it was, but it was disappointing. 

Yes! And not only is Jinelle a healthy eater, but she's consistent about her health and weight. And that's what they want in a DCC.

Rachel's talking points may not have been perfectly executed, but the sentiment was there, and I think she'll get a pass on the little things. I imagine Kelli and Judy can see very clearly that with Rachel, they're not going to have a Kalyssa on their hands come February, posing nearly nude on her IG, or a Jenna, texting Shelly about her position in the triangle. Rachel is humble, sweet, she loves the Lord, she takes direction, and she's drop dead gorgeous. She's exactly what the DCC needs right now, and Kelli and Judy know it.

Ok, do we have to hear from Malena every single damn episode? Come on, already. It's the same old talking points anyway. Borrrrinnnng.

I too cried when Dayton got cut. Although I did wonder to myself, where was all this emotion before? I wish she would've let it all out on the dance floor and during interviews, not just upon her exit. Sweet, beautiful girl, and it was tough to see her cut.

I think she's just very reserved. like Nick says, when she brings it, man she brings it, but when she doesn't, her face telegraphs very easily how lost or unsure she's feeling.

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22 hours ago, bigskygirl said:

Jasmine and the girl from last week were the first two cuts made.

Lindsey was her name (I had to look back for reference). And I'd totally forgotten about her already! So yeah, I think they made the right choice in cutting her.

21 hours ago, DCCme said:

My hip now hurts. Ouch Kashara!

I love how tough she is though. I loved it when she said she'd been through worse.

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24 minutes ago, Bnlhockey said:

I was waiting for Kelli to pass out scoresheets, explain her completely original "Yes No Maybe system" and ask the seniors to help her cut some rookies.  Seems like she's asking everyone else for their input.

She should’ve asked us! 

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6 minutes ago, JohnGalt said:

Considering the fact that Kalyssa, Alexandria, and Milan leaving are the reasons Kelli regrets what happened with Brennan, you’re correct. There would be nothing to regret if they had maintained a squad of 36 until the end of the season. Furthermore, Kelli didn’t have to bring up the attrition last season at all. It doesn’t exactly make the organization look good, but she still chose to allude to it while discussing her regrets about Brennan. Sorry but her feelings on the matter aren’t fabricated or made for tv. Not everything is a conspiracy. But that’s all I’m gonna say. Don’t want to derail this topic too much.

Kelli did not bring it up on her own. CMT probably wanted to play it up. Just like bringing back Kaime to TC after the two sisters left. It comes down to ratings, drama and money for Kelli, Charlotte, and CMT. After hearing what has been going on behind close doors especially the last few years, I think they would have find ways to use Brennan and other girls for a storyline especially since all the problems they have been dealing with when it comes to Victoria.

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1 hour ago, MyFavShows said:

Yeah - IMO sending in Jinelle to advise a TC who is struggling w/ weight is like sending in Charlotte to help a poor TCC who’s struggling w/ their finances.   On the surface they seem like an expert, but no way either can truly understand “the struggle”.  Unless Jinelle used to be heavy when she was in Australia, but I don’t think that’s the case.


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1 hour ago, Loves2Dance said:

I also thought her speech was cold and it wasn't very helpful. "Taking more classes," was very sterile and I think she has been more in depth with other girls during their cuts. 


If you've been dancing your whole life and know it, what does "taking more classes" do to help other than to keep you polished up?

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1 hour ago, MyFavShows said:

Yeah - IMO sending in Jinelle to advise a TC who is struggling w/ weight is like sending in Charlotte to help a poor TCC who’s struggling w/ their finances.   On the surface they seem like an expert, but no way either can truly understand “the struggle”.  Unless Jinelle used to be heavy when she was in Australia, but I don’t think that’s the case.

Amen to that!

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2 hours ago, PrincessLeia said:

Jinelle eats incredibly healthy.... as in one of the healthiest eaters they’ve ever had. It’s just a way of life for her. My guess is they asked her to help Victoria because they knew she was stopping at Whataburger for a number one with cheese too often.


1 hour ago, Maven said:

And not only is Jinelle a healthy eater, but she's consistent about her health and weight. 

Yep, as they say, it's not a diet, it's a lifestyle.  

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Oh Tara...I didn't think she looked that bad when she was dancing, but when she was in the office....eek! Her face looked puffy, and she looked washed out and deflated. 

Kashara's fall was bad. I actually was more worried for her hip than her arm given the way she fell, but I guess she hit her elbow as well. 

I really like Bridget, but I still cant tell her apart from Amber. When Amber was dancing to Nick's choreography....I was like, "dang....Bridget looks good!" Then Nick mentioned that she was Amber.......lol!

Glad to see Ashley and Briana performing well. 

I want to root for Malena, but she should've been cut before she quit her job. She's clearly not going to get it.

Everything I want to say about VK has been said, but Kitty....ugh! She has shown her favoritism before (it was obvious that she had some connection to Morgan), but it was worse here. It's not even that she has a blind spot for VK (if she likes her, that's fine), but she seemed to be trying to throw other girls under the bus in order to prop VK up. I really didn't like that. I liked Nick however. His feedback was better IMO. 

Poor Dayton. I don't necessarily think her cut was unjustified because I don't think she's top 36, but I thought there were others who are weaker who should've been cut before her. With that said, there's no benefit to be being strung along only to get cut at the end, so all in all, it's probably better for Dayton in the long run that she was cut relatively early. 

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2 hours ago, MyFavShows said:

Yeah it’s surprising to me she’s 21 - her personality seems much younger.

When she was interviewed about not voting last season (which I thought was none of their business, btw) didn’t she say she was 19?  She must have a birthday after auditions and before/during camp if she’s 21.

I thought the sobbing was a little over the top too.   It’s not like it was an Auto Amy situation.

Some people are just criers. I would have cried just as hard as Dayton did because I naturally cry hard in situations like that. 

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5 minutes ago, Jess14 said:

Oh Tara...I didn't think she looked that bad when she was dancing, but when she was in the office....eek! Her face looked puffy, and she looked washed out and deflated. 

Kashara's fall was bad. I actually was more worried for her hip than her arm given the way she fell, but I guess she hit her elbow as well. 

I really like Bridget, but I still cant tell her apart from Amber. When Amber was dancing to Nick's choreography....I was like, "dang....Bridget looks good!" Then Nick mentioned that she was Amber.......lol!

Glad to see Ashley and Briana performing well. 

I want to root for Malena, but she should've been cut before she quit her job. She's clearly not going to get it.

Everything I want to say about VK has been said, but Kitty....ugh! She has shown her favoritism before (it was obvious that she had some connection to Morgan), but it was worse here. It's not even that she has a blind spot for VK (if she likes her, that's fine), but she seemed to be trying to throw other girls under the bus in order to prop VK up. I really didn't like that. I liked Nick however. His feedback was better IMO. 

Poor Dayton. I don't necessarily think her cut was unjustified because I don't think she's top 36, but I thought there were others who are weaker who should've been cut before her. With that said, there's no benefit to be being strung along only to get cut at the end, so all in all, it's probably better for Dayton in the long run that she was cut relatively early. 

I literally recoiled from the screen, even knowing it was coming. have had some bad spills myself and now with my spinal damage I live in fear of a bad fall and that was a doozy.  I think in terms of the elbow, a lot of the weight from the fall impacted on the side of her buttock/upper thigh, aka going through the femur and that sucker is hard to break, it take a lot. whereas an elbow, while a very strong part of the body, catch it wrong and it's thinner, it's more fragile as a joint and it's more likely to chip or crack than a femur or even hip, especially as Kashara is a young woman and therefore her femur and sacroiliac area should be pretty strong. its deceptively easy to break/chip/crack an elbow

in terms of Kitty - have we ever seen her defend a TCC that's so 'overweight' (in DCC terms) and demand she be given the 'respect' to have time to lose it? TC is 8 weeks, this was week 5, even with a bumper first week of diet change giving maybe 3-4 lbs weight loss (most of which is water weight which is why you lose most in week 1 of a diet and then it stabilizes) and then 1-2lbs a week after, she''d not be down to audition weight, which was noted as being soft anyway. she'd not be field ready at all.   where was the 'respect' for Dayton?

I also get super frustrated by the 'this is a cut night' thing when they don't even know who they want to cut, just htat they're going to. like they're forcing themselves to cut somebody, anybody just because they've decided 'it's a cut night'. isn't it better to let it be a bit more organic and notice okay so and so isn't improving or whatever, and then cut her, rather than 'we have decided that wednesday is a cut night come hell or high water'? yes, they need to drop 7 girls, but c'mon, that just seems ridiculous

Edited by CaseyRe
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