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I also think it's going to be really really sad because she's finally going to have a kickass story arc and then bam, it's over. I don't even care much for Beth but I think I may shed a tear. Hell Lori made me ball my eyes out (granted I was on the outskirts of post pregnancy hormones, but still) and I found her completely annoying. Even today I have a hard time watching that.

I can definitely imagine how watching a botched c-section with no anesthesia on a dirty floor while zombies banged on the door having just given birth yourself could be traumatizing! My reaction to Lori's death was pretty much "Bye, Felicia", but I got really sad when Andrea died even though I never liked her as a character and especially hated her for unfriending Michonne in favor of precious misunderstood Phillip.

Edited by The Mighty Peanut
  • Love 4

I'm pretty much convinced that Beth is going to bite it on or by the midseason finale.  Per spoilthedead, EK hasn't been seen filming in over 100 days and she's been spotted other places far away from Georgia while the rest of the cast was filming.  It appears that Tyreese might die as well toward the end of the season as CC has been "missing" for several weeks.

  • Love 2

Lol The Mighty Peanut. I too was sad over Andrea's death because they fucked that character up so bad I just thought, what a waste.

Yes GreyBunny I think it's game over for dear Bethy. Wonder what Maggs will say: *tearfully* I thought she was dead *sob* Yeah. I think Tyreese shuffles off his mortal coil in the Wiltshire Estates eps in the first part of the backhalf.

  • Love 1

In an interview, Chad Coleman says that his character becomes "self-destructive". I wonder if that means suicidal, or ?


I dunno, but we're due a suicide by walker! My money is on either him or Tara (someone on ONTD said Tara could propose a threesome with Glenn and Maggie and kill herself upon rejection per Carol in the comics). 

Edited by The Mighty Peanut
  • Love 2

I've seen that rumor on other boards elsewhere, which we know doesn't necessarily mean anything.  I admit I'm fine with it if it's true since I don't care about Beth at all and am going to be aggravated if they waste a bunch of the season on her or looking for her.


I do know Spoiling the Dead Fans, which tracks the actors' comings and goings during filming, has reported that the actress hasn't been seen on any of the sets in months since they shot the midseason finale.  They're still shooting the final episodes now.  So it seems possible.


I think Beth story is actually going to tie into the main plot. I think that's why she is in a hospital opposed to well anywhere else. I tihnk someone in the hospital is researching the virus and that Beth or the whole group ends up going to DC with them. I also think Eugene get revealed as fraud there.Either due to his own in incompetence or because someone else catches him.


I also have to say that Morgan's appearrance makes filiming spoiler mean less to me . No one over at spoil the dead had any idea that was happening. Lawrence Gillard AKA Bob was spotted on set way after the mid season finale as well. (I saw those pictures myself) I think TPTB have gotten more than wise enough to the stalkers to hide someone if they need to.

  • Love 1

The spoilthedead people did figure out pretty quickly that Bob was on the deathlist, and Lennie had been spotted filming.  It was mentioned in several threads.


It's one thing to hide something here and there, but for an actor to be absent for over three months - especially if she is supposed to be a regular main character - and for her to have other activities planned for when season 6 will be filming is a pretty big hint that Beth is on her way out, either by being killed or walking off into the sunset like the Morales family.  

Edited by GreyBunny
  • Love 4

I think it would be funny ( in a rude way) if some of those shots from the season 5 promo---the church bus-vault, Abraham sinking to his knees in tears---are because after all of his Big Speech, Abe wrecks the bus, kills Eugene and Rosita, and Maggie and Glenn bet on the wrong horse and are now stuck with Carrot Top, all geared up and no place to go.

  • Love 8

^^^ That would be far more entertaining than where I fear that story's going to go.


Lennie James' return wasn't any great secret for people who read spoilers.  I know I knew it was coming for months, having read it on Spoil the Dead and elsewhere.  I was a huge Robert Hawkins fan on Jericho so I love me some Lennie James and am always looking for him to turn up.

  • Love 3

^^^ That would be far more entertaining than where I fear that story's going to go.


Lennie James' return wasn't any great secret for people who read spoilers.  I know I knew it was coming for months, having read it on Spoil the Dead and elsewhere.  I was a huge Robert Hawkins fan on Jericho so I love me some Lennie James and am always looking for him to turn up.

I'd like to see Morgan back in the storyline asap before I start not caring that he showed up in the premiere episode.  I like his character --- certainly more than I like Beth, Maggie, and Abraham.

  • Love 5

It will be kind of annoying if we don't see Morgan until the very end of the season.  I can't remember where I heard this, but Morgan's appearance may be in a different time, like maybe he's a week behind everybody else. (???)  I guess I could live with that if done right, but I have this fear TPTB will go all Lost on us with changing time perspectives, and jumping back-and-forth between here and there (or whatever it is the hell Lost did.  I'm still trying to figure it out, frankly.)

  • Love 2

I think he was several weeks behind JackONeill. The screenshot comparison of the sign showed the mud faded, kudzu grown over, etc. What is freaky are the markings Morgan saw. They appeared freshly carved into the tree and matched the tattoo on the crazy guy's head (the one in the boxcar, original tormentor of the Termites). TPTB already said they'd be screwing with the time line this season.

  • Love 3

I have this fear TPTB will go all Lost on us with changing time perspectives, and jumping back-and-forth between here and there (or whatever it is the hell Lost did.  I'm still trying to figure it out, frankly.)

LOL!  If TWD writers start giving us flash forwards, flashbacks, and flash sideways, we can be sure that the final episode of the series will end with Rick still in a coma having never left the hospital and it will all have been a dream.

Kirkman assured anyone and everyone that this is not a coma dream. Of course, it's Kirkman, but I don't think he wants TWD tv show to go down in infamy the same way Dallas did with Bobby getting out of the shower.

I don't think so either.  It is true, though, that Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse assured all of us Lostaways that no one on the island was dead, it was not purgatory, and that whatever happened on the island really happened.  Still, everything I've seen of TWD tells me that the creators have a lot more respect for their characters, their story, and their fans than the Lost producers ever did.

  • Love 5

^^^ That would be far more entertaining than where I fear that story's going to go.


Lennie James' return wasn't any great secret for people who read spoilers.  I know I knew it was coming for months, having read it on Spoil the Dead and elsewhere.  I was a huge Robert Hawkins fan on Jericho so I love me some Lennie James and am always looking for him to turn up.

I have the (not enough)seasons of Jericho on DVD and still watch them...sigh...that was a great show.

  • Love 4

I think it would be funny ( in a rude way) if some of those shots from the season 5 promo---the church bus-vault, Abraham sinking to his knees in tears---are because after all of his Big Speech, Abe wrecks the bus, kills Eugene and Rosita, and Maggie and Glenn bet on the wrong horse and are now stuck with Carrot Top, all geared up and no place to go.

http://www.inquisitr.com/1573429/the-walking-dead-season-5-spoilers-bad-news-for-glenn-and-maggie-fans/   9 hours ago.

The spoilthedead people did figure out pretty quickly that Bob was on the deathlist, and Lennie had been spotted filming.  It was mentioned in several threads.


It's one thing to hide something here and there, but for an actor to be absent for over three months - especially if she is supposed to be a regular main character - and for her to have other activities planned for when season 6 will be filming is a pretty big hint that Beth is on her way out, either by being killed or walking off into the sunset like the Morales family.

Speaking of Morales: http://undeadwalking.com/2014/10/18/see-morales-back-walking-dead/

If the Morales thing were to pan out, that could be at least mildly interesting.  I'm not sure the wife and kids ever even had a line of dialogue, so no opinion there. I thought he was okay although he truthfully didn't leave that much of an impression on me beyond thinking the family was being wildly optimistic that their relatives would still be there.   I do kind of like the idea of bringing back a first season character who actually knew these people at the quarry camp to see what they've turned into.

Yes nodorothyparker! Here we have the Atlanta Five left and bringing in one more for a compare and contrast would be interesting indeed. Will their savagery freak him out? Will he be the same or worse? He posted a grimey (no pun intended) AMC TWD approved photo of himself with the line "not dead" so it has to happen. Right? It would suck if it was a massive piece of trolling though.

  • Love 1

If the Morales thing were to pan out, that could be at least mildly interesting.  I'm not sure the wife and kids ever even had a line of dialogue, so no opinion there. I thought he was okay although he truthfully didn't leave that much of an impression on me beyond thinking the family was being wildly optimistic that their relatives would still be there.   I do kind of like the idea of bringing back a first season character who actually knew these people at the quarry camp to see what they've turned into.

The wife was the one who said "We want to go to Birmingham, we have family there . We want to be with our people." The little girls were friends with Sophia and gave her a doll--it would be interesting either for the Morales' to find out about Sophia...or maybe they had a similar experience. (When 12 year old girls get "the Curse" on TWD it means something else entirely.)


But we don't really know if the tale about Birmingham was the truth, or concocted as a polite way to ditch the group. In the episode, as Rick and Shane are going back and forth about Ft.Benning! The CDC! Will not! Will too!, you can see Mr. and Mrs.M  exchange oh shit looks...they cottoned on to the gathering storm that would screw up everything at the farm. So they may have had a streak of self-preservationist pessimism.

Edited by kikismom
  • Love 3

Oh that's right.  I'd completely forgotten all that.  If I could have one wish for this show, other than acting like just because it worked in the comic automatically means it will work on the show, it would be for them to not kill off every little girl in sight.


And that's a fair point about the supposed trip to Birmingham in the face of the escalating Shane-Rick dick waving. Just imagine the reaction if Morales were to show back up and have it explained "Oh yeah, Rick killed Shane because Shane was trying to kill him over Lori. Yeah, the baby Rick's raising is probably Shane's.  But it's all good now.  No, don't ask about Lori or make any sudden moves around Carl."

  • Love 5

I'd think everybody has changed, and in drastic ways, but it would be neat to see some of the contrast between then and now.


As far as the possibility of a Glenn and/or Maggie death: you know, we're almost due for a "normal" death, i.e., meaning someone not dying by a Walker or a freaked-out, son-of-a-bitch human, as in . . . a car wreck.


Realistically, in Season Five, most producers are looking for ways to save on money, such as trimming the cast.


So, we might (probably will) lose Beth

Glenn and/or Maggie need to be looking at caskets

And then there's Carol

And Tyrese

And maybe Rosita

  • Love 2

Advance review from spoilertv.com




It doesn't sound like Beth dies, but maybe this reviewer is just playing his cards close to the vest?


ETA: Am I the only one for whom the title: "Advance Preview" grates?  But yes I will slog through the writing as it is to get my fix.  Sick, sick, sick.

Edited by LilySilver
  • Love 5

The reviewer thinks Still was "excellent" and that's all I'm going to say about that.

Yes! I had to read that sentence twice because I thought it had to be a mistake.


The whole article reads like it was written by Marie Osmond.

I like the bit "they have a funny way of disposing of corpses. IMO."

Funny? Like how is it funny? Funny like a clown? Like it's there to amuse you, make you laugh? What is so fuckin' funny?


IMO. Because it is a way of disposing of corpses that may be funny ha-ha to me, or funny eeuuuw to me, but might be inspiring to you, or patriotic or ironic or retro or something but I don't want to be judgmental. Anyway it is now my very very most super favorite way of disposing of corpses and I'm sure it will soon be yours too!

Edited by kikismom
  • Love 3

That whole thing was painful to read.  I'm already having a difficult time in talking myself into not just skipping the episode because 40-however minutes of watching Emily Kinney try to "act" is not my idea of a good time and I still don't care one iota about the character.  So writing the entire thing as if you're a 15-year-old girl on helium who thinks everything is just oh so neat and calling what was maybe the most painfully embarrassing episode ever shot "excellent" is not really the way to go to quell my fears that this won't be just excruciating to sit through.

  • Love 4

I think the reviewer's first language is not English. That explains some of the painful syntax, but not the vacuous content :).  Though I didn't hate "Still", it didn't leave me quite as breathless as it did this reviewer!


I'll read anything to get my spoiler fix. Obvs.


Another new cast member in "Noah" ? I will lose track of them all!

  • Love 1

I didn't hate Still but it was such a cluttered episode. Every time I think about it I remember Beth drinking a full glass of moonshine -- not a shot glass but actual water glass filled with a zillion proof straight alcohol -- in one gulp without flinching. Not only does she not die, puke, or fall into a coma, she doesn't even slur her words! I'm not sure why, but it bothered me soooo much.

  • Love 4

I keep wondering about Sasha. Sonequa Martin-Green is pregnant (which I didn't even know until today - I'm an idiot), and in an interview a few days ago she said "it's been really cool to have a brother," or something like that. 


Sasha is one of my favorite characters so I'm going to hate it if she goes. 


Otherwise I'm still guessing one of Glenn/Maggie, probably Tara. Rosita, I'm 50/50.


I don't think Beth or Carol will go. 

Allrighty then, here's a pretty good spoiler if it's true:


Supposedly, tonight's episode will not begin where we left off with Daryl (of course not!)

We'll see what happens with Beth...and a little Carol at the end

Episode 5 will be the Washington crew on their road trip

Then, in episode 6!! we come back to Daryl coming out of the woods, see who he is with and what they do about it, and get the rest of the info about Carol.


I know.


Also, click on a highlighted feature in the article supposedly based on insider info (yeah sure) that there will be the 3 sided romance, a love triangle with Daryl Carol and Beth, and how that goes.



  • Love 1

Yeah, no.  I want the ridiculous shipping shit to stop because it's distracting from the larger group story as a whole.  Either write a relationship that's realistic or don't but dragging that out as a triangle is really good way to get me to find something else to do on Sunday nights for awhile.


This is reading like the two-part Gov. Philip/Brian fiasco all over again but with the ever present threat of bad acting and singing.

  • Love 7

Yeah, no.  I want the ridiculous shipping shit to stop because it's distracting from the larger group story as a whole.  Either write a relationship that's realistic or don't but dragging that out as a triangle is really good way to get me to find something else to do on Sunday nights for awhile.


This is reading like the two-part Gov. Philip/Brian fiasco all over again but with the ever present threat of bad acting and singing.

I don't get the shipping at all, but probably because I can't see any of the current characters being compatible.  I guess you have to lower your expectations in the ZA, but come on.  People are so passionate about it too.  This is the only message board I can stomach because the Carol/Beth/Daryl bullshit penetrates every thread on places like Spoil The Dead.



Allrighty then, here's a pretty good spoiler if it's true:


Supposedly, tonight's episode will not begin where we left off with Daryl (of course not!)

We'll see what happens with Beth...and a little Carol at the end

Episode 5 will be the Washington crew on their road trip

Then, in episode 6!! we come back to Daryl coming out of the woods, see who he is with and what they do about it, and get the rest of the info about Carol.


I know.


Also, click on a highlighted feature in the article supposedly based on insider info (yeah sure) that there will be the 3 sided romance, a love triangle with Daryl Carol and Beth, and how that goes.



Why, why, WHY???  Ugh Show you are killing me.  I was hoping from he season 5 trailer that the bus toppling over the bridge was the Washington crew and we'd be done with it.  I don't think I can take a The Walking Comics + Maggie "What Sister?" Greene and Glenn "Who are Carol and Daryl Again" Rhee centric episode. 

  • Love 2

Oh, say it ain't so.   Daryl  likely has the choice of Carol and Michonne and picks doofus?


I know they need to repopulate and stuff, but that's still in the future.   Carol would be the first choice for having a good time with, due to her low risk of pregnancy.    Never mind the fact that she's smoking hot and a total hardass.   Michonne is also smoking hot and a total hardass, but is probably late 30's-early 40's and still a possibility of  conceiving.    Leave Beth to future Carl. 


Then again, Daryl is pretty emotionally stunted.   He couldn't handle Carol or Michonne.    If people have to pair up, I want Rick/Michonne and Carol/Morgan.

  • Love 7

Supposedly, tonight's episode will not begin where we left off with Daryl (of course not!)

We'll see what happens with Beth...and a little Carol at the end

Episode 5 will be the Washington crew on their road trip

Then, in episode 6!! we come back to Daryl coming out of the woods, see who he is with and what they do about it, and get the rest of the info about Carol.


Its Lost's hatch approach to storytelling.  I quit that show over the opening of the hatch.  I can not stand the cliffhanger, rewind to what everyone was doing leading up to the pivotal moment over several episodes, and then revealing that the pivotal moment isn't so pivotal.  Its just asking for the audience to be let down and annoyed because of anticipation of the cliffhanger.  You reserve that for something monumental and I can't think of something monumental enough to do it.  Well, maybe it turns out Michonne's kid is alive and the spin-off is her son and Judith fighting zombies that have "evolved" twenty years in the future or something (but the third spinoff after TWD is over because that ruins the current show).


I was really hoping they'd seen the error of their ways with season four and dropped the related short stories in an anthology approach to story-telling and gone back to more ensemble story-telling.  Yes is slower (although not really) and maybe you don't go quite as deep into characterization because you are trying to hit A, B, and sometimes C plots in each episode; but this way has some major flaws too because the B and C plots aren't strong enough to carry the show {e.g. Gov and anyone not Rick, Carol, or Michonne after the prison fell.}.  So instead we get 'wow' {Hunters} alternating with 'I'm so bored I want to scoop my brain out with a melon baller.' {DC}.  Jury is out for me on which category Beth is in.  I know, but it seems to be leading to including the part of the show I really like so there may be stuff that is going on that becomes important later.


I much prefer most of the ensemble being around and doing stuff and shifting who is A plot week to week.

Edited by ParadoxLost

I was really hoping they'd seen the error of their ways with season four and dropped the related short stories in an anthology approach to story-telling and gone back to more ensemble story-telling.  Yes is slower (although not really) and maybe you don't go quite as deep into characterization because you are trying to hit A, B, and sometimes C plots in each episode; but this way has some major flaws too because the B and C plots aren't strong enough to carry the show {e.g. Gov and anyone not Rick, Carol, or Michonne after the prison fell.}.  So instead we get 'wow' {Hunters} alternating with 'I'm so bored I want to scoop my brain out with a melon baller.' {DC}.  Jury is out for me on which category Beth is in.  I know, but it seems to be leading to including the part of the show I really like so there may be stuff that is going on that becomes important later.


I much prefer most of the ensemble being around and doing stuff and shifting who is A plot week to week.


I thought the Maggie/Sasha/Bob material worked fine. So did Glenn and Tara before Abraham's group crashed in. For me the only stuff that didn't work was Abraham/Eugene/Rosita, and I didn't think "Still" should have been a full episode.


I have mixed feelings about using the split format for another season, but season 3 was such a massive waste of characters, with so much time spent on people standing around or at most playing out one or two short scenes that felt the same every week, I was relieved at the change. I think if the writing is there, then the ensemble is strong enough to carry off a split format. And I tend to wonder if they will be divided as long as they were last season.

  • Love 1

I don't get the shipping at all, but probably because I can't see any of the current characters being compatible.  I guess you have to lower your expectations in the ZA, but come on.  People are so passionate about it too.  This is the only message board I can stomach because the Carol/Beth/Daryl bullshit penetrates every thread on places like Spoil The Dead.


Why, why, WHY???  Ugh Show you are killing me.  I was hoping from he season 5 trailer that the bus toppling over the bridge was the Washington crew and we'd be done with it.  I don't think I can take a The Walking Comics + Maggie "What Sister?" Greene and Glenn "Who are Carol and Daryl Again" Rhee centric episode. 


I'm just the opposite - I think an episode that focused on them would be a good thing. The show spends way too much time paying the characters lip service when they're in a group setting, and it tends to make their stories seem more one-dimensional (like Glenn's anger over being tortured and beaten by Merle/Maggie being attacked by the Governor). I don't expect them to mention Beth, sadly, but I do think even with the tedious Abraham stuff sidetracking, this is a chance to really get into their heads. 


I also think Glenn did Carol and Daryl a favor as Rick and Abraham were probably going to kill each other if he hadn't volunteered. 


There are a few of us who ship Daryl with no one. I'm not against shipping (I ship Richonne, I'm just not active because I know it won't happen and if I get active it will probably break my heart). Plenty of shippers are awesome people - creative and funny and so insightful. But some of them take it way too far, to the point of personally attacking Melissa or Emily, personally attacking Norman, etc. I wish the show would stop teasing and baiting. Yet I know they would get a lot of backlash if they did. I hope they're careful. They need to pick some type of side soon, or come out and say Daryl isn't going to be with anyone. 

  • Love 1

this one is interesting in what it says about the hospital  http://undeadwalking.com/2014/10/31/walking-dead-season-5-episode-4-slabtown-rumored-spoilers/


I'm a little spooked though by the last sentence, about the final scene being  ' something that "Beth fans" will really like.'

Possibilities: (feel free to add your own!):


  • so...everyone else will really hate it!


  • she sings. she sings something she wrote. something with her signature quavering, atonal sound. It's a little pitchy.


  • Daryl sneaks into the hospital and sees Beth in a hospital gown, an IV drip in her arm.


Beth: They gave me peach schnapps. I threw it up.

Daryl: Is there something you want to say to me?

Beth: Oh yeah. I'm pregnant.

Daryl:  How about anything else you could say to me?

Beth: Um, me and Zach...

Daryl: I knew. I knew.

Beth: No matter whose baby it is, you're the father.

Daryl : Wanna bet? Try getting anyone who knows me to believe that one.


  • Beth's awkward posture throws her off balance and she falls down the elevator shaft. She dies, but not before she sees flashbacks---Herschel blowing his nose, Maggie dries a dish, the windmill creaks, a cow---it all means absolutely squat and she closes her eyes. Suddenly her face is suffused in a radiant glow, and a trembling smile curves her thin, pale, dry, cracked lips: her hand touches her fatal head wound.

          Rick, Daryl and the group slip quietly down the darkened corridor when they hear the shuffling and snarling of walkers. They whirl

          around to see an undead, reanimated corpse---with a stick figure of a ladybug drawn on it's forehead in blood. 

          The crossbow bolt flies straight and true; Daryl has put down Beth.   

          He also managed to hit the ladybug right between the eyes for the Bonus score.


Edited by kikismom

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