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S20.E33: Nominations #11

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Victor had to ask Nicole how she liked her ring since she only glanced at it briefly.  She said, it’s the most incredible ring I have ever seen.  That can go either way.  I don’t think she liked it and I am pretty sure she didn’t like his hair.  

Best part of this episode.  Sam to Kaycee after hearing she was putting Hayleigh up, “she has been setting booby traps like putting 2 pieces of fruit in a Tupperware.”   Classic Sam! 

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13 hours ago, enchantingmonkey said:

"It just doesn't seem real.  But Kaycee promised me that everything would be OK.  If this is all a lie and at the end of it I'm standing there looking like a dumb ass...I will tear every door off its *bleep* hinges on my way out of the mother *bleep* and I will absolutely rip these bitches to shreds. I mean lose my mind.  And I swear on everything that's holy they will regret it."  


I don't know what to believe anymore with Sam.  Either she is actually bi-polar, in which case she never should've been cast in the first place, or she is playing her sweet-as-pie southern belle part to perfection, OR she's playing the psycho role to perfection.  But it can't be all three.  I hate that the HG's this season have to tiptoe around Sam because they are honestly scared as to what she might be capable of if nominated (well, now we all know that Sam plans to go full-on Stephen King).  It's kind of creepy. 


3 hours ago, Wings said:

Victor had to ask Nicole how she liked her ring since she only glanced at it briefly.  She said, it’s the most incredible ring I have ever seen.  That can go either way.  I don’t think she liked it and I am pretty sure she didn’t like his hair.  

Best part of this episode.  Sam to Kaycee after hearing she was putting Hayleigh up, “she has been setting booby traps like putting 2 pieces of fruit in a Tupperware.”   Classic Sam! 

Regarding Nicole's reaction, she actually first said that the ring was "cute."  I know this because I laughed out loud and woke up my hubby, who had fallen asleep from boredom.  But "cute" is probably not what Vic was looking for.  Whatever, this entire segment was awful.

As for Sam?  I agree with her.  My kids would totally be the ones to leave two pieces of fruit in the Tupperware container so they wouldn't have to wash out the container.  To be quite honest, it scares me how much of her behavior I find understandable under the circumstances of living in that house (chilling under the steps for a modicum of privacy, constantly cleaning and crafting just to have something to do, getting ragey at the Tupperware situation).  Again, not sure if Sam really belongs in this house or if she's playing a part brilliantly.  The possibility of her flying off the handle is the only exciting thing left this season, but at the same time, it's not a good thing if she's truly mentally incapable of handling it.

Edited by laurakaye
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25 minutes ago, Wings said:

Victor had to ask Nicole how she liked her ring since she only glanced at it briefly.  She said, it’s the most incredible ring I have ever seen.  That can go either way.  I don’t think she liked it and I am pretty sure she didn’t like his hair.  

My first thought, after reflecting on the episode, was that Nicole had already been proposed to before and that she was trying to sell the moment as being new and a surprise, but it just didn't work. I can't imagine Victor proposing to Nicole, and then not bringing their family and friends to celebrate. Why would the first people they wanted to tell be the BB alumni, after all? Plus, Nicole's not a great actress; her reaction was so underwhelming. I wouldn't be surprised if Victor proposed to her the week before and they were invited to reenact it. 

Though the haircut was probably a genuine surprise. Nicole reacted more to that than the actual proposal. I actually didn't recognize Victor for a split second.

So many alumni. The only ones I was happy to see were Dani and Britney. I already saw Derrick on Thursday so I didn't need to see him again (also blech to him already knowing about the proposal), I didn't need to see Josh again, and I really can't stand Paul. 

Damn to Angela's backstory. I really do hate those types of parents. For me, that makes them selfish, but I hope things are better with Angela and her parents. 

I did laugh at Sam's DR. Otherwise, I tuned out anything Haleigh because it's quite obvious that if she doesn't win veto that she's a goner. I did enjoy Tyler mentally fangirling over all the alumni. 

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9 hours ago, backformore said:

YEs, it cheapens a proposal to do it in such a public arena, because the person being proposed to is less likely to say no, for fear of looking like a jerk.  They're more likely to accept the proposal, and let the person down later.  Which is my guess as to what will happen with these two. 

Nicole's "OH MY GOSH!!" was cute once, but after 12-15 times, I wanted to stomp a mudhole in her.   Someone tell me how a person with such an annoying voice, not only wins Big Brother, but also has TWO showmances  and then gets engaged to another BB person?    And, if they're going to tell the story of how they met on BB, why are they telling it like it was love at first sight?  Nicole never even looked at Victor when she was on BB with him, she only had eyes for Corey.  ( I can still hear her nasal voice saying his name) 

 Hate to be mean but, Nicole seems the type that can’t exist unless she has a man in her life. In both her seasons she had showmances going.

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12 hours ago, Thalia said:
13 hours ago, Rachel RSL said:

And then we had to be subjected to other former houseguests I can’t stand. (Looking at you, bitchy Britney. HATE her!)

Oh, me too.  She's in my top 5 of HGs I hate with the intensity of a thousand burning suns. 

FINALLY!  I knew someone out there couldn't stand this heiffa, I never found her talking heads funny at...all.  She'd likely crumble if any of the HG's she spoke against had found out about her bitchy comments and confronted her about it.  The Brigade carried her  until they couldn't do it anymore, FOH with her fake ass.  

I'ma need for BB to never make me feel for Angela again!  I did relate to her with her acute sense of smell though; I take care of a parent with incontinence and I always know when #2 has occurred, even before the parent knows....it freaks my sister out.

Mazel Tov to Nicole and Victor!  He needs to grow his beard back STAT and hopefully he'll grow his hair out too.

Hayleigh's 'You have me' is much better than the frickin' annoying 'Let's Go!'

It is unfrickinbelievable that JC has still not been put on the block!  We gon' need this to change in the DE.

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Victor had to ask Nicole how she liked her ring since she only glanced at it briefly.  She said, it’s the most incredible ring I have ever seen.  That can go either way.

Heh, it was like that Seinfeld episode when a handsome doctor called Elaine "breathtaking." She was feeling all flattered until he later declared a very ugly baby "breathtaking" as well. Then she realized it wasn't exactly a complement.

I got the feeling Nicole wasn't much impressed with the ring and I'll be surprised if they actually make it down the aisle. She's always seemed to me more into having a hot guy she can call her boyfriend (and have other girls envy her for) than actually having a meaningful relationship. But OTOH, maybe they'll be happily married for 60 years and have tons of kids and grandkids.

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3 hours ago, green said:

They don't nominate JC because they are afraid of the little troll going totally ballistic and acting out all week long but they thought Sam would be mellow. 

That's not what Kaycee said, though. She said, "because he's been loyal to Level 6" (or he's voted with Level 6). Her excuse was a positive one, not a negative one.

On the show, JC has been a nasty bully with delusions of grandeur, who's super impressed by his own cleverness, yet is patently unaware of the huge alliance right under his nose. Yet, the other players continue to talk about him like he's a sweetheart. Tyler talked about protecting him last week. Kaycee said they can't nominate him this week. Every piece of evidence they show us is he's a vile human who can't be trusted, and Level 6 looks like morons for not only keeping him, but actively protecting him for all these Pollyanna reasons.

If they're afraid he's going to go ballistic, why don't they say that -- to each other, to the diary room, to someone where the audience can hear. Otherwise, they look like idiots when he cackles behind their backs, which the show finds so endearing for some reason.

I know that they really never let players go off on each other, but heck, even Victoria in BB16 got, "She hasn't done anything." How about something innocuous like, "JC can't win comps and he hasn't done anything" -- we can infer the "and he's the goatiest goat who ever goated" for ourselves. But by showing them saying, "Aww, he voted with us, we need to protect him" ... I just don't get it.

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3 hours ago, amazingracefan said:

Josh is the worst winner ever.

Echo ECHO.  Josh’s “I’m bringing pots and pans to the wedding and NOBODY’S GOING TO STOP ME!!!” remark would have me scheduling the nuptials in New Zealand and delivering invitations by whisper.


3 hours ago, amazingracefan said:

Was Britney part of a Victor or Nicole season?

Neither.  Britney was BB12 (the Brigade’s season) and BB14 (the season of Ian and the Squeaky Hammock).  Nicole was BB16 (Derrick’s winning season) and BB18 - her own winning season, and Victor’s only season.


1 hour ago, llewis823 said:

Kind of OT, but yesterday at the QuikTrip, I went to get an iced tea and all of a sudden all I could smell was MAJOR BAD B.O. Like some of the worst I've ever smelled. I look up and there is this guy who thinks he is Ted Nugent - sleeves cut off of a button down shirt, braided long gray hair and a cowboy hat. He would have been a good looking guy had he not smelled like he hadn't had a shower in 8 days and 7 nights. OMG...I almost gagged.

Yeah, it can make dating hell.  Picture this:

  • It’s a hot summer night, you’re in a bar, and the AC is out.  
  • You’ve locked eyes with a totally hot little cutie across the bar.
  • You make your way around to where she’s sitting, you start to open your mouth to say hello...
  • ...and suddenly you think you’ve walked into an accident scene where a fish truck plowed into a packed Gold’s Gym, and a few gallons of Obsession* got sprayed around in the process.

Time to cover your mouth, fake a coughing fit, and hold up the “I’ll be right back” finger as you dash in the general direction of the men’s room - and as soon as you’re lost in the crowd, make a break for the exit.  Again.  :|


1 hour ago, Skycatcher said:

Not true! [Josh’s] one redeeming moment was taking the win from Paul's grasping hands.  For that alone he is kind of one of my sort of maybe favorites, every fifth Wednesday of the month if it's a full moon.

Still doesn’t mean Josh wasn’t the worst winner - just that Paul was an even worse loser.  ;>

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21 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Heh, it was like that Seinfeld episode when a handsome doctor called Elaine "breathtaking." She was feeling all flattered until he later declared a very ugly baby "breathtaking" as well. Then she realized it wasn't exactly a complement.

I got the feeling Nicole wasn't much impressed with the ring and I'll be surprised if they actually make it down the aisle. She's always seemed to me more into having a hot guy she can call her boyfriend (and have other girls envy her for) than actually having a meaningful relationship. But OTOH, maybe they'll be happily married for 60 years and have tons of kids and grandkids.

The words we use in my family when at a loss are, outstanding and remarkable.  

They have been together awhile now and live together in Ubly MI.  They will get married and make it. I got the sense they have talked about marriage so this was not a surprise but rather something cooked up by BB.  And I also think they few out to LA together.  His hair cut was the surprise.  Looked like the ring was something he picked up locally, for not much money to have for this episode.   Had it been important/real  she would have been showing it to everyone and the camera would have zoomed in on it.  

Edited by Wings
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14 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

I'll be surprised if they actually make it down the aisle. 

Are you kidding???  Victor moved to Ubly to be with her.  



If that’s not true love, then by god nothing is.  ;>

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9 hours ago, Nashville said:


I have the same thing (old lady calls it my "dog nose"), and it cuts both ways.  On the one hand some people apparently have absolutely zero concept of just how bad their BO is, and just how inadequate cologne covers it; on the other hand, I was able to notice the hot plastic smell coming off an old light switch when it started shorting out, before it could catch anything on fire.  So it kinda balances - although Tapper has a helluva good point.  ;)

I have a sensitive nose, particularly compared to my husband. It is actually even more sensitive at certain times of the month because of hormones. I am also a pickier eater and more risk averse when it comes to the sell by date and I wonder if they are not tied. For example, I struggle to drink milk because it often smells just a little off to me. The other day I couldn't drink water out of a particular glass because I thought it smelled like gasoline or something. There are definitely positives and negatives, particularly depending on with whom you share an elevator. 

3 hours ago, green said:

Actually he played to lose.  You don't bully, humiliate and berate people at a very deeply personal level that you send to the jury if you are playing to win.

. . .


This and all such proposals are known in advance by all parties and agreed upon beforehand.  Even shopped to a network to get these famewhore types more seconds on TV.  Whoever the woman was -- I only knew Paul (gag) and Josh in that group -- she was in on the whole thing and probably rehearsed it with whoever he was. 

And please no one tell me about who these two are (were) because I don't really give a damn about all these dime a dozen mactor types.  I forget 90% of them 2 minutes after their season ends and wish I could forget maybe 90% of the remaining 10% I remember like that douche bag Paul.

Agree on Paul. He tried to act like he was a good sport and good-natured, but when things went against him he became a rage-filled jerk. 


With regard to proposals, I have always felt that if the proposal (rather than the method of proposal) is a surprise, it is probably a bad idea. You should be talking about marriage. It shouldn't be out of the blue. I don't mind a public proposal, if the proposee likes that sort of thing, but you should be certain you know what the proposee's answer will be. 

9 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

I got the feeling Nicole wasn't much impressed with the ring and I'll be surprised if they actually make it down the aisle. She's always seemed to me more into having a hot guy she can call her boyfriend (and have other girls envy her for) than actually having a meaningful relationship. But OTOH, maybe they'll be happily married for 60 years and have tons of kids and grandkids.

Who knows? We haven't really seen them in a relationship at all. It does look like they have moved in together or at least moved to the same city, so I am assuming they have made a go at it for some amount of time. 

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1 hour ago, icemiser69 said:


It sounded like her parents were doing it for their benefit and not hers.  It doesn't matter how good anyone is at doing something if they hate doing it.  

It does sound that way when she tells it.  I bet her parents tell it differently though.

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1 hour ago, icemiser69 said:

Those commercials have to be better than those horrible Magnum PI commercials that keep popping up.  Nothing beats the original.  Nothing.

It isn't even close to the original; it looks like they're just ripping off the title and character names to attract viewers. What ads you get can vary by service provider as well as TV market area.

2 hours ago, laurakaye said:

I hate that the HG's this season have to tiptoe around Sam because they are honestly scared as to what she might be capable of if nominated (well, now we all know that Sam plans to go full-on Stephen King).  It's kind of creepy. 

The tiptoeing looks a lot like ostracizing, which isn't a smart thing to be doing to a crazy person cooking your meals.

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It sounded like her parents were doing it for their benefit and not hers.  It doesn't matter how good anyone is at doing something if they hate doing it.  

It does sound that way when she tells it.  I bet her parents tell it differently though.

I have been following gymnastics for a long time.  You hear these kind of stories from the girls who LOSE.  If they WON (i.e., made the Olympic team etc) you would have heard a different story.  I've never heard Mary Lou Retton make comments like that--in fact, her daughters are gymnasts (one is competing at the college level).  Ditto for several of the others who made the Olympic team.  

It's very difficult to compete WELL if you don't like it--you lack focus and a desire to learn new, more difficult tricks.  

I think Angela's sacrifices (and those of her family) only became apparent once she saw how well the other gymnasts were doing at a national level.  

A lot of girls who don't want to compete that hard often decide to compete at a high school/university level and are completely happy. Some also go to cheerleading or other related sports that could be done locally.  

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15 hours ago, Primal Slayer said:

At this rate, BB really needs to do a Couples edition. I feel like they have enough married/bf-gfs to fill an entire show.

I think that's an awesome idea, actually (beats the random ways they invent of trying to get "all stars" into the house).  And if they can't quite fit it out with couples, they could pop in a few used-to-be-a-couple and make it work. (It's certainly better than trying to make couples, a la my least favourite season of all time (is it everyone's?) when people got paired off immediately and older whiny lady pitched a fit that she was stuck with someone she didn't find attractive, misunderstanding the concept from the get-go, I suppose.

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3 hours ago, Wings said:

 Sam to Kaycee after hearing she was putting Hayleigh up, “she has been setting booby traps like putting 2 pieces of fruit in a Tupperware.”   Classic Sam! 

 Gotta wonder what Sam would do with a bunch of grapes. I don't have cabinet room for that many tiny pieces of Tupperware! Sorry, Sam. The whole bunch all goes in the same baggy.

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1 hour ago, Nashville said:

Still doesn’t mean Josh wasn’t the worst winner - just that Paul was an even worse loser.  ;>

So glad you changed "he's" to "Josh" in quoting me.  I hate trying to decipher "Then he said to her......so he.....then she....."

 I always try to change to the person's name just for clarity.

Edited by Skycatcher
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52 minutes ago, LoneHaranguer said:

The tiptoeing looks a lot like ostracizing, which isn't a smart thing to be doing to a crazy person cooking your meals.

 Sam helps, in that she isolates herself.  Who wants to hang with someone who nurtures spiders?  Nothing against spiders, but really?  Do the other house guests really know about the crazy?  Or is she just a little weird to them?

Edited by Skycatcher
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44 minutes ago, LoneHaranguer said:

It isn't even close to the original; it looks like they're just ripping off the title and character names to attract viewers.

Nobody, NOBODY  can replace John Hillerman as Higgins. He was perfect in the role.  I may watch the premier episode, but it will take a whole lot to replace Hillerman and Selleck. I doubt this reboot can do it.

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2 hours ago, Nashville said:

Are you kidding???  Victor moved to Ubly to be with her.  



If that’s not true love, then by god nothing is.  ;>

I have lived in Michigan my entire life and I had to look up Ubly on a map.  For those interested, it's smack in the middle of the thumb and it looks to be about 12 blocks long and wide.  That said, I wonder where Vic is working in the wee village - Ubly Motor Sales, or Ubly Mini Storage, perhaps?

And for the record, we Michiganders do not add "uhhhhhh to the end of every word (see: Cory-uhhhhhhh!  Victor-uhhhhhh!  Where is everyone-uhhhhhhh?)

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40 minutes ago, Skycatcher said:

Nobody, NOBODY  can replace John Hillerman as Higgins. He was perfect in the role.  I may watch the premier episode, but it will take a whole lot to replace Hillerman and Selleck. I doubt this reboot can do it.

Higgins now has boobs.

I'll give the show a try, but if she turns into a love-interest for Magnum, I won't be happy.

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16 hours ago, Jillibean said:

Is it just me, or did Nicole look sort of zoned out during that whole thing? She seemed to be avoiding eye contact with the “guests,” and kept hugging her “friends” while moving her head totally away so as to not even look at them. That was sort of uncomfortable to watch. Maybe she was just overwhelmed, but she seemed a bit...underwhelmed.

Totally! In the still photos, Nicole looks like she has energy and life, and then in person she looks like a RAVE-induced fashion nightmare with a voice that is the human equivalent of the sad trombone Price is Right tune.

I always thought Victor was pretty damn hot, and admit to feeling a smidgen of envy towards Nicole, but then he rounded that corner and I was like "who the fu-- omg, oh, hell no!" Wowza. Lady-boner completely disappeared. Did Victor make a trip to the jury house and get Scottie to cut his hair?

16 hours ago, ghoulina said:

But I was actually somewhat interested in Angela's gymnast story and learning how that shaped her as a person. Also, her smells descriptions was sort of funny. JC is "a very moist individual."

This one comment made that segment worthwhile. I've always thought JC looks sweaty and rank, glad to have the proof. Plus, Sam "smells like my grandmother"! I suspect Sam would take that as the highest compliment.

11 hours ago, Nashville said:

I did like Britney's Victor/Jon Snow reference, though.

I would have liked it were it not for the fact that Victor's hair was massacred by that point and there's no way he's serving Jon Snow realness with the new look. I'm assuming Britney (or production) came up with that rambling commentary before the make-under reveal and stuck with the pre-packaged DR. But that's only a one-off, right? I mean, all those DRs are just spontaneous, right?!

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38 minutes ago, Dewey Decimate said:

Plus, Sam "smells like my grandmother"! I suspect Sam would take that as the highest compliment.

My grandmother smelled slightly like her huge pantry in her big old house. Even when she dressed up and wore perfume. I still remember it. It was a very comforting smell.

Of all the fillers on the show, the one I thought was the biggest waste of time was JC and his fucking hula hoop.

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As soon as Nicole said  "It's sooooo Cuuuuuuute" I would have taken the ring and walked out.   Nicole seemed completely disinterested - no way they make it to the alter.   

If I was a current house guest - I would have looked around and said Hey why aren't Corey and Hayden here?  

I'm glad Kaycee won HOH, but really wish it had been Brett - he would have shook it up.  Hoping Hayliegh wins POV so she can escape the block and see what happens.  

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5 hours ago, laurakaye said:

As for Sam?  I agree with her.  My kids would totally be the ones to leave two pieces of fruit in the Tupperware container so they wouldn't have to wash out the container.  To be quite honest, it scares me how much of her behavior I find understandable under the circumstances of living in that house (chilling under the steps for a modicum of privacy, constantly cleaning and crafting just to have something to do, getting ragey at the Tupperware situation).

LOL, I totally relate to Sam on many different levels. I couldn't deal with the mess in that house. 

What's funny/scary is the WAY she looks at situations. I mean, I'd be so fucking annoyed over two pieces of fruit in a tupperware; but I wouldn't relate to someone setting "booby traps". I can't ever tell if she is serious with that shit (if so....wow.....) or if that's her own twisted, southern version of hyperbole. 

4 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

I fail to see why he has been protected.  Other than Sam, it doesn't look like anyone that is currently in the BB house has remotely considered putting JC up.

I wonder if they all consider him a perfect goat. 


2 hours ago, backformore said:

It does sound that way when she tells it.  I bet her parents tell it differently though.

Isn't that true with almost everything, though? We all have our own realities. 

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4 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

A better question.  Why hasn't production shown JC"S behavior for all the world to see?    They have outed other house guest's crap in the past.

Exactly!  And to top it off they keep featuring him in what they probably consider "cute" comedic segments.  If you're not going to show the bad, at least stop trying to make him seem good.

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9 minutes ago, leocadia said:

Exactly!  And to top it off they keep featuring him in what they probably consider "cute" comedic segments.  If you're not going to show the bad, at least stop trying to make him seem good.

That pisses me off every. time. JUST STOP. Ugh.

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18 hours ago, lookattheflowers said:

All kinds of awkward. Why is Dani, Brittany and Josh there, had she ever met them before?

This made me LOL!

I think Josh has met and hung out with them both before- and my guess is they wanted the most recent winner there. But in regards to Dani & Brittney- they are both friends with Nicole- I know that her and Dani have hung out a lot after the show. I'm sure also with Brittney most recently being on The Amazing Race with both Victor & Nicole they became even closer. 

While I do think the smell segment with Angela was a bit ridiculous- I have said to several people that I watch the Live Feeds with- what kind of Pheromones is Tyler emitting for the level of obsession that some people have with him. I finally got my answer- he just smells really good. Haha. 

Edited by SiobhanJW
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Please PLEASE no more Paul and/or Josh in any shape form or fashion. I would rather see a return from a just-off-her-deathbed Raven or even the whole cast of "Grover? Grover Johnson" before seeing those two smug bullies ever again. And oh yes, HELEN WAS PUSHED!

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40 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

What's funny/scary is the WAY she looks at situations. I mean, I'd be so fucking annoyed over two pieces of fruit in a tupperware; but I wouldn't relate to someone setting "booby traps". I can't ever tell if she is serious with that shit (if so....wow.....) or if that's her own twisted, southern version of hyperbole.

It's well known that little things in the Big Brother house get blown up to something big because there isn't much else to focus on.

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51 minutes ago, Boilergal said:

As soon as Nicole said  "It's sooooo Cuuuuuuute" I would have taken the ring and walked out.   Nicole seemed completely disinterested - no way they make it to the alter. 

I think she did a well enough job of 'acting' it out. I think they'll make it to the alter.

But then again, I can't tell a dime store ring from the Hope diamond.

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17 minutes ago, amazingracefan said:

It's well known that little things in the Big Brother house get blown up to something big because there isn't much else to focus on.

I totally get that. I still think Sam's statement was beyond that. A booby trap is intentionally set to harm someone. What kind of trap is Haleigh attempting to ensnare Sam into with two fruits in a tupperware container??? It just came off really paranoid and odd. 

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54 minutes ago, mikewho said:

My grandmother smelled slightly like her huge pantry in her big old house. Even when she dressed up and wore perfume. I still remember it. It was a very comforting smell.

Same with my maternal grandmother and her lavender sachets.


54 minutes ago, mikewho said:

Of all the fillers on the show, the one I thought was the biggest waste of time was JC and his fucking hula hoop.

Yes, please.  

Keep this reptilian performing chimp off my TV screen, please.  

I never want to see him again, please.

And I said “please” three times, motherfuckers.


48 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

What's funny/scary is the WAY she looks at situations. I mean, I'd be so fucking annoyed over two pieces of fruit in a tupperware; but I wouldn't relate to someone setting "booby traps". I can't ever tell if she is serious with that shit (if so....wow.....) or if that's her own twisted, southern version of hyperbole. 

I assumed Sam was referring to them as psychological booby traps - i.e., somebody doing it specifically because the instigator knows that is a particular something which drives Sam up the fucking wall.  And I wouldn’t necessarily assume Sam is wrong about a HG intentionally doing stuff to trigger her, others.  Even if it’s not Hay doing it to aggravate Sam - which I wouldn’t 100% rule out - you can bet your ass JC would, especially if he thought he could rile Sam anonymously and watch (and cackle) while it happened.

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10 minutes ago, Nashville said:

I assumed Sam was referring to them as psychological booby traps - i.e., somebody doing it specifically because the instigator knows that is a particular something which drives Sam up the fucking wall.  And I wouldn’t necessarily assume Sam is wrong about a HG intentionally doing stuff to trigger her, others.  Even if it’s not Hay doing it to aggravate Sam - which I wouldn’t 100% rule out - you can bet your ass JC would, especially if he thought he could rile Sam anonymously and watch (and cackle) while it happened.

Ahhhh, okay. I don't know why I didn't even consider that, but that actually makes sense. Thanks!

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6 minutes ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

I never have seen a transformation that big with a haircut and a shave, Victor looked like a totally different person, younger too. Nicoles voice is like nails on a chalkboard. I still hate JC

I hate facial hair, to the point where it's generally a deal breaker. Saying that to say this: Victor should grow it back, asap. Short hair / clean face Victor is good looking; longish hair / scruffy face Victor is [description redacted so I don't corrupt any minors]. 

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2 minutes ago, IndyMischa said:

I hate facial hair, to the point where it's generally a deal breaker. Saying that to say this: Victor should grow it back, asap. Short hair / clean face Victor is good looking; longish hair / scruffy face Victor is [description redacted so I don't corrupt any minors]. 

I have always liked short hair & no facial hair myself, but there was something about "old" Victor that was hot & rugged. The "new" Victor looks like he is the new counter person at Macy's in Ubly trying to sell Davidoff Cool Water for men cologne

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35 minutes ago, IndyMischa said:

I hate facial hair, to the point where it's generally a deal breaker. 

 I once dated a guy who had a scraggly mustache. At least I dated him until I saw him strain an enchilada through it. THAT was a deal breaker! He didn't even get a good night kiss - just ewwww.

 I always wished somebody would hold Paul down and shave that rat's nest off his face.

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