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LSSC: Season Four Episode Talk

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I liked the audiences questions, I especially liked the one who asked Stephen to run for President.   I know everyone is against celebrities running and it would probably be awful in actuality but a part of me has wanted this since he joke ran in the SC primary years ago.  I ff'd through the phone booth bit, didn't like it the first time.

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Whenever I see “Jon” in relation to Stephen my mind still goes to Jon Stewart, so I was disappointed when I tuned into Monday nights show to find out that he wasn’t the Jon in “Stephen and Jon’s Cartoon Thanks-travaganza”.  So I cheered when Jon Stewart showed up on the screen, and their conversation was delightful, it seemed like just two old friends chatting. 

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I don't really understand what it is, but the chemistry between Stephen and Jon (Stewart) is really great. The other guest interviewers were fine, but the whole show could have been Jon and Stephen and it would have been better. I thought Charlemagne (I refuse to call him "Tha God") was the 2nd best, but we only saw a few seconds of that, so it's hard to say how it would have been if we'd seen more.

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I found the whole show to be exhilarating to watch. You couldn't necessarily guess what would come up next (Archibald MacLeish's "J.B."?!!), and I found all of it fascinating (although I do confess a partiality to Jon Stewart). I would certainly no be averse to the idea of every couple of months they do another flipped show, but perhaps limit it to one or two "hosts."

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7 hours ago, Hooper said:

I'm glad to see that Jon's retirement pension is generous enough that he's been able to afford to buy a new t-shirt.  This darker gray one is quite nice.

Jon does have an executive producer credit on the Late Show as well. Perhaps that's where he gets the money to buy fancy new clothes.

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15 minutes ago, possibilities said:

I love that he's decided not to wear the suit anymore, and he's in enough demand to get away with it. The dress code is absurd, and I like seeing it dismantled.

I agree that men's suits are right up there with Victorian style wedding gowns for absurdity when required in all climates etc., but I also noticed today in a scene with an 80+ year-old actor that men's ties do effectively hide neck waddles. And a suit jacket hides man boobs. Jon Stewart probably went to a lot of trouble to be able to pull off his casual look on national TV.

On 11/30/2018 at 1:04 PM, MoreCoffeePlease said:

Sara Bareilles was amazing. Kick-ass all-female band to boot.

Always enjoy Eric McCormack as well. Totally crazy that he got his star on the Walk of Fame around the same time that Michael Douglas did.  (I know how ridiculous the whole "star" system is. Aren't they just out of room already?)

I found out the star has to pay for it.  Robert Redford doesn't have a star.

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Yeah, it's basically a publicity stunt. Who gets it when means absolutely nothing. The Hollywood Chamber of Commerce manages the approval process, but anyone in the entertainment industry can be nominated (by anyone, including fans, at any time) and once approved (criteria for approval is five years in entertainment), as long as they pay for the star and agree to appear at the dedication ceremony, they get the star.

Hollywood Walk of Fame Wikipedia page

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32 minutes ago, shok said:

What a terrific interview with Michelle Obama. It was comfortable like two old friends chatting. It brought a tear to my eye to hear/see the prolonged ovation she got. The Obamas and their dignity are greatly missed.

Is there a chance that Barack will be on LSSC? He can have moments of great wit and humor, and how awesome would it be if he frickin' sang an Al Green song?

  • Love 11
37 minutes ago, shok said:

It brought a tear to my eye to hear/see the prolonged ovation she got. 

That was amazing. I think Jon Stewart was the only other person of late who's gotten a similar response. 

I loved Michelle's story about her and Barack getting all lawyer-ish when talking marriage :D. And I felt for her when she was talking about how the two of them tried to keep things relatively normal for their daughters during their time in the White House. That would be very tough, indeed. 


The Obamas and their dignity are greatly missed.

God, yes. 

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Aw, that tweet is so cute. I love seeing all the guests looking all excited to be on the show :). 

And Common and Michelle Obama chatting it up. That'd be a fun conversation to sit in on, I bet. 

3 hours ago, Miss Dee said:

I LOVED the episode where the guests interviewed Stephen for a change! What an intelligent, deep, geeky, thoughtful, amazing person he is. I hope they do this at least every year around American Thanksgiving - this Canadian would be suitably grateful!

I'm all for this being an annual thing!

I quite liked hearing him talk about how he approached his faith, and why it was so important to him. And I liked him mentioning visiting that 'Lord of the Rings' place, and going to...the cave thing, I think it was?... and his wife being all, "Let's give him a minute alone." :D. That was so sweet. 

Edited by Annber03
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10 hours ago, Mystery said:

The interview was cut for time; the full interview is up on YouTube: 


Thanks for this. We lost a few moments of the interview when the news broke in and told us about Pres Bush. :( I loved this interview. I love her. And I love her book!  This morning in the train, I was at the engagement part. So sweet. 

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Kathy Griffin talks super fast.

What was she on!?!?!?

 I like her, but her eyebrows needed to be darker and her wig was not the best.  I know she shaved her head cuz her sister had cancer and lost her hair; she died last year. 

Sounds like she's coming back,  which is fine by me.  Stephen was very low key during the interview,  when he could get a word in.

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10 hours ago, Miss Dee said:

Holy moly, she had all that done to her because of a *picture*?! Lecture me all you want about taking threats seriously, you know damn well that was not a proportional response. America is closer to a fascist dictatorship than I thought....

I agree, and I think that was Kathy's point..... that "they" were trying to use her to send a message to other celebs by going overboard on the "terrorist" shutdown--- BS...in her case. 

Kathy s a fucking fighter and I'm GLAD she didn't let them get her down.  Amazing spirit!

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I know some people aren't big fans of Jon Batiste's commentary during the monologues but I find it hilarious. I was cracking up last night when they showed the drawing of Michael Cohen in court and both Colbert and Batiste said sarcastically, "wow that's really sad." LOL! This is the courtroom sketch. Plus the lady in the back. Funny stuff.

Edited by Alexis2291
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That sketch was truly something :D. Regarding the Steven Tyler comparison for that guy sitting behind him, I see that, but I also kept thinking of the Native American from that anti-pollution ad from the '70s. 

I liked the interview with Brandon Michael Hall. I enjoyed him in that show "The Mayor" from last year, and have heard good things about "God Friended Me", so maybe I should give that one a look at some point. 

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20 hours ago, MissLucas said:

Bit disappointed by the Michael Brandon Hall interview - I expected Stephen to geek out theologically given 'God friended Me's premise.

Totally!  And it is a CBS show!  If I were his agent, I'd be tougher with the booking agent at the show.  "You want my client to go on after Leslie Mann? No way."  (No offense to Leslie Mann, who is lovely and funny.)

And it is Brandon Micheal Hall.  I wonder what is up with the alternative spelling Micheal  (I've always seen Michael).

He looks tall, taller than what he appears to be on his show, and I loved his suit and turtleneck.  Why did Mom have such bad seats?

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On 12/14/2018 at 1:29 PM, MoreCoffeePlease said:


And it is Brandon Micheal Hall.  I wonder what is up with the alternative spelling Micheal  (I've always seen Michael).

In the 1980s, when Michael Jackson was the reigning King of Pop, Michael was such a popular name that when it was number one on the baby names list, the variant Micheal was also in the top 10. I don't think it has any personal significance beyond parents finding the spelling with the ae counterintuitive and thinking ea was correct.

ETA: Apparently it is also the Gaelic spelling.

Edited by SomeTameGazelle

When Stephen noted that of all the times he’s interviewed Congressman Schiff, this is the first time he’s looked so happy, I couldn’t help but think it’s because Schiff knows that the checks and balances will finally exist for the current President. 

And did anybody else think Emily Blunt was flirting (in a friendly way of course) with Colbert? I mean who could blame her, right? 😝

Edited by Alexis2291
  • Love 3
16 minutes ago, Alexis2291 said:

And did anybody else think Emily Blunt was flirting (in a friendly way of course) with Colbert? I mean who could blame her, right

Yes, but I think she was doing it to deflect attention from herself. I heard an interview with her on NPR earlier today, and while she only spoke about her character of Mary Poppins never taking credit for her acts of strength, kindness and caring for others, it seemed obvious that at least for now, EB wears that same persona. 

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