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S04.E06: Pinata

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2 minutes ago, ShadowFacts said:

Jimmy's motivational speech to Howard was perfect!  He does know how to turn a phrase, doesn't he?

Gus' coati story to comatose Hector creeped me way out.  That was probably the point.  Chilling.

I wonder if Jimmy's pep talk helps Howard save the firm and that is why Howard owes him one and he sends Francesca to him (if Howard is the lawyer he referred her to).

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Great seeing Chuck back in the opening and it was definitely classic Chuck.  You can see he's visibly annoyed the second time that Kim stops him but he quickly is impressed and interested when she starts citing case law.  You can see why Jimmy wanted to be a lawyer to impress Chuck in that way and the influence that Kim has had on his life.

Really good episode with some great scenes.  Jimmy's speech to Howard, Gus's tale about his past to Hector, all leading up to Jimmy's threatening the three Twilight reject punks.  Knew that Huell would be popping up as I recognized his name in the credits.  I believe the actor playing the tall man with him played Colossus in the Deadpool movies.  His name escapes me.

That's a pretty sweet set-up that Gus and Mike have set up for the Germans.  Kai would be dumb to mess with that though I do wonder what will happen to them once their work is done.

Edited by benteen
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So much in the episode:

a) I took the flashback to mean that Jimmy's main reason for becoming a lawyer was to impress Kim, not Chuck.  He saw how Kim idolized Chuck.  It also sets up why Jimmy will be so crushed if Wexler and McGill never happens.

The difference in how serious Kim and Jimmy are about the law was also obvious.

b) Kai getting the Dead Mackerel Eyes from Mike is a very bad sign for him. 

c) Gus's speech to Hector was chilling and let's us know his plans for Hector, if we didn't already know.  I was hoping Gus would reveal a bit more about his rise to power in Chile, though.

d) Who was the other pinata whacker besides Huell? It was weird seeing the upside down shots of the 3 living pinatas where it seemed like they were right side up.

e) I wonder if Jimmy's crude pep talk will work on Howard.  It certainly seemed to work on Jimmy.

Was there any significance to "Howard's End" being mentioned so prominently in the Oscar pool scene?  Bad news for Mr. Hamlin?

Edited by Bryce Lynch
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I just knew we had not seen the last of Michael McKean.  What a moment when he was revealed!

I was worried that Carol Herman (Geraldine Strauss) had actually died.  Whew.  She's still among us.  I love that we get the genesis of Jimmy's Hummel interest with this callback.  

The mini soccer goal was a great touch.  Germans most definitely play "fussball."  

I sat with rapt attention as Gus related his story to Hector.  Man, no other show gets me worked up like that, especially in something so utterly unimportant to the plot.  Anything Gilligan chooses to reveal about Gus, I am alllllll about it.  Gus was a Bond villain ("No, Mr. Bond.  I expect you to diiiie.") as a child.  Who knew?  

I love that of all the characters Jimmy encounters, Mrs. Nguyen is the one who absolutely terrifies him.  I loved the touch when he quickly replaced the tool cart he had barely displaced while bringing in the phones.  That, is respect.

I most like Kim when she makes pragmatic and smart moves - especially win-wins.  It was fine to have that HHM dream and I enjoyed seeing her as a fangirl and politician in her scene with Chuck.  I see Giselle in a similar way.  She gets something tangible and she makes dirtbags pay.  Win-win.  Lane (Viola) will love Schweikert, too.   Go, Kim!

Edited by Lonesome Rhodes
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Interesting how Jimmy's doodles had:

Kim Wexler - Banking Law & Jimmy McGill Insurance or Bankruptcy or Immigration or Gaming or Intellectual Property Law.

He didn't care what type of law he would be practicing as long as he shared a practice with Kim.  Later when she told him about S&C and how it would allow her to pursue her passion for criminal law, he suddenly became interested in criminal law himself

Kim chose to meet with S&C after she saw his list.  She knows how much it means to him for them to practice together but she making the smart move for herself anyway.

Edited by Bryce Lynch
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I know nothing about law but it seemed unrealistic to me that Kim could be offered a partner position to start up a banking division at a law firm and have it be a legit possibility that she could do pro bono criminal law. 

Even with the extra support, it feels to me like she'd have more on her plate--not less.

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1 minute ago, ahmerali said:

I'm trying to think what the significant of Jimmy going towards the kitchen and hearing the tap-tap-tap means....

To me that was a near panic attack, kind of like what happens to him as Gene when he collapses at Cinnabon and is taken to the hospital.

I don't think Kai will have a happy ending.

Gus's monologue to Hector was mesmerizing. Loved that whole scene.

Glad Jimmy got back at the punks. Man, Huell looks so different. (I know the actor lost a lot of weight.) 

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7 minutes ago, Starchild said:

So could this German crew be some of Mike's guys that he pays in perpetuity?

No. These guys are just building a space underneath the laundry. Excavation work. What goes in the excavated space is not anything they know about.

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Fun seeing Chuck for a bit during his heyday.  And while brief, you could just see how his interactions with Jimmy and Kim were like, and how both of them ended up the way they are now.  Great little bit.  And, of course, Jimmy would be running the office Oscar pool.  Although I hope the lady who put it all on Howard's End didn't go too deep into her pockets, although it did win three at least.  But that was the year of Unforgiven, I believe.  Also when Marisa Tomei won for My Cousin Vinney in an upset, so the likely one person who put money on her made a killing, I imagine!

Had a feeling Jimmy was going to get some form of revenge on the punks who beat him up, but that was a hell of way to do it!  He's not only going deeper into the phone scam game, but he's now built up an untouchable presence with his antics.  Fun seeing Huell for a brief second.

Congrats to Howard/Patrick Fabian for getting the "F-bomb" honor for this season(?)  Jimmy was harsh, but I do hope it will help Howard get out of his slump and back into the game.

Hmm, so Kim ends up joining Schweikat's firm, so that there will be more people who can handle Mesa Verde, and she can continue pursuing the cases that she actually wants to do.  Despite coming around at the end (or saying those words), I have a bad feeling this is what is going to really drive a wedge between her and Jimmy.

Gus' explanation for why he is keeping Hector alive was chilling, although ironic, knowing how all of this will turn out for both of them.

That Kai dude is so going to regret getting on Mike's bad side!  Loved how much effort and thought Mike put into the set-up for the gang.  He really leaves no stone unturned.  No half measures, indeed!

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OK, so the next one is called "Something Stupid". It seems pretty obvious that Kai is going to do 'something stupid' and it will not go well. Or is that TOO obvious for this show?

In the sneak peek of the next episode, we see that....


...Hector wakes from his coma, in his new paralyzed state, and starts learning how to communicate using the index finger of doom.

I think that soon we will be seeing the lovely world of Casa Tranquila, and the first of Gus's visits to taunt Hector. I can't wait to see how the whole "Now will you look at me" thing gets started.

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I couldn’t listen to what Gus did to the coatimundi (they are so cute) so I muted it. I’m happy knowing what Don Hector does to Gus.

Poor Jimmy. He was so crushed standing there at that kitchen doorway.

Just knew he would give Mrs. Nguyen a phone. Nice seeing Mrs. Strauss again and that Jimmy had emotion about her passing.

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The reference to "Howards End" dated the scene to 1992, but it was also a harbinger of future events.  Dun dun dun...  

Jimmy's words to Howard were my words too.  Man up, dude.  I still think it possible that Howard will clean up his act and seek retribution on Kim and Jimmy for altering the Mesa Verde documents and creating the subsequent carnage to HHM that ensued.  

I also wonder if there is a discontinuity here.  Kim was in her third year of law school during the opener, which would mean she joined HHM at least two years earlier, which would mean she had been there for at least 12 years at the start of BCS, not 10 years.  

Edited by PeterPirate
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Feeling grumpy, not sure if it's the show, so scroll by if you want your mellow unharshed:

  • I found Gus's monologue to Hector uncharacteristically writerly in the worst ways that Vince & Co usually excel at avoiding.  You see, Hector, this story, which totally happened, is a metaphor, an analog, and it explains my character because no one watching has any idea how supremely, how patiently and terribly vengeful I am.  And, in the bargain, this ironically foreshadows what will happen to both of us.  Beautifully lit, though.  
  • Jimmy's motivational speech to Howard was, likewise, poorly written, although perhaps less hackneyed.  I was not convinced that Howard would be convinced, and it felt contrived in that "Is Jimmy talking to Howard...OR HIMSELF?!?"
  • Have we--or more importantly, has the show--ever explained the vast gap in looks, brains, and character between Kim and Jimmy?  I mean, that over-softened flashback cold open really emphasized the disparity.  It's just weird.  Yeah, I know, there's no accounting for tastes, Cupid shoots his arrows where he will, etc.  But...really.  And of course it's part of a widespread movie/TV pattern of incredibly hot, accomplished women and the schlubby dudes who...just get them because why not?  Can we just have Jimmy one time acknowledge how Kim is completely out of his league?  
Edited by Penman61
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ppWhat masterful writing, in  the psychological portrayals, and in advancement of plot, and how both are woven together. I've been suspecting since last season that Kim would end up a partner at either HHM or Schweikert, and that it would crush Jimmy, but that knowledge didn't render the outcome less heartbreaking to watch. The flashback to mailroom Kim and Jimmy just drove home how long Jimmy has been nursing his dream of a personal and professional partnership with Kim, and thus why it was so devastating to him when Kim said she was going to be a partner at Schweikert. What was tremendous was that the devastation was portrayed not with histrionics, but with a simple scene of Jimmy leaning against the wall. Also, I'd pay money to see  Jimmy McGill, motivational speaker. 

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6 minutes ago, Penman61 said:

Feeling grumpy, not sure if it's the show, so scroll by if you want your mellow unharshed:

  • I found Gus's monologue to Hector uncharacteristically writerly in the worst ways that Vince & Co usually excel at avoiding.  You see, Hector, this story, which totally happened, is a metaphor, an analog, and it explains my character because no one watching has any idea how supremely, how patiently and terribly vengeful I am.  And, in the bargain, this ironically foreshadows what will happen to both of us.  Beautifully lit, though.  
  • Have we--or more importantly, has the show--ever explained the vast gap in looks, brains, and character between Kim and Jimmy?  I mean, that over-softened flashback cold open really emphasized the disparity.  It's just weird.  Yeah, I know, there's no accounting for tastes, Cupid shoots his arrows where he will, etc.  But...really.  And of course it's part of a widespread movie/TV pattern of incredibly hot, accomplished women and the schlubby dudes who...just get them because why not?  Can we just have Jimmy one time acknowledge how Kim is completely out of his league?  

I think Jimmy knows how lucky he is to have this woman in his life and Jimmy is kind of cute in his own unique way. However, yeah the hot chick with the ordinary looking guy is very cliche. Now Kim is going to be a BOSS...good for her. However, the type of person she is morphing into would not seem likely to have Saul as a boyfriend.

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7 minutes ago, Penman61 said:

I found Gus's monologue to Hector uncharacteristically writerly in the worst ways that Vince & Co usually excel at avoiding.  You see, Hector, this story, which totally happened, is a metaphor, an analog, and it explains my character because no one watching has any idea how supremely, how patiently and terribly vengeful I am.  And, in the bargain, this ironically foreshadows what will happen to both of us.  Beautifully lit, though.  

I still love this show.  And I'm enjoying this season.  However, if I might join your harshing on the mellow, I've been hearing how little Vince was involved in the writers room this season compared to past seasons and I can kind of feel it.  Maybe it's confirmation bias but I do feel sometimes that there is a bit of a heavier hand.

12 minutes ago, Penman61 said:

Jimmy's motivational speech to Howard was, likewise, poorly written, although perhaps less hackneyed.  I was not convinced that Howard would be convinced, and it felt contrived in that "Is Jimmy talking to Howard...OR HIMSELF?!?

It was a bit uncharacteristic compared to how they've interacted this season. But I do think it was more directed at himself.

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17 minutes ago, Bannon said:

I think you are underrrating the appeal of humor, in terms of attraction. Jimmy's not ugly and he's smart, and funny as hell. That goes a long ways  when combined with other positive traits, like Jimmy's enormous capacity for work


Maybe.  But I'm that funny guy in real life who's almost always been lucky enough to punch above my weight, romantically, and I've NEVER not had it pointed out to me (or my partners been told) that I was, actually, punching above my weight.  ("How did you...get him?")  So where is that on this show?  Where is the acknowledgement of the painfully obvious? 

Also, let's not let the humor of the actor spill over into the character.  Bob Odenkirk is a comedy genius, but Jimmy has a cornball huckster's sense of humor (which often takes the form of a surprising level of self-awareness) that just as many would find off-putting as attractive.  

Their pairing could be explained by having Jimmy be Kim's perfect f*ck match, but...that doesn't appear to be the case.

I agree that Jimmy works hard.  

Edited by Penman61
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2 hours ago, Starchild said:

So could this German crew be some of Mike's guys that he pays in perpetuity?

In every variation of this story that I have ever seen, every single one of those guys is dead already and just doesn't know it yet. They will complete their work and then be driven into the deep desert where they will be executed and disposed of unceremoniously.

51 minutes ago, LittleIggy said:

I couldn’t listen to what Gus did to the coatimundi (they are so cute) so I muted it. I’m happy knowing what Don Hector does to Gus.

I'll spoiler tag it although I can assure you Gus didn't get into specifics.


Gus, despite knowing the creature would have been better off dead, kept the coati alive. He does not go into detail about how he made it suffer but that's the genius of Gus Fring. He lets your imagination fill in the blanks. Too bad Hector couldn't hear him.

12 minutes ago, qtpye said:

I think Jimmy knows how lucky he is to have this woman in his life and Jimmy is kind of cute in his own unique way. However, yeah the hot chick with the ordinary looking guy is very cliche. Now Kim is going to be a BOSS...good for her. However, the type of person she is morphing into would not seem likely to have Saul as a boyfriend.

I find Kim and Jimmy to be realistic in the sense that they happened in the way real relationships happen. It wasn't a matter of locking eyes across a crowded room. They were both mailroom lackeys who hustled hard and found a grudging respect for one another. They knew each other for years before tumbling into bed together. Neither of them spend a lot of time socializing so it is somewhat natural/inevitable that they would end up together. At some point, realizing that they ended up together for lack of choice/effort they will drift apart or allow some tragedy to define what comes between them.

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6 minutes ago, Penman61 said:

Maybe.  But I'm that funny guy in real life who's almost always been lucky enough to punch above my weight, romantically, and I've NEVER not had it pointed out to me (or my partners been told) that I was, actually, punching above my weight.  ("How did you...get him?")  So where is that on this show?  Where is the acknowledgement of the painfully obvious? 

Also, let's not let the humor of the actor spill over into the character.  Bob Odenkirk is a comedy genius, but Jimmy has a cornball huckster's sense of humor (which often takes the form of a surprising level of self-awareness) that just as many would find off-putting as attractive.  

Their pairing could be explained by having Jimmy be Kim's perfect f*ck match, but...that doesn't appear to be the case.

I agree that Jimmy works hard.  

A surprising level of self awareness can also be enormously attractive. The flashback shows us that Kim knew Jimmy when Jimmy didn't know anything about the law, when they were both mail room drones.He knows her struggles intimately, and she knows his. She's seen him come from nothing  to delivering a multimillion dollar class action suit to a major law firm on silver platter. Think of the closing argument she made to the bar hearing on Jimmy's positive attributes. He's a helluva lot of fun to have  cocktails with. Attraction has been built on a lot less.

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16 minutes ago, dwmarch said:

In every variation of this story that I have ever seen, every single one of those guys is dead already and just doesn't know it yet. They will complete their work and then be driven into the deep desert where they will be executed and disposed of unceremoniously.

I'll spoiler tag it although I can assure you Gus didn't get into specifics.

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Gus, despite knowing the creature would have been better off dead, kept the coati alive. He does not go into detail about how he made it suffer but that's the genius of Gus Fring. He lets your imagination fill in the blanks. Too bad Hector couldn't hear him.

I find Kim and Jimmy to be realistic in the sense that they happened in the way real relationships happen. It wasn't a matter of locking eyes across a crowded room. They were both mailroom lackeys who hustled hard and found a grudging respect for one another. They knew each other for years before tumbling into bed together. Neither of them spend a lot of time socializing so it is somewhat natural/inevitable that they would end up together. At some point, realizing that they ended up together for lack of choice/effort they will drift apart or allow some tragedy to define what comes between them.

Exactly. These are two people who have shared the same struggle, they have a lot of shared interests, and they had limited social lives outside of work. Not surprising at all that they would hook up. Of course, Kim making partner puts her on a completely different social plane. Her social circle is about to expand enormously. Thus contributing to the collapse of her relationshp with Jimmy. Jimmy knows this, which is why his reaction to the news resembles a panic attack.

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Whatever made Jimmy attractive to Kim, I think he is blowing things up by his refusal to seek counseling.  

I still have a nagging feeling that Kim's work in the criminal justice system is going to intersect with Jimmy's business activities.  

I don't understand all this talk about Kim being above Jimmy's weight class.  He looks just like Kevin Costner, right?  ;)

Edited by PeterPirate
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5 hours ago, thuganomics85 said:

so Kim ends up joining Schweikat's firm, so that there will be more people who can handle Mesa Verde, and she can continue pursuing the cases that she actually wants to do.  Despite coming around at the end (or saying those words), I have a bad feeling this is what is going to really drive a wedge between her and Jimmy.

Yes, and it is a key step in the progression to Jimmy McGill becoming Saul Goodman. 
This was the season's penultimate episode, right? 
And for Vince Gilligan, that's when Chekhov's gun goes off, right?
So here I see the progression of the climax to the Chekhovian birth of Saul Goodman as:

  1. Previously, in earlier seasons: Jimmy takes on Chuck (ostensibly for Kim's honor) which, like a "chimp with a machine gun," results in Chuck dead and Jimmy "temporarily" disbarred.
  2. Previously, this season: With the Hummel B&E funds, Jimmy launches his cell phone entrepreneurship, which results in loss and humilatation at the hands of young criminals.
  3. Temporarily disbarred Jimmy gets a call for a request for legal work, which he refers to HHM, and which causes him to declare that the name McGill is just a "coincidence."
  4. Jimmy hires other young criminals to deal with the young criminals who assaulted, robbed, and humiliated him, threatening very real violence in retaliation for any future attacks—after offering appeasement, and, perhaps most importantly, knowing young criminals cannot be appeased.
  5. Kim abandons their dream of a Wexler McGill practice so she can defend young criminals.
  6. Next: The birth of Saul Goodman? Perhaps Jimmy gets caught and cannot practice law again, but Saul Goodman, "criminal lawyer," can.



  • Jimmy's motivational speech to Howard . . . felt contrived in that "Is Jimmy talking to Howard...OR HIMSELF?!?"

Good point. Yes. Both.
But, regarding the "vast gap in looks" between Kim and Jimmy, if we could see Bob Odenkirk digitally enhanced to look like his 1990s self, I don't think there'd be a gap. 
Halfway through this episode, I started taking off my glasses everytime we saw Jimmy or Mike, which did effectively take off at least a few years.

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5 hours ago, Bannon said:

Have we--or more importantly, has the show--ever explained the vast gap in looks, brains, and character between Kim and Jimmy?  I mean, that over-softened flashback cold open really emphasized the disparity.  It's just weird.  Yeah, I know, there's no accounting for tastes, Cupid shoots his arrows where he will, etc.  But...really.  And of course it's part of a widespread movie/TV pattern of incredibly hot, accomplished women and the schlubby dudes who...just get them because why not?  Can we just have Jimmy one time acknowledge how Kim is completely out of his league?  


4 hours ago, Bannon said:

A surprising level of self awareness can also be enormously attractive. The flashback shows us that Kim knew Jimmy when Jimmy didn't know anything about the law, when they were both mail room drones.He knows her struggles intimately, and she knows his. She's seen him come from nothing  to delivering a multimillion dollar class action suit to a major law firm on silver platter. Think of the closing argument she made to the bar hearing on Jimmy's positive attributes. He's a helluva lot of fun to have  cocktails with. Attraction has been built on a lot less.


5 hours ago, dwmarch said:

I find Kim and Jimmy to be realistic in the sense that they happened in the way real relationships happen. It wasn't a matter of locking eyes across a crowded room. They were both mailroom lackeys who hustled hard and found a grudging respect for one another. They knew each other for years before tumbling into bed together. Neither of them spend a lot of time socializing so it is somewhat natural/inevitable that they would end up together. At some point, realizing that they ended up together for lack of choice/effort they will drift apart or allow some tragedy to define what comes between them.

I actually see this a lot in real life, though, where the women are much more physically attractive than the men in a relationship, and yet the relationship works for them.  Some people (a lot of people, actually) bring more to the relationship table than their looks, and sometimes the pretty people know that looks aren't everything.  Sometimes I think it's like how rich people don't think much about money--attractive people have that quality in abundance, and don't always feel the need to surround themselves with other pretty people.  I'm not expressing this well, but bottom line is that this doesn't seem unrealistic to me, because I could go to a dozen social events and see the really hot, smart woman with the ordinary looking guy over and over and over.

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8 hours ago, Bryce Lynch said:

d) Who was the other pinata whacker besides Huell? It was weird seeing the upside down shots of the 3 living pinatas where it seemed like they were right side up.


Someone might already have said this, but I'm pretty sure the guy next to Huell was "Man mountain" from the Pimento episode. Looked like him atleast.


Anyways, great episode, probably the best one this season. Kinda wondering what Nacho's status is though...

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1 hour ago, Bryce Lynch said:

Coatis are not found in Chile, which other than Canada, is the only nation in the Americas that they do not inhabit.

Was this an error by the writers or does it mean Fring's story was a lie? 

Or, that he ended up in Chile later.  He said he was 7 years old in the coati incident.  And by the way, we know that animal abuse is a characteristic of serial killers.  I was a little surprised at this story, I had up until now thought most of his motivation was from the murder of his partner.  This shines a new light on old Gus.  For that reason, although while viewing the scene I did feel an anvil dropping, I still found it acceptable in that I learned just a bit more about Gus. 

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The story by Gus could be largely embellished, of course, because the point of it is that Hector, like many comoatose people, may undetstand what Gus is saying perfectly well, and Gus knows it. Gus is tormenting a helpless Hector by any means available. The point of the scene is turn the hatred dial between these two characters to "11".

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On 9/4/2018 at 6:14 PM, Bryce Lynch said:

What has Howard done to be labeled a "real shit"?  I think a lot of that feeling, early on, was based upon the fact that Jimmy saw him as the heavy, who wouldn't allow Chuck to hire Jimmy as a lawyer and HHM and who didn't want him to use the McGill name, when he was actually taking the rap for Chuck.   

I think that perception clouded our perspective a Howard's actions.   

Howard, on Kim's urging, pushed for D&M to hire Jimmy (a bad decision).  He also forgave Kim her law school debts when she left the firm, and wished her well.  

The things he probably gets the most heat for is sending Kim to doc review, but when you consider that she pushed him hard to recommend Jimmy to D&M and then allowed Howard to believe that she knew about Jimmy's rogue ad, but did not inform him, I think that made sense.  He had good reason not to trust her judgment or her loyalty to the firm at that time.  

Howard was caught in the middle of the silly, vicious feud between the McGill brothers.  He didn't  always handle this perfectly, but he tried to diffuse the conflict more than once, by urging Chuck to tone it down.  

Howard did force Chuck out of the firm because of his unstable behavior and the firm's malpractice insurance rates going through the roof, due to Jimmy ratting out Chuck to the insurance company.  Howard feels guilty about this and believes he is partly responsible for Chuck's suicide.  We saw Chuck start the fire and  kill himself onscreen, so Howard was clearly not directly responsible for causing the fire.  


This show is so excellent that I must confess I find so much of it just goes "over my head". Maybe I'm just not sufficiently clever to be able to understand it all.

I got the impression that Howard was "a shitty guy" just on a "gut-level" feeling by the way he interacted with Jimmy. In Episode 6,  Jimmy tells Howard that he is a "shit lawyer". That may have nothing to do with my feeling that he is also a "shitty guy". I  hope more will be revealed about Howard.  In the meantime, I have a real bad feeling about him.  I get the feeling that he will wind up doing himself some major harm. He may well even suicide before this season is over. In any case, I know that it's foolish to make a claim like, "Howard is a shitty guy" just based on the feel of an episode.  But for some reason, I think there is more to the story of Howard and Chuck's relationship and I hope more will be revealed about Chuck's death before the season is through.

As far as my making predictions based primarily on "gut feelings", I suppose we will just have to wait and see how things develop.

In the meantime, I was very satisfied at the way Jimmy got payback from those punks who rolled him and I expect there will be serious developments from the lady owner of the nail salon who said, "Get-rich-quick schemes rarely work". Jimmy answers, "Just watch me!"

The cell phone business is just starting and we know it will develop into a multi-billion dollar industry.  I'm expecting for Jimmy to become quite wealthy as a result of his partcipating in this industry. Also, when he told Howard, "You are a shit lawyer but an excellent salesman", I got a vision of the future where Howard fails at his law firm but the two men then team up and create a fabulous success story in the Cell-Phone industyr.

I know this is all highly improbable and I'm stepping WAY out on a limb. I don't know why I got this vision of the future and I don't know what I'm being foolish enough to  post my predictions when it is so likely that it will not come to pass. Oh well, what can I say? Probably best if I just shut up for a bit.

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10 hours ago, Dianaofthehunt said:

Oh, If only the bratty three could have had their skulls smashed in!


I just finished watching this Episode.  Wow!  This show has certainly cranked it up to another level.  IMHO, this was a fabulous episode.

I have some questions.  Can anyone please tell me what kind of animal it was that Fring was talking about?  I'm also curious what kind of fruit he was talking about. Did anyone hear him say the name of the fruit?


I'm very Sorry. But I originally made the following post in the S4E4 thread. I will now post it here in response to DianaoftheHunt:

I feel the same way. However, smashing their skuls in would just give them an easy way out.

So much more satisfying to take the time to make them suffer slowly while giving them an honest chance to understand why their actions were so stupid. Who knows? They may even find a way to turn their lives around (well, maybe one or two of them might) and with Jimmy's help, they may even join forces with him and find a way to live satisfying and happy lives.  Probably just wishful thinking on my part.  Of course, they can always wind up getting their skulls smashed in later on.  It will just be so much more enjoyable if we see them change their mental patterns before they do instead of continuing to live the way they are.

I'm just knocked out at how wonderful this show has become this season. Wow!

Edited by MissBluxom
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7 minutes ago, MissBluxom said:

I have many questions. Can anyone tell me what kind of animal it was that Fring was talking about? Also, what kind of fruit was it?

He said it was a coati, which looks like a raccoon.  I didn't catch the name of the fruit tree, but the recap says lucuma.

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9 minutes ago, ShadowFacts said:

He said it was a coati, which looks like a raccoon.  I didn't catch the name of the fruit tree, but the recap says lucuma.

Thanks very much. I never before heard of that kind of animal or that kind of fruit. I always enjoy learning something new each day.  Earlier today, I learned the name of a fish that attaches itself to a shark and essentially becomes an uninvited hitchhiker.  It was in another forum. Someone posted that one of the people on a show had become like a human Remora.  That's a fish that is aka "Sucker Fish"? 

Who says the Internet is good for nothing when you can learn such interesting things each day?  LOL.

Edited by MissBluxom
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12 minutes ago, icemiser69 said:

I was just hoping that a physical message was going to be sent to the punks.  Jimmy  really only needed to send a message to one of them.  Of course that would leave witnesses which would be a huge problem.  I didn't know Jimmy could run that fast.  Pretty risky plan that he had.  I am surprised that he out ran the three punks. 

I loved the Chuck flashback.  I hope Michael McKean is in more episodes.  He is such a wonderful actor.

It was interesting watching Jimmy berate Howard,  I understand that he tried to help Howard.  Howard will now go one of two ways.   He will either snap out if and be able to turn things around, or Jimmy gave him the fast track to sinking further into his abyss of despair.  If Howard does snap out of it, I wouldn't be shocked if he thanked Jimmy for giving him a swift kick in the ass.

Jimmy has to see that Kim has an exit strategy and doesn't want to work with him.  It is fine and dandy that Kim wants to act as a part time public defender.  I wonder how Jimmy will sabotage that.  It has to happen if Jimmy want to become legal partners with Kim.  I just hope it doesn't lead to Kim's demise.


That obnoxious German dude (Kai) isn't long for the show.  He is trouble with a capital "T".  I am surprised that Mike let him stick around.  Of course the only other option would be to kill him.  I don't know how they could bring in any female companionship for those workers.  That would just leave more witnesses.



I expect a little more from the writers than just punishing the punks as well as punishing Kai. I just can't see any point to having some meaningful dialouge between Howard and Jimmy if nothing is to become of it.  Specifically:

Jimmy tells Howard he is a "shit lawyer" but an "excellent salesman". Then he has a conversation with the lady owner of the nail salon who tells him, "Get-Rich-Quick schemes NEVER work." He replies, "Just watch me.". I can't see having those conversations if nothing will come of them. These writers are just too good for that. Far too good. They are, in fact, magnificent writers.

This all happens when the cell phone industry is just starting and we know it is destined to become a billion-dollar industry. Maybe even close to a Trillion-dollar industry." I know this is kind of "crazy" but I expect some events to follow from that dialog. Just a guess, mind you. But maybe Howard is such a shit lawyer that he will cause his firm to fail. And maybe he is such a good salesman that Jimmy and Howard could team up and become very successful in the Cell-Phone business.  I know this is a very improbable prediction and extremely likely that it won't come true. It's just a crazy vision I had. But ... if it does come true, won't that be fun?

See you all soon, I hope.  LOL.

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19 minutes ago, Ohwell said:

One word:  HUELL!

I just knew Jimmy would find a way to get back at the three fuckwits.  I loved every second of the "torture."

Hey, those f-wits have names.  According to IMDB they are "Peewee, Scooter and Skippy." :)  That is what Jimmy called them, when they first demanded his money in Quite a Ride.

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16 minutes ago, icemiser69 said:

I think we have a good idea what is going to happen to them when they are done.  It won't be pretty.

While I could see Gus ordering all the diggers and perhaps the engineer killed to keep the secret of the superlab, I'm not so sure that will happen or that it makes sense. In BB, the laundry workers seem to know about the lab.   Gus seems to be using his contacts in Germany to get the lab set up (likely Herr Schuler).  They might not appreciate him killing 7 guys as a  "some kind of prophylactic measure".  The fact that, in BB, Mike tells Lydia that that sort of thing is not done makes be doubt Gus plans to kill them.

I assume they are going to be transporting the men to and from the laundry with security similar to what they used for the trips from Denver by the two engineers.  

What I could see happening is Kai escaping from the compound or the laundry to have some fun, or maybe score some drugs, finding out where they are located, telling all the other workers where they are, and forcing Gus to have them all killed.    I was also wondering if Kai might be the addict who taught Gus that,  "You can never trust a drug addict.", as he warned Walt.  

Edited by Bryce Lynch
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