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Catelynn (and Tyler)

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If I were B&T, I'd move and leave no forwarding address. See how many likes THAT gets on Instagram.


Sadly I think they would be so obsessed about the media coverage they wouldn't even know where Carly went, although that might be a good thing for B&T. I feel like they'd be refreshing every 10 seconds to see how many new 'likes' there are, PLUS trying to figure out how to spin it to the media and where to release the big info. Which magazine? How many pictures?  Can we sneak a pic of Carly in there?  A pic of a moving truck? 

I feel kind of bad for Catelynn. She has said in previous shows that she grew up with no stability -- her mom was on drugs and married to or dating guys like Butch; they've shown her dad before and he seemed pretty solid in comparison, though I think he lived in Florida. When she met B&T the first time, she said she wanted Carly to have a hometown/school etc. bc she didn't have that as she moved around constantly -- probably a combo of mom not being able to make rent and/or escaping abusive boyfriends and her bouncing back and forth to FL to her dad.


So there's Tyler -- the one person who has stuck around all these years, and even though he's stringing her along -- she clings to him and probably fears losing him bc he is the one person in her life that has ever "wanted" her. April seems to be doing ok now, and if Catelynn wanted to leave -- she has the MTV money for an apartment and she'd have April, Nick, and her daughter. But obviously she won't leave bc she won't see that she's being strung along bc she doesn't WANT to see it. I'm sorry he claims to be SO in love with her since 7th grade or whenever, but whenever it comes close to marriage -- he finds a way to put it off, take back the ring, and then give it back some time later so they have to start wedding planning again from scratch? That's not a sign of  guy who is into you. And the excuses he's given have been ridiculous. I believe in the "Being Catelynn" special, he said something along the lines that there were lots of goals for them to fulfill before getting married and one of hers was to be healthier. Um -- he won't marry the love of his life bc she's 20 lb overweight?? If you don't want to marry her bc you're not attracted to her due to size or anything else -- fine -- but cut her loose; she is who she is and even if she loses 20 lb she's not going to be model hot.


And you can tell how desperate she is to marry him bc she is totally passive as she tries not to piss him off bc she knows he could walk away. I wanted to throw a shoe at the TV every time she said in episode 1 or 2 -- I "wouldn't mind being married before the baby comes." Wouldn't mind?? Why not be more assertive and say -- look we've been talking about marriage for yrs, with a baby on the way -- it's now or never; I WANT to be married in the next 9 months (or ideally in the next 3 months before the real pregnant look sets in). Instead she lets him put it off by saying "no we have to do it up big; I'm not doing a courthouse wedding now and another one for guests later." You know what'll happen -- they've had the baby. The first 9 months to a yr you're too busy to plan a big wedding anyway. Then when a yr rolls around, he'll throw some other condition on her re weight loss or therapy or whatever; so that'll take another 6 months to fulfill. And just when that's about done, I wouldn't be surprised if they're pregnant again and then the cycle starts again of -- no a big wedding after the baby . . . . He's easily bought himself 2.5-3 yrs where he'll string her along and she'll cling.

  • Love 10

^^Amen to all of this. Tyler is a chickenshit.

He'll never marry her and she'll never have the self esteem to walk away. Tyler has been tapping her in the head about what SHE needed to do to be worthy of marriage to him. Between that and all the MTV tweens telling her how AWESOME Tyler is, I'm sure she's convinced she can't do any better than him.

She'll spend the rest of her life trying to get him to love and accept her.

Question...is she still planning on wearing the wedding dress she bought three engagements ago?

  • Love 6

I really thinks it sad that neither of them have yet developed the mental discipline to get an education. With the money they have earned, they both could have college degrees by now.  There really isn't any reason they haven't done this.  Despite a terrible upbringing, they did have this option, but failed to take it.  They pay it lip service, but it never pans out.

  • Love 5

I really thinks it sad that neither of them have yet developed the mental discipline to get an education. With the money they have earned, they both could have college degrees by now.  There really isn't any reason they haven't done this.  Despite a terrible upbringing, they did have this option, but failed to take it.  They pay it lip service, but it never pans out.


Several years ago, Catelynn posted a picture of her homework to instagram or facebook or something akin to that, and it was pretty surprising. It wasn't exactly like "match the picture to the word"- but it was some kind of seat work that looked more appropriate for the 6th grade. I wish I could remember what it was. Anyways, at most colleges, you have to take placement tests, and if you don't score high enough to get into the introductory classes, you have to take these prep courses that cost the same as the "real" classes and take the same amount of time, but don't actually count towards your credits. I'm wondering if maybe Catelynn tested pretty low and had to take so many prep courses before getting to basic generals that she got overwhelmed and quit. I do think Catelynn is lazy but maybe schoolwork is also more challenging to her than most .

  • Love 7
They pay it lip service, but it never pans out


I think they are both experts and saying the right thing and playing the victim.   Not to say that they didn't grow up with dysfunction and were a victim of domestic issues like Catelynn living with an alcoholic mother and Tyler's father's issues.   But they play the part and they know that it benefits them.  They do let it define them and that's a problem IMO.   


I think that Tyler was totally ambivalent about Cate and only stayed with her when she was pregnant the first time because he wanted to talk her into adoption and get himself off the hook for child support and other responsibilities.   Cate on the other hand seems totally codependant and willing to do literally anything to keep him.   You can see her immaturity because as soon as a reasonable question comes up like when Farrah called them out on not finishing school and other goals they talked about, her reaction was to start yelling that Farrah sold her vagina.   Ooh, hit a nerve there I guess.    Catelynn needs to admit to herself that her standards are not as high as she claims and she does defer to Tyler on everything.  


After Carly was born they were championed as selfless kids, doing the right thing for Carly.   Whether it was the right thing is not the issue.   The reason why she did it is the issue.   It's not so selfless and brave if she did it to keep Tyler IMO.   Personally I believe that if Tyler wanted to keep Carly, or even said he wouldn't break up with her if she did keep Carly, she would have Carly right now.   So Tyler isn't going to rock the boat.  Why would he?   He is benefitting from being with Catelynn, he works giving speeches about adoption with her, he is on the show with her, featured way more than any of the other fathers from what I see.  He's in pretty much every scene with her and the other dads aren't.   Also they focus a lot more on his feelings and what he is going through.   He's basically another teen mom.   That is what is solidifying their relationship IMO.   The money and the attention.   It wouldn't surprise me if he had another kid with Cate just for a storyline.   Even Butch knows he is out for a good storyline.   And now Butch is coming to live with them when he gets out of jail?   Um wasn't that one of the major reasons they gave Carly up?   To remove her from that kind of situation?   

  • Love 9

Based on what we saw of them in high school, I would anticipate them needing extra help and basic classes, including some tutoring to get a good footing in a community college, but it is possible. Other people do it who have learning disabilities, are blind, deaf, etc.  Even with all that and taking a low class load you could still have a college degree by now.  It does require real desire, focus and commitment. They don't seem to have that. It's disappointing, because they do seem to know what to say to win you over. Eventually, their words don't mean much though.  

Several years ago, Catelynn posted a picture of her homework to instagram or facebook or something akin to that, and it was pretty surprising. It wasn't exactly like "match the picture to the word"- but it was some kind of seat work that looked more appropriate for the 6th grade. I wish I could remember what it was. Anyways, at most colleges, you have to take placement tests, and if you don't score high enough to get into the introductory classes, you have to take these prep courses that cost the same as the "real" classes and take the same amount of time, but don't actually count towards your credits. I'm wondering if maybe Catelynn tested pretty low and had to take so many prep courses before getting to basic generals that she got overwhelmed and quit. I do think Catelynn is lazy but maybe schoolwork is also more challenging to her than most .

Didn't these kids spend an extra year in hs? And they barely passed. I believe Catelynn said she got 60s on her report card.

  • Love 1

I think they are both experts and saying the right thing and playing the victim. Not to say that they didn't grow up with dysfunction and were a victim of domestic issues like Catelynn living with an alcoholic mother and Tyler's father's issues. But they play the part and they know that it benefits them. They do let it define them and that's a problem IMO.

I think that Tyler was totally ambivalent about Cate and only stayed with her when she was pregnant the first time because he wanted to talk her into adoption and get himself off the hook for child support and other responsibilities. Cate on the other hand seems totally codependant and willing to do literally anything to keep him. You can see her immaturity because as soon as a reasonable question comes up like when Farrah called them out on not finishing school and other goals they talked about, her reaction was to start yelling that Farrah sold her vagina. Ooh, hit a nerve there I guess. Catelynn needs to admit to herself that her standards are not as high as she claims and she does defer to Tyler on everything.

After Carly was born they were championed as selfless kids, doing the right thing for Carly. Whether it was the right thing is not the issue. The reason why she did it is the issue. It's not so selfless and brave if she did it to keep Tyler IMO. Personally I believe that if Tyler wanted to keep Carly, or even said he wouldn't break up with her if she did keep Carly, she would have Carly right now. So Tyler isn't going to rock the boat. Why would he? He is benefitting from being with Catelynn, he works giving speeches about adoption with her, he is on the show with her, featured way more than any of the other fathers from what I see. He's in pretty much every scene with her and the other dads aren't. Also they focus a lot more on his feelings and what he is going through. He's basically another teen mom. That is what is solidifying their relationship IMO. The money and the attention. It wouldn't surprise me if he had another kid with Cate just for a storyline. Even Butch knows he is out for a good storyline. And now Butch is coming to live with them when he gets out of jail? Um wasn't that one of the major reasons they gave Carly up? To remove her from that kind of situation?

I agree. They use their broken childhood as a crutch. I felt for them when they were kids but they're grown ass adults now. Plenty of adults go through worse but they have their act together. Their fans just keep stroking the inflated egos. What possibly can they talk about? They decided to do adoption. So what many people adopt or put their kids up for adoption. Many people move on and grow up. Tyler and Catelynn has never taken responsibility for their actions, it's always excuses. And at least Farrah has goals. She's not sitting on her ass doing nothing. She's taking advantage of her tv fame

  • Love 2

There is no reason why Catelynn and Tyler can't get it together. They have the luxury of having enough money to go back to school and complete their studies full-time. They can go to a CC or state school and not spend more than maybe 40K total, maybe less if they can get scholarships based on good grades. Surely they have that much individually after all of the reality shows they've done. Anyways, I'm not surprised that they haven't done anything with themselves. The nice little MTV paychecks (and the ones they got from VH1) means they don't have any real incentive to get it together. For now, they can afford to sit around all day and watch television. If they really had to rely on themselves and their education to get somewhere, they would have finished school a long time ago.

Edited by trimthatfat
  • Love 3

There is no reason why Catelynn and Tyler can't get it together. They have the luxury of having enough money to go back to school and complete their studies full-time. They can go to a CC or state school and not spend more than maybe 40K total, maybe less if they can get scholarships based on good grades. Surely they have that much individually after all of the reality shows they've done. Anyways, I'm not surprised that they haven't done anything with themselves. The nice little MTV paychecks (and the ones they got from VH1) means they don't have any real incentive to get it together. For now, they can afford to sit around all day and watch television. If they really had to rely on themselves and their education to get somewhere, they would have finished school a long time ago.

Getting a proper education takes some combination of time, money, and effort.  They have the first two, but neither have shown any desire to get off their butts and do anything beyond checking the Internet 500 times per day.  I've known many many people in my younger days who sat around saying they were going to do this and they were going to do that, and never actually did a damn thing with their lives.

  • Love 6

Yes, Catelynn and Tyler are lazy people. Like, extremely lazy. I've been watching early Teen Mom reruns, and two stand out for me- when Tyler said he couldn't figure out which classes he needed to get his "social work" degree so he decided to just sit the semester out. Um, take basic generals then? Most degrees have a core requirement that does not relate directly to the intended major. Colleges do that intentionally to ensure a well rounded education Tyler. And most colleges will work with you if you want to transfer credits, particularly generals. The second incident was when Cate was applying for a job and they told her to bring in a resume. Yeah, I never completed a resume for a cashier job, but anyone with a computer and internet access could google "sample resumes" and copy the format, and I would have done that had someone asked me to in order to get the job. Cate just saunters in and tells the manager, yeah, I was told to bring in a resume, but I don't have one, so...yeah...


I do like Catelynn, but between her dependence on Tyler and her complete lack of work ethic, I don't see her ever making much of herself. Hopefully she is saving all her appearance fees and Teen Mom money so she can at least provide for Nova when the checks stop coming.

  • Love 6

Yes, it's unfortunate that young people who really have the opportunity to attend school, don't use it.  Community College is a great option, but I really encourage all who can afford it to try a four year university.  The experience is more than just getting a degree. You learn so many things about people, the world and new ideas.  And also how to think independently.  To me it's an awesome way to spend four years.  There are activities, volunteer work, and social bonding that can last for life.  It may or many not enable you to get a job, but it certainly can provide opportunities for a person to learn tenacity, tolerance and independence.  

  • Love 5

I really thinks it sad that neither of them have yet developed the mental discipline to get an education. With the money they have earned, they both could have college degrees by now.  There really isn't any reason they haven't done this.  Despite a terrible upbringing, they did have this option, but failed to take it.  They pay it lip service, but it never pans out.

Unfortunately, they don't have any role models for pursuing higher education. I wonder if many of their HS friends went on to college. And I remember reading a while ago that they both did have some kind of jobs, beyond the Bethany speaking engagements. Whether true or not, I have no idea. Living in a small, crappy town in MI, they probably aren't too inspired by the jobs they see available.

The Soup did a funny bit this week titled "Teen Dad Tyler's Mom The Voice of Reason". The did a theme song for it like a sitcom and showed the clip of his mom saying that Mtv wasn't where his future was going to be. It was pretty funny. I love it when the Teen Mom kids are on The Soup (mostly it's just been Jenelle) because I imagine it's the kind of fame they don't want. Google that, Tyler!

Here's my question, why do we see so much damn Tyler?

I mean right from the start, it was 16 & Pregnant...and Tyler. Teen Mom...and Tyler. I'm just sick of Tyler. Right from the start MTV has made this dude out to be more than was ever really there. There's no there, there. Just a smug little prick who strings Cate along because she's his ticket to semi semi stardom.

  • Love 4

Getting a proper education takes some combination of time, money, and effort. They have the first two, but neither have shown any desire to get off their butts and do anything beyond checking the Internet 500 times per day. I've known many many people in my younger days who sat around saying they were going to do this and they were going to do that, and never actually did a damn thing with their lives.

Yup. It's so trite, but you really do get what you put out, and they don't put out. Though I guess Cate did at least twice, hehe. What's boggling to me is that they can stand being at home all the time. I'm not the hardest working person myself but when I was at home after being laid off I was bored out of my fucking skull (no kids). I discovered that even if I had money I am still the kind of person who needs a job. Not everyone is like that and it's perfectly ok, but jeez, do SOMETHING.

Edited by The Mighty Peanut
  • Love 4

Unfortunately, they don't have any role models for pursuing higher education. I wonder if many of their HS friends went on to college. And I remember reading a while ago that they both did have some kind of jobs, beyond the Bethany speaking engagements. Whether true or not, I have no idea. Living in a small, crappy town in MI, they probably aren't too inspired by the jobs they see available.

Yeah I don't think either one actually wants an education. They just don't know what else to want. Here's the thing about a university degree: it's hard. It just does require some hard work. If you have zero interest in the actual education and you're just there to get a job or because it's what you do then it's even harder. Caite and Taylor really, really, really don't care about learning anything (especially not the theoretical, analytical type of learning you do in a university), they just want jobs where they make money. Which is cool by me, but they are both much better suited to a job training program than college. Of course, that may be what they're talking about. Taylor and Cait have always had this habit of talking about any post-secondary education as "getting a degree". I'm not sure they have any idea what the difference is between an MA, BA, AA, certificate program, or trade school. Anyway, point being is I think they haven't finished any type of program because they don't actually care about it except as a means to an end and since they still have MTV money the end isn't starring them in the face yet. I don't know, I'm not that hopeful for them. I sort of think MTV and the Bethany speaker gig has elevated then maybe a step above their parents and that's where they're going to stay. They just don't strike me a smart or hard working or creative enough to really get out. Not that getting out is easy, I'm not sure I would have if I had been born into that mess.

  • Love 6

I think they both are talking about university because it's what they hear they're supposed to do. They'll probably both be better off doing a trade school and getting into work. Maybe getting a regular paycheck will be enough to keep them wanting to go in. (I'm regularly surprised how often these Teen Mom jobs end with the girls just not going anymore)

  • Love 6

I can't help but think that Tyler wants iCarly to know that he is her father. I don't think his wanting to stay in Carly's life has anythung at all with concern for her well being. He wants to lord it over BrandonandTeresa that he made Carly happen. He wants to stay in their life so he can toss it at them whenever he has a low number of likes on instagram.

There's an incredible obnoxiousness (is that a word) with this kid. He doesn't care about Carly. He cares about being able to say I made this happen and you need to bow down to me everyday because of it.

And I really can't understand the extended family. The way they always ask to see Carly like she's coming home from camp soon. There's no way they're all that deluded. She's gone! She's not going to be your flower girl, she's not coming to visiting day w Butch, she's not coming to the family reunions.

Perhaps they can do a Chinese lantern ceremony to release the memory of Carly after BrandonandTeresa shut this shit DOWN.

  • Love 11

I feel kind of bad for Catelynn. She has said in previous shows that she grew up with no stability -- her mom was on drugs and married to or dating guys like Butch; they've shown her dad before and he seemed pretty solid in comparison, though I think he lived in Florida. When she met B&T the first time, she said she wanted Carly to have a hometown/school etc. bc she didn't have that as she moved around constantly -- probably a combo of mom not being able to make rent and/or escaping abusive boyfriends and her bouncing back and forth to FL to her dad.


So there's Tyler -- the one person who has stuck around all these years, and even though he's stringing her along -- she clings to him and probably fears losing him bc he is the one person in her life that has ever "wanted" her. April seems to be doing ok now, and if Catelynn wanted to leave -- she has the MTV money for an apartment and she'd have April, Nick, and her daughter. But obviously she won't leave bc she won't see that she's being strung along bc she doesn't WANT to see it. I'm sorry he claims to be SO in love with her since 7th grade or whenever, but whenever it comes close to marriage -- he finds a way to put it off, take back the ring, and then give it back some time later so they have to start wedding planning again from scratch? That's not a sign of  guy who is into you. And the excuses he's given have been ridiculous. I believe in the "Being Catelynn" special, he said something along the lines that there were lots of goals for them to fulfill before getting married and one of hers was to be healthier. Um -- he won't marry the love of his life bc she's 20 lb overweight?? If you don't want to marry her bc you're not attracted to her due to size or anything else -- fine -- but cut her loose; she is who she is and even if she loses 20 lb she's not going to be model hot.


And you can tell how desperate she is to marry him bc she is totally passive as she tries not to piss him off bc she knows he could walk away. I wanted to throw a shoe at the TV every time she said in episode 1 or 2 -- I "wouldn't mind being married before the baby comes." Wouldn't mind?? Why not be more assertive and say -- look we've been talking about marriage for yrs, with a baby on the way -- it's now or never; I WANT to be married in the next 9 months (or ideally in the next 3 months before the real pregnant look sets in). Instead she lets him put it off by saying "no we have to do it up big; I'm not doing a courthouse wedding now and another one for guests later." You know what'll happen -- they've had the baby. The first 9 months to a yr you're too busy to plan a big wedding anyway. Then when a yr rolls around, he'll throw some other condition on her re weight loss or therapy or whatever; so that'll take another 6 months to fulfill. And just when that's about done, I wouldn't be surprised if they're pregnant again and then the cycle starts again of -- no a big wedding after the baby . . . . He's easily bought himself 2.5-3 yrs where he'll string her along and she'll cling.


Sorry~just catching up. I just want to say BRAVO!!

  • Love 3

Several years ago, Catelynn posted a picture of her homework to instagram or facebook or something akin to that, and it was pretty surprising. It wasn't exactly like "match the picture to the word"- but it was some kind of seat work that looked more appropriate for the 6th grade.

Sounds like the type of school that gave Maeby a crocodile for spelling.

The MTV money has made them spoiled and lazy. They don't understand that they do not have skills to sustain that income. I have a similar anecdote, I have a friend that was making $90K with a HS education in NYC. Thats a huge accomplishment because there's a huge work force here, its much harder to compete with more educated workers. His job was basically customer education for technology. Was. That job evaporated as people have become much more PC and internet savvy. Now, his best offer is under $60K and there's no equivalent, portable way to market his skills.

Many young people find a way to earn money, very few find a way to accumulate wealth or skills. It turns into the classic "I had it all" story you hear from middle age drunks.

No offense to alcohol enthusiasts or the chronologically adverse. Don't let your skills go stale or assume a job is forever.

  • Love 3

I can't help but think that Tyler wants iCarly to know that he is her father. I don't think his wanting to stay in Carly's life has anythung at all with concern for her well being. He wants to lord it over BrandonandTeresa that he made Carly happen. He wants to stay in their life so he can toss it at them whenever he has a low number of likes on instagram.

There's an incredible obnoxiousness (is that a word) with this kid. He doesn't care about Carly. He cares about being able to say I made this happen and you need to bow down to me everyday because of it.

And I really can't understand the extended family. The way they always ask to see Carly like she's coming home from camp soon. There's no way they're all that deluded. She's gone! She's not going to be your flower girl, she's not coming to visiting day w Butch, she's not coming to the family reunions.

Perhaps they can do a Chinese lantern ceremony to release the memory of Carly after BrandonandTeresa shut this shit DOWN.

I agree. But Tyler should know Carly might not even recognize him as her birth father. Just a sperm ddonor.their fans are the worse. They told Catelynn and Tyler they should file for custody of Carly and get her back. Wtf? Another poster said in 12 years Carly will be back in their arms and forget about Brandon and Theresa. Wtf??? Their fans are just as worse. Tyler might have NPD.

The MTV money has made them spoiled and lazy. They don't understand that they do not have skills to sustain that income. I have a similar anecdote, I have a friend that was making $90K with a HS education in NYC. Thats a huge accomplishment because there's a huge work force here, its much harder to compete with more educated workers. His job was basically customer education for technology. Was. That job evaporated as people have become much more PC and internet savvy. Now, his best offer is under $60K and there's no equivalent, portable way to market his skills.

Many young people find a way to earn money, very few find a way to accumulate wealth or skills. It turns into the classic "I had it all" story you hear from middle age drunks.

No offense to alcohol enthusiasts or the chronologically adverse. Don't let your skills go stale or assume a job is forever.

I don't know why these kids are paid anyway. Their kids made them famous, so pay the kids and leave it in a trust fund

  • Love 2

I don't think the thought that Carly may not want a relationship with her birth parents when she becomes an adult has ever crossed C& T's minds.

I caught the rerun of the current episode yesterday and I am throughly convinced that Brandon and Teresa wanted to have that meeting with Catelynn and Tyler to formally close the adoption or severely limit contact. When Teresa said, "it's been six years since.... I took that as , it's time for everyone to move on.

  • Love 3

As an adoptee, I can relate to Carly (although I have no idea about my bio parents). She may or may not ever be interested in having a relationship with them. And even if she is, eventually, that interest may come a lot later than her 18th birthday.

I don't think some people realize this. Only time will tell what Carly will do. It's up to her, but right now Catelynn and Tyler need to but out. They're doing more harm than good. I don't think Tyler sees that Carly is what? 6. Strangers come up to Bently and Leah in public. Carly deserves her privacy.

  • Love 2

It's sad to say, but I wonder that if Tyler and Caitlyn stay on their path, one day down the road Carley may look at them with the same disappointment they do their parents.

I think Carly will be always be grateful for the choice T&C made, but I honestly don't know if she'll be disappointed with the way they chose to live their lives or just feel sorry for them bc they had such bad role models and they ended up squandering away opportunities to do better. I was adopted as a newborn and met my birth mother when I was 27 and truthfully I wish I never opened that door. Except that it made me more grateful for the family I was raised in.

  • Love 10

Question, were Tyler and Catelyn compensated at all by Bethany? I'm sure Catelyn's medical bills were paid by I'm wondering if the birth mother gets anything beyond that. I don't rememebr hearing anything about it.

Just wondering. The adoption still needs to be closed, but I'm sure we're just going to hear BrandonandTeresa tell Tyler to back off or else. Not a complete shut down.

The adoption still needs to be closed, but I'm sure we're just going to hear BrandonandTeresa tell Tyler to back off or else. Not a complete shut down.


For Catelynn's sake I hope they take this step first.  I would totally understand if they said "that's it, we're done, you're out!" but I feel like that'd be so hard on Catelynn, and in some ways unfair to her since it seems to be Tyler mostly causing the problem. At this stage in her life I don't think it'll impact Carly that much at all either way, so I hope they can do what works best for everyone else.

  • Love 1

I believe that would be baby selling and illegal. Only some expenses are paid for the mother.


ehh.. yes and no. This was a long time ago but I had a friend just after high school who was young, white, healthy, and wanted to give up her healthy baby. She just flat out didn't want kids and knew it, but got pregnant unintentionally. It was amazing some of the stuff prospective parents offered her to get around the law.  What was covered legally speaking (i.e. medical expenses) was a lot different than what the parents-to-be offered her as "gifts" that were apparently legal, or anyway grey area enough that they got away with offering.  My friend was giving the baby up either way and had enough money, so that didn't really factor into her decision - she picked the family she felt was best for her baby - but I can see where all of those "gifts" might factor in for someone who was desperate.

  • Love 2

True ispansy. My friend actually did have one couple quietly offer her cash, and she reported them to the adoption agency. Another couple offered to pay for her entire college education including living expenses for 4 years. Of course they aren't going to show stuff like that on 16&P or Teen Mom, but I wonder if Catelynn and Tyler had to wade through a bunch of that stuff too. I think they made a really good choice in terms of parents for Carly, in spite of Tyler flipping out about it now.

  • Love 2

I can't understand what these two are actually doing with their lives. I really just can't.

I think they spend their time waiting for the MTV cameras to arrive for the next seasons filming and waiting for the MTV check to arrive in the mail. The rest of the time Tyler pontificates on how right they were to give up Carly for a better life and how screwed up Butch and everyone else is and how he doesn't want to be like Butch, occasionally he throws a comment to Cate about how neither of them (especially her!!) would be able to survive without the other. The they go over to the Burger Barn for a cheeseburger fries and shakes.



Just an after-thought.. Tyler is just like Butch in that he spews all the right talk but never walks the walk.

Edited by iwasish
  • Love 5

They had all these goals and seemingly have accomplished none. They have no college education, no skills, no job prospects, and when this shit is over they will be living in a trailer park where it all started. 

Didn't the website "Jezebel" take up a collection for these two? For college, books etc? I wonder if they were ever able to meet the criteria for getting their hands on that money or did Jezebel cave and just hand it over?

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It's annoying because in a previous season Tyler was all up in arms because he had signed up for college and Catelynn hadn't yet, and he seemed very upset and disappointed with Catelynn's procrastinating putting off signing up. He acted like he wasn't sure if he would even want to be with her if she didn't do something with her life. She finally did sign up and they were going to get an education "for Carly"...yada yada.  I'm not sure how long college lasted for both of them, but it didn't seem to be very long. I don't think either have even had jobs since Tyler worked at the pizza place and Catelynn worked at the boutique, and that was, what ---when they were about 17?

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I think they spend their time waiting for the MTV cameras to arrive for the next seasons filming and waiting for the MTV check to arrive in the mail. The rest of the time Tyler pontificates on how right they were to give up Carly for a better life and how screwed up Butch and everyone else is and how he doesn't want to be like Butch, occasionally he throws a comment to Cate about how neither of them (especially her!!) would be able to survive without the other. The they go over to the Burger Barn for a cheeseburger fries and shakes.



Just an after-thought.. Tyler is just like Butch in that he spews all the right talk but never walks the walk.


That is exactly what they do. The other Mom's (and Dad's) seem to have somewhat of an off show life. They spend their off show time trying to capitalize on sweet little Carly.

Question, were Tyler and Catelyn compensated at all by Bethany? I'm sure Catelyn's medical bills were paid by I'm wondering if the birth mother gets anything beyond that. I don't rememebr hearing anything about it.

Just wondering. The adoption still needs to be closed, but I'm sure we're just going to hear BrandonandTeresa tell Tyler to back off or else. Not a complete shut down.

Even if they weren't compensated beyond medical/living expenses, these two absolutely profited off of the adoption (although they did not know they were going to do so).

Catelynn & Tyler were only on 16 & Pregnant/TM because Bethany was contacted by MTV looking for a couple that was choosing adoption. Had they not been placing Carly and doing so with Bethany, they wouldn't have been on the show or become famous, made this kind of money, etc. T&C are now spokespeople for Bethany:

"Bethany is proud to have a partnership with Catelynn and Tyler and together we are working to promote adoption and the benefits of pregnancy counseling. With their help, Bethany hopes to continue to educate expectant moms who may be considering an adoption plan for the baby."


Catelynn and Tyler don't appear to have "jobs" (outside of TM) because their jobs are going around speaking about and promoting adoption: "Catelynn and Tyler make their living off speaking engagements, where they talk about adoption and their own experience with it": http://okmagazine.com/meet-the-stars/30-things-we-learned-from-the-farrah-catelynn-and-amber-teen-mom-catch-up-specials/

So even if they weren't paid for the adoption, the adoption is now the main source of their income- their MTV fame, their partnership with Bethany, their new book, their speaking engagements, etc. That's why Tyler can never ever let anyone forget that he's Carly's biodad and that they placed her for adoption, even if it means alienating her parents in the process.

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
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I know this isn't going to be a popular opinion but....as far as Catelynn and Tyler going to college and promising Carly they'd go to college, I think they were both being a little bit delusional about that.

I definitely think they should go to trade school or something, but I don't think either of them are intellectually cut out for a 4 year degree or even some associates degrees.

It was a really big deal when they finished high school. Tyler was so proud of himself that he wanted Carly at graduation (thankfully B&T shut that down). I doubt Butch finished high school. I may be misremembering, but I'm pretty sure that Catelynn said something seasons ago before she graduated high school like she didn't want to be "some loser who didn't graduate high school" to her mom. April looked offended and said "gee, thanks" or something. So I don't think she graduated high school either. I'm not sure about Kim & Catelynn's dad, but I'd think Kim did.

I know a family that owns a successful small business where the husband didn't finish high school and the mom has a bachelor's degree. When their kids graduated high school, it was such a huge deal, especially to the dad's side of the family. They treated it like how my family treated it when I graduated college. The dad and his family were SO proud. In my family it was just expected you'd finish high school and expected you go to college or learn a trade. I'm thinking neither of these were necessarily expectations in Tyler or Catelynn's families and it was a huge deal for them to complete high school.

I'm thinking that the odds were stacked against C&T to even finish high school and college is/was likely a pipe dream, given the situations they come from, their familes' lack of experience with higher education'a culture & expectations, and their own abilities. I think they probably feel proud of themselves for finishing high school in a the way most college grads feel about completing their degrees. Or heck, even how some who have finished grad/medical/law school feel if that's what was usual or expected in their families.

So I'm proud of them for finishing high school. Now, learn some sort of skill besides being a framewhore (looking at you, Tyler).

Also just wanted to add this- it's from a birth mom forum about Tyler's adoption regrets. Tyler has gotten into it with the writers on that site before. It's an interesting read:


Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
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