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Catelynn (and Tyler)

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I think they talked about continuing their educations after high school so they could get decent jobs, then afford to be able to support a child. Since the MTV cash is still rolling in, they probably don't think they need the higher education in order to make money. They already have that money. How many people working standard 9-5 jobs would keep them if they won the lottery, for instance? Of course, many who win squander that money within a few years, but they feel they can quit their jobs because they now have cash.


Yes, they talked the talk, but didn't walk the walk. Bullshit is all they did all these seasons. People don't need a higher education in order to have a job, trade or career. I know several people who went to trade school for a year and are now young parents with their own home and some great self-esteem. I have a friend who went to a trade school, hoping to work at a law office. She worked her way up from a filing job to now working as a judicial assistant earning $40 per hour.  I also know someone who came into over a million dollars from an inheritance. They didn't stop working. They put that money away for a rainy day and their retirement. That person is 25 years old and came from a shitty upbringing. Worse than Cate and Tyler's.


I don't think Tyler doesn't work because he thinks he is rolling in the dough and doesn't need to work right now. What I think the reason is, part of it is because he is lethargic. He is lazy. Then there is Catelynn who has a controlling aspect to her about him. The worry about him "dipping his dick" (her words) into another girl. She is more than happy to have him home where she can keep him in check. Not to mention Butch wasn't around to instill in his son the importance of having a career or a trade. I think they would be living like shit if MTV didn't come into their lives. The only difference is, they are living in a house that MTV paid for.

  • Love 5
IIRC, that was their reason for graduating from high school.  So...job's done.


LOL, touche. 


But, in all seriousness, that was supposed to be an example for Carly. (Thank God she has Brandon and Teresa.) What about Nova? The one who is going to be living with them day in and day out? Okay, well, make that every third day. What kind of example are they setting for her? Don't parents want their children to have a better life than they had? This one is only marginally better, if you ask me. I hope Butch and April really ARE on a better path right now. But I think it's still too soon to tell. Yet they have the two reasons they couldn't keep Carly watching the kid they did keep! At least half the time, in April's case! They have no careers, no education - what is their daughter going to aspire to be?? 


The fact is, Catelynn and Tyler are the two who had the best chance of changing things, because they chose not to raise their daughter. They had all the time and opportunity in the world to do a lot of things that people who DO become parents as teenagers only wish they could do. The fact that they are basically on the same plane, if not doing WORSE, than all the other moms who DID keep their babies, that just really speaks to how pathetic they are. 


I tried to root for these two for the longest time. They do have a horrible background to overcome. And I'm not even the biggest proponent of college. It certainly isn't for everyone, and we're seeing a lot of millenials currently struggling to find work, despite their degrees. But I'd like to see them do SOMETHING. Learn a trade, or find a field you can work your way up in. And...they both spoke of going to college like it WAS something they were interested in. So, the whole thing is just thoroughly disappointing. 

  • Love 8

But, in all seriousness, that was supposed to be an example for Carly.


That's what I was referring to, a/k/a the one that counts.



The fact that [C&T] are basically on the same plane, if not doing WORSE, than all the other moms who DID keep their babies, that just really speaks to how pathetic they are.


I agree, but I wonder if things would be reversed without the influence of TM money. 


Maci would never be destitute because of her parents, but she definitely wouldn't have the high-flying life she has now.  Without TM money, she'd drop down a bunch of notches, and maybe even struggle.


Farrah would no doubt be a better person (not hard to do) because she wouldn't have the coins to be doing all this ridiculous stuff and might even had a real job in the food service industry.  I don't think she would have built a career in the porn industry without her TM "fame."  At worst, she'd be completely supported by her parents, which sounds kind of awful but in her case would be a benefit to herself, Sophia, and society.  Whatever, she'd still be saddled with a child, unless she just handed Sophia over to her parents (I know I would), in which case she's in C&T territory.  (And actually, I wonder just how horrible Sophia would be if she were being raised by a non-TM-fame Farrah.  Yeah, it's still Farrah, and her grandparents are still Michael and Debra, but I think Farrah has suffered the worst from TM influence.  I know I've suffered from Farrah's TM influence.) 


Amber, I don't know.  Her "journey" has been so crazy I can't keep up.  And I just don't know what a "good" life means for her, or for me when thinking about her.


But Catelynn and Tyler?  I don't think TM has hurt them quite as bad as it's hurt Farrah, but it's close.  Without it, I can see them graduating from high school "for Carly" even without the cameras around, and then, with no TM money, getting a least some sort of job, and even maybe aspiring to a career, and (I can dream) maybe even working toward that goal.  Sitting on the couch all day while planning their next tattoos and hoping Catelynn doesn't have anxiety attacks on their Hawaii honeymoon would not be on the table.  I also think having to have a life and not obsessing about Carly (which I fear is because they're contractually required to) would have made them delay having another baby.


It's tragic that they are the face of adoption on this show.

  • Love 8

Oh, wouldn't we?!


From the "Blind Item" celebrity gossip website:


This Teen Mom who you would never suspect of this, would rather spend her nights partying then taking care of her kid and passes off the kid as much as possible. Catelynn Lowell Baltierra

Oh I suspected that and more. Ha! Doesn't anyone else remember when a photo surfaced of Catelynn smoking pot? They were even arrested:




According to the report, Catelynn and Tyler were busted for smoking marijuana just six days after the birth, and adoption of their daughter, Carly. During that time, the pair were still filming their episode of “16 and Pregnant,” but the arrest was never shown on air.

Tyler Baltierra’s father, Butch, told Teen Mom Confidential, that his son and Catelynn Lowell don’t do any other drugs that he knows of, but that Tyler drinks, and “smokes a lot of marijuana.”


I didn't fall for Cate's bullshit.


Add alcohol and her use of weed as a reason for her weight gain not "depression". Cate gets the munchies.

April sits there each night as she babysits Nova while her daughter makes the same mistakes she made.  Lather. Rinse. Repeat.



It is not the first time this allegation has been made about her partying:


Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 4

That was really shitty for Butch to throw C&T under the bus like that.

It seems the whole family does that to one another at one point or another. Remember the lovely toast at the wedding where Butch was being reminded what a fucking tool he had been to his family?


Butch was an abuser and a drug addict. He doesn't get any sympathy from me, but that is the kind of behavior addicts display, and Butch gave (sold?) that comment when he was in the throes of his addiction.

I have always wondered if Cate and Tyler were stoners. If Butch says they drink and smoke a lot, they probably smoke A LOT. I have nothing against smoking pot, but if all they do is sit around, drinking and smoking pot all day, that could definitely explain Cate's weight gain and their lack of motivation.

Word! If the addict of the family uses "a lot" to describe your pot smoking and drinking ways, just multiply it by ten and you will get an accurate description of what is really going down at Casa Tyler.


SAHM brings a whole other meaning in the Baltierra household - Shit Ass High Mutherfuckers.

  • Love 6

"According to the report, Catelynn and Tyler were busted for smoking marijuana just six days after the birth, and adoption of their daughter, Carly. During that time, the pair were still filming their episode of “16 and Pregnant,” but the arrest was never shown on air."


Because showing the arrest on the air would fly in the face of MTV's and Dr. Drew's portrayal of them as America's Sweethearts.

  • Love 4

Well, well, well. I must have been stoned myself to have forgotten about the illicit past of these two. LOL  I honestly had forgotten about the pot smoking and their arrest. I remember someone had posted those links on the other board when Teen Mom first aired.


Hey now. Pot smoking is not something I am against. There are proper uses for it and if one is an adult and handling their business and not allowing it to interfere in their life, that is their choice. When one can't bother to get a life, a job, prepare for their future, and tend to their baby because they just want to lay around and be stoned and drink, and go out to get stoned and drunk, you are no better than the two parents you blamed for your shitty upbringing.


These two have been nothing but a sham from the start. MTV hiding their arrest makes me wonder what else this damn show hides about them and the rest of the cast. Phony bitches. And you wonder why I don't believe the whole "poor depressed Catelynn" story line that is being pushed down our throats. Catelynn and Tyler have always been questionable to me in many ways. Their credibility is poor in my eyes. This just adds another element to my dismissal of their claims about Cate.


If I remember right, marijuana use, and certainly drinking, can bring on depression-like feelings. Marijuana use also brings on a major appetite. Cate gaining weight due to her depression? No. It is due to her pot smoking.

Edited by SPLAIN
  • Love 6

I haven't smoked pot in over 15 years; I smoked a bit in high school. It's really not my thing anymore. But I don't look at it any differently than someone drinking. Be responsible and do it within reason. I haven't even had a drink since becoming a parent, because I'm always worried about something happening and my kids needing me, and I'm intoxicated. Anyhow, it would be one thing if Cate and Tyler let someone (preferably KIM) watch the baby once a month or so, and hung out with their friends, had a few drinks or joints, etc. But if they really are passing the baby off to April several nights a week to get high, fuck you. And, fuck you, MTV, for not showcasing the flaws of ALL the cast. 


Also, I'm really sick of hearing that CATE pawns off the baby. Nova is Tyler's baby too. If he didn't want her gone that often, he could say something. He probably is all about it, so they can both party. And then he turns around and acts all innocent with his mom, throwing Cate under the bus. Fuck you extra hard, Tyler.

  • Love 10

Also, I'm really sick of hearing that CATE pawns off the baby. Nova is Tyler's baby too. If he didn't want her gone that often, he could say something. He probably is all about it, so they can both party. And then he turns around and acts all innocent with his mom, throwing Cate under the bus. Fuck you extra hard, Tyler.


Exactly. It's like he's not even her parent. I can even halfway understand if he's working 60 hours/week and she's the SAHM, but neither of them work, they pass off the kid most of the time, and STILL he complains? You're her Dad, you can change a damn diaper.

  • Love 6

My best friend her husband and their 2 (soon to be 3) kids live with her parents... Granted it's a slightly different situation, her parents had one of their parents living with them while my friend was growing up, the house was built with that intention and actually has 2 separate wings, so as my friends parents are getting older my friends family moved in with the intention of caring for them as they get older. But that's not my point... My actual point is that my friend and her husband both work, full time, they physically live with the grandparents and yet the grandparents STILL watch the grandchildren less than April.

I completely agree that Tyler doesn't get a pass, so he can miss me trying to "innocently" ask if it's weird that Nova is gone every 2-3 days... Neither of them do anything but monitor social media and eat pizza everyday, I'm fine with Nova spending time with April for the sake of spending time with her, but there are parents who have joint custody that don't see the other parent that often.

I think the reason it's April and not Kim is that Kim would never let them take advantage like that, she even called Tyler out when he tried to bring it up to her.

And the Nova batman tattoo!?

Edited by leighroda
  • Love 3

Looks like C&T checked into a hotel for Valentine's Day.   Isn't every night the kid is with April just like Valentine's Day?





Also, what is up with the fan? So that they can smoke (cigs and pot) in the hotel room and skip the smoking fee?

Edited by CofCinci
  • Love 3

My son is 14 months old. I've never spent a night away from him. I wouldn't hate on Cate and Tyler (or Maci and Taylor) for doing it every once in a while, especially as their baby gets older. But the idea of being away from my baby for half of the week? Or a week in Hawaii? And then again on Valentine's when she's at April's half the week anyway? NO WAY.

  • Love 6

Yes, they talked the talk, but didn't walk the walk. Bullshit is all they did all these seasons. People don't need a higher education in order to have a job, trade or career. I know several people who went to trade school for a year and are now young parents with their own home and some great self-esteem. I have a friend who went to a trade school, hoping to work at a law office. She worked her way up from a filing job to now working as a judicial assistant earning $40 per hour. I also know someone who came into over a million dollars from an inheritance. They didn't stop working. They put that money away for a rainy day and their retirement. That person is 25 years old and came from a shitty upbringing. Worse than Cate and Tyler's.

I don't think Tyler doesn't work because he thinks he is rolling in the dough and doesn't need to work right now. What I think the reason is, part of it is because he is lethargic. He is lazy. Then there is Catelynn who has a controlling aspect to her about him. The worry about him "dipping his dick" (her words) into another girl. She is more than happy to have him home where she can keep him in check. Not to mention Butch wasn't around to instill in his son the importance of having a career or a trade. I think they would be living like shit if MTV didn't come into their lives. The only difference is, they are living in a house that MTV paid for.

Catelynn needs to worry about Tyler "dipping his dick" into other men.

I can't believe they allow Nova to be cared for by April and Butch. They're gross and I'm sure their home isn't suitable for children.

  • Love 5

1. The fan??? Are they going to turn it on so that Catelynn's lank, greasy hair finally has some movement? Rose petals blowing around them? Oh God, the visuals....


2. Who has Nova? AGAIN? Couldn't they just do dinner at the local Applebees and come back and spend some time with their daughter? \


3. Tyler's post is so self serving. It's basically all, "I'm such an awesome husband, I treat my wife so well. I don't even like this day, so look at all the sacrifices I'm making!" 


4. Also, he said that showing Cate his love was his favorite job and the most important job, etc. Um....what about being a PARENT???


5. Is that seriously the music they find sexy? Catelynn really is a grandma. 

  • Love 6

My son is 14 months old. I've never spent a night away from him. I wouldn't hate on Cate and Tyler (or Maci and Taylor) for doing it every once in a while, especially as their baby gets older. But the idea of being away from my baby for half of the week? Or a week in Hawaii? And then again on Valentine's when she's at April's half the week anyway? NO WAY.

My sons are 8 and 4 1/2, and NO ONE would take the little one until he was a little older than 4 because he was such a bad sleeper. That's 4 years of never being away from him for a night. So yeah, I get it.

And congrats on your pregnancy!!! :)

  • Love 2

If you don't have a job, and you don't go to school, and you only watch your own kid 50% of the time, remind me again...WHAT DO YOU NEED A VACATION FROM?

Especially when they have their own home to do whatever it is they are going to do in a seedy, road-side, Bates-style motel.


Congratulations to our members who are expecting! Wishing you all the best! I look forward to all and any updates. :-)



Are they going to turn it on so that Catelynn's lank, greasy hair

Geez, her hair makes me want to scratch my own hair. Thank you for pointing this out as that is exactly what I think whenever her face comes on my screen. Compare it to how she used to have it. At least back in the days it looked washed and kept. Now, she can't even bother. It makes me wonder what other bad hygiene she has going on. Ewwww.


Who watches their three dogs while they are out of town? Don't they have cats, too?


I guess the vacation is to get away from the beer and pot smell of their home along with the smell of dog shit and whatever dirty diapers are laying around from the few hours Nova is even there.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 2

Tyler's Instagram post said he loved Cate "more than the human vocabulary can withstand". Between this show and Teen Mom 2, it turns out it can withstand a lot! All these kids are doing their best to destroy it.

I suppose this is the kind of prose we can expect from Tyler, the Future Great Writer.


Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
  • Love 7

"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was more than the human vocabulary could withstand."


I could see Tyler writing

Chapter 1. Whether I shall be the hero of my own life is more than the human vocabulary could withstand. I was born in a crossfire hurricane! Tyler Baltierra was a troubled lad....moreso than the human vocabulary could understand.

You guys are killing me.

If Tyler could muster up the insight to connect things and write with blatant honesty about his relationship, family, lifestyle, etc. his book would be compelling!

I can remember the first couple seasons where Tyler had potential (the interest in becoming a counselor, attempt to break away from terrible family background) & commenters on Jezebel felt empathy for them & raised a bunch of $$$ to gift them to support their dreams. I'm pretty sure they received the $$ & thanked people. Sadly, things have not flourished in their lives since those days. Cate never convincingly had any type of ambition, but Tyler tricked me back then. He really should have escaped his small town fishbowl, got educated, lost the co-dependent junior high relationship. The pond is stagnant and it's all turned rancid. It's always possible to turn things around. I hope Tyler and Cate take action.

Side Note: *If* they are "partying" (alcohol, weed) I picture this happening at home almost exclusively. It's more their MO, plus no local gossip reporting if it's excessive & no motivation to leave the blanket.

Edited by Vivacious J
  • Love 4

I'm on medical marijuana because my Dr wants me to gain at least 25 pounds. Catelynn won't lose a pound if she's getting high.

Well that's not true. I've been a daily smoker for 15+ years (other than when I've been pregnant or trying to get pregnant, obviously) and have lost 20 lbs over the past 5 months through diet and exercise. I was also valedictorian of my law school class and currently practice law, as do many, many other stoners I know. Of course if they're sitting home all day every day getting high, cate's obviously not going to lose weight any time soon and it certainly explains Tyler's lack of motivation.

Also? That article is 3 years old and the arrest was nearly SIX years ago. You guys are acting like they were arrested last week. Anything recent?

  • Love 7

Well that's not true. I've been a daily smoker for 15+ years (other than when I've been pregnant or trying to get pregnant, obviously) and have lost 20 lbs over the past 5 months through diet and exercise. I was also valedictorian of my law school class and currently practice law, as do many, many other stoners I know. Of course if they're sitting home all day every day getting high, cate's obviously not going to lose weight any time soon and it certainly explains Tyler's lack of motivation.

Also? That article is 3 years old and the arrest was nearly SIX years ago. You guys are acting like they were arrested last week. Anything recent?

Yeah, that was kind of my point. If they still smoke and she's smoking and not doing anything else, she indeed will not lose a pound.

I'm not acting like anything, that was my first comment about it.

  • Love 2

I suppose Catelynn and Tyler could have given up weed and alcohol, but I highly doubt it. Why should they? Their lives are no different than it was SIX years ago except they are now married, own a home and have a baby. One of those things was accomplished with MTV money not through some hard work Cate or Tyler put in.

Another thing, they were arrested when they were young. I think they have figured out it is best to keep their pot smoking habit within their own home where no one can sell a photo or story of them. I know people who have been smoking weed for years and have never been arrested for possession or being under the influence. Just because there is nothing recent on these two does not mean they have curtailed their habit. Nova will soon chomp on her nails and wonder where the pot is when she gets overwhelmed.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 1

Let's be naive and assume for a second that they didn't have a kid because of TM money. I wonder what process of thinking led to "Let's have another kid!". They seemed to have goals before, educational ones. Now, they have proven they are well off being a couple of dumb asses with living off of just a reality show that who knows how much it will last. It's okay to realize that college is not something you want to do, it's no shame to admit it. But, people then go and educate themselves in other ways, enroll in courses, open small businesses etc. .After realizing they want to put off college, they went ahead and wrote a big fat zero on their goal list.


As for Catelynn, I don't know if it's just me, but in the scene a couple of episodes ago when Kim asked Tyler about his education, Cate seemed relieved that she wasn't on the chopping block, because her status was clear - she is a stay at home mom. I think she's okay with that because it gives her an excuse for not having goals and portrays her in a way that she's already doing something and is committed to it. I get the impression that Cate was shocked with how many duties there are that concern Nova. It's like, she imagined it being a lot and when she gave birth, the reality really hit her about that. I understand that, especially since Tyler isn't helping at all. Still, leaving her kid to her mom when she gets overwhelmed - maybe I sound harsh, but she is an embarrassment for stay at home mothers of multiple children and/or the ones that don't have help.


And this is mean, but honest - Tyler seemed like he fake-cried once he saw Cate coming down the isle. It's like he timed it for the camera.

  • Love 6
I get the impression that Cate was shocked with how many duties there are that concern Nova. It's like, she imagined it being a lot and when she gave birth, the reality really hit her about that.


Too bad she hasn't seen these shows on MTV called 16 & Pregnant or Teen Mom, which are responsible for lowering pregnancy rates due to their realistic depiction of the difficulties of having a baby.

  • Love 18

It's almost as if Cate and Tyler saw how great Carly was turning out and congratulated themselves, instead of Brandon and Teresa, who were actually doing all the hard work.


They thought their awesome genes were the main contributing factor and the people actually raising the kid were just extras.  I am sure Cate romanticized what an amazing mother she would be.


Here she is being more of an April type mom with Nova, then a Teresa type mom.   I know cycles of poverty, addiction, neglect, and abuse are hard to break, but Cate and Tyler did not even try to escape that world, even with MTV money and opportunities.

  • Love 6

Yeah, that was kind of my point. If they still smoke and she's smoking and not doing anything else, she indeed will not lose a pound.

I'm not acting like anything, that was my first comment about it.


My point is that just because someone was photographed smoking pot 6 YEARS AGO, that doesn't automatically mean six years later they'll be all day every day smokers which some people here are assuming, despite a total lack of any recent evidence supporting that assumption. And my post was in response to your statement that if she's smoking at all she won't lose a pound.  That's simply incorrect. 

Catelynn and Tyler do not want real jobs because they would have to likely take a piss test and they know they will fail. THC levels ya'll.

I just realized who Tyler reminds me of. He somewhat looks like and has the mannerisms of Spence from "The King of Queens". The guy whose friends think he is a closet-gay.


Sigh.  The demonization of marijuana really grinds my gears.   As I said above, I've been a daily pot smoker for 15+ years and have had a number of jobs on my journey to becoming an attorney.  Oftentimes more than one at a time (I worked my ass off to get where I am.)  I've had to drug test ONCE and I simply stopped smoking for a couple of weeks and passed.   Those kids would be lazy slugs with or without the weed.   Blame Mtv, not marijuana.


I'm TOTALLY with you on Ty being closet gay, tho.  I'd bet good money on it.

  • Love 9

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