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Small Talk: Grab A Bottle

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54 minutes ago, Tatum said:

Oh my. That art.


I actually really like downtown Omaha. I think it's one of the prettier downtown (at least in summer, maybe not so much winter) areas I've seen. It has all the stuff any normal metro area would have, like tall buildings, a convention center, etc. but on a much smaller, easier to navigate scale.

YES. Agreed. Just don't make me drive there. LOL! (I'm sure that would apply to all downtowns. When living in Portland with my husband, I had to drive downtown to pick him up form work one day and I got so turned around and confused that I ended up parking and calling him. He had to have a co-worker drive me to him, then HE drove us out of downtown. I HATE DOWNTOWNS.)

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YES. Agreed. Just don't make me drive there. LOL! (I'm sure that would apply to all downtowns. When living in Portland with my husband, I had to drive downtown to pick him up form work one day and I got so turned around and confused that I ended up parking and calling him. He had to have a co-worker drive me to him, then HE drove us out of downtown. I HATE DOWNTOWNS.)

Oh, I'm the same. One time I drove from California to Wisconsin, and the thing that struck me was how no matter what time of the day, or which city it was, going through ANY downtown (even just on the highway), there was ALWAYS traffic...even Omaha! Don't even get me started on having to drive WITHIN a downtown area. I'd rather get around on foot, even if I have to walk 10 miles. 

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On ‎1‎/‎15‎/‎2018 at 0:40 PM, ghoulina said:

Oh my gosh, those colorful houses and the water! The very image of serenity. 


Has anyone ever been to a chiropractor? About 4 and half months ago I started experiencing numbness and nerve pain in my arms and legs. I'm having pain and discomfort in my back now as well. My mother has degenerative disc disease and has had 2 back surgeries, so I'm guessing I have a similar issue. I don't have insurance, which is why I haven't seen a doctor yet. Some days I'm in a considerable amount of pain, but I can usually manage to function and so I see no reason to take drastic measures....yet. It's all rather disconcerting because I'm only 38 and my mother didn't start having problems until her mid-50s. 

At any rate, since I have no insurance, my husband suggested seeing a chiropractor; they're a lot more affordable than a spine doctor. I'm still not sure this is the right place to start, but I don't know what else to do. I have my first appointment tomorrow, and I'm just curious what to expect? Anyone have a good experience with one? 

I wish you the best with your treatments. I hope it helps you. It is better than not trying. For all you know, it might work! I used to go to a chiropractor when my back would flare up real bad. I also went when I was pregnant with my last child. He helped me to some degree with my back pain that was exacerbated due to the pregnancy. 

@Booger666 Wow! What a gorgeous sunset. All that purple! Prince would have loved it. 


On ‎1‎/‎15‎/‎2018 at 5:10 PM, mamadrama said:

I can't go to to a chiro since I had my brain surgery and my neck fusion but I used to go once a week. I never did get used to the sound that it makes when they're adjusting your neck. I freaked out every single time. My anxiety even freaked the doctor out. I think I had my neck broken in a former life or something...


Random picture of the day. This sums up my family pretty well. This is my grandmother, in her Sunday best, bottle feeding her pet pig (Porky) in the 1940s. 

I'm not sharing this for any particular reason. I just think it's funny. 


How cute!!!! Such a sweet photo. 

I am sure if there was Instagram back in those days, she would have been accused of having abandoned that pig if she didn't post daily photos of him/her. lol 

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On 1/15/2018 at 0:40 PM, ghoulina said:

Oh my gosh, those colorful houses and the water! The very image of serenity. 


Has anyone ever been to a chiropractor? About 4 and half months ago I started experiencing numbness and nerve pain in my arms and legs. I'm having pain and discomfort in my back now as well. My mother has degenerative disc disease and has had 2 back surgeries, so I'm guessing I have a similar issue.

I don't have insurance, which is why I haven't seen a doctor yet. Some days I'm in a considerable amount of pain, but I can usually manage to function and so I see no reason to take drastic measures....yet. It's all rather disconcerting because I'm only 38 and my mother didn't start having problems until her mid-50s. 

At any rate, since I have no insurance, my husband suggested seeing a chiropractor; they're a lot more affordable than a spine doctor. I'm still not sure this is the right place to start, but I don't know what else to do. I have my first appointment tomorrow, and I'm just curious what to expect? Anyone have a good experience with one? 

Hey my Irish sister from another mister! I hope you get this in time. 

I just realized it's the 16th. Duh me. I kept thinking it was the 15th all day! How did the appointment go? Feel free to PM me with the deets, if you feel like sharing.

Long story short: I have several herniated discs, L3-S1, (along with sciatic nerve pain) and have been dealing/suffering with pain for the last 15 years. No car accident, no trauma, no falling; it just happened to me.  Docs initially refused to treat me because I was in my early 20s. However, MRIs don't lie, so I was able to be diagnosed and referred to a pain management doctor. You could literally have disc(s) herniate overnight, and age has nothing to do with it. That's what happened to me. I was sore for a while and one morning, I couldn't get out of bed.

Numbness in any extremity could mean some type of impingement on a nerve/nerve root. There are ways to loosen those impingement(s) that don't involve doctor visits/co-pays/buckets of money for physical therapy. You don't want to mess around with nerves at all. Please forgive me if you know any/all of this. I know you're a smart lady!  

Yoga has kept me off an OR table since I was diagnosed, so has the water aerobics class at the gym. Honest to God! I also take pain meds daily and get a series of lumbar transforaminal injections a few times a year. I'm not a candidate for back surgery because I am ambulatory, mobile and don't have any permanent neurological damage or muscle atrophy.

I do not have any nerve pain with my bad back, but I'm currently dealing with an ulnar nerve injury and it involves weakness/tingling (WorkComp case, so I cannot divulge anything else per my attorney). In your case, I wouldn't wait any longer to see a doctor and demand an MRI. X-rays will only show your bones, not anything more specific going on in your discs.

Even if you are toughing it out like the badass that you are, there's no reason to live in pain. It's not worth it. I would highly encourage you to see a doctor who can get you into an MRI machine and tell you what's going on. I know you don't have insurance, but I would hate for you to have to be in pain any longer than you have to be. Any degenerative disc stuff won't have a gradual onset, it can pop up out of nowhere.

I tried a chiropractor in the very beginning when I was having pain, but because of the nature of the skeleton and my own herniated discs, it didn't help. The chiropractor couldn't "fix me" because they couldn't force the matter that was bulging out of my discs back in there. No one can do that. Having a chiropractor adjust you could be really bad for you, depending on what's going on in your spine. If the chiropractor is an honest one, they should be able to confirm whether or not your pain/injuries are nerve or skeleton related and whether or not you need to see a doctor for an MRI. 

I will be thinking of you. I hope you get the answers you want.

If you (or anyone else here) wants/needs to ask questions or discuss pain management doctors and therapies, I'm all yours.

Edited by Bridget
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@Bridget I have had spinal fusion at L5-S1 due to ruptured disc. A couple of years later I ended up with a slight protrusion of the L4 disc. All I did was bend over at work.

I had my last injection from my pain management doctor a year ago. I am feeling so happy that I have not been in pain. It feels great to not have that insane pain. Usually the injections would help for a few months and then I'd be right back to having pain. 

I currently have four herniated discs in my neck. I had injections done two years ago. Thankfully, the pain hasn't flared up. I follow the advice from the physical therapist and use a memory foam pillow when I am lying down. 

I dealt with chronic pain for years. It is nice to wake up in the morning and not get out of bed as if I am a 80 year old person in need of a walker. 

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3 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:

@Bridget I have had spinal fusion at L5-S1 due to ruptured disc. A couple of years later I ended up with a slight protrusion of the L4 disc. All I did was bend over at work.

I had my last injection from my pain management doctor a year ago. I am feeling so happy that I have not been in pain. It feels great to not have that insane pain. Usually the injections would help for a few months and then I'd be right back to having pain. 

I currently have four herniated discs in my neck. I had injections done two years ago. Thankfully, the pain hasn't flared up. I follow the advice from the physical therapist and use a memory foam pillow when I am lying down. 

I dealt with chronic pain for years. It is nice to wake up in the morning and not get out of bed as if I am a 80 year old person in need of a walker. 

I knew we were connected in some way!

Not many people can understand what true hell it is to suffer with lumbar pain. It impacts all facets of life. I can't tell you the number of events  I have missed out on because of the pain, including sciatic nerve pain. I couldn't even sit in my car and drive to an event 45 mins away, despite the pain killers.

I ended up buying a Toyota RAV-4 last January (certified pre-owned) because of the therapeutic benefits of the the seat warmers and the seats...and so I could have my social life back. I used to have a Honda Accord, but had to trade it in because it was hell on my back and legs. I'm bitter I "had" to buy the RAV-4, but I remind myself you can't put a price on the quality of life. (Well, you can when it requires buying an automobile...)

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12 minutes ago, Bridget said:

I knew we were connected in some way!

Not many people can understand what true hell it is to suffer with lumbar pain. It impacts all facets of life. I can't tell you the number of events  I have missed out on because of the pain, including sciatic nerve pain. I couldn't even sit in my car and drive to an event 45 mins away, despite the pain killers.

I ended up buying a Toyota RAV-4 last January (certified pre-owned) because of the therapeutic benefits of the the seat warmers and the seats...and so I could have my social life back. I used to have a Honda Accord, but had to trade it in because it was hell on my back and legs. I'm bitter I "had" to buy the RAV-4, but I remind myself you can't put a price on the quality of life. (Well, you can when it requires buying an automobile...)

So true, girlfriend. I know the feeling of having that damn pain ruining life in general and then striking when you really, really cannot be dealing with pain such as a family wedding or special occasion. I recall one Christmas morning when I had to prepare dinner for my family and friends. I moved a certain way and next thing I know, my pain level went from a 4 to a 10 in a millisecond. That fucking back pain hit me like a train. I was just looking forward to the day to be over so I could crawl into bed and just stay there. 

Edited by GreatKazu
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Thanks so much for sharing your stories, guys! I really don't know if this will help, because I don't know exactly WHAT the problem is. The chiro out here didn't have an x-ray machine or anything. So he just did an adjustment for me. He started by using this electronic device that stimulated the muscles. It didn't hurt, but it felt really weird and my arms fell completely asleep during that part, which I hate. The adjustment itself was okay. There were a few times it actually hurt, but it wasn't too bad. He said I was all out of line on my upper right and lower left. 

I don't really know what to expect? Should I have instant relief? He said I could experience pain from the adjustment itself, but I don't know if that's what I'm feeling or if it's just my same old nerve pain I've been dealing with for months. 

This really did happen just out of nowhere. I remember it was right before Labor Day. I was washing dishes at the sink and my left foot fell asleep. And stayed asleep. For like 12 hours. Then both feet were asleep. Then they hurt and I could barely walk on them. And the pain/numbness just traveled around with no rhyme or reason. Some days it wasn't really there at all. But in the last month or two - pain every day, all day. It's my legs that hurt the worst. Ironically, even though I KNOW it's a back issue, my back doesn't bother me as much as my legs. It didn't even start acting up until fairly recently. Additionally, I think all the nerve activity is taking it's toll on my muscles. Some days they just feel so useless, like they have nothing left to give. 

I just wish I had the money for an MRI. I want to know what exactly the problem is, even if I'm not going to take drastic measures to treat it. My mother has degenerative disc disease (chiro said it was NOT hereditary, but I thought it was?) and has had two back surgeries. I don't want surgery. Her recovery was HELL, and she still has pain to this day. So I figure, what's the point? 

I can resign myself to living with chronic pain if there's some things I can do to lessen in. So maybe the chiro won't totally fix the problem, but help it a bit? Time will tell. I go back on Friday. He said because I was messed up for so long, my body will try to revert to "normal". And then I think I'll give it another time or two and see if it's helping. But like you said, my Irish friend, if there are herniated discs in there, it's not going to be a simple fix. 

Whatever is going on, it's upper and lower, because I have nerve pain and numbness in my arms AND legs (my left arm has fallen asleep as I type this). I just think that's SO weird. No injury, nothing I can think of to have caused this. 

The chiro also told me to stop sleeping on my stomach. I'm a very high maintenance sleeper and hate any other position, but I'm going to give it an honest effort. I slept on my side last night, with a pillow between my legs. It was okay. I'm also trying to improve my posture, because.....it's horrible. LOL


Anyhow, thanks for listening to my long ramblings. It's sometimes nice to talk to people you don't know in real life, who have been through the same things you have. =)

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18 hours ago, Bridget said:

Long story short: I have several herniated discs, L3-S1, (along with sciatic nerve pain) and have been dealing/suffering with pain for the last 15 years. No car accident, no trauma, no falling; it just happened to me.  Docs initially refused to treat me because I was in my early 20s. However, MRIs don't lie, so I was able to be diagnosed and referred to a pain management doctor. You could literally have disc(s) herniate overnight, and age has nothing to do with it. That's what happened to me. I was sore for a while and one morning, I couldn't get out of bed.

My husband had the same thing at 23! He ended up having a discectomy surgery to repair it. He still does his post surgical daily stretches (he’ll be 39 next week).

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Hi @ghoulina.

My husband had numbing and tingling in his right knee going down to his toes. It started out of nowhere for no reason. He didn't hurt himself. We assumed it was his knee problem acting up. He had knee surgery a year before on his meniscus.  He went back to the knee specialist who then referred him to an orthopedic specialist who did an MRI and discovered it was an issue in his back. We were stunned since the numbness started at his knee and he wasn't feeling any back pain, hip pain or even thigh pain. We never thought it would be an issue with his spine. I wish I could explain the ins and outs of why that is, I do remember there was a lot of mention of nerve branches and such.

I know you mentioned you don't have insurance. If any chance at all you can possibly find a way to get one, I would advise you to get an MRI.

I wish you the best. I am sorry you are having to go through this.

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On 1/15/2018 at 3:40 PM, ghoulina said:

Oh my gosh, those colorful houses and the water! The very image of serenity. 


Has anyone ever been to a chiropractor? About 4 and half months ago I started experiencing numbness and nerve pain in my arms and legs. I'm having pain and discomfort in my back now as well. My mother has degenerative disc disease and has had 2 back surgeries, so I'm guessing I have a similar issue. I don't have insurance, which is why I haven't seen a doctor yet. Some days I'm in a considerable amount of pain, but I can usually manage to function and so I see no reason to take drastic measures....yet. It's all rather disconcerting because I'm only 38 and my mother didn't start having problems until her mid-50s. 

At any rate, since I have no insurance, my husband suggested seeing a chiropractor; they're a lot more affordable than a spine doctor. I'm still not sure this is the right place to start, but I don't know what else to do. I have my first appointment tomorrow, and I'm just curious what to expect? Anyone have a good experience with one? 

Yes! I have had chronic back pain since high school and it became unbearable during my pregnancy. My baby was also breech at 36 weeks and supposedly chiropractors can help with that. I didn't believe it, but 48 hours after my first visit, she turned...so, Idk. It SAVED my back pain. I haven't felt that much relief from massage, meds, anything.

Like others said, they took measurements, weighed me, did some tests, etc. They did do my first treatment that day, so that might be different depending on the chiropractor.

ETA: I saw your update. They used that thingy (the adjustment wand thing?) on me too. It felt weird and I didn't like it, but the pain was all gone after that...

Edited by Lm2162
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Two adjustments and no change in my pain level/symptoms. If I continue to see a chiro, it will NOT be that one. I had the worst experience yesterday. I am not going to bore the board with my trials and tribulations, but let's just say I felt like I was in a factory, not a doctor's office. I came home in tears, it was one of the worst experiences in my life (as far as health care goes). 

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21 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

Two adjustments and no change in my pain level/symptoms. If I continue to see a chiro, it will NOT be that one. I had the worst experience yesterday. I am not going to bore the board with my trials and tribulations, but let's just say I felt like I was in a factory, not a doctor's office. I came home in tears, it was one of the worst experiences in my life (as far as health care goes). 

I wish I had a magic wand and knew the spell to take away the pain...and to also curse the chiro for what sounds like what was an undoubtedly traumatic experience yesterday. 

Can we do anything to help? Write horrible reviews on Yelp? Notify your state's licensing committee? Just say the word.

(Sending an owl to Hermione Granger as I type this - she will know the spell!)

I'm here for you if you need to vent.

Edited by Bridget
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20 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

Two adjustments and no change in my pain level/symptoms. If I continue to see a chiro, it will NOT be that one. I had the worst experience yesterday. I am not going to bore the board with my trials and tribulations, but let's just say I felt like I was in a factory, not a doctor's office. I came home in tears, it was one of the worst experiences in my life (as far as health care goes). 

I am so sorry!! 

& second @Bridget's suggestion of bad Yelp reviews. I volunteer to write one too. It can be so cathartic if it's well deserved (which this sounds like this absolutely is).

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My husband gave them a bad review on their Google page! I should do a Yelp one too. He's not as good with words as I am. 


I love that you volunteered to send an owl to Hermoine. My 7-year-old is finishing The Half Blood Prince as we speak. 

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25 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

My husband gave them a bad review on their Google page! I should do a Yelp one too. He's not as good with words as I am. 


I love that you volunteered to send an owl to Hermoine. My 7-year-old is finishing The Half Blood Prince as we speak. 

Dearest Irish Soul Sister, 

Harry Potter is my jam and J.K. Rowling is my idol.

It makes my heart so happy when I hear about others reading the books.

Why am I not shocked that you have a 7 year old reading that series? #ReadingRules

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1 hour ago, Bridget said:

Dearest Irish Soul Sister, 

Harry Potter is my jam and J.K. Rowling is my idol.

It makes my heart so happy when I hear about others reading the books.

Why am I not shocked that you have a 7 year old reading that series? #ReadingRules

That kid. He's my reader, for sure. Both my husband and I read a lot; we read in front of the kids, TO the kids, etc. But my oldest, while a proficient reader, has trouble finding stuff he WANTS to read. At this stage, it's mostly comic books, character guides, Minecraft Mod books, etc. At long as he's reading, I guess I don't care. But I wish he read the way his brother does. 

My 7-year-old taught himself to read at age 4. He was sick of waiting for people to read TO him. Harry Potter is his first real series. He fell in love over the summer. Other than that, it's strictly non-fiction. He loves any animal book he can get his hands on (especially books on endangered animals) and books on myths/monsters/creepy stuff (mamadrama will appreciate that!). He's also been known to read our history curriculum books for fun, or sit around reading adult non-fiction books on fighter planes. I kid you not, that kid is smart beyond his years. 

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4 hours ago, IDreamofJoaquin said:

This is so silly but I am having the worst time adding a profile picture.  Any tips on how to resize a file or what did ya'll do?  I went and checked some other profiles out but it gave me no help really.

If you figure it out, would you please share the info with me too? Having same problems! Many thanks in advance!

Edited by Bridget
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@Bridget and @IDreamofJoaquin

Do you all get an error message that tells you the image is too large or something to that effect or are you having issues with actually changing the avatar?

You want whatever image you use to be at least the size of an icon on your desktop. 

This is what I did to ensure the image I used will work when I wanted to upload it as my profile pic. I actually had to resize my image as it was a bit too big. I did that on Paint. 

Edited by GreatKazu
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On ‎1‎/‎20‎/‎2018 at 11:37 AM, ghoulina said:

Two adjustments and no change in my pain level/symptoms. If I continue to see a chiro, it will NOT be that one. I had the worst experience yesterday. I am not going to bore the board with my trials and tribulations, but let's just say I felt like I was in a factory, not a doctor's office. I came home in tears, it was one of the worst experiences in my life (as far as health care goes). 

I am sorry. I didn't notice this post of yours until now. 

I am going to PM you. 

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On 1/20/2018 at 5:02 PM, ghoulina said:

That kid. He's my reader, for sure. Both my husband and I read a lot; we read in front of the kids, TO the kids, etc. But my oldest, while a proficient reader, has trouble finding stuff he WANTS to read. At this stage, it's mostly comic books, character guides, Minecraft Mod books, etc. At long as he's reading, I guess I don't care. But I wish he read the way his brother does. 

My 7-year-old taught himself to read at age 4. He was sick of waiting for people to read TO him. Harry Potter is his first real series. He fell in love over the summer. Other than that, it's strictly non-fiction. He loves any animal book he can get his hands on (especially books on endangered animals) and books on myths/monsters/creepy stuff (mamadrama will appreciate that!). He's also been known to read our history curriculum books for fun, or sit around reading adult non-fiction books on fighter planes. I kid you not, that kid is smart beyond his years. 

That's awesome! Great that you're raising a reader. Good that you encourage your kids to read. 

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On 1/9/2018 at 8:24 AM, mamadrama said:

Sorry, just now seeing this. I haven't had any trouble with the credit card issue. I just got an order in from Botanical Bunny. They take credit cards and also offer Amazon Pay. Arcadica is another one that I use regularly, as is Gaia (although I hate their shipping/processing times). All of those still take credit cards. Herbal RVA is one that I just ordered from today. They're having a kilo split 4 ways for $64 right now so I stocked up. I go through about a kilo a month. 

I can’t seem to find the Kratom product on the Herbal RVA. ?

ETA: I’m trying out Botanical Bunny for the first time and used the coupon code REDDIT20 for 20% off. Thanks for the list of vendors.

Edited by Calm81
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3 hours ago, Calm81 said:

I can’t seem to find the Kratom product on the Herbal RVA. ?

ETA: I’m trying out Botanical Bunny for the first time and used the coupon code REDDIT20 for 20% off. Thanks for the list of vendors.

Did you search for "speciosa" on the RVA site? Some of these kratom vendors hide their kratom through a series of other words. If you know a site has it but you can't find it, that's probably what they've done. Here is their page for splitting a kilo 4 ways for $64. I think that's a good way of trying out different strains all at once. :-) The Bunny is really bringing it right now, though. I don't think you'll be disappointed in them. 



Gosh, I remember back when you could order it on Amazon...

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9 minutes ago, mamadrama said:

Did you search for "speciosa" on the RVA site? Some of these kratom vendors hide their kratom through a series of other words. If you know a site has it but you can't find it, that's probably what they've done. Here is their page for splitting a kilo 4 ways for $64. I think that's a good way of trying out different strains all at once. :-) The Bunny is really bringing it right now, though. I don't think you'll be disappointed in them. 



Gosh, I remember back when you could order it on Amazon...

Thanks so much for the link!! You’re right! Most of the sites had “Kratom returned no search results” within their website after all the ban scare started.

I had a bad reaction to a place called Phytoextractum.com and I’m finally getting the rest of it finished. Made my heart race too much or give me a lethargic headache. My favorite place was mmmspeciosa and Hapyhippoherbal but they can’t take credit/debit anymore just bitcoin etc.

Edited by Calm81
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1 hour ago, Calm81 said:

Thanks so much for the link!! You’re right! Most of the sites had “Kratom returned no search results” within their website after all the ban scare started.

I had a bad reaction to a place called Phytoextractum.com and I’m finally getting the rest of it finished. Made my heart race too much or give me a lethargic headache. My favorite place was mmmspeciosa and Hapyhippoherbal but they can’t take credit/debit anymore just bitcoin etc.

Me, and about half of Reddit apparently, once got a bad batch from Canopy. It was a "super green." I thought I was going to die. Immediately gave me the "wobbles" and sent my bp spiraling down. I could not stop vomiting. Ugh. The owner felt bad and gave us all replacements. 

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Attention to my smart PTV members I need advice:

My husband got an offer to relocate to New England and we currently live in Florida. We just found out that we need to move sooner than later and we’re scared that our home won’t sell in time.

Do you any of you have experience with places that advertise “we pay cash for homes fast” or places like “OfferPad” etc?

We already have a contract with a broker/listing agent so anything we do they have to be able to work with the realtor.

Any suggestions? It is so stressful selling a home in one state while buying across country ... ?

45 day closing averages are freaking me out, too. ? Oh how I wish I could just have the level of stress our teen moms have. 

ETA: I was just having a moment. I’m not going to get lowballed by one of these “two good to be true” advertisers. LOL. I love having this place to vent...if I went to my family or friends with this idea I’d never hear the end of it. ?

Edited by Calm81
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Buddies! I think I have found my new calling...I am going to order items from "celebrities" who have started their own "businesses" and review them on YouTube. Things That Matter nightshirts (seriously what man is going to wear those fugly things?), Forever 'Ho rompers, whatever hell poop tea Leah has on offer, Jenelle's #MomHigh shirts, Kim Kardashian's rib breakers, etc. It will be glorious. 

2 hours ago, Calm81 said:

Attention to my smart PTV members I need advice:


 I have zero experience in this area so I can't be of help, but didn't want you to think that I was ignoring your post since I posted right after you... :-) I am wondering, though, about renting in the new place instead of buying right away? That would take at least some of the pressure off and give you the chance to get to know the area better. 

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@mamadrama I’d TOTALLY subscribe to your channel if you did those type of reviews LOL.

As for the renting, my brother lives in the area we are transferring to and I was born and raised in the vicinity so we know the area pretty good it’s just carrying a mortgage and rent simultaneously that scares us, at least until I find a job up there. 

For future reference, I would never think you were ignoring my post if you post after me ...you’re so sweet. ?

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Is the relocation with the company he is employed by now? Will they contribute to the moving expenses and perhaps kick in for lodging? My ex works for our wonderful government and they did that when we moved from one state to another. They paid for the movers, they packed everything, for insurance purposes, we weren’t allowed to, and they paid a certain amount of time for lodging. I can’t recall how long, it was more than 25 years ago. They also helped with closing costs when we purchased a house.

Is anyone with the company doing an opposite move? Maybe something can be arranged there?

I would suggest keeping your realtor on top of things. Advertise everywhere! There’s even Facebook groups for real estate sales.

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I agree with advertising everywhere. I listed our house in the local buy/sell/trade group. I got a lot more responses there than our Zillow ad did. Other than that, I don't have any real suggestions. But I wish you the best of luck! I would hope that the company would help with the relocation. 

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The company isn’t paying anything because it was a relocation request made by my husband. They’re only holding the position for a shortime as they are short staffed so we are looking at Opendoor.com to sell quick down here while our realtor up north works some magic. I need to time it all right so that my kids relocate during spring break.

I appreciate all of the suggestions. ?

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@mamadrama that’s not fair!!!!! I love my cats to death but they don’t look too cute today after we discovered some clawing on one of our stairs (carpet) right before we have a buyer inspection. 

Beautiful animal, bless her heart. I’m assuming she’s a she otherwise you’re a mean fur mommy ????

Edited by Calm81
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3 hours ago, Calm81 said:

@mamadrama that’s not fair!!!!! I love my cats to death but they don’t look too cute today after we discovered some clawing on one of our stairs (carpet) right before we have a buyer inspection. 

Beautiful animal, bless her heart. I’m assuming she’s a she otherwise you’re a mean fur mommy ????

She's an early birthday present and is just as sweet as she can be. :-) She came very well trained so the kids have been entertaining themselves making her shake and sit all day. (She's actually 8 months old so she's a very small dog.) I hear you on the cats, though! We have 5 and though I love them all, they can be super destructive. Cats are assholes. 

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This is a shot in the dark but there are a lot of us on here from different backgrounds so I thought I'd ask..ANY of you have any experience of working in the legal aspects of the entertainment industry? I've been contacted by a reputable production company about optioning one of my true hauntings for film. Normally they'd go through my agent but since I don't have an agent...

I just got the email yesterday. It all checks out-they are who they say they are and I'm not being catfished or anything-but I haven't replied yet because I don't want to say the wrong thing. I know that most works that get optioned never see the screen but I also know that they have to pay me something just for the rights and I am afraid of saying or doing the wrong thing and shooting myself in the foot before I even get started. 

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I was/am a TV producer, but I can't really help since I live in Canada.  I know some people who have sold scripts in the US but they also have representation.  I'm sure you can find some information online. But I would suggest a lawyer look over your contract so you don't get screwed.

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19 minutes ago, mamadrama said:

This is a shot in the dark but there are a lot of us on here from different backgrounds so I thought I'd ask..ANY of you have any experience of working in the legal aspects of the entertainment industry? I've been contacted by a reputable production company about optioning one of my true hauntings for film. Normally they'd go through my agent but since I don't have an agent...

I just got the email yesterday. It all checks out-they are who they say they are and I'm not being catfished or anything-but I haven't replied yet because I don't want to say the wrong thing. I know that most works that get optioned never see the screen but I also know that they have to pay me something just for the rights and I am afraid of saying or doing the wrong thing and shooting myself in the foot before I even get started. 

I'm so happy for you!!! 

Also, your little puppy is beautiful!!! 

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14 minutes ago, Marisagf said:

I was/am a TV producer, but I can't really help since I live in Canada.  I know some people who have sold scripts in the US but they also have representation.  I'm sure you can find some information online. But I would suggest a lawyer look over your contract so you don't get screwed.

Getting screwed is what I am afraid of. :-) I have an attorney but they're basically bankruptcy/family law stuff. She doesn't know anything about the entertainment industry. I've looked around online for entertainment attorneys but without just cold calling someone, I don't know where to start. 

10 minutes ago, druzy said:

I'm so happy for you!!! 

Also, your little puppy is beautiful!!! 

Thanks! I told my son that it might not amount to anything but if ONE person is interested then more might follow so there's hope! :-)

This is the same book that the true haunting shows (A HAUNTING, PARANORMAL WITNESS, etc.) have been after for awhile. It's gotten a bit of attention from television but this is the first "big" thing that's happened. 

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@mamadrama does your state have a film commission or a film office?  That would be a good place to start.  I think every state has one.  They are all about drawing film and TV business to the area - usually location shoots.  However, to a certain extent, they help promote the crew who could be available to any production coming into the area.   I know my home state of Massachusetts has a film office.  I now live in Ottawa and I am very familiar with my city's film office.  They even keep a database of crew and location, which is searchable by specialty.  And it's not just people like NuMatt the Cinematographer.  They list caterers, accountants, various suppliers, and even legal assistance.  So you might be able to find a lawyer/advice that way if the film office in your state/city has a database.  If they don't, you could always give them a call to see if they know anyone.

Also, don't discount social media.  I belong to a Facebook group for people needed staff and crew for productions in Ottawa, Toronto, and points in between.  This resource is there for people in our small community. (Nowhere as large as Toronto.)  It might be worth a little searching to see if there is a similar group for your area.  That would be a great place to ask questions and maybe get some information on your specific situation. 

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9 minutes ago, Marisagf said:

@mamadrama does your state have a film commission or a film office?  That would be a good place to start.  I think every state has one.  They are all about drawing film and TV business to the area - usually location shoots.  However, to a certain extent, they help promote the crew who could be available to any production coming into the area.   I know my home state of Massachusetts has a film office.  I now live in Ottawa and I am very familiar with my city's film office.  They even keep a database of crew and location, which is searchable by specialty.  And it's not just people like NuMatt the Cinematographer.  They list caterers, accountants, various suppliers, and even legal assistance.  So you might be able to find a lawyer/advice that way if the film office in your state/city has a database.  If they don't, you could always give them a call to see if they know anyone.

Also, don't discount social media.  I belong to a Facebook group for people needed staff and crew for productions in Ottawa, Toronto, and points in between.  This resource is there for people in our small community. (Nowhere as large as Toronto.)  It might be worth a little searching to see if there is a similar group for your area.  That would be a great place to ask questions and maybe get some information on your specific situation. 

Thank you! Yes, we have a film commission. Our state has recently become a hotbed for feature film activity (they figured out that we are pretty and CHEAP to shoot in) so there's been a big push to bring in more business and accommodate people. I will check into it. 

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@mamadrama I hope they can help you!!!   And definitely check out Facebook.  At least social media is good for something!   

I hope your film goes the distance!!!  Keep us posted!

PS:  Your puppy is adorable!!!!!!!!

Edited by Marisagf
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42 minutes ago, mamadrama said:

Thank you! Yes, we have a film commission. Our state has recently become a hotbed for feature film activity (they figured out that we are pretty and CHEAP to shoot in) so there's been a big push to bring in more business and accommodate people. I will check into it. 

After certain TV shows air, at the end of the credits, I sometimes see a special logo with a phrase like "Filmed in Georgia" (like my beloved Chrisleys' show.)

I don't want to publicly name the state you live in, but if that state can't help you, I would try calling the film commission for the state that is the most NE of your state. I have seen their "Filmed in _________" logo many times on TV.

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Every year my friend Keith does a blog entry on the year's most inappropriate Valentines' Day gifts. (Penis slippers, anyone?) Here's this year's list. 

Happy Valentine's Day from me. 




#5. His & her tongue scrapers:

Much like reminding your honey-badger that you poop, reminding them of your bad breath or poor dental health is another no-no. His and hers toothbrushes or water-piks should be off-limits for Valentine's Day gifts. More importantly, any product that promises to rid you of "tongue fur" is horrid. In fact, if your partner has tongue fur at all, you may need to reconsider the prospect of this being a long term relationship.

Edited by mamadrama
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LOL! Just catching up on the thread and have to comment on Toothbrushes of all things. Me and the MR ran out of shit to buy one another a long ass time ago. This year I bought him a 300 toothbrush that came with an app! He loves it. No tongue scraper her though. Usually,  the tongue gets weird if it is releasing toxins. 

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14 hours ago, FairyDusted said:

LOL! Just catching up on the thread and have to comment on Toothbrushes of all things. Me and the MR ran out of shit to buy one another a long ass time ago. This year I bought him a 300 toothbrush that came with an app! He loves it. No tongue scraper her though. Usually,  the tongue gets weird if it is releasing toxins. 

Oh, we totally buy each other boring things. This was my present last year-yellow roses and epsom salts. 


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My heart is breaking for the 17 killed and 14 injured in yesterday’s high school shooting. My stomach feels gutted for the parents getting the phone calls - and on Valentine’s Day. ?

Such a sick, sick world. Right in my state. The video footage is so heartbreaking. Why?????

The shooter was a kid himself, only 19!!!! Where the hell did a 19 year old kid get an AR-15???????? ?

Just wanted to have a moment of silence with my PTV family where we can forget the TM “stressed out” lives for a moment and pause for these innocent lives and BRAVE teachers that shielded the students while losing their lives to protect students.


ETA: Thank you to our brave first responders that gained control without fear and got the shooter in custody preventing more fatalities. #backtheblue

Edited by Calm81
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