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S20.E24: Head of Household #8 cont; Nominations #8


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I like seeing Kaycee in her peanut costume. JC in that HOH outfit... (ha!) And Fessy tackles the kitchen sink!

Those are big cups they're using for the slip-n-slide. Hardly anyone is falling. Fessy falls and almost takes out the floor.

Wow, Faysal is over a foot taller than me but there was a time in my life when I weighed as much as him. Not anymore, thank goodness!

Brett looks fetching in those purple shiny shorts.

  • Love 3

This scene with Haleigh, Faysal and JC is like Big Brother Othello.

Act I. JC is Iago (or Yago as JC would pronounce it), Faysal is Othello and Haleigh is Desdemona. Scotty is the guy Iago says really likes Desdemona and kept her handkerchief or something like that (forgot the character's name).

And the Scottie scene just confirms what JC Iago was saying. The seed of jealousy is planted!!

This is so funny!

Act II. Scott - the suspect lover - tries to redirect Fessy Othello's attention to someone else. And Haleigh Desdemona sticks up for her friend and further stokes Othello's jealousy. Evil JC Iago's plan is working!!!

Act III. Nominations! Brett's nomination is subterfuge - Scottie is the real target. Scottie is caught in Sam's spiders' webs of lies.

Brett, Iago's sidekick, laughs with glee!!!

And show ends with JC Iago's triumphant glee while he hugs Scottie and Haleigh.

Edited by Lamb18
  • Love 17

Fessy is such a fucking idiot. He puts up the ONE person who was actually working with them. He's playing 100% emotionally and it's pathetic. 

Haleigh didn't help matters, though. She kind of played right into JC's plan when she left Fessy to go console the dude that Fessy is jealous of!

JC is pretty damn adept at manipulating Fessy, but I have to wonder - what's in it for him? Does he actually think he's in an alliance with L6? Because, it seems to me, that he's doing their dirty work for them, but will be an easy one to cut when they have to start cannibalizing each other. Maybe I'm wrong. 

I don't love Scottie, but I did feel a bit sorry for him in this episode. Also, he was right - Kaycee IS a shit actor. Brett can do okay job of lying, but she is absolutely horrible!

  • Love 19
4 minutes ago, vb68 said:

Fessy you are a complete and utter moron.

His name might as well be Wyle E. Coyote, and Level 6 are collectively the Roadrunner.

I totally believe Fessy wants Scottie out due to jealousy.

Can't stand JC but damn his evil scheming was making me laugh tonight.

Absolutely, Fessie wants Scotty out because he thinks Scotty likes Haleigh ! The big dummy is so hot for Haleigh that he can't see straight. And it's kind of sad because I think she just likes him a little, but she's certainly not gaga the way he is !

  • Love 7
15 minutes ago, phlebas said:

There's something almost poetic in watching Fessy torpedo his game, Scottie's game, and Haleigh's game with a single nomination key.

Just when I thought Rockstar we the dumbest player ever...


12 minutes ago, vb68 said:

Fessy you are a complete and utter moron.

His name might as well be Wyle E. Coyote, and Level 6 are collectively the Roadrunner.

I totally believe Fessy wants Scottie out due to jealousy.

Are all boys this stupid?  Seriously?

@Lamb18 - 100 points for literature thesis.



  • Love 14
18 minutes ago, vb68 said:

Fessy you are a complete and utter moron.

His name might as well be Wyle E. Coyote, and Level 6 are collectively the Roadrunner.

I totally believe Fessy wants Scottie out due to jealousy.

Can't stand JC but damn his evil scheming was making me laugh tonight.

Oh he’s definitely jealous.


JC: Scottie likes Haleigh.

Faysal: So Scotty and who else are going on the block?


Meep meep!

  • Love 21

Ignorance they name is Faysal. The Lamb speakest the truth Hay is caught in a Shakespearean play and how amazing that SHE is the one that had the Shakespeare play to read as a punishment. It's mind boggling.

I wonder if Hay wasn't tied down by albatross dumb bass Faysal and that manipulative little imp JC hanging off of him how she'd have done. Bad choices will get ya every time. And she's obviously laying down with dogs and coming up with fleas.

I felt for Scottie when he was freaking out in the diary room post-noms. You're surrounded by idiots, but the Swaggy vote and telling Hay you love her when going out of the room? Not smart choices on your part so I'm not completely holding you faultless in this mess.

I wonder how many times Faysal has uttered the phrase "Hey, I want you to know you ain't messin with my girl." Possessive much? You've had what, one kiss? Now she's your betrothed?

  • Love 9

Everything said above...plus...why, oh why, didn't Scotty protest more when Bret and Kaycee pulled out that lie right in his face. No way would I have gone as quietly into the night as Scotty did. Hells to the no! And from that moment on I would have been swearing up and down, to Big Dummy, that I was the one vote. I would have laid out all my votes and been straight forward and I would have told Big Dummy exactly what Scotty told Hayleigh about them all working together and they got Rock out on Hay's HoH and now were trying to pull the same with Big Dummy's.


And he's Austin 2.0...dumb and possessive over a chick who's just not that into him.

  • Love 14
20 minutes ago, Lamima said:

why, didn't Scotty protest more when Bret and Kaycee pulled out that lie right in his face

I honestly think he found the whole thing so ridiculously unbelievable (which it pretty much was) that he didn't think Fes would fall for it.  Especially since Kaycee went  from 0 to pissed off at the guy who supposedly just voted to keep her in the scenario they were trying to sell.  Had Scottie gotten heated about it, it would have seemed like he was protesting too much.  If Brett isn't in her alliance, why should Kaycee care about making Scottie look bad?   He just underestimated Faysal's stupidity.  His game was tanked by giving the dumbass credit for being able to see a weak attempt at avoiding the block by Brett/Kaycee and for giving JC's opinion more weight than Haleigh's.

Edited by leocadia
  • Love 21

Jeezum F'ing Christmas....Fessy just crossed over into Marcellus/ Lewan territory. He's completely squandered his HOH, surrendering it to Level 6. What a fool....just pathetic.

He deserves what happens to him in a week or so but its' Haliegh I feel sorry for. She's too good for this game and for her alliance mates who are all morons handing victory to the opposing team at every chance...Bay revealing her power ensuring she'll  be a target, Rockstar telling Tyler he had the wrong answer and getting her final one wrong and now this icing on the cake. 

Even Scotti comes off as dumb for having voted for Rockstar when her strongest Allie...Hayleigh didn't vote for her or Fessy for that matter etiher so why did he.

With all that said Brett is still loathsome and JC is pretty repulsive in his own right.

After all this we need a Samantha HOH to bring a little of her cray, cray back in the house. It's more fun to see that than watch Hay's allies implode their own games and hers along with it.

Edited by North of Eden
  • Love 12

I guess in retrospect, it would have been smart for Scottie to go to Fes prior to noms and make the argument that he (Fes) would look like an idiot if he were to nominate Scottie instead of any of the people who (honestly) voted AGAINST him for the entire game.  He should have pulled a Kaitlyn and told him that he'd see the truth when he watches the tapes, lol.  It's just possible that playing on that specific fear might have helped his case.   Then again, it might not have made a difference since we are talking about Faysal.

  • Love 7
26 minutes ago, North of Eden said:

Even Scotti comes off as dumb for having voted for Rockstar when her strongest Allie...Hayleigh didn't vote for her or Fessy for that matter etiher so why did he.

Hayleigh was HOH and couldn’t vote and Faysal’s vote was cancelled by Kaycee.

This is seriously shades of Howie getting James out and causing that entire season to spiral out of control.  

I almost want to read the feeds to see who won veto to see if this week will even be worth it, because I am just so over Level 6.  

Also JC is a right dick and Faysal may be dumb, but JC looks like a giant jerk talking about him like that.

  • Love 16

I realize that JC is playing a game, but I can't enjoy someone whose entire strategy seems to be "laugh at someone who you pretend to be friends with in the DR, behind his back."

JC's George-and-Lenny relationship with Fessy is so confusing, because I have literally no idea what his end game is. The only thing I can hope for is he's either in for an epic blindside when level 6 turns on him, or Tyler turns on level 6 in favor of him and his epic goat-iness.

  • Love 18

JC  thinks he's the mastermind of the game sneaking around, influencing people to do his bidding.  He has an unbelievably high opinion of himself. He's in for a big shock when somebody finally puts him up on the block.  I don't know how he has escaped so far. I guess there were better targets available. And he does seem useful to L6, for now.

  • Love 9

Looks like they fixed Sam up with some happy pills. She seemed clearly in a better, less crazypants mood thiis episode.

It was amazing how good Fessy was at that HOH comp. He's in great shape for his size.

That was quite a stank face Brett was pulling when they all went up to see Fessy's HOH room.

Yeah, ya gotta wonder how can Fessy be so naive. I figured jealousy would hit him sooner or later but I thought it'd be aimed at Brett or Tyler.

So is JC a dark horse for F2 or is production just propping him for shits and giggles?

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, ghoulina said:

Kaycee IS a shit actor. Brett can do okay job of lying, but she is absolutely horrible!

The amazing thing about Brett is that he can lie right to your face, knowing that you know he's lying, and do it without flinching. Who knows if he's actually that good at it in real life, but in the game of Big Brother, it's fascinating to watch. His stories have made for some really entertaining drama this season.

Like them or not, Level 6 has done an incredible job of keeping themselves secret. It seems like the other side genuinely still has no clue that this other alliance even exists at all, let alone that it's existed since the very beginning. 

  • Love 15
2 hours ago, Wandering Snark said:

Ignorance they name is Faysal. The Lamb speakest the truth Hay is caught in a Shakespearean play and how amazing that SHE is the one that had the Shakespeare play to read as a punishment. It's mind boggling.

I had forgotten about that.  Really I didn't know anyone's name when that happened.

@Eolivet - Awesome interpretation.

  • Love 3
8 minutes ago, Rachel RSL said:

It seems like the other side genuinely still has no clue that this other alliance even exists at all, let alone that it's existed since the very beginning. 

I think the secret is pretty much out. I mean, Rockstar called out Angela, Tyler and Kaycee as working together. Granted, she didn't have Brett, but she got three out of four. I'm going with "not so secret anymore." To me, the bigger secret is they don't know level 6 has Sam and JC in their pocket, or working towards their interests. Level 6 as a foursome loses quite a bit of power without the swing votes that truly make them "level 6."

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, Eolivet said:

I think the secret is pretty much out. I mean, Rockstar called out Angela, Tyler and Kaycee as working together. Granted, she didn't have Brett, but she got three out of four. I'm going with "not so secret anymore." To me, the bigger secret is they don't know level 6 has Sam and JC in their pocket, or working towards their interests. Level 6 as a foursome loses quite a bit of power without the swing votes that truly make them "level 6."

I don't think the secret is really out.  These three were seen working together because Bay targeted them so they were forced into a group of three by circumstances caused by The Hive.  They have never caught on to Level 6 existing let alone existing since the beginning.  Neither has JC or Sam for that matter.

Of course Scottie thought he was in an alliance that never once invited him in because they didn't trust him since he wore the Swaggy shirt while voting Swaggy out.  It also lead to him being blamed for the other hinky votes, the ones actually cast by JC, which lead to the mistrusting him more.  Then Scottie should have seen the showmance taking place and kept more of a distance as in don't sit around stroking Hay's hair in front of Fessy the Ever Jealous.  In the end Scottie just isn't a very good player.

I'd comment on how utterly dumb Fessy is but everyone above me in this thread already hit on all the talking points about same, hah.

Edited by green
  • Love 7
4 hours ago, Lamb18 said:

Scotty is the guy Iago says really likes Desdemona and kept her handkerchief or something like that (forgot the character's name).

Cassio.  He got the promotion Iago wanted.

3 hours ago, North of Eden said:

Even Scotti comes off as dumb for having voted for Rockstar when her strongest Allie...Hayleigh didn't vote for her or Fessy for that matter etiher so why did he.

Haleigh couldn't vote; she was HoH.  Fessy had his vote taken away by the Hacker.  Both of them would have voted to keep her, had they been given the chance.  The only reason Haleigh didn't get a chance to break a tie was because JC and Sam flipped the vote.  So why listen to JC?

Oh, because there's stupid…and then there's STUPID…and then there's Fessy.

I mean, if you put up Tyler and Scottie because you believe that Yatus, JC, and you really think Scottie's in love with Haleigh, fine.  And you can be justifying it because of all the "Scottie's my best friend" shit Tyler's been spewing and you're worried that Scottie might take Tyler off, etc.  I mean, you'd be wrong, but you'd be making a logical argument.

But by putting Brett up against Scottie and saying "one of you is my ally, I don't know which", you have automatically handed the power to decide over to a group of people who lied to you and voted your other ally out last week.  Even if everything JC had said was true, and Brett was loyal where Scottie was not, then you've just let Tyler/Angela/Kaycee/JC/Sam have the power to take "poor lone shark" Brett out and save "shady Scottie".  So fucking stupid it couldn't have been done without a copious dose of DR interference…which it probably was. 

But still, wotta maroon.  Just because the DR is selling doesn't mean you have to buy it.  (The famous situation where Hayden backdoored Saboteuse Annie precisely because he could tell that the DR was trying to steer him away from her springs to mind.)  There is no scenario where this decision was anywhere north of brain-dead, even if we didn't know the truth.  Well, Faysal's brain in his head is dead; clearly it's his "lower brain" that's doing all of his "thinking" here.

And, speaking of the truth, you'd think that Faysal might have noticed that Scottie is GAY.  He's "never been kissed" by a woman, but he was running from Rachel, he offered Brett "sexual favors" when he was put the block by Angela, and during this comp we got this bit:


TYLER: Dammit, I can't get up!

SCOTTIE:  I've heard that before.

So, Scottie likes older dudes.  No wonder he attached himself to Steve right away.  I wonder if he's asked production for Mike Boogie's phone number yet?

As for the Othello comparisons, let's not forget that Othello doesn't kill Cassio…he smothers Desdemona.  Haleigh, you in danger, girl!  "Put out the light and then…put out the light."  Ulp!

Edited by Halting Hex
  • Love 4
4 hours ago, phlebas said:

There's something almost poetic in watching Fessy torpedo his game, Scottie's game, and Haleigh's game with a single nomination key.

Just when I thought Rockstar was the dumbest player ever...

Fessy is definitely dumber than Rockstar but at least he’s not as whiny. 


My favorite bit was when Fessy defended putting up Scottie by saying that he’d never talked game with Scottie. Haleigh countered by pointing out to Fessy that he hadn’t talked game with most of the houseguests, and maybe they would make good targets, too. Plus, unlike Scottie, they weren’t aligned with him and had taken out several of his allies. But of course, after several seconds of crickets, Fessy was right back to EVIL SCOTTIE IS EVIL MUST VOTE HIM OUT.


It’s really clear that Fessy values input from men well above input from women. JC has openly voted against Fessy’s position and is known to have voted with the majority in each of the last several votes. Yet Fessy takes his opinion instead of listening to Haleigh’s reasoned opinion. 


I loathed Brett for the first few weeks. Now, while I won’t be sad to see him go, my loathing doesn’t get in the way of being entertained by him.


This season has been a lot of fun, with a good mix of people. Right now, I’m rooting for Kaycee and Tyler, and a little bit for Haleigh, because she’s stuck with Fessy and had her HoH turned upside down. Mostly, I am hoping the two-time loser Paul is at home watching Tyler playing the game Paul was trying to play, but successfully, because he’s not alienating people right and left. There’s a lot of game left, of course, but it will be fun watching this play out. 

  • Love 9
17 minutes ago, Halting Hex said:

And, speaking of the truth, you'd think that Faysal might have noticed that Scottie is GAY.

Scottie hasn't said that and I see no indication he is.  He certainly had a thing for Hay but he is shy about relationships and that isn't a bad thing either.  Not everyone is consumed by sex 24/7 despite what the media -- and Fessy -- wants you to believe.

  • Love 13
2 minutes ago, green said:

Scottie hasn't said that [he's gay] and I see no indication he is.

We've certainly had BB contestants hide their sexuality in the past (Drew Daniel, Natalie Negrotti…both of whom even had heterosexual "showmances" in the house, ffs), and I'm sure they won't be the last.  Heck, Steve Moses still isn't out, despite Vanessa Rousso suspecting this was the "secret" he wanted to tell her three years back.  (I'll never forget the proud-momma smile Vanessa had when she went "Steve, are you gay?" in response to his "I'll tell you in Jury" declaration.)

As posters have noted, it's a bitch to get cast on the show as a "gay" contestant unless you fit neatly into TPTB's little box.  It's not surprising contestants might want to hide their light under an "I'm just a nerd" bushel if they don't flame as brightly as an Andy Herren or a Frankie Grande or a Jason Roy.  There's money at stake, after all.  But JMO.

  • Love 1

Am I the only one who can't stand Kaycee? She seems awfully smug for someone so worthless. The furniture has more use than her! At least the furniture serves a purpose! She seemed very promising at the start of the season, but aside from her "punishment," she was more a lump on a log than Angela was. I was always puzzled by so many people gushing over her and why she was consistently ranked in the Top 5 on various polls, and wondered if I was missing something. But I just find her obnoxious.

I've never liked seasons where majority alliances steam-roll their way through the game, picking off the moronic fools too stupid to realize they're being eliminated one after another until they're the only ones left. But really, watching The Hive be continually blind-sided and left gape-mouthed and gob-smacked is fucking hysterical! It's a running gag at this point. I'm honestly surprised how they've managed to live this long. Someone should tell them that their brains can be used for more than just keeping their skulls from caving in.

3 hours ago, leocadia said:

I honestly think he found the whole thing so ridiculously unbelievable (which it pretty much was) that he didn't think Fes would fall for it.  Especially since Kaycee went  from 0 to pissed off at the guy who supposedly just voted to keep her in the scenario they were trying to sell.  Had Scottie gotten heated about it, it would have seemed like he was protesting too much.  If Brett isn't in her alliance, why should Kaycee care about making Scottie look bad?   He just underestimated Faysal's stupidity.  His game was tanked by giving the dumbass credit for being able to see a weak attempt at avoiding the block by Brett/Kaycee and for giving JC's opinion more weight than Haleigh's.

THIS. Scottie's reaction was very telling, that he thought this was total horseshit, and there's no conceivable way Faysal (or anyone else for that matter) would ever take it seriously. Poor guy's going to be mighty embarrassed when he watches the season and realized he was giving Fessy far more credit than he ever deserved. And Scottie seems far more aware of things going on elsewhere than any of The Hive ever have. It's a shame he's going to become a casualty due to Fessy's controlling possessiveness over "his girl." FUCK YOU, FESSY!

Speaking of which, Haleigh, RUN! I've seen Fessy's behaviour play out exactly this way before, and when a man starts dictating who you can or cannot socialize with, it won't be long before he's reading texts on his girl's phone while she's in the shower, or hacking her social media accounts, totally absolutely 100% convinced she's fucking someone else behind his back. Yeah I know the type. A former friend of mine married one, which is why she's a former friend, per his orders of course. FUCK YOU, FESSY!

I also develop an instant loathing for any HOH who pulls that ostracizing horseshit. "How dare you speak to him/her?! He/she is the target this week! What are you thinking being friendly and civil? How dare you?! You're totally working with him/her, aren't you? I knew it!! How dare you?!!" So, in summation, FUCK YOU, FESSY!!

  • Love 18

So if we assume Scottie leaves this week...

Unless she wins HOH, Haleigh of Troy is the odds-on favorite to go next week. Scottie will have at LEAST a week with Haleigh in the jury house (RS and Bayleigh will be there, but they're not suitors) without Fessy there to chaperone. That should eat at the circus peanut Fessy uses for a brain.

I only hope he realizes that. Or JC tells him. 

  • Love 13
1 hour ago, phlebas said:

Unless she wins HOH, Haleigh of Troy is the odds-on favorite to go next week.

She said, exasperated, that she's going to enjoy going up on the block next to Faysal next week and being voted out. An argument most people would get a lightbulb over their head with... but with Faysal? Nuthin'

I also love how she shot down his "Scottie doesn't talk game with me".

JC is a creepy little troll.

  • Love 9
11 hours ago, hummingbee said:

....and he tried to stop Haleigh from going out to talk to Scottie, like he owns her and gets to decide who she can talk to...that really creeped me out.

That scene was simultaneously heartbreaking and disturbing.  The fact that Hayleigh actually followed Fessy's directive to not go out and talk to her friend just left me speechless.  Especially since Hayliegh KNOWS what a bad idea it is to put Scottie on the block.  It sure makes for entertaining tv, but the level of stupidity makes me twitchy. 


9 hours ago, Eolivet said:

I realize that JC is playing a game, but I can't enjoy someone whose entire strategy seems to be "laugh at someone who you pretend to be friends with in the DR, behind his back."

See also: Brett.  He is entertaining to a point, but his ability to lie directly to someone's face, even when he knows that they know he's lying, is unsettling.  Plus I don't care for the way he made a fool of Rockstar.  Yes, she fell for Brett's crap.  But between Brett and JC, I waver between who gives me the bigger "ick" factor in any give episode.  But to JC's credit, he recognized early on that Fessy's brain was made of Play-Doh and is capitalizing on the fact that he can manipulate the giant #DumBass.


2 hours ago, phlebas said:

So if we assume Scottie leaves this week...

Unless she wins HOH, Haleigh of Troy is the odds-on favorite to go next week. Scottie will have at LEAST a week with Haleigh in the jury house (RS and Bayleigh will be there, but they're not suitors) without Fessy there to chaperone. That should eat at the circus peanut Fessy uses for a brain.

I only hope he realizes that. Or JC tells him. 

++++++++++1.  I cannot wait for this to happen.  I will have popcorn at the ready.  And wine.  And candy.

  • Love 10
34 minutes ago, icemiser69 said:

JC -  I would hope he wouldn't be attacked due to something he has no control over, his height.

 I seriously dislike JC. Early in the game he proved himself to be a rather despicable person with his antics. I don't know if they were shown on the program or only on the feeds so that's all I'm going to say.

Something else he can't control is his strong accent.  He talks too fast and whispers too much.  I have to admit I dislike him because of this. I cannot understand most of what he's saying.  That's important on a program that is largely based on strategies, both good and bad.

  • Love 5

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