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S04.E10 Episode 10

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In the season 4 finale, Noah an Anton visit Princeton, where Noah encounters an old friend.  Meanwhile, an immensely difficult day forces Cole and Luisa to reexamine their relationship; and Helen gets a new perspective on life.

Please, show, for the love of all that is holy, let Noah's "old friend" be someone who does not immediately have sex with him.  Alternatively, if a straight man, let him not immediately think, "Now that you and Helen aren't together, let me see if I can nail her."  I have my limits. 

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13 hours ago, PrincessPurrsALot said:

Please, show, for the love of all that is holy, let Noah's "old friend" be someone who does not immediately have sex with him.  Alternatively, if a straight man, let him not immediately think, "Now that you and Helen aren't together, let me see if I can nail her."  I have my limits. 

As soon as I saw her I was "10...9...8"

Noah is so the guy in college who is soooooooo upset that you're "way too into" him. He's soooooooo sorry. Why does this always happen? He warned you he was trouble! He told you not to fall for him!

Edited by DiabLOL
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Helen:  "Everybody's so fucking crazy!"

Me, watching tonight:  "Everybody's so fucking crazy!"

It was shaping up to be like Magnolia in the last third.  If each character had stopped to sing a line of "Wise Up," I wouldn't have batted an eye.

Also, we ended the season without knowing whether the main character was murdered or committed suicide.  LOL nothing matters.

Not news, but Joshua Jackson is an extraordinarily open and expressive actor.

Edited by Penman61
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Well that is that I suppose. Does Ben get away with murder or will that be the plot in season 5? 

What I despise is waiting so long for the next set of episodes. Will it be January 2020? Anyway, this was an excellent episode and I loved this season 4. 

Rest in peace, Alison. Maybe in heaven you will find Quinn. I think you two would like each other. 

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4 minutes ago, yourmomiseasy said:

Cole running away with the urn!  I realize it wasn't supposed to be humorous, but I laughed pretty loudly.

So did I, and again at Helen’s reaction to Noah telling her about it.

Since they used scenes from Allison’s second POV in the previouslies, including Ben killing her, I’m taking that as confirmation that the second POV was the real one and that Ben did kill her.  Pretty ballsy of him to show up at the funeral, but maybe he thought it would look suspicious if he didn’t.  

Vik’s Mother is so awful, I’m surprised she even called Helen to let her know he was septic.  

Im honestly not surprised Luisa seemed to agree to Cole’s proposition of basically being a nanny and wife in name only in exchange for becoming Joanie’s guardian and possibly getting her citizenship. But I think Cole offered it out of guilt, and because he’s overwhelmed and it’s just easier to have Luisa parent Joanie.  He’s going to regret it sooner than later. 

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Just in case there is any lingering doubt about Alison being murdered vs. taking her own life.....  

Ruth Wilson was on Sandra Bernhard's Sirius-XM radio show a couple of days ago.  Sandra is a huge fan of The Affair, and it was easy to tell that she really wanted to ask Ruth a lot more questions about the show than what she asked, but she had to eventually restrain herself.   Ruth seemed to leave no doubt that Alison was murdered on the show -- there was no suicide (at least, that is what she believes).   Ruth wanted a different ending for Alison, rather than being taken down by an angry man, but she had no say in what was done with her character.


Sandra asked Ruth if there would be flashbacks showing Alison next season, and Ruth said no.    (I mean, I suppose they could always show clips of Alison from episodes we have already seen, but it sounds like Ruth did not film anything new that could be used as an unseen flashback next year.  She's done.)

Edited by TVFan17
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Whitney is and will always be terrible! 

I thought Helen was going to jump off the hospital roof.

I was surprised they gave the "Noah you're my inspiration" line to the male student instead of one the female students.

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6 hours ago, yourmomiseasy said:

Cole running away with the urn!  I realize it wasn't supposed to be humorous, but I laughed pretty loudly.

I haven't seen the episode yet but saw that clip in the previews and howled laughing! Of course, even in death, she's still so irresistible that some man just wants to put his hands all over her and run away with her. 

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Cole running was hilarious.

Since Noah wasn't going to be in Montauk until the following morning, I'm assuming he used his remaining evening in New Haven to make the English professor's dreams come true.  (I thought Anton was supposed to be touring Princeton?  Why does the episode description say Yale?)

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I feel angry. No, I am not having fun yet. I don't need a happy ending, but I at least need the season to tie up loose ends. I was never a fan of cliffhangers because they are manipulative. But, I can deal with a cliffhanger for one week until the next episode. 

But, The Affair probably will not be back until late 2019 or early 2020. So as predicted, we have to wait a year for Ben to be arrested and for Alison to get some justice. 

There is something to be said about self contained episodes with a beginning and an end and the story continues episode to episode but there are no huge mysteries waiting to be solved. I never recall The Sopranos ending each episode with a cliffhanger.

I am angry that Ruth Wilson left and is under some gag order and angry at this new writers' shtik. I can understand why so many bailed from this show. I love it and I loved this episode 10 and season 4, but all I could think of was my friend Phyllis who died last April. She loved Outlander and was so looking forward to the next season and she died and will never see it.

When you get to a certain age, I think you can sadly slip into framing your life with the seasons of TV shows. And I need a life. 

This show, this show. 

Edited by DakotaLavender
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DakotaLavender, last week somebody asked Sarah Treem on twitter whether Ben would ever be caught and her response was "Define 'caught'".  I wouldn't get your hopes up for Alison to ever get justice.  Or even for the show to address the manner of Alison's death much more than it already has. 

I half expect with this show that next season will be another "French woman" debacle where they veer off into an entirely new and unwanted storyline for 8 episodes and then vaguely address the main characters for the final two.

God willing we'll all still be around by then! (t's a morbid thought that crosses my mind sometimes too.)  I'd like to think heaven is a place where you get to watch the endings to all of your favorite TV shows and get answers to all the mysteries that fascinated you when you were alive, like what happened to Amelia Earhart and is the Loch Ness monster real.

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14 hours ago, casey65 said:

Since they used scenes from Allison’s second POV in the previouslies, including Ben killing her, I’m taking that as confirmation that the second POV was the real one and that Ben did kill her.  

This hadn't occurred to me, but I agree with you.

It also reveals (again) the storytelling malpractice when one has to rely on the previouslies' selections to clarify the major plot point of the season/series.  (Yes, I am a dog with a bone about this.)

Why was Helen smiling in the final shot?

Edited by Penman61
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20 minutes ago, preeya said:

She was saying to herself "The viewers got FUCKED again."

I think Helen smiled, thinking, now that Vik knows Sierra is having his child...this will seal the deal he will for sure get treatment and get a little longer time to live. She now, dares to have hope.

Also...Noah’s words to her were truly “the nicest thing he’d ever said to her.” That had to feel good...Helen’s been feeling horrible about a lot of things for a long time. 

Edited by Lozu68
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So happy that Noah was able to mansplain to Helen that people were able to love their partners differently. He mansplained it so well that Helen did a complete 180 on her own reality and decided to tell Vik she loved him after all. Jesus. Noah Fucking Solloway knows all. I will say that Moira Tierney was outstanding in this episode. It's too bad that the women in this show seem to achieve their agency only when it's been handed to them by men.

That Anton's prose is worthy of Princeton admission has lead me to believe I should wandering the halls of Harvard. 

Thought it was interesting that in the sexy times callback Cole had of an encounter with Allison that she had a band aid on her finger. 

And ooo!! Welcome back, Whitney! If anything this show needed right now it would be you.

So not intersted in Noah and Cole teaming up and buying a Mystery Machine next season so they can feel good about proving Allison didn't commit suicide. This series should have ended with this season. There is no story here left to tell that couldn't have been wrapped up with this season. 

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I was happy that Maura Tierney got some meaty scenes at last, and she shone in them.  And I thought Joshua Jackson did beautiful work.  I liked Vic too.  

As for the rest of it, I was very disappointed.  

How could Cole have been so sure Alison did not commit suicide last week yet other than glowering at Vik at the funeral, there is no mention of this?  How is it that Noah doesn’t mention anything to Helen that the Alison story is not over?   Why didn’t Noah ask Helen about the state of mind of Alison when she left LA.   Will all this be forgotten next year?  

The Princeton scene was ridiculous.  The whole Noah POV was pointless.  Anton is an entitled brat, as bad as Whitney.  Sierra being pregnant is right out of Days of our Lives.  Cole’s resolution with Luisa makes no sense at all.   In the current environment, Luisa can be the legal guardian of ten kids and she still can be deported.  

Im getting convinced that there was really bad blood with Treem and Ruth Wilson and Treem wanted her and her character gone.  Nothing else makes sense to me.

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When Cole started running at the funeral I thought, Cole! I love you, so much. He really knew Alison the best. He knew she wouldn't have committed suicide at that time in her life, that she picks the wrong men and that she would have wanted to be buried next to Gabriel.

Did anyone catch what Luisa said in Spanish? I caught something about either death or the dead but nothing else.

I liked Noah and Helen's conversation. I'm glad she finally had someone to support her when she needed it.

This season was so much better than season 3, I hope they don't screw it up in season 5.

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3 hours ago, Bitsy said:

Cole running was hilarious.

Since Noah wasn't going to be in Montauk until the following morning, I'm assuming he used his remaining evening in New Haven to make the English professor's dreams come true.  (I thought Anton was supposed to be touring Princeton?  Why does the episode description say Yale?)

The episode description on the Showtime app says Princeton, so someone caught the error somewhere along the line.  I guess one east coast Ivy is the same as another lol.  I kind of zoned out when he was talking to her but I thought she mentioned having a boyfriend (not that that means anything).... 


Whoever mentioned Allison having a bandaid on her finger in the flashback - I remember in one of the first episodes seeing Allison with a bandaid like that on her finger - it looked like one you would out on a child (with little pictures on it). And then of course last episode... a nice touch.

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The bandaid was part of one of the Season 1 episodes.  Alison hurt her finger and had to use one of dead Gabriel's leftover children's bandaids.  It was a little anvilicious.

1 hour ago, Lozu68 said:

I think Helen smiled, thinking, now that Vik knows Sierra is having his child...this will seal the deal he will for sure get treatment and get a little longer time to live. She now, dares to have hope.

Vik didn't want to raise a child, he just wanted to have a child of his own to live on after he was gone.  I think Sierra's news was something to comfort him on his deathbed.  Turning septic usually means you are close to the end.  I don't think any of Helen's hopes ride on Vik living longer, she just wants to do right by him.  

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I'm annoyed that it appears that the murder is what really happened. I don't have much interest in the prospect of season 5 being a murder mystery, been there done that. And how successful can that really be since she was cremated? I also find it pretty lazy that they used the ol' trope of a 'screwed up military vet' being responsible for the crime.

Cole running away with the urn was...silly. But he's not wrong: Alison would want to be buried with Gabriel.  However Cole, while Alison may have made you happy, there came a point where you didn't make her happy. It's not just Noah's fault that Alison hasn't been your wife for a long time. 

I hope Helen is back in NY for the final season. 

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12 minutes ago, HollyG said:

Never been able to stand Whitney. What a narcissistic  little bitch!  Yes Whitney, Vic's impending death is all about you.

Seriously. When she said something along the lines of why can’t she come home to something normal it’s like yes Vic got cancer to inconvenience your life princess. 

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I'm absolutely 100% against corporal discipline for children (and adults!).

But I will make a one-time-only exception for Whitney.  (And Nazis, who can be punched.)

Edited by Penman61
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I know Cole never wanted Alison to leave him, but I don't think he was truly happy with her either.   

If Alison hadn't died, perhaps we would have seen what a truly awful idea it was for Cole to try to woo Alison back right after she'd fled town - AGAIN - and had a nervous breakdown.  Again.

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I think Helen's smile at the end was because like Luisa, she knows that her romantic relationship is over. Another woman is having a baby with him and she doesn't even care, really. That's all that needs to be said. She used him, he got sick and now she has an opening to leave. Vik will start treatment and I'm guessing he'll live to see his child be born, or maybe he'll even miraculously go into remission. I don't think we'll see any more of their relationship, their breakup, or Helen and her kids moving out. Helen and co. will move back to NY and that's where the story will begin again. Maybe her parents will be featured next season, too.

I have no idea where the show plans to take the other three characters. I hope that we aren't mired in yet another murder mystery full of detectives and investigations and trials. The show already went there and did that. It looks like Allison was murdered and her killer will get away with it. That's life and it happens more than it should. I just don't want to spend another season where the drama revolves around Allison.

I feel like the show is setting up Helen and Noah's reconciliation. The a cappella group at the beginning (during Noah's segment) was singing the same song that played during Helen's at the end: a Death Cab for Cutie song called "What Sarah Said." The lyrics go "But I'm thinking of what Sarah said/That love is watching someone die/So who's gonna watch you die?" Literally it seems like this fits Helen and Vik's story because he's dying and she's still with him at the moment. But Noah had told her that very thing moments before: that he would want to be with her when he died. She thinks that it's the nicest thing he's ever said to her -- because she's still in love with him. She has a love for Vik but Noah's the One. I don't know how the show will make their reconciliation organic but I think we saw the start of that with this episode.

I did groan a lot during Noah's segment. Of course the kid in that class was a huge fanboy. Of course the blonde Head of the Department had a secret crush on him and was still enamored. He really is arrogant, isn't he?

I'm sad that the last season is so far away. This season was leagues better than S3, though!

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1 hour ago, LilaFowler said:

I'm sad that the last season is so far away. This season was leagues better than S3, though!

For all intents and purposes, the series should have ended today. For me it did.

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6 hours ago, Bitsy said:

DakotaLavender, last week somebody asked Sarah Treem on twitter whether Ben would ever be caught and her response was "Define 'caught'".  I wouldn't get your hopes up for Alison to ever get justice.  Or even for the show to address the manner of Alison's death much more than it already has. 

I half expect with this show that next season will be another "French woman" debacle where they veer off into an entirely new and unwanted storyline for 8 episodes and then vaguely address the main characters for the final two.

God willing we'll all still be around by then! (t's a morbid thought that crosses my mind sometimes too.)  I'd like to think heaven is a place where you get to watch the endings to all of your favorite TV shows and get answers to all the mysteries that fascinated you when you were alive, like what happened to Amelia Earhart and is the Loch Ness monster real.

I sometimes think that it is a passing fad with all of these TV shows that move season to season with cliffhangers. Sadly, This is Us has joined that group. I don't want to veer too far off the discussion of this episode though, so let me bring it back to that. 

In this episode they set the stage for Noah to not be with Janelle but to be back with Helen. Cole will be with Luisa for Joanie. And the story will go in the direction of solving Alison's murder. Ben was inserted into this episode for a reason. He will be back. 

However, I think Sarah Treem will end season 5 with a cliffhanger. And there will be no season 6. I think many of these writers build shows for their own creative and cheeky artistic satisfaction and really do not care about the viewers getting any closure.  

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11 minutes ago, DakotaLavender said:

However, I think Sarah Treem will end season 5 with a cliffhanger. And there will be no season 6. I think many of these writers build shows for their own creative and cheeky artistic satisfaction and really do not care about the viewers getting any closure.  


My closure was today. I firmly believe Ben killed Alison and that's enough for me. I really don't care about what happens to Noah, Helen, Cole and anyone else beyond today.

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5 hours ago, preeya said:

She was saying to herself "The viewers got FUCKED again."

The viewers did indeed get fucked. And we are fucked for one reason and one reason only: NO CLOSURE. Sarah Treem created many plot points and then just drops the ball. I hope Showtime has a change of heart and cancels season 5 like Amazon did with Zelda season 2.  

But wait, what about Trevor and Brooklyn? A spin off maybe? Showtime, please make it a comedy and fire Sarah Treem. She seems so smug. 

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2 hours ago, LilaFowler said:

I think Helen's smile at the end was because like Luisa, she knows that her romantic relationship is over. Another woman is having a baby with him and she doesn't even care, really. That's all that needs to be said. She used him, he got sick and now she has an opening to leave. Vik will start treatment and I'm guessing he'll live to see his child be born, or maybe he'll even miraculously go into remission. I don't think we'll see any more of their relationship, their breakup, or Helen and her kids moving out. Helen and co. will move back to NY and that's where the story will begin again. Maybe her parents will be featured next season, too.


I don’t think we will see Vik again.... his oncologist friend said that even with treatment he had maybe nine months.  I think if the end game is going to be Noah and Helen reconciling (which I do) I’d bet there is a year or so time jump and Vik is gone and everyone else is back in NY. 

I liked (for lack of a better word) Helen admitting that she used Vik and didn’t ever really love him.  It was honest. I don’t think any less of her for it - she definitely cared for him and “loved him but not in love with him”.  Maybe that’s the way Noah feels about Helen....

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47 minutes ago, Razzberry said:

I was shocked, not only how low Princeton's standards have fallen, but at this line.  Didn't think the writers were familiar with the concept..


LOL, true enough for many shows. 

Generally, though, IMHO the "show don't tell" advice is overstated.  

A storyteller who "told" a lot?  Shakespeare.  It's just that he was really really really good at the "telling."  (e.g., death of Ophelia in Hamlet, death of Gloucester in Lear, opening of Macbeth, Cleopatra's barge intro by Enobarbus in Antony & Cleopatra, and on and on...)

So good writers can make you see things, and they can put those words believably/compellingly in the mouths of characters.  But showing is almost always more interesting than mediocre dialog, so...

In any case, this scene was hi-fuckin-larious.  Anton is both a codeswitching genius and one ruthless guy.  Kudos to him. 

Edited by Penman61
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2 hours ago, preeya said:

My closure was today. I firmly believe Ben killed Alison and that's enough for me. I really don't care about what happens to Noah, Helen, Cole and anyone else beyond today.

Same. The show has runs its course for me. I won't be back for the next season. That I was back for this season after the dumpster fire that was the last had me recalling the adage, "Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice—shame on me." There is nothing left for this show to say. Would Allison be alive had it not been for the affair she had with Noah? Sure, I guess. She didn't commit suicide—she was murdered by a rando boyfriend who she would have otherwise not come across had she still been married to Cole. But who's to say she wouldn't have met a similar fate if she never slept with Noah? Maybe she would have gotten hit by a bus while tooling around on her bike in Montauk after having a second child with Cole? Or that Cole wouldn't have been gunned down in a drug deal? Or that she would have been? Who knows. Who cares. Life is a twisted tale based on the choices we make every day. I get that. I don't need this show and its shitty writing to bring that home to me anymore. 

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I binge watched season one - right before the season two premiere. I watch season two and waited eagerly for season 3. After that mess, it was ok to have to wait for season 4. Now, I have to say, this was better than 3. I hate to have to wait, but hope for some closure.  I really don't care if Allison was killed or committed suicide.  I don't want Noah and Helen to get back together. I hope the baby gives Vik a little bit of hope.  I want Luisa to leave Cole and whatever with Noah. I'm more interested in Anton than him. 

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Cole running away with the urn!  I realize it wasn't supposed to be humorous, but I laughed pretty loudly.


And the Beaching Ceremony sounds like something Athena would do to a whale, so that was the first laugh.

Apologies, but that was some deliberately dark humor. Allegedly.

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18 minutes ago, WaltersHair said:


And the Beaching Ceremony sounds like something Athena would do to a whale, so that was the first laugh.

Apologies, but that was some deliberately dark humor. Allegedly.

As soon as they started walking towards the beach and they showed the kite and the flags I said aloud “that’s so Athena.”  And how totally inappropriate/insensitive to everyone else, she died in the water and you’re basically just putting her back there.

I can’t believe Noah wasn’t thrilled with Anton’s 15 minute ode to him.  

Vic is too good for this show.

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So your kitty mod is also a celebrant that does funerals and memorial services.  Of course Athena would want the service at the beach. Of course Athena would  have everyone hold the urn and speak their truth.  Of course Athena would plan to have them blend her ashes with sand (embarrassingly enough, my sister's coven had us do this with her ashes.  I can't speak for Montauk, but it is illegal in California; you know, the place with the too damn showy ocean.)

When Cole ran away with the ashes, I so wanted someone to tackle him.  Perhaps Noah Fucking Solloway could have done a flying tackle then the two of them could have wrestled over the ashes in the sand.  The Affair round 2, the battle for Alison's ashes.

I assume the cancer story from English Professor Donna* was the reason she didn't expose her breast on the quad to entice Noah to sleep with her.  Princeton is a mighty big place for him to have been such a BMOC.  Has any woman ever met Noah and not wanted him?

*West Wing reference

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After this last episode, I turned to my husband and said, “I’m so glad that we have such a boring life.”

Too many loose ends.

I don’t want to see Noah screwing another woman again ..if I watch.

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I think Helen's smile at the end, as she gazed out over the wide vista she could see from the roof, reflected her acceptance of Noah's view that she's so lucky to be alive.  As for Whitney, I was appalled at how thin she looked--her arms were sticks. Did the actress always seem as if she were verging on anorexia?

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I may be alone in this thought but I was so touched when Cole grabbed the urn and ran away with it.  I didn't find it comedic at all.  I thought that at that moment, he was the only one who really knew Allison and would know that she wouldn't want to be part of such a farce.  And she certainly wouldn't want to be swept back into the ocean.  She should've been buried beside her beloved Gabriel.

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The whole Princeton thing was stupid and contrived. Cole running off with the urn, I'm sorry I started laughing. The best part of the show was Helen dealing with all the shit that was flung at her. 

I'm sorry to say that I think next season will be the reconciliation of Helen and Noah. My question is without Allison. What happens to Cole's storyline?

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1 minute ago, A-Lo said:

I may be alone in this thought but I was so touched when Cole grabbed the urn and ran away with it.  I didn't find it comedic at all.  I thought that at that moment, he was the only one who really knew Allison and would know that she wouldn't want to be part of such a farce.  And she certainly wouldn't want to be swept back into the ocean.  She should've been buried beside her beloved Gabriel.

Yes, I agree.  I was so pissed that Athena had Allison cremated.  She belonged with Gabriel, in the ground.  Athena is a stupid, nutso woman.

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The Noah and Cole bits at the funeral were really well written and well acted; they were so very much in character for both of them. Noah came up with a writerly speech summing up an idealized version of Alison, turning her into a story. Cole, in contrast, was angry, full of deep feeling, and unable to communicate any of it at all. That's who both of them are, to the core. Noah talking to Cole at Gabriel's grave was pure Noah--pompous and annoying but also sort of right, and his interactions with Cole were terrific. I do hope we see more of this character pairing next season. I like it a lot, and I'm hopeful that the final season will actually be a decent one.

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3 minutes ago, crashdown said:

The Noah and Cole bits at the funeral were really well written and well acted; they were so very much in character for both of them. Noah came up with a writerly speech summing up an idealized version of Alison, turning her into a story. Cole, in contrast, was angry, full of deep feeling, and unable to communicate any of it at all. That's who both of them are, to the core. Noah talking to Cole at Gabriel's grave was pure Noah--pompous and annoying but also sort of right, and his interactions with Cole were terrific. I do hope we see more of this character pairing next season. I like it a lot, and I'm hopeful that the final season will actually be a decent one.

I like Noah and Cole better together than Noah and anyone else.  I know a lot of posters are dismayed at the idea of season five being the two of them teaming up to solve her murder but I’d love it.  I think the two actors really play well off each other and the writing for their scenes together has been stellar. 

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