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S20.E22: Power of Veto #7


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"I have a lot to prove, and I was proving it."  Yeah, you proved how much you SUUUUUUUCK.

To be fair, if she'd been looking for the proper bottle, she might still be looking, for all we know.  There probably were more false bottles than correct ones out there.  And that was hardly the only brain cramp of the comp.  (Fessy's got some nerve complaining about his "team" screwing up when he couldn't even remember that Rockpile hadn't been evicted…yet.)

Still it was disgusting to see Tyler in the DR cackling about Rockhead grabbing the wrong bottle (complete with taunting, pointing fingers) when he literally did the exact same thing the round before.  Zero self-awareness with this fucking brat.  And no class whatsoever with almost literally spitting in Haleigh's face at the Veto ceremony.  Also, it makes very little sense to pull down Angela (thus exposing your alliance) when you know Kaycee's going up in her place. 

I mean, it would piss off Kaycee if Kaycee wasn't so far up Tyler's butt.  But apparently Couch (who's as big of a secret cunt as her pal, Armchair) saves her venom for people who dare to imply she's the Hacker when she totally…is.  Yeah, whatever.  Next time at least have the courtesy to say "hello" to Rockpile as you walk past her, why don't you? JFC, when that alliance is making Brett look like "The Nice One"…

But seriously, Rock. Shut your freaking yap.  Sigh.  I mean, it makes no sense for JC to keep Kaycee (bigger comp threat and she's not allied with him) but Tyler will probably lean on him, and he'll fold. And this week could have been so nice.

  • Love 5
5 hours ago, Lamb18 said:

So Rockstar is a Boss-Ass Bitch. What exactly is that?

I can recommend making sure your "safe search" is ON if you're going to look into this particular fetish designation.

4 hours ago, vb68 said:

I don't know that I've ever seen a player as inept as Rockstar. Both strategically and socially.

I keep going over this in my head... "Angie or Eric" "Eric or Angie" (Survivor) In a duel with both shooting intellectual blanks I think I still side with Eric but Angie is close. Real close. That? Was BAD.

This really was a shocker though I still can't believe that she f'd that up SO BAD not once but TWICE!!

4 hours ago, PaperTree said:

Truly the "Gang That Can't Shoot Straight"  Wow!  Heh, Fessy.  The "Bad News Bears"  were smarter and cuter.

And they eventually rally and win, no? This group? Not so much!

4 hours ago, PaperTree said:

Have they ever gassed the hamsters like that before?  It really messed up the video.

I really thought that Hay was going to puke, and if she did you know how puking goes... I was not looking forward to that one!

  • Love 6
3 hours ago, Dewey Decimate said:

It's funny, I missed him saying that because I was distracted and blown away by him fist pumping "BRING IT!" on the OTEV perch and trying to be Dr. Will in the DR with his fall-on-the-floor "She had the wrong bottle! *cackle* She had the wrong bottle!!" Um, that's supposed to be taken with a pint of sarcasm, right? That Christopher Atkins-lookin muthafucka realizes that HE had a wrong bottle even before RS, and only won because of her complete DOUBLE snafu, right? I do like seeing players that get into the game, but damn, a sliver of timely humility would make me like him a little more.

Thank you!  I can't believe "I'm having fun" at the end of that DR is supposed to trump the obnoxiously unaware snickering that preceded it.  And, of course, the utter lack of concern for his "allies", but that's par for the course.

And don't get me started on that "you brought this on yourself, bitch" Veto speech.  Seriously, just STFU already, asshole.

3 hours ago, North of Eden said:

Rachel let me down by the way. On a podcast with Swaggy C she said she was routing for Kaycee and Tyler to win....why Kaycee...some of the things she's said about Rachel shouldn't want to make her root for her to win but Rachel admitted she has NOT gone back and watched the shows...which is kind of mind boggling.

Well, apparently she's dating Winston, so she's too busy being in loooove.  LMAO.

More seriously, Kaycee and Tyler were her two best friends in the house other than Angela, and she's probably hoping she wasn't completely wrong about all of them.  And it's probably too fresh a wound to immerse herself in the episodes and feeds clips.  (It hasn't even been two weeks, remember.)  Different people decompress at different rates.

3 hours ago, green said:

Tyler won his power app fair and square in any vote imaginable after his early play to turn Kait to save Sam.  And the backdoor of Swaggy was his play too as he engineered Kait to do that one.  No one else could possibly have been in the running in that time frame.

The voting for the Week 2 App Store was conducted in the 12 hours after Kaitlyn's HoH win, well before the Swaggy backdoor was even plotted.  Week 2 had nothing to do with Tyler's power.  The far more logical choice would have been Kaitlyn, who within the space of 30 minutes went from casting the deciding (and dramatic) vote to winning HoH.  But, of course, Kaitlyn hadn't gotten 96 "I'm so AWESOME!" DR segments to, essentially, push her voting base.

Plus, as noted, we have no idea how the votes actually fell.  Perhaps Alison Grodner's vote was the only one that got counted. (Hey, it worked for Paul…)

2 hours ago, North of Eden said:

Dick physically attacks Jen with ice tea over the head. I'll stop there.

And burned Jen with his cigarette.  Twice. On purpose.  And admitted it, later.  And had his son cheat for him, by using an auto-voter to rig the "America's Player" comp.  And got a coded HoH letter telling him house information he wasn't supposed to have.  And cheated (blue ball in Jameka's tube) during an HoH comp.  And got Grodner to take his "suggestions" about what the veto should be: drink disgusting things for him, curling for Daniele.  (Which Daniele then cheated at, and she needed Amber to throw it to her, anyhow.)

And having the PAs blast Zach with a water cannon during the final 3 HoH, when Daniele barely got a trickle down her back.  And (allegedly) setting up the mirrors for the final part of that HoH so that Dickless could see Zach's answers.  (Never proven, but after that season, not hard to believe. Ditto for making Eric save Dickless at F9 by threatening to take away his AP money…we don't know that, but Eric spent a looooong time in the DR and came out looking pissed.)  Anything so that Alison can get the result she wanted, much like when they did the "America, you can give one HG a game changing power!  But first, here's a segment about how cute Jeff and Jordan are together!" in episode 11.09.  Chima knew the show was trying to clown her, everybody knew.  (That's why Jessie was lining up the post-Cootie Taw votes and was pissed that Kevin flipped and evicted him.)  Faking the "votes" to shove a Cloud under Tyler's ass would be old home week for Grodner.

Riggers gonna rig, and all that.

  • Love 8
48 minutes ago, Mystery said:

Hayleigh looked fine with his speech, to me. She did what she did, and he responded. He couldn't say "I have a big alliance that you're messing with," so he said it was about the game.

And that wasn’t even a lie.  Look at Hay’s gameplay last week; 2/3 of her Hacker activities were attacks directed specifically AT TYLER - putting him OTB as the Hacker replacement nom, and cancelling his vote at eviction.  And let’s not forget, Hay staged her very own House meeting specifically to out herself as Hacker - and in so doing, made it crystal fucking clear it was she who had declared all-out war against Tyler.  In what Bizarro universe would Hay have ANY reasonable expectation Tyler would not respond?  And as it so happens, he did. Surprise, Hay!  :)


48 minutes ago, Mystery said:

I'm not a big Tyler fan, but I have no problem with anyone saying "I have the veto and I'm not going to do what you want."  

Same here.  In truth, I thought that was a very mature statement on Tyler’s part.  I also thought Hay’s maturity (or lack thereof) was demonstrated by her response; Hay was mad Tyler didn’t play the game her way - and in her petulant DR sarcasm, it showed.

  • Love 18
1 hour ago, Mystery said:

I'm not a big Tyler fan, but I have no problem with anyone saying "I have the veto and I'm not going to do what you want."  

I wouldn't have been thrilled with that, since that's still basically a "fuck you" to the HoH when he could simply have said something neutral, but instead he was all "last week you did this and this and this, so fuck you, fuck you, and fuck you some more". 

He was unnecessarily antagonistic when he could have simply been positive about his move ("Angela, last week you asked me to trust you and let you have the Veto, and you repaid that trust by using the Veto on me.  This week, I will return the favor").  A relatively-long speech about "I'm fucking you over, Hacker! See how you like it" is far more hostile than it needs to be, IMO.  Haleigh's ability to maintain a poker face (which we've already seen before) notwithstanding.  But JMO.

Edited by Halting Hex
  • Love 3
35 minutes ago, Nashville said:

Had you considered the possibility JC might feel an obligation to support the only other gay person in the House...?

I hadn't.  But I don't see that as a major likelihood; they don't seem to have bonded much and he hasn't had a problem voting out at least two other "minority" players.  (African-Americans Chris and Bayleigh, I mean.) We'll see, I suppose.

Honestly, were it still Angela versus Kaycee, without the events of the week, I think the "woke" Rockstar might give more weight to keeping Kaycee just because she's gay than JC will.  But that's just a guess, I admit.

  • Love 2

The edit just before the reveal (so over the top) made it so obvious that Angie had got the wrong answer, I could see it a mile off. And her helping Tyler out was a joke. If Hayleigh wasn't with people like Faysal, Angie and Bayleigh she would have done better this season. As it is boring Kaycee (who's acting skills actually looked terrible I thought, she didn't deceive well) may stay.

Edited by amazingracefan
  • Love 5

I will have to give RockStar a little credit. She was really hustling out there. She was running and jumping with the best of them. Of course, she did help Tyler with the one question and then she had a clear shot at the end but had the wrong answer. She almost had it. OTEV itself was kind of boring but the ending was exciting. I knew the results but I didn't know how it played out. She was sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo close.

  • Love 3
10 hours ago, Thalia said:

Tyler is my favorite player in a long time, maybe since Dan.  He isn't necessarily as good a player as Dan, but I love his joy in the game.  And I always expect him to quote Sheriff Bart from Blazing Saddles:  "Ooh baby, you are so talented.  And they are SO dumb."  

I agree wholeheartedly. I really thought I was not going to like him at first because of how much he reminded me of Frank - lookswise I mean. But from almost the minute he spoke, he has been my favorite. And to see him play this game so successfully without being a jerk has been so refreshing. And on top of all that - he just loves playing the game and knows when to keep his mouth shut. 

  • Love 11
8 hours ago, Alice Mudgarden said:


I kind of don't understand why a lot of the girls seem to take turns making googly eyes over Fessy and Brett when Tyler's there. They're not bad looking but I think Tyler's more handsome than both of them.

Objectively, Brett is attractive, but he's not my thing. (Aside from the absurdity of the open shirt Canadian tuxedo + porn stache getup, which was so crazy, it cycled all the way around to hot.) 

But choosing between Fessy and Tyler is almost impossible*. Do I want steak or lobster? Surf and turf, please and thanks, and I hope the kitchen turns the order asap. They're both super hot, but in completely different ways. 

This post brought to you by the word "shallow" and my utter lack of shame. 

* This is for the F category. Tyler wins the M by miles. 

  • Love 4

Tyler didn’t look at his Veto and say ”I got my daddy right here”.  What he said was “This is for my daddy, right here”. He's dedicating his Veto win to his deceased father. There’s nothing gloating about that. And I watched it several times because that comp was freaking hilarious! Tyler was standing with the Veto around his neck and said “This is for my daddy, right here.” Then they cut to the DR where he was incredulous about winning.

Really, why would Tyler call his Veto “daddy”?

Edited by Rachel RSL
  • Love 11

Ugh. Kaycee's acting was so bad. I felt it was super obvious that she was the hacker. But whatever. They're going to know it was someone from L6, when they're the ones benefiting from the moves the hacker is making. 

Nonstar's outburst was just so unnecessary. I hate when people act like bitter brats. She's certainly not the first person who keeps ending up on the block time after time. And by calling people out for making a "bitch-ass move" and not making "big moves", she's just admitting that she's a sucky-ass player who's done nothing in this game. 

FF to ...... RS GIVES the fucking Veto to Tyler. What a maroon. She's the Bad Luck Brian of the house. 

Tyler got lucky on that one. I have to say, L6 freaking sucks at comps. I haven't been super impressed with any of them, in that regard, this season. 

  • Love 4
9 hours ago, Alice Mudgarden said:


I kind of don't understand why a lot of the girls seem to take turns making googly eyes over Fessy and Brett when Tyler's there. They're not bad looking but I think Tyler's more handsome than both of them.

*whispers*  You forgot about Scottie. :)  Brains and personality go a long way to making someone attractive.  Tyler's smart and adorable, but Fessy's lack of boundaries and Brett's infatuation with himself would get old real quick, IMO.

Rockstar's head-bobbing DR's make me cringe hard with second-hand embarrassment.  Your self-proclaimed bad-assery are null and void unless you have a win or two to back it up.

I can't remember the last time I was so conflicted about who I want to win.  While I gleefully applaud Tyler's skill at playing everyone with his surfer-bro persona, I also can't wait for someone to expose him and bring him down.  This has been a great season, for sure.

Edited by laurakaye
  • Love 4
11 hours ago, jumper sage said:

This is true.  It seems to me that only he and Hailey are fans and students of the game.

Agreed. I enjoyed the conversation between him and Haleigh in the HOH room. They were both sitting there, lying to each other. Cool as cucumbers. 


9 hours ago, Dewey Decimate said:

Wow, Kaycee, lie much? Her lack of eye contact, visible throat swallowing, and hyper-defensive snappishness when RS made an ostensibly neutral comment in the kitchen were such hilarious signs of a guilty conscience/paranoia.

I didn't think NonStar's comment was neutral at all. She went right TO Kaycee and said, "There's other people that could've been put up". It felt like an accusation to me. As for lying, I'll agree Kaycee was horrible at it. I wanted Angela to tell her, in private when she asked, "nah, dude. you suck."

  • Love 7
5 minutes ago, amazingracefan said:

He Sam about the cloud however, but she's one of those useless players.

And didn't he DR after that about how telling her might have been a big mistake?  I know he was working to keep her on his side, but with Sam, they've all got to be super frustrated because while she's needed as a vote, she's playing so emotionally that telling her anything about anything is like teasing a caged animal - they just have no idea what she'll do with any game-related information.  (curb-stomping, anyone?  *shudder*)

Edited by laurakaye
  • Love 3
2 hours ago, amazingracefan said:

The edit just before the reveal (so over the top) made it so obvious that Angie had got the wrong answer, I could see it a mile off. And her helping Tyler out was a joke. If Hayleigh wasn't with people like Faysal, Angie and Bayleigh she would have done better this season. As it is boring Kaycee (who's acting skills actually looked terrible I thought, she didn't deceive well) may stay.

Yea, when Fessy lamented being "stuck with these people", I thought - "You're right where you belong." It's Haleigh I wished had picked better in the beginning. She's actually got a sense with this game, but she's been loyal to a bunch of idiots and egomaniacs. I hope she can make it to the finals, because she deserves it. 


5 minutes ago, laurakaye said:

And didn't he DR after that about how telling her might have been a big mistake?  I know he was working to keep her on his side, but with Sam, they've all got to be super frustrated because while she's needed as a vote, she's playing so emotionally that telling her anything about anything is like teasing a caged animal - they have no idea what she'll do with any game-related information.  (curb-stomping, anyone?  *shudder*)

He did say, in that episode, that that might have been a mistake. And I agreed with him. Sam IS so emotional. She immediately felt insulted that he hadn't told her right away, when she had told him about her power. In last night's episode he seemed to smooth it over; Sam was basically back to telling him she'd do anything for him. So we'll see. 

  • Love 8
1 hour ago, ghoulina said:

Nonstar's outburst was just so unnecessary. I hate when people act like bitter brats. She's certainly not the first person who keeps ending up on the block time after time. And by calling people out for making a "bitch-ass move" and not making "big moves", she's just admitting that she's a sucky-ass player who's done nothing in this game. 


Wasn't "Oh, he's been on the block before so I won't get blood on my hands" a rationale for the 2nd time Brett was nominated?  Got to be consistent with your rationalizations, there.

  • Love 6
7 hours ago, Halting Hex said:

That Christopher Atkins-lookin muthafucka realizes that HE had a wrong bottle even before RS, and only won because of her complete DOUBLE snafu, right? I do like seeing players that get into the game, but damn, a sliver of timely humility would make me like him a little more.

OMG I'm frickin' choking on air @ the Christopher Atkins muthafucka comment, I LOVE it!  

You know what burns my nut?  If the situation were reversed with Tyler telling Angie she had the wrong bottle, you know good and gotdamned well that Angie's win would have been taken away from her. ( 'Angie, you chose a previous bottle first, therefore that is your answer')  I cannot believe she DID that!  At this point I want her and her stupid blaccent gone.

  • Love 4
21 minutes ago, Vixenstud said:

 If the situation were reversed with Tyler telling Angie she had the wrong bottle, you know good and gotdamned well that Angie's win would have been taken away from her. ( 'Angie, you chose a previous bottle first, therefore that is your answer') 

That's not true at all. I'm not even sure where you got that from. That's not, and never has been,  a rule in the Otev competition.  You're allowed to go back and search for the correct answer if you think you're wrong, Kaycee did the exact same thing in the first round when she realized she'd chosen the wrong bottle.  

Edited by Rachel RSL
  • Love 11
13 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

I gotta say, Tyler's DR after winning veto was really cool. When he said "I'm having fun", you can tell he really genuinely means it. I love seeing players who love playing the game. 

Yes, this is why I can't hate him or (most of) his alliance. They have been playing it pretty cool being on the block this week and haven't freaked out at all. Not that they should, with the keystone cops alliance they're up against.

And memo to Rockstar - when Fessy thinks you're an idiot, you might want to start looking at some life choices.

  • Love 8
12 hours ago, Dewey Decimate said:

After seeing how the veto went down, holy shit, RS should just be shamed out of that house IMMEDIATELY. And put in stocks during her Chenterview. What a fucking idiot. And then tries to leverage her completely brain-dead fuck up into getting Tyler to keep her safe? Bitch, please. You didn't do it intentionally; you blew it almost as badly as Marcellas and oughtta leave to cries of "shame!"

Oh hell yes!  RS trying to convince Tyler to take her off the block because if not for her, he wouldn't have won VETO.  The last, desperate act of a scoundrel RockStar.
Overall I found this epi pretty boring.  RockSalt & Kaycee blowup was like watching 2 old, toothless cats fight.  Tyler taking Angela off the block was logical, - she is in his "alliance", but I bet it comes back to bite him in the ass.  You know that gurl...she'll cut a bitch just to watch them bleed and then act all pissy coz they got blood on the carpet.

Brett is still auditioning for that waiter role on "Young and the Restless".

  • Love 8

I don’t dislike Tyler but man am I getting tired of seeing him constantly come out ahead.

The whole season basically boils down to whether or not you like Tyler. If you do, then you're probably enjoying the hell out of this season. If you're like me and don't care about Tyler one way or another, it's just another shit season like last year with Paul. This show has been stuck in a really tiresome pattern where one person or one small group of people just bulldoze their way through a bunch of dummies to the bitter end. I honestly can't remember the last time the show took any surprising turns. Probably way back before Alison Grodner was in charge and kept manipulating the game to insure her favorites stayed on top. 

I already knew Tyler was going to win this season by week 2. And the path to that win has pretty much been cleared by now. That really says a lot about how predictable the show has become if you can tell who the winner is two weeks in and it's not even pre-recorded like Survivor.

  • Love 7
2 hours ago, amazingracefan said:

[Tyler] told Sam about the cloud however, but she's one of those useless players.


2 hours ago, laurakaye said:

And didn't he DR after that about how telling her might have been a big mistake?

Yes - but in all fairness, I’m pretty sure Tyler holds the BB All-Time Record For Keeping Your Damn Mouth Shut.  Can anyone recall any other HG in the history of the game keeping from blabbing about a secret power for 6+ fucking weeks!?!?  I can’t, unless maybe you count Eric Stein as the very first America’s Player - and Stein had the VERY significant advantage of nobody in the House having a clue anything like AP existed in the Game.  :>


2 hours ago, ghoulina said:

Yea, when Fessy lamented being "stuck with these people", I thought - "You're right where you belong." It's Haleigh I wished had picked better in the beginning. She's actually got a sense with this game, but she's been loyal to a bunch of idiots and egomaniacs. I hope she can make it to the finals, because she deserves it. 

I would’ve agreed with you - right up until Hay won HoH. :>


2 hours ago, ghoulina said:

I didn't think NonStar's comment was neutral at all. She went right TO Kaycee and said, "There's other people that could've been put up". It felt like an accusation to me.

Same here; Pinky’s words may have technically been neutral, but her body language was most emphatically not.  I read it as clearly accusatory, and cackled when Kaycee (bad acting and all) basically told Pinky she REALLY needed to back up out of her face with that shit - whatever reaction Pinky was expecting, I don’t think that was quite it.  And Pinky’s attempts to backpedal it some were ludicrous.

And for what it’s worth - while Kaycee gets nobody’s nomination for Best Actor In a Supporting Role, I do think her “You think I’m the Hacker because I was taken off the Block, but Scottie got taken off last week and he wasn’t the Hacker” statement did rattle Pinky’s certainty some.  :)

  • Love 6
3 hours ago, Rachel RSL said:

Tyler didn’t look at his Veto and say ”I got my daddy right here”.  What he said was “This is for my daddy, right here”. He's dedicating his Veto win to his deceased father.

Fair enough, I stand corrected.  (I erred because they nearly bled that audio from the scene of Tyler holding up the Veto, when you can't see his lips moving because his head is bent over and his hair and the medal are blocking his profile, into the gloating DR. It's a very quick cut)  Doesn't really make the gloating DR any less gloating, though.  

And I'd be more impressed by his humble dedication of the Veto win to Dear Dead Dad if

• it wasn't his fourth* such triumph (which is either a little late to be starting the dedications or a little often to be going to the well, depending on whether he's done them each time, IMO)

• he hadn't preceded that "somber" moment with a high-octane "Come on! Let's go!", and if

• he hadn't spectacularly refused to give even a sliver of a shit when Chris tried to use his Dear Dead Dad (and his and Tyler's supposed bond over this) to keep himself in the house.

And if the Veto is supposed to be a talisman of Tyler's sincere grief and remembering, yada-yada-yada, it would be nice if he wasn't shaking it in our face when he's going into his "She got the wrong bottle!" paroxysms in the DR.  But JMO.

*-Okay, technically third.  But Angela's "win" last week was more about her negotiating skills than her comp prowess, of course.

  • Love 2
59 minutes ago, Rachel RSL said:

That's not, and never has been,  a rule in the Otev competition.  You're allowed to go back and search for the correct answer if you think you're wrong, Kaycee did the exact same thing in the first round when she realized she'd chosen the wrong bottle.  

I'm not sure about this.  There might be a rule that once you "claim" a spot, you can't un-claim it.  This wouldn't apply to Kaycee, who was only halfway up the rise when she came to her realization.  The only other case I can recall of an OTEV player changing their mind, episode 13.27 when Porsche realized she had the "wrong" answer pie (I.e., thought about it and decided she needed to throw the comp to Adam so he could save all three newbies by taking her down and forcing Rachel to put Jordan up), Porsche is at the top of the rise but you can't see if she's standing on a pad or not.  And of course, you need to be kneeling before OTEV at the end of each round, technically.

So I don't really know where the delineation might be here, to be honest.  But Tyler might have been in violation of it, it's true.

  • Love 2

 I cannot listen to Rockstar’s fake blaccent any longer.

Same. It wouldn't be so bad if she weren't so awful at it. Now it's almost getting offensive, IMO. She can leave any time.


I hope Tyler wins this season. IMO, he is what BB should be, someone playing the game, not taking themself too seriously and having fun.  He has won everything fair and square. 

Yeah, he was well-cast. AI lot of viewers probably figured he'd be an airheaded Jeff Spicoli-type but he's proven to be fairly shrewd. I don't know about his winning everything fair and square though. It seemed pretty evident to me early on that he was the production favorite and I think they're helping him here and there.

  • Love 1
17 minutes ago, Nashville said:

Can anyone recall any other HG in the history of the game keeping from blabbing about a secret power for 6+ fucking weeks!?!?

None of S16's "Team America" told anyone outside the trio about the bonus $ they were getting, IIRC.  And if Sparkleglitter Frankie Grande can keep his mouth shut, you know anyone can.

Plus Frankie kept silent about being Ariana's brother (which he rightly thought was a useful piece of information, the power of celebrity working in his favor) for a good chunk of time.  And Derrick never told anyone, not even his Day 2 F2 partner Cody, about his being a cop.  And of course Donnie didn't 'fess up to being in the military, even if his hairless shins did give that away, right away. ;)

Not exactly the same thing as a "power", it's true, but how many "powers" have there been that had a longer shelf life than a few weeks, anyway?  This show wasn't always rife with Hidden Immunity Idols, remember.

  • Love 3

First, I can’t stand Tyler. I think Sam is on to something when she is receiving internal messages communicating that something is not right with Tyler.  He is very “off”, in my opinion.  I don’t find him charming, or delightful, or real. Besides all that I don’t think he is handsome or good looking in any way. Lol- just had to get that off my chest! 

As others have written, I hate to see one side dominating, especially a side that has such unappealing characters.   It’s no fun for me! Hopefully people wake up and see what is going on.  Which brings me to- 

Some of the contestants should open their eyes and watch their fellow houseguests, see who is aligned with who, see how people react to events in the house. I’ve said it before- keen observation is a key component to doing well in the game. 

  • Love 4
3 hours ago, laurakaye said:

*whispers*  You forgot about Scottie. :)  Brains and personality go a long way to making someone attractive.  Tyler's smart and adorable, but Fessy's lack of boundaries and Brett's infatuation with himself would get old real quick, IMO.

Poor thing doesn't have googly eyes looking his way, as seemingly Brett and Fessy get them all. He's got that in common with Tyler haha.

I will say this - his friendship with Haleigh is sweet and kinda makes me wish she'd give him another glance.

Edited by Alice Mudgarden
  • Love 3
44 minutes ago, Halting Hex said:

Fair enough, I stand corrected.  (I erred because they nearly bled that audio from the scene of Tyler holding up the Veto, when you can't see his lips moving because his head is bent over and his hair and the medal are blocking his profile, into the gloating DR. It's a very quick cut)  Doesn't really make the gloating DR any less gloating, though.  

And I'd be more impressed by his humble dedication of the Veto win to Dear Dead Dad if

• it wasn't his fourth* such triumph (which is either a little late to be starting the dedications or a little often to be going to the well, depending on whether he's done them each time, IMO)

• he hadn't preceded that "somber" moment with a high-octane "Come on! Let's go!", and if

• he hadn't spectacularly refused to give even a sliver of a shit when Chris tried to use his Dear Dead Dad (and his and Tyler's supposed bond over this) to keep himself in the house.

And if the Veto is supposed to be a talisman of Tyler's sincere grief and remembering, yada-yada-yada, it would be nice if he wasn't shaking it in our face when he's going into his "She got the wrong bottle!" paroxysms in the DR.  But JMO.

*-Okay, technically third.  But Angela's "win" last week was more about her negotiating skills than her comp prowess, of course.

It's really not that deep. 



• it wasn't his fourth* such triumph (which is either a little late to be starting the dedications or a little often to be going to the well, depending on whether he's done them each time, IMO)

Why are there terms and conditions around how someone can make a dedication to a person they love and miss dearly?


• he hadn't preceded that "somber" moment with a high-octane "Come on! Let's go!", and if

Tyler just won a high stakes competition by the skin of his teeth. Letting out a quick verbal fist pump is pretty low on the celebratory scale. Was he suppose to show zero emotion after that close win? As for the "somber moment", I don't think it was shown to be somber. He simple stated this was for his dad. He wasn't crying or being dramatic or trying to garner sympathy. He literally just made a single statement.  


• he hadn't spectacularly refused to give even a sliver of a shit when Chris tried to use his Dear Dead Dad (and his and Tyler's supposed bond over this) to keep himself in the house.

There was nothing to believe that Tyler and Swaggy's bond over both of them losing their father was anything less than genuine. But competitively they were on opposite sides of the house. Having this bond doesn't mean that they have to sacrifice game play to keep each other safe when they aren't even aligned together. And second, Tyler's NOT using this brief declaration as some ploy to stay safe. He literally made the comment and that was it. As I said, there was nothing strategic or manipulative about it. He misses his father. (Plus, there was no need to use something like that to stay safe, since he has the veto and is guaranteed safety already). 

I'm not trying to make this come across as an attack. This post just really rubbed me the wrong way. I have nothing against Tyler and think he's playing the strongest game, but I was actually rooting for the other side of the house during OTEV just to shake things up and keep the game more interesting. I groaned when RS gave him the answer. I get that you don't like Tyler, and that's fair. But when you write a rant, bullet points and all, about him making a one-off statement dedicating a competition win to his late father, it comes across very petty, IMO. I'm sorry. 

Edited by JZone
  • Love 20
1 hour ago, Nashville said:

Same here; Pinky’s words may have technically been neutral, but her body language was most emphatically not.  I read it as clearly accusatory, and cackled when Kaycee (bad acting and all) basically told Pinky she REALLY needed to back up out of her face with that shit - whatever reaction Pinky was expecting, I don’t think that was quite it.  And Pinky’s attempts to backpedal it some were ludicrous.

I took it the same way - accusatory. And I was looking down at my phone or something when Kaycee came back with that warning and I had to look up to see if it was, indeed, Kaycee being that firm. You go girl! I don't thinks Angie (still refuse to call her that nickname that SO does not fit her) saw that coming either.

  • Love 6

I don't understand the repeated comments about how everything has gone in favor of Level 6 all game long and how much it sucks that Foutte can never catch a break. Am I counting wrong? The evictees have been pretty evenly split, the HGs in the house are evenly split (if you count JC and Sam as going either way, which they both have done), the power apps have gone to Sam(neutral), Bayleigh(Foutte) and Tyler(Level 6), the Hacker comp was won by a Foutte last week and a Level 6 this week and the HOH wins have been split as well.

Do I have some of this wrong? Am I missing something?

Edited by greyflannel
  • Love 18
11 hours ago, alegtostandon said:

The way I viewed it, RS did not 'give' Tyler the correct answer, it was more her wanting to verify she had the right answer. Of course, with her inflated ego, she said to Tyler 'hey dude, you have the wrong card, here's what the right one is, you have time to go back to get the right one.'

It sounded to me like she was in Mom mode, reiterating the clue while she showed him the right answer. She's just a little over a decade older than Tyler, but he doesn't always act his age, so she might have flashed back to her kids.

  • Love 1
39 minutes ago, JZone said:

Why are there terms and conditions around how someone can make a dedication to a person they love and miss dearly?

No such thing.  It's not as if Tyler is under legal constraints, after all.  I'm just stating why I don't consider his "dedicating" the win to his dad to be particularly affecting to me, personally.

And he is playing a game, after all.  He didn't say "this is for my daddy" just for the heck of it, I wouldn't think.  There's a certain level of emotional manipulation going on, even if Tyler himself isn't in danger of being voted out, this week.  But I'm a cynic, I admit.

44 minutes ago, JZone said:

But when you write a rant, bullet points and all, about him making a one-off statement dedicating a competition win to his late father, it comes across very petty, IMO. I'm sorry.

You're free to disagree, of course.  (I'm a little troubled by your characterizing my post as a "rant' [I promise you, my rants are far less coherent], but whatever.)  It just seemed to me that RachelRSL's correcting me about the "daddy" comment was intended to invalidate my larger point about his gloating "She got the wrong bottle!" DR that followed.  Which I still stand by. I'm sorry if you find that "petty".

(And one of my bullet points was precisely about how much of a "one-off statement" this was, exactly.  If he's going "this is for my daddy" every time he wins something, I'd be getting a bit bored and/or annoyed if I was one of his fellow HGs, to be honest.  And if he hasn't done it before now, I'm wondering why he chose this moment to break out "in memory of dad", exactly.  Hence my quirking of the eyebrow.  Well, that and my cold, dead heart, obviously.)

1 hour ago, Halting Hex said:

I'm not sure about this.  There might be a rule that once you "claim" a spot, you can't un-claim it. 

Then again, there might not.  ;)    But @Rachel RSL is correct - there’s never been any such rule.  The only round rule is once started, each round continues until all players have returned to the top of the slide.  If you’ve already claimed a spot at the top of the slide, there’s no expressed penalty for abandoning it - just as there’s also no guarantee that spot (or any other) still be open for you when you return.


1 hour ago, Halting Hex said:

This wouldn't apply to Kaycee, who was only halfway up the rise when she came to her realization.  The only other case I can recall of an OTEV player changing their mind, episode 13.27 when Porsche realized she had the "wrong" answer pie (I.e., thought about it and decided she needed to throw the comp to Adam so he could save all three newbies by taking her down and forcing Rachel to put Jordan up), Porsche is at the top of the rise but you can't see if she's standing on a pad or not.  And of course, you need to be kneeling before OTEV at the end of each round, technically.

Exactly - you need to be kneeling on a spot at the end of the round.  Anything you do prior to the end of the round is immaterial.  Technically, you’re not even required to go down the slide at the start of the round - but I’d strongly suspect in terms of your continued participation, that MIGHT be an overly bold strategic move....  ;>


1 hour ago, Halting Hex said:

So I don't really know where the delineation might be here, to be honest.  But Tyler might have been in violation of it, it's true.

You mean if it puts Tyler in a worse light, it might be true - right?  :D

  • Love 11

I hope people don't think I'm an asshole for pointing out the "literal" misuse. It's just one of 692 pet peeves I have regarding people not obeying the rules of literacy.

Literal = In the literal sense (although apparently the definition is being revised). Say, for instance, someone says, "I am literally weighing my options!" Well, unless they have an actual stack of Options in one hand and a weight scale in the other, they are not literally doing anything. I just think that, especially with Kaitlyn and Bayleigh (and Cody from BB16, as I remember being supremely irritated when he used "literally" in every sentence, and not once did he use it in the correct context), if people don't put a stop to this idiocy and allow it to happen...

I just think that, if people are so willing to continue on this path, then we end up with multiple Kaitlyns and Bayleighs, where "evicting Swaggy was literally the bane of my existence." No, sweethearts, you were outplayed. You were both used and outplayed.


  • Love 9

I love Otev, but he didn't do nearly enough sneezing and pooping on the contestants this year! 

Usually, you can count on him, in any one of his guises, to spew all over the contestants between almost every round.  Last night, I counted 2 sets of sneezing and only ONE bout of pooping!  Otev, what happened?!? LOL  I know its stupid, but I laugh like a 5 year old every time Otev releases his bodily functions on whatever idiots he has playing in his competition each year.

  • Love 3
28 minutes ago, HeShallBMySquishy said:

I hope people don't think I'm an asshole for pointing out the "literal" misuse. It's just one of 692 pet peeves I have regarding people not obeying the rules of literacy.

Unfortunately, I'd expect no less from the brain trust that applies to be on Big Brother every year. I suppose it's not as bad as last season where someone (Jason?) I believe combined "throw me under the bus" and "sweep it under the rug" into (I think) "throw me under the rug?"

Also, your post and your avatar go so perfectly together. I'm a super-duper fan of both.

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, greyflannel said:

I don't understand the repeated comments about how everything has gone in favor of Level 6 all game long and how much it sucks that Foutte can never catch a break. Am I counting wrong? The evictees have been pretty evenly split, the HGs in the house are evenly split (if you count JC and Sam as going either way, which they both have done), the power apps have gone to Sam(neutral), Bayleigh(Foutte) and Tyler(Level 6), the Hacker comp was won by a Foutte last week and a Level 6 this week and the HOH wins have been split as well.

Do I have some of this wrong? Am I missing something?

Nope. You're not missing anything. I see it that way as well. And that's why I'm enjoying the season also. Even though I like Tyler, I never enjoy when one side just steamrolls over the other. When that happens, I almost instinctively start rooting for the other side. I think this season has been a fun back-and-forth. 

  • Love 10

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