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90DF Live Chat: Rice-A-Roni & Google Translate

Message added by Meredith Quill

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Eric, you're the POS father of the century. I wish somebody would call my child a bitch, I'd come for their head. Period.

Sitting their justifying your mail order bride from hell calling your then-19 year old child out of her name and you telling her to pack her shit and move out of the apartment that was in her name. SMH.

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Just now, Lillith said:

I'm loving that they're piling on Eric right now. And he still won't get it. Ugh they're still the most awful of the couples. THAT'S trash right there. 


This right here. Most of them are just screaming into a social media void but Eric is actively, truly hurting his family members in a way that he will likelu never be able to fix.


(and Steven sucks too)

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3 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Just get your shit and get out. No matter how many times I see that clip I cannot seem to keep my jaw off the floor. 

Yep, it is hard to watch.  Leida sitting there all smug and Eric with look of "I am just a putz" look on his face.....

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Eric’s greasy ass comb over captivates me. I’ve only seen a comb over that intriguing on a the political figure who shall not be named. Then the tight lips that look like a hyphen. He resembles a grown up, alcoholic Calvin of Calvin & Hobbes.

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2 minutes ago, Armchair Critic said:

LMAO at Steven acting holier than thou "I have no words for that". Puhleeez

I’ll let it slide. This is the one and only time Steven is correct. He feels abandoned by his living parent. It wouldn’t surprise me if there were a stepfather or a string of mom’s shitty boyfriends who helped push him out.

Eric is a piece of shit parent and human.

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2 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:
4 minutes ago, Armchair Critic said:

LMAO at Steven acting holier than thou "I have no words for that". Puhleeez

He's being a bit dramatic but he ain't wrong

I know, I just find it funny how they each think they are better than the other couples when they are all garbage people. (except for maybe Olga)

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Just now, Armchair Critic said:

I know, I just find it funny how they each think they are better than the other couples when they are all garbage people. (except for maybe Olga)

Yes.  Their lack of self-awareness is stunning and scary.

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Just now, Toodleoo said:

WTF Asuelo.


And fuck you and your dumb hooaah shit, Eric, there are probably a million vets who would like to whoop your ass.

I still can't believe this motherfucker's first plan was to go fight ISIS.

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Little Aless.....that is going to be you in 10 years.  When Mommy has to choose between you and her new husband.


Eric looks like he is going to be dead in 5 years.  He looks so pale with a soft shade of green.  


I don’t think medical treated him properly after a foreign port  R&R stop!


Something is festering inside that man! 🤢

Edited by Dance4Life
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