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90DF Live Chat: Rice-A-Roni & Google Translate

Message added by Meredith Quill

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31 minutes ago, magemaud said:

Actually, when the commercial came on, my husband and I had a conversation about whether or not he was alive. I figured if he was alive he must be really old but his voice didn’t sound like an old man, so I looked it up. He passed away in 2010 so they must be using voice over recordings from his old commercials. 

i was wondering why he wasn't being shown in the commercial.   i thought because he's too old

Edited by jaybird2
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4 hours ago, aliya said:

My little pumpkin was almost 10 pounds. 2 days in back labor and broke my coccyx. For obvious reasons, he's an only.

OMG! My first broke my coccyx too! Everybody thinks I’m crazy when I mention it. I didn’t feel it at the time it happened (a lot of other stuff going on down there!), but despite episiotomy stitches and all the other postpartum pleasantries, that was absolutely hands down the WORST part of my recovery. Hurt to sit. Hurt to stand up. Just hurt. For WEEKS. On topic: Steven is getting scary with the whole “no one can tell me what to do” crap while ordering poor recovering Olga around. 

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19 minutes ago, ChiBurbsMama said:

OMG! My first broke my coccyx too! Everybody thinks I’m crazy when I mention it. I didn’t feel it at the time it happened (a lot of other stuff going on down there!), but despite episiotomy stitches and all the other postpartum pleasantries, that was absolutely hands down the WORST part of my recovery. Hurt to sit. Hurt to stand up. Just hurt. For WEEKS. On topic: Steven is getting scary with the whole “no one can tell me what to do” crap while ordering poor recovering Olga around. 

Most kids don’t get thrown out of their homes at 16 unless they are major trouble. 

Olga needs to think long and hard about hooking her herself to him for the long haul.

it won’t be long before he starts pushing, shoving and slapping. Then he’ll cry that’s he’s sorry and so it begins. . 

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I bet kalani likes having a man she feels superior to. She’s a ZERO , she can’t have a guy asking her to get a job , what are you doing with your life , your family has to mind their business etc..... she’s got poor sweet Ace to boss around & bang once in awhile .

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1 hour ago, DNR said:

I bet kalani likes having a man she feels superior to. She’s a ZERO , she can’t have a guy asking her to get a job , what are you doing with your life , your family has to mind their business etc..... she’s got poor sweet Ace to boss around & bang once in awhile .

I feel bad for him to.I think hes a lttle slow and her fatass bullies him. Just sayin.....

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6 hours ago, Suzywriter said:

It's not safe to ride the baby on daddy's shoulders? That's one of the most fun dad-baby experiences ever!

Well, he is only 5 months and his head control might not be ready for that yet. I cringed. 

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2 hours ago, iwasish said:

Most kids don’t get thrown out of their homes at 16 unless they are major trouble. 

Olga needs to think long and hard about hooking her herself to him for the long haul.

it won’t be long before he starts pushing, shoving and slapping. Then he’ll cry that’s he’s sorry and so it begins. . 

I feel like Steven is having drug withdrawals.  He is a loser.  He actually set a Go Fund Me asking for money to pay for his visa process. 


This whole ‘my baby’ thing is just a control tactic. Don’t tell me what to do with MY baby.  This is the same reason those controlling abusive men like to keep their wives barefoot and pregnant.  To terrorize their own families.  Steven can’t wait another moment to bring her to USA and isolate even more.


Olga is right. Wash your hands!  Stop touching the baby’s face! She is feeding and burping the baby. What is his problem???


Put the dirty shoes on the floor! Actually, how did she get her shoes on?  Can you bend over like that after C-section??


He washed his hands and then dried them on his shirt.  Olga has been living with him enough time to know he has bad hygiene. 

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11 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:


The "ee" is from Larissa's original language. The "ee" sound is common at the end of words in the Portuguese language. The word 'police' is pronounced 'po LEE see' in Portuguese, just as Larissa pronounced it.


Not sure how the 'ee' made it onto the word 'ring'.

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11 hours ago, aliya said:

Re the baby on the shoulders - this is a newborn, not a 4 yr old. Asuelo (sp?) has no idea what he is doing.

Oliver is five months old. If he can sit up he should be fine. He doesn't look like a floppy kid.


11 hours ago, renatae said:

I'm thinking this may be because they might value children in relationships very highly in Samoa. I think he was saying that if you are not committed to a relationship and are just sleeping around, you use a condom. If you are committed to someone and don't consider the relationship to be a fling, you welcome children, and plan a life together with as many children as come along. Seems like a cultural thing to me.

Also, it was not so long ago here that girls who practiced birth control while unmarried were considered to be "planning" on having sex and thus, were loose. If sex "just happened" that was one thing, but if you went so far as to "plan" it, that was considered another thing entirely.

I agree, I don't think Asuelu's English was equal to the task.

11 hours ago, aliya said:

Maybe, maybe not. Type 1s get complications just from being a Type 1. I had a former co-worker who died a few years ago, just in her early 50's; not a drinker. A student worker in my department had to be taken to the hospital in a helicopter because of a dangerous low. I'm Type 2 and have had a couple of lows that I thought might take me out. I'm fortunate that I can still feel a low, since I don't have them very often. Type 1s can be 'blind' to them. It's not unusual for a Type 1 to die in their sleep because they don't wake up from a low. So unless we know Steve's father had other issues, he could have just died because that's what happens to some diabetics. 

A friend of my son's, who's Type 1, lived with us for several years. He did not take good care of himself ("I know my own body--I can tell when I'm getting low". I've heard that some people who are diagnosed young do exhibit risk taking behaviors.) During his time with us, 911 was called three times, and several times he got up in the morning with such low blood sugar someone had to sit him down and pour orange juice down his throat. And yes, I cried, lectured him, stayed on his case to make sure he got a regular PCP and kept his appointments, but he's an adult and there's not much one can do except stress the importance of taking care of oneself.  He was really into being fit and he was otherwise healthy. Since he's moved out I live in terror every time I hear an ambulance go by.  Diabetes is no joke and I think its pretty harsh to make assumptions about Steven's dad because he died young of a terrible disease.

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Implementing a day-after lock on this thread since really all conversation should be happening in the episode threads once everyone's seen the episodes. 

Live chat will unlock ahead of the next episode. (First looks should be discussed in couples' threads.)

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 Missed all of you so much last week!  It wasn’t the same watching it on the DVR. *opens a bag of Cheetos*

 Here’s hoping that Olga calls the Russian police on Steven and gets him deported this week!

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I just realized that Bitchface had an hour left on the road and she decided to stop for the night? What a dumbo!

She's dragging Asuelo to her father's house because she's out of money so she decides to drop $100+ on a hotel room because she doesn't want to drive anymore because of her hot rage.

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