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S20.E21: Nominations #7; Hacker #2


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Sam is delusional.  Tyler was stupid to tell Sam about his power.  He's right about her unpredictability being a problem.  I just know she will blab.

Rocksalt can go any time.  At least she took the dirty plastic bags out of her hair.

The HoHitis seems to be starting early this week.

Grammar is hard!

Nice attempt by Ice Queen Angela trying to get Sam on the block.  Then Sam helps!  She seems to have had zero clue about what she was signing up for.  Now it's jury time and she's stuck for 6  more weeks'

"That was terrifying".  Indeed JC, indeed,

Brett's undercover operation is sheer brilliance and Hay stupidly falls for it.  She and Fessy are gross.

Tyler is slick.  He knows he's the target and still plays nice with her.  The backdoor talk was perfect, with Hay not knowing about his power.  Would she then just say "screw it" and put up Sam?  She won't go after Brett.

Mellow nomination speech.

Nice to hear KC speak.  Hey Angela and KC!  Hay is on Tyler's radar.  lol

I like this hacker comp.  Brett really is letting his douchebro out to play.

Well done KC!  Hack their world.  Ha ha, Hacker drags Scotty out of the shower.

Fessy looking confused.  Again.

  • Love 5

I would not want to live in the same house as Sam. She can leave anytime. The sooner than better.  I got why JC felt uncomfortable.

Yay for Kaycee! She's adorable. Glad she won. Way to go Ms. Peanut.

Tyler was getting a little obvious with his "Just Backdoor me" pitch. Someone with a brain would have figured it out.

Edited by vb68
  • Love 10

Is this show somehow sponsored by Clearasil?  It seems every episode has someone with zit cream dabbed on their face!

So, now Sam is describing curb stomping?  Do they have curbs in the BB house?

JC doesn't look at the walls or the ceilings or the floors, ya'll.  What does he look at then?  The cameras?

Brett has a crooked jaw or teeth or both.  He's about as smooth as a gravel road.  What a dork.

When Scottie came to the hacker meeting from the shower, it looked like he had a hot bod for a second.  Maybe my wine was kicking in, or maybe they photoshopped him.

  • Love 7

Brett rolled out a “your boy” so I am back to being over him when I had started to like him a little.

Mudhole, bloodhole, curb stomping...Sam is a psycho.  I like how she tried to pass off curb stomping as something she saw in a movie, because it sure didn’t sound like it.  I mean, I’ve seen “American History X” but he didn’t swallow all his teeth!

Hayleigh is annoying.  Something about the declarative way she speaks is irritating.

  • Love 6
7 minutes ago, helpmerhonda said:

Did he also really say something like, "I'm great at looking at stuff"? 

Yup. And then followed it up with "I look at girls looking at me and I'm all 'I see you looking'" or something like that.

Brett's the bro that you don't want to like but you just can't help yourself when you see that shit eating grin on his face. 

  • Love 19
Just now, Callaphera said:

Yup. And then followed it up with "I look at girls looking at me and I'm all 'I see you looking'" or something like that.

Brett's the bro that you don't want to like but you just can't help yourself when you see that shit eating grin on his face. 

It is hilarious because it feels so blatantly scripted or fake. It doesn't feel like that's Brett saying those lines, but a character he's playing up. That's why I can't take it seriously, much like JC's line in the DR about why he sucked at the Hacker Comp. 

That Fessy/Haleigh segment was...weird. I felt like it was unnecessary to the episode. Since Swayleigh is gone, I guess this is our new showmance in the making?

Finally, to quote part of Rachel's exit interview to fit the situation: WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH SAM?

  • Love 8
Just now, Lady Calypso said:

It is hilarious because it feels so blatantly scripted or fake. It doesn't feel like that's Brett saying those lines, but a character he's playing up. That's why I can't take it seriously, much like JC's line in the DR about why he sucked at the Hacker Comp. 

Even if it is scripted, Brett gets so into it that you have to smile when you see it. He's like a cartoon villain, cackling and rubbing his hands together in the DR. If I could vote Brett's DR sessions as AFP, I would.

  • Love 22
30 minutes ago, Lamb18 said:

Rockstar looks better with her hair straight. Rockstar is like Johnny Mac, always on the block.

Don't insult Johnny Mac. Lol Loved him. 

As for Rockstar's question "Did you come here to...or to play?" When is she going to play, or JC for that matter. It didn't even look like he was tying in that Hacker Comp.

  • Love 7

I think Sam's victim display today was just part of her innocence strategy. I don't for a minute believe she doesn't know what she's in the house for and her stunt as HoH confirmed that for me, where her player side came out. It's her way to get others to like her and not be a threat by playing the sweet, quirky country bumpkin, but it's just a front and gets others to open up to her like Tyler did in a moment of foolishness. But then she brings out the crazy and ruins it. 

  • Love 5

People are saying how great this season is but it has the same fatal flaw that Derrick's season had...which to date is the worse season of BB not counting Season 1 which was an entirely different show. "Marked for Banishment anyone"?

The fatal flaw is having one person who has EVERYTHING go their way making them virtually invincible meaning you could skip ahead to Mid September when they are announced the winner. Then it was Derrick and this year its Tyler. And to the producers delight when they conveniently said he was most trending with no way to verify it and gave him what amounts to a get out of jail card he is at last about to play it. I'm sure they couldn't be happier as they wanted him protected.

Now of course unless Rockstar can pull off a miracle there is no getting rid of any Level 6 person.

This is why all these twists like the hacker and the AP totally mess up the game. Angela and Kaycee should be on the block and Tyler should be a suitable replacement come Tuesday but all these twist are reaching the near absurdity that the ten thousand hidden immunity idols have become on SURVIVOR.

I am sorry Haleigh's HOH is being ruined by this.

Anyway, Sam has had about six different personalities this summer. I think my favorite was her turn as a curb stomping psycho (by the way not a great way to elicit sympathy from Hay by calling everyone in the house a psycho including Hay!_

I could watch a whole episode of just Sam's mood swings and alternating personality. Better than anything featuring Kaycee, Jaycee, and Brett who are frankly boring.

  • Love 15
38 minutes ago, PaperTree said:

Fessy looking confused.  Again.

Heh, I love the number of episodes that have ended this way. It's kind of a running gag at this point!

I think part of what is making this season fun is the LACK of showmances no matter how hard they've pushed for Chris and Bay to be the next Mr. and Mrs. Big Brother. I'm glad to see someone accused of flirting to get their way refusing to get into a showmance with Faysal even with all his little puppydog eyes etc.

I find this season to be very entertaining. I guess if you don't like Taylor you have beef with his edit/powers but I like to see most everyone PLAYING this year, not rolling over or turning their game over to someone else. Some I like some I don't but it hasn't been predictable.

Hay is just stuck on the 'gang that can't shoot straight' "side" and is kind of doomed but I like that she's at least fighting back, even though it will likely come to nothing... that doesn't make it boring though.

  • Love 9
3 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Angela literally said she would throw herself under a bus for Tyler.

Yes, he's her alliance mate though and she isn't just a second Tyler vote weekly, she IS playing but also has loyalty to Taylor. But like I said enjoyment of this season seems to ride upon liking or at least respecting the gameplay of Tyler. So YMDV...

ETA: I'm sooo not siding with Angela here, I think she's vile and overly unnecessarily bitchy, but she making her own moves...

Edited by Wandering Snark
  • Love 4

I guess this season all comes down to personal preference. I don’t see predictability or rigging. Tyler hasn’t received any more powers than anyone else. And his alliance has only won HoH twice out of 7 weeks. (I could be wrong. I only remember Tyler and Angela winning HoH) He’s had to do a lot of smooth talking to be in his current position. YMMV and all that jazz.

A lot of people who are upset about the Hacker this week were thrilled when it meant Tyler went on the block last week. Either way, I’m glad this is the last week of it. I hope they just give it a rest with the twists for a while (or forever). This season doesn’t need it.

Edited by Rachel RSL
Autocorrect is the bane of my existence.
  • Love 23
29 minutes ago, North of Eden said:

The fatal flaw is having one person who has EVERYTHING go their way making them virtually invincible meaning you could skip ahead to Mid September when they are announced the winner. Then it was Derrick and this year its Tyler. And to the producers delight when they conveniently said he was most trending with no way to verify it and gave him what amounts to a get out of jail card he is at last about to play it. I'm sure they couldn't be happier as they wanted him protected.

Now of course unless Rockstar can pull off a miracle there is no getting rid of any Level 6 person.

This is why all these twists like the hacker and the AP totally mess up the game. Angela and Kaycee should be on the block and Tyler should be a suitable replacement come Tuesday but all these twist are reaching the near absurdity that the ten thousand hidden immunity idols have become on SURVIVOR.

I am sorry Haleigh's HOH is being ruined by this.

Eh, they could have evicted Tyler (or another L6) last week when they had the numbers, the Hacker, and Bay's power. During Angela's HOH. They didn't though. Bc they just aren't as good at the game as Tyler and his alliance are.

  • Love 12
1 hour ago, PaperTree said:

Then Sam helps!  She seems to have had zero clue about what she was signing up for.  Now it's jury time and she's stuck for 6  more weeks'

When she started whining about everyone else being in the house for money and they don't care who they step on.............Yes, it is a game and they all want the money.  Do we have any confirmation that Sam isn't a fan of the show and was recruited?

1 hour ago, mojoween said:

Mudhole, bloodhole, curb stomping...Sam is a psycho.

I felt for JC too.  Just for fun I googled "stomp the mud hole" and the list of definitions from Urban Dictionary were hilarious.  One after another was a scream.  My favorite was the Mississippi stomp was crazy.  If you google curb stomping there are videos.  OMFG!  That was some crazy shit Sam was putting out there.

I like the hacker comp too.  Mr. Sage was saying it is a good way to give someone the answers who you want to win.  [Nods in agreement].

  • Love 3

I'm not defending Sam's word choice in any way but curb stomping is a pretty standard phrase when I was growing up and now that I'm an adult. It doesn't mean that I've ever curb stomped someone or even seen it happen in real life, but it's a phrase. Anyone who watched professional wrestling in the 90s would have heard the term "stomp a mudhole". They're aggressive phrases but just using them or explaining to someone what they mean doesn't mean much.

Paired with the other bits of Sam in this episode and the crazy eyes during that particular segment, it definitely isn't a good look but considering when I get frustrated, I've been known to use language like that, I can't really hold it against her. 

  • Love 3
3 hours ago, GalvDuck said:

Delayed show — I’m guessing some sports event ran over?  According to the “60 Minutes” stopwatch, it looks like it will be over in about 6 mins, which would put BB starting at about 8:20E/7:20C.

Same in the Atlanta market.   I just assumed a leaf blew across the street and they cut in to give a weather report.

  • Love 6

Haleigh is pretty gullible. Why would she trust Brett? About all he did was flirt with her. You'd think she'd be used to guys trying to work her.

Sam going psycho and trying to act all gangsta. Curb stomp, lol.

Again with Russian accent. Why does the hacker voice need an accent at all?

Rockstar? Yawn.

I hate to say it but I'm still thinking Tyler might be Dr. Will 2.0. Angela seems to think she is but she's too openly nasty, IMO.


unless Rockstar can pull off a miracle there is no getting rid of any Level 6 person.

It won't matter unless Haleigh changes her mind about putting up Tyler. There's no chance of getting rid of him. O hai, production.

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, dizzyd said:

I think Sam's victim display today was just part of her innocence strategy. I don't for a minute believe she doesn't know what she's in the house for and her stunt as HoH confirmed that for me, where her player side came out. It's her way to get others to like her and not be a threat by playing the sweet, quirky country bumpkin, but it's just a front and gets others to open up to her like Tyler did in a moment of foolishness. But then she brings out the crazy and ruins it. 

Oh no this is the real Sam.  She has no strategy.  She didn't come to play and can't understand that others did so then she projects evil deeds in her head onto other people as a result like the stuff she said to Hay and Kaitlyn when she nominated them couple of weeks back. 

Yes she wants others to like her.  She is extremely insecure and wants external validation.  But that is not part of any game strategy.  That is Sam rapidly descending into a really really bad place.

Glad that Kaycee got a temporary reprieve but she has no protection from going back up on the block if someone is taken off at the veto ceremony.  So she had to do what she had to do but Hay will be pissed at her for messing with her noms because HOHs always are about "don't mess with my noms" each week.  So if Angela comes off Kaycee could go right back up there.  But at least Rockstar would still be up. 

Worst case for L6 is that The Hive (formerly Footy formerly Sacred 6, they keep changing their darn name) would win veto and pull Rockstar and Hay puts up Kaycee instead of Tyler and Tyler doesn't know and blows up his app for nothing and we are back to ground zero again. 

L6 really REALLY has to win veto to keep the hilarious "The Gang That Can't Shoot Straight" (my name for The Hive, at least I don't keep changing their name every week) motif going this summer.  It is no fun if that group gets control because it would be like Wile E. Coyote finally catching Beep Beep the Roadrunner. And Beep Beep (Tyler and company) need to keep winning for my entertainment enjoyment.

Also because they (Level 6) are the mature adults in the House.  Neither Angela nor Kaycee were whining and crying away all poor little ol' me it is soooooo unfair whahhhh and shedding crocodile tears all over the place like the loser side always does.  I love that Level 6 keeps it a game and doesn't take it personally in the main.  Yeah Rachel went bonkers but Rachel was always the weakest link in L6.  The others don't freak out over ever little thing and take it personally. 

It is so refreshing to have an alliance like that on the show and I have been rooting for them since week one.  Love their style of play.  Like now with Brett instead of Tyler taking up the role of secret agent man and infiltrating the other side.  Hey loser alliance, you guys are slightly on to Tyler now but you forget that Brett was your number one target only a short time ago?  You so deserve to be blindsided again, heh heh heh.

Edited by green
  • Love 8
1 hour ago, HighMaintenance said:

Is this show somehow sponsored by Clearasil?  It seems every episode has someone with zit cream dabbed on their face!

So, now Sam is describing curb stomping?  Do they have curbs in the BB house?

JC doesn't look at the walls or the ceilings or the floors, ya'll.  What does he look at then?  The cameras?

Brett has a crooked jaw or teeth or both.  He's about as smooth as a gravel road.  What a dork.

When Scottie came to the hacker meeting from the shower, it looked like he had a hot bod for a second.  Maybe my wine was kicking in, or maybe they photoshopped him.

That looks like Serious Skincare Dry lo to me, and I've noticed it in previous seasons.

1 hour ago, Callaphera said:

Yup. And then followed it up with "I look at girls looking at me and I'm all 'I see you looking'" or something like that.

Brett's the bro that you don't want to like but you just can't help yourself when you see that shit eating grin on his face. 

I can help myself.  I can't stand him.

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, North of Eden said:

People are saying how great this season is but it has the same fatal flaw that Derrick's season had...which to date is the worse season of BB not counting Season 1 which was an entirely different show. "Marked for Banishment anyone"?

The fatal flaw is having one person who has EVERYTHING go their way making them virtually invincible meaning you could skip ahead to Mid September when they are announced the winner. Then it was Derrick and this year its Tyler. And to the producers delight when they conveniently said he was most trending with no way to verify it and gave him what amounts to a get out of jail card he is at last about to play it. I'm sure they couldn't be happier as they wanted him protected.

Now of course unless Rockstar can pull off a miracle there is no getting rid of any Level 6 person.

This is why all these twists like the hacker and the AP totally mess up the game. Angela and Kaycee should be on the block and Tyler should be a suitable replacement come Tuesday but all these twist are reaching the near absurdity that the ten thousand hidden immunity idols have become on SURVIVOR.

I am sorry Haleigh's HOH is being ruined by this.

Anyway, Sam has had about six different personalities this summer. I think my favorite was her turn as a curb stomping psycho (by the way not a great way to elicit sympathy from Hay by calling everyone in the house a psycho including Hay!_

I could watch a whole episode of just Sam's mood swings and alternating personality. Better than anything featuring Kaycee, Jaycee, and Brett who are frankly boring.

I cannot agree with you more, except I really enjoyed Derrick.

  • Love 1

When it comes down to it, the game is being played. That's all I care about. The power shifts all the time. It's not to anyone's advantage. It's how you play it. 

Tyler could be out the door easy. He fights his way out. He's not just being given anything. Other people have had power and squandered it.

Far less people standing in background, far less alliances break ups. The alliances are pretty strong minus a few people trying to play both sides.

It's a actual battle in the house. It's anyone's game and people came to play. Don't know what else you could want here.

Sam has one of the worst social games I have ever seen. equal parts whiny, rude, bizarre and phony. She stands zero chance to win this game. Even if you made it to the end, she will have picked too many people off by then. She can't help herself.

  • Love 4
7 hours ago, green said:

L6 really REALLY has to win veto to keep the hilarious "The Gang That Can't Shoot Straight" (my name for The Hive, at least I don't keep changing their name every week) motif going this summer.  It is no fun if that group gets control because it would be like Wile E. Coyote finally catching Beep Beep the Roadrunner. And Beep Beep (Tyler and company) need to keep winning for my entertainment enjoyment.

I couldn't disagree more, KC is the most boring in the house, her main contribution is giving fake screams when she's on camera for a twist event.

  • Love 8

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