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Poppy Field Movies: Once Is Not Enough!

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We have a topic for stupid movies we watch over and over, but some of us are stuck listing movies in that thread we don't think are stupid, so I have made a thread for good movies we watch over and over.

You know the ones ... you are channel surfing and come across something you have already seen like a hundred times, yet you will stop and watch it just because it's on.

This is the place.

As I stated in the other thread, I agree on Remember the Titans.  Such a good movie and it doesn't matter what I'm doing, if I come across it on TV I just sit down and watch.


Now some people might put this in the other category, but Star Trek: The Undiscovered Country would fall into this category for me too.  I hardly ever quote movies, nor remember lines from them (my brain just doesn't work that way), but I will quote this one.  My brother was the first in the family to see it and he said it was one of the greatest movies ever made.  Even as a Trekker I thought it was hyperbole.  It probably is, but not by much. 

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For me, it's Inception.  I own it on DVD, but every time it's on TV I'm unable to change the channel or turn the TV off.  A couple of times I've even let the movie run when they have back-to-back showings of it.  It's gotten to the point where I know exactly where the commercial breaks will occur.  I may need a support group.

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If any of these movies are on while I'm flipping through the channels, or if I'm flipping through Netlix and don't want to invest the time in a movie I've never seen before (mostly because I'm stressed/distracted/tired), I'll watch any of these over and over and I don't consider them dumb, of course :)



Sense and Sensibility

Boogie Nights

My Girl

When Harry Met Sally


An Officer and a Gentleman


The Breakfast Club

Bull Durham

Ferris Buellar's Day Off



This is just a partial list.  I love movies.


*I've also posted Titanic in the Stupid Movies We Watch Over and Over thread because it has fantastic special effects and art/costume design, but the storyline itself was pretty dumb. 

Edited by Shannon L.
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Both versions of The Winslow Boy

Remember The Titans

Auntie Mame

Napoleon Dynamite

Bright Road

Cheaper By the Dozen e original with Clifton Webb and Myrna Loy)

The Best Man (the one with Henry Fonda.  I think there is another one which is a completely different movie)

A Face in the Crowd

Mary Poppins

To Kill A Mockingbird

Toy Story 1, 2 and 3

The Women (1939)

Stage Door

The Three Lives of Thomasina

  • Love 1

Oh yes, Stage Door is one of those films for me, too -- if TCM is airing it, I must watch it.  I used to watch Cheaper by the Dozen quite a lot as a kid, but I haven't done it much as an adult.  Now, many other Myrna Loy movies?  A hundred times is not enough.  I not only have the Thin Man boxed set, I watch something from it almost weekly (I find them comforting to fall asleep to).  But when one of those pops up on TCM?  I'm still there.  Same with Libeled Lady, Test Pilot, Wife vs. Secretary, I Love You Again, Mr. Blandings Builds His Dream House ...

Edited by Bastet
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Two others for me would be "Make Way for Tomorrow" and "Penny Serenade."  I also try to watch "Death Takes a Holiday" whenever it's on if only because it's almost never shown.  


One of my favorite Myrna Loy films is "The Rains Came."  She plays a  married promiscuous titled English woman who has an affair with a handsome Indian doctor (Tyrone Power) during monsoon season in a province called Ranchipur when a cholera epidemic breaks out.  The special effects (they were called something else back then) beat out "The Wizard of Oz" at the Oscars.

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In the last 48 hours I watched the following, just because they were on while I was looking at the guide. With the exception of one, I watched them at the point I noticed they were on.

Finding Forrester (tuned in for about 30 minutes)
Good Will Hunting (tuned in for about an hour)
Blast From the Past (last 30 minutes)
Dead Again (from the beginning)
High Fidelity (last 15 minutes)

Must mean I really like these movies!

I'm watching a movie I DVR'ed over the weekend that I used to watch a lot as a kid but that I hadn't seen in many years: "Room For One More."  It's based on a true story about a couple (Cary Grant and Betsy Drake) with three children who adopt three other children who because of circumstances are considered hard to place.  It's one of those movies that's not really a guilty pleasure but it's also not a movie I think everyone needs to see because it's so astonishing, etc.  It's just a nice movie to watch.  I'm not sure, but I believe Ms. Drake and Mr. Grant were married when they made this movie.

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Chicago. I watched that movie so many times when it came out on DVD. I had to stop because I could say all the lines with the characters.

Ever After. It's a pleasant surprise when I catch this one on TV and I'll watch it if there's nothing else on.

Sister Act and Sister Act 2. These movies might belong in the stupid movies thread but I enjoy them a lot and they're very easy to jump into at any point in the movie. 

The Shop Around the Corner. This is my favorite Christmas movie of all time. After watching it a few Christmases in a row I was able to recite all the lines in the big romantic reveal at the end so I took a break from it for a year or two. 

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Chicago. I watched that movie so many times when it came out on DVD. I had to stop because I could say all the lines with the characters.


I saw it twice in the theatre - which is not something I am prone to doing - and then watched it almost weekly when I got the DVD.  Like you, I had to take a break ... but now it has been a long time and I want to watch it again.

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Apollo 13. 90% of the cast are people that I really enjoy watching, and it's great to see them working together. The effects don't overshadow the plot, and there's something great about a movie that doesn't really have a villain. Everyone's working together to solve the same problem and there isn't any shady conspiracy as to why the problem occurred. And Tom Hanks's deadpan "That's good thinking" towards the end gets me every time.


Ghostbusters. I'm pretty sure I could recite it close to line-by-line at this point, but I'll still watch it every time it's on. Again, 90% of the cast are people I really enjoy watching. And the sheer number of sly one-liners or sneakily funny lines is kind of incredible.

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Ooh, I just thought of another one.  The Music Man.  It may not be the best musical out there, but something about it is just plain fun.  It always elevates my mood.  If I'm in a bad mood, it makes me happy.  If I'm in a good mood, it makes me even happier.   "Oh we got trouble!  Right here in River City.  With a capital T, that rhymes with P, that stands for 'pool'!"  and "Goodnight my someone, goodnight my love.  Sleep tight my someone, sleep tight my love." and "76 trombones led the big parade!"

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"Oh the Wells Fargo wagon is a -comin down the street..."


Another movie I can watch over and over again is "The Secret of Roan Innish."   It's about a young Irish girl right after World War II who goes to live with her grandparents in the country and discovers the family legend and how it affects the disappearance of her baby brother.

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His Girl Friday. One of the first (if not the first) movies to use overlapping dialog. Also might well be the first movie to genderflip a character without making radical changes - Hildy was a guy in the original play & movie.


And every time I see it, there's one more tiny detail I've missed. Anyone who thinks in-jokes are a new thing needs to watch this.

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So many for me...


Godfather II

The Longest Day

Animal House

Best Years of Our Lives

Wizard of Oz (too meta?)


The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

Kelly's Heroes

Planet of the Apes (simply must see that last scene!)

Cool Hand Luke

South Pacific


The one which I am relatively certain is my "stop everything" the most times is In Harm's Way.  So rare, to me, to see the very real egos and corruptions of top brass combined with so much gallantry in the officer corps and non-coms.  It gets me everytime when Rock (John Wayne) learns that his son chose to be a real man, and a very short time later, learns that his son died a true hero.  

His Girl Friday. One of the first (if not the first) movies to use overlapping dialog.


Overlapping dialogue goes back to at least 1930, but His Girl Friday is among the best at using it, that's for sure.  Howard Hawks in general, really, but others too.  The final scene of Libeled Lady - another film I watch over and over - is one of my favorite examples.

Coming across during it a commercial break of a new show, and stopping and staying despite knowing it by heart and having it on DVD, reminded me of another one: The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas.  And, no, this doesn't belong on my "stupid movies I watch over and over" list; it has terrific musical numbers and even better social commentary on politics, social mores, the media, etc. 


I fell in love with this movie as a kid, and as a pre-teen during the burgeoning days of video stores used to ask for this regularly.  Clerks were always trying to warn my parents off, who had to explain, "Yeah, whorehouses.  Naked people.  We get it.  She likes Dolly Parton and Burt Reynolds."  As I got older, it only got better.  And by the mid-80s we had a second VCR so I could dub my own copy and be done with it.

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I watched Best Little Whorehouse in Texas so many times, I practically knew it verbatim.  The music was great and it was just fun.  I still say, sometimes, "I could read his lips--every hell, God damn and bullshit!" and, when a politician isn't answering a question, I start humming "Sidestep".


I didn't appreciate the brilliance of Sidestep as a kid, but as I grew older I realized all the ways in which that's the most brilliant part of the film.  The movie also taught me some new insults.  I don't tend to threaten physical violence, but whenever I can get away with it jokingly, I declare my intention to "knock you so flat you're gonna have to roll down your socks to shit!"


Another film from childhood that I still watch repeatedly is Smokey and the Bandit.  A silly film, certainly, but I don't think it's a stupid one.  It has some problematic elements it took me a while to pick up on, and that dimmed my enjoyment for a time when I did, but I've long since made peace and came back to experiencing it as a whole.  That one taught me some great insults, too; looking back, I'm surprised I wasn't in trouble more at school. 

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    Since animated movies haven't been mentioned yet, I'll watch The Incredibles any time I find it on one of the Disney Channels. I'd also include in this category, The Princess Bride, Notorious, Rear Window, The Best Years of Our Lives, and Goodfellas.  From the " I refuse to feel guilty for liking this movie." category,  I'll watch The Cutting Edge whenever I find it on cable (or locally on the This channel [Chicago-area movie channel one gets via converter box]).

I'll watch The Cutting Edge whenever I find it on cable




I think I could probably watch The Thin Man once week for life and not get sick of it.  As it is, I almost do. I've been under a lot of stress lately, and having a hard time shutting my mind off to go to sleep.  But if I pop in any of the Thin Man films (even the later ones, though I prefer the first three) or Bringing Up Baby, I am pretty much guaranteed to get swept away.  I've loved those movies since childhood, so they're very comforting in addition to being funny.

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Ah yes....two more that should have gone on my list.  I could watch that bar room scene from Good Will Hunting once or twice a week and never get bored with it and Blast from the Past is just so much fun.

"There's something called 'liquor store'.  Write it down."  i adore that movie.  


Some of the ones in my house that we stop and watch (even though we sometimes ask ourselves why we are watching it again):



Predator 2






The Blind Side

The Usual Suspects

Wedding Crashers

Animal House

Iron Man

Iron Man 2

Iron Man 3

Captain America



We're pretty loyal to our franchises :-)

Edited by midge

We watch Secretariat whenever we come across it, too.   It's even turned into a joke because either the hub or I will say "I really think Sham is going to do it this time..."


Love a lot of these choices, including Goodfellas - when it came out on PPV (basically what On Demand used to be called), I worked for the cable company and had free service; we watched it almost around the clock for weeks, and still watch it today.  Casablanca too; seen it over 100 times, but still love every frame.  Same for The Thin Man movies, though I think the first one is by far the best.   I always try to catch the last 30 minutes of Shawshank because I love Morgan Freeman's last speech.


I'll add Love Me Tonight, starring Maurice Chevalier and Jeanette McDonald; sure, Chevalier was a Nazi collaborator, but he's excellent in this flick, a musical romance with goofy, absurd comedy mixed in - it also features a very young Myrna Loy in a small part. TCM is way too stingy with this one. 

Edited by harrie

I'm not sure if these two are more guilty pleasures, but since they aren't stupid movies, I figured this was the thread for them: 


Dirty Dancing and Grease.  It doesn't matter how many times I've seen them, I will watch them any time they're on tv, and now that I discovered you can stream them on Netflix, I will probably be watching at least once a week.

Mine are:


Moonstruck ("Snap out of it"!)


Sense and Sensibility


Kenneth Branagh's version of Henry V.  That this is no longer available on DVD is a crime.  I foolishly didn't buy it when it first came out on DVD, so I'm relegated to grabbing it from Netflix every now and then, or watching it when it occasionally pops up on cable.


Addams Family Values.  So much better than the first one, and Joan Cusack is amazing in it. Love the entire Camp Chippewa subplot.


Singing in the Rain. 

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Musicals/music heavy movies are always good for repeat viewings for me. Among the movies that I will always stop and watch are Little Shop of Horrors and Pitch Perfect.


I also have my top 10 rewatchable films:


Star Wars


Groundhog Day

Major League



Silence of the Lambs

Dirty Dancing

Blazing Saddles

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