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S20.E17: Live Eviction #5. Head of Household #6


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5 minutes ago, Vixenstud said:

What the Frick?!  Why, the avatar is the late, great Bernie Mac!  Vixen is what I'm called by my old man, who I call Stud.

I'll forgive you this once.

I knew it was Bernie, but thought it was the equivalent of me having a Dita von Teese avatar. Idk, my brain works in mysterious ways. [side note: RIP, Bernie] Love your relationship call signs though!

45 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

but aside from ingratiating himself with Bayleigh - something he's done with everyone - [Tyler] didn't really control a lot.

Indeed.  Just as two weeks previously, when he could barely be bothered to try and guide Scottie away from his "break up the bros" plan, Tyler is too content to just coast on the HoH's good graces and let the rest of L6L5L4 take the hits.

I mean, it's not as if the obvious deflection plays aren't sitting right there.  Kaitlyn had put Scottie on the block as a "pawn" the week before, and once the backdoor sprang on Chris, it was obvious that her intention was never to go after Winston.  Tyler could have confirmed that, had the noms been frozen, it would have been Scottie going home, and thus sicced Scottie on Kaitlyn.  Instead, he let his "allies" feel the unswerving focus of Scottie's targeting.

(Also, I believe that Kaitlyn had spilled to Tyler about the existence of "Foutté" but I could be wrong.   But if Tyler let a chance to clue Scottie in to the fact that his "side" had formed an alliance that didn't include either of them, that could have helped him to try and pull Scottie to the L6 side.  But again, Tyler turtled at the first sign of difficulty.)

And this week, Scottie was sitting right there, having sold Chris out on the vote, and having done so to create division among Bayleigh's allies.  How does Tyler not make a serious run at getting Scottie into the cross-hairs?  Instead he concocts this bullshit "I'll pretend we're buddies and then she'll be mad at me and target him" plan, which never stood any chance of working, even if Tyler had actually used the Veto.  Which he didn't, so the whole situation is moot.  The moment Bayleigh said "If we did Scottie, it would have to be a backdoor", Tyler should have been all "Great! Let's make that happen!" and started laying out the groundwork, just as he did with Kaitlyn for getting rid of Chris.  "I know you wanted to pay Kaitlyn back for what she did to Swaggy, but I guess this will be the next best thing", that sort of stuff.

But no, aside from securing his own safety and smirking his way to protecting his meat-Bro-shield (which is a result of this week's IMO still inexplicable "whatever you want, boss" vibe), no effort put in by Tyler at all.  No attempt at offense, no work to save his larger alliance (he's got a maximum of 3 members on his Jury now; that's not exactly a great score), just cruising down the middle.  It just feels like a very selfish game.

And yes, only one person can win, but you're supposed to work with people to get there.  Tyler doesn't seem to give a shit, because he's the Golden Boy.  Ugh.

ETA:  Fuck, I just realized that Tyler could have claimed that Kaitlyn had told him that Scottie knew about the Swaggy backdoor all along and that's why he was willing to be a "pawn" that week.  Run that up the flagpole and see how quickly Bayleigh salutes.  Sheesh.

ETAA:  "You know why Scottie flipped the vote this time, right?  He and Kaitlyn were working together, that's why he wouldn't listen when the Bros wanted him to backdoor her.  She told me, because she stopped trusting him, said he wasn't reliable.  But I guess he still felt he owed her a sympathy vote."  See, that's how it's done.  (Yeah, I probably wouldn't make Jury.  But at least I'd go down swinging…)

Edited by Halting Hex
  • Love 2

I don't think Tyler is controlling the entire game. And I don't get the impression that we're MEANT to think that. But that could just be MY interpretation. What I'm loving about his game, though, is his ability to manipulate little things here and there and keep himself out of the line of fire - when he SHOULD be in the line of fire. He's able to play just about everyone in the house. He may not be actively causing them to make certain moves. But he is handling each roadblock that comes his way with finesse. And I'm loving watching it! 

  • Love 11
47 minutes ago, IndyMischa said:

I would change "psychopathic Tyler" to "game playing Tyler." It's fully normal to cackle with glee when someone lands on your hotel'd Boardwalk, even / especially if the rent bankrupts them.

Thank you! 

Must learn not to assume avatar = actual. I thought you were a man, whoops!

Dying!! I cannot - so don't! - with SaggyDB, so seeing him back on my television before the finale (during which he shouldn't get more than thirty seconds, max) pissed me off. Stop trying to make this idiot happen, TPTB.

Yeah, sure.  But it's not comparable for me.  Monopoly isn't an intense emotional/mental game that impacts people in real life.

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, Lamima said:

Nah, I think Julie rolled right in in her street clothes and just dialed it in last night. She didn't have any fucks to give. I think it's cause of all the drama in her life as of late and I don't blame her one bit. Plus it made an already great episode even more epic. 

I saw nothing different to how she normally is, I think it's reading too much into it to think her personal life is having influence (she's too professional for that).  Maybe some might say because Rachel was so aggravated at that time she could have given some very tame questions, but that wouldn't be very good for the show.

If she wanted to be tough in an unusual way for the US show she could have fed her more remarks from Angela or told her she hasn't featured on the HLs until this week.

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, RedheadZombie said:

I've tried to like Tyler, I really have.  But he creeps me out more and more each episode.  The look on his face when he was casting his vote was almost sinister.  It's like he has two personalities - the sweet, kind Tyler, and then psychopathic Tyler who feels nothing for anyone.  The more he's betraying someone, the more he grins with eyes shining.  

I know people seem to love the HGs who are pathological liars, master manipulators, back stabbers, even cruel, but I just don't.  Tyler is a snake, and I'm pretty sure he's going to win.  He will hind behind Brett's meat shield and then cut him at the last minute.

I would replace the name Cody with Josh.  Cody was the recipient of the mental/emotional torture.

I think Tyler just seems to relish playing the game. I don't mind a snake, as long as they're not being actively nasty to other HG. Tyler seems to pretty much get along with everybody. I'm still enjoying watching him get away with all of this.

Josh was awful to Cody, but that was all after Cody and whatsherface were actively awful to him. Karma.

  • Love 10
29 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

I don't think Tyler is controlling the entire game. And I don't get the impression that we're MEANT to think that. But that could just be MY interpretation. What I'm loving about his game, though, is his ability to manipulate little things here and there and keep himself out of the line of fire - when he SHOULD be in the line of fire. He's able to play just about everyone in the house. He may not be actively causing them to make certain moves. But he is handling each roadblock that comes his way with finesse. And I'm loving watching it! 

The edit has tried to make out that some others don't have a mind of their own, which is ridiculous.  The number of confessionals he's had have been a clue as to the bias.

  • Love 1
12 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Bayleigh's family was very gracious but surely they can see that he's not bringing much to the table.

You mean other than his mid-six-figure net worth and knowledge of day-trading?


12 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Wait, those are called memes. GIF is just the digital format. But "meme" probably didn't lend itself to a cutesy catchphrase for Julie to say.

Even though Julie acknowledged that she was deliberately mispronouncing "GIF" for the sake of what they were doing, it was annoying and she didn't have to do it so many times.

  • Love 1
6 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

I would have loved to have seen that.  After which Julie could smack him the back of the head for being such a ditz.



4 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

Does it involve a fire arm?

I can neither confirm nor deny that, but the last guy I used it on joined the Army and left the country.  I hear Bavaria is nice this time of year - in some places; others, not so much.  ;>

Edited by Nashville
  • Love 3

Even though Julie acknowledged that she was deliberately mispronouncing "GIF" for the sake of what they were doing, it was annoying and she didn't have to do it so many times.

Mmm, no, as I recall she said she pronounces it correctly with a soft "g" and halfway apologized to the peanutty nerds who were going to be annoyed about it.


mid-six-figure net worth

Yep, the one that allows him free time to babysit other people's kids, try to market sad little t-shirts with a lame nickname on them, and go on a reality show where he can succeed at being the second contestant kicked out of the game. I'm really hoping the rumors about Bayleigh being pregnant by him aren't true.

  • Love 3
58 minutes ago, LoneHaranguer said:

Even though Julie acknowledged that she was deliberately mispronouncing "GIF" for the sake of what they were doing, it was annoying and she didn't have to do it so many times.

Thank you! I thought the gif idea was cute, but the fact that Julie (and everyone else) kept mispronouncing it grated on my nerves. GIF, people! Like 'giraffe,' 'giant,' 'gist'!

I felt so sad for Rachel during her post-eviction chat with Julie, Julie came off way harsh to me. And I don't even like Rachel! Couldn't tell her apart from Angela until she went on the block.

I have to say, I was pleasantly surprised that Scottie didn't fall for Brett's Maneater ruse. Damn it, Angela as HOH? I wish only the worst for her during her reign. 

I can't express how much I don't want a member of L6 to win this game.

  • Love 2
1 minute ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Mmm, no, as I recall she said she pronounces it correctly with a soft "g" and halfway apologized to the peanutty nerds who were going to be annoyed about it.

Yep, the one that allows him free time to babysit other people's kids, try to market sad little t-shirts with a lame nickname on them, and go on a reality show where he can succeed at being the second contestant kicked out of the game. I'm really hoping the rumors about Bayleigh being pregnant by him aren't true.

Where did the pregnancy rumors come from.  I don't think it's even been long enough for her to skip a period.

5 hours ago, amazingracefan said:


You like fluff questions?  She never said what you are saying anyway, really she just asked exactly the same as she did with Winston, where the votes went.  I don't think it's that unusual a question for Big Brother.  The only thing that was unusual was how aggravated Rachel was.

It's called sarcasm.

And to each his own.  I found her to be much more agressive in her questioning than I ever have in 20 seasons of this show. 

  • Love 9
3 hours ago, amazingracefan said:

The edit has tried to make out that some others don't have a mind of their own, which is ridiculous.  The number of confessionals he's had have been a clue as to the bias.

Yea, I'm not really getting that edit. But I definitely don't think it's ridiculous that there ARE stupid/naive people in the house that he can easily manipulate. That wouldn't be out of the ordinary for the BB house. But I'm also not seeing an edit where Tyler is controlling EVERYTHING. I'm seeing more of him being betrayed as knowing how to use things to his advantage. 

I've never been the type to keep track of confessionals. There are certainly those that don't get hardly any, but I feel we've seen a ton from Bayleigh lately. JC gets a bunch. Kaitlyn had tons. NonStar has had far too many, IMO. I tend to think they use people that are somewhat involved in the action that week and/or are more engaging than others when in the DR. Tyler has kept himself involved in nearly everything; so it makes sense, to me, that he would have a lot of confessionals. 

5 minutes ago, Wandering Snark said:

Or Jing and Jang

That's it. I'm taking a yatus from this board. ;)

  • Love 8

As much as I want to see Brett go, it was worth it to keep him to see everything Bayleigh planned implode. She gets HOH and turns into Queen Bitch Ruler of All? Ha fuck that! Karma.

I always watch this show time delayed so I can scan through the commercials and I blipped through the whole Saggy section in about 5 seconds. 

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, xKHANx said:

Yes, because most mid-six-figure net worth day traders babysit rich kids on the weekends...

They really take liberties with the blurbs. "Cyber security expert" Brett is actually a telemarketer who peddles overpiced antivirus software to unsuspecting rubes. 

I respect BB15's Jessie the most. Her blurb pulled no punches. Simply, "Unemployed." God bless her.

Edited by Cutty
  • Love 7
2 minutes ago, Cutty said:

They really take liberties with the blurbs. "Cyber security expert" Brett is actually a telemarketer who peddles overpiced antivirus software to unsuspecting rubes. 

I respect BB15's Jessie the most. Her blurb pulled no punches. Simply, "Unemployed." God bless her.

It's Cyber Security Engineer, gotta get that right... :)


Sam to KC: Did Rachel ever come on to you???

  • Love 1
42 minutes ago, Halting Hex said:

Or "GIF" as in "gift", the most-analogous pronunciation.  Or do you say "Jiggabyte", too?

Jit along, li'l dogie, jit along…

Actually, the British do pronounce ‘gigabyte’ that way . . . 

What some people consider the “most analogous” pronunciation isn’t always the correct pronunciation, and the person who created the format said it’s pronounced with a soft G.

But this is a Big Brother forum so I’m going to leave it at that. Why don’t we grab a bottle of gin and head over to the live feeds thread? ?

  • Love 7
37 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

Yea, I'm not really getting that edit. But I definitely don't think it's ridiculous that there ARE stupid/naive people in the house that he can easily manipulate. That wouldn't be out of the ordinary for the BB house. But I'm also not seeing an edit where Tyler is controlling EVERYTHING. I'm seeing more of him being betrayed as knowing how to use things to his advantage.

Has he got anyone to do something that they didn't want to do at all?


5 minutes ago, link417 said:

Actually, the British do pronounce ‘gigabyte’ that way . . .

I don't think so.  Hard G.  Though some place somewhere in the world may use a soft g if that's what suits their language style.

Edited by amazingracefan
2 minutes ago, link417 said:

Actually, the British do pronounce ‘gigabyte’ that way . . . 

What some people consider the “most analogous” pronunciation isn’t always the correct pronunciation, and the person who created the format said it’s pronounced with a soft G.

But this is a Big Brother forum so I’m going to leave it at that. Why don’t we grab a bottle of gin and head over to the live feeds thread? ?

Well, I'll give your suggestion some consideration, but I've never been a Feedster and I've lost my taste for much of this season, anyhow.  So I'll just unwind watching Gilligan's Island and listening to Gilbert and Sullivan.

And language evolves over time, regardless of the author's intent.  He can swear on the Gideon Bible, but I'll keep saying it the "wrong" way until I'm blue in the gills.  And so it goes…

(BTW where are the emojis on this board?  I want to "smile" back at you, but I can't get the unicode to work here.  And didn't "emojis" use to be "emoticons" not too long ago?  Very strange.)

Umm, topic?  I still hate Angela. [/weak]

  • Love 1
12 minutes ago, Halting Hex said:

Well, I'll give your suggestion some consideration, but I've never been a Feedster and I've lost my taste for much of this season, anyhow.  So I'll just unwind watching Gilligan's Island and listening to Gilbert and Sullivan.

And language evolves over time, regardless of the author's intent.  He can swear on the Gideon Bible, but I'll keep saying it the "wrong" way until I'm blue in the gills.  And so it goes…

(BTW where are the emojis on this board?  I want to "smile" back at you, but I can't get the unicode to work here.  And didn't "emojis" use to be "emoticons" not too long ago?  Very strange.)

Umm, topic?  I still hate Angela. [/weak]

LOL, I’m on my phone so I just use my emoji keyboard. And yes! I still use keyboard characters to make emoticons but emoji are actual pictures, I believe because “ji” in Japanese means ‘picture’ or ‘art’ or something? ?

Hey, proper names is cheating! Unless we’re talking about Ginger. ;) But I suppose I can recognize that English is a wonderfully complex language full of varied pronunciations, that’s part of its charm. ?

On topic: I’m totally with you on the Angela hate. OF COURSE she freaking wins HOH right when she’s on my hate-radar. I want to root for the other side of the house but it’s hard when it feels like they’re no match for L6.

Edited by link417
Remove an extra A
  • Love 1
1 hour ago, xKHANx said:


Sam to KC: Did Rachel ever come on to you???

Seriously? Do they not know how to spell "M.Y.O.B." in Stuart's Draft?  Or STFU, for that matter?


And yes, I know that Sam's been down, down to lady-town herself, on more than one occasion.  And might be jealous of any possible Rachel-Kaycee ("Racee", as Angie named them) hookup, for either interest.  But still, there are some questions you don't ask while the cameras are rolling, you Froot-Loop Dingus!

Actually, I'm slightly salty that keeping Rachel out of Jury decreases the chance for an epic all-girls "alliance" there.  Bayleigh's implied it wouldn't be new for her and Haleigh's said she'd be willing to give it a whirl.  

But still, honestly, Sam!

  • Love 1
17 hours ago, green said:

As JC puts his knife in her back, haha.

I was wondering if JC knew that Rachel would know how he voted. 


14 hours ago, Halting Hex said:

Every year I say this.  Nobody ever listens.  That's why OTT was so much fun; not only did Cornbread have an "iconic" reaction to his blindside ("Fuck y'all" as he stormed out the door), but there wasn't anything out there besides a darkened stage.

When the door opened and a few HGs rushed to look out, I couldn't figure out if they just wanted to see the audience or if they thought the audience wanted to see *them*. JC looked like he was waving to the audience. 

This is the first show I've seen in a week or so. Is Sam gaining a lot of weight? 

17 minutes ago, Halting Hex said:

Okay, now you're just making me giggle.  

? I am DEAD and buried, you da real MVP, LOL

14 minutes ago, Skyfall said:

Da fuck you say? You obviously never played Monopoly...

This is some real shit right here, Monopoly is no joke. And the rules are ever-changing just like the producer interference “twists” on BB.

  • Love 1
19 hours ago, Callaphera said:

From "Wait, there's an Angela playing this game? I've never seen her!" to iconic goodbye message to HoH.

Can Brett be on the block every week? Both for his speeches and for Rockstar's shocked and disappointed face. 

When my son and I were watching last night and I kept hearing the name Angela, I asked him "Who's Angela?".  He didn't know, either.  How have we been watching the show this long without ever noticing her?

  • Love 1

Every time I see Faysal wearing one of his Chattanooga shirts I wonder how bummed he is going to be to get out of the house and find out he missed a random-ass Pro Football Hall of Fame ceremony held at his school by a super salty former NFL player.

About that below - exactly right.  I’m taking the money from Free Parking and you are NOT going to stop me.

32 minutes ago, link417 said:

? I am DEAD and buried, you da real MVP, LOL

This is some real shit right here, Monopoly is no joke. And the rules are ever-changing just like the producer interference “twists” on BB.

Edited by mojoween
  • Love 2
7 hours ago, ghoulina said:

At any rate, I thought evicting her was the right move; but I still felt a bit sad for her. Because she DIDN'T lie. And here she is blindsided, AND being branded a liar. While I'm glad everyone in his alliance trusts Tyler; it does bother me that they didn't even consider that maybe Bayleigh lied to Rachel, not that Rachel was lying to them. (Of course, Rachel should have considered this as well, but I've been over that). And Angela's goodbye message was WAY too bitchy, even for my tastes. What WAS that? Now I'm really glad we haven't seen much of her this summer. 


I think this is what drove me the most insane. Why assume she is lying? She clearly came down upset that Bayleigh told her this news. I think it is clear that Tyler at least has relationships with both sides. The most obvious answer was that Bayleigh lied (though I actually think Bayleigh just misinterpreted what Tyler said when he was asking whether she would put Angela up, presented in a bit of a statement form). Even if you think Rachel should have seen through that, her alliance mates shouldn't have jumped to the conclusion that she was lying. Why the hell would she make that up. What would casting doubt on Tyler, who had the veto, accomplish? The most obvious answer was that she was told something and believed it. To then treat her like some lying liar who went off the rails (while ignoring that Brett is actually a lying liar who may say all sorts of shit at these ceremonies) was obnoxious. To be a complete and utter bitch on top of that was even shittier. 


2 hours ago, Halting Hex said:

Or "GIF" as in "gift", the most-analogous pronunciation.  Or do you say "Jiggabyte", too?

Jit along, li'l dogie, jit along…

Knowing how strongly the internet feels about this topic, I was laughing my ass off when Julie brought it up. 

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, xKHANx said:

Yes, because most mid-six-figure net worth day traders babysit rich kids on the weekends...

Day-trading is a high-stress job and most don't stay at it long (including him), but you earn a lot while you're doing it. Babysitting could have been a good way to unwind if he was doing it while he still had his trading job.


2 hours ago, Halting Hex said:

Or "GIF" as in "gift", the most-analogous pronunciation.  Or do you say "Jiggabyte", too?

Doc Brown said his flux capacitor needed 1.21 jiggawatts. I've never heard a techie pronounce GIF with a hard G, but pronunciation can vary by what part of the country you're in. It used to annoy me hearing "tour" pronounced "tor" by Bret Michaels when he was on reality shows, but that seems to be how they say it in California.

  • Love 1

I saw nothing different to how [Julie] normally is, I think it's reading too much into it to think her personal life is having influence (she's too professional for that).  

Agreed. And I was kind of looking for it too. She's had quite the week; she must surely know all eyes are upon her. I half expected a substitute host to show up. 

3 minutes ago, LoneHaranguer said:

Day-trading is a high-stress job and most don't stay at it long (including him), but you earn a lot while you're doing it. Babysitting could have been a good way to unwind if he was doing it while he still had his trading job.


Doc Brown said his flux capacitor needed 1.21 jiggawatts. I've never heard a techie pronounce GIF with a hard G, but pronunciation can vary by what part of the country you're in. It used to annoy me hearing "tour" pronounced "tor" by Bret Michaels when he was on reality shows, but that seems to be how they say it in California.

I'm a "they", but I sure don't say it that way.

8 minutes ago, link417 said:

Does that mean you pronounce ‘jpeg’ like ‘jfeg’ since the P stands for ‘photograph’? 


Since the p doesn't achieve the f sound without the h, no.

6 minutes ago, Skycatcher said:

Only if it was spelled jpheg, since it takes an "h" to turn a "p" into an "f" sound.?

You type faster than I do:-)

  • Love 1
2 minutes ago, greyflannel said:

Since the p doesn't achieve the f sound without the h, no.

LOL, I was just kidding. ?

I actually don’t think gif is pronounced with a soft G because of its spelling, I think it’s just the natural shorthand from saying graphics interchange format and shortening it to G-I-F (gee-eye-eff) and then shortening it further to gif (jiff). 

But im seriously off-topic now so I’ll just see myself out! ??‍♀️

7 hours ago, iMonrey said:

I noticed too that the show is already presenting him to us as the mastermind. I mean . . . he sort of is, in a lot of ways, but he was not responsible for Bayleigh's nominations nor could he sway her to put Scottie up as a replacement after the veto. The show wanted us to think he was calling all the shots this week but aside from ingratiating himself with Bayleigh - something he's done with everyone - he didn't really control a lot. "I have to make sure Rachel goes." Well, that wasn't entirely his doing either. But the show would like us to believe it was.

Clearly this is Tyler's house and everyone else is just living in it. I've never really disliked him, I just find the whole season entirely predictable. 

Tyler is a mastermind because a mastermind does NOT try to change everything, control everything.  Instead a mastermind knows when to hold and when to fold and wait for the next deal.  They are careful NOT to overplay.


6 hours ago, lostmydamnmind said:

I think Tyler just seems to relish playing the game. I don't mind a snake, as long as they're not being actively nasty to other HG. Tyler seems to pretty much get along with everybody. I'm still enjoying watching him get away with all of this.

Josh was awful to Cody, but that was all after Cody and whatsherface were actively awful to him. Karma.

Yep, Cody was the first bully last season that started that whole atmosphere.  He just also was a stupid player who betrayed his own alliance right out of the gate and soon was outplayed and then out-bullied by Paul as a result.  Had Cody played smarter out of the gate he could have been remembered as the big bully of Season 19 while Paul would have been his poor victim.

And yes I see joy in Tyler's face in the diary room.  He hardcore loves BB and is a massive fan though pretending to be ignorant of the game inside this house and he is doing it brilliantly.  So why wouldn't he be happy as a clam to find himself in his dream situation playing the hell out of the game.  There doesn't seem to be one mean bone in his body, just a happy high from having so much fun this summer and an amazed joy at how badly the other side has been playing.

About the GIF stuff.  I AM a techie and have worked in tech all my life and everyone I know pronounces it with a hard G as in Graphics.  I never even knew anyone pronounced it like a peanut butter brand.  Especially since there is another format actually spelled JIFF and pronounced like peanut butter for real.

  • Love 9
1 minute ago, green said:

About the GIF stuff.  I AM a techie and have worked in tech all my life and everyone I know pronounces it with a hard G as in Graphics.  I never even knew anyone pronounced it like a peanut butter brand.  Especially since there is another format actually spelled JIFF and pronounced like peanut butter for real.

I’m a techie, too, and I pronounce it either way.  I’m easy.  ;>

  • Love 5

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