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Season 15 Talk

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A finger massager for people who text too much. A truly Kardashian thing, I wonder who is promoting it on their IG.

I don’t know how Kim & Khloe didn’t just smack Kourtney when she came over to Khloe’s house. That smirk on her face definitely would have made me haul off & slug her.  She’s so insistent she has to leave at a certain time to be with her kids, but she has no problem leaving them for weeks at a time to go on vacation with her boyfriend.

Why are they spending so much time on Scott’s new relationship? It seems strange.

If they Photoshopped Kendall & Kylie into the photo, why couldn’t they do the same for whoever else couldn’t make that time?

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1 hour ago, GaT said:

I don’t know how Kim & Khloe didn’t just smack Kourtney when she came over to Khloe’s house. That smirk on her face definitely would have made me haul off & slug her.  She’s so insistent she has to leave at a certain time to be with her kids, but she has no problem leaving them for weeks at a time to go on vacation with her boyfriend.


I'm happy to see she's getting dragged all over twitter for this. She tweeted something like "everyone has priorities, mine is being a mother". I lost count of the people who called her out for not only always going away for weeks at a time without them but also how she basically insulted the mothers who actually have to work hard when she also tweeted she felt spread so thin and she didn't want more work. The ironic thing is yeah the Xmas card shoot were long hours but her kids were right there for it.

Shes damn lucky she's not one of those mothers who have to work grueling hours just to put food on the table and have no choice but to miss a lot of time with their kids.

She also retweeted a tweet towards her saying its tough being the prettiest Kardashian, and she added "that's a fact". Smug much? 

Edited by howmanywords
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Kourtney wants to have her cake and eat it too. Her lifestyle and ability to have multiple kids while not holding down a job/maintain the public's interest which would financially support those things independently are courtesy of her "disgusting family." Kourtney drew a line in the sand with the 4 pm departure time bc she feels threatened - she's always been able to play the mother-card to excuse her from hustling for the Kardashian empire, meeting deadlines, etc. But now that 5 of the 6 Ks have/will soon have  children, and still manage to be productive (well, not sure about the Sock King), Kourtney's excuses and identity within the family are in jeopardy. The departure time and ensuing brouhaha were Kourtney's way of trying to show she's the bestest, most dedicated mother of them all. 

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On 8/2/2018 at 10:30 PM, iwasish said:

As much as this is likely staged for TV, Kim seemed a bit to happy to rip into Kourtney and Khloe got off on listening to it. 

Khloe could not help herself from laughing several times during the big fight. I don't understand the constant smirk on her face. 

8 hours ago, GaT said:

If they Photoshopped Kendall & Kylie into the photo, why couldn’t they do the same for whoever else couldn’t make that time?

That was the worst Christmas card ever. There was nothing Christmasy about it. Jeans, white tank tops, white background, stupid poses. If that was Kim's idea it was a fail. 

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These bitches are so competitive with each other- over everything!  Now that they are all popping out spawn Kourtney doesn’t feel special any more. I agree with much of what she said to Kim, but it comes from a bitter, jealous place, and Kourtney is just as narcissistic and vain as Kim. 

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11 hours ago, vast wasteland said:

Ah, I understand.  I personally have really never seen her as having a sense of humor, so that interpretation didn't occur to me.  I do, however, think she is the most gorgeous one of the original four Kardashian girls.

Just curious, did it put you off when she made the out of left field remark about Khloe's black couch covers?  I found that rude and condescending.  And if it was just clap back at Kim, it wasn't the most adult way to handle her anger, by deflecting and attacking. 

And I'm laughing at myself because of all my analysis even in the face of my belief that this is predominantly staged drama.?  But you just get drawn in, right? ?

The couch covers remark was on the nasty side. But Kourtney is struggling with how to express her feelings, so  I think at times she strikes out at stupid stuff. That comment kind of got her started and she then segued into her real issues. 

I do think a lot of her comments about life choices are coming from her heart. I think Kim has no right to expect Kourt to be more “accommodating and flexible” just because she has less on her plate.  Kendall never even showed for it and Kylie came at the end, so what was the big deal.

if this stuff is even partially staged, and I don’t think they are that good at acting, it is some nasty shit to say to each other.  I think there are some deep issues there that haven’t been addressed, even Khloe said something about the family being big on sweeping stuff under the rug. 

I do find myself  drawn in mostly by a fascination with their cold sterile homes and the fact that they are dressed and made up to the extent they are just to sit around having mundane conversation and eating take out salad and ice tea.

And Kourt is the most attractive of the Kardashian girls. 

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1 hour ago, bichonblitz said:

Khloe could not help herself from laughing several times during the big fight. I don't understand the constant smirk on her face. 

That was the worst Christmas card ever. There was nothing Christmasy about it. Jeans, white tank tops, white background, stupid poses. If that was Kim's idea it was a fail. 

Kim has no creativity in her at all. That jeans white shirt family picture has been done to death. My sister in law has one of her, my brother and their kids taken 20 years ago. 

Easy solution, they all do their own cards. 

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40 minutes ago, iwasish said:

if this stuff is even partially staged, and I don’t think they are that good at acting, it is some nasty shit to say to each other.  I think there are some deep issues there that haven’t been addressed, even Khloe said something about the family being big on sweeping stuff under the rug. 

When Kendall showed up by herself for the photo shoot at the end of the day and said they were going to photo shop her in to the christmas card, then she said (I'm paraphrasing)"That's how we do it in this family" or "typical for this family", I thought that was very telling. I don't think outside of financial and brand obligations the sisters are very close anymore. Adult lives, different paths, pure bitchiness, etc, etc. 

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iwasish wrote:

I do think a lot of her comments about life choices are coming from her heart. I think Kim has no right to expect Kourt to be more “accommodating and flexible” just because she has less on her plate.  Kendall never even showed for it and Kylie came at the end, so what was the big deal.

I don't know the extent of photoshop capabilities, but I did wonder, if Kendall could be accommodated, why Kourtney couldn't be included in the Christmas card using photoshop. 



iwasish wrote:

I do find myself  drawn in mostly by a fascination with their cold sterile homes and the fact that they are dressed and made up to the extent they are just to sit around having mundane conversation and eating take out salad and ice tea.

I know, right?  Those sterile perfectly clean homes and never a glimpse of household staff (that I remember) that must be required to maintain it.  It's like magic, magic I would love to have, by the way. 

And while I'm sure they are used to it, it is an artificial situation.  I don't think I could be unaware of the cameras.  I can sometimes forget what the scene actually looks like:





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The MUSE's take

Does Kourtney Hate the Other Kardashians As Much As You Do?

Had to chuckle at this part, hadn't thought of the time difference between their fight and last night's twitters.  Also, I understand that dredged up fights from the past do happen, just seems to fall in with the way they use the media for their own purposes.  Actually  I think they are very smart about it.  Plus it seems to work.


from The Muse article:

The Twitter fight that happened last night while the episode aired: Fake as hell!

It’s so weird, how when the episodes air on TV, the Kardashian-Jenner family members all pretend like they’re still feeling exactly how they felt when they filmed the episodes however many months ago. No promo, but this Twitter fight comes across as deeply staged.

Here are the twitters.


Edited by vast wasteland
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51 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

When Kendall showed up by herself for the photo shoot at the end of the day and said they were going to photo shop her in to the christmas card, then she said (I'm paraphrasing)"That's how we do it in this family" or "typical for this family", I thought that was very telling. I don't think outside of financial and brand obligations the sisters are very close anymore. Adult lives, different paths, pure bitchiness, etc, etc. 

I’m honestly wondering why if they were ever close, to tell you the truth. I said it before but the show always tried to act like they were super close before this show even started- inwouldnkayer read that this wasn’t true at all. That Kourtney And Khloe rarely saw Kim before they filmed.(Rob was off doing college and stuff, and the Kendall and Kylie were kids so it made sense). The early years of the show they may have been closer but it’s dunny that they tried to make it seem they had an unbreakable bond and I’m not entirely sure they did. I think Khloe and kourtney May have always been close but I think Kim was always off doing her own thing.

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2017 article on how the Kardashians feel about filming the series:

Inside the Toll 10 Years of Keeping Up with the Kardashians Has Taken on Kim, Kylie, Khloé, Kourtney, Kendall & Kris



According to Kris, 61, only one of her five daughters wasn’t as on board with the idea at first: “The only person I got any resistance from was Kourtney,” she said. “She was sort of skeptical.”

“I remember in season one being like, ‘I have to go the bathroom,’ and I’d cry in there as quietly as I could because I was still mic’d,” admitted Kourtney, 38. “I never want to cry in front of cameras.”

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17 hours ago, howmanywords said:

I'm happy to see she's getting dragged all over twitter for this. She tweeted something like "everyone has priorities, mine is being a mother". I lost count of the people who called her out for not only always going away for weeks at a time without them but also how she basically insulted the mothers who actually have to work hard when she also tweeted she felt spread so thin and she didn't want more work. The ironic thing is yeah the Xmas card shoot were long hours but her kids were right there for it.

Shes damn lucky she's not one of those mothers who have to work grueling hours just to put food on the table and have no choice but to miss a lot of time with their kids.

She also retweeted a tweet towards her saying its tough being the prettiest Kardashian, and she added "that's a fact". Smug much? 


She didn't insult mothers who work. I find it hilarious how viewers can get so sucked into this shit that they think that they're somehow the Kardashians. Taking someone else's world and applying that context to your own, very different reality, is pretty narcissistic so I would disagree with every single Twitter person who trashed her online for that comment as if it had anything to do with them. Kourtney has the privilege of being able to choose how much she wants to work and how much she wants to travel and how much time she wants to spend doing things with her children. That is not a luxury that the average woman has and the fact that she can make a comment that is very true to her own reality and have that be twisted into some kind of sinister insult toward working moms is a great example of what's wrong with the internet. Everyone has different ambitions and there's nothing wrong with one person being willing to juggle 100 things on their plate while someone else chooses to juggle 3. It's also hypocritical of the social media world to bitch about the lack of talent and contrived nature of the Kardashian family and how they get rich off of their fakeness and then when one of them steps up and said 'I'm tired of this facade, I have enough and am happy so let me be happy traveling the world, being in love and spending time with my children', now the narrative is 'what an ungrateful bitch'. Kourtney said everything that the rest of the Kardashian critics have said and now she's a piece of shit for it. This isn't Scientology, she didn't sign a billion year contract to do TV with her sisters. And of course it's seen as selfish, because anything you do that isn't flexible to someone else's wants is always seen as you being selfish. 

And there was no irony about the kids being at the shoot - the point was that she wanted to be home early with her kids so that they could have dinner, spend time together and she could put them to bed. Instead Kim made an executive decision to take two business meetings because she figured it was more important so everyone else should be accommodating in order to 'make memories'. She knew Kourntey's plan to spend quality time with her children that evening, and she ended up booking Kourtney and her kids at 10:30 PM! 

And I could have many words with idiots on Twitter that take offense to Kourtney supposedly insulting working moms but have no issues with shaming Kourtney for going on vacation with her boyfriend and not having her children attached at her hip in every country and in every picture. So much hypocrisy, it's outstanding. There has been plenty of evidence of Kourtney not wanting to do the show in the first place. So many examples of Kourtney talking about wanting to do less of the shows and feeling over exposed. Yes, she made money from it (enough that she doesn't have to do anything else for the rest of her life), but she sacrificed her own misgivings and sacrificed more privacy than she wanted for the sake of her family's vision - why shouldn't she take her money, enjoy her money and be able to choose when she wants to step out into the spotlight? 

Edited by RHJunkie
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2 hours ago, vast wasteland said:

I don't know the extent of photoshop capabilities, but I did wonder, if Kendall could be accommodated, why Kourtney couldn't be included in the Christmas card using photoshop. 


I know, right?  Those sterile perfectly clean homes and never a glimpse of household staff (that I remember) that must be required to maintain it.  It's like magic, magic I would love to have, by the way. 

And while I'm sure they are used to it, it is an artificial situation.  I don't think I could be unaware of the cameras.  I can sometimes forget what the scene actually looks like:





That artificiality must be what Kouetney was talking about when she said something about fake conversations. It would bug me too if i had to give up time with my kids(if I had  them) to go get dolled up and sit around talking about shit that happened weeks ago or is going to happen soon, while others “um Yeahed” and “for sured” texted and played with their hair. (Not saying she doesn’t do those things too, just that she’s realized or is realizing what a waste of time and life it is.

It may have been fun and exciting on the earlier seasons but after 10+years and getting well into their thirties, with kids and lives outside their nuclear family it’s wearing on all of them. I say stop the show as a series and maybe do a couple two hour specials around holidays or even their vacation get togethers.  They need a breather from each other. None of them are coming across well  so far. And Kris just looks useless.

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That whole photoshoot "design" screamed Kanye. Even the boring denim look seemed to be something he came up with.

After seeing how upset Kourtney got about being told she's the least interesting to look at can you imagine the reaction when that Maxim list came out? Now I really hope we see that played out on the show. That list was one thing that couldn't be made up for TV.

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5 minutes ago, howmanywords said:

That whole photoshoot "design" screamed Kanye. Even the boring denim look seemed to be something he came up with.

After seeing how upset Kourtney got about being told she's the least interesting to look at can you imagine the reaction when that Maxim list came out? Now I really hope we see that played out on the show. That list was one thing that couldn't be made up for TV.

Kourt repeated it as “interesting” - Kim actually said “least exciting.” I wonder if that encouraged Kourt to do all those bikini shots and the sexy ad with Younes - and, after all that, she still didn’t make that Maxim list. Maybe it’ll teach her not to keep up with the Kardashians, at least when it comes to skin pics.

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48 minutes ago, RHJunkie said:

She didn't insult mothers who work. I find it hilarious how viewers can get so sucked into this shit that they think that they're somehow the Kardashians. Taking someone else's world and applying that context to your own, very different reality, is pretty narcissistic so I would disagree with every single Twitter person who trashed her online for that comment as if it had anything to do with them. Kourtney has the privilege of being able to choose how much she wants to work and how much she wants to travel and how much time she wants to spend doing things with her children. That is not a luxury that the average woman has and the fact that she can make a comment that is very true to her own reality and have that be twisted into some kind of sinister insult toward working moms is a great example of what's wrong with the internet. Everyone has different ambitions and there's nothing wrong with one person being willing to juggle 100 things on their plate while someone else chooses to juggle 3. It's also hypocritical of the social media world to bitch about the lack of talent and contrived nature of the Kardashian family and how they get rich off of their fakeness and then when one of them steps up and said 'I'm tired of this facade, I have enough and am happy so let me be happy traveling the world, being in love and spending time with my children', now the narrative is 'what an ungrateful bitch'. Kourtney said everything that the rest of the Kardashian critics have said and now she's a piece of shit for it. This is Scientology, she didn't sign a billion year contract to do TV with her sisters. And of course it's seen as selfish, because anything you do that isn't flexible to someone else's wants is always seen as you being selfish. 

And there was no irony about the kids being at the shoot - the point was that she wanted to be home early with her kids so that they could have dinner, spend time together and she could put them to bed. Instead Kim made an executive decision to take two business meetings because she figured it was more important so everyone else should be accommodating in order to 'make memories'. She knew Kourntey's plan to spend quality time with her children that evening, and she ended up booking Kourtney and her kids at 10:30 PM! 

And I could have many words with idiots on Twitter that take offense to Kourtney supposedly insulting working moms but have no issues with shaming Kourtney for going on vacation with her boyfriend and not having her children attached at her hip in every country and in every picture. So much hypocrisy, it's outstanding. There has been plenty of evidence of Kourtney not wanting to do the show in the first place. So many examples of Kourtney talking about wanting to do less of the shows and feeling over exposed. Yes, she made money from it (enough that she doesn't have to do anything else for the rest of her life), but she sacrificed her own misgivings and sacrificed more privacy than she wanted for the sake of her family's vision - why shouldn't she take her money, enjoy her money and be able to choose when she wants to step out into the spotlight? 

We all see things within the show that strike a chord in our lives. Some see themselves in Kim, others Khloe and other Kourtney. And sometimes we flip flop depending on our circumstances and life situations. And we can get too heavily invested when our favorite is under attack. 

I totally agree with your point about Kourt. She’s never seemed  as invested in the show as the others, and has always come across as uncomfortable on camera particularly in serious moments of her life. She was also in a difficult relationship that was turned into fodder on the show,yes she allowed it, but I think she was trying to fulfill the commitment she made to her family re the show. 

Kim planned the photo shoot on a day when SHE had major commitments, Kourt told her up front that she was available from 11-4. 5 hrs is plenty. It doesn’t matter if the rest of day she sat on her ass staring at the wall. That’s her choice. Kim’s choice was to schedule a long full day for herself. Did Kim expect the old lady MJ to spend an entire day there or be available at 5 am or 11pm? I doubt it.  She was annoyed that Kourtney didn’t make things easy for her and in her new persona of not taking shit from people she decided to make a point. 

Kourtney and Scott are no longer a couple. They do coparent and at times  they do things together with the kids. But when Scott has them with him, Kourt is free to do as she pleases, take vacations etc with her boyfriend and Scott can do the same. I’m sure they both communicate with the children while they are with the opposite parent.  I don’t think this is what Kourtney wanted for her kids, she wanted an intact family. I get why she doesn’t want lots of other distractions on her life. 

If the family truly is “ride or die “, she should get equal respect for the choices she’s made as Kim wants for her choices (and Khloe too).

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Kris has said that Kourt wore black for a year after she married Bruce - maybe even then she disapproved of her mother’s quest for fame and money. At this point she’s worked the Kardashian job she didn’t want, and the upside is that she can live well now and do what she wants with regard to more work.

Hope we see some of her therapy, though for her sake we shouldn’t. Good that she’s learning to share her feelings, rather than to act out with rudeness or to clam up with her signature monotone. She’ll need lots of support the more she questions her family’s narcissistic underpinnings and power structure. Younes seems good for her - she lights up around him and her voice is full of emotion. 

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Kourt is just as attractive as Kim. More attractive than Khloe. Plus... she has the best body of all of them. No big, fat, fake, lumpy, low hanging ass on Kourt. I wish she would have said something about that to her sisters! 

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To me, Kourtney's problem right now is she's lost her identity. They all had a role to play, Kris is the "momager", Kourtney is "the mother", Kim is "the sexy one", Khloe is the "no longer fat sister", Kendall is "the model", Kylie is the "makeup mogul", & Rob is "the male".  Everybody had clearly defined roles, then Kim started having kids & screwed with Kourtney's role. Then Rob, Kylie & Khloe had kids, & Kourtney was no longer "the mother", she became just another mother in the family. Everyone else who has kids has something else going on too (OK, maybe not Rob unless you count going to court with Blac Chyna as "something else"), but all Kourtney has is being "the mother" so the only thing that made her kind of special (besides being the only one who dates white guys) has been taken away from her. IMO she does have the best body, but not the type of body that the Kardashians are known for, so all the posting of her naked selfies still isn't getting her the attention she wants. She also doesn't seem to want to hustle to get the attention like her sisters do, which is fine, but she needs to get over using her kids as an excuse as to why she can't do things. She just has to accept the fact that unless she works to change it, she's never going to be the most popular Kardashian.

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1 hour ago, iwasish said:

We all see things within the show that strike a chord in our lives. Some see themselves in Kim, others Khloe and other Kourtney. And sometimes we flip flop depending on our circumstances and life situations. And we can get too heavily invested when our favorite is under attack. 

I totally agree with your point about Kourt. She’s never seemed  as invested in the show as the others, and has always come across as uncomfortable on camera particularly in serious moments of her life. She was also in a difficult relationship that was turned into fodder on the show,yes she allowed it, but I think she was trying to fulfill the commitment she made to her family re the show. 

Kim planned the photo shoot on a day when SHE had major commitments, Kourt told her up front that she was available from 11-4. 5 hrs is plenty. It doesn’t matter if the rest of day she sat on her ass staring at the wall. That’s her choice. Kim’s choice was to schedule a long full day for herself. Did Kim expect the old lady MJ to spend an entire day there or be available at 5 am or 11pm? I doubt it.  She was annoyed that Kourtney didn’t make things easy for her and in her new persona of not taking shit from people she decided to make a point. 

Kourtney and Scott are no longer a couple. They do coparent and at times  they do things together with the kids. But when Scott has them with him, Kourt is free to do as she pleases, take vacations etc with her boyfriend and Scott can do the same. I’m sure they both communicate with the children while they are with the opposite parent.  I don’t think this is what Kourtney wanted for her kids, she wanted an intact family. I get why she doesn’t want lots of other distractions on her life. 

If the family truly is “ride or die “, she should get equal respect for the choices she’s made as Kim wants for her choices (and Khloe too).

That's the very important point that people need to remember before they go online and attack people for things they didn't actually say. I get people who can understand Kim's frustration because for someone who makes herself as busy as Kim, it seems like a simple enough request to ask her less busy family member to accommodate her. But what many people online did toward Kourtney is exactly what Kim did in her reaction to Kourtney in that episode. Talking about her priorities isn't automatically inferring that Kim doesn't prioritize her children, it was saying that Kourntey has made her children her only true priority in life and it shouldn't be thrown in her face that she's lazy because she made that choice. Her point was that if just being a mom is all she did in her life, then that's still enough and she shouldn't be shamed for it. 

I also agree about the vacation bit. People are quick to throw it in her face that she leaves her kids behind to vacation with her boyfriend but she's free to do what she wants while her children are with their father and when they aren't with their father, she takes the kids on vacation with her. 

ALL 3 sisters are rude as fuck to each other. They are all judgemental and make quips at each other and toward their mom. The only people that are saved their rudeness seems to be Kendell and Kylie. It's interesting at the respective points in their lives, Kourtney feels she needs to express her feelings more and do so constructively (which is why she came back to speak to her sisters again and do so without cussing or raising her voice) while Kim doubled down and feels that because she hasn't been confrontational in the past, the 'new' Kim is just going to be rude as fuck to anyone she wants and has no fucks to give. I think all 3 of them need therapists. And I hope at some point, Kourtney learns through her therapy that even though she may like something and feel knowledgable in an area, she needs to when when to share an opinion and how to share an opinion. She was a total bitch going on about the black covers. 

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6 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

When Kendall showed up by herself for the photo shoot at the end of the day and said they were going to photo shop her in to the christmas card, then she said (I'm paraphrasing)"That's how we do it in this family" or "typical for this family", I thought that was very telling. I don't think outside of financial and brand obligations the sisters are very close anymore. Adult lives, different paths, pure bitchiness, etc, etc. 

All of the Kardashian's are at a different place in their lives. Kylie and Kendall do not have as much in common as their older sisters, Kourtney, Kim, and Khloe. It actually would be odd if the 5 sisters spent at lot of time together. The Kardashians are business associates which is why they can be so mean and rude to each other. Sisters who are close would not say the things that they do on a regular basis.

I realize that those of us who live outside of the Kardashian bubble would never speak to a business associate or coworker in such a terrible manner. The Kardashians have a very limited vocabulary. The show would be cut in half if they eliminated "like," "fuck," and "bitch."

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5 hours ago, RHJunkie said:

That's the very important point that people need to remember before they go online and attack people for things they didn't actually say. I get people who can understand Kim's frustration because for someone who makes herself as busy as Kim, it seems like a simple enough request to ask her less busy family member to accommodate her. But what many people online did toward Kourtney is exactly what Kim did in her reaction to Kourtney in that episode. Talking about her priorities isn't automatically inferring that Kim doesn't prioritize her children, it was saying that Kourntey has made her children her only true priority in life and it shouldn't be thrown in her face that she's lazy because she made that choice. Her point was that if just being a mom is all she did in her life, then that's still enough and she shouldn't be shamed for it. 

I could not agree more! No one has any business shaming Kourtney for not wanting to work more than she already does and while some working mothers may kill to do what she does, I don't think people understand how much they have all had to give to be there. Kourtney strikes me as someone who would have been totally find being a trophy wife to some hedgefund guy, raising her kids and being head of the PTA. I think when they were younger it was easier to give more, but as your kids age and notice more---a lot of what goes on isn't so cool anymore. And while it's natural for people to be jealous of what she has, Kourtney is very involved with her kids but they have a dad too. If they're with dad who cares if she goes on vacation with her boyfriend---hell, I'd do it to! 

3 hours ago, vast wasteland said:


Of course it was, now we're gonna get a lot more fighting. 

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Kourtney is the least exciting to look at... if your definition of “exciting” is “voluntarily mangled, deformed, cheap, and greasy.” Kim always looked disgusting to me and Khloéëęê??! has started to lately, too. Kourtney’s recent work isn’t great but at least she still looks human. 

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14 hours ago, iwasish said:

I guess we’ll be getting a lot of screaming fighting and crying and cursing for the rest of the season. 

The neilson rankings for Sunday are just in.  KUWTK was ranked #1 for cable shows, with an estimated 1.3Mill viewers.  90 day fiancé had an estimated 1.8Mill viewers but only ranked #3 because the Kardashians have a mainly 18-49 year old female viewing demographic.  At any rate, 1.3 mill isn’t a great premiere, and their numbers usually drop off significantly as the season goes on.   

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My thing is this: if Kourtney doesn't want to take on all the outside businesses her sisters do, then that's fine, but IMO, she is obligated to put in effort with regards to the show and the brand, since she collects a check from both. 

I'd side-eye Kim if she was asking Kourtney to miss her child's school play or graduation or any other significant event, but come on, one evening isn't going to irreparably damage them for life. 

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1 hour ago, BitterApple said:

My thing is this: if Kourtney doesn't want to take on all the outside businesses her sisters do, then that's fine, but IMO, she is obligated to put in effort with regards to the show and the brand, since she collects a check from both. 

I'd side-eye Kim if she was asking Kourtney to miss her child's school play or graduation or any other significant event, but come on, one evening isn't going to irreparably damage them for life. 

I’m getting the feeling that Kourtney was mad about something else and was being passive agressive about the photo shoot instead because she couldn’t talk about the other thing, whatever it was..  According to NYmag’s recap, the scene with Kim, Kourt and Khloe where Kourt complains about the black furniture covers was filmed a few days after the glam room/phone fight.  

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1 hour ago, BitterApple said:

My thing is this: if Kourtney doesn't want to take on all the outside businesses her sisters do, then that's fine, but IMO, she is obligated to put in effort with regards to the show and the brand, since she collects a check from both. 

I'd side-eye Kim if she was asking Kourtney to miss her child's school play or graduation or any other significant event, but come on, one evening isn't going to irreparably damage them for life. 

Yes, but they didn't have a card last year and the brand didn't suffer. Hell Kendall was photoshopped into the picture, why couldn't Kourtney also be photoshopped? The reality is, this is what Kim wanted and she should have moved around her schedule if it was THAT important to her. It doesn't matter if Kourtney wanted to sit at home and eat bonbons, she gave a window of availability and it should have been respected. Getting shamed for not doing enough, when she does enough for the brand is a low blow. 

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How could there NOT be division and conflict with photos like this one? Her sibs are probably sick and tired of Queen Kim - and Kris probably loves that angst because it keeps everyone in competition mode, which is good for profits and for Kris’ ego.


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I haven't seen this episode yet, so I'm commenting based off of previews, articles, and this thread. However, I've always found Kourtney to be the most likeable and the most relatable of the sisters.  But let's call a spade a spade - if she wants out, she can get out.  It can really be as simple as walking away for her.  Yes, her family might get pissed, but as others have said, I don't think that they are as close as they want you to believe, not to mention, as things have evolved, she's probably the one we could most easily remove from the family brand without feeling an impact.  She has money.  She has a brain.  She can downgrade her lifestyle and still live better than 99% of this country for the rest of her life.  

So why doesn't she leave?  $$$?  Greed?  Guilt/obligation?  All of the above?  Or because it's all fake and she's just as much as a famewhore now as the others?

It's funny, I sometimes think that if SHE had been the one to meet Kris Humphries she would have been perfectly happy going to raise her family in Montana and fading into obscurity.  

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3 hours ago, BitterApple said:

My thing is this: if Kourtney doesn't want to take on all the outside businesses her sisters do, then that's fine, but IMO, she is obligated to put in effort with regards to the show and the brand, since she collects a check from both. 

I'd side-eye Kim if she was asking Kourtney to miss her child's school play or graduation or any other significant event, but come on, one evening isn't going to irreparably damage them for life. 

You are right, she has an obligation to the show. One thing she did say that made me understand her position was that she was sick of sitting around wasting time on fake conversations. And it’s true, so much of the show is clearly a set up to discuss something that happened weeks ago or hasn’t even happened yet, with Kim and Khloe distractedly playing with their phones or hair and barely interested in whatever is being said, or two of them talking about nothing until the third strolls in. How many times have we seen Kourtney driving along with Kim talking about something and Kim responds with a comment like “ I don’t even know what flavors deodorant comes in anymore” WTF?

I’d be upset too if that’s what I was doing when I could be doing something with my kids or something for myself. The show was supposed to be a fun representative look at their lives. Watching Khloe play nonstop with her hair, see Kim getting made up over and over again and droning in with the umm yeahs and the likes and the fer sures.

Just showing up to film isn’t honoring the spirit of the show and they are all guilty of it. If it’s no longer satisfying to all of them, they should wrap it up.

They can all live happy fun lives on what they’ve earned and if Kim wants to be a mogul, no ones stopping her.

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16 minutes ago, iwasish said:

 The show was supposed to be a fun representative look at their lives. Watching Khloe play nonstop with her hair, see Kim getting made up over and over again and droning in with the umm yeahs and the likes and the fer sures.

Just showing up to film isn’t honoring the spirit of the show and they are all guilty of it. If it’s no longer satisfying to all of them, they should wrap it up.

They can all live happy fun lives on what they’ve earned and if Kim wants to be a mogul, no ones stopping her.

What I liked about the earlier seasons was that equal mix of wealth porn and yet relatable plots like the sibling rivalry and food fights.  Even their parties were like a fancy version of a backyard cookout.  Now that they all pretty much have their own families, mansions, and businesses, these 30 second scenes at each other’s homes in the middle of the day to talk about the theme for Kim’s third baby shower are horribly contrived.  Kourtney was one of the original three musketeers so she can’t back out now and risk the sisterly ride or die brand.  

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I don't know that Kourtney would be missed if she left the show. This show has a Real Housewives feel to it. Anyone could really leave without it impacting the show too much. Others would simply fill the void. Kylie seems to be over the show. She is rarely on. Kendall is there pouting when she shows up. Kim and Khloe are the only two who really make up screen time. Kris is like a potted plant. She is there to tell everyone that she is going to be somewhere else if they need her and to give Corey something to do. Rob is just a mention and I bet he gets a check. 

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1 hour ago, Shangrilala said:

I haven't seen this episode yet, so I'm commenting based off of previews, articles, and this thread. However, I've always found Kourtney to be the most likeable and the most relatable of the sisters.  But let's call a spade a spade - if she wants out, she can get out.  It can really be as simple as walking away for her.  Yes, her family might get pissed, but as others have said, I don't think that they are as close as they want you to believe, not to mention, as things have evolved, she's probably the one we could most easily remove from the family brand without feeling an impact.  She has money.  She has a brain.  She can downgrade her lifestyle and still live better than 99% of this country for the rest of her life.  

So why doesn't she leave?  $$$?  Greed?  Guilt/obligation?  All of the above?  Or because it's all fake and she's just as much as a famewhore now as the others?


Exactly. Rob is pretty much gone without hurting anything, if she's tired of doing the show, she can just leave, but she won't. She wants the fame, she wants the money, she doesn't want to do the work to earn it.

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2 hours ago, nexxie said:

How could there NOT be division and conflict with photos like this one? Her sibs are probably sick and tired of Queen Kim - and Kris probably loves that angst because it keeps everyone in competition mode, which is good for profits and for Kris’ ego.


The thing is though, its always been like this. Even going back to the very first season Kim was centered as the star by being front in center in the opening credits. That above picture was used for promo last season and the commercial that was shown was even worse. It showed all the girls, quick shots, then the camera panned to Kim up and down in slow motion and you see her strutting away. Maybe by now they just assumed there would be more equal billing.


32 minutes ago, GaT said:

Exactly. Rob is pretty much gone without hurting anything, if she's tired of doing the show, she can just leave, but she won't. She wants the fame, she wants the money, she doesn't want to do the work to earn it.

In next week's preview Kourtney is crying about how she can't handle filming another season and it's filming. Khloe flat out says "OK so get out". She wont though but will keep complaining about "work".

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1 hour ago, Showthyme said:

I don't know that Kourtney would be missed if she left the show. This show has a Real Housewives feel to it. Anyone could really leave without it impacting the show too much. Others would simply fill the void. Kylie seems to be over the show. She is rarely on. Kendall is there pouting when she shows up. Kim and Khloe are the only two who really make up screen time. Kris is like a potted plant. She is there to tell everyone that she is going to be somewhere else if they need her and to give Corey something to do. Rob is just a mention and I bet he gets a check. 

I would miss her - it’s refreshing that she doesn’t just fall in line, or desperately change her looks like Kim and Khloe.

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My favorite part was everyone's agreement that Kylie is now Kris' fave. Fave = cash cow

i also think the phone fight/aftermath was real because no way is Kourt that good of an actress.

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5 minutes ago, Maire said:

My favorite part was everyone's agreement that Kylie is now Kris' fave. Fave = cash cow

i also think the phone fight/aftermath was real because no way is Kourt that good of an actress.

About Kylie’s new position, Kim just had to say that it’s okay since she had ten years in the spot.

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I think the whole show is staged and extremely fake , but I know that there's no way their lives are perfect and I have no doubt that they all hate each other out of jealousy for one reason or another . Kim has the main fame and is known as the center of it all , kourtney is naturally very attractive , Khloe has the personality ( out of all of them which isn't saying much ), Kendall is a supermodel and Kylie is now the richest . None of them have it all . Hell I think kris even secretly hates them because they're younger than her and she wishes the height of her fame was when she was in her 20s/30s. But they all are just so manufactured and nothing about them seems like they are real people . I think kourtney being the oldest and living the most years without the fame , probably is most down to earth and feels the affects of the change of lifestyle the most because she's lived without it whereas the other girls ( mainly Kylie and Kendall ) pretty much don't know any different . I get the skeeviest vibe from Kim out of all of them though because she really does just seem void of any soul and the only thing on her mind is the next selfie . 

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This may be the one time I didn't think the exchange between the sisters was fake.  I think Kourtney is just lost,  Growing up, I think Kris felt that Kim was the "pretty one," so Kris favored her.  Then Kim became exponentially more famous and successful and the favoritism continued.  The one thing Kourtney had for a while that Kim didn't have were children; so I think being a mom became Kourtney's "thing".  Now that they both have children, Kourtney tries to distinguish herself from Kim by claiming (rightfully or not) to be more of a hands on parent.  Kim calling Kourtney out, claiming that the reason Kourtney didn't want to do shoots etc. was because she was lazy, rather than because she was some super mom, and then reminding Kourtney that she'll never be as exciting (physically or fame-wise) as Kim probably fed into all Kourtney's insecurities/struck a nerve-- so she just lost it.  

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4 hours ago, nexxie said:

Too funny - I’d like to sit in on the brainstorming sessions where they come up with these storylines!

Didn’t Kris just complain about Kourtney being a know it all with architecture and design?

Those books behind Kris.... All different  titles and authors but all yellow.  Why do I think she selected them for the color not the content?

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11 minutes ago, iwasish said:

Didn’t Kris just complain about Kourtney being a know it all with architecture and design?

Those books behind Kris.... All different  titles and authors but all yellow.  Why do I think she selected them for the color not the content?

Good ol’ Faye Resnick probably chose those yellow books!

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