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1 minute ago, ghoulina said:

This was my first thought - now the dude with the heart issue is going to have to take care of little Miss Broke Foot. Real shitty. 

She didn’t belong going in the first place, but I guess the contract requires that she go.  And, who else would show their titties for the world to see?  Only Tamra.  Oh, and Bethenny. Lol.

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8 minutes ago, Reality police said:

Doesn't she have the same issue with pooping?

Yep; that is why she favors colonics.  The woman was seriously fucked up at a very early developmental stage.  Sometimes I think she hasn't reached object permanence yet.

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11 minutes ago, Gem 10 said:

She didn’t belong going in the first place, but I guess the contract requires that she go.  And, who else would show their titties for the world to see?  Only Tamra.  Oh, and Bethenny. Lol.

You left out Sonja. 

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All the new stuff with the two new housewives on the playground has made me hate children. If I never see another housewife with her oh-so-brilliant-and-uniquely-adorable-brat it will be too soon!!! Get these monsters of my screen!!! I’m not charmed!!!

And by the way... I love kids! I just hate watching them on tv. 

Except Milania guidice. She can stay. And hang out with me. 

I would actually pay to watch Milania eat their lunch. ;)

Edited by VedaPierce
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13 hours ago, Mu Shu said:

I need an arm candyman.  Fuck it, I am going to skew younger and get me a man in his thirties.  Just enchant his ass.  Wish me luck.

Please let me know how this goes, @Mu Shu.  You know, for a friend.

Kelly, Jolie is 11 years old.  She's a CHILD.  She's not your bestie, your friend or a counselor.  She doesn't need to hear about your friendship problems or you claiming that you're not friends with her dad.  If you feel that you need to seek advice from a child, you really have larger problems at hand than Vicki double dating with Michael - - the man you said you hoped would find a girlfriend.

The cheese may stand alone but I like that Kelly lives in a condo.  A little more realistic for some of us (i.e., me) than the Olive Garden-esque McMansions the rest of these 'hos live in.   Don't get me wrong - - Kelly's "taste" sucks.  But I imagine that condo is in Newport and not cheap. It's just more realistic for Kelly and Jolie (and their dog) than some huge spread.

While I'm glad the Mexico trip was fun for Vicki, Shannon and Tamra (other than Tamra breaking her foot), they are pretty embarrassing.  College girls at Mardi Gras or in Lauderdale may flash their boobs at a bar but Tamra?  Girl . . . .you're over 50 and you have a grandbaby.  Get it together.  

I'm sure Eddy appreciated being left at home with the construction, recovering from heart surgery while Tamra went to whoop it up with the currently prim and proper Vicki and sad and Spanxed Shannon.  

Vicki - Tamra was actually right about the Michael situation (ye gods.)  Steve and Michael can hang out but you probably shouldn't hang it with him if you want to remain friends with Kelly.

I like the new girl Gina okay.  She seems funny and I'm okay with her so far.  Don't need to see her kids constantly though.

The lawyer lady - - I don't know.  Her kids clearly run the house.  Does she ever deal with them by herself? 

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17 minutes ago, Wicked said:

I have no issue with Tamra going away for a couple of days, she didn't leave him for a week, just a weekend.  And if he's up to going out to lunch and drinking martinis, he's ok to be home alone for two days.  He seems like a pragmatic kind of guy, he knows this is her job and a huge source of income.

This harkens back to when Gretchen was on the show and Tamra gave her mountains of shat for going to "Bass Lake" for a day or two while Gretchen's fiance was in the hospital. Tamra went in on her hard for leaving her ailing fiance - thus why I suspect viewers are giving Tamra the bidness about leaving Eddie... ;) 

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I'm not sure I would have left my husband at home to go on a girls trip while he was home recovering from heart related surgery. Scratch that, I'm sure I wouldn't have gone. I wonder if Tamra's decision to go was dictated by contract obligations. Now in her drunken state she's gone and injured herself - who takes care of who now? The women seemed like they did have fun which is good but if I were any of their children, I would be cringing at the fact that they've displayed that behaviour on national television. I'm pretty sure my mother doesn't behave like that but if she did, that's her prerogative but it would be nice if she allowed me to be blissfully ignorant about what she does and how she behaves when she's out having her fun. I'm confused by Whoop It Up Vicki thought that the only alternative to not going into the hot tub naked was to sit in her bathrobe and sulking on the couch. Why not just have put on a bathing suit or bikini and gone in with the women? Why do you think your fun is being restrained because you can't dance on the bar or go naked in the hot tub? There's a lot of people who have a shit ton of fun without feeling the need to do either of those things, lol.

I side with Kelly on the whole Todd/Vicki situation and Vicki is showing that she hasn't changed all that much by not taking accountability for how her shady behaviour affected someone else. If you didn't intend to be malicious, why can't you just say sorry and accept that you handled the situation in a way that your friend didn't appreciate? Oh that's right, you're Vicki and you're forever the victim no matter how complicit or deceitful you are.

Kelly seems to have a well adjusted daughter on her hands. Seeing the likes of her and Ramona seemingly have quite mature daughters who seem so different from them, I wonder if they're penchant for treating their children like their friends and being unhinged was a catalyst for their daughters to feel like they need to grow up and be an adult faster than they need to. It was completely inappropriate of Kelly to give her daughter the lowdown and seek advice on a matter that relates to her father. Let your child be a child. Figure out some other way to deal with your grown up issues.

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4 hours ago, CrinkleCutCat said:

I adore Shannon when she shows the world what many of us struggle with. The struggle with weight as you get older, the hit to your self esteem, trying to deal with the fact you now realise you were pretty smug and enjoyed your younger slimmer body and now you struggle to let go of your desire to still have that body because at your age you know that that’s societal pressure to look a certain way and you know you shouldn’t succumb to that pressure....but damn, you do want your younger body and damn it does hit your self esteem.... and damn your younger self for being so smug!

You don’t want to jump into the spa and show off your older body... but then you’re old enough to let go of the worry (alcohol probably reduces the care factor!) about flashing your not so perfect body (perfect in who’s world... who sets that bar?). The struggle...not just with your new body and your struggle to accept changes with age, but the struggle regarding knowing you shouldn’t be body shaming yourself. You really understand the body/health business that we live in and the media portrayal of the perfect physique and how that effects us and our behaviours ....blah blah blah. You get all that yet you still feel body shame. 

Shannon not wanting to get ‘nekkid ‘ for the spa? Yes! Shannon letting go of the fear? Yes! Shannon showing us her gorgeous not size zero body? Yes!  I do not want her to ever feel embarrassed about showing off all her body fears, and remedies (the spanx) and then flashing her body. I think she’s a great role model for her daughters, and all of us, for letting us see and normalise the struggle.

Shannon is the reason I love the OC over the other shows and what you said seals it.  She isnt afraid to show her whole self..flaws and all.  I think Andy Cohen secretly wishes he could clone her for all his other shows.  Jeana, back in the day, was also that relatable person on the OC. 

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28 minutes ago, Wicked said:

I have no issue with Tamra going away for a couple of days, she didn't leave him for a week, just a weekend.  And if he's up to going out to lunch and drinking martinis, he's ok to be home alone for two days.  He seems like a pragmatic kind of guy, he knows this is her job and a huge source of income.

In theory I don't really have an issue either. I think they were there, what? Two days? Not a huge deal. And Eddie is always very frank with her. So I'm sure he would have said something if there were an issue. 

However, it's so deliciously fun to make Bass Lake references! 

Also, she should have been more careful. Getting SO drunk that she thought it was a good idea to jump into a hot tub was just plain stupid. She now has a broken foot and is going home to a man with a heart condition. It smells a bit of selfishness. 

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15 hours ago, Straycat80 said:

I’d rather watch Vicki, Tamra and Shannon get shit faced in Mexico than watch the new HW’s ‘exercise’ with their kids. Boring. The new blonde talks like Kim Kardashian. And that’s not a compliment. 

Those people watching  Vicki, Shannon and Tamra doing shots and pissing themselves at the airport did not look amused. 

I know!!! No one was laughing! Neither was I! News flash—we don’t think you are fun and cute! We are embarrassed for you! Stupid old fools. 

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15 hours ago, WhoaWhoKnew said:

I do like seeing them get hammered and act a fool if it happens organically. This seems like they set out to get drunk and sloppy for tv, whereas the NYC ladies always just seem to end up there in the course of the evening.

Yes! X 10! It seemed forced and try-hard and hammy to me. 

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13 hours ago, Mu Shu said:

Nah, I live in south Florida.  Slim pickings here.

speaking of SoFla, does Kelly live in West Boca in 1990?  Her decor is really shitty.  Tell me that was a wet bar and not her kitchen.  

Her place is too small for all that crap. Furniture is too big. Too many Knick-knacks. Not enough wall space for those face plates-which were really in about 15 years ago...I feel like I would have to walk sideways a lot to maneuver around the couch, chairs. Over done. Like our sweet kelly. 

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3 minutes ago, VedaPierce said:

Her place is too small for all that crap. Furniture is too big. Too many Knick-knacks. Not enough wall space for those face plates-which were really in about 15 years ago...I feel like I would have to walk sideways a lot to maneuver around the couch, chairs. Over done. Like our sweet kelly. 

I stopped living like that back in the 80's! Ever since '90, I wanted and needed more room so I wouldn't stub my toe on furniture and other crap we all love to have in the home! I require at least 1000 sq. ft. and I don't know how families make do with less!? ;-)

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16 hours ago, Straycat80 said:

Kelly, stop involving your 11 year old daughter in your adult problems. Definitely not winning mother of the year here. 

That was the most reprehensible thing on last night's episode...involving your pre teen daughter in your adult issues that include a matter involving the child's father...awful. Get a therapist Kelly.

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6 hours ago, kicksave said:

That was the most reprehensible thing on last night's episode...involving your pre teen daughter in your adult issues that include a matter involving the child's father...awful. Get a therapist Kelly.

If you look at this show from the beginning, all the kids have been thru the ringer from drug use of their own and murder to David and Kelly allowing their individual kids to be involved in the dramas of their adult relationships! I found it reprehensible that Shannon thought nothing of "being real" on TV when their kids are being exposed to the negative aspects of it for all to see! I already mused that the kids are lucky to come from money because psychological care cost $$ and they're all headed in that direction if you ask me! ;-)

Edited by Fiero425
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15 hours ago, annewithaneee said:

I think Jolie is the youngest and most inappropriate Housewife kid to be used as an accomplice and provider of sage wisdom to her mom, eeeeek. Between Shannon's constant weight fixation and marriage/divorce oversharing, and 80% of all that Kelly says and does, it's a tight race for most damaging OC parenting. Michael and David should exercise the right to exclude them from filming -- probably the only semi-decent thing Simon ever did.

And after Tamra's naked drunken antics last night, we can see why Tamra's oldest daughter wants nothing to do with her. 

15 hours ago, JD5166 said:

Oh Shannon, he found her loooong before you split!!!

That's what I was thinking...Shannon needs to get a therapist and stop bringing all her friends down with her divorce drama.

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13 hours ago, jaybird2 said:

the lawyer looked like a clown when she was having anniversary dinner.  looked like one of her kids put her lipstick on for her.

I could not believe she’s not 52! When she said her age I was shocked! I don’t think she’s even 40!

she looks just like Jennifer Coolidge from 2Broke Girls. jennifer-coolidge-amfar-3rd-annual-inspi

Edited by VedaPierce
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5 hours ago, CrinkleCutCat said:

Please spill the beans! This doesn’t air where I live... what happened?

Andy tried to get Vicki to see that she wasn't being a good friend to Kelly.  He asked her how she had met Michael and she said through Kelly.  He kept looking at Vicki waiting for the light bulb to go on, but alas, Vicki's wattage is all about herself and she's dim at best with any other topic. She insists she is friends with both Kelly and Michael so why should she have to choose.  She refuses to see that she is not a friend to Kelly at all... only to herself.  Oh and she continues to double date with Michael and yet another woman she set him up with. 

5 hours ago, CrinkleCutCat said:

I adore Shannon when she shows the world what many of us struggle with. The struggle with weight as you get older, the hit to your self esteem, trying to deal with the fact you now realise you were pretty smug and enjoyed your younger slimmer body and now you struggle to let go of your desire to still have that body because at your age you know that that’s societal pressure to look a certain way and you know you shouldn’t succumb to that pressure....but damn, you do want your younger body and damn it does hit your self esteem.... and damn your younger self for being so smug!

You don’t want to jump into the spa and show off your older body... but then you’re old enough to let go of the worry (alcohol probably reduces the care factor!) about flashing your not so perfect body (perfect in who’s world... who sets that bar?). The struggle...not just with your new body and your struggle to accept changes with age, but the struggle regarding knowing you shouldn’t be body shaming yourself. You really understand the body/health business that we live in and the media portrayal of the perfect physique and how that effects us and our behaviours ....blah blah blah. You get all that yet you still feel body shame. 

Shannon not wanting to get ‘nekkid ‘ for the spa? Yes! Shannon letting go of the fear? Yes! Shannon showing us her gorgeous not size zero body? Yes!  I do not want her to ever feel embarrassed about showing off all her body fears, and remedies (the spanx) and then flashing her body. I think she’s a great role model for her daughters, and all of us, for letting us see and normalise the struggle.

^^THIS^^ Actually all of your recent posts @CrinkleCutCat. They are right on and I could not agree more.

I am of the same age demographic as Shannon, Vicki and Tamara. Have I whooped it up (damn I cringe even using that word!) with friends?  Absolutely.  I do it though in private and not in front of cameras.  Thank GODDESS!  If it were my job though to bring whatever entertainment I could to ensure my paycheck? Yeah... I might do it in public. I definitely watch these shows for this type of entertainment, even the cringe worthy scenes, rather than what the new housewives are bringing with their kid story lines.  Not interested in them, don't want them on my TV and I fast forward through every one of their scenes.

 My heart goes out to Jolie... she is way too savvy beyond her years and her mother's happiness is a heavy burden for a child to bear.  

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1 hour ago, psychoticstate said:

Please let me know how this goes, @Mu Shu.  You know, for a friend.

Kelly, Jolie is 11 years old.  She's a CHILD.  She's not your bestie, your friend or a counselor.  She doesn't need to hear about your friendship problems or you claiming that you're not friends with her dad.  If you feel that you need to seek advice from a child, you really have larger problems at hand than Vicki double dating with Michael - - the man you said you hoped would find a girlfriend.

The cheese may stand alone but I like that Kelly lives in a condo.  A little more realistic for some of us (i.e., me) than the Olive Garden-esque McMansions the rest of these 'hos live in.   Don't get me wrong - - Kelly's "taste" sucks.  But I imagine that condo is in Newport and not cheap. It's just more realistic for Kelly and Jolie (and their dog) than some huge spread.

While I'm glad the Mexico trip was fun for Vicki, Shannon and Tamra (other than Tamra breaking her foot), they are pretty embarrassing.  College girls at Mardi Gras or in Lauderdale may flash their boobs at a bar but Tamra?  Girl . . . .you're over 50 and you have a grandbaby.  Get it together.  

I'm sure Eddy appreciated being left at home with the construction, recovering from heart surgery while Tamra went to whoop it up with the currently prim and proper Vicki and sad and Spanxed Shannon.  

Vicki - Tamra was actually right about the Michael situation (ye gods.)  Steve and Michael can hang out but you probably shouldn't hang it with him if you want to remain friends with Kelly.

I like the new girl Gina okay.  She seems funny and I'm okay with her so far.  Don't need to see her kids constantly though.

The lawyer lady - - I don't know.  Her kids clearly run the house.  Does she ever deal with them by herself? 

I like it as well.  The location looks like it may be big bucks.  I like that it hasn't been made super trendy and has what would be considered dated counter tops by House Hunters standards.  I think she is enjoying her freedom as well.  It is large enough for she and her daughter, in a good location but isn't so large its going to take a lot of time to care for.  I think this is why Vicki is sticking with Steve even though her heart still beats for Brookes.  She needs $ help as well as physical help caring for her large ass home.  It may have been said a time or two but man Vicki looks like shit.  Being a horrible person has taken its toll.

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7 minutes ago, Mu Shu said:

Time and place.  The time to flash your tits is at work in a strip club.  The time to wear Spanx in private hottubs is always.  The time to piss your old ass in the airport is fucking never.  Never even in private.  

Luann falls and looks like a fucking perfume ad.  Vicki falls and looks like a half spatchcocked luau pig.  Not cute.

OMG - this is hysterical!!!

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1 hour ago, RHJunkie said:

Kelly seems to have a well adjusted daughter on her hands. Seeing the likes of her and Ramona seemingly have quite mature daughters who seem so different from them, I wonder if they're penchant for treating their children like their friends and being unhinged was a catalyst for their daughters to feel like they need to grow up and be an adult faster than they need to. It was completely inappropriate of Kelly to give her daughter the lowdown and seek advice on a matter that relates to her father. Let your child be a child. Figure out some other way to deal with your grown up issues.

I think it’s a case of showing your child everything not to do by your doing it. Those girls do not want to turn out like their mothers. 

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39 minutes ago, VedaPierce said:

I could not believe she’s not 52! When she said her age I was shocked! I don’t think she’s even 40!

she looks just like Jennifer Coolidge from 2Broke Girls. jennifer-coolidge-amfar-3rd-annual-inspi

How old is the new gal (lawyer)?  She looks like she is around Jeana's age but I know she isn't.  

13 minutes ago, Mu Shu said:

Time and place.  The time to flash your tits is at work in a strip club.  The time to wear Spanx in private hottubs is always.  The time to piss your old ass in the airport is fucking never.  Never even in private.  

Luann falls and looks like a fucking perfume ad.  Vicki falls and looks like a half spatchcocked luau pig.  Not cute.

No it's not cute, but I damn near spit water across my office at this description!

9 minutes ago, Pegasaurus said:

Very true. Actually, Vicki HAS the gut, she just didn't want to show it.

Speaking of Vicki, why in the HELL does she do that weird,  flipping-sucking-flapping thing with her tongue when she tastes tequila or other alcohol?  It's not cute or clever. It's weirdly disgusting.  She's done this before. It sickens me.  It's in the top 5 of reasons I'd like to slug her right in the face.

I was going to comment on this but I think my mind wanted to erase it from memory.  It drives me fucking crazy!  I hate the sound, the look, the facial expression and she just needs to stop for the sake of all of us.

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7 hours ago, Mu Shu said:


She’s been reduced to pee gags and a paid escort.  



A peed escort -- a portmanteau coming this September to Coto Insurance and Financial Services!

Edited by SCS
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Instead of constantly getting plastic surgery on her face, perhaps Vicki should look into a procedure for bladder incontinence...

Tamra’s body is near perfect- except for looking like a Barbie doll. I don’t think she has one ounce of authenticity in her body. Give me chubby but working on it Shannon any day over Tamra. 

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4 hours ago, BodhiGurl said:

Shannon going into the hot tub with her spanx genuinely made me laugh - with her - not at her. It was a hoot. And good to see her enjoying herself. Despite her frequent neurosis, I like Shannon. I give Tams credit for how she has taken care of her body, but her flashing, nekkidness in the hot tub etc are all too attention - hor- ee for my tastes... Needs constant attention, I'd rather be Shannon in that hot tub scenario - although she has rampant self esteem issues when it comes to her appearance as well, BUT, she doesn't seem to be asking for constant ego stroking in that regard. I am so beyond over VIcki and her shenanigans. Like my ability to tune into this season is hanging on by a thread. I would love for Kelly to rip her a new one, or either of the new gals to go toe to toe with Vicki but I doubt we'll see that. The previews make it seem as tho they go after Shannon, which I don't want to see. I'm also in the same boat as those who have expressed a lack of interest in scenes with the newbies children. Yawn. the RH shows have all gotten to a point where the vast majority have grown children, or kids who are at least teenagers. Few exceptions. The vast majority of the women are in their latter 40's +. Thus I imagine the viewing audience is "of a certain age" (and I fall into that "certain age" category), so watching super young children bounce off the walls is not entertaining... Anywho. I'm guessing the newbies will fall in line to worship Vicki and thus - I'm out. I could barely hang on last season with Lydia's antics and Peggy's general presence on the show... I've not looked forward to watching any of these new episodes and yet tune in out of habit. I wish they'd dump Vicki. Even if it means Tamra becomes the queen bee... Sigh.

I just watched WWHL with Vickey.  Andy just loves her and so do the callers in.  She’ll never leave IMO.  The new boyfriend, the cop was there also.  BTW, I do like Shannon and always have from the beginning.  She’s beautiful and always goes along with the girls.  I feel bad that her home was broken up, since they were college sweethearts, and she had a good life going.  I do remember tho, when her and David were talking and he said he “wanted more” and wanted to start living his life more.  Shit happens after many years of marriage, whether it’s boredom, lack of sex, not connecting anymore, whatever.  She’s hurting now, but maybe she’ll find a person again who will make her happy as she is still young and is a good person.  The way it looks, she’s definitely not over David at all, as she talks about it all the time.  I can understand that after 17 years.  Is a sad situation.

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5 hours ago, Gem 10 said:

Shannon is drinking vodka.  So stupid when you’re trying to lose weight.  Sometimes I wonder about her.

Im pretty much always watching my weight because im a 48 yo almost menopausal hag. I don't drink a lot of alcohol but when i do i often stick with vodka.. its got less calories than a lot of other alcohols. Of course none at all is better. But a 60 cal shot of vodka is always better than my favorite drink, the 800 calorie BBC

Edited by JennyMominFL
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1 minute ago, JennyMominFL said:

Im pretty much always watching my weight because im a 48 yo almost menopausal hag. I domt drink a lot of alcohol but when i do i often stick with vodka.. its got less calories than a lot of other alcohols. Of course none at all is better. But a 60 cal shot of vodka is always better than my favorite drink, the 800 calorie BBC

48 is not a hag, believe me.  My daughter is 48 and still beautiful.  I’m a hag.  You look beautiful too.

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5 minutes ago, Gem 10 said:

48 is not a hag, believe me.  My daughter is 48 and still beautiful.  I’m a hag.  You look beautiful too.

That was me being a smart ass because someone on this thread called them menopausal Hags. I need spanx,  but i still look pretty darned good

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7 minutes ago, JennyMominFL said:

That was me being a smart ass because someone on this thread called them menopausal Hags. I need spanx,  but i still look pretty darned good

I never wore spanx, never wore a girdle, and hate bras.  Only wear one when I go out.  Lol.

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24 minutes ago, Gem 10 said:

I just watched WWHL with Vickey.  Andy just loves her and so do the callers in.  She’ll never leave IMO.  The new boyfriend, the cop was there also.  BTW, I do like Shannon and always have from the beginning.  She’s beautiful and always goes along with the girls.  I feel bad that her home was broken up, since they were college sweethearts, and she had a good life going.  I do remember tho, when her and David were talking and he said he “wanted more” and wanted to start living his life more.  Shit happens after many years of marriage, whether it’s boredom, lack of sex, not connecting anymore, whatever.  She’s hurting now, but maybe she’ll find a person again who will make her happy as she is still young and is a good person.  The way it looks, she’s definitely not over David at all, as she talks about it all the time.  I can understand that after 17 years.  Is a sad situation.


Sigh. Vicki will be around until the show ends, or she leaves... unless she does something really awful. Not sure what that would be for Andy and the producers since apparently, the cancer scam shenanigans weren't bad enough for them. She makes it very hard for me to stick with the show. If Shannon wasn't on, I'd for sure no longer watwch... and I'm seriously not sure I can stick with OC this season regardless with her on because I can't stand Vicki... blah. LOL

Shannon may have been the dutiful wife in the early years - but David having the affair was a reasonable demotivator for her to not engage with him anymore, or have meals ready for him etc... Seems like he was pulling away too - before the affair. Anywhoodle - not surprised she is still hung up on him, it is too fresh/raw and she's dealing with the rejection of it all. Hopefully, she can get professional therapy and slowly disengage from him beyond him being his daughter's father. 

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Shannon reminds me of my grandmother. My grandfather broke my grandmother's heart by having an affair and eventually leaving her after a 25 year marriage. He was the love of her life. She loved him long after she remarried. Like Shannon, my grandmother took the affair personally rather than seeing it as a character flaw in my grandfather. A lot of women make the affair about them. If only they were skinny enough, funny enough, blank enough. It is never about them. Some spouses need constant reassurance and gratification. One person will never be enough for someone with an enormous ego. 

Shannon played a part in the demise of her marriage. She will be able to move on faster if she can see how she contributed to the demise of her marriage without focusing on the cheating aspect or when it happened or with whom.  Unfortunately, I see Shannon as someone who will keep David in the courts just to have a reason to be in contact.

According to the Hollywood Gossip, Shannon's maiden name is Storms. Shannon Storms. Isn't that a great name for a Housewife! Imagine the tagline.

Edited by Showthyme
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Vicki is an asshole and seems to be completely missing why Kelly is angry which is that she did these things without telling her and if Michael told her not to tell Kelly she should have told him that she didn’t want to choose sides and so didn’t want to lie by omission to Kelly. Also, what was her saying Michael was so lonely without Jolie when just last week Kelly said that their custody arrangement was one week with her and one week with Michael. God I hate Vicki.

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24 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

Vicki is an asshole and seems to be completely missing why Kelly is angry which is that she did these things without telling her and if Michael told her not to tell Kelly she should have told him that she didn’t want to choose sides and so didn’t want to lie by omission to Kelly. Also, what was her saying Michael was so lonely without Jolie when just last week Kelly said that their custody arrangement was one week with her and one week with Michael. God I hate Vicki.

It's called "having a conflict!" I understand both people's POV, but the same thing happens in families with little wars going on! You can't always "choose a side!" I totally understand Kelly feeling betrayed, but she's just being irrational; esp. since she divorced the guy and was hoping to move on! Getting hysterical is counter productive for all concerned! Vicki just couldn't go by that so called "girl code" because she likes Michael and he happens to be dating someone she knows! Is she supposed to cut herself off from all those people so Kelly can have peace of mind that Michael should live in misery? Would she feel better if he became a recluse? ;-)

Edited by Fiero425
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56 minutes ago, Fiero425 said:

It's called "having a conflict!" I understand both people's POV, but the same thing happens in families with little wars going on! You can't always "choose a side!" I totally understand Kelly feeling betrayed, but she's just being irrational; esp. since she divorced the guy and was hoping to move on! Getting hysterical is counter productive for all concerned! Vicki just couldn't go by that so called "girl code" because she likes Michael and he happens to be dating someone she knows! Is she supposed to cut herself off from all those people so Kelly can have peace of mind that Michael should live in misery? ;-)

I hate this whole girl code stuff. I probably have more close male  friends than female. I don't owe the females any more or less than the males. Maybe Vicki is just closer to him than to Kelly. We have only seen the Kelly- vicki relationship, not the other. The thing is, we know Vicki is terrible so we probably (rightly) assume that she is in the wrong.

Edited by JennyMominFL
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3 minutes ago, Fiero425 said:

Vicki just couldn't go by that so called "girl code" because she likes Michael and he happens to be dating someone she knows! Is she supposed to cut herself off from all those people so Kelly can have peace of mind that Michael should live in

Only Tamra invoked Girl Code, Kelly has said consistently she is pissed because she didn’t tell her, that’s not girl code that’s basic social norms. Kelly only got hysterical when Vicki did and was in response to Vicki yelling at her not Michael dating. Agreeing to not tell Kelly particularly when they all comment on how small their circle is knowing that it would probably get back to Kelly is choosing sides and that side is Michael’s, though to be fair to Michael I am not convinced he actually told Vicki not to tell Kelly because she added that to her story after Tamra and Shannon told her she was in the wrong.

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9 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

Only Tamra invoked Girl Code, Kelly has said consistently she is pissed because she didn’t tell her, that’s not girl code that’s basic social norms. Kelly only got hysterical when Vicki did and was in response to Vicki yelling at her not Michael dating. Agreeing to not tell Kelly particularly when they all comment on how small their circle is knowing that it would probably get back to Kelly is choosing sides and that side is Michael’s, though to be fair to Michael I am not convinced he actually told Vicki not to tell Kelly because she added that to her story after Tamra and Shannon told her she was in the wrong.

I barely watched this lame episode and figured Tamra would be the one to use such a term! It's big on RHWNY the last couple seasons with LuAnne breaking the "girl code" according to Ramona and Bethenny taking up with TOM who had already dated Sonja and Ramona! By doing so, Karma bit her in the arse when the guy turned out to be slime and couldn't keep it in his pants thru the engagement! ;-)

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In Kelly’s defense, she had to be “friends” with this lying old dinosaur.

in Vicki’s defense, she had to listen to awful jokes and worry about getting shanked.

im starting a reality show and I need some hags.  We will call it the real hags of Broward County, so some of you hags will have to relocate. I’m 44, and have been calling myself a hag for 12 years.  Ladies are nice and establishment, but hags are punk rock.  

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14 minutes ago, Mu Shu said:

In Kelly’s defense, she had to be “friends” with this lying old dinosaur.

in Vicki’s defense, she had to listen to awful jokes and worry about getting shanked.

im starting a reality show and I need some hags.  We will call it the real hags of Broward County, so some of you hags will have to relocate. I’m 44, and have been calling myself a hag for 12 years.  Ladies are nice and establishment, but hags are punk rock.  

Im  already a real Housewife of Orange County... Orange County florida. browards not far. Im game

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21 minutes ago, Mu Shu said:

In Kelly’s defense, she had to be “friends” with this lying old dinosaur.

in Vicki’s defense, she had to listen to awful jokes and worry about getting shanked.

im starting a reality show and I need some hags.  We will call it the real hags of Broward County, so some of you hags will have to relocate. I’m 44, and have been calling myself a hag for 12 years.  Ladies are nice and establishment, but hags are punk rock.  

I would be the most boring housewife ever. 

1 minute ago, Juliegirlj said:

 Vicki didn’t do anything wrong: IF she values Michael’s friendship more than Kelly’s. Which she seems to. 

Steve Lodge gives me creepy vibes almost as much as Brooks did. 

Me too! He has since last year and I can't figure out why. 

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44 minutes ago, JennyMominFL said:

I hate this whole girl code stuff. I probably have more close make friends than female. Indont owe the females any more or less than the males. Maybe Vicki is just closer  to him than to Kelly. We have only seen the Kelly- vicki relationship, not the other. The thing is, we know Vicki is terrible so we probably (rightly) assume that she is in the wrong.

I assume the key to all of this is Steve. Nothing on the show would indicate that Vicki was at all close with Michael before the divorce. I don't care about girl code,but I do think she was closer to Kelly than Michael; and, therefore, owes Kelly more loyalty. 

I'm not saying she can't ever see Michael. Even the fix-up isn't that bad. It's the HIDING it from Kelly, at the behest of her ex. And the double dates....a bit much. 

I think Steve became good friends with Michael. And that's fine. But Vicki could just let them do their guy thing and still keep cool with Kelly. But she's so gung ho to lock down Steve, what he wants is going to be her driving motivation. That's why she immediately called MICHAEL after leaving Kelly's. She's a bitch.

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1 hour ago, biakbiak said:

Vicki is an asshole and seems to be completely missing why Kelly is angry which is that she did these things without telling her and if Michael told her not to tell Kelly she should have told him that she didn’t want to choose sides and so didn’t want to lie by omission to Kelly. Also, what was her saying Michael was so lonely without Jolie when just last week Kelly said that their custody arrangement was one week with her and one week with Michael. God I hate Vicki.

What exactly was the reason Kelly dumped Michael anyhow?  I heard her say they didn’t have sex anymore.  The guy is 15 yrs older than her.  Is that a reason to divorce him?  They could have went to councelling or something to fix the problem, no?  He seemed like a nice guy.  Besides, something tells me she still cares for him.  To add, why is Jolie on the show so much now giving Kelly advice?

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