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S06.E13: Be Free

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Although better then the previous two seasons Season 6 of OITNB still suffers because it makes all the guards either evil or stupid while most of the inmates either violent or victims. There is very little middle ground or nuance.  The end to Taystee's trial was predictable.  It was so predictable that I could't even feel that bad for her.     

I know Piper is a divisive character but if she is gone for good I think I might be too.  Except for season one which I found to be exceptionally entertaining this show has been average at best.  It got waaaaay to political in the last couple of seasons.  I liked everyone going to Max and even Ad Seg.  However Piper has always been my gateway to the show.  I like everyone else but she is the character I have the most attachment to.  

If she is gone so am I.  

Edited by Chaos Theory
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That was an emotional end.  I was worried that something would happen to Piper at the last second, but I'm glad she's free.  I was glad Tasha was convicted, even if she was innocent, simply because I detest the character so much.  I hated that they muted the audio during announcement of the verdict.

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I'm just going to assume that Piper is off to write her memoirs, safely back home with her parents.  She'll visit Alex a few times, then the relationship will just ghost itself.  The rest of the characters don't really interest me.  The ending with Lorna's blood-soaked crotch, and the oh-so-convenient mention that she's 7 months along is the "cliffhanger" for next season, I presume.  

I won't be back next season.  I had to push myself to finish this one.  The woman playing Madison can't act her way out of a paper bag, so trying to cram her in as a big bad with Carol & Barb and their minions is just too much I don't give a crap about.  

They should have called time of death at the end of last season.  Now they're just flogging the corpse.    

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53 minutes ago, leighdear said:

I'm just going to assume that Piper is off to write her memoirs, safely back home with her parents.  She'll visit Alex a few times, then the relationship will just ghost itself.  The rest of the characters don't really interest me.  The ending with Lorna's blood-soaked crotch, and the oh-so-convenient mention that she's 7 months along is the "cliffhanger" for next season, I presume.  

I won't be back next season.  I had to push myself to finish this one.  The woman playing Madison can't act her way out of a paper bag, so trying to cram her in as a big bad with Carol & Barb and their minions is just too much I don't give a crap about.  

They should have called time of death at the end of last season.  Now they're just flogging the corpse.    

Yeah.. I liked parts of this season but most of it I didn’t,  I liked this last episode but I don’t know.. there was a mix this season of a whole lot going on that I couldn’t keep up and then a whole bunch of nothing going on and I had to struggle to finish an episode.

And also.. I get that real life prisons have these exact issues but there was too much torture actually.. like I couldn’t really deal. It seemed like there was a lot of torture and that seems to be the new thing for this show, doesn’t it? Two seasons ago it was the new guards being violent towards the prisoners and then it was the prisoners doing so to the guards and now we’re back to guards treating the prisoners badly again. 

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9 hours ago, WhosThatGirl said:

My heart hurts for Blanca.

Mine too.   I did like this season a little better than the last season but I am still disgusted with Caputo--I skipped most of his scenes.  I am not a fan of pranks so the first part of the season's episodes did not thrill me.  Too much poop and grossness.  And I hate watching torture.  

I hate Badison.   And still miss Poussey.    

 I still like Nicky, though.  

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Poor Blanca.   Glad Carol and Barb are gone.  Also glad there was no battle.  Madison.  The absolute worst Boston accent I've ever heard.  NO ONE in Boston speaks that way.  I'm born and raised in Boston.  It took me out of the story every time she opened her mouth. Thing is, the "Boston" accent is kind of a myth.  There are many different accents depending on neighborhood, social class, etc.  There is not a set Boston accent which is why when someone tries to fake it, it comes off fake.  

It was good to see MacKenzie Phillips.  She was good in the role, but also glad the character is gone.  The actress who played the other sister was good too.  (I don't know who was Carol and who was Barb). But, glad they are both gone.  They were both so one track it did need to end.  

So another year.  I'm good if we don't see Piper.  She was so dumb it made me nervous for the next dumb thing she would do.  I don't know what the next installment will bring, but I am looking forward to it.

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6 hours ago, Ray Adverb said:

 I hated that they muted the audio during announcement of the verdict.

Yeah, that was a crappy artistic choice on the show's part.  They must have thought the sound drop made the verdict reveal more dramatic, but it didn't.  I did feel bad for Taystee as I mostly like her, but the convict/not convict was not too much of a surprise from a "suspense" point of view.  Most likely IRL she would be convicted unless Caputo could have somehow exposed the falsified autopsy but he didn't have the wherewithal to do that.

2 hours ago, funnygirl said:

Good riddance to Carol and Barb, but I don't know that I can stomach another season of Badison. The character and the acting is the worst.

Yeah, I kept wishing for Badison to get killed, but alas.  Looks like they are positioning her to be the main antagonist next season, unfortunately.  I hope Carol and Barb are both really dead.  They were annoying.  Plus Old Carol (the sister with the eyeglasses) reminded me too much of The Freak from Wentworth and I was scared they might want to give her the same treatment (repeat seasons).

It seems like Sofia and Piper should both be gone now.  Not sure if they can keep one or both in the show out the outside like they have managed to do with Alaida.  It seems weird to be without Piper, though, since she is the character we started with.  As much as she annoyed me, I'd like to see her from time to time on the outside just at least to complete her narrative.  But realistically, she would write her memoir and probably forget about Alex.  No way the character as they have portrayed her would be able to wait for at least 4 years.  I kept waiting for Piper to get more time added even at the last moment, either by her own doing or something caused by another inmate so was glad to see her actually walk out.

Would they really just send any undocumented immigrant released prisoners right from prison to ICE without telling them that was going to happen?  They wouldn't tell them not to bother arranging for someone (i.e., Diablo) to pick them up?  I mean I follow the news so I have heard about what ihas been going on *ahem*, not meaning to get too political, but I guess I thought they would tell an undocumented immigrant who is already in prison that they will be detained by ICE upon release?

Why didn't Flaca tell the other inmates about the Fantasy Inmate game?

Glad Pennsatucky left Donuts.

Don't really care too much about Lorna's baby.  It's either not going to make it OR Vinnie will come get it and she will never see it just like the other mother characters never see their children.

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I kept thinking that the autopsy would show that Piscatella's bullet wounds were caused by two different types of guns. Didn't those armed guards shoot him originally with assault rifles? I don't know much about guns but I'd think that the wounds on his body would reveal that. 

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4 hours ago, kathe5133 said:

Poor Blanca.   Glad Carol and Barb are gone.  Also glad there was no battle.  Madison.  The absolute worst Boston accent I've ever heard.  NO ONE in Boston speaks that way.  I'm born and raised in Boston.  It took me out of the story every time she opened her mouth. Thing is, the "Boston" accent is kind of a myth.  There are many different accents depending on neighborhood, social class, etc.  There is not a set Boston accent which is why when someone tries to fake it, it comes off fake. 

I mean I don't want to try and second guess your experience since you have more exposure to Boston than I do, but the one time I went there I did run into someone who did talk exactly like that.  It was a toll both worker who was explaining what I had to do to pay the toll since I didn't have cash handy.  The thing about accents is that someone from the region is much less likely to notice it than an outsider.


I hated Tasha Jeferrson.  I will not call her by that stupid nickname.  Nicknames are a sign of affection.  I hated that her desire for revenge led to her single-handedly ruining reforms for the entire prison.  And now she's treated as some awesome folk hero.  Even though, again, she fucked over the entire prison population.  She is nothing but a selfish little brat and designated victim.  Seeing how she skated by with no consequences for betraying the prisoners, I was actually surprised she was convicted.  I thought they'd continue the theme.

Edited by Ray Adverb
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I thought this was the best season since season 1.  Then again I haven’t particularly liked the show since the second or third season.  It got way too political for me. Even this season was overtly political.  I mean there was no Taystee wasn’t going to be convicted especially since she is innocent.

Although I didn’t like Badison I didn’t think the actress who played her did a bad job and I thought the war between the pods was one of the few truly interesting stories of the season because it “felt” true to prison completely arbitrary but with a history behind it.

As someone who enjoys prison documentaries there is no way the guards could get away with half of what they do.  Modern prisons work too must on paper work and cameras.  It didn’t bother me as much in minimum security because it was minimum security but at Max and AD Seg that kind of behavior from guards would have been called out by someone.  Or at least handled in other ways.  

Edited by Chaos Theory
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6 hours ago, yellowcalla said:

I kept thinking that the autopsy would show that Piscatella's bullet wounds were caused by two different types of guns. Didn't those armed guards shoot him originally with assault rifles? I don't know much about guns but I'd think that the wounds on his body would reveal that. 

The armed guards shot at Piscatella with a pepper spray round. Normally they aim over a targets head so that the pepper canister deploys it’s load on top of them. Because Piscatella was so tall - and there was minimal lighting for them to see him - the canister hit him full on in the face and killed him. The guards then shot him with the gun from the pool and planned to make sure the autopsy was done by a friendly medical examiner who would put the cause of death as the gun shot wound. 

Tasty’s lawyer did say that they’d commissioned a second post mortem which contradicted the first one, but also that juries tended to zone out on the differing expert opinions, so it presumably wasn’t conclusive enough to help. 

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20 hours ago, kathe5133 said:

Poor Blanca.   Glad Carol and Barb are gone.  Also glad there was no battle.  Madison.  The absolute worst Boston accent I've ever heard.  NO ONE in Boston speaks that way.  I'm born and raised in Boston.  It took me out of the story every time she opened her mouth. Thing is, the "Boston" accent is kind of a myth.  There are many different accents depending on neighborhood, social class, etc.  There is not a set Boston accent which is why when someone tries to fake it, it comes off fake.  

It was good to see MacKenzie Phillips.  She was good in the role, but also glad the character is gone.  The actress who played the other sister was good too.  (I don't know who was Carol and who was Barb). But, glad they are both gone.  They were both so one track it did need to end.  

So another year.  I'm good if we don't see Piper.  She was so dumb it made me nervous for the next dumb thing she would do.  I don't know what the next installment will bring, but I am looking forward to it.

Makenzie Phillips had the same name as her sister on One Day at a Time

and the boston accent was THE WORST

to the Poster above who said she has heard that accent, Ill buy that you heard something close... but its one of those cases where you have to really know the accents well. Im from RI but also lived in Ma and NH.   I can tell an RI accent from most Ma accents, and i can tell a NH accent from a Maine accent. there are a lot of regional accents in New England. Many do have real similarities, but none sound quite like that character. And i know the particular accent she was going for very well. 

It was like Dick Van Dyke cockney accent in Mary Poppins. My british friends think its the worst but most americans think it sounds right.

Edited by JennyMominFL
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Wow, just finished. I was wondering the whole time what they saw in Blanca's file that interested them, yet she ended up with no additional time. Poor Diablo, my heart sank for him.

The outcome of Taystee's trial was really the only way they could go. Maybe Caputo and Piper can team up next season to get the truth. I can't imagine that they'd drop Piper from the show. I bet Sophia is done though.

I'm glad Maria turned the kickball game around and I'm kind of glad Aleida chose her other kids over Daya. Daya's in for life, but she's right, she has a chance to save her other kids.

They need to have more pat downs in Max - people can sure hide a lot of drugs and shivs on their persons.


ETA: So, Alex flushed her application? Also, Luschek - spineless coward.

Edited by ExplainItAgain
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I've always felt like their season finale's tend to go all in on one emotion - the joy and light and happiness of the end of S3 for example, when the prisoners are all swimming in the lake - in contrast to the end of S4 with Poussey's death. This one was kind of a rollercoaster. I was so sad for Taystee, then so happy for Blanca and Piper and Piper/Alex, then so sad for Blanca, then so happy to see everyone cheering during kickball.

Edited by shantown
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I really liked this episode minus Taystee getting convicted and ICE. It was pretty obvious that Taystee would be found guilty especially when the sad music started playing. I was still hoping that between Taystee's general hopelessness and the sad music we would have an ironic twist...but no. I expected it would go that way for Taystee but the ICE thing totally surprised me. I actually liked that they made the verdict silent, it was a creative choice that worked for me.

The way they pulled off Carol and Barb going at each other and the kickball really being kickball was good. I thought Frieda was a dead woman walking especially after she sent Suzanne away. Agreed that it was ridiculous that all those inmates had weapons on the field; that seemed unrealistic.

I liked that Piper got out. The wedding didn't have that many attendants but I guess it was very last minute since Piper only found out she had early release a day in advance. I think Piper's brother asking her what she was going to do next are good final last words for the series if the show ends now. I really wouldn't mind if this was the last season.

I liked this season better than last season. The first episode was bad but it got better after that. Too much Suzanne and brutality in the first episode what with the guards beating inmates and the sexual assault of Maria and Gloria. That reminded me too much of last season. 

I also hated Badison and her stupid name. I get she was supposed to be annoying as she was basically stuck in a middle school bully mindset but the accent put it over the top. I can't believe they didn't course correct after they shot her first scenes and didn't re-shoot them. Just drop the accent if the actress can't do it right. Does Netflix have a set in stone deadline or something? Plus, there was just too much of her and not much of a pay off for it since the kickball war didn't happen.

Luschek being into Back to the Future cracked me up. He had the shoes and the car!

ETA: I forgot about Sophia! I was really disappointed in her choice but I don't blame her. 300,000 and an early release is hard to pass up. I would have liked a bunch of the inmates to band together and sue MCC but I guess that would be too hopeful for this show.

Edited by DoubleUTeeEff
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23 hours ago, kathe5133 said:

There is not a set Boston accent which is why when someone tries to fake it, it comes off fake.

Right. You could do just a general New England accent and leave it at that. But again, why was she doing the accent in the first place? Being from Boston had nothing to do with the character. And it's a hard one to do. It just seemed like the actor was more worried about pronouncing the words than actually just acting. 

I liked this season. I don't know where they are going to go next time. 

Fig and Caputo were gold. 

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On 7/29/2018 at 1:54 AM, Blue Plastic said:

Most likely IRL she would be convicted unless Caputo could have somehow exposed the falsified autopsy but he didn't have the wherewithal to do that.

I wish he had brought the info he did have to Taystee's lawyer. That's the obvious thing to do in that situation. His hero savior complex got in the way of his genuine impulse to help.

22 hours ago, yellowcalla said:

I kept thinking that the autopsy would show that Piscatella's bullet wounds were caused by two different types of guns. Didn't those armed guards shoot him originally with assault rifles? I don't know much about guns but I'd think that the wounds on his body would reveal that. 

I can't remember what happened exactly, I did think they shot him and didn't realize what the poster upthread said about pepper s=ray (can pepper spray kill someone?), but the real problem is that the prosecution was falsifying evidence and the jury discounted the honest report from the defense's expert witness. It doesn't matter much what really happened, under those conditions.

I liked that Piper wasn't at the kickball game, so Madison couldn't blame Piper for everybody ignoring M's commands.

If they want to keep Piper on the show, they can show her re-entry into the free world, and contrast it to what Aleida is going through, and they can show her on-going contacts with Alex (or how it fades).

Can Taystee appeal the conviction? If it comes out that the autopsy was falsified, that would make a difference. And the other women were coerced into plea deals and false testimony. In real life, I don't think most of them would get support to appeal these things. But Taystee is high profile enough that the Innocence Project might get involved even if the ACLU gives up. If she doesn't get up, and Caputo doesn't, either.

I don't believe that MCC would have kept their promises to make changes agreed to if she had accepted their terms, especially now that we see how little Linda gives a fuck. I had wondered if Linda would have any kind of change of attitude after her experience at Litchfield, but she didn't. I don't think she has any conscience, so there's no way she'd keep her promises.

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2 hours ago, possibilities said:

I wish he had brought the info he did have to Taystee's lawyer. That's the obvious thing to do in that situation. His hero savior complex got in the way of his genuine impulse to help.

I can't remember what happened exactly, I did think they shot him and didn't realize what the poster upthread said about pepper s=ray (can pepper spray kill someone?), but the real problem is that the prosecution was falsifying evidence and the jury discounted the honest report from the defense's expert witness. It doesn't matter much what really happened, under those conditions.

I liked that Piper wasn't at the kickball game, so Madison couldn't blame Piper for everybody ignoring M's commands.

If they want to keep Piper on the show, they can show her re-entry into the free world, and contrast it to what Aleida is going through, and they can show her on-going contacts with Alex (or how it fades).

Can Taystee appeal the conviction? If it comes out that the autopsy was falsified, that would make a difference. And the other women were coerced into plea deals and false testimony. In real life, I don't think most of them would get support to appeal these things. But Taystee is high profile enough that the Innocence Project might get involved even if the ACLU gives up. If she doesn't get up, and Caputo doesn't, either.

I don't believe that MCC would have kept their promises to make changes agreed to if she had accepted their terms, especially now that we see how little Linda gives a fuck. I had wondered if Linda would have any kind of change of attitude after her experience at Litchfield, but she didn't. I don't think she has any conscience, so there's no way she'd keep her promises.

Caputo did bring the info to Taystee’s lawyer. She thanked him for it outside the courtroom and said they’d been able to get another autopsy done. She also said that it wasn’t necessarily going to help that much as the jury were just going to have two conflicting expert witnesses to deal with. 

Im not sure what other information you think he had and withheld. 

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10 hours ago, JennyMominFL said:

to the Poster above who said he has heard that accent, Ill buy that you heard something close... but its one of those cases where you have to really know the accents well. Im from RI but also lived in Ma and NH.   I can tell an RI accent from most Ma accents, and i can tell a NH accent from a Maine accent. there are a lot of regional accents in New England. Many do have real similarities, but none sound quite like that character. And i know the particular accent she was going for very well. 

It was like Dick Van Dyke cockney accent in Mary Poppins. My british friends think its the worst but most americans think it sounds right.

That's the point I was trying to make.  It was a broad enough approximation that the vast majority of people would buy it since most people don't really get into linguistic nuances.  Actors from Australia, New Zealand, and the U.K. frequently go through vocal training to hide their native accents.  They instead adopt a specific accent cultivated by the American entertainment industry that isn't supposed to match any particular region.  It is in fact not spoken anywhere in real life, but is more "generic American".

Also, did they ever actually say Badison was from Boston?  Or were they just going for a broad New England accent and everybody just filled in the blanks?

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1 hour ago, Ray Adverb said:

That's the point I was trying to make.  It was a broad enough approximation that the vast majority of people would buy it since most people don't really get into linguistic nuances.  Actors from Australia, New Zealand, and the U.K. frequently go through vocal training to hide their native accents.  They instead adopt a specific accent cultivated by the American entertainment industry that isn't supposed to match any particular region.  It is in fact not spoken anywhere in real life, but is more "generic American".

Also, did they ever actually say Badison was from Boston?  Or were they just going for a broad New England accent and everybody just filled in the blanks?

I believe the references to Badison having “blown a lesser Wahlberg” were supposed to seal the deal on her origin being Boston. I skipped her flashback scenes so I don’t know if there was more there.

And yeah, I mentioned in an earlier episode thread that I looked up the actress’s origin because it sounded to me, at *best*, like she might be from Australia or New Zealand and it might help explain why she kept blowing the accent. But no, she’s American. 

Edited by kieyra
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1 hour ago, kieyra said:

And yeah, I mentioned in an earlier episode thread that I looked up the actress’s origin because it sounded to me, at *best*, like she might be from Australia or New Zealand and it might help explain why she kept blowing the accent. But no, she’s American. 

But I keep telling you people, I went to Boston in 2007, and I heard a toll collector talk exactly like that.  In person, in real life.  It's one of those things I can never forget, because at the moment I noticed the accent and thought "Hey wow.  I didn't think Bostonians talked like that in real life but I guess they do."  And I'll grant that they don't all have that accent, or heck maybe even that inflection is uncommon.  But it isn't non-existent like you guys are saying.

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There was a comment earlier about how her voice is too languid and I think that's a good assessment. 

I don't doubt you heard what you heard, but that had to be the one person who does talk like that. 30 years in the area and I could tell what part of RI or MA someone was from and her accent is just too put upon from my experience. 

Regardless, it's also unnecessary to the character. 

I didn't think that T might be able to appeal. There was certainly enough media involved to keep her in the news. And if the jury just ignored a legit conflicting report that certainly seems grounds to appeal. 

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1 hour ago, Ray Adverb said:

But I keep telling you people, I went to Boston in 2007, and I heard a toll collector talk exactly like that.  In person, in real life.  It's one of those things I can never forget, because at the moment I noticed the accent and thought "Hey wow.  I didn't think Bostonians talked like that in real life but I guess they do."  And I'll grant that they don't all have that accent, or heck maybe even that inflection is uncommon.  But it isn't non-existent like you guys are saying.

No need for 'you people', we're not a monolith. 

Let me put it another way: the actress didn't even manage to be consistent with the way she pronounced a lot of words. She might pronounce a word like 'car' anywhere from 'fake Boston' to 'fake English' to 'maybe she's from New Zealand' depending on the scene and the sentence.

For comparison, Yael Stone (Lorna) is Australian, and while I've never personally heard any American speak with the accent she uses, it's basically 100% consistent. Not all over the place like Badison. 

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3 minutes ago, kieyra said:

No need for 'you people', we're not a monolith. 

I was using the plural version of "you", since 2 different people have made claims that Badison was speaking in a non-existent accent which I've clearly seen does exist.  English doesn't have good words to differentiate singular and plural "you".  That was the clearest way I could think to do it.


Let me put it another way: the actress didn't even manage to be consistent with the way she pronounced a lot of words. She might pronounce a word like 'car' anywhere from 'fake Boston' to 'fake English' to 'maybe she's from New Zealand' depending on the scene and the sentence.

For comparison, Yael Stone (Lorna) is Australian, and while I've never personally heard any American speak with the accent she uses, it's basically 100% consistent. Not all over the place like Badison. 

That criticism makes sense.  Not like "she is speaking in a way which no person anywhere has ever spoken".  I personally didn't notice any discrepancies but I like the character.

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37 minutes ago, kieyra said:

For comparison, Yael Stone (Lorna) is Australian, and while I've never personally heard any American speak with the accent she uses, it's basically 100% consistent

I thought Lorna was supposed to be from Queens?  While I could not tell you if there is a difference between a Queens accent vs. a Brooklyn accent I thought she sounded like she was from some NY borough.

I hope her baby is okay :( 

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13 hours ago, DoubleUTeeEff said:

I really liked this episode minus Taystee getting convicted and ICE. It was pretty obvious that Taystee would be found guilty especially when the sad music started playing. I was still hoping that between Taystee's general hopelessness and the sad music we would have an ironic twist...but no. I expected it would go that way for Taystee but the ICE thing totally surprised me. I actually liked that they made the verdict silent, it was a creative choice that worked for me.

I liked that Piper got out. The wedding didn't have that many attendants but I guess it was very last minute since Piper only found out she had early release a day in advance. I think Piper's brother asking her what she was going to do next are good final last words for the series if the show ends now. I really wouldn't mind if this was the last season.

Maybe it was because I had bingewatched and was finishing this episode around 2am on Saturday (meaning, overly tired), but I was gutted when the sound dropped out during the verdict and it was just a loud heartbeat. I really like Taystee (and adore Danielle Brooks) so I was actually really sad and FELT that moment. I thought it was well done, though I know others felt it was too gimmicky.

I was also really waiting for a meta moment where Piper responded "I'm going to write a book." I thought it was a nice little 4th wall break when she mentioned writing memoirs earlier in the season. 

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1 hour ago, kieyra said:

Let me put it another way: the actress didn't even manage to be consistent with the way she pronounced a lot of words. She might pronounce a word like 'car' anywhere from 'fake Boston' to 'fake English' to 'maybe she's from New Zealand' depending on the scene and the sentence.

That's something I noticed watching all at once. Maybe being from that region I notice it more. I also don't see how that is relevant to her character. So it's just making the actor work more for no reason. 

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12 hours ago, possibilities said:

I don't believe that MCC would have kept their promises to make changes agreed to if she had accepted their terms, especially now that we see how little Linda gives a fuck. I had wondered if Linda would have any kind of change of attitude after her experience at Litchfield, but she didn't. I don't think she has any conscience, so there's no way she'd keep her promises.

She kept her promises to Sophia. Granted, it was because she feared the potential lawsuit that Caputo was putting together. But the riot was big national news, and I'm sure that reporters would have followed up on whether the agreed changes were made; and, if they weren't, it would be terrible publicity for MCC (as well as possible legal problems for breach of contract, since everything would have been in writing).

6 hours ago, Ray Adverb said:

But I keep telling you people, I went to Boston in 2007, and I heard a toll collector talk exactly like that.  In person, in real life.  It's one of those things I can never forget, because at the moment I noticed the accent and thought "Hey wow.  I didn't think Bostonians talked like that in real life but I guess they do."  And I'll grant that they don't all have that accent, or heck maybe even that inflection is uncommon.  But it isn't non-existent like you guys are saying.

I second this... I was on vacation in Boston last Fall, and I heard several people talk exactly the way Badison did. One worked at the hotel reception where we stayed, one was a native-born Uber driver, and another worked in a clothes shop we visited. I remember thinking how cute it was that they really sounded that way, like Jessica Lange in American Horror Story: Asylum. Being a Texan, I didn't really notice the inconsistencies others have mentioned, though I probably would have if the accent had been southern instead of northern. I can instantly tell the difference between a Texas, Georgia, Louisiania, Alabama, Kentucky, or Tennessee accent.

Edited by axlmadonna
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4 hours ago, axlmadonna said:

She kept her promises to Sophia. Granted, it was because she feared the potential lawsuit that Caputo was putting together. But the riot was big national news, and I'm sure that reporters would have followed up on whether the agreed changes were made; and, if they weren't, it would be terrible publicity for MCC (as well as possible legal problems for breach of contract, since everything would have been in writing).

I second this... I was on vacation in Boston last Fall, and I heard several people talk exactly the way Badison did. One worked at the hotel reception where we stayed, one was a native-born Uber driver, and another worked in a clothes shop we visited. I remember thinking how cute it was that they really sounded that way, like Jessica Lange in American Horror Story: Asylum. Being a Texan, I didn't really notice the inconsistencies others have mentioned, though I probably would have if the accent had been southern instead of northern. I can instantly tell the difference between a Texas, Georgia, Louisiania, Alabama, Kentucky, or Tennessee accent.


And Jessica Lange’s accent is not good either.  But thats just it. if I told you that a Louisiana accent sounded just like a Texas one, you would probably tell me i was wrong. To me they sound the same,  but they arent.. But i cant pick it up because i didnt spend my entire life listening to those very accents.

i remember when my husband a native Californian moved with me back to RI,  My new landlord talked like Peter Griffon.  My husband thought it sounded just like a Southie Mark Wahlberg accent.  Peter’s Providence/attleboro accent sounded the same to him as a Boston accent.  But i can instantly spot a RI accent if im in another state. A new englander can tell the difference. We lived  there for 7 years and when we left, my husband could tell a JFK accent from Donnie Walhberg one, but he still thought all of the other accents sound the  same.  One big tell between a RI accent and most other New England accent is cought-cot.. In most NE accents those words sound the same but a rhode Islander would say cought and cot differently. Rhode Islanders say ‘Pawk the caw,’ whereas Bostonians say ‘Pahk the cah.’ In Boston you ride a hahs, but in Providence, you ride a hawse. These subtle differences are give aways to natives.

There  are some vocal habits that most everyone from new England has..they almost all drop r from many words and add them to others, they elongate the a sound. These are things that actors always glom on too to come up with a generic  Boston accent.  Most non natives hear that aaaa sound and they hear dropped the r from words  and think the accent is good. Badison may say pahk the cah... and thats proper boston, but then says cot which is not. I think she was also elongating her aaaah sounds for way too long.

Thee way a RI native says coffee is also a dead give away, We say Cwafee. Sorry to drone on, but i love accents and ive taken more than a few Anthropological Linguistics classes. I could go on now and talk about how most New England accents are much closer to what English accents sounded like in 17th century england and a out how many Appalachian accents have Scottish roots 

Edited by JennyMominFL
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6 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

I thought Lorna was supposed to be from Queens?  While I could not tell you if there is a difference between a Queens accent vs. a Brooklyn accent I thought she sounded like she was from some NY borough.

I hope her baby is okay :( 

Lorna is a New Yorker, the actress is Australian.

i cant differentiate the accents of th NYC boroughs, but they apparently do exist. Brooklyn sounds different from the Bronx, which sounds different from Queens.  My NY friends can differentiate. I cant

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I'm the one who talked about Madison's accent being languid. here's my original post:


Her pronounciations are pure working class. 

She swallows her consonants. She hits her ar's as ahhhhhhh at the right time but she still hits some of them with extra vowel syllables. Listen to her say "war" as wohar. "First" as fuhst. "Important" as impawent.


What's fooling you is she speaking in a low non-nasal tone. Because she's being threatening in a surreptitious manner. Her delivery is slow and languid rather than the stereotypical nasal flat shriek of a Southie fishwife. See: "Don't call me a skank." from The Fighter.  The slowness is the only flaw. Bostonians generally speak rapid fire. Northern New Englanders are more languid. But she's using the slowness as a way to show control and be threatening.


The writers have neglected to throw in a few "wicked pissa awesomes" as well as an occasional "in-fucking-credible" or "un-fucking-believable" to help her sell it.

The CLASSIC languid Boston accent is Boston Rob Mariano from Survivor.

She doesn't have anything like a Brahmin accent. The last of the soon to be extinct Brahmin accents is John Kerry.

And forget the Kennedys as a comparison. Their accent was truly unique. They went to private schools where they learned diction. They may have charmed the voters with some elongated flattened vowels and a non-rhotic R here and there but they never swallowed a consonant. 



The show had a generic Masshole accent in the long haired tweaker from seasons past. It wasn't that good.

Madison also demonstrates a subtle modern upspeak.

Edited by MrsR
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On 7/29/2018 at 12:54 AM, Blue Plastic said:


Yeah, I kept wishing for Badison to get killed, but alas.  Looks like they are positioning her to be the main antagonist next season, unfortunately.  I hope Carol and Barb are both really dead.  They were annoying.  Plus Old Carol (the sister with the eyeglasses) reminded me too much of The Freak from Wentworth and I was scared they might want to give her the same treatment (repeat seasons).

I was hoping Badison would get shivved, but knew they wouldn’t since they invested so much in this stupid character.  Maybe she’ll vanish without Carol.


and speaking of old Carol, she totally reminded me of church lady.

On 7/29/2018 at 3:44 AM, yellowcalla said:

I kept thinking that the autopsy would show that Piscatella's bullet wounds were caused by two different types of guns. Didn't those armed guards shoot him originally with assault rifles? I don't know much about guns but I'd think that the wounds on his body would reveal that. 

I know the storm troopers said they would get a particular ME to do the autopsy, presumably to falsify it. But it would be pretty obvious he was not killed by the gun Taystee’s fingerprints were on. That’s one corrupt ME.

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Yeah, the Badison actress had an interview somewhere and said she'd be back for season 7. She thought her character would be "love to hate." Total miscalculation - I guess it was too late in the process to course correct in the middle episodes and kill her off.

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I'm not blaming the actor either. She didn't really have much to work with. I'd love to hate her if she was clever or capable, but she's very one note and useless. If they're going to have Madison v Alex next season, for example, I can't imagine this is a fair fight without seriously dumbing down Alex. 

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So the female guard who won "Fantasy Inmate" may have actually caused it. When she put Barb and Carol were in AdSeg together, they must have cooked up the revenge plan on Frieda. Too bad for them that Ruiz developed a conscience (or just liked kickball too much) and short circuited the gang war.

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10 hours ago, Armchair Critic said:

Why does the charisma free Daya keep getting major storylines and people falling in love with her?

My guess is that Daya is a blank slate and totally impressionable, so manipulative people like Daddy are drawn to her. 

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On ‎7‎/‎30‎/‎2018 at 12:42 PM, shantown said:

Maybe it was because I had bingewatched and was finishing this episode around 2am on Saturday (meaning, overly tired), but I was gutted when the sound dropped out during the verdict and it was just a loud heartbeat. I really like Taystee (and adore Danielle Brooks) so I was actually really sad and FELT that moment. I thought it was well done, though I know others felt it was too gimmicky.

I liked that too.  Times like that make me think there is no justice.  

The whole Barb and Carol thing was bothersome.  The fact that the kickball teams were happily playing the game, not giving that war of the blocks thing a second thought shows us that the players were not that vested in the sisters feud.  The sisters demise was perfect, neither one of them could get out of their own way.

Mackenzie Phillips did a great job considering how badly she chewed the scenery in One Day at a Time.

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