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S06.E02: Sh*tstorm Coming

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Healy, ugh. Caputo looks better without the 'stache. But I could do without the Caputo/Fig sex.

Maria's going down. Pennsatucky...more bad decisions.

There used to be a lot of funny moments in the show but now we just get popcorn guard.

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Was that guy in the passenger seat with the rapist guard one of the former COs? And I thought Healy died? Didn't he get drunk and walk off into the ocean? Maybe I should have watched a recap or something before starting this season. 

I'm sad they're all starting to turn on each other. One of the strengths of this show used to be the bond between everyone.

Piper's new cellmate creeped me out from the get-go. Too mousey, too quiet. And the scene where she was playing with her hair I was sure Piper was about to get injured by her somehow.

I'm weirdly rooting for Caputo. Agreed he looked better after a shave and a haircut.

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47 minutes ago, shantown said:

Was that guy in the passenger seat with the rapist guard one of the former COs? And I thought Healy died? Didn't he get drunk and walk off into the ocean? Maybe I should have watched a recap or something before starting this season. 

Yes, that guy is one of the former COs. Healy waded into the ocean, but he got out when his cell phone rang. He thought it was his wife calling, but it was the prison (because the riot had just started).

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44 minutes ago, Armchair Critic said:

So what was the meaning we were supposed to get from young Cindy? That she doesn't snitch (yet didn't she snitch on Taystee now?) or that she can be in denial or tune things out like her pregnancy and baby?

I think it’s that she’s lied in the past to protect someone she cared about and it caught up with her and didn’t work out the way she planned. That experience may have taught her that it’s better to tell the truth. 


The snitching here really doesn’t bother me because the stakes are so high.

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I really hope that at some point this season Cindy reveals the truth about the guards planting Piscatella in the pool and pinning his death on the inmates. I don't think the feds would believe Suzanne, and it'd make up for her snitching that Taystee held the gun; even if it was unintentional. 

Edited by funnygirl
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When we found out Piper’s roommate killed her kids, my blood ran cold. It explains why the woman keeps getting attacked by other inmates. 

I wonder what the DA found about Blanca? 

This season looks bleak. Hope all of the truth comes out. 

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The higher ups don’t want the truth or care about it. They just want to make the package that is due in a little under a week to be presentable and then clear their desks of this riot business. 

I really though popcorn guard was going to go into the break room after the door knob came off. So he popped the corn for 5 seconds less and half didn’t pop? Poor baby. Hope that he doesn’t project his anger onto a prisoner. 

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20 hours ago, shantown said:

And I thought Healy died? Didn't he get drunk and walk off into the ocean?

He did, but that's all they showed. I think the point of his scene was 'rebirth' or whatever. Which was why he seemed so 'zen' ish now. 

I do hope there's more flashbacks. They never showed Daya shooting the guard in S5 right? I'd like to get that clarified. 

22 hours ago, ExplainItAgain said:

But I could do without the Caputo/Fig sex.

I love it because it's so just there. I don't know how to put it. I think Fig is weirdly hot. I cracked up when the actor was on Broad City. 

I like how the bad food is a running gag. 

23 hours ago, ExplainItAgain said:

Pennsatucky...more bad decisions.

I just can't stand anything to do with her. I hope this isn't a main feature either. 

I like the flashback Cindy actor. 

21 hours ago, shantown said:

I'm weirdly rooting for Caputo. Agreed he looked better after a shave and a haircut.

I'm always rooting for him. My favorite scene was his genuine joy "You did it!" to T when Fig told them the state would give in to their demands. I get that he's stewing because he's got nothing to do, but yeah, you were in charge when the riot went down and they're paying you to go away. You should go away. 

18 hours ago, funnygirl said:

I really hope that at some point this season Cindy reveals the truth about the guards planting Piscatella in the pool and pinning his death on the inmates. I don't think the feds would believe Suzanne, and it'd make up for her snitching that Taystee held the gun; even if it was unintentional. 

That's got to drop at some point, but I doubt it's going to be as easy as Cindy just telling them. 

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6 minutes ago, ganesh said:

He did, but that's all they showed. I think the point of his scene was 'rebirth' or whatever. Which was why he seemed so 'zen' ish now. 

I do hope there's more flashbacks. They never showed Daya shooting the guard in S5 right? I'd like to get that clarified. 

I love it because it's so just there. I don't know how to put it. I think Fig is weirdly hot. I cracked up when the actor was on Broad City. 

I like how the bad food is a running gag. 

I just can't stand anything to do with her. I hope this isn't a main feature either. 

I like the flashback Cindy actor. 

I'm always rooting for him. My favorite scene was his genuine joy "You did it!" to T when Fig told them the state would give in to their demands. I get that he's stewing because he's got nothing to do, but yeah, you were in charge when the riot went down and they're paying you to go away. You should go away. 

That's got to drop at some point, but I doubt it's going to be as easy as Cindy just telling them. 

I think she'd have a better chance of being believed if she'd spoken up immediately and maybe mentioned the name of the medical examiner that the SWAT team wanted on the case.  It's information that she couldn't have had otherwise and would have gone some way towards establishing the veracity of her story. 

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Yes, but it's Cindy. She isn't good on large scale planning. The key piece is the name of that ME. I think Suzanne is the one who is going to somehow let something slip because she can't keep track of all the 'stories'. 

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7 hours ago, ganesh said:

Yes, but it's Cindy. She isn't good on large scale planning. The key piece is the name of that ME. I think Suzanne is the one who is going to somehow let something slip because she can't keep track of all the 'stories'. 

I think it's more of a self-preservation thing.  If she speaks up about the cover up, there's a chance that the truth will come out.  However, there's also a chance that the truth would be buried if those in charge of the investigation are corrupt and decide that it's best to let the inmates take the fall, since otherwise it might leave the prison vulnerable to a lawsuit from Piscatella's family, not to mention that the revelation would taint every case that the ME was involved in, which could lead to all sorts of legal complications. Cindy's been around, she knows the score.  If you have trust in the system, then maybe you would have the courage to be a whistleblower; but if your experience of the system is that it's always rigged against you, you might not be so willing to stick your neck out and put a target on your back.

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On 7/27/2018 at 5:11 PM, mntnsrck79 said:

The snitching here really doesn’t bother me because the stakes are so high.

Totally agree.  What's more important, the hope of getting out someday, or your prison "family"? 

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12 hours ago, Steph J said:

I think it's more of a self-preservation thing.  If she speaks up about the cover up, there's a chance that the truth will come out.  However, there's also a chance that the truth would be buried if those in charge of the investigation are corrupt and decide that it's best to let the inmates take the fall, since otherwise it might leave the prison vulnerable to a lawsuit from Piscatella's family, not to mention that the revelation would taint every case that the ME was involved in, which could lead to all sorts of legal complications. Cindy's been around, she knows the score.  If you have trust in the system, then maybe you would have the courage to be a whistleblower; but if your experience of the system is that it's always rigged against you, you might not be so willing to stick your neck out and put a target on your back.

You are doing a better job of telling Cindy's story than OITNB is. That is an explanation that makes perfect sense to me. Instead, we got Cindy not telling her father who her baby's father was and her father telling her mother that she lets Cindy get away with too much. Then, we see Cindy's mother taking care of her baby and Cindy walking out of the house to do her own thing. So we're supposed to take away that Cindy has got away with lying and not taking responsibility in the past so she's continuing that pattern? I guess that makes sense in a way regarding the responsibility aspect but I'm not sure why it would be so important to tell the truth of who her baby's father was and how one impacts the other. I have a feeling Cindy's mother would be the one raising Cindy's child anyway.

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Yeah, I didn't think the flashback did much to enhance the present day narrative.  If the flashback story had ended with Cindy going back to the guy who got her pregnant and him acting like he didn't even know her, then it might have made some sense because you could argue that the point of the story was that Cindy put herself out to protect him and just ended up being left holding the bag (even though, more accurately, it's her mother who was left holding the bag).  As it is, the flashback didn't illuminate anything about Cindy that we didn't already know.

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I am a little confused by the Caputo/Fig situation. He was the warden of the minimum security prison and is on paid suspension. She is the warden of the maximum security prison. So how exactly did she steal his job? Were we ever given any indication that Caputo was also in charge of the max facility?

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On 7/28/2018 at 4:11 PM, ganesh said:

He did, but that's all they showed. I think the point of his scene was 'rebirth' or whatever. Which was why he seemed so 'zen' ish now. 

Unless I completely hallucinated it, didn't Healy admit himself for psychiatric treatment/electroshock? I think that's why he's "zen" - he obliterated his depression, likely together with a lot of other things.

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28 minutes ago, kassa said:

Unless I completely hallucinated it, didn't Healy admit himself for psychiatric treatment/electroshock? I think that's why he's "zen" - he obliterated his depression, likely together with a lot of other things.

Yep. He walked into the ocean to kill himself, then was distracted by his phone, and then checked himself into a mental hospital. We didnt see him at all last season I dont think, except maybe him watching the riot on the news in the hospital. I dont blame him for wanting to stay away from the prison drama. Although, it looked like he was WAY out of it on meds. 

I dont really blame people for snitching in this situation. Its a lot of time in jail for a messed up situation that escalated super quickly, and while I dont want them to make shit up to throw other people under the bus, I cant blame them for telling what actually happened. Well, kind of what happened. I would have started with "this all started when we got these serial killer guards..." but I doubt any of these people would care. They just want this whole riot wrapped up in a pretty bow, with an evil criminal mastermind to pin everything on so the whole thing can go away.

No wonder women kept attacking that woman Piper got stuck with. Dear God. They are in max after all. With woman who did crimes a lot more serious than drugs or white collar stuff or whatever. 

This might be an unpopular opinion, but I find most of the flashbacks to be basically pointless, especially the last few seasons. They have had some good ones that give some good context to the characters, but a lot of them are pretty pointless, like this one with Cindy. We arent quite in "what do Jacks tattoos mean?" land yet, but we`re getting closer. 

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I'm really interested to see some of the new characters backstories like Badison (ugh I hate that I have to type that out), or maybe WHY Piper's roomie killed her kids.  And please don't make us wait long to find out about Blanca!!  

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This was definitely an improvement over the previous episode and felt more like old-school Orange. I for one got a big kick out of the popcorn guard. 

However, I'm having a devil of a time trying to remember what happened last season. It just seems like forever since I watched it and frankly, what I do remember about it doesn't make me want to go back and watch it again to refresh my memory. 

I guess what the authorities are trying to establish is who "started" the riot and who was in charge, is that correct? Essentially it was Daya who started the riot, although possibly by accident. Was it really Ruiz who was "in charge?" I just barely even remember who she is. 

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Why the hell wouldn’t the investigators just ask the damn guards what happened and who the ring leader was? I don’t understand the point of Ruiz and Mendoza against each other when you’d just have to ask a guard what happened. 

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On 2018-07-28 at 1:07 PM, Mindthinkr said:

The higher ups don’t want the truth or care about it. They just want to make the package that is due in a little under a week to be presentable and then clear their desks of this riot business. 

I really though popcorn guard was going to go into the break room after the door knob came off. So he popped the corn for 5 seconds less and half didn’t pop? Poor baby. Hope that he doesn’t project his anger onto a prisoner. 

Yes. agreed to your first point. I enjoyed the popcorn distraction. Didn't we already see him kicking at least one of the prisoners? I could be mixing him up with one of the other lesser guards in the background though. The main bad guy - shaved head and very dark eyebrows - kept reminding me of Matt Lauer. I think I am going to be remembering that one this season. He might be the #1 Bad Guard.

On 2018-07-28 at 4:11 PM, ganesh said:

He did, but that's all they showed. I think the point of his scene was 'rebirth' or whatever. Which was why he seemed so 'zen' ish now. 

I do hope there's more flashbacks. They never showed Daya shooting the guard in S5 right? I'd like to get that clarified. 

I love it because it's so just there. I don't know how to put it. I think Fig is weirdly hot. I cracked up when the actor was on Broad City. 

I like how the bad food is a running gag. 

I just can't stand anything to do with her. I hope this isn't a main feature either. 

I like the flashback Cindy actor. 

I'm always rooting for him. My favorite scene was his genuine joy "You did it!" to T when Fig told them the state would give in to their demands. I get that he's stewing because he's got nothing to do, but yeah, you were in charge when the riot went down and they're paying you to go away. You should go away. 

That's got to drop at some point, but I doubt it's going to be as easy as Cindy just telling them. 

I am pretty sure that we did see Daya shoot the guard. A large group of the women had the guard encircled in a space where the two hallways intersected, and I was hoping she wouldn't do it. 

I too love Fig and Caputo together. They have such great comic timing and fantastic chemistry. I always love it when the only half decent male on the show returns, even if he is highly ineffective most of the time, despite his best efforts. I also liked the goofy redhead guard from the last two seasons. Is he the one that is on the road trip with Rapey and Pennsacola?

Edited by PreBabylonia
Bad syntax
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26 minutes ago, PreBabylonia said:

kept reminding me of Matt Lauer.

What an ugly tape to be replayed in your mind. Was it the haircut?

I don’t really see any reason for the guards to be as bad  to the prisoners as they are except the fact that they can get away with it.  Power trips. 

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25 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:

What an ugly tape to be replayed in your mind. Was it the haircut?

I don’t really see any reason for the guards to be as bad  to the prisoners as they are except the fact that they can get away with it.  Power trips. 

A bit and also the eyes. He has very striking eyes (although they may be a different colour now that I think of it). I actually used to think Matt Lauer was good looking back in the days when he had hair. Gag.

*still working on finding those recipes!

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1 hour ago, PreBabylonia said:

I am pretty sure that we did see Daya shoot the guard. A large group of the women had the guard encircled in a space where the two hallways intersected, and I was hoping she wouldn't do it. 

He didn't die from the gun shot though. They brought him to medical and one of the other inmates put air in his IV and gave him a stroke. 

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10 minutes ago, ganesh said:

He didn't die from the gun shot though. They brought him to medical and one of the other inmates put air in his IV and gave him a stroke. 

That's right, I completely forgot! You either have a great memory or rewatched it. So Daya shouldn't be charged with murder but....attempted murder? And I think it was either Suzanne or her girlfriend that fiddled with the IV. He didn't die from the stroke though - did the guards mercy kill him? 

Edited by PreBabylonia
Fixing a mangled sentence
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No, I actually remembered watching halfway into this season. I forgot why, maybe someone said something that triggered it, but I remember him being wheeled around for a few episodes and he was dead for a while before they noticed. That's when it really hit the fan - when they found out a guard was dead. 

Daya didn't actually shoot him straight up either. I thought the gun went off. 

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On 8/3/2018 at 6:23 PM, Lunula said:

Why the hell wouldn’t the investigators just ask the damn guards what happened and who the ring leader was? I don’t understand the point of Ruiz and Mendoza against each other when you’d just have to ask a guard what happened. 

My vague memory is that Ruiz made the deal to let the guards go in order to get something (having to do with her kids?) - but Mendoza beat her to the punch?

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8 hours ago, Clanstarling said:

My vague memory is that Ruiz made the deal to let the guards go in order to get something (having to do with her kids?) - but Mendoza beat her to the punch?

It's the other way round, actually. Gloria (Mendoza) made the deal so she could go to the hospital to see her child. Maria (Ruiz) found out and freed the guards herself.

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14 hours ago, Cattie said:

It's the other way round, actually. Gloria (Mendoza) made the deal so she could go to the hospital to see her child. Maria (Ruiz) found out and freed the guards herself.

Ah, got the character names mixed up. I'm never particularly solid on names with any show, particularly one with a cast this large. Should have checked IMDB, which is what I usually do, but didn't have the time. Thanks for the correction.

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Caputo and Fig having fully clothed sex, why bother?  I mean, who does that in real life?  Let's have sex but keep all our clothes on!

Cindy throwing Taystee under the bus was pretty sad.

Piper's roommate had the female Norman Bates vibe.

Great seeing Healy again.

I wanted to hit Rapey's travel buddy myself.

I also thought the bad guard looked like Matt Lauer on roids.

I hope they get past the women all turning on each other to save themselves and the real culprits get brought to justice, or this season is going to be a long slog.

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On 7/27/2018 at 9:19 PM, DietCokeJunkie said:

When we found out Piper’s roommate killed her kids, my blood ran cold. It explains why the woman keeps getting attacked by other inmates. 

I wonder what the DA found about Blanca? 

This season looks bleak. Hope all of the truth comes out. 

It bothers me that the woman who killed her kids in in max and not psych.  It seems ridiculous that some of these characters who clearly have mental issues (Crazy Eyes, Lorna) are in regular prison.

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Oh, teenage Cindy - if that stupid boy really liked you, he wouldn't be having secret sex with you in the locker room and then immediately threatening to beat up a boy who had the audacity to say his girlfriend's name. She protected him for nothing. Did she really think that not revealing his identity would somehow lead to him dumping his girlfriend and dating her instead? How long before someone finds the note she wrote and accidentally shoved into the drain in the hallway?

Piper's new roommate was creeping me out, but especially when she started braiding Piper's hair. I was like girl, have you learned nothing? Don't turn your back on some woman you just met. I was waiting for her new roommate to strangle her or stab her. I know we're supposed to think it was this huge epiphany that Piper finally realized that prison Piper was separate from outside Piper, but it just made me roll my eyes because it took her THIS LONG to come to that conclusion? She's been in denial a long time.

At first I thought Piper and Lorna would have a cute reunion while in line for meds, but then of course it all went back to Piper's usual "WHERE'S ALEX? HAVE YOU SEEN ALEX?" She is like a broken record. Never mind that there was just a huge prison riot and several of you are still in ad-seg. Let's just obsess about Alex.

I was hoping that popcorn guy would be reprimanded after he broke the door. I loved that after their first failed attempt to humor him, the FBI agents were like, "Shhhhh, just ignore him until he goes away" the second time he tried to interrupt their interrogations.

The other guard told Gloria that his dad was Puerto Rican, so I was waiting for him to reveal that he knew Spanish and understood everything she had said during her prayer.

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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