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S05.E14: Ho, Ho, Ho 2018.07.12

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After 5 years of constant tension, Patricia finally extends an olive branch and invites Kathryn to her Winter Ball. As these two former enemies make peace, the delicate truce between Craig and Naomie blows up when he brings a date to the Ball. Meanwhile, as Austen tries to warn Thomas that there's a nasty rumor circulating about Ashley, he's the one that gets burned by Ashley. When Kathryn and Ashley finally sit down to talk for the first time since Hilton Head, their conversation quickly turns combative.

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So, Thomas’ type is crazy cuckoo bird.  Got it.

Why were Kathryn’s gloves so filthy?  I guess if that’s the only negative thing I have to say about her then she’s way more improved than I ever thought possible.

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Sooooo.  Help me out here on the "Ashley is a ho" rumor. 

Kathryn brought it up to Naomi.

Naomi said someone sent it to her.

At the ball, they're all discussing it.

Then Naomi's roommate says a friend of his from the Polo circuit told him that Ashley was a paid ho.

So?  Naomi's roommate started the rumor? 

I think the only change in Kathryn is that she is sober.  Because she was a complete ass to Jennifer.  But thar made the light bulb go off in my head.

Kathryn blames every thing on every body and really hasn't examined what a complete jerk she's been for the last 4 years.  She owes people apologies.  Instead?  She's the victim of everybody else.

Austin is weak.  If you can't say the shit directly to someone's face, then don't say it at all.  He deserved everything Ashley said to him 

Naomi needs to go.  I'm done.  Goodbye.  The ONLY redeeming thing about her is Gizmo.

I wonder how Patricia's felt about Kathryn's TH?  Blah, blah,blah.....

Edited by dosodog
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Wow.  That’s a whole lot of crazy going on.  I hope whoever licenses nurses in SC watches this show.

Bless Cameran’s heart.  She didn’t start guffawing when Craig was describing his pillows.  You know she wanted to, but, she didn’t.

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Well, by TRav and then it will be by Ashley after the reunion.  This woman is freaken crazy.  Yeah, I get Kathryn being afraid of her.

I really enjoyed the ball with formal attire.  JD with the coat not so much.  Dude, you seriously need to loose some weight so stop drawing attention to yourself.

I like Shep and Kat interaction as well.  I don't think they'd ever be a real couple but it's nice to see that Shep does have another side with women.

Congrats to Kat for the confirmation that she has 50/50 custody.  She may not have to worry about Ashley being around her children if their father goes to jail.  I wouldn't want her around my children either. 

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14 minutes ago, dosodog said:

Naomi needs to go.  I'm done.  Goodbye.  The ONLY redeeming thing about her is Gizmo.

Her face was tripping the floor from the moment Craig arrived...with a female on his arm.  She is clearly still (at least at the time of this taping) still emotionally involved with Craig.  For her to lash out and, once again, accuse him of not being "an authentic person" is tired.  Naomi, put down the Urban Dictionary, and take a look in the mirror.

Bye girl.

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31 minutes ago, TexasGal said:

So, Thomas’ type is crazy cuckoo bird.  Got it.

Why were Kathryn’s gloves so filthy?  I guess if that’s the only negative thing I have to say about her then she’s way more improved than I ever thought possible.

She said she tried to touch up her lipstick with them on.. they had makeup on them. 

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I maintain that Craig is a douche nozzle and Naomie looked gorgeous. No we don't know what was going on behind the scenes. Maybe they had been talking and she's heard it all before. She even said that he tried to twist the date for the ball conversation around. That was a dick move on his part considering he'd already asked the other girl. 

What was Snowden even doing there. 

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Love Shep responding, “it’s Michael Jackson’s monkey” when they realized there were bubbles walking in.  I can’t help but love him sometimes when he says random shit like that.  I thought it was sweet how he asked if Kathryn was going to be okay. They seem to have a genuine friendship. 

So are JD and Elizabeth getting divorced then?  I was thinking JD had no right to be commenting on what Elizabeth is wearing.  She looked good.  JD, not so much. 

Cameran is gorgeous and looks freaking amazing, but she just bugs me.  I feel like she acts like she’s above it all, but then asks the most prying questions to create drama (producer induced or not, who knows).  She just doesn’t feel as genuine to me, like it’s all an act.  

Craig’s house looked disgusting.  Not shocking he didn’t continue with his life coach considering she wanted to talk about his habitual lying.  

Can’t even address the  craziness of the nurse.  Thomas didn’t seem to be upset about everyone laying into Ashley.  He seems relieved when she goes nuts on someone other than him.

Did Jennifer Snowden just meet Ashley for the first time?  

Edited by KLJ
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Did anyone else catch during the preview for next week when Naomi accused Craig of doing something to maybe her new boyfriend (?), and Craig said, “Only after you introduced him to my cat?”

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My husband likes Katherine and Shep together.  I told him, “no way would his parents ever approve of that”.  Then I thought, why not, she’s a descendent of Calhoun.  She’s somebody pretty important also.  What family has more money?  Sheps or Katherine’s?

Edited by Gem 10
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5 minutes ago, HunterHunted said:

The opposite of love is apathy. Naomi's snotty display demonstrates that she still has feelings for Craig.

I'm calling JD Boss Warthog from now on.

I think that's okay though. I have a hunch that Craig had been dragging on with his manipulative bullshit and her disgust for him is because she was finally seeing him for who he is. It looked like a combination of disgust and disappointment. Even Cam could barely control her gagging with the grubby wine glass at his house. He just doesn't get a pass anymore because he has a cute smile. The guy's a loser and he let her down. 

BOSS WARTHOG is a disgusting chauvinist pig from hell.

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7 minutes ago, HunterHunted said:

The opposite of love is apathy. Naomi's snotty display demonstrates that she still has feelings for Craig.

I'm not certain that reality shows can be judged by normal standards.

I'd think that apathy would normally go along with not interacting with someone.

In this show they have to stay in the same "friend" group and go on the same vacations and parties.

While it doesn't make sense to me why this was the final straw for Naomi at all, I would also believe that there Is so much history with Craig that Naomi has no patience left for him.  So things other people don't even see send her right over the edge and its not about having feelings for him.  Its frustration and dislike.

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44 minutes ago, dosodog said:

Sooooo.  Help me out here on the "Ashley is a ho" rumor. 

Kathryn brought it up to Naomi.

Naomi said someone sent it to her.

At the ball, they're all discussing it.

Then Naomi's roommate says a friend of his from the Polo circuit told him that Ashley was a paid ho.

So?  Naomi's roommate started the rumor? 

I think the only change in Kathryn is that she is sober.  Because she was a complete ass to Jennifer.  But thar made the light bulb go off in my head.

Kathryn blames every thing on every body and really hasn't examined what a complete jerk she's been for the last 4 years.  She owes people apologies.  Instead?  She's the victim of everybody else.

Austin is weak.  If you can't say the shit directly to someone's face, then don't say it at all.  He deserved everything Ashley said to him 

Naomi needs to go.  I'm done.  Goodbye.  The ONLY redeeming thing about her is Gizmo.

I wonder how Patricia's felt about Kathryn's TH?  Blah, blah,blah.....

YES to all of it!

8 minutes ago, Gem 10 said:

My husband likes Katherine and Shep together.  I told him, “no way would his parents ever approve of that”.  Then I thought, why not, she’s a descendent of Calhoun.  She’s somebody pretty important also.  What family has more money?  Sheps or Katherine’s?

Shep’s family has wayyy more money.  Remember Kathryn’s family home?  Shutters falling off the windows...

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Ashley has the worst overbite.  And what the fuck was going on with her lipstick?  Also, whoever did Kathyn's makeup should be fired.  The foundation made her skin look yellow.

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Watching Ashley seems like I'm watching scripted television.  I can't help but believe the rumors that Thomas paid her - and continues to pay her via shopping sprees, etc..   I think she prepares her "lines" in advance and in preparation for the camera.  She knows she's vile and like others have said, its as if she enjoys it.  She likes being on camera.

I also tend to think she has dirt on both Kathryn and Thomas and is now pulling all the strings.  The only way she'll leave is if she's paid off, IMO.   

Edited by Jextella
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46 minutes ago, Duke2801 said:

Ashley: if Thomas is the “prize” you are not “winning.” You are the loser in last place. 

Psychotic hosebeast is too kind a description for her. There HAD to have been a chunk of conversation edited out between “I’m sorry for what I said in Hilton Head” to “you suck and I hope you die” (paraphrased). Right? Or is she just that insane?? 

Kathryn looked good (except the hair—wasn’t a fan) and acted appropriately... until the very end. Not that Ashley didn’t deserve it, mind you, I just wish she would have taken the high road and said nothing because it would have pissed Ashley right the hell off even more. I’m still not a K-Denn “fan,” but in the case of her against Ass-ley, I’m on her side. 

Glad to see Naomi being as charming as ever. Her bitchy comment about Craig’s date’s gloves at dinner speaks way more about her than the actual etiquette faux paus that the girl committed. 

Glad Elizabeth is rid of red faced, guffawing JD. His chastising her for her dress being too revealing was gross. Be gone, warthog. 

 Just wish Elizabeth would find a nice boyfriend and put it up J.D’s big mouth blowhard drunken cheating ass. 

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1 minute ago, Wierzbowski said:

Patricia's party looked bunk. Cheap, chintzy, and too brightly lit. Those white trees should have reached the ceiling. 

It was low rent for sure. Paid for by production I hope. Miss P is better than that! My prom was better than that and I went to public school.

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26 minutes ago, annewithaneee said:

I was too for a second, then I remembered Jennifer Snowden is a longtime friend of TRav's. Her judgment's been fundamentally flawed for a longass time. Glad to hear her child's doing well, but she keeps some terrible, terrible company.

Let’s see, up until the rape allegation came out.

Cameron, Whitney, Shep, JD, Elisabeth, Craig, Naomi, Kathryn, Craig, Naomi and Patricia's (her outfit was awful.  Absolutely awful...)?

All friends with TRav......

I give Jennifer a pass for tonight.  Kathryn was pretty nasty to her.  And has yet to apologize. She even doubled down tonight over Jennifer's testimony and played the victim route over it.

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5 minutes ago, dosodog said:
39 minutes ago, annewithaneee said:

I was too for a second, then I remembered Jennifer Snowden is a longtime friend of TRav's. Her judgment's been fundamentally flawed for a longass time. Glad to hear her child's doing well, but she keeps some terrible, terrible company.

Let’s see, up until the rape allegation came out.

Cameron, Whitney, Shep, JD, Elisabeth, Craig, Naomi, Kathryn, Craig, Naomi and Patricia's (her outfit was awful.  Absolutely awful...)?

All friends with TRav......

I give Jennifer a pass for tonight.  Kathryn was pretty nasty to her.  And has yet to apologize. She even doubled down tonight over Jennifer's testimony and played the victim route over it.

I mean, yes. I won't argue that any of these people have reacted appropriately to Thomas, ever. Just watching him on TV makes me want to take a shower in holy water. But, anyone that has been Team TRav for years (presumably before and besides being on a TV show with him, which I think motivates some of the cast member's tolerance of him, whereas Jennifer may be an actual off-camera friend of his) probably isn't going to suddenly be put off by Ashley, and that's all I was saying. She's just the cherry on top of the drunken lecherous cake.

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What was the testimony that Snowden supposedly lied about?   

I think Naomi is still very angry because Craig is good at playing a lovable goof while behind closed doors he was a lying nightmare. As someone who has wasted time with such a person, I was definitely bitter that most people couldn’t understand why we ended things.  And that’s without having to see that person to film for a tv show.  Hard to find closure that way. 

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13 minutes ago, Coffeewinewater said:

I haven't finished the episode but something seems off about Kathryn at Patricia's dinner. Her way of speaking her eyes....I thought she maybe had a few drinks, idk. she didn't seem like the same Kathryn I've seen all season. 

I think she acted under the influence of something.  Either that or the near catatonic state she's been in for most of the season has been tempered by a med adjustment.  I hope it's the latter.

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3 minutes ago, annewithaneee said:

I mean, yes. I won't argue that any of these people have reacted appropriately to Thomas, ever. Just watching him on TV makes me want to take a shower in holy water. But, anyone that has been Team TRav for years (presumably before and besides being on a TV show with him, which I think motivates some of the cast member's tolerance of him, whereas Jennifer may be an actual off-camera friend of his) probably isn't going to suddenly be put off by Ashley, and that's all I was saying. She's just the cherry on top of the drunken lecherous cake.

Maybe she hasn't interacted with Ashley that much and hasn't seen the full on crazy?  She wasn't at Hilton Head and I thought her reaction to Ashley a couple of times was "What?!?"--like when Ashley was going on about Kathryn and her winning.

Now.  If she is back for an episode next season and gushes over Ashley the way the girls now gush over Katheryn, she will TOTALLY get glare eye from me ala Lady Mormont. 


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26 minutes ago, Coffeewinewater said:

I haven't finished the episode but something seems off about Kathryn at Patricia's dinner. Her way of speaking her eyes....I thought she maybe had a few drinks, idk. she didn't seem like the same Kathryn I've seen all season. 

She seemed to be high. I bet she took something to relieve her anxiety. 

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9 minutes ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

I think she acted under the influence of something.  Either that or the near catatonic state she's been in for most of the season has been tempered by a med adjustment.  I hope it's the latter.

I thought she seemed a little off when they were sitting down too.  But I think if that were true, she would have responded much more differently with Ashley during their confrontation. 

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Naomi’s, I think it was her nd she is into animals, reaction when JD walked in with her disgusted “of course he wore a fur”. 

I am sure it wasn’t but Patricia’s caftan looked cheap.

The interaction between JD and Elizabeth was AWKWARD. Bless Whitney saying that Elizabeth was available.

Edited by biakbiak
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5 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

Naomi’s, I think it was her nd she is into animals, reaction when JD walked in with her disgusted “of course he wore a fur”. 

I am sure it wasn’t but Patricia’s caftan looked cheap.

The interaction between JD and Elizabeth was AWKWARD. Bless Whitney saying that Elizabeth was available.

I thought it was Liz that mentioned the fur. Either way, the looks she gave him in that coat was priceless!

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7 minutes ago, zenme said:

I thought it was Liz that mentioned the fur. Either way, the looks she gave him in that coat was priceless!

It didn’t sound like her and they showed Naomi and Dani. I assume Elizabeth would not be surprised that he had that coat.

Jennifer Snowden saying that she hoped that Ashley would get along with Kathryn for the sake of the children even though Kathryn was bad mouthing her at the same time was beyond generous given how Kathryn has treated Jennifer in the past.

Edited by biakbiak
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Well, JSno certainly speaks up when she feels someone is being wronged, and I can appreciate that. She did that for Kathryn a couple of seasons ago, and was in her corner against a formidable opponent, Thomas. Now she's in Ashley's corner in her defense against spreading of rumors. Whether it's true or not, I can admire that she feels someone's being wronged and stepped in. 

Austen, shut up. Jennifer wasn't accusing your sister of anything, but pointing out that you wouldn't like someone spreading gossip about someone you love.

Edited by zenme
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2 hours ago, Marcya23 said:

This is my theory on Craig and Naomi.  He admitted that he is a liar.  He showed in his scene with Cameron that he can't stick with one thing.  He can't even commit to a pillow.  I think that he had Naomi snowed.  She loved him and believed in him.  Yes, she's shown that she can be a hella stalker and a bit crazy, but who here hasn't.  I sure as hell have had my moments where I went a bit cuckoo over an ex.  I believe that although she doesn't want to be with him, she is still having a hard time with the break up.  She spent years believing his bullshit.  Yet he is still this lovable goof to everyone.  It has to be exhausting to witness.

Or.... she's just a horrible person and I am totally wrong.

The crazy bitch has embedded an ap on his phone without his knowledge to track him at all times ... she’s a stuck up spoiled bitch... she’s a horrible human being ... I actually feel sorry for her because she’ll never change because she thinks she’s never wrong ... don’t get me wrong Craig is a worthless piece of shit .... no ambition... lazy new aged male ... he’s a pathetic excuse for a man as is Austen ... these 2 guys should be ashamed of themselves as should their parents for what they’ve raised ... when their looks go it’s gonna be a really lonely life for them 

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1 hour ago, Wierzbowski said:

Patricia's party looked bunk. Cheap, chintzy, and too brightly lit. Those white trees should have reached the ceiling. 

Southern Socialite Patricia and her "White Tie Ball". What a joke. There was nobody invited but the cast members, Patricia's redhead friend and some background actors. This is Patricia's guest list?  Why is this old woman doing this show?

Speaking of old, Kathryn's hairstyle was awful and made her look matronly. She just can't get her styling right. She hasn't shed all of her baby weight yet, I don't remember her having such big boobs. And she's working in a clothing store helping put together outfits for customers. 

I couldn't help but notice how incredibly skinny Naomi, Ashley, Danni, Jennifer and Chelsea are. Cam was perfection as usual. 

Craig, clean your disgusting house! I'm so mad at myself for believing he had changed and gotten himself on track. 

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