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Season 20: Live Feed Discussion


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5 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

I know that BBOTT isn't a season that a lot of people count, but I will always count Morgan beating Jason in the F2, especially since it was through America's Vote. After a whole season of back and forth on which side got the power, Morgan beat the vet Jason and I couldn't be more proud. 

I never saw OTT (Mainly because I did not want to pay to watch a CBS show. Though I would like to see that season) but from what I saw of Morgan (Through clips of the show and whatnot) it hardly comes as a surprise that she won.  She is very pretty and extremely charming and Jason is...well Jason a bitter, mean, snarky guy.  So yeah I think America made the right choice there.

3 hours ago, Skycatcher said:

The sad thing about the show slowing down is that this thread slows down too.  As usual, I'm really going to miss getting the over-nights with my coffee in the morning once the season is done.

I know a good portion of us crossover into the Survivor and TAR threads but it just is not the same (Mainly because on here we can react in real time and have direct access on what is going on, not some edited version).  I really enjoy reading everyone's takes on the show even if I might not agree and we do have some truly funny and insightful posters who post here on a regular basis.


1 hour ago, RandomWatcher said:

Seems the ones behind Hamsterwatch and Vegas getting suspended are Hayleigh fans.  They're trying to get Evel Dick suspended too.

I would never be that big a fan of someone to do this.  Do these people not have anything better to do with themselves.

While I really do not want to see JC win the game I am glad that he won HOH.  It makes for a far more interesting end game.

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7 minutes ago, Lonesome Rhodes said:

Strategically, the person JC must carry is Angela.  She is the only one he 100% wins a vote over.  To me, Kaycee is his biggest obstacle.  

But, JC being JC, he'll go after Angela.  

He sees Angela as the one person who both KC and Tyler (particularly Tyler) might take to Final 2 over him. He's thinking that if he can get her out, he's all but guaranteed final 2.

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JC was always going to have to win out anyway to get to the F2. He wants Angela out because he believes that Tyler & Kaycee would both take him to the F2 if they were to win the F3 HOH- what he doesn't realize that they would actually take each other. 

If JC cannot win either Part 1 or Part 2 he's not making it to F2. 

Tyler will take one of the girls and one of the girls will take him, that is if one of the girls doesn't evict Tyler at F4. LOL. 

I would be surprised if Tyler didn't win this Veto- but stranger things have happened- we just had a JC win! Haha. 

Edited by SiobhanJW
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Nah. Fuck JC. I’m bummed at this. I wanted this asshole booted fourth, realizing he didn’t control shit. As broring as it may have been, I wanted the remaining L6 to battle it out amongst themselves at the end. Now he’s going to be insufferable right up to finale night. And if he does win? Ruins the whole season for me. Boo.

  • Love 19

It's certainly a surprise that he won, but it really doesn't change the end game all THAT much. This is why, for Tyler's game, he was fine with JC staying - worse odds at him winning HoH, but if he somehow DID win HoH, Tyler would be fairly protected there, as well. There's practically no chance that JC could win the Final HoH, so it just forestalls the inevitable and, in a way, perhaps allows Tyler to keep Angela from being pissed at him if Kaycee is the one to vote Angela out. 

But yes, if Angela wins POV, there is a decent shot she eliminates Tyler. I just doubt Tyler loses F4 POV to Angela.

Kaycee might beast mode her way to a POV win over Tyler, but I suspect he would have it otherwise.

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6 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

It's certainly a surprise that he won, but it really doesn't change the end game all THAT much. This is why, for Tyler's game, he was fine with JC staying - worse odds at him winning HoH, but if he somehow DID win HoH, Tyler would be fairly protected there, as well. There's practically no chance that JC could win the Final HoH, so it just forestalls the inevitable and, in a way, perhaps allows Tyler to keep Angela from being pissed at him if Kaycee is the one to vote Angela out. 

But yes, if Angela wins POV, there is a decent shot she eliminates Tyler. I just doubt Tyler loses F4 POV to Angela.

Kaycee might beast mode her way to a POV win over Tyler, but I suspect he would have it otherwise.

I don't think right now Angela would evict Tyler- I think if we were talking about Angela a month ago- possibly. But the guy that melted her heart that she's in love with.. yeah I don't think that's happening. Mostly because I don't know if she believes she can win in the end- she seems pretty convinced that the Jury hates her and she's kind of screwed- but in her mind if she keeps Tyler over Kaycee- they each win Part 1 & Part 2 of the HOH- take each other to the end- then if she can't win the $500K at least her boyfriend does- and they walk away with $550K together.

I guess yes you can look at it as Kaycee will take her to the end- but then she wins $50K and Tyler gets nothing- and she's going home with Tyler. LOL. 

Edited by SiobhanJW
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Yeah, I really don't even know what Angela would do if she won POV, honestly.

Just now, Sara2009 said:

I can’t keep track anymore. Could JC ever get enough votes to win?

Totally. How would The Hive even know he DIDN'T mastermind the game? You just need one more then. He could totally win. He likely wouldn't (and I don't think there's any way he wins the final HoH), but he COULD win if he was there.

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7 hours ago, HartofDixie said:

Catching up. First of all, who's gonna buy these stupid logo-ed shirts? Did you see them? And why is the discount code "livelight" and not "lovelight". Makes no sense. But that's par for the course for Kaitlyn. lol

Also, finally catching up and watching Sunday's show. Bebe Rexha? Who is this? Also, she vibes me of another Alanis Morrisette, (who's music I didn't like too much.)

OK. I am waiting for midnight so I can watch tonight's episode on CBS all access. Losing interest in this season fast. I wonder if that happens to a lot of people?

Oh, and another thing, buh  bye Julie. Spend time with your son, and teach him not to be like his dad. (roll my eyes)

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3 hours ago, missyb said:

Pretty sure it was Tylers crotch he grabbed. A group were lying down in the pink bedroom grooming Tyler when JC walked by and grabbed his crotch. Later Real VEgas reported that they questioned Tyler about it and if it made him uncomfortable. He said "what, nah". The ocre cream scooper was in the HOH directed at Rachel. This was all within the first couple of weeks leaving  a strong distaste in peoples mouth for JC. He was spoken to in the DR about his behavior. 

From Us Magazine:

JC Mounduix has also been criticized by fans this season after the live feed showed him appearing to sexually harass his fellow housemates. The 28-year-old walked around the house with an ice cream scooper and told contestant Kaycee Clark to “open up your vagina,” tried to place the kitchen gadget under the blanket of Kaitlyn Herman, and appeared to rub his hand over another female contestant’s vagina as she was getting a massage from her friends.


The “female contestant” referenced in the article was Rachel.

The point about which the DR questioned whether Tyler had been made to feel uncomfortable?  That was JC kissing Tyler’s armpit while Tyler was asleep - totally separate incident from either the ice cream scoop OR the crotch rub.  Tyler initially said “no” because (a) he was asleep at the time, and (b) Tyler didn’t really believed it had happened - until the DR showed him the night-vision camera capture of the incident.  Tyler said he didn’t want to pursue it further, but he was upset afterwards; it was after that DR session when Tyler told Kaycee in the kitchen that JC would have to find another place to sleep, because Tyler wasn’t going to let HC sleep with him any more.

That’s part of the problem with JC - he’s instigated SO many incidents, they’re hard to keep sorted out.  :P

  • Love 4
1 minute ago, Nashville said:

From Us Magazine:

JC Mounduix has also been criticized by fans this season after the live feed showed him appearing to sexually harass his fellow housemates. The 28-year-old walked around the house with an ice cream scooper and told contestant Kaycee Clark to “open up your vagina,” tried to place the kitchen gadget under the blanket of Kaitlyn Herman, and appeared to rub his hand over another female contestant’s vagina as she was getting a massage from her friends.


The “female contestant” referenced in the article was Rachel.

The point about which the DR questioned whether Tyler had been made to feel uncomfortable?  That was JC kissing Tyler’s armpit while Tyler was asleep - totally separate incident from either the ice cream scoop OR the crotch rub.  Tyler initially said “no” because (a) he was asleep at the time, and (b) Tyler didn’t really believed it had happened - until the DR showed him the night-vision camera capture of the incident.  Tyler said he didn’t want to pursue it further, but he was upset afterwards; it was after that DR session when Tyler told Kaycee in the kitchen that JC would have to find another place to sleep, because Tyler wasn’t going to let HC sleep with him any more.

That’s part of the problem with JC - he’s instigated SO many incidents, they’re hard to keep sorted out.  :P

Anyone else think that with everything that has gone on this summer with CBS and Les getting fired- regarding questionable behavior with women. I cannot imagine CBS being happy with a JC potential win considering his behavior all season long. Eek. 

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I still can’t believe JC won. I am simply in shock. I don’t want him in the Final 2 though. Angela, Tyler & Kaycee must be in a state of shock themselves. Who wants to see my HOH room?! Anybody? Where is everybody? At least, it will be a quick nomination, Veto & eviction. I literally can’t believe it. I “saw it” live on RHAP. Brent got the tweet and was in shock and then sort of told Taran without saying it. It was pretty neat to be there and find out live. 

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Between the current #metoo environment, Les’s ejection from CBS, Julie’s likely departure right behind him, and the increasingly likely prospect of CBS rewarding half a mil to a serial sexual assailant whose assaults have been captured on video in the course of this show - how likely is it this season may be BB’s swan song?

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21 minutes ago, SiobhanJW said:

Anyone else think that with everything that has gone on this summer with CBS and Les getting fired- regarding questionable behavior with women. I cannot imagine CBS being happy with a JC potential win considering his behavior all season long. Eek. 

Dr. Will to the rescue?

In all seriousness, once the veto is fleshed out, Tyler needs to start prepping Kaycee or Angela on what to say about him and his game during the jury round table.  No one else will be able to vouch for him as well.

Maybe JC winning could be a blessing in disguise for Tyler?

Edited by zenithwit
10 minutes ago, SiobhanJW said:

Anyone else think that with everything that has gone on this summer with CBS and Les getting fired- regarding questionable behavior with women. I cannot imagine CBS being happy with a JC potential win considering his behavior all season long. Eek. 

I have a mental image of Grodner behind her desk saying "Oh but this is different." I dunno why. Funny how those things happen.


17 minutes ago, TheGapper said:

Also, finally catching up and watching Sunday's show. Bebe Rexha? Who is this? Also, she vibes me of another Alanis Morrisette, (who's music I didn't like too much.)

*dramatic gasp* 

I felt so adult at 13, dancing around my room and singing along to "Would she go down on you in a theater?" And then years later, I learned that song might possibly be about Uncle Joey from Full House and I did a full body shudder and I've never been able to fully enjoy that song ever again. Still love Jagged Little Pill, though. It was my gateway drug to angry girl rock. 


2 minutes ago, Nashville said:

Between the current #metoo environment, Les’s ejection from CBS, Julie’s likely departure right behind him, and the increasingly likely prospect of CBS rewarding half a mil to a serial sexual assailant whose assaults have been captured on video in the course of this show - how likely is it this season may be BB’s swan song?

I think this is the end of an era. If/When Big Brother returns, it's going to be different and it's probably going to evolve and this season is going to be the last of this version of Big Brother. We've had the pre-Grod era, the Grod era, and next season could potentially start the post-Grod era. Wouldn't that be lovely? 

  • Love 22
7 minutes ago, zenithwit said:


Maybe JC winning could be a blessing in disguise for Tyler?

JC winning is totally good for Tyler IF neither Angela nor Kaycee plan to eliminate him. He had to lose one of them eventually, after all. 

And now they really can't be all that pissed at him. Heck, they might even do the eliminating FOR him!

  • Love 4

I'm thinking that Tyler and Kaycee through the HOH to JC.  In a conversation, between Tyler and Kaycee, they agreed that JC winning wouldn't be all that bad for their F2 deal. I don't know if Tyler was blowing smoke up Kaycee's ass but they wouldn't have to choose between themselves and Angela if eitherone of them won. If Angela wins POV, I'm sure she would save Tyler. 

I've been reading several different people who have posted some different ways of summarizing what will happen next. Can anyone confirm the following summary is either right or wrong?

I'm putting this in a spoiler box because I have no idea if I'm in danger of violating the spoiler policy here.

Is the following summary correct?


With 4 people remaining, either the same person wins both HoH and Veto or two diff people win them.

Case One: The same person wins both HoH and Veto. That person cannot be evicted and they will decide who will be evicted next.

Case Two: Two different people win the HoH and Veto. Neither of those two people can be evicted. The Veto winner decides which of the other two people is evicted next.


Edited by MissBluxom
1 hour ago, Katesus7 said:

Nah. Fuck JC. I’m bummed at this. I wanted this asshole booted fourth, realizing he didn’t control shit. As broring as it may have been, I wanted the remaining L6 to battle it out amongst themselves at the end. Now he’s going to be insufferable right up to finale night. And if he does win? Ruins the whole season for me. Boo.

Seriously. He's still disgusting and this will just bloat his ego even more. It makes things slightly more interesting, but I don't want him anywhere near the finals. Yuck. As mentioned, I do think it's likely that Angela boots Tyler if she wins veto. Kaycee boots Angela. And if Tyler wins...he's safe, but ouch for him.

ETA: there has to be a reason Angela and Tyler never made a F2 despite their close relationship. There just must be an understanding that all bets are off at the end. So yes, I think she boots Tyler if she can. Unless she realizes that she has more of chance against him than the popular Kaycee. I don't know. I wish all these guys would clue us in, but I can totally understand not giving production a heads up.

Edited by CrazyDog
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1 minute ago, MissBluxom said:

I've been reading several different people who have posted some different ways of summarizing what will happen next. Can anyone confirm the following summary is either right or wrong?

I'm putting this in a spoiler box because I have no idea if I'm in danger of violating the spoiler policy here.

Is the following summary correct?

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With 4 people remaining, either the same person can win both the HoH and Veto or two diff people can win them.

Case One: The same person wins both HoH and Veto. That person cannot be evicted and they will decide who will be evicted next.

Case Two: Two different people win the HoH and Veto. Neither of those two people can be evicted. The Veto winner decides which of the other two people is evicted next.

Is this summary correct?

#1 is incorrect. It is true that JC is safe cuz he won HOH- but if he wins Veto he can either keep the nominations the same or take someone off and put the one not on the block on the block. But the person that is not sitting on the block is the sole vote to evict. So JC has no say in theory. 

#2- The HOH nor the Veto holder can go home- and the Veto holder is the sole vote to evict. 

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17 minutes ago, Machiabelly said:

Also also...I wonder if JCs good edit was in case he did win.

Yet another tally mark on the considerable list of Things That Got Away From Production this summer. BB20 has been nothing short of truly amazing in that regard—there's perfect storms, and then there's this season.

I'm with ZenithWit on this one. The show still performs well and fills lots of summer scheduling real estate on the cheap, so I don't see CBS ending it abruptly. But with Julie presumably leaving and the Grodner era having enabled a sizable roster of bullies, racists, and sexual harassers, it'd be a good time to do a reboot of the show from the top down. Maybe, hopefully, go back to basics in some fashion, with production simply letting things unfold instead of throwing in twist after twist so that La Grod gets her desired outcome most of the time.

And if the new regime could free up some money so Survivor can leave Fiji, that'd also be great, but I realize that's crazy talk.

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Yeah, that's why the only possible scenario where Tyler is in trouble is if Angela wins POV. Even there, people seem to think she wouldn't cut him. I think she might, but I agree that it is not a sure thing. 

Every other scenario of POV winner is good for Tyler:

1. He wins - good

2. Kaycee wins - good, because she will evict Angela

3. JC wins - good, because he will either nominate Kaycee/Angela or Tyler/Angela, but either way, he will leave it so that either Kaycee or Tyler is making the call.

4. Angela wins - possibly bad, but even there, not a sure thing.

6 minutes ago, SiobhanJW said:

#1 is incorrect. It is true that JC is safe cuz he won HOH- but if he wins Veto he can either keep the nominations the same or take someone off and put the one not on the block on the block. But the person that is not sitting on the block is the sole vote to evict. So JC has no say in theory. 

#2- The HOH nor the Veto holder can go home- and the Veto holder is the sole vote to evict. 

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9 minutes ago, SiobhanJW said:

#1 is incorrect. It is true that JC is safe cuz he won HOH- but if he wins Veto he can either keep the nominations the same or take someone off and put the one not on the block on the block. But the person that is not sitting on the block is the sole vote to evict. So JC has no say in theory. 

#2- The HOH nor the Veto holder can go home- and the Veto holder is the sole vote to evict. 

Thanks very much. So if the same person wins HoH and Veto, that person decides who decides who goes to F2. That's kind of interesting. They don't decide but they decide who does decide.

Edited by MissBluxom
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Of course, when there's a wrench thrown into the game, the feeds are down so we miss all of it. Aside from JC telling Tyler he saved his game because Tyler is an idiot, I'm curious what L3 saying to each other (besides all the moping that must be happening). Angela has to have officially broached the topic of F2 with Kaycee or Tyler now. I'm sure Kaycee had confirmed her F2 with Tyler. Tyler's probably just telling each of them separately, "We just gotta get the Veto."

I'm assuming the L6 reveal to JC has been postponed, unless someone went rogue. I was looking forward to seeing him realize he's not the puppet master he thought he was! 

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JC must be a nightmare for the editors since every other word out of his mouth is an obscenity.

As much as I'm a member of #TeamGoodFeeds I too hate the idea of JC anywhere near the finals.  His HOH does make it interesting if I can drink enough wine to get past my uncontrollable cringing.

Edited by Skycatcher
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Whenever season 19 comes on the live feeds I wonder what it would have been like if Cameron stayed and Paul never was part of it. I think that season would have been a lot pleasanter and more like this season. Maybe even better - I don't think there was a sexual molester in that cast. Then there would have been two main rivalries - cool hot couples (Cody/Jessica, Mark/Elena, Matt/Raven, maybe Christmas) vs. nerdy outsiders (Ramses, Josh, Alex, Cameron,Megan, Jillian, maybe Whistlenut and Kevin) and maybe played out a lot like this season. Cody would have still gone fairly early, I think, probably out the first time the nerdy outsiders won HOH and POV.  I think Josh would have been out fairly early, too. I'd say Mark, Alex, maybe Raven and Kevin would have gone to the end.  Last season had a good start and then someone let the evil troll in and ruined the whole season.

Regarding the latest season 20 news, I wish JC had gone and Sam stayed and won HOH. But she definitely would have put both Kaycee and Angela on the block. Kaycee is the last remaining member of my fantasy team so of course she has to stay safe and win.

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7 hours ago, Callaphera said:

I think this is the end of an era. If/When Big Brother returns, it's going to be different and it's probably going to evolve and this season is going to be the last of this version of Big Brother. We've had the pre-Grod era, the Grod era, and next season could potentially start the post-Grod era. Wouldn't that be lovely? 

Yeah that is how I see it.  The CBS board has enough new members appointed last week that are anti-Moonves and his remaining cronies (aka Grodner for one) so they could be all for re-booting a cash cow minus the Moonves imprint.


6 hours ago, PhoneCop said:

I'm with ZenithWit on this one. The show still performs well and fills lots of summer scheduling real estate on the cheap, so I don't see CBS ending it abruptly. But with Julie presumably leaving and the Grodner era having enabled a sizable roster of bullies, racists, and sexual harassers, it'd be a good time to do a reboot of the show from the top down. Maybe, hopefully, go back to basics in some fashion, with production simply letting things unfold instead of throwing in twist after twist so that La Grod gets her desired outcome most of the time.

And if the new regime could free up some money so Survivor can leave Fiji, that'd also be great, but I realize that's crazy talk.

Probst will have to be fired to ever get him -- and he is a producer now too -- to ever leave his cushy own little production studio also called Fiji.  So that ain;t happening, alas.  But at least Grodner may be sweating it big time.

Talking about sweating it, Tyler could well be out next.  I don't think he is a sure thing to stay at all.  If Kaycee or JC (JC is on a roll) win veto they aren't going to change things and then Kaycee may suddenly decide that she can win against Angela but not Tyler or she and JC -- who have gotten very very chummy in the last few days which is why she wasn't nominated just now -- can gang up against Angela anyway.  And Angela has never mentioned a F2 even in her diary room interviews so she is a big question mark.  So if Angela wins the veto, she takes herself off and may decide she might win against Kaycee but not Tyler.  Tyler had better hope he can win the veto or I see a blindside coming.

No one is safe right now other than JC who officially has become the first person to make it to the F3.  And man I hated to type that last sentence.

  • Love 13
10 hours ago, backformore said:

What I would LOVE is if Swaggy plans to do a whole live tv proposal, and is under the impression that this will be OK, and CBS pulls the rug out from under him and runs out of time, doesn't let him do it on TV.  

Because its not about you, Swaggy! 

What I would like is for Shaggy to stand up, straighten his best Slaggy C t-shirt, strut on over to Bayleigh, clear his throat and reach into his pocket, and then Winston jumps up and drops to one knee and mock-proposes to Brett.

Edited by laurakaye
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14 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

I have hope that all of Level 6 will be close. We've seen so much of Angela, Kaycee, and Tyler's closeness that we've forgotten that there were three other members who were equally as close. I absolutely see Angela and Rachel rekindling their friendship, as they were closer than Kaycee and Angela ever have been. We know Winston/Brett will be close, and I'd love to see Winston/Brett/Rachel/Angela rekindle their foursome friendship. With Angela/Tyler likely going to date outside of the house, there'll be a different dynamic, but one that I think could work. 

It's really too bad that Rachel went a bit nuts before Tyler was able to warm Angela's cold black heart. 

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