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Season 20: Live Feed Discussion


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27 minutes ago, zenithwit said:

This makes me highly suspicious.  We all know that when BB Live Feeders get organized, they can control these votes.   This sounds like Production is trying to push the Live Feeders to organize behind behind Brett (and maybe Haleigh) for AFP.

I have to repectfully disagree.  A few thousand at most online fans don't make any difference in the vote in the end.  99% of viewers don't go online about the show and they are way the majority in the voting.  Yeah not all TV viewers only vote but not all online people do either.  I know I never have and never will.  Too much personal data exposed in a dangerous, hack filled age.

Meanwhile, from late last night ... apparently JC was deeply hurt about Tyler not trusting him enough to tell him what was coming saying he just needed to know to be ready for it.  Well I'm sure he is thinking more than that but that is what he is going with in his new reality post Brett.  Tyler has been apologizing a lot and JC is slowly coming around.  Tyler even spins it as being upset Brett looked like he was taking Tyler's place with JC as in this from Jokers:


Tyler-that’s what happens to side ho’s
Big smile from Tyler
JC-is that why you hated him?
Tyler-nobody replaces me.
JC-that’s the real reason I knew it. You just got jealous.
Big smile from Tyler

Tyler is doing his best to mist JC and JC seems to be calming down some because this plays right into JC's imaginary view of Tyler and him.

Edited by green
  • Love 7
50 minutes ago, Ceeg said:

Why would the jury care that Tyler had the Power App and that he's a super fan? 

I do wonder, though, if Tyler might try to come up with a plan to split the vote and give Angela the tie-breaker to boot Sam.

I doubt if they will care about the power app but I am pretty sure they will be ticked that he lied about barely knowing the game. They are already angry at him, now they will feel very foolish.

At first I didn't think Tyler revealing he's actually a Superfan would really do anything for him in the end. But now I actually think that's his ace in the hole. To say that he's actually a huge fan of the show and has watched every season- and played it off like he wasn't might actually make them all realize that he probably wasn't being played- and that he knew EXACTLY what he was doing the whole time.

I also think that cutting Angela in a F3 HOH situation would be a shock to the Jury and might actually show that maybe it's HIM that's been actually controlling HER. I can see it now- F3 is Kaycee, Tyler, Angela- Angela gets booted after Tyler wins the F3 HOH- Julie says to the Jury that Tyler won the HOH who do they think he booted- Guarantee they all say Kaycee- and then out comes Angela. I think they would all freak out.

  • Love 3
48 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Oh boy. Haleigh and Brett's exit interviews are coming out. Here's Brett's:

Oh Brett....Brett, no. But it goes to show that the eviction was still fresh when he gave this interview. But funny that Brett isn't even considering Kaycee or Angela here.

Actually I do think Sam has been throwing comps since her HOH.

She just came in second in the DE HOH and someone posted on Jokers she was second in this last HOH ANGELA won.

She very obviously threw the comic POV. On her first pass, she had all the comics right until she chose not to answer the last one. And when she answered it the second time thru she had it right.

i am still holding out hope she wins POV and then the next HOH. The arrogant trio will have to turn on each other.

  • Love 1
27 minutes ago, Cutty said:

[Putting on my tinfoil hat] I've been suspicious that AFP was legitimate ever since stank ass Frank won. Also, Vegas is full of shit. There's no way Derrick got more votes than Donny. Production is probably shitting themselves that casual viewers will vote for JC, but I don't expect them to let him win. I could see top 3 being Tyler, Brett, Haleigh. 

Brett isn't wrong about Angela. She is drawing dead to win against everyone. Turns out being a total bitch to everyone isn't a winning strategy.

I agree that they're worried about that, and they SHOULD be worried about that, since they have blatantly rigged his edit to the n'th fucking degree all season. And continue to do it this late in the game. Whyyyyyyyy? #ragestroke

  • Love 13
12 minutes ago, Irishsecra said:

Actually I do think Sam has been throwing comps since her HOH.

She just came in second in the DE HOH and someone posted on Jokers she was second in this last HOH ANGELA won.

She very obviously threw the comic POV. On her first pass, she had all the comics right until she chose not to answer the last one. And when she answered it the second time thru she had it right.

i am still holding out hope she wins POV and then the next HOH. The arrogant trio will have to turn on each other.

She definitely threw some comps, but she was trying these last few. It's just a tough row to hoe to beat Tyler, Angela and Kaycee right now. 

But yes, the fact that she has more skills than JC is exactly why she's the target this week. 

  • Love 2
14 minutes ago, Irishsecra said:

Actually I do think Sam has been throwing comps since her HOH.

She just came in second in the DE HOH and someone posted on Jokers she was second in this last HOH ANGELA won.

She very obviously threw the comic POV. On her first pass, she had all the comics right until she chose not to answer the last one. And when she answered it the second time thru she had it right.

i am still holding out hope she wins POV and then the next HOH. The arrogant trio will have to turn on each other.

I don't think Sam was throwing every comp. I think she is doing the best she can. She has always said memory is her sweet spot. So she did well in the first HOH Tyler won. She also came close in the veto. But the second HOH that Angela won, JC was telling Tyler that if Angela were gone, he would be the HOH ( so, I was assuming he came in second to Angela).

Comic comp was edited so we dont know when she got what correct.

  • Love 1
8 minutes ago, Cutty said:

JC still delusional is hilarious. 

If Sam does indeed go this week, I hope Tyler is the one to evict JC at F4. We could see another Austin situation where he refuses to leave the house.

That best was, in one of the conversations where JC said he'll save their game because Tyler's stupid, he also told Tyler to know that he has no chance with that girl [Angela]. 

I have no idea how Tyler keeps a straight face with him.

Edited by mooses
  • Love 9
2 minutes ago, mooses said:

That best was, in one of the conversations where JC said he'll save their game because Tyler's stupid, he also told Tyler to know that he has no chance with that girl [Angela]. 

I have no idea how Tyler keeps a straight face with him.

He truly is an overachiever in the "purposefully, blissfully, STRENUOUSLY stupid" category.

  • Love 10

JC was so happy to hear that Tyler was jealous of Brett. Tyler pushed just the right button. The way JC has talked to all his puppets this entire game leads me to believe that he actually thought Tyler was the dumbest but most physically capable( and most attractive to him) so he picked him to be his guy. His F2. Felt he could guide and manipulate his every move. His HOH wins, vetos ,etc. His attachment to Tyler may have grown but I can see JC wanting to take Tyler to the end because his plan is/was to completely throw him under the bus during Finale. This stupid boy could not even wipe his own behind without me telling him where it is. And he still cannot except that there is an alliance greater than his and Tylers that could go beneath his radar. 
His ego and arrogance will not allow it. When it is so obviously in his face, he still cannot admit to it. As a viewer, it is interesting to watch.

  • Love 7
14 hours ago, Wings said:

I adore Julie and applaud her signing off with Julie Chen Moonves.  She loves him and is standing by him in what must be a horrific domestic situation. 

I hate to see Brett go but loved his classy exit.  Bravo.  It was a good interview, 'I am old fashioned' was hysterical!  

Julie gave him a lot of information to help him make sense of his demise.  I am glad she did that. 

Les Moonves can go fuck himself. Julie Chen too.

  • Love 13
1 hour ago, Lady Calypso said:

Besides, if Derrick had won, why would they have told Julie to state to the audience that Donny won by a landslide and it was the most votes ever gotten? What purpose would that serve? Did Derrick really win by a landslide, then? Bullshit.

I don't know if Vegas is for real or not.  But, telling the audience that info made Mr. "Overwhelming No" cry.  Again.  Or maybe it made me happy to see a double "overwhelming no" on that douchebag.  My point is, I enjoyed watching Frankie He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named have to suck it, so I'm going to retcon a purpose into it.

  • Love 7
2 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

Fucking right! It's why I just still can not fathom how this alliance is so popular. They have got to be the dullest, most boring group of people ever assembled on this show. 

I think they’re just very businesslike. Came to do a job, doing that job.  So many come for face time to “get famous” lol or showmance or for free vacation.  Unusual to have 3 people like that but they are working it.  Definitely makes for worse tv but anything is better than the seasons of Paul. 

  • Love 18

I’m just now watching the double eviction - I had a client call me last night while I tried to watch it live. I was tempted to forward the call to voicemail risking a buyer calling another realtor because I was THAT excited to see JC squirm on the block!!!! That’s how much I loathe him. ?

I must say, I hope Haleigh wins AF because that was the most gracious, classy eviction exit I’ve seen. She was so sweet to everyone and was a terrific interviewee. I hope CBS snags her up for broadcasting gigs - or at least let her walk away with the AF check. 

Based on the comments I’m seeing, fuckface JC gets another week in the house but at least we hopefully get to see him stew for a week once on the block.

  • Love 14
Just now, Calm81 said:

I’m just now watching the double eviction - I had a client call me last night while I tried to watch it live. I was tempted to forward the call to voicemail risking a buyer calling another realtor because I was THAT excited to see JC squirm on the block!!!! That’s how much I loathe him. ?

I must say, I hope Haleigh wins AF because that was the most gracious, classy eviction exit I’ve seen. She was so sweet to everyone and was a terrific interviewee. I hope CBS snags her up for broadcasting gigs - or at least let her walk away with the AF check. 

Based on the comments I’m seeing, fuckface JC gets another week in the house but at least we hopefully get to see him stew for a week once on the block.

Yes, Haleigh is super cute. I liked her more when she was away from Fessy. He's like the bad boyfriend at college. I think she'll be asked again. She is the young college girl like Nicole archetype. Big Brother loves that sort of casting. It's too bad she couldn't pull out more comp wins. Level 6 was just so strong.

1 minute ago, RagePaige said:

Finally, how do you feel about being reunited with Rockstar at the jury house?
[Laughs]. How do you feel about waking up for work at 4 in the morning? It sucks, but I have to do it.


Poor Brett.  Please don't send him back to be with Blockstar.

I hope he and Haleigh hook up. They would look good together. That said, she did say he was uninvited to the football game. LOL!!!

  • Love 4

When JC gets evicted, he’ll still probably think it was because the girls are manipulating Tyler. Even Brett doesn’t know how much Tyler’s done. He thinks Tyler made a mistake for evicting his F2. He fails to realize that Tyler has F2’s with everyone. At some point Tyler has to come clean. I think if he doesn’t do it until finale night, it’ll be too late. 

  • Love 6
12 hours ago, Brian Cronin said:

I can't get over how much Brett's total sadness got to me. Dude  was SO SAD! 

I know, right? It’s like “tears of a clown”. And Regular Brett would have joked around and busted Julie’s chops for mispronouncing his name but Sad Brent just took it and looked down at the floor

  • Love 11

I seriously need Sam to be evicted very soon.  If she gets to F2 but loses, we don’t get to have an eviction interview on the stools with Julie.  She’s never going to beat Tyler or Kaycee, so I want her to be out already, as I desperately need to see how Sam reacts to being evicted.  Will she come out, or refuse to?  If she comes out will she be sweet, or be furious, or be sad, or be crazy?  There are so many versions of Sam and I really want to see how it plays out.  Was she just pretending to be this way as a game strategy?

What did Sam really mean when she said I’ll take a piece of each of you with me if I am evicted?  Did she mean like their ears or their pinky fingers? Or did she just mean I’ll carry my love for you around forever?  Hard to tell!  But hearing the audience giggle nervously tells me I can’t be the only one who remembers all the scary and violent things she swore she would do to them if she was sent out 

  • Love 9

Last night 2 friends stopped by to watch the show with me, neither of them are Bb fans or watches at all. BOTH remarked at how young Sam looks. I was all....but but...and they were "she looks very very young." So there you have it. They both could not understand how she gets criticized for looking old or worn. They both are young 30ish females.

  • Love 2
18 minutes ago, TheGapper said:

Last night 2 friends stopped by to watch the show with me, neither of them are Bb fans or watches at all. BOTH remarked at how young Sam looks. I was all....but but...and they were "she looks very very young." So there you have it. They both could not understand how she gets criticized for looking old or worn. They both are young 30ish females.

Much like someone else (*ahem*), Sam looks VERY different with and without makeup. She didn't go full on Rosie last night, but she definitely had her face on. 

  • Love 2
3 hours ago, Wings said:

I want JC gone and Sam win next HOH, please, please, please.

I know 3 episode only watchers.   All of them want Tyler for AFP.  When I asked if they thought Hayleigh could win I got an overwhelming no! 

That is good news.  I can't see anyone voting for Hay and her endless waterworks of self-pity.  I don't recall one single diary room where she wasn't busy flooding the place.  Her whole vibe says entitled.  If Swaggy and JC and Fessy weren't on the show she would have been my least favorite HG.  And she still is among the female contestants.


3 hours ago, TheGapper said:

Last night 2 friends stopped by to watch the show with me, neither of them are Bb fans or watches at all. BOTH remarked at how young Sam looks. I was all....but but...and they were "she looks very very young." So there you have it. They both could not understand how she gets criticized for looking old or worn. They both are young 30ish females.

I agree.  Sam does look like the youngest person in the House this season.  I think the more natural looking and shorter hair does it.  Gives her a normal look and a pixie feel.

And I have never found Level 6 in the least boring.  I love a championship team and they were that.  I found each one of them far more fascinating and complex than the stereotype drama kings and queens in the House this season what to speak of last season.  I like real people and not cardboard cutout caricatures.

From what I've read elsewhere, they decided to tell JC and later Sam that Kaycee was the second hacker.  They seem to be slowly letting them in on some of the stuff maybe to help build up their resumes.  There was also some discussion on how moves were being made with the three of them and JC.  Meanwhile JC is back to lecturing Tyler on how he should be playing the game and telling him to do what he says this week.  That JC will somehow save them both now that Tyler made a mess of things on Thursday, hah.

Edited by green
  • Love 11
6 hours ago, Irishsecra said:

i am still holding out hope she wins POV and then the next HOH. The arrogant trio will have to turn on each other.

Ugh, don't get my hopes up!

5 hours ago, Neveragain said:

Definitely makes for worse tv but anything is better than the seasons of Paul. 

Almost anything is better than that though. It's such a low bar.

5 hours ago, IndyMischa said:

But I will allow that if I favored the other side of the house, I would probably hate it.

I don't even favor the other side of the house, I just favor an actual, you know, competition lol. And also some actual drama.

4 hours ago, HartofDixie said:

So nomination today, veto tomorrow, veto ceremony Sunday, eviction Monday?

I am not sure when the veto ceremony is. I assume it would have to be Sunday since the eviction is Monday, but then you'd think everyone would realize there will be a Monday eviction and normally they're surprised. But maybe they're just faking it. I don't really remember how it usually goes lol.

4 hours ago, Wings said:

I know 3 episode only watchers.   All of them want Tyler for AFP. 

No surprise. The causals usually always love whichever male is getting the biggest edit.

  • Love 5
  • From another Brett interview: Who do you think is playing the best game right now, with the finale only a couple of weeks away?

I would say Kaycee is playing a great game. The jury is not bothered by her now, and she has the strength of the alliance with her. At the end of the day, I think Angela would pick Kaycee over Tyler. Kaycee is playing a phenomenal game. I think she has the jury votes over Tyler or Angela. 

  • Brett still thinks that Tyler would have backdoored Angela if he won the Veto - I mean, he wouldn't really have a choice if Brett took off JC (he'd have to choose between Kaycee/Angela), but I thought that Tyler telling him to throw the HOH/Veto made it obvious he was planning this all along.
  • And, apparently, Haleigh said in her Off the Block interview that she's rooting for Kaycee. 

We could have our first ever Peanut winner, you guys!

So, my predictions:

Kaycee: Wins against anyone.

Sam: I think she could get a few votes (maybe Bayleigh/Faysal/Rockstar), but I don't think she will win. I know Brett said in another interview she was playing the best game, but that was after the shock of eviction - he knows exactly how much L6 has controlled the game from the get-go.

JC: I think he wins against Sam/Angela/Tyler. Did the dirty work of L6, but caused him to be closer to many sent to jury, and isn't seen as on the other side or "entitled."

Tyler: Only sure win against Sam. I think he only wins against Angela if he can shake the Golden Retriever image. 

Angela: I know popular opinion is she's dead in the water, but I don't think she is. I don't think she has Rockstar/Faysal/Bayleigh's votes, but I could see the jury mellowing. I also think she has a good chance of winning over Tyler since everyone think she's controlled him.

ETA: In his Off the Block interview, Brett apparently gives credit to Tyler for the move (just reading comments, not listening myself), not Angela. So, he might be a Jury advocate for him after all. 

Edited by mooses
  • Love 2
5 minutes ago, mooses said:
  • From another Brett interview: Who do you think is playing the best game right now, with the finale only a couple of weeks away?

I would say Kaycee is playing a great game. The jury is not bothered by her now, and she has the strength of the alliance with her. At the end of the day, I think Angela would pick Kaycee over Tyler. Kaycee is playing a phenomenal game. I think she has the jury votes over Tyler or Angela. 

  • Brett still thinks that Tyler would have backdoored Angela if he won the Veto - I mean, he wouldn't really have a choice if Brett took off JC (he'd have to choose between Kaycee/Angela), but I thought that Tyler telling him to throw the HOH/Veto made it obvious he was planning this all along.
  • And, apparently, Haleigh said in her Off the Block interview that she's rooting for Kaycee. 

We could have our first ever Peanut winner, you guys!

So, my predictions:

Kaycee: Wins against anyone.

Sam: I think she could get a few votes (maybe Bayleigh/Faysal/Rockstar), but I don't think she will win. I know Brett said in another interview she was playing the best game, but that was after the shock of eviction - he knows exactly how much L6 has controlled the game from the get-go.

JC: I think he wins against Sam/Angela/Tyler. Did the dirty work of L6, but caused him to be closer to many sent to jury, and isn't seen as on the other side or "entitled."

Tyler: Only sure win against Sam. I think he only wins against Angela if he can shake the Golden Retriever image. 

Angela: I know popular opinion is she's dead in the water, but I don't think she is. I don't think she has Rockstar/Faysal/Bayleigh's votes, but I could see the jury mellowing. I also think she has a good chance of winning over Tyler since everyone think she's controlled him.

ETA: In his Off the Block interview, Brett apparently gives credit to Tyler for the move (just reading comments, not listening myself), not Angela. So, he might be a Jury advocate for him after all. 

JC was a big influencer on Brett. Believes that Kaycee and Angela have a F2 ( which they do not) , JC told him that. And JC put the "showmance" bug in his ear re Tyler and Angela ( true). He was not thinking these things before JC started whispering to him.

3 minutes ago, mooses said:

Tyler: Only sure win against Sam. I think he only wins against Angela if he can shake the Golden Retriever image. 

Depends - see below...


3 minutes ago, mooses said:

Angela: I know popular opinion is she's dead in the water, but I don't think she is. I don't think she has Rockstar/Faysal/Bayleigh's votes, but I could see the jury mellowing. I also think she has a good chance of winning over Tyler since everyone think she's controlled him.

Question: How aware is Angela of this perception?  We know Tyler’s aware - hell, to a large degree he cultivated it - but if T&A make F2, he also knows he needs to address it in his final remarks to the Jury.  If Angela isn’t aware, she won’t address it - and if she goes first in the F2 final remarks, that gives Tyler free reign to say whatever he wants unchallenged.  And considering there’s already a hefty anti-Angela bias in the JH, that might be enough to swing things Tyler’s way.

14 minutes ago, mooses said:

Tyler: Only sure win against Sam. I think he only wins against Angela if he can shake the Golden Retriever image. 


I've said for a month now that Tyler should drag Sam to the finish line.   And, I will be somewhat disappointed in his strategic abilities if at some point he has the opportunity to vote out Kaycee, but instead holds on to their F2 agreement.  He's a nice guy, but if he wants to win, she can't be sitting by his side.   But I think Kaycee can win against anyone.  

And I think he made a mistake during the DE by parroting Angela when he nominated Brett.   Yes, he made the Big Move.  But it adds to the interpretation that he is following Angela's orders.   Of course, as Nashville noted, Angela has been a bitch in her GBM.  And in so many other ways.  

Edited by Thalia
  • Love 5

I know some of y’all think it’s boring but I feel like it’s kind of exciting right now.  The fact that it’s still literally anyone’s game to win. Mostly because I can’t remember the last time this happened. Usually, there’s a very strong front-runner who’s a certain winner if they make it to the finale, with a 2nd obvious option if the 1st gets booted before. There’s no such thing here. It’s really all about who wins the upcoming comps, the jury’s very skewed perception, and the F2 matchup. 

Obviously, the day-to-day is boring, but it always is when there are less people in the house. This is usually the time I turn off the feeds anyway, simply because there’s entirely too much empty time, and only watch the episodes, whether I have a fave left in the house or not. 

  • Love 20
6 minutes ago, Thalia said:

I've said for a month now that Tyler should drag Sam to the finish line.   And, I will be somewhat disappointed in his strategic abilities if at some point he has the opportunity to vote out Kaycee, but instead holds on to their F2 agreement.  He's a nice guy, but if he wants to win, she can't be sitting by his side.   But I think Kaycee can win against anyone.  

And I think he made a mistake during the DE by parroting Angela when he nominated Brett.   Yes, he made the Big Move.  But it adds to the interpretation that he is following Angela's orders.   Of course, as Nashville noted, Angela has been a bitch in her GBM.  And in so many other ways.  

I think Tyler loves all the drama and intrigue of playing BB that’s he lost focus of playing the game. I think in his mind he’s playing a great game (mostly yes) and should win but he thinks the jury award him the win. I still think the jury is going to vote for anyone who he is sitting next to. It might be a bitter jury but in their mind the other person wasn’t really that bad and derserves it too. It might all come down to him confessing everything. 

  • Love 6
11 minutes ago, Thalia said:

I've said for a month now that Tyler should drag Sam to the finish line.   And, I will be somewhat disappointed in his strategic abilities if at some point he has the opportunity to vote out Kaycee, but instead holds on to their F2 agreement.  He's a nice guy, but if he wants to win, she can't be sitting by his side.   But I think Kaycee can win against anyone.  

In terms of rewarding strategic gameplay - or punishing damfool gameplay, take your pick - I’d insert one great big freaking caveat to all scenarios: any HG who has the opportunity to take Sam to F2 but passes on the chance, should NOT win.

  • Love 4
40 minutes ago, Ceeg said:

know some of y’all think it’s boring but I feel like it’s kind of exciting right now.  The fact that it’s still literally anyone’s game to win.

Is it really anyone's game to win though? It seems pretty cut and dry to me. Highly unlikely Sam and JC win anything so F3 will almost certainly be Tyler, Kaycee, Angela. Kaycee beats both Tyler and Angela. Tyler beats Angela. I'm pretty confident in those predictions. Then again I didn't think Josh would beat Paul so who knows lol. 

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