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S06.E18 James (K) & Cynthia 2018.06.20

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On ‎6‎/‎22‎/‎2018 at 11:38 PM, DC Gal in VA said:

Hi Miss Ruth. I did several searches on him and all I could find were old articles. Could you please post either the links to the articles or the sources? Thanks.


Updated: Mar 6, 2018 6:07 pm



Posted on Jan 10, 2018 @ 16:14PM


I doesn't matter how old the articles are, because to say he was "denied weight loss surgery" without explaining that he refused to meet the criteria, to me, is lying.

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, Miss Ruth said:


Updated: Mar 6, 2018 6:07 pm



Posted on Jan 10, 2018 @ 16:14PM


I doesn't matter how old the articles are, because to say he was "denied weight loss surgery" without explaining that he refused to meet the criteria, to me, is lying.

Thanks Miss Ruth. I did read these and you're right, they lied their asses off.

  • Love 2

There is a marathon on today. They put on the two hour follow up of Cynthia on before the ep with Ow, mah laigs so Cynthia is out of order to me. What a pretty face and gorgeous smile she has at the end of her update show. I was rooting for her the whole way. I'm in the middle of the ep now with James and he is making me ill. I may not make it through the entire show.

Just an FYI, they showed an episode with someone named Pauline before the Cynthia ep and she had to be the worst person I have ever seen on this show. I found the topic about her episode in the Past Episodes section and was glad to see everyone else thought the same. I went Googling to see here and here is a pic of her from a year ago. Apparently there were rumors that she died but she didn't:


Edited by configdotsys
spelling and clarity

I"m watching the rerun before Doug tonight. While I'd like to slap Cynthia all kinds of ways, I got to wondering if she wasn't actually a typical patient?  They get the surgery, they lose some weight, they may or may not get skin surgery, Dr Now tells them to try harder and they say they are going at their own pace. As long as they are losing, they're happy.

I guess I get this. It's a hard process and maybe some folks are just done after they lose a couple of hundred pounds. Would they like to lose more? Maybe, but they didn't get to 600 lbs by having will power. Maybe 200 lbs and the ability to drive again and walk around a little is all most of these folks want. And they still get to eat some of the old food they like because they aren't really interested reducing their intake. 

  • Love 5
27 minutes ago, configdotsys said:

There is a marathon on today. They put on the two hour follow up of Cynthia on before the ep with Ow, mah laigs so Cynthia is out of order to me. What a pretty face and gorgeous smile she has.

Just an FYI, they showed an episode with someone named Pauline before the Cynthia ep and she had to be the worst person I have ever seen on this show. I found the topic about her episode in the Past Episodes section and was glad to see everyone else thought the same. I went Googling to see here and here is a pic of her from a year ago. Apparently there were rumors that she died but she didn't:


Pauline.  What a treat.  She is one of the worst, but Schenee gets my vote for the very worst.

  • Love 2
21 hours ago, Azubah said:

If James's kidney and liver are really failing, and we have no reason to doubt that, then he would in fact swell up with fluid. Both those organs are necessary to processing fluid. I'm willing to believe he wasn't eating thirteen million calories a day; some of that IS fluid retention.

If James does indeed have heart failure than he absolutely is retaining water. My father is around 170-180 and he was diagnosed with heart failure about 2 years ago. He has been in the hospital twice because of fluid retention, mostly due to slipping too much on his diet, eating too much salt or drinking too much liquid. It affects kidney function and other vital organs. My dad is doing better now but he really has to watch himself, especially with salt, which he loves. My dad dare not eat Chinese food, canned soups, frozen foods, pizza, fried foods and hell most fast food, which I am sure James eats in abundance so I want to know how James is even alive at this point. 

It totally grinds my gears when James and Lisa complain about Dr. Now not helping them. The man has bent over backwards and given them numerous resources to succeed.  Mr. Islandgal140 finally broke it down for me. He said that they didn't want old regular plain muggle medicine. They wanted Dr. Now to use his Hogwarts degree, wave his magic wand and make James thin, decrust, unboil and descab his nasty legs and walk. Makes sense! Especially since I have started suspected Lisa might be a Death Eater. 


22 hours ago, Sir RaiderDuck OMS said:

I wonder if the breaking point didn't come in the first episode right after they'd moved to Houston. After tucking James in for the night, Lisa was going to go to sleep in the bedroom only for James to instead demand that she sleep on the floor next to his bed because "What if something happens during the NAAAIIIIIIGHT???"

If you're a weak-willed enabler/grifter like Lisa who doesn't have the inner strength and/or personal integrity to just leave the situation, assisted food suicide/borderline manslaughter will eventually start to look appealing.

That was terrible but I also think back on the time before they went to TX. Lisa went out and got him hamburgers, handed it to him and he handed it back because for whatever the reason, I guess peeling off the wrapper was just too much labor for him. 

His poor dad mortgaged his house and suffered a stroke for him to be able to go on this journey and he might as well have not bothered. What a waste! This to me is why James K is the worst! Even worse than Steven, Shenee 

  • Love 21
On 6/27/2018 at 12:54 PM, auntjess said:

That's dumb.  The bartender did not force the patron to drive.  

“According to Colo. Rev. Stat. §12-47-801, a bartender can be held liable if:

They knowingly serve alcohol to someone under 21.

They knowingly serve alcohol to someone who is visibly intoxicated.

This also applies to parents who provide alcohol to minors. If the intoxicated minor gets drunk at a party, then drives and gets in an accident, the adults who supplied the alcohol may be held liable.”

Lampert Walsh Law Firm

“If you want to file a claim against a bartender or another person who served alcohol, you must do it within one year of the accident. Only people who were injured in the accident, or the family of someone who was killed, can bring a lawsuit. The person who was driving drunk cannot file a claim. A claim cannot exceed $150,000. An experienced motor vehicle accident attorney can explain the details of filing a claim against a person or establishment who serves alcohol in Colorado, also called a dram shop liability claim.”

So, if it is actionable to sue someone who knowingly served alcohol to an intoxicated individual why isn’t it actionable to sue a caregiver who knowingly, repeatedly and with a smile on her evil face overfed a 750+ lb. completely disabled and obviously delusional bed-ridden, diapered individual resulting in their death?  Because he yells at her and it hurts her feelings if she doesn’t?  Because no one else was injured?  Because he could still lift the fork/pizza slice/2-liter soda bottle/CHA-NEEESE container that was ever so lovingly delivered within arms reach to his gaping maw?

Assisted suicide is completely ok as long as your caregiver is over feeding you to death instead of a physician giving you a lethal cocktail of pharmaceuticals?

Edited by kicotan
Not enough adjectives
  • Love 1

OK, let me take a hit at this. There isn't some general free-floating "right" to sue a bartender for serving a drunk. Only persons injured by the drunk can sue. 

The "dram shop" or bartender liability statutes such as Colorado's, are aimed at a specific situation which creates a foreseeable and serious danger to the public: intoxicated persons driving automobiles. Here in the US, people drive everywhere. Including to bars. Although a bartender's refusing to serve a drunk any more liquor does in some sense benefit the drunk, that's not the point. Not only is the drunk not the intended beneficiary of this kind of statute, the Colorado law specifically prohibits the drunk or the drunk's estate, the drunk's guardians, or the drunk's dependents, from suing the bartender. 

The intended beneficiaries of the law are the members of the public who will be endangered if that drunk gets into a car and drives (the Colorado statute doesn't cite driving, so it could be broader but driving is the usual way drunks hurt people). The trial lawyers have managed to get these statutes on the books because it provides another set of deep pockets for them to dig into, when representing persons injured by drunk drivers.

The only "social host' liability in the Colorado law is for serving someone under aged twenty-one or providing a place where such underaged persons are served alcohol. Again, the young drunk (or his/her parents, estate, etc.) can't sue the host. The host's liability is to persons who are injured by the young drunk.

The full text of the Colorado statute is here: https://law.justia.com/codes/colorado/2016/title-12/general-continued/article-47/part-8/section-12-47-801/  - it's in the professional/occupational licensing part of the statutes.

These dram shop laws are limited to situations where an intoxicated person has injured someone (generally by driving). They are not intended to protect drunks. And these laws have nothing to do with "assisted suicide" or caregivers or disabled bed-ridden people with mental diseases. They would not have been in any way applicable to APS' review of James' case after Dr. Now reported James and Lisa to APS.

Edited by Jeeves
For clarity.
  • Love 7
3 hours ago, Jeeves said:

OK, let me take a hit at this. There isn't some general free-floating "right" to sue a bartender for serving a drunk. Only persons injured by the drunk can sue. 

The "dram shop" or bartender liability statutes such as Colorado's, are aimed at a specific situation which creates a foreseeable and serious danger to the public: intoxicated persons driving automobiles. Here in the US, people drive everywhere. Including to bars. Although a bartender's refusing to serve a drunk any more liquor does in some sense benefit the drunk, that's not the point. Not only is the drunk not the intended beneficiary of this kind of statute, the Colorado law specifically prohibits the drunk or the drunk's estate, the drunk's guardians, or the drunk's dependents, from suing the bartender. 

The intended beneficiaries of the law are the members of the public who will be endangered if that drunk gets into a car and drives (the Colorado statute doesn't cite driving, so it could be broader but driving is the usual way drunks hurt people). The trial lawyers have managed to get these statutes on the books because it provides another set of deep pockets for them to dig into, when representing persons injured by drunk drivers.

The only "social host' liability in the Colorado law is for serving someone under aged twenty-one or providing a place where such underaged persons are served alcohol. Again, the young drunk (or his/her parents, estate, etc.) can't sue the host. The host's liability is to persons who are injured by the young drunk.

The full text of the Colorado statute is here: https://law.justia.com/codes/colorado/2016/title-12/general-continued/article-47/part-8/section-12-47-801/  - it's in the professional/occupational licensing part of the statutes.

These dram shop laws are limited to situations where an intoxicated person has injured someone (generally by driving). They are not intended to protect drunks. And these laws have nothing to do with "assisted suicide" or caregivers or disabled bed-ridden people with mental diseases. They would not have been in any way applicable to APS' review of James' case after Dr. Now reported James and Lisa to APS.

Thank you. You said this much better than I was able to. 

  • Love 3

I think that in a different life, James would have a future doing cartoon voiceovers. The way he talks kind of higher pitched and up through his nose would make the ideal cartoon character.  

And, let's not forget, "OW MAH LAIGS!" There's one part where the poor paramedics are struggling underneath the weight of his stretcher where we hear James go up one octave and down another, like, "OW-WOW-WOW-WOW-OW!!!!"

If they do a follow up show with them, it should be animated.

  • Love 6
On 6/25/2018 at 9:35 PM, PrincessPurrsALot said:

There are many holes in the narrative because this show is not like Big Brother.  There aren't cameras in the house 24/7.  The crew comes in to film.  So whatever happened to create the 60 lb. weight gain wasn't filmed.  This is also why we get so many scenes of people sitting like lumps that never do anything or having awkwardly recreated conversations.  It would be fascinating to see what goes on in James K and Lisa's home.  It would also be depressing and frustrating.  They are two very messed up people.  

I would imagine a lot of TV watching and chicken frying.

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, CoachWristletJen said:

If they do a follow up show with them, it should be animated.

This is a bit off topic but that reminds me, there is a hilarious animation on youtube based on when Gordon Ramsay met the crazy owners of Amy’s Baking Company, using the show audio (although the ending is fictional), and I wish they would do one of Schenee’s God speech, with reactions from Freddy and Dr Now. And then there can be an ending where she jumps out the window and God lets her fall.

  • Useful 1
  • Love 9
10 minutes ago, NeitherSparky said:

This is a bit off topic but that reminds me, there is a hilarious animation on youtube based on when Gordon Ramsay met the crazy owners of Amy’s Baking Company, using the show audio (although the ending is fictional), and I wish they would do one of Schenee’s God speech, with reactions from Freddy and Dr Now. And then there can be an ending where she jumps out the window and God lets her fall.

Hahaha! And she lands making a big hole in the ground! Then she starts screeching for cartoon Freddy to come and pull her out so they can go to the supermarket.

  • Love 4
On 6/29/2018 at 5:22 AM, Jeeves said:

OK, let me take a hit at this. There isn't some general free-floating "right" to sue a bartender for serving a drunk. Only persons injured by the drunk can sue. 

The "dram shop" or bartender liability statutes such as Colorado's, are aimed at a specific situation which creates a foreseeable and serious danger to the public: intoxicated persons driving automobiles. Here in the US, people drive everywhere. Including to bars. Although a bartender's refusing to serve a drunk any more liquor does in some sense benefit the drunk, that's not the point. Not only is the drunk not the intended beneficiary of this kind of statute, the Colorado law specifically prohibits the drunk or the drunk's estate, the drunk's guardians, or the drunk's dependents, from suing the bartender. 

The intended beneficiaries of the law are the members of the public who will be endangered if that drunk gets into a car and drives (the Colorado statute doesn't cite driving, so it could be broader but driving is the usual way drunks hurt people). The trial lawyers have managed to get these statutes on the books because it provides another set of deep pockets for them to dig into, when representing persons injured by drunk drivers.

The only "social host' liability in the Colorado law is for serving someone under aged twenty-one or providing a place where such underaged persons are served alcohol. Again, the young drunk (or his/her parents, estate, etc.) can't sue the host. The host's liability is to persons who are injured by the young drunk.

The full text of the Colorado statute is here: https://law.justia.com/codes/colorado/2016/title-12/general-continued/article-47/part-8/section-12-47-801/  - it's in the professional/occupational licensing part of the statutes.

These dram shop laws are limited to situations where an intoxicated person has injured someone (generally by driving). They are not intended to protect drunks. And these laws have nothing to do with "assisted suicide" or caregivers or disabled bed-ridden people with mental diseases. They would not have been in any way applicable to APS' review of James' case after Dr. Now reported James and Lisa to APS.


Indeed, I agree it was a weak example for side by side comparison.  However, in my defense, I meant it as a suggestion that sometimes, the collective we do hold others responsible for providing the “substance” that causes damage to oneself and/or others.

A better example for Lisa’s “responsibility” or culpability in relation to James’s situation would be our laws against folks that deal drugs.  If it is everyone’s individual responsibility for what they consume to their detriment, be it alcohol, tobacco, food or drugs, then no one would be going to jail as a provider or access point for any of those substances.

The alcoholic that beats his wife is responsible, not the liquor store that sold them the booze.

The tobacco user that dies of throat/lung/mouth cancer is responsible, not the tobacco company that sold them the cigarettes.

My earlier point that wasn’t very well articulated is that apparently the arbitrary “legality”of a substance is what seems to be the moral tipping point that make folks hold addicts or providers accountable.  I don’t see Lisa as an innocent victim, any more than I can see the heroin dealer that sold dope to my dead overdosed cousin as a victim as well.

 My comparison to holding the bartender accountable for the aftermath of a drunk was a bad comparison.  Mea culpa.

Edited by kicotan
  • Love 3
On 6/29/2018 at 2:14 PM, CoachWristletJen said:

I think that in a different life, James would have a future doing cartoon voiceovers. The way he talks kind of higher pitched and up through his nose would make the ideal cartoon character.  

And, let's not forget, "OW MAH LAIGS!" There's one part where the poor paramedics are struggling underneath the weight of his stretcher where we hear James go up one octave and down another, like, "OW-WOW-WOW-WOW-OW!!!!"

If they do a follow up show with them, it should be animated.

Someone on some forum once said that James sounds a lot like Cartman from South Park. He kind of does.

  • Love 4

As much as I don't want to feel sympathy for the guy, I now truly believe James K is in an abusive relationship and is under the undue influence of his girlfriend's 24/7 physical and mental manipulation.


Its like a destructive food cult with two members, and Lisa's the ringleader, and the kool-aide is 50,000 calories per 8 oz shot. (food bulking additives, anyone?)


Watching Lisa this episode was disturbing.

  • Love 9

Did anyone watch this episode from On Demand? I deleted the original airing off my DVR but then watched the On Demand version, and I think the scene with Dr. Paradise is missing. That was one of my favorite scenes! I can't quote it exactly because I don't have it, but I loved this:

Dr. P.: How did we get here?

James: <Something sort of like, "What?">

  • Love 2
On ‎6‎/‎23‎/‎2018 at 6:51 PM, CatherineM said:

We take in teens and young adults with fetal alcohol that aren’t ready to live independently yet. If I remember, James’ Mom was a drinker. He might be FASD. They can’t understand consequences and can’t delay gratification. Their average life expectancy is 34. They also are inclined to have addiction issues. 

He doesn't have the look of FASD.  Though of course his face is so bloated it's hard to say... and it's a spectrum, so there is a range of possibilities.  He is definitely not the sharpest tool in the toolbox.

And yes, people can be all kinds of dumb.  I remember I had a patient to whom I could not explain the difference between the eye drops that only relieve redness and eye drops that actually stop itching due to hay fever.  No matter what I did - nothing got through to him, and we parted after 20-25 minutes mutually frustrated with one another. 


On ‎6‎/‎26‎/‎2018 at 3:20 PM, Trees said:

More food in, more poop out, right?

Not necessarily.  Most of poop is bacteria plus dead intestinal cells, unless your diet is full of really indigestible things like insoluble fiber and mushrooms (we humans cannot digest mushrooms properly - though they are delicious and I eat them regularly anyway).  With the stuff he is eating - refined white flour buns, potatoes, rice, meat - most of what he puts in this mouth is actually getting digested and absorbed into his body.   He certainly wouldn't be gaining the way he is if he had some kind of malabsorption!  Probably still large bowel movements but not proportional to his food intake vs. a normal person.


On ‎6‎/‎27‎/‎2018 at 6:44 PM, aliya said:

I guess I get this. It's a hard process and maybe some folks are just done after they lose a couple of hundred pounds. Would they like to lose more? Maybe, but they didn't get to 600 lbs by having will power. Maybe 200 lbs and the ability to drive again and walk around a little is all most of these folks want. And they still get to eat some of the old food they like because they aren't really interested reducing their intake. 

I think their frame of reference is so distorted by their previous size, to them 300 pounds is just svelte.  Plus, I don't recall seeing anyone on this show who was surrounded by slim people.  When everyone around you is 250+ and you are literally half of what you used to be - it's very easy to think you have arrived, I can absolutely see how people can make this conclusion.  Especially those who did not view the changes they had to make as a permanent lifestyle change and who really did not enjoy the healthier food for whatever reasons, and were looking forward to stopping the diet as soon as they achieved the acceptable (to them) weight.

Edited by Hellga
  • Love 9
On 7/1/2018 at 9:23 PM, sidka said:

As much as I don't want to feel sympathy for the guy, I now truly believe James K is in an abusive relationship and is under the undue influence of his girlfriend's 24/7 physical and mental manipulation.



Lisa knows what’s she’s doing. In the first episode she rattled off how many ounces of meat he was eating as well as the low calorie food he was eating...supposedly. So apparently she knows exactly what he is suppose to eat.  She also has lost 80 lbs. If James ate exactly the same thing Lisa ate he would lose weight. She is a conniving, underhanded, manipulator and they are both dangerous.  I’ve seen people like this before. The best thing to do in the presence of evil is to turn and run and never look back. Dr. Now needs to be finished with this pair before they try to ruin him. You can only go so far to help someone. Lisa is dangerous and James won’t be without her. It’s time to let go Dr. Now.

  • Love 8
On 8/1/2018 at 8:07 PM, Cineaste said:

Was catching up on this episode on demand. Got to the part where Dr Now called APS and ran straight here, was not disappointed. Honestly, Dr Now brought this on himself by taking those two back. Totally agree with those who think Lisa is trying to black widow herself out of this.

ITA Cineaste that Lisa is a total Black Widow for whom, apparently, there is no legal redress which is both alarming and sad.

In the case of these two, it was reported during their initial episode that he became bedridden at 42 years old when he was 500 pounds and then proceeded to end up at 743 pounds upon his first medical encounter with Dr. Now. This means that he gained an average of 60 pounds a year to reach that weight, which is unbelievable to me. However, AFTER becoming a patient of Dr. Now he began to gain weight exponentially under Lisa's "care" and proceeded to gain 158 pounds in four months! Then after that, during the last episode, he gained 60 pounds in ONE WEEK! Once again, when he seemed to be on the brink of truly addressing his issues, his partner increased her feeding of him beyond what my mind can barely comprehend. This led to Dr. Now's now epic challenge to James to have him and Lisa be separated for a mere five days and see if he could lose weight under a controlled hospital diet whereupon he got the nasty "we're a family and you're not going to separate us!" bullshit from both of them.

I really don't like this man and find him to be off the charts lazy, selfish, infantile, nasty, and entitled but what I am trying to get at is that at what point do we as a society say that this is abuse, that Lisa is actively in the process of murdering this man? Does anyone believe or hope that we can get to a point where, even if the person agrees to eat what's front of him, that we aren't dealing with a mentally compromised person who is a danger to himself and that the authorities need to put an end to it? Would our society be saying the same thing in the case of a bulimic or anorexic person? Geez, I truly don't know.

Edited by DC Gal in VA
  • Love 5

While similar, this case from 1997 involved a child.  What was dissimilar was that the child was not receiving medical case and James K is.  The mom was found guilty of misdemeanor abuse based on the condition of her daughter's body, and not due to the daughter's morbid obesity.  I still remember the case since I found it so shocking.  Her mother made her obese which caused all the damage.  

Dr. Now may be have better luck saying Lisa was noncompliant in following through with treatment of his legs and heart condition, but dunno.


  • Love 1

Lisa is just straight up gangster in this episode. That smirk she gave Dr. Now near the end when she finally admitted to sneaking in the food. Who does she think she's getting away with, other than helping to kill James faster?

On 8/4/2018 at 1:11 PM, DC Gal in VA said:

ITA Cineaste that Lisa is a total Black Widow for whom, apparently, there is no legal redress which is both alarming and sad.

In the case of these two, it was reported during their initial episode that he became bedridden at 42 years old when he was 500 pounds and then proceeded to end up at 743 pounds upon his first medical encounter with Dr. Now. This means that he gained an average of 60 pounds a year to reach that weight, which is unbelievable to me. However, AFTER becoming a patient of Dr. Now he began to gain weight exponentially under Lisa's "care" and proceeded to gain 158 pounds in four months! Then after that, during the last episode, he gained 60 pounds in ONE WEEK! Once again, when he seemed to be on the brink of truly addressing his issues, his partner increased her feeding of him beyond what my mind can barely comprehend. This led to Dr. Now's now epic challenge to James to have him and Lisa be separated for a mere five days and see if he could lose weight under a controlled hospital diet whereupon he got the nasty "we're a family and you're not going to separate us!" bullshit from both of them.

I really don't like this man and find him to be off the charts lazy, selfish, infantile, nasty, and entitled but what I am trying to get at is that at what point do we as a society say that this is abuse, that Lisa is actively in the process of murdering this man? Does anyone believe or hope that we can get to a point where, even if the person agrees to eat what's front of him, that we aren't dealing with a mentally compromised person who is a danger to himself and that the authorities need to put an end to it? Would our society be saying the same thing in the case of a bulimic or anorexic person? Geez, I truly don't know.

At this point, James is literally like a hard-core meth addict and Lisa is his supplier. Amazing how adult protective services could do nothing because Lisa wasn't literally shoving the food into his mouth. Disgusting people.

On 7/23/2018 at 1:14 PM, Tiff said:



Lisa knows what’s she’s doing. In the first episode she rattled off how many ounces of meat he was eating as well as the low calorie food he was eating...supposedly. So apparently she knows exactly what he is suppose to eat.  She also has lost 80 lbs. If James ate exactly the same thing Lisa ate he would lose weight. She is a conniving, underhanded, manipulator and they are both dangerous.  I’ve seen people like this before. The best thing to do in the presence of evil is to turn and run and never look back. Dr. Now needs to be finished with this pair before they try to ruin him. You can only go so far to help someone. Lisa is dangerous and James won’t be without her. It’s time to let go Dr. Now.

What's Lisa going to do? Put strychnine in Dr. Now's coffee? She's only a danger to James and he has it coming.

On 7/23/2018 at 12:56 PM, Tiff said:

The way Lisa and James were cursing at Dr. Now was really disturbing. In what universe is it ok to cuss at your physician?

When you're straight up gangster like Lisa, anything goes. Her pimp hand is very strong. Especially when James need his reggrolls.

  • LOL 1
  • Love 2

I just watched this episode while I was house cleaning.  I am just astounded.  She is the worst enabler I have ever seen.  Her remark "he deserves a chance and I am the only one who will do it for him."   Is she just being a martyr?  She is seriously ill.  What in the H is he going to do to get food since he cannot even sit up much less get out of bed?  She could get a job and get the H out of that house and find out life is more about waiting on someone who doesn't appreciate sh*t.  I think she is enjoying every minute of killing him.  Lord have mercy he is an awful human being.  She is worse.  There cannot be life insurance involved here.  If so, I would understand.

And I usually have great sympathy for people on this show.

Edited by parrotfeathers
  • Love 3
7 hours ago, parrotfeathers said:

I just watched this episode while I was house cleaning.  I am just astounded.  She is the worst enabler I have ever seen.  Her remark "he deserves a chance and I am the only one who will do it for him."   Is she just being a martyr?  She is seriously ill.  What in the H is he going to do to get food since he cannot even sit up much less get out of bed?  She could get a job and get the H out of that house and find out life is more about waiting on someone who doesn't appreciate sh*t.  I think she is enjoying every minute of killing him.  Lord have mercy he is an awful human being.  She is worse.  There cannot be life insurance involved here.  If so, I would understand.

And I usually have great sympathy for people on this show.

That is how I felt too - that she is enjoying it. She was smirking when Dr. Now was lecturing them on his cheating, telling them he was on his death bed. Smirking, smiling. Who does that? The devil incarnate maybe?

  • Love 3

This episode showed Lisa to be so much more than an enabler.   The smirk she gave Dr. Now when he confronted her about feeding James in the hospital so he had a massive gain, told me everything I needed to know about what's going on in that relationship.     The only positive think about the episode is that the daughter apparently moved back to Kentucky.  

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
  • Love 2

I watched  this again today.  How much damage to a body occurs after losing over 100 lbs. one month, and then putting it back on the next?  Gaining 60 in a week?  How is he still alive?!?!  Those legs look like some kind of alien parasitic invasion. 

The worst part, seeing his backside, how red and flat compared to the top, reminded me of rigour mortis I saw when working in a morgue. It’s like his body is dead, decaying, but the mouth and gut still work. 

  • Love 6
27 minutes ago, CatherineM said:

I watched  this again today.  How much damage to a body occurs after losing over 100 lbs. one month, and then putting it back on the next?  Gaining 60 in a week?  How is he still alive?!?!  Those legs look like some kind of alien parasitic invasion. 

The worst part, seeing his backside, how red and flat compared to the top, reminded me of rigour mortis I saw when working in a morgue. It’s like his body is dead, decaying, but the mouth and gut still work. 

Hahaha CatherineM! Your description of James sounds like he should featured in a remake of that old horror film The Reanimater

Check out the following article:


Among other things, it notes that, once again, James escaped the jaws of death after yet another stint in the ICU recovering from sepsis, kidney failure, cirrhosis as well as high blood pressure and infection. This was in January of last year. And don't forget that Dr. Now had diagnosed him as suffering from heart failure in one of his M600PL episodes.

I still laugh at what dear Lisa must think every morning that he wakes up for his gravy-drenched breakfast. We all know that's she's trying with all her might to kill him off with food without any reprisals or interference from Adult Protective Services.

When it comes to Lisa, I keep wondering what exactly is her endgame? She knows that James is dumb as multiple boxes of rocks and just doesn't get that she loathes him and is trying to bump him off. She's getting her revenge for all the years of waiting on him and dealing with his infantile outbursts and verbal bullying since now she's the real one in charge. But if he dies tomorrow, then what? She hasn't held a steady paying job for about 20 years, I doubt that there's going to be a huge insurance payout and, even if there was, all of that would be eaten up (pun intended) just bury him. Then she'll be stuck in Houston with no money, no car, no nuthin'. I just don't get it.

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