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S06.E18 James (K) & Cynthia LIVE CHAT

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31 minutes ago, meat said:

I MADE AN ACCOUNT FOR THIS!!!! Jaaaaaames, please don't disappoint! Or, uh, do, I guess. I mean 'disappoint' in a sense of entertainment value :P


 Do we dare take a drink every time we hear “oh my leg !”??

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Just now, DC Gal in VA said:

Oh snap, James just went through the doorway with no drama! Either that or those EMTs brought a hefty supply of Vasoline! Seriously, could it be that he really lost weight on his own? Hope so.

bigger stretcher? wider door?

we'll see...

da scale don't lie!

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3 minutes ago, CringeWatcher said:

Aw man they cut one of the best from James’ original episode. Remember when he was weighed at the hospital and came in at 840 lbs, and Lisa said, “are you sure it wasn’t SEVEN forty?” BAHAHAHAHA

Oh my god. Good times! James really is the gift that keeps on giving!

Edited by Pepper Mostly
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4 minutes ago, QuinnInND said:

he claimed she couldn't walk all the way from the car to the venue chairs. Or some shit.

LAME excuse. I just googled and I was right that she was the one who claimed that everything she did was for her kids. How ironic.

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2 minutes ago, DEG9 said:

you need an electrolyte solution, asap. Smart Water, Pur Water, even Vitamin water. As a last resort, GatorAde (too much sugar, generally.) Whatever caused the cramp, you need to rebalance the chemicals that make the muscles function.

Limped into the kitchen and grabbed a Smart Water. I think it’ll take more than that to fix James’ leg pain. 

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15 minutes ago, meat said:

So far I've only commented on this show on Reddit (I'm spinalstenohshit there, btw- the /r/my600lblife subreddit is so nice!), and that was to complain about Bettie Jo. (Again, if you saw my post here about spinal cancer, and you remember Bettie Jo's episode... you'll know why I had to complain.)

I love that subreddit. From the responses, I think a number of people post in both places. I haven't signed up, tho, because I already waste enough time over here. I'd never get any work done if I actually posted over there.


Edited by aliya
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32 minutes ago, meat said:

Is it ok to post personal stuff here??? Anyways... This is my guilty pleasure show. I'm hovering around 75 lbs (cancer, whoo hoo!), and can't have solid food, so it's cathartic to see people act like, well... not-people.

Good luck to you!   

My Dad was glad he was 50 pounds overweight the first time he had cancer because he ended up losing 50 during chemo and radiation... got back to his college weight.  It was all way easier on him than the second time around, when he lost 50 pounds again, but had none to spare...


PS  I can't imagine being 75 pounds.  That's less than half of my current weight, and I am NOT overweight. *hugs*

Edited by Hellga
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Just now, aliya said:

I love that subreddit. From the responses, I think a number of people post in both places. I haven't signed up, tho, because I already waste enough time over here. I'd never get any work done if I actually posted over there.

I have so much to do this evening but this is soooo much fun!

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I am leaving on vacation early tomorrow and haven’t even begun to pack, and this is what I’m doing. 

You people are my TV habit

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I'll take James for 750, Alex. 

I was on vacation in May and I had to climb 250 steps to get to the top of this giant water slide. I think after step 150, I kept laughing and yelling, "ow! mah legs!" This happened all the way to the top of the ride. 

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1 minute ago, aliya said:

I love that subreddit. From the responses, I think a number of people post in both places. I haven't signed up, tho, because I already waste enough time over here. I'd never get any work done if I actually posted over there.

That is me. I already spend enough time posting here so I don't want to get involved there but sometimes will read there if there is a scandalous episode to see the comments.

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1 minute ago, Wanda said:

Was that blood on the sheets? From his legs I assume? You can practically hear the “dun dun dun”.

when someone has lymphedema/cellulitis, the small blood vessels have a very hard time healing. any movement can break them open. And never mind the seepage from the blisters, and ulcers. Trust me, be very happy this is not 'smell-o-vision!" (Gag)

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28 minutes ago, Giant Misfit said:

LOL! "He wanted me to prove to him I could do it." 

Well, DUH.

How has his energy level increased? He can pull the sheet up a little closer to his face?


He can lift his head away from the mattress?

But he does those leg lifts “like nobodies bidness”

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Just now, DEG9 said:

when someone has lymphedema/cellulitis, the small blood vessels have a very hard time healing. any movement can break them open. And never mind the seepage from the blisters, and ulcers. Trust me, be very happy this is not 'smell-o-vision!" (Gag)

Well that was more information than I needed. 

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