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S06.E18 James (K) & Cynthia LIVE CHAT

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Loved how Dr. Paradise wondered if James wanted Lisa to get out and enjoy life but she wouldn't when it was really the other way around! The look on Dr. Paradise's face was priceless.

Oh sweet baby James you're saying all the right things but........... I am still waiting for that other nasty, pus filled shoe to drop.

Edited by DC Gal in VA
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1 minute ago, zoemom said:

Girlfriend needs some socks.

Given the history of the Poundticipants, we're lucky she's even wearing shoes.

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3 minutes ago, 3girlsforus said:

He’s a grown man (sort of). If he wants to overeat that’s totally on him

I bet he gets so nasty with Lisa if she doesn't get him what he wants. The only way he will stop eating like he does is if he was forced to go into some kind of nursing home where his eating was closely monitored and any visitor was searched to make sure they didn't bring him any food.

Edited by Armchair Critic
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James is clearly mentally incompetent.  Lisa is abusing him by overfeeding him.  He needs to be put in a facility where either she is banned from seeing him, it she is frisked for food before being allowed to see him. 

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1 minute ago, 3girlsforus said:

I don’t know that I like all of this Lisa blaming by Dr Now and Dr Paradise. Yes James lied. She definitely brings him food. But I don’t believe she brings him food he doesn’t ask for. He’s a grown man (sort of). If he wants to overeat that’s totally on him. 

I agree totally. She is not helping him get out of that bed, but she is not the reason heather in it. That's all on him.

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16 minutes ago, Oh My. said:

I'm going to preface this by saying this is going to sound super mean, but...James and Lisa just seem so...marginal in terms of grasping how to function properly on a day to day basis.  It blows my mind how stunted they both are in terms of emotional growth.  Put simply...they don't reason, speak, or behave like adults.

Don’t worry about it. I’ve been upgraded to a first class seat on the ride to hell after some of the stuff I’ve said during this obese horror show.

Edited by pieinmyeye
Left out several words.
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Just now, Smoothcoat said:

What happened to James’s daughter?? Where’d she go, did they say??

She hasn't been seen or mentioned I don't think. 

Oh look. Drama queen James is going to the hospital again. Ugh.. 

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"Ow! Mah laigs!" 

The hell happened to his hair? It looks like the chop job Natalie Wood's character gave herself in Splendor in the Grass.

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5 minutes ago, 3girlsforus said:

Telling James he will be able to do stuff for Lisa when he loses weigh is a sure fire way to get him to gain weight. He doesn’t want to do stuff for her. 

He does stuff for her.  He shits in a pan so she can clean it up.  He gives her something to do with herself!  He's a giver!

2 minutes ago, 3girlsforus said:

I don’t know that I like all of this Lisa blaming by Dr Now and Dr Paradise. Yes James lied. She definitely brings him food. But I don’t believe she brings him food he doesn’t ask for. He’s a grown man (sort of). If he wants to overeat that’s totally on him. 

She doesn't put the food in his mouth, make him chew and make him swallow.  They need to back off Lisa.  It's not her fault he's abusive.

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I didn't remember her until they just showed her little flashback at her school. Guess I'll have to watch the first half of the supersized show tomorrow.

Now to figure out my eating habit 'cuz I am hongry.

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4 minutes ago, 3girlsforus said:

I don’t know that I like all of this Lisa blaming by Dr Now and Dr Paradise. Yes James lied. She definitely brings him food. But I don’t believe she brings him food he doesn’t ask for. He’s a grown man (sort of). If he wants to overeat that’s totally on him. 

If he can’t do anything for himself, then she’s his caregiver.  The MD’s have an obligation to report a caregiver who behaves in a way inconsistent with wanting their patient to live.

Edited by kicotan
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How is problem in his legs slowing down his weight loss given the fact that he doesn’t walk??!!

Fork-to-mouth disease is what is preventing his weight loss.

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At what point do the legs have to go?  I feel like they're probably so toxic and filled with infection that they are beyond help.  Is he beyond help?  I'm kind of sad for him right now.


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Good evening all .I'm DVR ing the show I got a feeling I will be doing a lot of fast forwarding from what I read and saw so far  ? "Oh my legs"  James is not one of favorites to begin with....

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So his leg infection is "slowing down his weight loss?" HOW??? It's not like he could be any less mobile. Is he really claiming the pain from the infection is making him eat more???

OTOH, if they have to amputate his legs, that would probably be a 200-lb weight loss right there. #Winning

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3 minutes ago, kicotan said:

If he can’t do anything for himself, then she’s his caregiver.  The MD’s have an obligation to report a caregiver who behaves in a way inconsistent with wanting their patient to live.

So if James orders pizza and Lisa opens the door that’s her fault?? 

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Just now, 88Keys said:

He played Joey on Full House.

Oh OK!!! Now I remember! He looked familiar, but I couldn't place him, and his name didn't ring a bell either. 

I'm betting James has gained. 

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Watching with my mom and she gagged at James's legs. How is he even still alive? The sheer amount of drugs pumped into him to keep that infection at bay is mindboggling, I'm sure. 

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46 minutes ago, Kid said:

It’s bad when you think an accomplishment is getting through the front door more easily than you did last time! Those poor EMT’s.

“I didn’t barely touch the door or nuthin’!”

and if you looked closer, they took the door off the hinges. WTF? You’re  thrilled that you didn’t scrape through the door and scream ‘ow, mah laygs’, so you are ‘doin’ good’?  Aim high, buddy. Aim high. 

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3 minutes ago, pieinmyeye said:

Don’t worry about it. I’ve been upgraded to a first class seat after some of the stuff I’ve said during this obese horror show.

Is Lisa the one that left an abusive husband to be with James, who also abusive IMO? No wonder the woman is so stunted, likely she has low self esteem and is just beaten down by life. Easier to keep James fat and happy.

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Lisa is a big part of the problem. He can only eat what she brings him.

In the hospital he ate only what others brought him and he lost weight.

Lisa has to go in order for James K. to have any chance of success. Dr. Now should oust her. 

Then James can actually focus on losing weight.

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10 minutes ago, DEG9 said:

oh please, oh please, oh please!!!

I know I'm not shit for this, but in my mind, I was like "Hell yeah, Dr. Now!  I wanna see the intervention they won't like"!

That should not have been my first reaction.  I really need to do better.

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1 minute ago, Ivylady said:

Watching with my mom and she gagged at James's legs. How is he even still alive? The sheer amount of drugs pumped into him to keep that infection at bay is mindboggling, I'm sure. 

I'm guessing he's become resistant to any antibiotic he's been given!

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