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S06.E18 James (K) & Cynthia LIVE CHAT

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9 minutes ago, 3girlsforus said:

It’s not good when your leg looks like a giant butt with horrendous diaper rash

......and hemorrhoids

Edited by Lizz
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20 minutes ago, Wanda said:

What’s with Bettie Jo and now Cynthia thinking they might get skin surgeries when they weigh over 400 lbs? Methinks this phrase does not mean what they think it means.

ITA Wanda. I think that Cynthia, and many others in this show have a very skewed/delusional idea of what a healthy weight is. Didn't she say that she wasn't trying to be thin, just wanted to be able to do more? She probably thinks that 350-400 pounds is just fine.

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1 minute ago, QuinnInND said:

Well that was more information than I needed. 

but isn't that the point of the show? to teach you stuff you probably would never have learned on your own, even if it makes you cringe and heave?  heh

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4 minutes ago, MJS said:

I am leaving on vacation early tomorrow and haven’t even begun to pack, and this is what I’m doing. 

You people are my TV habit

Time well spent!

I actually got my checkbook balanced early so I can spend tonight knitting, drinking, and hate-watching.  

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I guess the mattress James had in his new apartment in Houston was much more slimming than the old one since Dr Now seemed to have been fooled into thinking he had lost a decent amount of weight.

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13 minutes ago, meat said:

Cynthia looks like she's doing better, legitimately. Slowly improving.

I'm on partial paraenteral nutrition, after TPN for a few weeks. That sucked. This show really got me through it, haha. I'm going to have some barley soup soon- I've seen worse than James's legs, and that won't discourage me!

I've been on TPN a few times and heading in that direction again. I have only been diagnosed with gastroparesis since November but I also have had  Crohn's since 2015 so my already restricted diet is even more restrictive. Low fiber/low fat so when I can eat it's mostly white carbs. Hoping that you will reach remission and some relief from your suffering.

Edited by Singingflutist
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But it was so much easier when they brought me out of the house!  Well, James, when you walk instead of being a piece of luggage, you might be able to evaluate "Easier".  It wasn't you doing the work! 

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"I felt I lost a lot more weight." Who says that?! I guess when you don't wear clothes you can't tell if you're losing weight or not. 

And shut up with the, "I'm doing everything right." Clearly, you are NOT.

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7 minutes ago, 88Keys said:

800, easy.


Crunch and Munch, anyone?

As much as I love that stuff, that’s gonna be a hard pass as long as there’s a chance of seeing those laygs on my screen or my tv at any moment. Thank you though. 

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4 minutes ago, simba barracuda said:

Well I. Am. Shocked.

Me too. I went by Dr. Now’s impression that he was doing better.

I wanted Dr. Now to be right

Edited by MJS
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Just now, DC Gal in VA said:

Tee hee, and there I was thinking that James and Lisa had FINALLY got the message.

James is being so sweet and cooperative but I'm waiting for that other shoe to drop and we get to see the real James.

oh yeah, we'll see the beast unleashed.

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5 minutes ago, 88Keys said:

Oh, sneaky editors, putting the weight in kilograms at first to throw us off!

I thought he broke the scale.  He definitely did not look 350 pounds. 

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1 minute ago, Armchair Critic said:

Are we going to have another patient die? EEK

Sorry to disappoint anyone but he’s still alive based on outside sources.

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2 minutes ago, MsVixen said:

Hi Pounders!  Sorry I'm late to the ball because I'm taking care of Mom.

However, I got in early enough to see James' legs.  WTF are those growths?

blister, ulcers, cellulitis, general infection. Death dealing stuff.

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