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Season 3 Discussion

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6 minutes ago, lovesnark said:

I agree with those thinking David hasn't done the paperwork for Annie to get her green card. Of course, his excuse will be Nikki won't let Chris give him money for the application, whether there is a fee or not. I'm wondering if there is some sort of penalty of she doesn't apply for one in a timely manner?

I wonder what his reason would be for not doing the paperwork?  Maybe he wants Annie to be deported and then he'll be off the hook for the dowry and everything else her mother is demanding.

  • Love 1

Someone please correct me if I'm wrong, but I remember Paola going back to Columbia after she married Russ to work on her 'choo' (shoe) collection with her brother. She would be gone for several months at a time. Now there is no mention of that, and all the blame is on Russ for  taking away their precious girl from them.  Pleaseeeeee!

The scene with the fake bf and the motorbikes was like out of some cheesy music video. I roared with laughter when Pao sat on the bike with her ass in the air and the few strands of orange hair waving in the breeze. Bahahahaha!

Nicole is very punchable with all her whining, pouting, and eye-rolling. It was over the top. May is more mature, and better behaved than Nicole. And nothing Nicole's Mom has to say is going to sink in for Nicole until Hassan disappears after 9O Fiance is milked dry.  Who knows what his plans are, but it does not include Nicole. She completely dense. Literally, her whole world is revolving around some guy who can't stand her, and can't be bothered to phone her.  

Anafisa and Jorge are boring.  Her monotone voice, and his whiny, puffy face revolt me. I don't even get why they are back on the show this season. Who cares if they get back together. 

Chanel and Pedro. Boring: Part 2. 

OMG! Annie talking frankly about David's fat ass slapping during their loud sexy times.  Revolting!  She's no innocent babe in the woods. 

The whole scene with Molly and her friend 'rollin' up' to get Olivia at her boyfriend's house was hilarious, and sad. Were they planning on grabbing her and shoving her into the car? Molly paid little attention to Olivia's concerns about that low-life psychopath until she left the house. Why does she suddenly care now? Is it because she lost her driver, and main babysitter for Kensley? Now all of of sudden her girls come first? She is incredibly selfish, and blind to what she has brought in from the DR. What's worse is next week, she's going to leave Kensley alone with Luis. Stupid, stupid woman. 

It was also funny when TLC played this slow cowpoke music when Uncle Jess came in to talk to Luis. 

?He's just a good ole boy, never meanin' no harm... ?


Edited by Barbara Please
  • LOL 1
  • Love 16

The whole scene with Molly and her friend 'rollin' up' to get Olivia at her boyfriend's house was hilarious, and sad. Were they planning on grabbing her and shoving her into the car? Molly paid little attention to Olivia's concerns about that low-life psychopath until she left the house. Why does she suddenly care now? Is it because she lost her driver, and main babysitter for Kinsley? Now all of of sudden her girls come first? She is incredibly selfish, and blind to what she has brought in from the DR. What's worse is next week, she's going to leave Kinsley alone with Luis. Stupid, stupid woman. 


I can't stand her.  She's screwing her kids up so much, I hope they're going to be ok, and I can't believe she's leaving Kensley alone with Luis while she's out of town!

  • Love 10
39 minutes ago, Bridget said:

I was so skeeved out when he kept staring at Anfisa's boobs once she sat sown on the patio. Kudos to her (cannot believe that I just typed that) for her telling Jorge her eyes "are up here." I wonder if he was staring at them and calculating how much money he's spent on her - literally!

I actually thought he was drooling at one point. I think Jorge hasn't had it for a while (since the last time he and Anfisa got together) and he only wants her for the sack. 

  • Love 1
3 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Can we talk about Molly stalking her own daughter? Calling and texting her 20 times in a row? Sneaking up on her at her boyfriend's house and basically cornering her? I strongly dislike these two on one situations. She had her friend barely let poor Olivia get a word in edgewise. Luis is not worth all this. 

Nicole is an idiot. Azan thinks the interview went well? Of course he does! If the interviewer is any good he or she is going to have a good poker face. Dear god this girl is dumb. Listening to her whining is like dragging a rake across a chalkboard. And she is getting bigger by the day. What a mess. 


Molly is needy as hell to the point of having impulse control problems. No wonder she asked Luis to come back even though we all knew it was a ridiculously bad idea!

Sometimes I think I have a tendency to give Azan too much credit, and I think it's because next to Nicole, he's smarter by comparison. Again, he's not smart, but he's smarter by comparison so my tendency is to assume that he's more with it than he really is. 

What I'm saying is that I'm sure he came off as completely transparent in the interview.

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, Bridget said:

Agree - he was higher than a kite!

Anfisa had the same car last week and I wouldn't be surprised if she was leasing it. No way would she have enough credit (someone please correct me if I'm wrong) to even be considered for a Benz, let alone have the money for a down payment, monthly payments and the insurance. Jorge couldn't co-sign for it, and we haven't seen any friends. Occam's Razor and all of that. 

I was so skeeved out when he kept staring at Anfisa's boobs once she sat sown on the patio. Kudos to her (cannot believe that I just typed that) for her telling Jorge her eyes "are up here." I wonder if he was staring at them and calculating how much money he's spent on her - literally!

Jorge is gross.  And, the way he was drooling over her made me think that he clearly sees her as an object. He treats her like a whore. He doesn't feel the need to dress up or tell the truth or even act like a gentleman. A sweaty wad of twenty dollar bills will do the trick.

No man should ever treat any woman like that ever. EVER.

Anfisa deserves better. She truly does!

  • Love 17
10 minutes ago, CoachWristletJen said:

Jorge is gross.  And, the way he was drooling over her made me think that he clearly sees her as an object. He treats her like a whore. He doesn't feel the need to dress up or tell the truth or even act like a gentleman. A sweaty wad of twenty dollar bills will do the trick.

I believe you have hit the nail right on the head. He thinks he can buy her. She's not a person to him. 

  • Love 11
14 hours ago, greekmom said:

Does Nicole have an apple watch? I can’t afford an apple watch and I have a home and a freaking job. The heart cookie said Hassan and Nicole. HA TLC and your fake ass names!!!

Annie's behavior toward Bhat's son was really shitty.  It's not his fault his dad is a loser and you married him.  He just saved you from seeing your beloved's big floppy, flapping ass.  

OMG, I noticed the same thing!  I have a great job and won't make the jump to an Apple Watch because they're just too expensive.  The thought of that lummox having a 300 (400?) dollar watch while living in a hotel cesspool is really obnoxious.  Especially considering that she probably only uses it to scream "CALL HASSSSSAAAAAAAANNNNNNN" on it 3,000 times a day.  LMAO at the "couples shot" with just her.  Tickles me every time.  His visa was rejected because A.) he begged for it to be or B.) someone in Nicole's family told the consulate that she was not mentally fit enough to make this kind of decision.  Also, COMB MAY'S GODDAMN HAIR.  

Having recently lost my little old grandmother/favorite old lady ever, the Paola scene was hard to watch.  Poor little granny.  I hope she's not suffering anymore.   Paola's family blaming Russ for her not coming home to visit in 4 years is bullshit.  It's not his fault.  Miami to Colombia is hours away, and MIA has millions of flights going to S. America every damn day.  It's not OK to blame him for HER disregard.  Maybe instead of a BMW, a cheapo plane ticket to see your people once every few months.  Pao's priorities are Pao.  Everyone else falls at the wayside.  I cannot with her outfits either.  A body con dress at the hospital?  Were you going to jump into a sexy nurse scene from one of your music videos?  Jeez Louise.  And lord.  Making Russ ride holding on to some rando while she goes off in a crotch rocket with her ex. He looks like a fool and she's giggling.  He's not a bad guy, but I can promise you she will spend the rest of their marriage making him pay for the months in Oklahoma where she "didn't feel like herself".  

Jorge continues to skeeve.  He could barely tear his eyes away from Anfisa's cleavage long enough to dig into the dinner YOU KNOW he wanted to eat.  Commitment, man.  She's probably getting her final Chanel purses from old boy before she moves on to better things.  Good for her wanting to complete her education.  I hope Jorge's sister gets a good look at his bootlicking before she starts to call Anfisa a whore again.  He opens his wallet, throws money at her and cries when she takes it.  Ass.

Molly, divorce  can be awesome.  Listen to your kids.  

Chantal and Pedro have about another good year before it all blows up.  This misbegotten family vacation/farce is awful.  Chantal's family is so freaking dense, it's painful to watch them break a sweat getting a semi-coherent thought together.  Pedro is a big baby, but fuck.  

  • Love 20

That converted motel room that Nicole lives in is depressing, dirty and disgusting. It's not an apartment. It's a room. Does she have a vacuum cleaner? It looks like May and Nicole lay around all day on the bed eating fast food and drinking soda. I feel sorry for May. Her toys are piled on the floor that isn't even clean. What stimulation does this little girl get? Does she play outside, look at books, listen to music, eat healthy meals? Why don't Nicole and May live with her mother? The mother's house looks big enough for all of them. Does Nicole live alone in that dumpy room to collect some kind of public assistance?  Nicole looks so unhealthy. Girl, get off the burgers and fries and start moving or you won't be around for your little girl when she grows up. Azan was denied the visa. As soon as I heard that tidbit I thought something major was up. Come on, even Mohammed got a visa! I thought maybe he was already married in Morocco. The preview mentioned something about drug trafficking. I guess we'll see. This pair is pushing it to be on the show. Azan doesn't have a k1 visa and isn't here in the US. Isn't that the premise of the show? If Azan comes to  Florida at some point he's in for a big surprise when he sees the motel room he'll be living in with 2 other people. Good times. I'm sure he's expecting a nice suburban house. Nope.

  • Love 6
27 minutes ago, magemaud said:

Since this is the third season we've been subjected to the Nicole/Asan drama, wasn't May at least two when it started and would now be FIVE? Shouldn't she be in some kind of school program? 

You would think she should be in at least some type of pre-k program or something, maybe  a play group so she could be around other kids her own age.  Oh wait that would take effort and thought, I forgot we were discussing Nicole.

Edited by SevenCostanza
  • Love 4

Nowhere was it said Azan was involved in drug trafficking. The attorney simply listed drug trafficking among myriad reasons why a person -- not specifically Azan -- could be denied a visa. 

Mother Nicole (Bamboozaliza or some such name) gives me the feeling she's biting her tongue and hanging in there for May. I'm guessing Mother Nicole is married and her hubby has a problem with (if not a restraining order against) Baby Huey. Or else surely they'd be living with Bamboozaliza. Perhaps one of you virtuoso sleuths can look up county records on the family. Or maybe Bamboolza has a job and doesn't want her nice house trashed while at work.

Once the other shoe drops, Russ could surely re-enter his engineering career.  There are likely re-training courses to upgrade skills even for those currently working; he hasn't been out that long. And I think his hair looks nice, clean, combed, job-appropriate. I'm a southern girl and if I were his age I'd be very interested in him. Wonder what his long-suffering parents are thinking about now. And has anyone told Pao that redheads are very much NOT in demand as models? Especially such a hideous artificial shade. She must have stringy strands marooned up her butt crack constantly.

Anfisa and Jorge? Lost interest there. The pot industry is for very clever entrepreneurs, not porky potheads who consume all their profits. He will never make it and is probably in all kinds of legal trouble. Anfisa will figure it out. I get the impression she had a difficult time in Russia but is smart and will move forward from here. She has what I call "survivor's poise."

Molly is horrifying. She "puts my children first," yet apparently requires them to bend over and take it from the rear from this greaseball. Guessing Daugher Olivia -- who has some impressive street smarts -- is being protected by her boyfriend's parents, who clearly didn't consent to being in this TV fiasco. God bless them. That Olivia is being tarred as being a brat or unreasonable is ridiculous. Thank goodness she figured out how to escape this nightmare, which probably included far more from Molly in previous years. I want to hug her. And Luis telling the baby to shut up...really? It doesn't matter if the abuse is physical or not...he has created an oversexualized climate of fear with his words.

David Poor has redefined geometry, as his is a new blobulous shape never seen before; and his condescending vocal tone! I do not think $1K for a space that large is unreasonable. WIth those additional BRs, they could easily AirBnB rooms, and the expansive basement can host Amazon/Etsy businesses, either theirs or by renting it out to others. Not to mention easy rental money for parking others' possessions, vehicles and boats. 

Annie is repulsive. The demands for dowry, which seem greedy, along with the sexual weirdness. The Magic-Marker eyebrows. And any undocumented worker with half a brain can figure out how to land off-the-books work doing all kinds of labor. She could make friends in town...do yard work, babysit, clean, help with small business owners. These jobs are all over Craigslist every day. 

I wonder how possible it is for Chris to evict them. Probably difficult, especially since surely the firehouse is not residentally zoned. Even so, he lives far away. 

One other thing...Son David Poor is supposed to be recovering from having been shot in the face, the gruesome scar for which was featured in some 90DF video. But in this episode, there is no scar. Paging makeup!

Whoever wanted to go meet Brother Molly, count me in! Family Molly seems pretty damn good.

Now on to next week, where we see Toothless Tucson and Evangelical Evelyn. Feel like I'm forgetting one couple...

  • Love 4
3 minutes ago, OrchidThief said:

Nowhere was it said Azan was involved in drug trafficking. The attorney simply listed drug trafficking among myriad reasons why a person -- not specifically Azan -- could be denied a visa. 

Mother Nicole (Bamboozaliza or some such name) gives me the feeling she's biting her tongue and hanging in there for May. I'm guessing Mother Nicole is married and her hubby has a problem with (if not a restraining order against) Baby Huey. Or else surely they'd be living with Bamboozaliza. Perhaps one of you virtuoso sleuths can look up county records on the family. Or maybe Bamboolza has a job and doesn't want her nice house trashed while at work.

Once the other shoe drops, Russ could surely re-enter his engineering career.  There are likely re-training courses to upgrade skills even for those currently working; he hasn't been out that long. And I think his hair looks nice, clean, combed, job-appropriate. I'm a southern girl and if I were his age I'd be very interested in him. Wonder what his long-suffering parents are thinking about now. And has anyone told Pao that redheads are very much NOT in demand as models? Especially such a hideous artificial shade. She must have stringy strands marooned up her butt crack constantly.

Anfisa and Jorge? Lost interest there. The pot industry is for very clever entrepreneurs, not porky potheads who consume all their profits. He will never make it and is probably in all kinds of legal trouble. Anfisa will figure it out. I get the impression she had a difficult time in Russia but is smart and will move forward from here. She has what I call "survivor's poise."

Molly is horrifying. She "puts my children first," yet apparently requires them to bend over and take it from the rear from this greaseball. Guessing Daugher Olivia -- who has some impressive street smarts -- is being protected by her boyfriend's parents, who clearly didn't consent to being in this TV fiasco. God bless them. That Olivia is being tarred as being a brat or unreasonable is ridiculous. Thank goodness she figured out how to escape this nightmare, which probably included far more from Molly in previous years. I want to hug her. And Luis telling the baby to shut up...really? It doesn't matter if the abuse is physical or not...he has created an oversexualized climate of fear with his words.

David Poor has redefined geometry, as his is a new blobulous shape never seen before; and his condescending vocal tone! I do not think $1K for a space that large is unreasonable. WIth those additional BRs, they could easily AirBnB rooms, and the expansive basement can host Amazon/Etsy businesses, either theirs or by renting it out to others. Not to mention easy rental money for parking others' possessions, vehicles and boats. 

Annie is repulsive. The demands for dowry, which seem greedy, along with the sexual weirdness. The Magic-Marker eyebrows. And any undocumented worker with half a brain can figure out how to land off-the-books work doing all kinds of labor. She could make friends in town...do yard work, babysit, clean, help with small business owners. These jobs are all over Craigslist every day. 

I wonder how possible it is for Chris to evict them. Probably difficult, especially since surely the firehouse is not residentally zoned. Even so, he lives far away. 

One other thing...Son David Poor is supposed to be recovering from having been shot in the face, the gruesome scar for which was featured in some 90DF video. But in this episode, there is no scar. Paging makeup!

Whoever wanted to go meet Brother Molly, count me in! Family Molly seems pretty damn good.

Now on to next week, where we see Toothless Tucson and Evangelical Evelyn. Feel like I'm forgetting one couple...

Chris could and probably will have to evict them to get them out of there. It'll take at least 90 days and would require some time, but it's doable. I wonder if David read the lease he was bitching about? Most don't allow for sublets unless the landlord agrees to it. Charging his son rent could be violating the lease. Leases  usually have a stipulation on how long you can have a houseguest, as well. My tenants can have them for no longer than 10 days. 

I don't think the shooting has happened yet. Poor kid was probably just trying to get away from crazy town and hang with a friend for a while. 

  • Love 2
3 hours ago, AussieBabe said:

I didn't even comment on David and Annie. I think it's funny that he's asking for $200/month from his son when he was incredulous that Chris/Nikki dared to ask for rent for them staying in their current location. That's a pretty large building, and there's no telling how much Chris/Nikki paid or are paying for it per month. He's obviously choosing not to work for some reason. I'm pretty sure he had some discernible skill or talent prior to fleeing to Thailand and returning with that nasty wife of his. How did he support himself and his family before he left for Thailand or even leading up to the divorce? The way she bashed Ashley was messed up. Ashley's father doesn't sound like he was really present. Hell, he left when his son was 14, and last time I checked, boys need their fathers at that age. If he was an unfaithful, alcoholic, then, I understand Ashley's anger towards him. [Also, they had 90 days to get married, and as a major F-U to his daughter, he decided their wedding and every subsequent anniversary just had to be on Ashley's birthday. I always thought that was messed up.] Annie should've been crying to her mum that David was willing to pawn her engagement jewellery on national television with no shame. And yuck at their sex life and Annie's ummm unique way of demonstrating. I could've done without that. I hope she's on birth control or they're at least using protection. They certainly don't need a baby right now when they barely have a pot to piss in and a window to throw it out of.

Agreed!  David should be worried about rebuilding his relationship with his son who he hasn't' seen in years, not getting him to chip in with rent.  I also think it's rude to ask his son to immediately contribute- the kid might have still be in high school when this show was filmed!  Annie was pretty mean in this episode.  She doesn't know the backstory to David and Ashley's relationship and I thought it was in pretty poor form to trash talk her (Ashley) on national tv.  Those who live in glass houses...

  • Love 7

Hello everyone! I have been reading various message boards on this website for a few years at my work (I have a very slow job at a college library) and I finally decided to create an account. 90 Day Fiance is one of my favorite shows on TLC! My husband and I could not stop laughing when Annie was talking about her sex life with David there.

  • Love 17

Family Chantel, self aware much ? They can’t figure out why he doesn’t want to go to the cabin but can’t remember when they wouldn’t get out of the car at grandmas in the DR?

I could seriously  watch Brother Molly unintentionally with that accent call that ahole “Louise” all day long ! 

I LOL at Annie giving David the business I thought she was hilarious ! His slapping ass cheeks are a step up from her former life and she’s going to embrace it (eww) I find her seriously candid and compelling. Says the daughter breeds like a rabbit but at the same time can’t figure out why the daughter is angry. Hahaha Annie is a keeper and a star on this franchise .

sorry about Paos Abuela but I FF my dvr on 4 with those two. Booooooring. 

  • Love 10
1 hour ago, Pepper Mostly said:

I believe you have hit the nail right on the head. He thinks he can buy her. She's not a person to him. 

But she did sell herself to him. Now she’s sorry she got taken, that he isn’t what she thought he was. She sorta got herself in the mess. That said Jorge is disgusting. Don’t play the lonely guy who lost his love and is pining for her. Her personality sucks, he’s not missing scintillating  conversations with her, he misses the sex. If he’s willing to be milked dry of every cent he can get his hands on to get in her pants he might stand a chance but I don’t think he can get that kind of cash on a consistant basis to satisfy her. 

  • Love 10
3 hours ago, AZChristian said:
3 hours ago, Bridget said:

I hope to God that Annie is finished speaking about their sex life, the sounds that David's ass makes during sex, imitating what she sounds like, how she can't be quiet during the act AND  telling us that David walks around naked in the firehouse. I felt like there should have been some type of "Warning! The following content contains material that is......" before those segments! 

. . . more disgusting and vomit-worthy than you can imagine."

Annie needs to stop the sour puss routine; she knew what she was getting with David. At least she's out of the BJ bar. She only has one repulsive old dude to deal with & she's even got herself out of that one thanks to his son. Now he 'can't play with his 25 year old wife' - *gag*.

Edited by gonecrackers
  • Love 4
12 hours ago, Penelope5 said:

Paola totally exploited her grandmother's illness. How embarrassing to bring a camera crew to the hospital. They could have been more respectful and not shown the poor sick woman. I'm sickened by Paola.

Russ is a wuss. He was so intimidated by the 'bikies', which by the way weren't even hard core lol. These are loser kids who want to appear cool and dangerous.  Paola was a hoe back then, and she a hoe now.


Azan/Hassan probably sabotaged the interview and I don't believe the ties to drug traffickers they showed in the preview for next episode, that's just a cliffhanger.


Chantel Family is dumb, her father is so passive aggressive and his smiles are pathetic. River is an asshole and needs a kick up his back. Pedro needs to yank River's hair.


Annie and David are gross. Can't believe she has sex with humpty dumpty. Never gonna get that dowry either lol.

I am hoping the people in the Consulate watch TLC and are trying to save May from a disaster of a marriage.  

  • Love 3
36 minutes ago, iwasish said:

But she did sell herself to him. Now she’s sorry she got taken, that he isn’t what she thought he was. She sorta got herself in the mess. That said Jorge is disgusting. Don’t play the lonely guy who lost his love and is pining for her. Her personality sucks, he’s not missing scintillating  conversations with her, he misses the sex. If he’s willing to be milked dry of every cent he can get his hands on to get in her pants he might stand a chance but I don’t think he can get that kind of cash on a consistant basis to satisfy her. 

Did Jorge get her that boob job or was it someone else ?

  • Love 1
20 hours ago, greekmom said:

Does Nicole have an apple watch? I can’t afford an apple watch and I have a home and a freaking job. The heart cookie said Hassan and Nicole. HA TLC and your fake ass names!!!


I was wondering that too - I wasn't sure if it was an Apple watch or a Fitbit watch (which, while not cheap, is much cheaper than an Apple watch).

  • Love 1
13 minutes ago, Mierin said:

I was wondering that too - I wasn't sure if it was an Apple watch or a Fitbit watch (which, while not cheap, is much cheaper than an Apple watch).

A Fitbit watch on Nicole?!?!? Now, there is a waste of money, folks. An Apple watch makes more sense.  She doesn't need to move to reach for her phone or expend the energy pushing buttons or typing. She can just tell her wrist to call My World.

  • Love 11
10 minutes ago, lovesnark said:

A Fitbit watch on Nicole?!?!? Now, there is a waste of money, folks. An Apple watch makes more sense.  She doesn't need to move to reach for her phone or expend the energy pushing buttons or typing. She can just tell her wrist to call My World.

LOL, true.  I thought I saw something online about her actually trying to exercise.  I could be wrong.

  • Love 2
On 5/27/2018 at 11:39 AM, lovesnark said:


In regard to the bio hazard that is Nicole and her apartment, what really struck me is how her mom didn't say a word about it. I'm sure she's mentioned it to Baby Huey in the past and the result was a raging temper tantrum. So, now she just grits her teeth and resists the urge to scoop May up and run out the filthy door.


I agree. I wonder if she didn’t say anything because she cleans up sometimes for May’s sake. Then because Nicole has no respect or appreciation for anything anyone does for her it’s filthy 5 min after mom leaves. I noticed in one scene that the first thing little May did when her grandmother walked in was run to her and say, “I’M HUNGRY!”. Sad,sad, sad.

  • Love 3
5 hours ago, Penelope5 said:

Not sure if we can post certain links to other places but if you google “90 day fiance reddit nicole grandfather church” you’ll see the first link that pops up. It appears she is given this accomodation by grandfather? I’m still confused by it all   

Which I'm very sure is the real reason her father had been saying M can't live with Nicole when/if he came to the US.

Annie has really started revealing her true self.  She was portraying herself as a wide-eyed innocent who fell in love with David.  But now she's starting to reveal her economic motives for marrying him.  Multiple times she sounds like she can't believe how hard life in America can be, and she's started to add up how much David owes her family.  When David's son came in to the living area of the fire house, he said hello to her and she took quite a while to answer back after which she said in an interview that David's children don't speak to her.  Um, no-even when they try to speak to her she ignores them.  David has some kind of nerve charging his son rent.  The entitlement of David and Annie knows no limits.

Pao just used her grandmother's health as an excuse to go relive her life in Columbia.  Interestingly, she stated several times that she feels so alive in Columbia and like her true self...but, that was her whole argument for moving to Miami.  I guess that any time she wants to do something it's so that she'll feel like her true self...

Family Chantal is just exhausting.  As soon as Pedro walked to the car at the apartment, Mother Chantal started with her bad Spanish and really being insulting to Pedro.  You're not talking?  What about a normal greeting to him and then see if he responds.  And her whole 'I'm getting reading to stop the car and have him sit up here...'  like that would serve any purpose other than letting her play a martyr role.  Pedro is doing what Chantal wants-he went on the trip.  Now he just wants some peace and quiet without a ton of passive-aggressive comments by River and the rest of the family.

I am so tired of Molly always saying that she puts her daughters first.  Saying it doesn't make it so.  I also felt a moment of pity for Luis as Molly and her brother keep telling him to be a stepfather but without telling him what that means.  I think that he thinks that he has sincerely tried, but then just gets scolded like a child as he isn't doing things right.  Yes, I think he is a scammer and only came back because someone told him that he has to stick it out for two years before he can leave, but I still feel like everyone is telling him what to do without telling him how to do it.

  • Love 10

Well, keep up the good fight, folks, for sitting through this all.

I will be flying from Minneapolis to Boston just about every Sunday night this summer, so I will rely on your delicious comments to keep up with the series.

My guess is that Evelyn and Davis Spain said thanks, but no thanks, to continuing on the series.  Maybe they’re focusing in her singing career?

Anyway, keep me up to date, folks.

Edited by b2H
  • Love 2
39 minutes ago, seacliffsal said:

And her whole 'I'm getting reading to stop the car and have him sit up here...' 

Reminds me of when my father (and I assume many others) used to threaten us when we misbehaved with “Don't make me turn this car around and go home!" Maybe that's what Pedro hopes will happen. 

Edited to add. I seem to recall Nicole wearing some type of Fitbit last season in Morocco 

Edited by magemaud
  • LOL 1
  • Love 2
12 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:

I was cringing. That was terrible. 

Right there with you. Not once did Chantel even acknowledge his feelings or try to understand him. She (and her creepy over invested family) just kept saying "you have to do this. We have to put it behind us. You have to come on our happy family adventure". They started in on him before he even came outside! Every single time they get together they gang up on him. He feels defensive and I don't blame him. They never lay off him and its always at least two against one, telling him how he ought to feel and what he should be doing. What do they care if he has his earbuds in on the car ride?  River says "If you have something to say lets get it out in the open". Then when Pedro actually says it, River gets all butt hurt and whines that he's being "disrespected". Fuck off River, you pretentious wanna be hair model. I loathe the lot of them. 

Paola. Jesus.

Chantel's family is very smug, but when they were in the DR and refused to get out of the van at Pedro's grandmother's house, they committed a pretty much unforgivable faux pas.  They need to check themselves, to watch the video of that situation, and then confess to being the rudest, most disrespectful, horriblest people in the world.  They really can't ever apologize enough for their behavior there, and while Pedro's mother was a jerk about the chicken feet, Chantel's mother telling us wisely that "voodoo uses a lot of chicken feet" cost her the higher moral ground in that situation, too.  And yes, you *do* come across as Stupid Americans.

Every time Pedro tried to explain to Chantel or her father why he was uncomfortable around them, they brushed his concerns off, saying they wanted to put that all behind them--as if they had not done anything at all to show disrespect to Pedro and his family.  Which is only further disrespect, invalidating his feelings.  I wonder if this bunch would ever take part in group therapy together--they need a neutral facilitator to get the gripes on both sides out in the air.  The thing is, Chantel's family continue to ratchet up the drama--Chantel telling Pedro that her family thinks Pedro's mother was trying to find him someone from the USA to marry--and every "concern" like that is, well, another brick in the wall.

Agree with the poster upthread who said Chantel and Pedro need to talk about their money, to budget--maybe even to budget a set amount to put aside every month to use for purchases for his family.  I think the important thing here is that they work on this together; she needs to accept fully the notion that he is going to support his family--every male fiance we've seen on this show has sent money home; it's what they do--and rather than push him away by showing her displeasure, she needs to involve herself.  It would be wonderful if Chantel were to initiate a purchase for his family, or if the next time his mother demands something, she enthusiastically goes shopping with him for it.  She says she thinks of it as *their* money; she's acting as if she thinks it's *her* money.

  • Love 9
On 5/25/2018 at 2:45 PM, seacliffsal said:

I think that Nicole will be in for a huge surprise when she finds out that Section 8 housing won't allow Azan to live there (I don't know but am just assuming she has Section 8 housing).  She will really go after the state government at that point.  I wonder if that's what her father was implying when he said Azan couldn't live with her.  If she lost her housing she would totally demand that her family pay her rent.

I too have a high cable bill (includes cable, internet, and phone), but I enjoy my shows... and I needed the fastest internet available for my doctoral program.

I believe I read that nicole's grandfather's church owns the room where she and Mae live (in squalor) and charges her no rent.

  • Love 1

Did anyone else think that Nicole's temper tantrum face looked like it was formed out of a potato? Or maybe I just thought that because her hair was so dirty you could probably grow a potato in it. Ugh. She is just getting worse and worse. And this is Nicole IN FRONT OF CAMERAS! Can you imagine how slovenly she must be when the filming crew goes home?  Also, anyone notice how the first thing Mae said her grandmother was that she was hungry?!??! WTF ? Is Nicole not even feeding her daughter, now? It was like Mae had to to let the only grown up in the room know about her needs.  And while on the subject of Nicole, she is like the most perfect mark ever. I just loved how she closed her eyes and put her hands in her ears, like the petulant toddler she is, when her mother tried to speak truth to her. She just believes in Azan and *knows* he is not lying. Any decent con man in a 5,000 mile radius is going to have the radar to find her. Wow, she is the reason incarnate about why people should have to pass an IQ test before being granted access to the internet. 

And don't even get me started on Family Chantal. You all have covered in beautifully, but this damn family is so self absorbed and socially inept. You don't bring Pedro around by forcing him to go on a vacation intervention while you all pile on him about why he is not toeing the family line in all things. It's live they all want to take turns pissing in his eye verbally speaking, and then act all shocked when Pedro doesn't smile, say thank you, and request a second round. And then you have River whining about how Chantal is always home with her husband. Yeah, that's marriage. Pedro didn't "steal" her away, she got married. Welcome to adulting, River, you pouty, spoiled turd blossom. This whole family is insufferable. Spending fours days with them would be like arriving in the 9th circle of hell. 

And on the subject of hell...life with David must be a living one. Charging your 18 year old son any kind of rent after abandoning him is totally shitty. David just sees everyone as a mark to help him eek out his miserable little existence. I did cackle like a hyena when the camera showed him trying to work his fat ass on to the pub chair in his kitchen. Time to lay off the chow and booze, Dave. And I loved how Annie so quickly and deftly cut sexy time down to two days a week because they can't have boom boom when there is a "child" present. Girlfriend is already easing herself out the door. 

As for Pao, she is a total narcissist/sociopath who just seems to use all the people around her and drop them when she doesn't need them. That talk with her sister was very eye opening. As we have commented, flights from Miami to Bogota leave every damn day and cost about as much as one of Pao's ridiculous hair treatment.  She might actually have more hair now if she had skipped one or two treatments Anyone else think that Pao's sister is prettier than she is? She certainly had a more interesting face. Anyhoo, back to the subject of Pao as narcissistic user, I now know beyond a shadow of a doubt that she is with Russ for the green card. Her little confessional about like macho, bad boy, tough guys, revealed more of her game plan than she intended. The minute I heard her say that, I knew Russ's days were numbered from the beginning. She is going to use him up until a better patsy comes along to feed her ego and keep her in red hair and cheap knock offs 

Jorge is such a schlub. Ugh. How about an ounce of pride? And why is Jorge doing laundry in a wash salon?  Why isn't Lourdes or his mother helping the precious boy? Cuz Lourdes only helps out baby bro when cameras are present. I gotta give Anfisa credit for pegging Jorge as always playing the victim and never accepting responsibility for his actions. She sure has his number.  I also gotta admire her hustle, and her decision to to take boxing lessons. They may saver he life when old dead -eyed Jorge tries to kill her when he can't win her back. He is going to have some serious rage if he puts any effort into trying to win her back, and the nasty bitch turns him down in the end. She better watch her back because he really enjoys revenge  too much.  And in a side note, probably good that there was no food served at their sit down. Anfisa has to keep her little bod webcam ready to pay the rent, and Jorge looks like he needs to skip a month's worth of meals. 

Edited by Chickabiddy
  • Love 15

Is it just me, or in the scenes in the hospital, couldn't we see where Pao's hair extensions were hooked on?  I agree that she ought to go back to Colombia where everything is the way she likes it.  I believe she thought she would make it big in the US as a model, that Russ would tag along and carry her luggage, and that she'd have everything.  Well, the only modeling I've seen looks like it's for Valvoline calendars, and I don't know how well that pays.  Plus, if your modelling career depends entirely on having pert breasts, she'd better bear down and show those off now because they don't last forever--and if the boobs don't fail you, your face will.  Nothing sadder than a 40-year-old boom-boom girl with hard plastic tits and crowsfeet.

And what is with Russ' posture?  He stands and walks with his belly thrust out, like a toddler.  He projects wienerhood and seems tentative even when they're walking together and he puts his arm around her.  She still needs him for the heavy lifting, but his weird combination of possessiveness/neediness if hard to watch, and I can't imagine how hard it would be to live with.

So Annie was a bar girl, or an escort, or some other kind of sex worker?  WHAT?!  In THAILAND???  And it doesn't occur to Bhatman that her enthusiasm for sex with him--as she demonstrated her squealing--is part of her professional toolbox?  I'm shallow enough to believe that someone with David's personality and looks is not a good lover.  David is so needy that he's going to charge his son $200/month rent, leaving me at least with the impression that the $50/week will be a lifesaver for them.  Well, Jebus, David, can't you find *any* job that would pay you $50/week?  I know it's tough to find a job these days what with the high employment rate, but surely some old lady somewhere would pay you to cut the grass and pull the weeds for her for $50/week.  I think David is waiting for things to get so dire that he will be able to call Chris with some real emergency, and Chris will bail him out again.

  • Love 12
4 minutes ago, Mothra said:

Is it just me, or in the scenes in the hospital, couldn't we see where Pao's hair extensions were hooked on?  I agree that she ought to go back to Colombia where everything is the way she likes it.  I believe she thought she would make it big in the US as a model, that Russ would tag along and carry her luggage, and that she'd have everything.  Well, the only modeling I've seen looks like it's for Valvoline calendars, and I don't know how well that pays.  Plus, if your modelling career depends entirely on having pert breasts, she'd better bear down and show those off now because they don't last forever--and if the boobs don't fail you, your face will.  Nothing sadder than a 40-year-old boom-boom girl with hard plastic tits and crowsfeet.

And what is with Russ' posture?  He stands and walks with his belly thrust out, like a toddler.  He projects wienerhood and seems tentative even when they're walking together and he puts his arm around her.  She still needs him for the heavy lifting, but his weird combination of possessiveness/neediness if hard to watch, and I can't imagine how hard it would be to live with.

So Annie was a bar girl, or an escort, or some other kind of sex worker?  WHAT?!  In THAILAND???  And it doesn't occur to Bhatman that her enthusiasm for sex with him--as she demonstrated her squealing--is part of her professional toolbox?  I'm shallow enough to believe that someone with David's personality and looks is not a good lover.  David is so needy that he's going to charge his son $200/month rent, leaving me at least with the impression that the $50/week will be a lifesaver for them.  Well, Jebus, David, can't you find *any* job that would pay you $50/week?  I know it's tough to find a job these days what with the high employment rate, but surely some old lady somewhere would pay you to cut the grass and pull the weeds for her for $50/week.  I think David is waiting for things to get so dire that he will be able to call Chris with some real emergency, and Chris will bail him out again.

I read somewhere that Chris hired him to dress up like a chicken and twirl a sign on the street for one of his businesses. It didn't work out because they discovered his son in the costume a few times 

  • Love 12

Utter grossness hearing Annie talk about their sexy time and vocalizing her love making sounds.  Fat ass is right with the boom boom. I think we see her escort shining through. 

David abandoned his children for years after the divorce, his son was shot in the face and he wants to charge him rent.  Well, leave it to the son to get a job and support them.  He is a mouse of a man and a pathetic piece of human trash  

Nicole’s face looks like mashed potatoes and her antics are such of a toddler’s, yet exponentially less endearing.  I knew Azan wouldn’t actually go through with the visa and marry this Schlub. He needs to cut his losses and try again.  Are employment opportunities so few in Morroco?  

And Molly’s friend is ridiculous just being her yes woman and that all that matters is if she’s is happy or not.  Just what Molly wants to hear.  She is so infatuated with the idea of marriage especially since none of her baby daddies would marry her. She just keeps repeated, “we’re married” like that justifies her staying with this louse.  I’m sure she can find a nice guy in his fifties that would be invested in a relationship with her and she could married in more than name only.  She’s pathetic and what she’s putting her children through is despicable.  

  • Love 17

Molly went to Matthew's house outfitted for a gang initiation.  Olivia seems like such a sweet and sensitive kid, leave her be until one or both of you figures some things out.  

Would not judge Pedro if he "accidentally" knocked that eternasmile off Father Chantel's smug mug.  You just don't smile when someone's about to be stuck in a cabin with 4 1/2 people who hate them.  

  • Love 14
9 minutes ago, Kiss my mutt said:

Nicole’s face looks like mashed potatoes and her antics are such of a toddler’s, yet exponentially less endearing.  I knew Azan wouldn’t actually go through with the visa and marry this Schlub. He needs to cut his losses and try again.  Are employment opportunities so few in Morroco?  

Have you ever heard a whinier adult than Nicole?  "Welll whut haaaaappeennnnnned?"  There's been speculation here about why Azan's visa was denied.  I think it might be as simple as the fact that he's a young Muslim male with no blood family living here.

And why (and how) is she supporting him?  Didn't he say that he worked as a trainer in a gym?  She serves coffee at Starbucks.  You do the math.  If she has more strings to her bow as the young folks say is she sending any of them money, too?  No wonder May is hungry.  Her father seems like he might be a soft touch for her; maybe he's bankrolling her love life.  He's the one who agreed to take financial responsibility for Azan because if Azan didn't come here, Nicole would take May and go live in Morocco.  I'm sure she'd be very, very happy there.  Waah waah waah.

And I wonder if Nicole has May calling any of her other internet dudes "Daddy"?

  • Love 4
2 minutes ago, spankydoll said:

Read it on Reddit



What the HELL is the relationship between David and Chris?  Chris gives him work, but only the most demeaning kind of work, then checks on him to make sure he's doing it.  Sounds sadistic to me, especially after they were business partners in Thailand and Chris was so kind to him.  I'm with Chris' wife--it's time for David to be weaned--but this just strikes me as sick.

Thanks for posting this.  It adds a whole new layer of sick.  And ick.

  • Love 8

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