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Season 3 Discussion

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13 hours ago, jumper sage said:

Holy shit!  I have no idea what no cap means.  I do pay for wifi but that cost hasn't changed in 10 years and is $45 a month.  We have had up to 8 users online at anytime.


Let's hope.  She is a little cutie.

Caps mean you only get so much usage for free and then you have to pay. If you stream alot and have a gamer or work from home, it can get expensive. 

3 hours ago, greekmom said:

Any kid on any TLC show will need therapy. Not sure if TLC has already set up an account for all kids that will be knocking on their doors when they are adults for $$ for therapy. I don't know why these yahoos like Molly, Nicole, etc insist on parading their kids infront of t.v. At least Melanie kept her son at a bare minimum.  

And I agree with posters above in regards to May's age. Either they filmed Nicole's segments back to back to back and are now releasing them or she doesn't know her daughter's age.

Kids on reality TV especially TLC have been a long debated subject since the Gosselin kids. Mae gets nothing and TLC doesn't care. CA/NY had right for kids filming since that was where most child actors were before reality TV came along. Jon Gosselin fought for laws in PA for his kids. FL where Mae lives has no protection. Nicole could take Mae out of preschool or elementary school (lets hope they are not still filming then) to film and no one could stop her.  Some families like sister wives and little couple try and not film during school and have limited amount of times cameras are around but they are able to negotiate that since they are the primary stars. Nicole gets a small paycheck from the production company not TLC. It has also been confirmed by other TLC participants there is no health coverage or other benefits just $$ per episode.

There was a fascinating conversation on celebrity big brother between Omarosa and James Maslow about having enough hours on reality TV and getting a SAG card and then being able to get insurance, retirement, and other benefits It was interesting to see how they really wanted to make every nickle they made stretch with every possible benefit (the other stars didn't care a bit about the benefits). I'm not sure if Nicole or other 90 day participants have had enough hours to qualify or if they even know about the options. It is not something the production company would offer her, she and others would have to do their research and apply. 

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20 minutes ago, silverspoons said:

Caps mean you only get so much usage for free and then you have to pay. If you stream alot and have a gamer or work from home, it can get expensive. 

Wait.   You pay a huge amount to basically have cable/wifi in your house run like a data plan?   I have never heard of this.  What would be the point?

I think that Nicole will be in for a huge surprise when she finds out that Section 8 housing won't allow Azan to live there (I don't know but am just assuming she has Section 8 housing).  She will really go after the state government at that point.  I wonder if that's what her father was implying when he said Azan couldn't live with her.  If she lost her housing she would totally demand that her family pay her rent.

I too have a high cable bill (includes cable, internet, and phone), but I enjoy my shows... and I needed the fastest internet available for my doctoral program.

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1 hour ago, jumper sage said:

Wait.   You pay a huge amount to basically have cable/wifi in your house run like a data plan?   I have never heard of this.  What would be the point?

An example is Comcast/Xfinity (except for a few states) has a 1 TB limit. Anything over a TB is billed usage like a data plan. 1 TB is pretty large amount but some of the smaller cable companies have much lower limits. My bill is high because I pay centurylink for 4 DSL lines and a special modem to be able to take 4 slower lines and make a fast connection out of it, and it has no cap because it is considered business level of service.  Then as a backup I pay a small amount for a cable broadband service but it does have a cap 100GB. I checked and 215 companies have caps in the US right now. 

To give a good reality comparison , where Kody and the sister wives used to live in Utah they had 100 gig (yes gig!) service no caps. Where the FLDS (warren Jeffs) polygamist live the internet still dial up with all usage billed like data( and it is not just polygamists, if you watched the Bachelorette Emily's winner/choice Jeff, his hometown was filmed in a mutli million dollar home in a gated guarded community and he got the same dial up service that the FLDS get). Internet is very unequal in America.  I saw a fascinating documentary on bringing high speed internet to inner city Detroit ,using stores and churches to broadcast signals off of so unwired older low income areas could get service. 

  • Useful 1
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11 minutes ago, silverspoons said:

An example is Comcast/Xfinity (except for a few states) has a 1 TB limit. Anything over a TB is billed usage like a data plan. 1 TB is pretty large amount but some of the smaller cable companies have much lower limits. My bill is high because I pay centurylink for 4 DSL lines and a special modem to be able to take 4 slower lines and make a fast connection out of it, and it has no cap because it is considered business level of service.  Then as a backup I pay a small amount for a cable broadband service but it does have a cap 100GB. I checked and 215 companies have caps in the US right now. 

To give a good reality comparison , where Kody and the sister wives used to live in Utah they had 100 gig (yes gig!) service no caps. Where the FLDS (warren Jeffs) polygamist live the internet still dial up with all usage billed like data( and it is not just polygamists, if you watched the Bachelorette Emily's winner/choice Jeff, his hometown was filmed in a mutli million dollar home in a gated guarded community and he got the same dial up service that the FLDS get). Internet is very unequal in America.  I saw a fascinating documentary on bringing high speed internet to inner city Detroit ,using stores and churches to broadcast signals off of so unwired older low income areas could get service. 

Unbold part - That still sounds crazy!

Bold part - Years ago there used to be small communities that would broadcast wifi for their communities and most public libraries wifi is so strong you can sit in the lot or on benches and still get wifi.  The companies had a fit and worked out a deal that would end community wide.  I just found out that most public libraries now have to have an interrupter for the wifi outside of library hours.  Of course, they say it is because of illegal usage of wifi.....................................who are they kidding.

  • Love 1
17 hours ago, silverspoons said:

TLC is one of a handful of stations I keep cable for. My big issue is internet caps and decent internet service overall. I currently pay $336 a month for to ensure good internet and no cap. We are looking to move and every house I look at I check internet and so many companies have caps on how much you can use, I'm scared because I'm the type that likes TV on in the background for noise or fall asleep with the tv on. Plus it surprises me how much of our country still has low speed internet. I'm still searching for my perfect city, decent priced housing with good internet, safe school and close to medical care. 

I'm sure Nicole will have to move when Azan comes here and I wonder how much she realizes the real world costs. Watching Nicole, I wonder if we are seeing what Danielle was like 25 years ago. At least Danielle wanted out of her low wage job and wanted her to own a home not rent. In Danielle's 3 years on TV we saw her buy a modular home and she is an RN program. Nicole seems to have no motivation to do better. It has been 3 years since we met her, and there isn't a better job, more then a rented studio apartment, and unless she is hiding it as a big secret she isn't going to school. You would think there would be some sort of assistance or program for a struggling single mom living in one room to go to a trade school or community college. I hope Nicole's mom is aware of preschool programs and summer programs that Mae could attend. I have this feeling looking at the apartment and hearing Nicole's sister on the show. Mae spends more time with her grandma and aunt then with Nicole. Let's hope that is true. 

We pay $49 monthly (Suddenlink) with no cap. Customer service isn’t stellar but neither is spectrum or Comcast, so less than $50 is a great deal. 


I know a couple people working on their degree to become RN’s, it’s not easy.  I would be SHOCKED if she achieves her goal. But I’ll give her props (only time ever) that she is trying. 

9 hours ago, Awfarmington said:

We pay $49 monthly (Suddenlink) with no cap. Customer service isn’t stellar but neither is spectrum or Comcast, so less than $50 is a great deal. 


I know a couple people working on their degree to become RN’s, it’s not easy.  I would be SHOCKED if she achieves her goal. But I’ll give her props (only time ever) that she is trying. 



Danielle's RN  is an ADN  program at one of  those more expensive private colleges that do more hand holding and promise to help you pass the boards.  It is not a University BSN program that I agree can be very challenging.  I hope that Danielle got some single mom grant and is not taking out lots of loans. We live in an area that is in desperate need of nurses and my mom has been struggling in and out of the hospital and care center for 5 years now.  From what I have seen many people in programs like Danielle's end up working at nursing homes and care centers. My mom has had plenty of male nurses that lost their jobs and went to one of these expensive but quick ADN programs and are now working at the nursing homes with pretty routine mundane night shifts of changing IV's, taking vitals and paperwork. All the ICU and ER nurses have come from the BSN University programs . Danielle was a CNA for a long time. I hope this expensive school can help her pass and she can work in one very specific more care taking nursing job she could master, like a rehab or nursing home taking care of one type of patient. My big concern is during a shift she looks at her social media! Can you imagine her telling poor patients all about her social media problems. 

If you look at her social media on Sept 17th 2017 she posted a picture of her psychology paper she got a 40/50 on (I would say it was generous grading compared to my professors). 

To make the most of my overpriced unlimited internet, I had watched a live stream, from last December with David's family. His ex wife looks so much younger then him and so normal and friendly. David is looking like a very old 49, his ex is in her late 40's and David looks like he could be her dad. His ex seems like she is focused on their kids and has given up being bitter. His kids were upset of the shows edits and having to redo scenes or having scenes put in the wrong sequence. It really seems like David is looking for easy money. I get this gut feeling he and Annie might be playing it up for the cameras to make themselves more controversial to ensure TLC keeps filming them. 

Edited by silverspoons
  • Love 3

How I hate TLC for sucking me into yet another trainwreck of a show..but here I am.  I know it's been on a few seasons, but I'm a n00b.  OMG, where does one even START with these people? 

Molly, Molly, Molly....you don't need a man that badly.  Really, you don't.  Rule #1:  You do not marry the bartender at your hotel, the guy you meet on the beach, the guy at the Parisian cafe who sweet talks you into bed in a magical city on vacation.  You just don't.  You have the affair if you must (and I would say "Don't touch that, you don't know where it's been") and GO HOME TO REAL LIFE.  What kind of woman with a 17-year-old daughter brings home a 26-year-old guy she really knows nothing about?

Chantal:  You're stunningly beautiful.  Don't tell me you couldn't meet someone here.

Nicole:  Oh, honey, I get it; I'm a fat girl too.  But I wasn't when I met my husband.  You're eating your feelings.  Get some help to find other ways to cope.  Go out and take a walk.  Buy some 20-minute workout videos.  I'm not saying you have to be thin, but get yourself healthy in your body and in your head.  You'll realize you don't need this.

The guys just look like losers who brought over what they thought would be exotic hot girls the likes of which they couldn't attract here.  The hell with them. 

  • Love 12

I can’t stand Paola and her attitude. Russ is a total puppet and he knows it. The thing is though, the idiot won’t leave her. He loves her and to him her looks are what sealed the deal and what is making him stick around. That’s why he is an even bigger idiot. She’s so low class it isn’t even funny. 


Nicole is disgusting. Her home is gross and poor May is sadly the victim. She had to sleep at her mother’s house because she wanted to wake up early. This leads me to believe she is someone that can’t wake up by herself it’s an alarm clock.  Pathetic. How she has a living child is beyond me. 


Jorge is such a loser. I was never team Anfisa and actually disliked her in the beginning but it’s clear she was honest with Jorge. She was a cam girl in Russia and he knew it. That’s how he met her. She wanted out and wanted him because of the money he pretended to have. She didn’t deceive him.  He wanted a hot girl, but didn’t deliver on his end of the deal. 

Chantel and Pedro are boring and nothing will ever change   Chantel’s tits are massive and that dress is too small. I can’t stand either of them or their families. It’s also time for Pedro to up the game in his language skills. By hasn’t improved his English at all.  I’m ESL also, but come on  fine to uo they game. Even Annie speaks English better than Pedro  and we all saw the village she came from.  No excuse Pedro.


Molly is stupid for accepting Louis back again into her home after he behaved like a nutcase. Someone said she isn’t Danielle. It’s true but at the same time Louis is no Mohammad.  Say what you will about Mo, but he wasn’t creepy like Louis. I think he actually cared about Danielle’s Kids.  Molly was an idiot and desperate for a man. Why else marry such a loser? I knew a girl who married a man from the UK she met online. Got him a job where she worked when he arrived in the US, and he cheated on her with a work colleague. Instead of fighting him tooth and nail and trying to get him deported she basically left the job she had, lived with family while he lived it up with his new gf. She married him despite knowing before they met he was catfishing people online pretending to be a cop and saying his wife and kids were killed. He bailed on their first wedding date saying couldn’t get on the flight due to a road accident on the way to the airport, people were telling her he was getting cold feet. Telling her to not marry him and she still did.  Some women like that are just desperate for a man. Molly reminds me of that girl. Simply desperate. Except that girl didn’t have kids, Molly does.  

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On 5/23/2018 at 5:28 PM, gunderda said:

I don't think he had a job the last time we saw them... He was unemployed for awhile..like over a year. Pao was making money doing some local commercials.  He didn't abandon his career.  The industry went belly up and he couldn't find anything.  I think he had a prospective job interview up in Seattle but Pao didn't want that. 

Russ was on an assignment (he had a very good engineering career pre-Pao) and voluntarily left to return to Pao in Oklahoma after she arrived because he felt bad leaving her and then he subsequently lost his job. He made a very poor decision there- so losing his job wasn't just a result of an economic downturn. I remember him saying, "Pao comes first," and mooning over her being lonely (she did a lot of sad-face stuff while he was away). Another situation where the American spouse isn't forthright with the Green-carder about their situation. Don't invite them over (Jorge) leading them to believe you're a millionaire, or that you will be glued to their side every minute of the day, or that you can provide for them (David) when you don't have a cent to your name (despite your chunky ring and heavy gold necklace), or that you're just in it for the sexy time (Molly) when you really have a couple of kids that need supervision.

I realize that Nicole is manipulating her family into paying for the Green Card using Mae (the cutest toddler ever, IMO) as a bargaining chip.  The sad part is that her family is too stupid to realize that Nicole could never afford to get herself over there and support herself (and her child and "her world,") on her current income or lack thereof.  I'm not sure why they don't cut her off from the dole and tell her to figure out how to support herself here and get her act together. Yeah, she could disallow the family from seeing Mae, but that won't happen. She needs them to babysit and take them out periodically for chicken tenders and fries. 

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On 5/24/2018 at 11:56 AM, iwasish said:

Nicole has aged out emotionally/intellectually at 12, so May is probably going the same way. Does the kid even have a toy to play with? Or is her “World” just living mommy’s drama day after day?

The only toy I see Mae with is a little tablet computer, and then she's plugged into headphones. So sad.

  • Love 6
Just now, KateHearts said:

The only toy I see Mae with is a little tablet computer, and then she's plugged into headphones. So sad.

I wonder if she interacts with other kids her age, I mean sure Nicole is a child but May needs kids her actual age.

Just now, lovesnark said:

I haven't finished watching yet. But, good god Gertie! Why did Chantel think she needed a pair of watermelon size bolt ons? She had a great body. Now she looks like tits on a stick and that she'll tip over if she leans forward.

Did Chantel get a bigger pair?

2 hours ago, Penelope5 said:

Nicole is disgusting. Her home is gross and poor May is sadly the victim. She had to sleep at her mother’s house because she wanted to wake up early. This leads me to believe she is someone that can’t wake up by herself it’s an alarm clock.  Pathetic. How she has a living child is beyond me. 

That whole situation turns my stomach.  This proves that Nicole is just not the person to raise a child on her own and dollars to donuts Azan does not care about Nicole's mental acuity. 

I am hopeful that Nicole does not have another child ever.

  • Love 3

In regard to the bio hazard that is Nicole and her apartment, what really struck me is how her mom didn't say a word about it. I'm sure she's mentioned it to Baby Huey in the past and the result was a raging temper tantrum. So, now she just grits her teeth and resists the urge to scoop May up and run out the filthy door.

Pao's hair looks horrible and the comb over she sports in her talking heads is covering hair loss from over processing. I wish Russ would have made up a work excuse and sent her home by herself. And, while she was gone, pack up his shit, file for divorce and leave her copy of the petition on the furry beanbag chair. It's bad enough that she expects him to take Juan's crap when he visits. But, that's not enough. He had to fork out for a trip to Colombia and she expects him to just sit there and take the same shit from her family. No bueno, mi amore.

My heart broke for Molly's girls. Both of them are more mature than their mother and they have to suffer because of it.

Family Pedro and Family Chantel both suck and need to butt out. Pedro and Chantel will eventually fizzle out after the hot monkey sex phase of their relationship wanes and they realize that's all they had in common.

  • Love 8

"I used to think if my back was against the wall, Chris would help me out. I don't feel that way right now."


Meaning, David thinks he can still talk Chris back into giving him money.

It will be a test of wills between David and Nikki to see whether or not he gets anything. Chris really isn't involved as he can't really think for himself. I don't know why his head is mush, but a plate of grits could decide for itself better.

Hopefully, Nikki can keep him from giving his money away. It's like Chris would allow himself to be stripped right down to his underwear if he wasn't protected. "A man on the side of the road asked me for my wallet and my pants so I said yes. It felt like the right thing to do, and you can't stop me."

Edited by CoachWristletJen
  • Love 5

Does Nicole have an apple watch? I can’t afford an apple watch and I have a home and a freaking job. The heart cookie said Hassan and Nicole. HA TLC and your fake ass names!!!

Why is Jorge going to an alternative divorce attorney’s office? What is the difference between an alternative divorce and a regular divorce?  Life without Anfisa is lonely?? But Jorge – you can always go on the web and check for more gals. I guess he’s invested a bit of money into Anfisa so he can’t really go online and check out new girls at this point since he doesn’t have a dime to his name.  Lastly, are Anfisa’s boobs bigger this season?  Jorge was really staring at them when she sat down at the restaurant. I swear I think he was salivating.

Bhatman has grown – a little bit.  And Annie using Bhat’s son to get out of sex 5 nights out of the week? Classic move. Almost as good as Mahammit using Ramadan to get out of sex with Danielle.

Chantel and Pedro. I really don’t care.

Russ and Pao. I don’t care.

  • Love 18

I like Nicole's mom. She's saying everything we're all thinking -- that Azan was delaying w/ more paperwork bc it would be a ploy to ask for more money. And then when the visa didn't happen -- she thinks he threw it on purpose. We've watched this show for a couple seasons -- we all know they decide right there if you get the visa. That's how it was with that couple with the girl in FL and the guy in Israel -- she stayed up all night and he called as he walked out of the embassy to tell her yes/no.

Russ is so freaking insecure. So what if the motorcycle guy was Pao's boyfriend probably in high school? So what if she slept with him? She married you. And her getting on the back of his bike -- it's not like she ripped off her clothes and started having sex right there.

Pedro and Chantal aren't going to last. I think at some level they do love each other, but the family drama on both sides is legit. He seems to think making a home with his wife is a lower priority than getting mama/sister their apartment, TV etc. And her family is hellbent on not accepting him, no matter what. Can't stand River. He goes to lunch with his sister and she specifically says -- don't start anything, don't bring up anything. And he says -- I can't keep my mouth shut. Shut the eff up -- she is telling you NOT to say anything, but you must bring up what she asked you not to?? And I love how her family makes SUCH a big deal of -- you MUST respect our family, you're dissing us right now blah blah. Um respect is a 2 way street and while I can't stand his mother or sister, come on -- you people didn't get out of the freaking car at his grandma's house bc the house wasn't nice enough and didn't seem to have much electricity, when this elderly woman had slaved all day making you a home cooked meal. Are you sure you want to talk about respect?

Damn next week's promo -- the lawyer says Azan has some connection to drug trafficking?? And Pedro drops it on Chantal's fam that he and his fam have a plan re the DR. Chantal goes -- we're going to live in the DR. And he goes -- no, only me. Damn!?

  • Love 24

Nicole had better be careful, if Her World is involved with drug trafficking, she’s dumb enough to get suckered into some plan of his and his buddies, just thru her stupidity.

2 minutes ago, Liamsmom617 said:

  Wow. That seemed horribly exploitative to me to show Pao’s grandmother basically on her deathbed. Did we really have to see that? 

    David asking his son to pay rent—I can’t even. 

Probably looking for a payout on whatever settlement the kid gets from the family of the kid who shot him or their homeowners insurance. Plus if he lives with them David won’t have to pay child support for him.  

  • Love 8
On 5/25/2018 at 1:26 PM, LGGirl said:

Nichole’s place doesn’t look like she lives there.  

Since Azan cannot work right away, I’m pretty sure he will delegated to taking care of May and the home just like Luis.   So we will see how that goes.  

I have no doubt she wil throw a fit and get her way.  That’s her MO.  She is not as delayed as you think.  She is very manipulative.  She knows what she is doing.  

I agree shes manipulative

  • Love 2

I'm not done watching yet, but a Nicole and Azan comment.  If Manly McBarfight (Andrei) got a Visa after over-staying a previous Visa, then I feel like Azan totally tanked the interview on purpose.  

18 minutes ago, cereality said:


Russ is so freaking insecure. So what if the motorcycle guy was Pao's boyfriend probably in high school? So what if she slept with him? She married you. And her getting on the back of his bike -- it's not like she ripped off her clothes and started having sex right there.


Russ said specifically that he didn't care that she dated him, just that she wasn't honest about it.  If he was insecure, he'd never have survived her modeling.  And even with that, he knows she shows a lot of skin, he just asked for no lingerie, which she did anyways.

  • Love 19
20 minutes ago, iwasish said:

Nicole had better be careful, if Her World is involved with drug trafficking, she’s dumb enough to get suckered into some plan of his and his buddies, just thru her stupidity.

Probably looking for a payout on whatever settlement the kid gets from the family of the kid who shot him or their homeowners insurance. Plus if he lives with them David won’t have to pay child support for him.  

But, he's been in arrears for years. He might not be technically on the hook for support for the short time the boy is in his rent free home, but he still owes tons. Hopefully, any settlement will be structured so David can't get his grubby, booze soaked hands on it.

  • Love 7

Watching the More to Love episode. Chantel says they're broke because Pedro sends all of his money to his mom. But, she was able to afford new boobs, eyelash school, a portable massage table and everything else to do in home eyelash extensions. I thought she was so busy working, going to school and helping her mom at the cheerleading school that she didn't have time for anything? Both of them have screwed up priorities.

  • Love 4

It has been 10 months since Nicole last saw Azan? Maybe he blew the interview because life in North America with her isn't worth it. There will be another woman with whom he can ply his charms. Nicole's mother probably has a better grip on reality. Now Azan has some ties to drug trafficking? Nicole would be his mule or whatever? Cut your loss and wish him well. Granted, with her stellar personality, and no education or job or anything, she doesn't have much to offer anyone. Her mother should be encouraging her to upgrade herself, get her high school diploma if she does not have one, and get some training in a marketable skill.

In terms of Pao's family, Russ has not changed Pao - in terms of her life in America. Leaving Colombia meant she can say goodbye to the boring life and get some excitement - like her own version of West Side Story  Russ just seems to be a means to an end. Pao's life in America has been glamorous - her family looked normal and average. She really stood out and not in a good way. Spending five minutes with dying Grandma sounded typical - no one really wants to be the 24/7 caregiver. Russ should have had an idea that Pao did have a life in her homeland - and former boyfriends. Did notice that everyone except Pao wore a motorcycle helmet. Unfortunate that the cops didn't give a ticket. Russ, at some point, will realize that life with the so-called she ain't pretty she just looks that way wife is not a good fit for him - unless he is willing to let her do what she wants and just be his arm candy when he needs to.

The Chantel family trip to the cabin? Nice digs! Pedro would rather do his own thing. Well, it sucks to be you, dude. You are now married and you are expected to go on family trips once in a while. Whether you like it or not. Suck it up and make the best of it for four days. The family doesn't like you, you don't like them, so it's even. It's okay to send money back to get your family a lifestyles of the rich and famous life, but not contribute to your 'marriage'.

If David's kid is 18 or over and has a job, he has every right to charge him rent -$50 a week is a mere pittance. Granted, he and Annie don't have any money so the $50 a week can buy some food for all of them. No, I wouldn't want my stepson hearing me and his dad going at it when he is 10 feet away. Ugh.  The way Annie describe it was ugh, well, um. Going from 5 nights to 2 is a good idea - she certainly should not be thinking of getting knocked up when there is no money to pay for themselves, much less a child. Oh, and the dowry! And the family payments! From a husband who has nothing, and won't have much for a while. Doesn't seem to be trying very hard to find a job. Maybe we don't see that side of the show's editing. He has a wife and a young child to support, and certainly he can do something - working in a restaurant, cleaning, etc.

Molly, do listen to your daughter. She has more sense than you. Maybe you can find a man who is a bit more appropriate, who has his own home, that you can visit. You and Luis are both in different books, much less different chapters. He has no interest in being a babysitter for you - he wants the nice life in America for a single guy. Your focus is on raising your children - you still have one very young daughter to care for. Still no idea where the girls' father(s) is/are or if they have any involvement in their lives.

Where does Anfisa get the money for an apartment and a car? Did she sell some handbags? Is she going back to cyber-yachting or whatever camera girl she was? Jorge, you miss having a hot woman around. Probably do the same dance til she dumps you again.

  • Love 10

What was the job that David's sugar daddy offered him last season? I can't remember now, nor the sugar daddy's name. But what was it that David just wasn't willing to consider. Also do we know anything about his past life. Before the divorce, bankruptcy etc. -- what was he doing? Was he like some kind of senior exec so now he won't consider an "regular" job. Bc give me a break that you can't find work -- we're sitting at a sub 4% employment rate right now and even retail and warehouses are struggling to find and keep workers. If you're too proud to work at Target bc you're worried people will see you, I guarantee your local Amazon fulfillment warehouse or UPS/FedEx sorting warehouse is hiring -- and there are TONS of those in the middle of the country.

  • Love 2

No way Pao was going to wear a helmet. She wanted to be seen with her red hair blowing in the wind  and waving to everyone. She loves the attention. 

Visiting her sick grandma was IMO a convenient excuse to go back to Columbia. She couldn’t wait to get out and stroll around her old stomping grounds reliving her younger days. 

Pregnant? That’s going to put a big damper on her “career”. 

  • Love 11

What did Nicole’s mom say about *other* guys she was talking to out of the country? I get being single and insecure but has this become her new normal? It’s so sad how developmentally challenged she is. 


Molly scares the hell out of me. I get the fear of being alone in your 40s, I live it every day. But she’s out of her fucking mind. The way she sat there nodding knowingly while her poor daughter explained why Luis needed to be a better person made me ill. Those are things YOU should say, not your poor daughter. Luis is winning everything right now. 

  • Love 9

I was happy to hear Pao's sister calling her out for not staying in touch instead of blaming Russ. Pao is too busy partying like a single woman and looking for ways to make money while being  half naked to Face Time with her sister. The money she spent on her ugly hair would have covered a trip home to see her grandma while she was healthy.

  • Love 21
4 hours ago, cereality said:

we all know they decide right there if you get the visa. That's how it was with that couple with the girl in FL and the guy in Israel -- she stayed up all night and he called as he walked out of the embassy to tell her yes/no.

While that is frequently the case it definitely isn’t always the case. I have known people who have had to go through many additional hoops. The fact that Nicole and Azan met online and only met in person because they are on this show is a huge red flag.

Edited by biakbiak
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2 hours ago, SuzyLee said:

Good for Olivia for speaking up!  I have a nearly 18-year-old daughter who is definitely going through a phase where she’s “asserting her independence,” but this is ridiculous.  Yes, Molly, you are being selfish.  Incredibly selfish, in fact.

And Olivia CLEARLY wants absolutely NOTHING to do with the 90 Day Fiance teevee experience. I get the feeling she's made that clear and Molly's front porch intervention was a clear violation of some kind of agreement between them.

Was Luis home alone with the little one? Skeeves me the hell out. And why must Miss Molly be driven everywhere by someone else? Olivia has deprived her of her housekeeper, babysitter AND chauffeur by moving out. POOR Luis having to shoulder the burdens previously handled by an 18-yr-old girl while living rent-free in a huge house with TV, internet, lots of food, and AC. Boo to the f'in hoo.

Edited by ChiMama
  • Love 21

This show is like crack for me.

I'm sorry, but if David's in arrears for child support (do we know that for sure?), charging his son rent is disgusting. I know he's 18, but I don't care. I did laugh out loud when Annie said "2 cents short of a dollar." I'd love to know what the Thai version of that is...

When Brother Molly said he wants Luis to take the reins as the man of the house, I hope what he meant was for him to be more responsible rather than act like he was the boss or something, because that man-child should not be encouraged to be any more disruptive than he already is. Of course, Molly has no one to blame but herself. 

I was glad Pedro was also unnerved by Father Chantel's smiling. People that smile in every situation are very creepy to me. 

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