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S01.E21: Summer Sausage, a Pocket Poncho, and Tony Danza

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31 minutes ago, Browncoat said:

My sister tried and failed to go vegan, and cheese was the reason -- she just couldn't give that up, and she said the vegan "cheese" just didn't work for her.

I wonder what Raegan ate instead of lobster and butter?  Mmmmm, lobster and butter.....

I agree with your sister.  Most vegan cheeses are not good.  Some are ok.  But they are not the same.  What is worse are the yogurt alternatives.  There are no good yogurt substitutes.

I would go vegan myself except I personally can't give up cheese and yogurt. 

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21 hours ago, Bobbin said:

We took a 10 year old niece to a fancy steakhouse and introduced her to filet mignon and stuffed mushrooms in wine sauce. And created a monster. 

When I was a kid we rented a house near Cape May, NJ, for a week every summer, and when I was 11 we went with family friends whose kids were slightly older than me. They and my brother went to play laser tag in Wildwood one night, but I was kind of small for my age (and really not interested in playing, anyway) so I went to dinner with the adults at a nice restaurant in Cape May. I got the whiskey-soaked cherries from my dad's drink while we waited at the bar for a table and for dinner I had filet mignon for the first time. Definitely got me hooked from the start (I still don't like whiskey, though). Some years ago (as an adult) I went to Cape Cod with a couple friends, and we ended up at a little hole-in-the-wall-looking seafood place in Provincetown with "lobster" in the name. I don't eat seafood, but they had an excellent filet mignon. (My friends looked at me like I was crazy, over their lobster, which I was told was also excellent.)


2 hours ago, Sunshinegal said:

I agree with your sister.  Most vegan cheeses are not good.  Some are ok.  But they are not the same. 

There's a podcast called Gastropod that did an episode recently on the quest to make a good vegan cheese. (The episode is called "Who Faked My Cheese?" and was posted sometime in April, if you want to look it up.) I'm not vegan and will probably never try them, but it was interesting.

Edited by ams1001
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10 hours ago, ProudMary said:

The Red Lobster scene may just be my favorite scene of the series so far.  It was charming.  I loved Missy's initial reaction to the lobster staring at her and George then coming over to show her how to crack it open and get the lobster meat.  The best part of the scene to me was George getting ready to head back over to his side of the table and Missy asking him to stay by her.  So, so sweet.  

Was coming here to post the same thing. And that's saying something, because this show has had so many great moments. Just a sweet, perfect scene.

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Just a reminder - this is the spot to talk about Young Sheldon - NOT TBBT. Comparisons of the show belong in the TBBT vs Young Sheldon topic. Discussion of TBBT episodes will result in your post being removed from episode topics here. Thank you!

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On 5/3/2018 at 10:20 PM, SmithW6079 said:

Not only that, but I think the way Annie Potts is playing Connie's relationship with Sturgis to be confusing. Most of the time it feels like she's either humoring him or being a little condescending. I don't get the sense that she genuinely likes him. 

The George and Missy dinner was absolutely delightful. It's hard to reconcile this George with the philanderer Sheldon remembers. 

I agree! She often seems amused by him.  And she seems to be humoring him- - in a very pleasant way, but, still. 

This is the first time EVER, regarding product placement, I find myself hoping that Red Lobster gets a bump in sales from this. 

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I just loved this episode and I've found that the less Sheldon-centric an episode is, the more I tend to like it (last week being an exception).  It's not that I don't like the actor, but I just think Sheldon as a character isn't especially interesting, beyond the fact that he's a genius kid who is socially awkward.  However, I do enjoy seeing how the family operates with him being in the mix.  Like pretty much everyone here, I loved the Red Lobster scene--but I also enjoyed Mary's dinner with Georgie.  Of all the characters, Georgie is the one who they've dealt with the least, so I appreciate the chances we get to see things through his eyes.

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On 2018-05-04 at 7:05 AM, Driad said:

I wonder if Prof. Sturgis will still be around in 1993 when Star Trek: Deep Space Nine has a character who looks a lot like him (Grand Nagus Zek).

It would be absolutely, totally, and in all other ways inconceivable.

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On 5/4/2018 at 11:15 AM, ItCouldBeWorse said:

Annie Potts is 65 and Wallace Shawn is 74. I think the point is to have someone who is socially awkward, a grown counterpart of Sheldon.

I see Meemaw's feelings toward this grown-up Sheldon to be understandably mixed: Here's a person she probably never would have expected to like more than as just a person her Moonpie idolizes and who is kind to Sheldon. Then against her own expectations/volition, she finds the professor charming in spite or or even because of the quirks! Plus he's old enough to have more self-awareness and world experience, and they can have real conversations that don't center on Sheldon the way they do with Sheldon.

Her face as she asked him to spend the night seemed a combo of "I can't believe I'm asking this" and "It should be at the very least entertaining if he does." Willing to experiment. ;)

On 5/4/2018 at 12:38 PM, SmithW6079 said:

I would bet that in a small town, everyone already knew how "premature" Georgie was. 

Mary lets Sheldon get away with almost everything. It bugged me when she let him eat dinner on the couch so he could spy on his grandmother and her gentleman caller.

This bugged the crap out of me too. First for allowing him to spy with binoculars, and then for not sitting his butt down and eating at the table. Plus Sheldon is such a creature of routine!

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53 minutes ago, HouseofBeck said:

I see Meemaw's feelings toward this grown-up Sheldon to be understandably mixed: Here's a person she probably never would have expected to like more than as just a person her Moonpie idolizes and who is kind to Sheldon. Then against her own expectations/volition, she finds the professor charming in spite or or even because of the quirks! Plus he's old enough to have more self-awareness and world experience, and they can have real conversations that don't center on Sheldon the way they do with Sheldon.

Yes, I think it's precisely because he reminds her of Sheldon that she finds him charming.  If not for having been totally won over by Sheldon she would never find Sturgis in the least bit attractive.

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I loved the Red Lobster scene and I think that Missy will remember that special day with her dad for the rest of her life.

I was also annoyed that Mary let Sheldon spy on Meemaw.

When Dr. Sturgis pulled up to Meemaw's house my husband said: "He looks like a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle." When Dr. Sturgis then said the same thing, we all laughed so hard that we had to rewind the PVR.

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Mary lets Sheldon get away with almost everything.

She lets him get away a lot, but she does not let him get way with every thing. Mary picks her fight pretty carefully, like in the episode where Sheldon was afraid he'd catch a cold, and tried to live in the garage, or like the episode where Mary confiscated Sheldon's comic books.

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22 hours ago, HouseofBeck said:

This bugged the crap out of me too. First for allowing him to spy with binoculars, and then for not sitting his butt down and eating at the table.

 I found that funny!  It's not like he could actually see anything.  The only spying he was really doing was to see when and if the bike moved from the front of the house.  Kids do goofy stuff sometime, I suspect it was a relief to George and Mary to see Sheldon doing something childish for a change.

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On 5/4/2018 at 11:03 AM, ProudMary said:

The Red Lobster scene may just be my favorite scene of the series so far.  It was charming.  I loved Missy's initial reaction to the lobster staring at her and George then coming over to show her how to crack it open and get the lobster meat.  The best part of the scene to me was George getting ready to head back over to his side of the table and Missy asking him to stay by her.  So, so sweet.  

Seriously, little things like this made me watch this series week after week.

Also, in the scene before that, George actually paid attention (and responded accordingly) to Missy's convoluted story about her friends with the same first names.  Kudos to him ;)

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On 5/4/2018 at 11:23 PM, LadyKenobi said:

The period details on this show are strange. Sometimes they are right on, like Missy’s Pound Puppy, the dishes, and ALF. Others seem too far back or forward. Missy’s dress, which I would love to have in my closet both then and now, seems off.

I am between Georgie and Sheldon/Missy in age and, where I lived at least, dress-up outfits like that were uncommon and incredibly expensive, even as Halloween costumes. They’re all over the place and cheaply available now, but I honestly don’t recall that being the case in the late 80s/early 90s.

I don't know, my nieces all had princess dresses hanging in their closets in the early nineties.  Just to be clear, every princess has her own tiara and you can't get away with buying just one.  I loved that she came out in her princess dress complete with wand.  Loved the whole scene with her and her dad.  Mary and Georgie had a good scene too until he said that Sheldon did the math.  That cracked me up.

On 5/6/2018 at 4:25 AM, tkc said:

It would be absolutely, totally, and in all other ways inconceivable.

10 points!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I went to Red Lobster for the first time last year and got food poisoning. So that's all I thought about. I absolutely adore the show and love all the actors. Meemaw is a hoot.


It got renewed for season 2 right?

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20 minutes ago, galaxychaser said:

I went to Red Lobster for the first time last year and got food poisoning. So that's all I thought about. I absolutely adore the show and love all the actors. Meemaw is a hoot.


It got renewed for season 2 right?

Oh yeah!  It has been getting excellent ratings.

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Missy and George at Red Lobster made me choke up.  As others have said, that is something she will remember the rest of her life. Raegan is one heck of a little actress. The casting department struck solid gold with her. She manages to be sweet and cute and snarky without being obnoxious. I can completely relate little Missy to adult Missy demanding to know if Sheldon was "pimping her out for cheese." 

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On 5/8/2018 at 1:28 AM, jumper sage said:

Sheldon did the math.  That cracked me up.

Like it was some kind of advanced math only a genius could do... poor Georgie. I found him likable this episode, but he really does come across astoundingly dim, or like a much younger child than he's supposed to be.

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9 hours ago, possibilities said:

or like a much younger child than he's supposed to be.

I had to  look the actor up because he didn't seem to me like he was 14 to me, either in appearance or, as you say, in the way he acts.  I'm fond of young Georgie but he's not being presented as bright or even of normal intelligence!

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19 hours ago, possibilities said:

Like it was some kind of advanced math only a genius could do... poor Georgie. I found him likable this episode, but he really does come across astoundingly dim, or like a much younger child than he's supposed to be.

Believe me, I work with 14 year olds, he is acting like many of the boys I know.  He is all about sports and has younger siblings so he doesn't care.  They don't show him being in a slower class or on the verge of failing.  I think, like many boys, he turns his brain off at home.  He wants food and more food and sports on tv.  Plus, why should he even try with Sheldon, the human computer, there?

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On 5/10/2018 at 7:15 PM, jumper sage said:

I think, like many boys, he turns his brain off at home.  He wants food and more food and sports on tv.  Plus, why should he even try with Sheldon, the human computer, there?

That's a good point.  In fact, I could see Georgie intentionally trying to act a little dense just to separate himself from Sheldon.  Like you say, you can't really compete with Sheldon in the brain department, so he would probably want to carve out his own niche.

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On 5/10/2018 at 7:15 PM, jumper sage said:

They don't show him being in a slower class or on the verge of failing.

I think showing a 14 yr old struggling with homework for a 9 yr old (another episode) is a good indication that Georgie isn't too bright.  It was great that he got a good mark but he should have!!  Having to get Sheldon to tell him that his birthdate and his parent's anniversary creates a problem was a funny joke but it's also another way the writers are painting Georgie as dim.

Edited by BlossomCulp
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 I don't think George is being portrayed as dim so much as not as intelligent as Sheldon which is something completely different. How many 14 year olds are even thinking about their birthday in context with their parents wedding anniversary? and if he's not a fan of school, then he's probably not going to do that well but it doesn't make him significantly dim. Until this show started everything we knew about Georgie came from Sheldon on BBT and we know he's a very unreliable narrator about his childhood.

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2 hours ago, anna0852 said:

 I don't think George is being portrayed as dim so much as not as intelligent as Sheldon which is something completely different

I don't think we're seeing the contrast between children of normal intelligence and a child like Sheldon. I think it would have been more interesting if they had chosen to go there to be honest but I don't think that's what we're seeing on Young Sheldon.  They may change this up next season and even though it would go against what they've been doing so far I for one would like to see it.  Right now though Georgie and Missy are not coming across as "dumber than soup" but they're not average academically either.

Edited by BlossomCulp
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On 5/27/2018 at 2:07 PM, BlossomCulp said:

I don't think we're seeing the contrast between children of normal intelligence and a child like Sheldon. I think it would have been more interesting if they had chosen to go there to be honest but I don't think that's what we're seeing on Young Sheldon.  They may change this up next season and even though it would go against what they've been doing so far I for one would like to see it.  Right now though Georgie and Missy are not coming across as "dumber than soup" but they're not average academically either.

I agree.  I think the show is intentionally painting Georgie as dim to contrast that with Sheldon's super intelligence and be consistent with Mary's "dumber than soup" reference.  I don't think that's too fair to Georgie's character and not really realistic as the overwhelming evidence is that siblings don't differ THAT much in intelligence.  They can differ a little but not as much as they're depicting here.  I'm with you in hoping they make Sheldon's siblings seem a little brighter in the future.

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Clearly Sheldon's lack of personal boundaries was born around this time. If his parents had made it clear that the "social convention" is that you don't enquire about other people's sex lives - or rather, whether other people are "engaging in coitus" - then Leonard & Penny wouldn't face Sheldon interrupting them at awkward moments.

That said, I did love all the couples here. Missy ("Melissa!") was so sweet with her dad (I am so happy that they're not making George (Sr) a villain, in spite of where he's going to end up), Georgie was surprisingly amusing with his mother (though I couldn't believe she let Sheldon spy on her mother when she was serving dinner - again, no wonder adult Sheldon has no boundaries) and even Meemaw and the Prof had some... interesting interactions.

On ‎04‎/‎05‎/‎2018 at 4:55 AM, Bobbin said:

It's too bad Mary couldn't be honest with Georgie. He wasn't being judgmental. But I understand.

I can see she wouldn't want him to think about it, but I'm surprised he hadn't realised it until Sheldon pointed it out - like Paris Gellar, "We can all do the math!" On the other hand, it wasn't until I was about Georgie's age that I worked out that I was conceived on or around my parents' (5th) wedding anniversary, so I can believe it.

On ‎06‎/‎05‎/‎2018 at 9:25 AM, tkc said:

It would be absolutely, totally, and in all other ways inconceivable.

Now I'm trying to remember if we're where in the 80s we are - pre or post 1987 (the year The Princess Bride came out). Of course, Wallace Shawn looks a lot older than Vizzini did...

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Missy's (Excuse me, I meant MELISSA's) plans to eat Lobster every day show the perfect logic for a girl her age.

And maybe us adults should learn from the way she thinks through a problem:

Missy:  When I grow up, I'm going to eat Lobster every day.

George:  Then you'd better stay in school and get a good education

Missy:  I was thinking I could marry a rich guy.

George:  That's one way to go.

Missy:  Or I could marry a guy who works at Red Lobster

George:  That's another way to go

Perfect delivery!

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I still laugh at Mary trying to convince Georgie he was a 9 lb preemie, heh. 

And the scenes between Missy and  George at the Red Lobster were lovely. I loved her wanting him to stay sitting beside her. So sweet. 

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8 minutes ago, jewel21 said:

And the scenes between Missy and  George at the Red Lobster were lovely. I loved her wanting him to stay sitting beside her. So sweet

I NEVER get tired of the Red Lobster visit.  Both actors are just the perfect blend of funny and charming.

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15 hours ago, SoMuchTV said:

This is rerunning tonight . . . 

I'm glad somebody else also watched again last night.

And upon rewatch, I appreciate Dr. Sturgis even more.  Sure, we may be entertained by his personality and chuckle at his antics, but let's look at this from Connie's point of view:

Connie is of a certain age where she has seen the best and worst of men, and has probably become a little cynical.  Or at the very least, she is like many of us and a little more reserved before "putting herself out there".

And along comes Dr. Sturgis, who unapologetically is out there enjoying life.

(Imagine these next two lines in John Sturgis voice)

"I'll bring my travel wok!"

"I look like a teenage mutant ninja turtle!"

I can see why Connie would pursue a relationship with John.  He's a guy who would never hurt her, and as Burt Reynolds and Sally Field would say,  "It would never be boring!"

Edited by TheLastKidPicked
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On 1/8/2019 at 10:59 AM, TheLastKidPicked said:

And along comes Dr. Sturgis, who unapologetically is out there enjoying life.

(Imagine these next two lines in John Sturgis voice)

"I'll bring my travel wok!"

"I look like a teenage mutant ninja turtle!"

If that was his "travel" wok, the mind boggles at how big his usual wok must be. He could have fed 8 people with the one he brought to MeeMaw's house.

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