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S14.E21: Bad Reputation

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I feel as if something really bad is going to happen to/with Sophia and it'll be a cliffhanger in the finale. Perhaps she'll run away and try to get back to New York. All this mention about how miserable she is - it's all quite intentional.

I seriously never need to see Nurse Olivia again. What a shitty way to behave - grind your axe elsewhere. She took way too much pleasure in telling Jo how awful Alex was. 

So the Owen/Amelia/teen mom-junkie/baby living arrangement is interesting. A ready-made, blended, 21st century family. They should let a film crew move in and make a TV show within a TV show. Seeing as Betty is all of 15, who's to say her parents won't come get her and take her home? She's a minor - she'd have no say in the matter. Unless her parents don't care and don't want her back. Wonder if they even know they have a grandchild. That could be a twist - they want to raise the baby and try to take him from Owen, thus thwarting his possible adoption efforts.

Really, Roy? What a shmuck. 

Glad the surgery worked out for the kid with the horrific tumor. Would've been cool to see him afterwards, and to see his reaction.

As for the Harper Avery story - seems like it's getting wrapped up awfully quickly, unless something goes awry.

  • Love 12

Is there a social worker on the boards that can explain how Amelia and Owen can move in AND take in the baby Mama? Dont get me wrong, I feel just AWFUL for the fifteen year old. Talk about pulling on heart strings. But I dont know if its legal (would that even be the right word?) for her to be under the same roof as her son’s foster parent. 

I actually dont mind the Me Too storyline. They’re all valid points, and I really like Mere and Jackson working together. I kinda hope Catherine puts them in charge of more things together.

  • Love 11
40 minutes ago, kinnej5 said:

Exactly! He lied about eating the cookies and put patients' lives at risk. Webber had every right to fire him.

Seriously, what the hell? Everyone else who ate the cookies fussed up about it and didn’t work that day. They did not get yelled at or punished for it as it was an accident. Roy point blank lied about it and then kept working, knowing full well if he had just said “yes I did” it would have been fine. 

  • Love 19
59 minutes ago, shantown said:

You were asked if you ate the cookie and you said no. “Wrongful termination” my ass. GTFO, Roy.

I assume that they'll make it seem like Roy's brother was the one to push him to sue, judging by the quick look he gave Bailey at the end. But nah, I don't want anything to do with Roy. Go away, boy. 

I did chuckle at Nurse Olivia's first syphillis comment. But then afterward, she got worse and worse to the point where I really wondered if I ever liked her. 

Yeah, the sexual harassment storyline is too on the nose. Show, be more subtle. However, the Jackson/Meredith pair-up was more fun than I thought it would be.

The whole Owen/Amelia stuff isn't that bad, but I can't buy it as believable. 

Also, show? When you keep having a plot of Maggie not trusting Jackson, only for someone to encourage her to trust Jackson, and that happens over and over all season, then maybe the pairing isn't working? They never had to tell how awesome Meredith and Derek were and how the other should feel lucky to be dating them or that they should appreciate the other when that pairing happened. Maggie/Jackson has been all tell, and very little show. 

  • Love 20
3 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Also, show? When you keep having a plot of Maggie not trusting Jackson, only for someone to encourage her to trust Jackson, and that happens over and over all season, then maybe the pairing isn't working? They never had to tell how awesome Meredith and Derek were and how the other should feel lucky to be dating them or that they should appreciate the other when that pairing happened. Maggie/Jackson has been all tell, and very little show. 

It also wasn't subtle that April was the one to have that chat with Maggie. Does April know Jackson/Maggie are an item? Is this the writers' way of having April approve of them, because if so, gross. I liked Jackson and Meredith's scenes all day and think it is fascinating that Jackson seemingly has chemistry, or at least not anti-chemistry, with most every female in the cast but Maggie.

I didn't watch Grey's early years but know enough to get by, and when the nurse Olivia showed up with young child in tow I spent the next commercial trying to figure out when Alex and Olivia slept together back in the day versus how old that kid was. Otherwise that was a plot-point that went nowhere. We already have the issue now with the wedding/money/Alex's mom and surely Jo knows from Meredith and/or rumors and/or even Cristina before she left about Alex's earlier days. 

Meredith's invisible children are alive! We got Bailey and Ellis a few weeks ago, now it was Zola's turn. But aren't Zola and Sofia supposed to be around the same age? Sofia seemed older when we saw her last week.

  • Love 9

OK episode... Glad Jackson and Meredith had it out.. I felt for him a lil... Wasn't him that hurt those women... And it was still his grandfather musta felt weird.. Meredith saying none of them wanted anything to do with the Avery Name was a lil too much if it were me... Sure it was harper's name... But its also Jackson and Harriet's name... I woulda had something to say.. But as usual Jackson kept it pretty cool... And I always like him and Meredith teaming up... They are my fav couple ( platonic)... 

  • Love 2
36 minutes ago, WhosThatGirl said:

Seriously, what the hell? Everyone else who ate the cookies fussed up about it and didn’t work that day. They did not get yelled at or punished for it as it was an accident. Roy point blank lied about it and then kept working, knowing full well if he had just said “yes I did” it would have been fine. 

Roy's brother also telling Bailey that it was the hospital's fault for passing out laced cookies. No... it was those two mom's that got their peanut butter mixed up, when they shouldn't have been next to each other to begin with. Then Roy not only almost get's a patient killed, but almost loses his arm in the process and freaks out about it. Why didn't he fess up? Oh because the whole: "I want surgeries" excuse crap. Sorry, but he is lucky he wasn't reported and could have lost his license in the state. Then who's fault was that lawyer brother? Your damn brother. Between this and Syphilis nurse who seriously, move on. You apparently got married, had a kid and it's been over a decade since this happened. Get over it!

  • Love 17
18 minutes ago, LexieLily said:

It also wasn't subtle that April was the one to have that chat with Maggie. Does April know Jackson/Maggie are an item? Is this the writers' way of having April approve of them, because if so, gross. I liked Jackson and Meredith's scenes all day and think it is fascinating that Jackson seemingly has chemistry, or at least not anti-chemistry, with most every female in the cast but Maggie.

Yeah, April knows. She mentioned seeing them arrive together to Bailey last week. It was definitely her trying to be supportive of the relationship.

  • Love 4
8 minutes ago, readster said:

Roy's brother also telling Bailey that it was the hospital's fault for passing out laced cookies. No... it was those two mom's that got their peanut butter mixed up, when they shouldn't have been next to each other to begin with. Then Roy not only almost get's a patient killed, but almost loses his arm in the process and freaks out about it. Why didn't he fess up? Oh because the whole: "I want surgeries" excuse crap. Sorry, but he is lucky he wasn't reported and could have lost his license in the state. Then who's fault was that lawyer brother? Your damn brother. Between this and Syphilis nurse who seriously, move on. You apparently got married, had a kid and it's been over a decade since this happened. Get over it!

Speaking of Olivia, she gave George Syphilis that she got from Alex so she isn’t an innocent victim in this story. But whatever. I agree, get over it. 

  • Love 10

Usually I watch this show to mock, but today I liked every storyline that was on. And every person behaved maturely! What is this show I'm watching?

I liked Jo being concerned about Alex but waiting to talk to him before she freaks out.

I liked April trusting in Jackson's goodness and telling Maggie that she needs to trust in him too.  First time I've thought Maggie behaved like an adult.

Arizona had a conflict with Carina, and like Jo she went to her partner and talked about what the problem was

 LOL at Carina going over to Meredith's and dragging her brother off the couch.

I think I liked the Owen/Leo/Betty/Amelia plot the most. Cheesey as hell and will probably come back to bite Amelia but it made me feel good.  Amelia going to Richard and saying "I need a meeting" reminded me of when I was in counselling training and we would grab another person and say "I need a session" when a trouble hit.

I liked Meredith returning the Harper Averys, and then telling Catherine she wants them re-inscribed because she worked really hard for hers.

In the irony department, Debbie Allen's Catherine makes a major victory on the day her TV brother-in-law (Bill Cosby) is convicted of sexual assault.

  • Love 13

I hate to defend Roy, but he could plausibly argue that the drugs made him lie. He was already high when he was asked about eating the cookies.

8 minutes ago, readster said:

Roy's brother also telling Bailey that it was the hospital's fault for passing out laced cookies. No... it was those two mom's that got their peanut butter mixed up, when they shouldn't have been next to each other to begin with. 

Nope, it was Arizona's fault for passing the cookies around without knowing what's in them. She obviously didn't intend to drug anyone, but she's a hospital employee and the incident happened on hospital premises, so the hospital is liable.

I hated the resolution of the #MeToo storyline. Catherine is going to rename the foundation and it'll be like nothing ever happened? She orchestrated all the payoffs and NDAs, so she was part of the problem, even if it was "a different time". And nothing can make up for derailing someone's career years or decades ago. It's not like the woman who's been working as a waitress can just jump back into medicine/surgery.

Nurse Olivia needs to shut up about Alex cheating on his wife with her. She slept with him in S1, he and Izzie were just dating at the time. 

  • Love 14
32 minutes ago, chocolatine said:

I hate to defend Roy, but he could plausibly argue that the drugs made him lie. He was already high when he was asked about eating the cookies.

Yes! I meant to mention that in my post above yours. He's got a legitimate claim that he would have never done that had he not been high.  Also, as you mentioned, the hospital will be on the hook for the distribution of the cookies at the "office".

ETA: sorry for my "cast spoilers" in the last sentence of my deleted post above:), I had other things to say there, but it's not worth retyping all the other paragraphs but that line. Be careful out here! And carry on!    

Edited by pennben
  • Love 3
33 minutes ago, chocolatine said:

Nope, it was Arizona's fault for passing the cookies around without knowing what's in them. She obviously didn't intend to drug anyone, but she's a hospital employee and the incident happened on hospital premises, so the hospital is liable.

I hated the resolution of the #MeToo storyline. Catherine is going to rename the foundation and it'll be like nothing ever happened? She orchestrated all the payoffs and NDAs, so she was part of the problem, even if it was "a different time". And nothing can make up for derailing someone's career years or decades ago. It's not like the woman who's been working as a waitress can just jump back into medicine/surgery.

Yes, Arizona should not have passed out cookies without having baked them herself or purchased them at a responsible bakery. I actually thought, at first, that the big "oops" about the cookies was going to be that they *had peanut butter in them,* which of course can be deadly to anyone who is allergic! And Arizona didn't ask people, "Want a peanut butter cookie?"  She said, "Want a lesbian appreciation cookie?" Someone might have assumed that if they had peanuts it would have been mentioned... and then gotten very sick. Very badly done, script writers!

I also agree with Chocolatine about the #MeToo thing. Catherine may have actually believed that she was doing the best thing she could for all those women, at the time. But she wasn't.  She victimized those women again by forcing them to stay silent ...And I don't think she should get to come out of this smelling like a rose. 

Edited by Crazy Bird Lady
  • Love 14
2 hours ago, SnoGirl said:

Is there a social worker on the boards that can explain how Amelia and Owen can move in AND take in the baby Mama? 

It must be a Shondaland-Seattle thing. I worked in family reunification. After the Courts removed a child from their parent's care, the parent that the child wasn't allowed to live in the home with the child. When close to reunification, Court approval was needed for overnight visits with the parents.

Foster parents can have roommates. Or significant others that live with them.  That person would need to pass a background check. So Amelia could move in. 

1 hour ago, chocolatine said:

It's not like the woman who's been working as a waitress can just jump back into medicine/surgery.

Maybe there is work that would make her and some of the others happier than surgery at a Fox Foundation Hospital would. There are other jobs, and/or other hospital jobs that would require a lot less training than getting back into surgery.

Also, waitressing is a curious choice. I would imagine that a waitresses experience at least as much sexual harassment as the typical female physician did thirty years ago.  

Edited by RaeSpellman
  • Love 6

Petty little point but...

Nurse Olivia stated that her son swallowed the whistle 'about an hour ago' when Glasses asked. She went on to say that they were having dinner with her parents and it happened at that point. 

It was clearly only late morning/early afternoon when she arrived to the ER. As evidenced by Amelia taking Betty to get a bite to eat because she'd skipped breakfast and was starving. This occurred after Olivia gave the whistle timeframe. Also, after Arizona finished the baby's checkup, she mentioned she had moved things around on her schedule because she'd spent most of the morning at home with Sofia. 

Sloppy, sloppy, sloppy, editors.

Too much time spent trying to shoe horn the #metoo movement into a rushed and poorly executed storyline, I suppose.

Edited by HahYallDoin
  • Love 16
1 minute ago, RaeSpellman said:

Maybe there is work that would make her and some of the others happier than surgery at a Fox Foundation Hospital would. There are other jobs, and/or other hospital jobs that would require a lot less training than getting back into surgery. 

That would be adding insult to injury. "Oh hey, you were a promising young surgeon and I helped destroy your career all those years ago? Here, take this admin/nursing job. It's just like having your dream career back, isn't it? Isn't the Catherine Fox foundation the bestest thing ever? Why aren't you dropping to your knees in gratitude?"

  • Love 13

What position of authority did Catherine have back then? Was it enough to do anything other than make sure these women were compensated and not completely undone? Was it only because she was in Harper Avery's family? Would any of these women have had a better outcome had they pursued legal action back then? Would Harper Avery let Catherine deal with it in any way other than she did before he died? Why are we blaming a woman for what he did, other than he seemed neat in very early episodes?

Seems to me that she did as much as she could way back when, with the influence she had; was ready to fall on her sword when it came out in today's world because she didn't do enough way back when (even though she did what she could under the circumstances). 

I think naming the award for her is a bit much, but I'm not laying blame at her feet for what he did and how she handled in in yonder days, if you will.

Edited by pennben
  • Love 11
5 minutes ago, pennben said:

What position of authority did Catherine have back then? Was it enough to do anything other than make sure these women were compensated and not completely undone? Was it only because she was in Harper Avery's family? Would any of these women have had a better outcome had they pursued legal action back then? Would Harper Avery let Catherine deal with it in any way other than she did before he died? Why are we blaming a woman for what he did, other than he seemed neat in very early episodes?

No ones blaming her, but whether she had no choice or not, what she did was hide his secrets while she compensated the women he hurt. 

Im saying I get it, but we’re going to now celebrate said women by naming the foundation after her...i am having a big problem with it. 

  • Love 8
2 minutes ago, pennben said:

What position of authority did Catherine have back then? Was it enough to do anything other than make sure these women were compensated and not completely undone? Was it only because she was in Harper Avery's family? Would any of these women have had a better outcome had they pursued legal action back then? Would Harper Avery let Catherine deal with it in any way other than she did before he died? Why are we blaming a woman for what he did, other than he seemed neat in very early episodes?

She arranged to silence all the women Harper has harassed. We'll never know what would have happened if they'd pursued legal action because Catherine took that option away from them. She wasn't responsible for him harassing women, but she didn't stop associating with him when she found out. And I have no doubt Harper rewarded her for covering his/the foundation's ass. She was complicit.

  • Love 11
19 minutes ago, chocolatine said:

We'll never know what would have happened if they'd pursued legal action because Catherine took that option away from them. 

I think we do know how any legal action would have gone for them back then and whoever they were knew that too...that's not Grey's stuff, that's reality.  Honestly, they would likely never have brought a claim, hoping to preserve a medical career in another location.  Had they brought a claim....yeah, that wouldn't have gone well....we're probably talking 30-40 years ago.  We don't know, but we know.  Catherine gave them a way out.  As for complicit; she made sure the others were compensated for unjust denial. Should she have disrupted her family and also disassociate from him and any just promotion she got from her work? 

I do agree with @moonorchid that it is a bit much that the award is going to be named for her, but beyond that...she did what she could do, which was likely more than they could do otherwise. Was it enough? Hell no. But was that her or was that Harper Avery and the system he operated in?

Edited by pennben
  • Love 8
8 minutes ago, pennben said:

I think we do know how any legal action would have gone for them back then and whoever they were knew that too...that's not Grey's stuff, that's reality.  Honestly, they would likely never have brought a claim, hoping to preserve a medical career in another location.  Had they brought a claim....yeah, that wouldn't have gone well....we're probably talking 30-40 years ago.  We don't know, but we know.  Catherine gave them a way out.

That's not the point, the point is that Catherine made sure they wouldn't have that option to begin with. She acted in the interest of the foundation, not the women.

2 minutes ago, pennben said:

But was that her or was that Harper Avery and the system he operated in?

She benefited from the system that victimized young female surgeons just like her. If she hadn't married Harper Avery's son, she could have easily been on the receiving end of a payoff and NDA. She is a hypocrite.

  • Love 6
6 minutes ago, chocolatine said:

That's not the point, the point is that Catherine made sure they wouldn't have that option to begin with. She acted in the interest of the foundation, not the women.

The women never actually had that (realistic) option to begin with is what I am saying...no way a harassment suit in the medical field gets anywhere so many years ago.  She took nothing from them that wasn't already gone.  She made sure they were compensated and kept their medical career intact. It's icky, but that is how it was back then. And, sure, she could have derailed her own career, but to what benefit? Perhaps she is a hypocrite, but she was weaving and dodging and covering for others and just trying to get ahead.  It happens. Whaddya gonna do?

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, chocolatine said:

That would be adding insult to injury. "Oh hey, you were a promising young surgeon and I helped destroy your career all those years ago? Here, take this admin/nursing job. It's just like having your dream career back, isn't it? Isn't the Catherine Fox foundation the bestest thing ever? Why aren't you dropping to your knees in gratitude?"

Of course the women shouldn't be expected to be grateful. Probably none of them would want to work at a Fox Foundation hospital. And, based on the timeline the show established most of the women should be in their late fifties or older now. 

1 hour ago, moonorchid said:

No ones blaming her, but whether she had no choice or not, what she did was hide his secrets while she compensated the women he hurt. 

Im saying I get it, but we’re going to now celebrate said women by naming the foundation after her...i am having a big problem with it. 

Indeed. Catherine isn't a hero. Maybe they could choose a name for the foundation that symbolized something of value but isn't any person's name.  

1 hour ago, chocolatine said:

She arranged to silence all the women Harper has harassed. We'll never know what would have happened if they'd pursued legal action because Catherine took that option away from them. She wasn't responsible for him harassing women, but she didn't stop associating with him when she found out. And I have no doubt Harper rewarded her for covering his/the foundation's ass. She was complicit.

Catherine was complicit. But, she didn't take the option of pursing legal action away from the women. She offered an alternative to the victims she knew about. The victims chose to settle instead of taking their chances in court.  Probably they thought it would be difficult to win a sexual harassment suit against a well-regarded billionaire. Or, maybe Harper was only a multi-millionaire in 1988. Surely these these well-educated, capable women had some agency. Evaluated a couple of sub-optimal choices and picked one. Chose one.

Edited by RaeSpellman
  • Love 6

Why the hell was Arizona deemed the point person for Andrew's well being when Meredith is aware that his sister has been taking up space around the hospital all this time? Because he rented a room in her house? So sloppy. And one of many examples that short of bickering in Italian, the sister only exists to get her rocks off with Arizona. Whom she doesn't seem to respect all that much. 

The Vik Roy lawsuit is stupid. No one else had a problem not rushing to work on patients and everyone was aware that if you ate a cookie, you are benched. He's such a prick. Even if they hire him back to avoid being sued, I don't see how he can remain on staff in the long run. 

Maybe it's corny, but it would've been cute to name the foundation after little Harriet. Like simply The Harriet Foundation. I just don't think the affected women would really be all that keen on something named after Catherine knowing she was inadvertently part of the cover ups. 

Syph Nurse was just as irritating now as she was then. I wish they'd brought back Sydney Heron. She was something else, but at least would've been fun to see her interact with everyone her chirpiness annoyed. 

  • Love 9
6 minutes ago, chocolatine said:

Not let her name a foundation after herself and style herself as some kind of feminist hero.


Catherine is not a hero to these women.

I come back around to they should not have done this storyline if they weren’t going to focus on the women, and the whole thing feels way to wrapped up in a nice bow.

  • Love 16
8 minutes ago, chocolatine said:

Not let her name a foundation after herself and style herself as some kind of feminist hero.

She didn't name the foundation after herself, it was suggested by others...she was ready to resign! 

I like this episode because it is messy!!  They are all messy. We are all messy. And I guess I'm old enough to understand why Catherine was messy but thought she was doing the right thing and actually did more for those woman than whatever was possible before her intervention, even though her solution wasn't perfect.

I liked that Meredith said something to the effect of "don't blame the woman"....because, whooboy, Ellen still has a lot of messy about what she has and what other women deserve/should have, or why she gets hers and others don't, whether she's earned what she has, etc., etc., etc.

I'm not sure we've moved on so much at all, now that I think about it. 

  • Love 6
3 hours ago, chocolatine said:

That's not the point, the point is that Catherine made sure they wouldn't have that option to begin with. She acted in the interest of the foundation, not the women.

I hate arguing this point, but no one signed the non-disclosure agreement (and took the payoff) against their will; the victims each made the judgment that the financial compensation (which also *feels* like an admission of wrong-doing even when it officially isn’t) and moving on with their lives quietly was the best option available to them at the time. Women often, still, make that determination to not participate in prosecution (against nobodies and against public figures that will come with press attention and attention in their career field) *without* financial compensation.

As for Catherine, the gesture/suggestion to name the new foundation after her is a sweet one from Jackson and Mer, but that’s realistically (ha!) a bit much, and defeats a great deal of the purpose since she was still involved in the whole thing. Which doesn’t really bother me - she protected her company *while also* likely genuinely believing she was doing the best she could for the victims. (Entirely possibly correctly for at least a solid chunk of them - we don’t know that they were strong armed, though that doesn’t exactly sound out-of-character, but she may have spoken with them more like she did to Bailey about Harper in the hallway right before/as he died) (...Aside from supporting them in pressing charges, but I don’t think anything has mentioned Harper committing rape/crimes that would leave physical evidence for prosecution, so unless *she* had also been harassed AND prosecutors were inclined to take it to trial and could get her testimony admitted, unless she *saw* the harassment or assaults, it doesn’t matter, in terms of helping the women legally, that she believed them - it’s hearsay and inadmissible.) Doesn’t mean she ever was or felt covered in glory, but as a 30-something I’m not comfortable making her, in the time and system she was in, the bad guy here. But given she *was* involved in covering it up and keeping rumors at bay, yeah, naming the new foundation after her doesn’t seem appropriate and stupidly detracts from the point of the thing.

3 hours ago, funnygirl said:

Why the hell was Arizona deemed the point person for Andrew's well being when Meredith is aware that his sister has been taking up space around the hospital all this time? Because he rented a room in her house? So sloppy.

Have Meredith and Carina ever actually spoken? (Or met? I can’t remember them sharing a scene, ever, though she should at least know of her existence. But *theoretically* it’s a big hospital and Carina isn’t in general or a department head and Mer wouldn’t have much/any reason to cross paths with her. I get more hung up on why co-plane-crash victims who have known one another and been at least friendly for a decade call each other by their last names. (Arizona has done it to/in reference to Mer, too, I think.)

Edited by WalrusGirl
Made a run-on sentence clearer/slightly less run-on
  • Love 6

I’ve always enjoyed Jackson and Meredith paired together, and thought Mer’s “now can we get this re-engraved already?” was very cute. (And yay to her easy, if painful, decision to get rid of the awards - which I think are aesthetically gorgeous, if way ahead of their time in Ellis’s case.) And Mer’s making the case to the Angels (whatever it was called) charity reps, and Jackson’s reaction.

Was glad to hear that Amelia *did* check with the (or at least a) social worker, though I don’t think her being under the same roof as the infant removed from her care would fly - and she talked to the social worker before Owen and that arrangement.

April’s delivery of “oh, I don’t know what it is, but he has a reason” is reminding me SO EXACTLY of some other tv or movie line delivery of “he has a reason” (also by a woman), it’s driving me crazy. Anyone?

(And I liked her and Maggie being grownups with and towards one another, Maggie’s initial “you knew, didn’t you” aside. [Which could have easily been delivered verbatim in the same tone by any other male or female character also in the contest but not involved with Jackson, so I don’t view as being about their mutual relationship with him.])

April’s wedding planning observation and cutely-worded/self-award offer was also adorable, and Jo’s (and thus Alex’s) happy acceptance.

Stupid: the fired intern’s case. I actually think he has a case in terms of the hospital likely being liable for an employee (...board member and part owner and attending) serving pot cookies, accidental as it was (and “word” to everyone pointing out the real liability and danger being her handing out *peanut butter* cookies without that disclaimer), but I fail to see how that absolves him of continuing to practice medicine after he was made aware and asked about his sobriety to stay on duty. Like, both things are just separately problems.

Edited by WalrusGirl
Last two thoughts and missing punctuation
  • Love 1

Owen has had this kid for, like, 24 hours and he's already turning into an obnoxious foster parent. He thinks it's "weird" that the baby's birth mother has the right to be at the baby's doctor appointment. HELLO, that is her baby! You have been a foster parent for about two seconds. You have not legally adopted this child. CPS could take that kid back at any time so climb down off your high horse there, Owen. It takes an ass like Owen to make Amelia seem like the calm, sane, logical one. And Owen thinks that because he's the head of trauma, he doesn't have to fill out forms like everyone else. Okay.

That's why I found it so weird that he did a 180 at the end and said that if Leo can have his mother in his life, then he wants that for him.

Why doesn't Amelia just get her own place where she can live with Betty? That was already the obvious choice to me when she said she didn't know how to tell Meredith she was moving a drug addict into the house, but even moreso when Owen said that Amelia and Betty should both move in with him. Amelia is a surgeon making enough money to afford her own place.

Nitpick: Hellmouth just strolled into the MRI room while still wearing her hospital ID badge which has metal on it. NOPE.

  • Love 13
9 hours ago, WhosThatGirl said:

Speaking of Olivia, she gave George Syphilis that she got from Alex so she isn’t an innocent victim in this story. But whatever. I agree, get over it. 

And then she slept with Alex after the syphilis story got out, so I agree, she probably should have kept all of that to herself and be glad Alex didn't mention that part.  I didn't mind seeing her because I like when old characters show up, but I really don't get the point of that storyline.  Meredith already told Jo about the syphilis (thanks, Mer!) and Alex was sleeping with all the interns when Jo met him, so Jo knows who she's marrying.  I am very much over Alex shutting down and just being a dick when he has problem and I'm glad that Jo called him out on it.  The writers are regressing him in some weird ways over the last couple of seasons and I'm not sure why.




Nurse Olivia needs to shut up about Alex cheating on his wife with her. She slept with him in S1, he and Izzie were just dating at the time. 


I am going to have this embossed on business cards, stand on a corner and hand them out to random strangers.  This has been a bee in my bonnet since season 2.  No matter how many times Izzie shrieked "HE CHEATED ON MEEEEEEEE!!!!!!" it just isn't true.  They had been on 1-2 dates and were not exclusive.  It was a total dick move on Alex's part, don't get me wrong, but it wasn't cheating and it was pretty bitchy of Olivia to phrase it that way.  She came off as bitter and as though she had some unhealthy fixation with Alex which is too bad since she seemed to be happy with her life.  It sucks that they brought her character back just to do this.

Grey's is suffering from Law & Order "Ripped from the Headlines" fatigue for me.  It's not that these stories aren't important, but there seems to be a new one every episode and the majority of them aren't treated with any depth and get resolved in 42 minutes.  I wish that they would go back to the character-oriented patients and plots and delve into a current issue a few times a season with more depth.  I continue to like the family unit of Meredith, Richard and the Averys.

ETA - Anyone else find it odd that a 15 year old girl was named Betty?

Edited by Deanie87
  • Love 17

When Jackson said he wasn’t going to let a powerful black woman take the heat for something an old white man did, I was irritated. Catherine would have been taking the heat for what SHE did. She’s said for seasons that she is the one who made the Harper Avery foundation what it is- what it was (in part) was a foundation that uses its resources to silence women. She is in no way responsible for Harper’s actions, but she sure is responsible for her own.

Rename the foundation, fine. But don’t rename it after the person who was behind the whole coverup.

Olivia's phrasing of "he cheated on his wife" made me so MAD. No, he did not.  Whether he cheated on her when they dated is questionable, but he definitely did not cheat on her after they were married.  Also, who goes to their former place of work and starts badmouthing former co-workers to the current workers? You have no idea of the relationships/friendships between the current employees, just stupid to do.


Re the foster situation - there have been mothers and babies in the same foster home here.  Probably not frequent but it has happened.  But I do agree that Amelia could get her own damn house.

Last week, I thought's Roy's firing was kinda stupid.  Yes, it was terrible that he lied, but I had the same thought as others, he could claim that he'd never been high before and did not mean to lie.  I mean, not a great excuse, but since he did not intentionally get high, I did think the hospital overreacted (Izzie cut Denny's LVAD wires and didn't get fired!!).  But I have to tell you, lawyers do not make house (or hospital here) calls to just drop by, hand out a business card, and tell them you're gonna sue.  He would have written a very strongly worded demand letter with cites to the law and threatening to sue unless intern Roy was re-hired, compensated, etc. [I've been in plaintiff's law for over 20 years and never heard of anyone doing the "drop-by threat"] . 


On a shallow note, Maggie looked really good in the last scene where she was cooking dinner for him.  Not sure if it was her outfit or makeup or what, I just remember thinking looked really pretty. I'm still not really digging them as  a couple, but this may have been the first time I slightly liked them.  She wasn't freaking out, or stuttering, just calm and accepting of his wanting to be competitive (in the innovation contest) and being normal, drinking wine and cooking dinner.  More of this, rather than her constantly doubting him, herself, everything.  

Edited by AzraeltheCat
  • Love 4

I think Olivia was more upset at the fact that she was called syph nurse.. And that it went on as a joke in the hospital but nothing was made of Alex.. She mentioned previously about the behavior if doctor(s)  so I think it wasn't  just the Karev situation.. So with all the Harper Avery stuff swirling it was just another example of men in power getting treated differently Than women

Least that's what I got from it

  • Love 10

I was rolling my eyes through the entirety of the episode.

First of all it was Greys PR team/actors pimping Sarah Utterback's return like they have gotten Sandra Oh to come back for an episode. Nurse Olivia wasn't an relevant character even in season 1. And then for an character to comeback and act all mighty...geez that was just too much. Like olivia herself didn't sleep around. meh. Such an waste of an sl and screen time. Was it just show that even at the corner of being married, alex will treat Jo like crap just because he's feeling restless/insecured? Bleh.

I agree with all the above poster who have said that Catherine didn't needed to be recognised as an martyr here. She didn't suffered, she didn't compromised with her career, she saved the foundation's name - I'm not saying she didn't do her best back then - I'm just saying, now's the time to do the right, and those women still didn't served right by making Catherine their face and voice. Anyways, while we are at it, are jackson and harriet gonna drop the Avery form their name as well?

This has been Greys trend this season, they touch on serious topics and then sweep it of like any other meh story line. 

I was on to Carina and Arizona's pairing a little bit but Carina telling Arizona 'how to be a parent' was a bit too much for me. It reminded me of when Callie said something along the same line. When Arizona said that Callie moving off to NY will be harsh on Sofia, Callie said that Arizona herself  moved a lot as a kid and turned out fine. In  both the situations these woman are comparing tomatoes to potatoes. If your parents got divorced when you were kid, you should know better what a 7 year old must be going through Carina. Just like Arizona knew that so much uprooting and moving will be harsh on Sofia because she went through that as a kid.

Now Amelia and Owen - gahhh is it the same show that spent half an season in S8 with Merder 's adoption process being in jeopardy, even though they were married? And now two adoption process will go down like a breeze? Save me the crap. For a moment I can agree on Leo's adoption process going through, but her mother's? And that too when we know Amelia's history as an addict?

April deciding to be jolex's wedding planner like jo and April ever had an bond.

The only good thing about this episode was Zola asking Meredith why Maggie's friend doesn't have to bath when we have to take a bath daily. Lol.

  • Love 5
28 minutes ago, AzraeltheCat said:

Last week, I thought's Roy's firing was kinda stupid.  Yes, it was terrible that he lied, but I had the same thought as others, he could claim that he'd never been high before and did not mean to lie.  I mean, not a great excuse, but since he did not intentionally get high, I did think the hospital overreacted (Izzie cut Denny's LVAD wires and didn't get fired!!).  But I have to tell you, lawyers do not make house (or hospital here) calls to just drop by, hand out a business card, and tell them you're gonna sue.  He would have written a very strongly worded demand letter with cites to the law and threatening to sue unless intern Roy was re-hired, compensated, etc. [I've been in plaintiff's law for over 20 years and never heard of anyone doing the "drop-by threat"] . 

I can see now how Roy's firing may have been too impulsive. Looking past my clear biases for the interns, I think Roy handled things wrong (using the excuse that the other doctors were high as well without taking any responsibility), but a suspension probably would have sufficed, as he was under the influence accidentally and his actions were compromised. However, this episode, his own brother came to try to clean up the mess, which I would consider also biased and possibly unprofessional. I still imagine them having Roy drop the lawsuit at some point because they'll use the excuse that his brother encouraged all of this and he's not actually angry at the hospital.

1 minute ago, beautifulGA said:

I agree with all the above poster who have said that Catherine didn't needed to be recognised as an martyr here. She didn't suffered, she didn't compromised with her career, she saved the foundation's name - I'm not saying she didn't do her best back then - I'm just saying, now's the time to do the right, and those women still didn't served right by making Catherine their face and voice. Anyways, while we are at it, are jackson and harriet gonna drop the Avery form their name as well?

Yeah, they're really handling this all wrong. I get the idea behind it; they want to focus the blame on the man who did this, and Catherine didn't have the power back then to really do anything substantial for the women, so she did the only thing she could think of doing to preserve the foundation and these women from being torn apart by Harper Avery and likely a band of lawyers (I immediately saw the connection between this story and Roy's brother suing the hospital at the end). Catherine wanted to do something back then but she wouldn't have been able to help those women any further. However, she still was complicit, she still did it to save Harper Avery's reputation, and those women still never got the justice they deserved. I think Jackson had the right idea in focusing the attention on his grandfather's actions. But renaming the foundation to the woman who did try to also cover it up? Yeah, not good optics there. 

I agree with another poster that maybe he should have just renamed it to the Harriet Foundation. It would allow for a fully clean slate by naming it after his kid, to encourage a truly fresh start and hope for the future, while also keeping it in the family. 

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, Bostongirl said:

Not sure Dr Roy should have been fired. Maybe he should have been suspended and offered substance abuse treatment 

I thought the same thing about the suspension last episode......too many things to consider before firing him.  He slept with April, so he could throw in abuse of power, he was given pot laced cookies at work, impairing his judgment and was injured on the job.  I can't stand the guy but they should have been a lot smarter and consulted HR before firing the guy.    

  • Love 4

So not only did Catherine get away completely scott-free, which is already unrealistic enough itself, she actually came out of the whole story as some kind of a hero and a champion for women's cause? I can't. Although, I really have only myself to blame for not expecting this storyline to be resolved in the corniest way possible, like they almost always tend to be.

At first I rolled my eyes when Carina said Arizona was coddling Sofia too much, but actually... she might have a point? What exactly is she doing to address the issue? Does she even know what the real problem is? Is she getting her some counselling? Is she in touch with Callie? Does she know how Sofia acted in NY and why she wanted to come back to Seattle, because that is how the season started? Obviously, it's going to be very difficult for a young child when the parents are divorced and live across the country, but there might be more to it. And even if it's just that, it's stupid to just sit around and wait for the problem to go away on its own.

I actually didn't mind seeing nurse Olivia again, but she got extremely annoying really quickly. That man is treating your child, so get over yourself. I'm not sure what the point of her comeback was. To highlight that Alex has changed since then? Uhm, we kinda got it already.

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