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S06.E16: The Final Decisions

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Wow, Molly is really a delusional asshole, isn't she?  She tried and stayed positive?  In what world?  I guess that may be considered true if you think she was positive she wanted nothing to do with Jon.  She certainly practiced her lines for Decision Day, didn't she? 

I'm amazed the "experts" kept encouraging some type of reconciliation between Molly and Jon, thinking their marriage wasn't dead but asleep.  No, guys.  It's DEAD.  It's been dead for a while.  Quit smacking Jon down.  OF COURSE he can't find anything to be grateful for or positive about when he's just told you he regrets the entire thing.  

BTW, Jamie - - the name is Mar-ten, not Mar-in.  Lazy enunciation makes me stabby.

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Jackie is a fucking moron!  Ryan even said actions speak louder than words. He's not into Jackie at all. If the day before decision day he wouldn't even answer her texts when he was at the fire station... What else does she need to see? I don't understand why Jackie is scared she's going to get hurt. Ryan has already hurt her a dozen times. He's shown her exactly who he is and that she is not a priority to him. Jackie always looks sad and she'll shocked when she's around Ryan. 

Good God Molly. She's acting like she's so hurt and mourning the end of the marriage. She probably doesn't like failure but I'm sure she's relieved she's rid of Jon. 

Jephte seems so young to me. I'm ten years older than him but his whole never dated never been in love, getting embarrassed about buying lingerie for his wife. I dated a guy who was 17 (I was 18) and I was his first girlfriend. His 2nd kiss first sexual experience etc and when he was 19 he bought me lingerie and told me he told his mom what he wanted and she picked it up for him because he was too embarrassed to go in the store lol. Jephte reminds me of Someobe much younger. I hope he and Shawniece work out. 

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11 hours ago, KateHearts said:

I have no idea what the date convo meant between Ryan and Jackie.. reeling each other in? I’m like a little kid? This fishy is into you? Huh? I think Jackie is completely naive. And what on earth does she “Adore” about him?  And he keeps referring to “ups and downs.” I don’t recall any true marital stressors they went through. 


They admitted that they kept fighting and fighting!  The way Jaclyn was talking during the finale, it sounded like all the conflict had just about worn her down. Apparently, Ryan tried to make up some kind of way, because Jackie chose to stick around. 

11 hours ago, Stinamaia said:

I literally have to mute Ryan when he launches into his loooong speeches.

Did you watch the bonus footage of Ryan-isms at the end? 

"If I were an orange, I'd peel myself and spread my juices [blah bah blah]..."

He said some ridiculous and funny stuff. I don't know why they didn't incorporate this footage into the regular show.

I almost feel like Ryan deserves his own thread because he's definitely a character. I could see why the producers decided to cast him on the show. Too bad they saddled Jaclyn with him.

Edited by discoprincess
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For all Molly's talk about needing her regular hair & mani appointments, was I the only one who noticed that her gel nails were about 2 weeks old?  Go back & freeze the frame:  she has several millimeters of nailbed showing.  SMH.

And yes, Molly definitely turns it on for the cameras.  Notice Jon's body language on the couch with her, talking to the experts.  He is sitting to Molly's right, and he is leaning about as far right, away from her, without falling off the couch.  He's done.  Good for him.

Thing is, a lot of these people (and people in general, but we're just talking about MAFS folks now) need to heal childhood, deeper wounds before brining another person into their life:

--Jon has anger/abandonment hurts from his father

--Molly has princess/perfect issues that her father likely gave her, and once he died, her princess-ness lived on forever

--Shawniece has abandonment/deep hurts from men in her childhood who were likely not there for her

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1 minute ago, psychoticstate said:

How did Jon "constantly" throw Molly's sexual history in her face?  I remember him saying something once and that was after she had told him on camera that she wasn't attracted to him.  Besides, Molly put her sexual history on blast when she mentioned a threesome in her initial interview.  I don't agree with people throwing their partner's sexual history in their face but in this case, I think it was justified and understandable.

Molly could have garnered more sympathy if she had said she was done after Jon brought up her previous threesome (especially if she had said something like, "In this #metoo era, that kind of talk is unacceptable"). The experts could have justifiably put Jon on the hot seat for that. Such a missed opportunity.

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Molly: Jon and I were a perfect match. Jon checked off all the boxes. Jon and I have so much fun together. Jon and I have so much in common. 

But.....I'm not attracted to him! 

Ever notice when she is explaining herself to her mother and sister , they sit there speechless and they are looking at her like what in the eff is wrong with you? 

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3 minutes ago, discoprincess said:

Molly could have garnered more sympathy if she had said she was done after Jon brought up her previous threesome (especially if she had said something like, "In this #metoo era, that kind of talk is unacceptable"). The experts could have justifiably put Jon on the hot seat for that. Such a missed opportunity.

Maybe.  But I think she was sending out so many mixed messages and signals, it's hard to sympathize.  Not that it's okay to throw up someone's history in their face but I get why Jon brought it up.  Molly happily offered up the info during her interviews, along with being such a wild and crazy life of the party, then she wouldn't even hold her husband's hand or kiss him.  I'd be confused too.

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12 hours ago, KateHearts said:

I have no idea what the date convo meant between Ryan and Jackie.. reeling each other in? I’m like a little kid? This fishy is into you? Huh? I think Jackie is completely naive. And what on earth does she “Adore” about him?  And he keeps referring to “ups and downs.” I don’t recall any true marital stressors they went through. 

As Tara and Brian pointed out on the podcast, every single stressor they had was self-created. Nobody lost a job or had a parent get sick or had a huge unexpected expense. All their ups and downs came from him acting a fool and them fighting about it. At some point, life is going to kick their asses. It happens to all of us. There will be a huge unexpected expense, someone will lose a job, a parent will get sick, a grandparent will pass away. When it does, Ryan will punk out and leave Jackie to deal with it on her own. Maybe that will be what it takes for Jackie to wake up.

32 minutes ago, Waterlilly said:

Molly and Jon talk about how much they are alike.  I think maybe they are too much alike in some areas (not the honesty area though).  They know what buttons to push, and then it gets fugly.  Having said that, I personally don't think Jon is a jerk.  I did notice that Jacque and Shawnice seemed to like Jon on the unfiltered show, so maybe they know somethin somethin.

Jephte and Shawniece do seem to like Jon. I don't watch the Unfiltered show but I've noticed that Jon seems to be comfortable with both of them. I remember at the "I'm stuck in this situation/You're not stuck in it, just so you know" dinner, Jon seemed very comfortable telling Shawniece about the tickets to the expo he wanted to get. I've noticed a rapport between them - not sexual or romantic, but he seems to like her. (I agree with the theory that they'd have made a much better match than Jon and Molly, though.) At the boys' meetings, Jon and Jephte seem way more comfortable talking to each other than they do to Ryan. I think they both found Ryan ridiculous, but Jon was irritated by him and Jephte was more amused.

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Who else noticed that when the experts asked Jaclyn a question, Ryan jumped in and totally cut her off? Not only did they not call him out on it, but they allowed him to continue!

1 minute ago, Empress1 said:

As Tara and Brian pointed out on the podcast, every single stressor they had was self-created. Nobody lost a job or had a parent get sick or had a huge unexpected expense. All their ups and downs came from him acting a fool and them fighting about it. At some point, life is going to kick their asses. It happens to all of us. There will be a huge unexpected expense, someone will lose a job, a parent will get sick, a grandparent will pass away. When it does, Ryan will punk out and leave Jackie to deal with it on her own. Maybe that will be what it takes for Jackie to wake up.

Jephte and Shawniece do seem to like Jon. I don't watch the Unfiltered show but I've noticed that Jon seems to be comfortable with both of them. I remember at the "I'm stuck in this situation/You're not stuck in it, just so you know" dinner, Jon seemed very comfortable telling Shawniece about the tickets to the expo he wanted to get. I've noticed a rapport between them - not sexual or romantic, but he seems to like her. (I agree with the theory that they'd have made a much better match than Jon and Molly, though.) At the boys' meetings, Jon and Jephte seem way more comfortable talking to each other than they do to Ryan. I think they both found Ryan ridiculous, but Jon was irritated by him and Jephte was more amused.

We already saw Ryan punk out when Jaclyn was sick. Furthermore, we saw him on Unfiltered and on Twitter still questioning how "sick" Jaclyn was on that evening. 

I agree that Jon was irritated with Ryan because he probably saw right through his BS.

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12 hours ago, KateHearts said:

I have no idea what the date convo meant between Ryan and Jackie.. reeling each other in? I’m like a little kid? This fishy is into you? Huh? I think Jackie is completely naive. And what on earth does she “Adore” about him?  And he keeps referring to “ups and downs.” I don’t recall any true marital stressors they went through. 

That had to be the lamest least romantic response he could muster. It wasn't even cute.

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I don't have much time to post right now but I just wanted to say that I feel so bad for Jon right now.  I broke down in tears during his final decision because I empathize with him on this.  There's nothing more hurtful than having someone you wanted to see a future with tell the world over and over again that you had everything in common but they just weren't "physically attracted to you" or whatever BS excuse they come up with to get out of the relationship.  A guy as solid and as attractive as Jon should never have to put up with that kind of public humiliation.  I was with him 1000%.  I'm not buying what Molly is selling.  She's still painting herself the victim even as she tries to look like she's so above it all, and make it Jon's fault somehow that she didn't want sex with him.  She is full of shit.  She just wants to look like the "bigger person" than Jon.  Good for Dr. Pepper that she acknowledged that Jon would have a hard time finding any positives right now given how early it was.  I actually wouldn't blame him for never finding any positives in knowing Molly, only those that are in the "lesson learned" category. 

One reason I empathize with Jon so much is that once I had a relationship with a guy and was starting to fall in love with him after about a year of dating when he invited me to visit his parents in another state near the holidays.  I thought it was a sure sign that he felt the same way.  I had such a great time with him on that weekend that I blurted out that I was falling for him.  He suddenly did a 180 degree turnaround and told me that he "cared about me" but "wasn't in love with me and didn't see that ever happening".  He suddenly became distant and it was very embarrassing in front of his parents, like he wanted to end things with me.  After all the leading on he did over the course of a year it hit me like a ton of bricks and I was so upset that I took a train the 400 miles back home.  He was constantly talking about the future and how much we had in common, and inviting me to meet his family, and for him to reject me like this just blew me away and made absolutely NO sense.  I later found out from a good friend of his that he was still in love with an old girlfriend that had left the area but moved back shortly after I started seeing him.  It turned out that he was two timing me with her almost the whole time we were dating.  So this is why I don't buy what Molly is selling.  Pastor Cal says he can't believe the two of them.  I can't believe HER.  There's more to this story with her, and she's not being honest about it.  That's all I can imagine.   Any woman that really wanted to be married would have found reasons to find a guy attractive that she had that much in common with that they finished each other's sentences and all that.  At least give him a chance if nothing else.  She never really gave him a chance at all.  She kept the walls firmly up from day one and never once let them down enough to see how she might feel if she let Jon in a little bit.  So I don't buy it.  She is lying through her teeth and Jon and the rest of the world knows it.

Edited by Yeah No
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49 minutes ago, kira28 said:

Jackie is a fucking moron!  Ryan even said actions speak louder than words. He's not into Jackie at all. If the day before decision day he wouldn't even answer her texts when he was at the fire station... What else does she need to see? I don't understand why Jackie is scared she's going to get hurt. Ryan has already hurt her a dozen times. He's shown her exactly who he is and that she is not a priority to him. Jackie always looks sad and she'll shocked when she's around Ryan. 

Jackie looked like shit on decision day.  She was probably up all night crying over what to do.  Deep down she knows Ryan is an ass but after doing the cost/benefit analysis she decided that if he wanted to continue, staying married to him was a better option than having to face that relationship not working out in addition to being alone with nothing but memories of her deceased boyfriend.  She's avoiding the inevitable.  I think getting out now would have been the better option of course.  I think putting it off is only going to make it worse for her. 

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4 minutes ago, Yeah No said:

Jackie looked like shit on decision day.  She was probably up all night crying over what to do.  Deep down she knows Ryan is an ass but after doing the cost/benefit analysis she decided that if he wanted to continue, staying married to him was a better option than having to face that relationship not working out in addition to being alone with nothing but memories of her deceased boyfriend.  She's avoiding the inevitable.  I think getting out now would have been the better option of course.  I think putting it off is only going to make it worse for her. 

I think Jackie made the decision to go with whatever Ryan decided.  I believe she truly wanted the marriage to work but knew it was in trouble and would have been okay to have Ryan pull the trigger first and call it quits.  

I love Shawniece's hair in the reunion preview.  I also ADORE that she called Molly on her bullshit.  By that point, everyone had seen the show in its entirety so hopefully the others will chime in as well.   I'm disappointed that People broke "the big reveal" for Shawniece and Jephte but even without that mag, the hints given during the preview clip pretty much gave it away.  The bigger surprise would have been no mention of it in the previews.

I see that the next season is airing in July.  Have they ever run them that close together before?

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Also want to say that while Jon and Molly had some similarities in personality and/or interests, I don't think they were really alike.  I think Jon came off fairly honestly - - he liked outdoor activities, he was more of an extrovert, he had a (sometimes goofy) sense of humor.  Molly is a poser.  Maybe she wants to be the outgoing life of the party but she's not.  She also didn't seem very open and game to try things while I think Jon is.  

As far as Jephte saying that he wasn't in love with Shawniece, I don't think that's necessarily unusual or a bad sign.  It's only been 2 months.  They are still getting to know each other.  I think it would be more concerning for a person to be madly, deeply in love at that point because I would worry that the person is in love with the idea of love or marriage and not their partner.  Didn't Anthony from a previous season say the same thing about Ashley?  i.e., that he wasn't in love with her yet but could see himself falling in love with her?  

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Jon and  Molly:

It does come down to physical attraction and that is very subjective. This show is about a leap of faith, even if you're not attracted to the person that was selected for you have to look past that. Shawniece had it right when she told Jephte we're married now I'm your wife. If Jephte or Molly wanted to pick someone based on their personal physical attraction they should have done their own spouse shopping. Whenever one of the couples doesn't have intimacy after a few weeks that should be a huge red flag the marriage needs intervention. It was obvious their marriage was going side ways. I don't look at lack of sex as 'the problem' lack of sex is a symptom something else is terribly wrong. I don't think as ill of Molly as I did initially, I believe she is frightfully immature and once in this situation wasn't willing to have a sit down with the 'experts' and Jon to handle the situation better. Instead she thought she was doing a good deed by staying with Jon and going through the motions. Jon should have smelled the coffee and called for an intervention to see if possibly anything could be salvaged. Instead they hoped doing the same thing would lead to different results. It didn't. The bar scene was Jon's wake up call but he should have been alerted in week one.

Jackyln and Ryan:

I thought for sure she was going to call it off. Ryan at moments has good intentions verbally but he fails to follow through. He lacks empathy and how to actually show and demonstrate love. The eight weeks the couples spend together is a sample of what they can expect if they stay together which doesn't bode well for this couple. Since both individuals are considering whether to stay married you would think they'd try to be on their best behavior and win the person over. However, unless a couple knows absolutely it won't work they should give it more than a measly 8 weeks.

Jephte and Shawniece.

Ups and downs like all couples but there is a strong foundation for a lasting relationship. I think most couples confuse falling in love with emotional infatuation. Real love, affection and deep companionship can last emotional infatuation never does it always fades away.

I think Jephte is in love with Shawniece he just doesn't realize it.

If he came home one day and Shawniece was unexpectedly missing...I think he'd go out of his mind. If she suddenly got ill he would do all he can to get her help. If something wonderful or bad happened she'd be the first person he would talk to. When you imagine that person as the one you want to always be with...don't look now but you're in love! 

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I know this will probably be an unpopular opinion, but in spite of all the love Jaclyn gets on this board, I find her kind of exhausting.  I also think she may be similar to Shawniece is that she wanted Ryan to do everything with her.  She almost has an "Eyeore" persona.  Now, don't get me wrong-Ryan has treated her horribly but I do think there were issues on both ends.

I wish that Jephte and Shawniece had taken Keke to decision day so that their entire family unit would have been there.

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2 hours ago, discoprincess said:

Molly could have garnered more sympathy if she had said she was done after Jon brought up her previous threesome (especially if she had said something like, "In this #metoo era, that kind of talk is unacceptable"). The experts could have justifiably put Jon on the hot seat for that. Such a missed opportunity.

How do we know she didn't say something? The show edits things to death. If she said something after the fact on social media, people would just dismiss it as her trying to save face. The experts probably wouldn't have done anything The experts are pretty useless. 

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I fast forwarded it to the end. Was surprised that Jackie and Ryan chose to stay together but I'm sure a month later they decided to end it. I am not sure why they released the news about Shawniece before the episode aired because that spoiled it.

I saw Jon was on Twitter saying there's a plot twist happening and we'll find out at the reunion. I wonder what it is. Maybe him and Jackie decided to get together?

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39 minutes ago, aphroditewitch said:

How do we know she didn't say something? The show edits things to death. If she said something after the fact on social media, people would just dismiss it as her trying to save face. The experts probably wouldn't have done anything The experts are pretty useless. 

I'd like to think that the experts would have done something. After all, Dr. Jessica read Molly for filth once Jon rolled that video footage of Molly. 

Edited by discoprincess
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36 minutes ago, aphroditewitch said:

How do we know she didn't say something? The show edits things to death. If she said something after the fact on social media, people would just dismiss it as her trying to save face. The experts probably wouldn't have done anything The experts are pretty useless. 


Molly could have garnered more sympathy if she had said she was done after Jon brought up her previous threesome (especially if she had said something like, "In this #metoo era, that kind of talk is unacceptable"). The experts could have justifiably put Jon on the hot seat for that. Such a missed opportunity.

How is talk about something she admitted to in a broad cast interview 'unacceptable' to talk about? If it was she should have kept her own mouth shut...

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I didn't get to all the comments yet but Jackie was blabbing about everything that was b bothering her.  At any time, did she actually come out with the main reason which was that Ryan goes out drinking with the guys at all hours and leaves her home without a thought?  Did she also say that he said he wouldn't change his lifestyle as that's who he is?  Does his parents know that he is a spoiled maniac who just does what he wants even with a new wife?  I didn't hear anything like that ever said by Jackie.  All I hear is they are not "on the same page" bullshit.  They all are not specific on what's really bothering them.  They all just blab the same shit over and over again.   After awhile you don't even understand what the hell they.are talking about.

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1 hour ago, DrewPaul2010 said:

How is talk about something she admitted to in a broad cast interview 'unacceptable' to talk about? If it was she should have kept her own mouth shut...

He was obsessed with shaming her for it. If he was a decent person he never would have done that. Good people don't throw a person's sexual history in their face, particularly if they claim to want to have a relationship with that person. The whole thing may have been part of what turned her off completely. If the situation had been reversed and she was harping on something from his past, she would have been slammed for being obsessed with something that did not involve her. 

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I didn’t see any kind of obsession. Molly claimed it takes her a long time to warm up to someone and be interested in sex. Jon pointed out that she previously described herself as fun loving and someone who did things like have a threesome. He did not say this obsessively -he said it one time. 

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All - you've been told many, many times to avoid spoilers that don't appear in the episodes. Do NOT discuss plotlines, relationship statuses, or anything else based on social media posts, news sites, or any other non-episode sources. 

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I really wished the experts or someone asked Molly, why are you not attracted to Jon? Did he remind her of an ex boyfriend or a guy she hated in college or a co-worker that annoys her? Or she prefers longer hair, or brown eyes? I think her lack of attraction was more to do with something she didn't like in his personality then looks but she kept pushing her excuse to his looks so why didn't anyone ask her about it. Also if he checked off all the boxes as we heard Molly say over and over, isn't that part of attraction or at least a way to grow attraction. 

I'm sure Molly has some dream man in her mind, but does she understand that not only do women rarely get their dream man but many times their dream man is not what they need. I had always dated the Alex P Keaton suit wearing types. When I met my husband for the first time he had just finished fixing his brother's car and was a muscular tee shirt wearing guy. He only owned one suit , his church/funeral suit that he bought at a thrift store. After a few months he cooked for me, cleaned my house, and after I got very sick, he took such good care of me, I didn't bother me that he lived in jeans and tee shirts. 17 years later he still has 1 suit. He is not the physical type I ever thought I would end up with but he was the right one. I guess only time will tell if Molly's issues were really just a physical attraction.  I guess the only way we will know since no one is pressing her to answer, is to see who she dates next or if Jon has hidden issues we did not see on the show. 

Edited by silverspoons
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3 hours ago, Lusterleaf said:

I fast forwarded it to the end. Was surprised that Jackie and Ryan chose to stay together but I'm sure a month later they decided to end it. I am not sure why they released the news about Shawniece before the episode aired because that spoiled it.

I saw Jon was on Twitter saying there's a plot twist happening and we'll find out at the reunion. I wonder what it is. Maybe him and Jackie decided to get together?

Or, maybe Jon got a job in Arizona with Jackie?  They do have lots in common and wanted to leave Boston.  Wishful thinking.

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19 minutes ago, silverspoons said:

I really wished the experts or someone asked Molly, why are you not attracted to Jon? Did he remind her of an ex boyfriend or a guy she hated in college or a co-worker that annoys her? Or she prefers longer hair, or brown eyes? I think her lack of attraction was more to do with something she didn't like in his personality then looks but she kept pushing her excuse to his looks so why didn't anyone ask her about it. Also if he checked off all the boxes as we heard Molly say over and over, isn't that part of attraction or at least a way to grow attraction. 

I am dying to see a picture of one of Molly's ex's, just to see what her type is.  Jon said he prefers red heads, but we never got an explanation of what her physical preferences are.   It  has to be something very specific for her not to be able to muster up any attraction over the course of 8 weeks.   

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Molly probably just wanted to be on t.v.  She thought she was the cats meow ... Always posing and fluffing up her hair, putting on globs of mascara so she would look her best.  Maybe get a spot on t.v. Etc.  Maybe taking over Jamie's job on Unfiltered.  Ha.

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7 hours ago, aphroditewitch said:

Shawniece was the only one who seemed truly interested in embracing the process. Ryan was phony, Jackie wasn't ready, Jepthe wasn't ready, Molly didn't want to be there and Jon was an immature jerk. I'm surprised at the number of people who like Jon. The red flags went off for me when he constantly started throwing Molly's sexual history in her face. So creepy and gross. 

The word constantly doesn't apply here imo. He shouldn't have brought it up at all because that past history has nothing to do with the present in general terms. I know what he was really trying to point out that she had a threesome with a complete stranger and she can't even generate a holding of the hand with him. Still it wasn't all the time. Molly has never even implied that herself.

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13 minutes ago, maryh2132 said:

I recorded last night (4/24/18) and it ended before I could see what Shaniece gave Jephte. Anyone have an answer?

She gave him a box but the it does not show what was in it. It was a teaser for us to watch next week. There are possible spoilers out there if you go looking.

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13 minutes ago, maryh2132 said:

I recorded last night (4/24/18) and it ended before I could see what Shaniece gave Jephte. Anyone have an answer?

Do you mean the preview for next week or the gifts they exchanged the night before decision day? If the latter, she gave him a certificate for a star she had registered in their name ("Pierre").

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1 hour ago, silverspoons said:

I really wished the experts or someone asked Molly, why are you not attracted to Jon?

Such a gigantic fail!

I've never believed it was Jon's unemployment that bothered her. He's well educated, has lived and worked overseas, and has a good work history. If he was afraid of not being able to find another position, he would have stayed at his finance job rather than be on the show. I can't think how Molly could have held his temporary joblessness against him to such an extent that she didn't even want to hold his hand.

My guess is that she went on the show as an attention-getter because (1) she was jealous that her sister got married (2) hoped to use the show as a stepping stone to a career in entertainment/modeling. She never really cared if her marriage worked or not and wasn't willing to unclench and look past what she saw as Jon's juvenile fratboy behavior.

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I haven't  posted all season all season but I've been watching. God I hope there is a monetary bonus for "staying together " and that's why Jackie did it. I just don't know how she could really think it would work. Ryan will steamroll her her whole life. The other guys aren't perfect but even they seemed to think his need to not change a thing and be out on Saturday night regardless of where his wife is is too much.


I'm reserved in front of people I don't know and definitely prudish about things related to sex especially talking about it so in the very first episode i thought Shawniece would be way too much and my least favorite. But now she is the one that probably is the coolest to be friends with and I want good things for her. Jephte said all season he doesn't have relationship experience but yet he always seemed to know when to throw her a bone via a gesture or just talk about being "all in. " I can't tell if it was producers driving him or he's more skilled than he'll let on. Either way once the cameras are gone I don't think she will really get a partner in him and I hope I'm wrong.


Jon will probably have a good dating life from this show. I don't like cats one bit but he is better off with the cat than Molly. I would rather have a cat around than Molly and cats really creep me out  (no offense cats, it's probably being raised with dogs.)


Best thing about the season was how much Jon clearly couldn't stand Ryan. 

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7 hours ago, Yeah No said:

I don't have much time to post right now but I just wanted to say that I feel so bad for Jon right now.  I broke down in tears during his final decision because I empathize with him on this.  There's nothing more hurtful than having someone you wanted to see a future with tell the world over and over again that you had everything in common but they just weren't "physically attracted to you" or whatever BS excuse they come up with to get out of the relationship.  A guy as solid and as attractive as Jon should never have to put up with that kind of public humiliation.  I was with him 1000%.  I'm not buying what Molly is selling.  She's still painting herself the victim even as she tries to look like she's so above it all, and make it Jon's fault somehow that she didn't want sex with him.  She is full of shit.  She just wants to look like the "bigger person" than Jon.  Good for Dr. Pepper that she acknowledged that Jon would have a hard time finding any positives right now given how early it was.  I actually wouldn't blame him for never finding any positives in knowing Molly, only those that are in the "lesson learned" category. 

One reason I empathize with Jon so much is that once I had a relationship with a guy and was starting to fall in love with him after about a year of dating when he invited me to visit his parents in another state near the holidays.  I thought it was a sure sign that he felt the same way.  I had such a great time with him on that weekend that I blurted out that I was falling for him.  He suddenly did a 180 degree turnaround and told me that he "cared about me" but "wasn't in love with me and didn't see that ever happening".  He suddenly became distant and it was very embarrassing in front of his parents, like he wanted to end things with me.  After all the leading on he did over the course of a year it hit me like a ton of bricks and I was so upset that I took a train the 400 miles back home.  He was constantly talking about the future and how much we had in common, and inviting me to meet his family, and for him to reject me like this just blew me away and made absolutely NO sense.  I later found out from a good friend of his that he was still in love with an old girlfriend that had left the area but moved back shortly after I started seeing him.  It turned out that he was two timing me with her almost the whole time we were dating.  So this is why I don't buy what Molly is selling.  Pastor Cal says he can't believe the two of them.  I can't believe HER.  There's more to this story with her, and she's not being honest about it.  That's all I can imagine.   Any woman that really wanted to be married would have found reasons to find a guy attractive that she had that much in common with that they finished each other's sentences and all that.  At least give him a chance if nothing else.  She never really gave him a chance at all.  She kept the walls firmly up from day one and never once let them down enough to see how she might feel if she let Jon in a little bit.  So I don't buy it.  She is lying through her teeth and Jon and the rest of the world knows it.

Just watched the final decision of Molly & Jon and my heart is breaking for Jon.  Smart, good looking guy, sincere, etc.. I just don't get why she didn't even kiss him at least once.  Was he that repulsive to her?  I'd just love to know exactly why she wasn't in to him at all, and why did she stay for the eight weeks.

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3 hours ago, silverspoons said:

I really wished the experts or someone asked Molly, why are you not attracted to Jon? Did he remind her of an ex boyfriend or a guy she hated in college or a co-worker that annoys her? Or she prefers longer hair, or brown eyes? I think her lack of attraction was more to do with something she didn't like in his personality then looks but she kept pushing her excuse to his looks so why didn't anyone ask her about it. Also if he checked off all the boxes as we heard Molly say over and over, isn't that part of attraction or at least a way to grow attraction. 

I'm sure Molly has some dream man in her mind, but does she understand that not only do women rarely get their dream man but many times their dream man is not what they need. I had always dated the Alex P Keaton suit wearing types. When I met my husband for the first time he had just finished fixing his brother's car and was a muscular tee shirt wearing guy. He only owned one suit , his church/funeral suit that he bought at a thrift store. After a few months he cooked for me, cleaned my house, and after I got very sick, he took such good care of me, I didn't bother me that he lived in jeans and tee shirts. 17 years later he still has 1 suit. He is not the physical type I ever thought I would end up with but he was the right one. I guess only time will tell if Molly's issues were really just a physical attraction.  I guess the only way we will know since no one is pressing her to answer, is to see who she dates next or if Jon has hidden issues we did not see on the show. 

What a lovely story.  ?

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To say I'm disappointed that Jackie is such a doormat for Ryan is an understatement.  Hopefully, she won't spend years of her life with his ego and his alcoholism.   She'll never be able to out talk that motor mouth.  He'll always monopolize any conversation they have and her opinion will be overshadowed by his ugly sense of entitlement.  That, and he thinks he's so dang smart when he's anything but. 

I think Molly was upset with Jon almost from day one, because she said he acted like a juvenile and it was difficult for her when he behaved like a 12 year old the very first week they were interviewed together.  

Although I don't care for Molly, I can relate to her lack of feeling any kind of chemistry.  It's either there or it isn't.  It's no fun being with someone who's constantly putting their hands on you when you aren't feeling even remotely romantic inclined.  Nothing you can do about it, because it is what it is.   However, her lies overshadowed her lack of responsiveness in the long run.  No sympathy or time for a liar from me. 

I can also understand Jon's frustration and his wondering why she could have sex with some stranger she picked out in a bar for a threesome.  I can't even imagine such a thing, but then to not even give him the courtesy of a kind word??  Her reaction was more than a little over the top.  Obviously, you don't tell MsMolly anything she doesn't want to hear.  You will be vilified and subsequently dismissed.   She is NOT a nice person and Jon dodged one hell of a bullet without even having to try.  Hopefully he'll see that someday, if he hasn't already. 

Shawniece and Jephte just might make it if he can learn to not be so rigid and show a little more empathy toward her.   He's pretty cold sometimes.  I still worry about his temper.  Sometimes the quiet ones can become brutal in a fit of rage.  

Hopefully, Shawniece will be able to settle down and relax her death grip a little.  Maybe give themselves some breathing room! 

Edited by Claire Voyant
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21 hours ago, humbleopinion said:

Jamie can put her mauve round table cloth back on the table in her foyer....

Next year she will wear the baby's crib bunting like a mink stole...

Next year? Oh Dog, please no! I didn't like her the first time, and don't know WHY they chose her to do this. 

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Last season the 'it' word was "chemistry"; this season it was "attraction".... both with a 'lack of' attached.

Surprised everyone in the decision room with Molly weren't wearing hats, overcoats & scarves; she was quite chilly to say the least.

"Actions speak louder than words" is such an ironic statement coming from Ryan; he most likely has no idea know what it actually means.

There's no way Jephte brought up the sex topic that came out of nowhere into weird awkwardness without some leading questions -that they didn't show us, of course.

Edited by gonecrackers
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9 hours ago, discoprincess said:

They admitted that they kept fighting and fighting!  The way Jaclyn was talking during the finale, it sounded like all the conflict had just about worn her down. Apparently, Ryan tried to make up some kind of way, because Jackie chose to stick around. 

Did you watch the bonus footage of Ryan-isms at the end? 

"If I were an orange, I'd peel myself and spread my juices [blah bah blah]..."

He said some ridiculous and funny stuff. I don't know why they didn't incorporate this footage into the regular show.

I almost feel like Ryan deserves his own thread because he's definitely a character. I could see why the producers decided to cast him on the show. Too bad they saddled Jaclyn with him.

Thanks for the tip. I’ll go back and watch.

he makes no sense when he talks and he’s a bigger gas lighter than Molly ever was.

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9 hours ago, discoprincess said:

I almost feel like Ryan deserves his own thread because he's definitely a character. I could see why the producers decided to cast him on the show.

I'd much rather this special kind of stupidity & assholery not be encouraged.

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9 hours ago, discoprincess said:

Molly could have garnered more sympathy if she had said she was done after Jon brought up her previous threesome (especially if she had said something like, "In this #metoo era, that kind of talk is unacceptable"). The experts could have justifiably put Jon on the hot seat for that. Such a missed opportunity.

I don't get this angle.  Molly VOLUNTEERED the threesome tidbit.  She wanted the world to know how daring and funloving she was, and Jon was trying to resolve the total disconnect between that presentation and the cold fish he had ended up marrying.  Not an unacceptable point to make at all, IMO.

5 hours ago, aphroditewitch said:

He was obsessed with shaming her for it.

I disagree.  She was, for the millionth time, shutting him out.  In a moment of frustration, he said what he did because he was totally puzzled.  He was not obsessed- not sure where that came from.

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13 minutes ago, KateHearts said:

I don't get this angle.  Molly VOLUNTEERED the threesome tidbit.  She wanted the world to know how daring and funloving she was, and Jon was trying to resolve the total disconnect between that presentation and the cold fish he had ended up marrying.  Not an unacceptable point to make at all, IMO.

I disagree.  She was, for the millionth time, shutting him out.  In a moment of frustration, he said what he did because he was totally puzzled.  He was not obsessed- not sure where that came from.

So? Being frustrated doesn't excuse being a shaming jerk. Everyone gets frustrated with other people. how we respond to them is on us.  And he decided to be an entitled jerk about it. Just because someone once  engaged in daring behavior doesn't mean they want to do it with someone else. He reminded me of Cody from last season, always complaining about not having sex and never reflecting on why that behavior would be a turn off. 

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The doctors asked Jackie a question and Ryan jumped in and cut her off and continued to talk and she just sat there looking so sad. I thought, "this is for sure the moment she decides to end it"... and it wasn't the moment. I wonder if they would have asked her first, if she would have said no.

During the Jon and Molly segment, Jon said something that bothered Molly and Molly said, "do you see what I had to deal with? Do you see it now?" I looked around my livingroom. The doctors looked around the room. Jon looked around the room. No one said anything because it just wasn't there, Molly. 

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