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S14.E19: Beautiful Dreamer

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Yeah, the Bello stuff does suck for her. I've never like the character in the time that I've seen her, but the Dreamer stuff with her is really frustrating. I wouldn't doubt for a second that she was going to get deported, so I don't blame her for panicking. I also know this is a way to get the actress off the show for now, but not permanently if the actress' new pilot doesn't get picked up. I'd be interested to see, if Bello does end up staying in Switzerland, if DeLuca might eventually go to be with her. Also, yes to Cristina being mentioned. Of course I agree with everyone questioning the details (how would Bello have a passport that's still valid if she's a Dreamer? Bello would also need to obtain a Visa before going to Zurich, unless Cristina is finding people at the American Embassy there to take care of it).

Finally! Owen moves along in his wanting a kid story. I think the fostering to adopt story could finally put the end to his miserable relationships stories that keep popping up. It only took a bazillion seasons. Hell, before I stopped watching in season 9, I was rooting for Owen to stop his thing with Cristina and just go get a kid if he really wanted one. I could actually be interested in his story now, depending on what kind of kid he ends up fostering. Will it be a younger child, or will we see him struggle to take care of a teenager? I always like fostering stories because it's a rarity to explore. 

Maggie and Jackson....eh, the show is still trying desperately. Maybe they need to stop playing that upbeat, comical music whenever Jackson/Maggie are getting on an elevator together. I'm just not buying it still. It's actually exhausting to keep watching their relationship being put into almost every single episode. It feels like the show knows that they're trying to gain viewers there so they think if they keep throwing it into episodes, that people will root for them. I applaud the ones who do like the pairing, I really do. I just can't muster any feelings toward them. Hell, it's not that I outright hate the couple. I just feel nothing besides maybe annoyance. 

My only experiences with Catherine are mostly from this season (I didn't really watch any of the previous seasons with her in it), but her blaming Jackson for ruining them is pathetic. Woman, you're old enough to know that your mistakes are your own. How pathetic that she has to blame her clueless son on a situation that was clearly on her and Harper Avery. 

I've also missed much of Alex/Jo's relationship throughout their seasons, besides the most major moments, but I like them together. 

  • Love 3

I still don't understand what purpose Kimmie's arc served for Alex? I was hoping we will get an anvil where Alex will mention why he was so concerned about this particular patient but of course we didn't got any.

I liked that Arizona's solution to curb Maternal mortality got some semblance to reality - hemorrhage cart are different from general crash carts and have been proved to be life savers. Greys medical Twitter handle even tweeted from where they got the reference from. I'm just glad that this storyline was addressed because US definitely have a high numbers of mother's dying from post-partum hemorrhage.

Will they go ahead with Mathew and April though? I'm sceptical. And seeing in how much pain that poor guy is, April should not start something she is not invested in.

Carina mentioning that she's glad that she doesn't have kid should have been enough for Arizona to take a step back and revaluate their fling. I guess there's more of that coming - I'm just not sure if want to see the rest of Arizona's sl to be wasted on wrapping up a fling though.

Jo made me laugh, I didn't even knew dreamer interns name till this episode for me to be worried with her leaving. Glad they didn't killed her off though. Her send off to Zurich makes me wonder what Shane is up to there lol.

Maybe if they want to push Jackson and Maggie on us, they should probably refrain form them mentioning Richard and Catherine as 'our parents'....

Harper Avery obviously did something bad, that's pro why next episodes name is bad reputation.

Side note - when you show two of Meredith's kid, how about you mention where the third one is. specifically when the third one is the adopted one.

Edited by beautifulGA
  • Love 3
10 hours ago, SnoGirl said:

Man, I did have some tears tonight. Kinnie’s story, Sam’s story, they got me. I hope they reached others too.

This was a very sad episode.  I was fine until the end when Richard's friend died and he sobbed across the bed then I lost it a little.  Poor Richard, he has had a tough go of it.  

I understand why she did it, but Kimmie leaving without saying goodbye to Alex really bummed me out.  I wonder if she'll be back?  I would hope that whatever happened with Harper Avery it doesn't prevent them from trying to help a dying kid if they can.

I really liked Jo tonight.  I wish that this was how they wrote her ridiculous backstory from the beginning.  She was funny when she was recounting her get away plan, complete with corpses from the morgue and a shady guy named Mikey, but then when she told Alex that she would like to take his name because she had never shared a last name with someone who loved her, it was a bit of a gut punch and grounded the earlier scene and it was such a simple line.  Much, much better than the living in the car refrain or feeling sorry for herself.



But then as soon as I saw how shifty Catherine got when Jackson asked her about it, I knew that she was lying about that alleged research dispute and that she was hiding something far shadier. Will it be something as mundane as an illegitimate Avery who will now lay claim to everything in the Harper Avery universe, thus rendering Jackon, Catherine, and the hospital penniless (or at this other person's control)?


  Oh my god, now I can settle for nothing less than this!  Just picture the looks on Catherine and Jackson's face if a rival hottie shows up, whips off his shirt revealing even more spectacular abs than Jackson and takes the Averys for everything they are worth.  And then they have to move into Meredith's attic!  Hahahahahaha - please show give me this!

  • Love 9

You know, just for a second, I thought maybe the Jaggie moment had passed. Man, I was wrong.

I'm now interested in what that other doctor's deal with the Harper Avery Foundation is. I wouldn't place all the blame on Catherine, though. Obviously she should have told Jackson the truth or at the very least lead him in on the case a bit more so he'd realize it's something very serious instead of some petty dispute. Still, how irresponsible it was of him to just waive contract terms without even knowing what the contract was actually about? And even if it had been just a frivolous lawsuit of some kind, it wasn't just up to him to make a decision like that. That said, I find it believable that someone like him who's used to solving problems by throwing money at people would do something like that.

Not believable? That a national of El Salvador would just up and move to Switzerland on a scholarship literally overnight. Sure, Cristina went along with it, but unless Meredith also managed to forge TONS of necessary paperwork and possibly even a valid passport along with it, it's just not going to happen. It does suck for Dr Bello a lot, and it's a situation that absolutely no one should find themselves in, but I can't say I'm going to miss her.

So, April never went anywhere near the baby nor did she see any test results or anything, but she was still able to come up with a miraculous solution because "she had a feeling"? Give me a break. I know they needed her and Matthew to make amends, but come on.

Edited by Joana
  • Love 3
2 hours ago, Deanie87 said:


I understand why she did it, but Kimmie leaving without saying goodbye to Alex really bummed me out.  I wonder if she'll be back?  I would hope that whatever happened with Harper Avery it doesn't prevent them from trying to help a dying kid if they can.

My guess is that they knew Alex would try to talk them out of leaving and they’re just emotionally drained and want Kimmie to live out her final weeks/months doing something she enjoys instead of being in a hospital. 

  • Love 11
13 hours ago, LexieLily said:

I also had those types of thoughts or that Harper Avery had a child/grandchild out there somewhere that isn't known to Jackson and/or Catherine.

If that's the case, it's pretty much guaranteed that child/grandchild will be working at Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital, or sleeping with someone who does.   ;-)

  • Love 12
3 minutes ago, walnutqueen said:

If that's the case, it's pretty much guaranteed that child/grandchild will be working at Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital, or sleeping with someone who does.   ;-)

Ha! If it is a girl they can show up and fall into a whirlwind affair with Jackson. It's a win-win because it gives Grey's that soapy drama it seems to want all the time and Jackson/Maggie will look "better" by comparison in the end because they aren't actually biologically related. 

  • Love 4

Unbelievably stupid question here so PLEASE forgive me (brain damage memory issues) ... re: Matthew Taylor's baby. Did his wife and baby both die in that big screw-up and he adopted another baby? Is he a foster dad (which inspired Owen to do same)? Or is Ruby actually his baby who survived when his wife died? Because ... well ... thinking she is adorable but doesn't really look like him or his wife. 

I'll actually miss Bello. I'm in the small minority I guess that has really been a fan of Jeannine (Mason Jeanine?) since her season on SYTYCD. 

  • Love 2
14 hours ago, UNOSEZ said:

Maggie has a problem with lies of omission.. Like Richard hanging out with her for weeks and not mentioning he was her dad.. Or Meredith and the whole Nathan fiasco..  Or her mom and the cancer... So when ppl important to her hold things back... Especially when its the to "protect" her she gets like she got... I get it.. Tho I'm glad Jackson shot back that. In this case that's not exactly what was happening even tho it kinda was.. 

I had no issue with her reason either. I dipped out on S13 partially cause I got tired of Meredith and Nathan lying to Maggie constantly then laughing about it. I actually liked that Jackson and Maggie fought about it in the end, no one was shrill, and they worked it out. That's progress. I'm not a shipper but I've no problem with Maggie's less than an ep silent treatment. Other characters on this show have behaved worse over less. Maggie's behavior wasn't the worst I've seen when Grey's pulls out the 'misunderstanding' trope and at least Jackson did know why she was upset. Wasn't like he was totally clueless. 

I enjoyed the ep overall and was glad Kimmie left. I get Alex is desperate to save her but his not taking her feelings into account cause he was placing his desires over her's was starting to make me side-eye hard. I like Matthew. I still hurt for him for how Jackson and April humiliated him. 

  • Love 9
13 hours ago, cycworker said:

Forgive me... confused Canadian chiming in... 

I thought the point of DACA, when Obama introduced it/made it law was that these kids & their families were legally in the country. Given that, wouldn't they have been able to get legal passports at the time? Trump didn't DACA that long ago. 

Mind you, I also thought that the courts had postponed the ending of DACA due to a legal challenge of some sort. 

Don't worry, I'm unclear on all the ins and outs of DACA myself. I thought the emphasis was on making sure they couldn't be deported too easily,

but that might also include giving them the ability to leave and reenter the country as well (with US passports). 

I really enjoyed this episode. I called Kimmie dying months ago, but I was in a much darker, snarkier, bitter frame of mind. Last night, I just scoffed and rolled my eyes. Can I just get OT for a sec? I mean, my young family member put up with rounds of chemo (and why wasn't Kimmie getting Chemo anyways?) and weeks' worth of hospital stay over the past five months. She's only one (two tomorrow) and she put up with it a hell lot better. We actually have a little game going on with her to make it more bearable, and use every moment as a teaching experience. Of course, she's one and Kimmie's like 15.

But whatever, I am glad that storyline is done with now; even if IMO it wasn't treated realistically based on my recent experience. Others may disagree, and feel free to. I don't want to cause an upset or offend anyone.

Back to the episode: it was nice to see a couple Jolex moments for once that were not dramatic. I shipped them hard back in season 9 and 10, but the writers really screwed them up in seasons 11-13, which made me step back from supporting the relationship as much. But now, with Jo's husband dead and she is free to do whatever she wants, I am glad they're moving forward in their relationship. About damn time!

i almost totally forgot about Jaggie and that kiss came out of the blue. I barely had time to squeeze my eyes shut before that image was seared into my brain. It was kind of funny (in a weird, twisted way) how the next scene was Catherine telling Richard "Jackson ruined us." Wait, what us? Is this Catherine and Richard? Well, honey, you were the one that said you were okay with Jackson and Maggie. Oh, wait, are you referring to Harper Avery? Don't see how that is an us, but I will go along with that idea. You should have told Jackson upfront in the first place why he should have left the case and that woman in Chicago alone. My prediction, like others have said, is that it's a sexual assault case. However, this would have had to happen years ago, not recently.

Ruby definitely looks like a Japril baby, or at least she looked like Harriet around the same age. So I am with Pamela in that Ruby did not look like either one of her parents. I am a bit frustrated that Matthew didn't lash out at April for all the thing she have (or may not have) done over the years, with ditching him at the altar and then not taking better care of his wife, even though she wasn't April's responsibility. He's probably the guy that believes God has a plan, which is why he was kind enough to skootch over for April at the chapel. That was a rather nice moment. Will they end up together? It'd be interesting.

I actually liked Andrew/Sam for once in this episode. But it really sucks that the writers presented them as being likeable and functional on the episode Sam leaves. It's kind of lame, and didn't they say in previous episodes they were bad for one another? What suddenly changed? Anvil much?

Someone said Meredith seems to be in the background a bit, and I agree. But I think as someone else said, Ellen is focusing on working behind the scenes. I am not sure if she is involved with any of the other shows, but I think she might have a recurring role on Station 19.

Speaking of Station 19, wrong forum on PTV here, but what's going on with Ben and Bailey? I don't watch so I have to ask.

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, TVForever said:

Don't worry, I'm unclear on all the ins and outs of DACA myself. I thought the emphasis was on making sure they couldn't be deported too easily,

but that might also include giving them the ability to leave and reenter the country as well (with US passports). 

You have to be a citizen to apply for a US passport. Dreamers are not citizens. If you're a legal resident and you don't have a passport of any kind, you can apply for a Re-entry Permit which can kind of serve as a passport document, provided you have the necessary visas to travel wherever you're going.

17 hours ago, TigerLynx said:

I'm very bad.  When Meredith and Bailey asked which one, I was, "All of them.  Deport all of them off the show."


I'm horrible because my first thought when they brought up the DACA thing was Yes, here's a way to get this annoying character off the show! I was actually worried they'd come up with a way to resolve the issue and she'd stay. I still can't keep up with her name and glad I no longer have to try.

7 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

Maggie and Jackson....eh, the show is still trying desperately. Maybe they need to stop playing that upbeat, comical music whenever Jackson/Maggie are getting on an elevator together. I'm just not buying it still.

this 100 times. I hate when that music starts up--cue silly story line. I'm supposed to be amused. I wish they'd write better storylines instead.

  • Love 7

I found this episode to involve a lot of time with couples who lack chemistry or who are least boring to me:

1. Arizona and Deluca's sister--I get nothing from this relationship, so blah on their moment in the closet.

2. Deluca and DREAMER intern whose name I can't remember---I have felt nothing real from them at all, so I can't get moved by their storyline. It's sad, but due to acting/writing, I'm not invested/ I don't feel like I'm watching some close couple be cruelly ripped apart. I'm just glad they found a new way to get rid of a character.

3. Alex and Jo---I know most people like them but I've never gotten any kind of moving vibe from them. Their scenes were flat to me. Just walk up to somebody and blurt out something about kids. Felt cold and forced to me but I'm a long time "don't get Alex and Jo" person

4. Jackson and Maggie--I still don't get them as a couple. When ever they have their big scenes I just find myself thinking how I wish I did like them--if I did, these scenes would be great, the big pay off moments I wait for. With them I debate fast forwarding.

  • Love 18
4 hours ago, kinnej5 said:

Speaking of Station 19, wrong forum on PTV here, but what's going on with Ben and Bailey? I don't watch so I have to ask.

She was trying to be more open to learning about his new job and he's hiding details of her job from her (to protect her?). Most people are speculating they are going to have him hook up with a female character, but that's just speculation.

4 hours ago, bluebox said:

You have to be a citizen to apply for a US passport. Dreamers are not citizens. If you're a legal resident and you don't have a passport of any kind, you can apply for a Re-entry Permit which can kind of serve as a passport document, provided you have the necessary visas to travel wherever you're going.

But a re-entry permit would be about getting back in the US, right? Bello has no plans to do that. If she's planning on living in Switzerland permanently she probably needs some kind of visa or something from Switzerland? Having a job will help, but isn't the only requirement.

6 hours ago, kinnej5 said:

Ruby definitely looks like a Japril baby, or at least she looked like Harriet around the same age. So I am with Pamela in that Ruby did not look like either one of her parents.

I was positive that Ruby is African-American. That is what confused me ... I remember the mom dying in childbirth and couldn't remember if the baby had died as well ... since I do have memory lapses (medical issues) I thought maybe there was an accompanying storyline where Matthew adopted an orphaned baby or fostered a child to fill the emptiness and share his love. 

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, KaveDweller said:

She was trying to be more open to learning about his new job and he's hiding details of her job from her (to protect her?). Most people are speculating they are going to have him hook up with a female character, but that's just speculation.

6 hours ago, bluebox said:

I THINK it's because she is really worried about his being in danger (hello, firefighter) and after the day he'd had (won't go into details because spoilers even for another show) he didn't want to worry her more by telling her what actually happened. I really hope they don't "go there" with the other female firefighter. I've been a huge Bailey and Ben fan from the get-go (Bailey and the Chief are my favorite characters) and the passion still seems to be there and I would hate to see that happen to her. But it's Grey's (and/or a closely-enough related show) that I suspect it might ... boo.

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, KaveDweller said:


But a re-entry permit would be about getting back in the US, right? Bello has no plans to do that. If she's planning on living in Switzerland permanently she probably needs some kind of visa or something from Switzerland? Having a job will help, but isn't the only requirement.

No, like I said, if you don't have a passport of any kind, a re-entry permit can serve as a substitute for a passport document (and you have visas in it for the countries you're visiting). 


Source: I came to the US as a refugee and became a permanent resident but had no passport from my home country because it no longer existed. I traveled to Europe on a high school trip and since I had no passport and wasn't a citizen, I used a re-entry permit in this manner.

  • Love 1
On ‎4‎/‎12‎/‎2018 at 8:50 PM, LexieLily said:

Jackson and Maggie's "fight" made no sense, nor why Maggie behaved like a toddler and gave him the silent treatment. April was clearly going through tough times, Maggie herself acknowledged that last week (right?) and she is mad that Jackson didn't tell her how April tried to kiss him in a supply closet and he pushed her away? Why would he have been obligated to tell her that?

Right there with you.  I was SO waiting for Jackson's answer to be:  "Uh, because it didn't have anything to do with you and wasn't really any of your business."  Why would anyone put up with the extreme degree of nonsense Maggie dishes out?


I've very intrigued by the "We Are Ruined" storyline.  Sounds promising.

  • Love 11

I found the resolution to intern's problem (whose name I still can't remember) hilarious.  I guess maybe Cristina Yang was able to pull some strings because most other countries immigration laws are even more strenuous than the USA's.

I can't decide if Owen's choosing to foster/adopt is a sign he's finally doing something about having a child he desperately wants, or if it means just when Owen is approved to have a foster child, Amelia and/or Teddy or God helps us both, will tell Owen they are pregnant.  Thereby beginning yet another boring pointless triangle on the show.

  • Love 9
8 hours ago, TigerLynx said:

I found the resolution to intern's problem (whose name I still can't remember) hilarious.  I guess maybe Cristina Yang was able to pull some strings because most other countries immigration laws are even more strenuous than the USA's.

I can't decide if Owen's choosing to foster/adopt is a sign he's finally doing something about having a child he desperately wants, or if it means just when Owen is approved to have a foster child, Amelia and/or Teddy or God helps us both, will tell Owen they are pregnant.  Thereby beginning yet another boring pointless triangle on the show.

If they do, they are pulling a Brothers & Sisters, where the gay brother and his partner had adopted a pre-teen girl who really needed a family. Only to discover that the woman who was suppose to be a surrogate lied she had a miscarriage and took off with the baby. Which made no logical sense at all since the doctor would have had to confirm she miscarried since she was taking fertility treatments. But that was another show 6 years ago, but you get my point as you pointed out. All of a sudden Owen is going to be "super sperm" and get no one, but two women pregnant out of nowhere. After he tried with Amelia until her tumor said: "No, you have brainless babies and you don't want children after you told him several times you DID want babies." I have yet to ever see anyone on this show using birth control. They tend to just whip  it out and go and outside of Meredith, Christina and Callie. No one gets knocked up. Yet everyone can sleep or have an affair and the only people who ever got an STD was Alex and George. 

  • Love 7

yeah, I call shenanigans on the red light photo cam being the basis for a DACA investigation.  Cameras tag the plate, not the person driving.  It's why you don't get points on your license, since technically they can't prove it was you driving.  So technically, the only proof they have is that the car ran a red light, not her.  It could have been anyone.  I can't see ICE sending out people on the basis of red light camera photos.  I've read that they will do it for actual arrests or citations if you don't pay them promptly, but a red light camera is different.

Edited by Janie430
  • Love 2
On 4/12/2018 at 11:28 PM, statsgirl said:

My favourite line was Kimmie saying "Chemo doesn't keep me from dying, it makes me want to die."  Yeah, I know that feeling.

The ending of Arizona's big project was just as lame as her original proposal.  Having a crash cart isn't going to help the women who can't get to a hospital, who don't have adequate prenatal care, who are older and less fit ....

Yes. It was after that that he told Bailey the crime Bello was being deported for, running a red light.

That was then. This year they're going after everyone they can.  Parents dropping their kids off at school, even a woman who went to court to testify against an abusive husband had ICE agents waiting at the courthouse to deport her. Studies have found that Dreamers are afraid to report crimes against them in case they get deported.

I don't think it was sealed, it was just a non-disclosure so the researcher couldn't talk to anyone from an Avery Foundation hospital.

How did Jackson get to be such a nice guy?  Both his parents and his paternal grandfather are the pits.  Obvious that Catherine was lying to him and she knew much more about the non-disclosure than she admitted to him.  Poor Jackson, he's the one who should be moving to Switzerland so that he can get out from under his mother's thumb.  (Nice to see Jessica Steen pop up as the other researcher.  Hope this isn't the end of her appearances.)

Here is the problem I have with DACA and all illegals.  Why don't they apply for citizenship?  Problem solved.  Millions of others before them became legal citizens - why can't they?

Edited by TGinKY
34 minutes ago, TGinKY said:

Here is the problem I have with DACA and all illegals.  Why don't they apply for citizenship?  Problem solved.  Millions of others before them became legal citizens - why can't they?

Can open, worms everywhere.

Katherine not telling Jackson the truth is just another dumb plot point in order to have chaos take over, and have all sorts of stupid things happen.

  • Love 9
11 hours ago, TigerLynx said:

I can't decide if Owen's choosing to foster/adopt is a sign he's finally doing something about having a child he desperately wants, or if it means just when Owen is approved to have a foster child, Amelia and/or Teddy or God helps us both, will tell Owen they are pregnant.  Thereby beginning yet another boring pointless triangle on the show.

Wasn't it last week's episode when Amelia threw up?  I wouldn't be surprised if she's pregnant.

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, TGinKY said:

Here is the problem I have with DACA and all illegals.  Why don't they apply for citizenship?  Problem solved.  Millions of others before them became legal citizens - why can't they?


DACA currently does not have a pathway to citizenship.

You have to have permanent residency to apply to be a citizen. Dreamers are only afforded temporary residency status and so typically* cannot apply for the green card that allows one to later apply for citizenship. Those "millions of others" who became legal citizens probably entered the U.S. legally to begin with, were lawful residents and so were allowed to go through the proper channels for citizenship. Dreamers did not arrive legally, are technically not lawful residents (DACA is basically a "You're illegal but it wasn't your idea so we'll look the other way for a while" mulligan) and so those channels don't apply to them.

*I'm reading, however, that some 40,000 DACA recipients were able to apply for green cards and thus become permanent residents by getting permission to travel abroad for educational and employment reasons and be allowed re-enter the U.S. legally afterward. (As most know, if someone is in the U.S. illegally then if they leave they would have to first go back to their home country and try to return to the U.S. from there. Most can't get back in, hence the fear of ever setting foot out of the U.S. at all.) And since they entered the U.S. "legally" this time, they could apply for permanent residency. Perhaps, if Meredith's forged paperwork were really good, Bello could eventually come back to Seattle this way? Eh, I've given up pretending this show makes sense. Anyway, this is obviously not a viable option for a majority of Dreamers, if they don't have any such educational or employment matter to travel for, if they can't afford the means to travel, if they have ties now in the U.S. they can't step away from, etc., and even if the opportunity were there and nothing else were stopping them from going, the fear of not being able to come back would.

Edited by Chicken Wing
  • Love 22
12 hours ago, candall said:

Right there with you.  I was SO waiting for Jackson's answer to be:  "Uh, because it didn't have anything to do with you and wasn't really any of your business."  Why would anyone put up with the extreme degree of nonsense Maggie dishes out?

The main reason I'd see where Maggie was coming from on this was the way April phrased it ... "I jumped his bones." I would probably take that to mean more than "I tried to kiss him and he resisted" ... I think of "jumping one's bones" as it going a lot farther than that but obviously YMMV. 

  • Love 7

One of the stipulations for DACA is you can't have been convicted of any felonies, serious misdemeanors or more than three minor misdemeanors, or pose a threat to national security or public safety. Even if your papers are in order, if you have broken the law on one of these levels your status can be rescinded and ICE can detain you. Bello apparently just ran a red light. That's just a traffic violation and that does not count as a misdemeanor, because it isn't one. It actually makes no sense that ICE would go after her for that, even in today's "low hanging fruit" environment. Traffic tickets do not violate the DACA rules.

Edited by Chicken Wing
  • Love 16
1 hour ago, Chicken Wing said:

One of the stipulations for DACA is you can't have been convicted of any felonies, serious misdemeanors or more than three minor misdemeanors, or pose a threat to national security or public safety. Even if your papers are in order, if you have broken the law on one of these levels your status can be rescinded and ICE can detain you. Bello apparently just ran a red light. That's just a traffic violation and that does not count as a misdemeanor, because it isn't one. It actually makes no sense that ICE would go after her for that, even in today's "low hanging fruit" environment. Traffic tickets do not violate the DACA rules.

I was wondering about that. Her being in danger of being deported to the point where Meredith falsified records for her to get her to Switzerland seemed too much for the crime they said she committed. I was waiting for something more to come out like when she ran the red light she caused an accident and killed someone, or hurt someone but didn't know it and kept driving. Even if it was an outstanding ticket, surely there are more important people for ICE to worry about?

On 4/13/2018 at 12:02 PM, Stacey1014 said:

My guess is that they knew Alex would try to talk them out of leaving and they’re just emotionally drained and want Kimmie to live out her final weeks/months doing something she enjoys instead of being in a hospital. 

Oh I totally understand why they did it and I don’t blame them, I just felt bad for Alex and the situation in general. I’m hoping they can figure something out to help her and maybe she can return.

On 13-4-2018 at 3:31 AM, KaveDweller said:

My assumption was she can reveal something very damaging about The Foundation

I'm also guessing that Catherine had lied to Jackson about who she was. She said the woman lost a lawsuit and as a result had to sign some agreement. I think if she had told Jackson the truth he wouldn't have gotten the lawyer to do what he did. Although I'm sure she doesn't want Jackson to know the damaging news.

I'm surprised a lawyer would waive something like that without more information.


On 13-4-2018 at 4:14 AM, BaseOps said:

 I'm guessing Harper Avery was a perv and had women sign NDAs after payouts. 



On 13-4-2018 at 4:33 AM, LexieLily said:

I also had those types of thoughts or that Harper Avery had a child/grandchild out there somewhere that isn't known to Jackson and/or Catherine.


On 13-4-2018 at 8:04 AM, NUguy514 said:

Oh, and Catherine, hon?  Let's be very, very clear: Jackson did not ruin you and everyone else.  You ruined you and everyone else by obviously not telling him the whole truth.  I realize that you think you are never to blame for anything, you megalomaniacal asshole, but you, in fact, have no one to blame but yourself in this instance.  So please:



On 13-4-2018 at 2:38 PM, marceline said:

It's pretty clear to me that this Harper Avery thing is going to be Grey's #MeToo story. We're going to find out that Avery was a serial sexual harasser and that Katherine enabled him or at the very least turned a blind eye to it.


Maybe they're going full-on soap opera and it'll turn out that Jackson is actually Katherine's and Harper's son and Jackson's father (do we know his name?) is not actually his biological father and when he found out he left and didn't want to remain in touch. Katherine may have willingly slept with Harper (or an actual affair) but if they want a #metoo storyline she could have just been a victim and that's why her relationships with both Avery men was always a bit off. And this other doctor who signed the NDA somehow found out.


15 hours ago, TigerLynx said:


I can't decide if Owen's choosing to foster/adopt is a sign he's finally doing something about having a child he desperately wants, or if it means just when Owen is approved to have a foster child, Amelia and/or Teddy or God helps us both, will tell Owen they are pregnant.  Thereby beginning yet another boring pointless triangle on the show.

Don't forget Carina! He also slept with her.


I hope there's going to be a serious investigation to determine whether Owen is a suitable foster parent and he'll get turned down because aside from his working hours, that man is such a (psychological) mess with his PTSD, messy relationships and anger issues. Don't tell me that's in the past, wasn't it only the previous episode that he attacked that oncologist? Sure, he didn't physically assault him other than putting (strapping?) him into the chair but he wanted to and the way he reacted was just weird; no normal person would do that, they'd just call the police and let them handle it.

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I think it will go like this: Owen adopts - yes, IRL it takes ages, but it's TV, so he'll get it done in a few episodes' time. And he's very happy. His life is now complete. Just as the boy (I'm guessing it's a boy) moves in, someone knocks at the door. It's Teddy! And she's got some big news. She's pregnant from their one time romp. Meanwhile, Amelia is shown in her bathroom vomiting. Dun dun dun! End credits. Cliffhanger for the next season! 

Edited by Joana
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49 minutes ago, Joana said:

I think it will go like this: Owen adopts - yes, IRL it takes ages, but it's TV, so he'll get it done in a few episodes' time. And he's very happy. His life is now complete. Just as the boy (I'm guessing it's a boy) moves in, someone knocks at the door. It's Teddy! And she's got some big news. She's pregnant from their one time romp. Meanwhile, Amelia is shown in her bathroom vomiting. Dun dun dun! End credits. Cliffhanger for the next season! 

No, holding a pregnancy test that is positive, Dun dun dun!!!!!

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19 hours ago, candall said:
On 4/12/2018 at 9:50 PM, LexieLily said:

Jackson and Maggie's "fight" made no sense, nor why Maggie behaved like a toddler and gave him the silent treatment. April was clearly going through tough times, Maggie herself acknowledged that last week (right?) and she is mad that Jackson didn't tell her how April tried to kiss him in a supply closet and he pushed her away? Why would he have been obligated to tell her that?

Right there with you.  I was SO waiting for Jackson's answer to be:  "Uh, because it didn't have anything to do with you and wasn't really any of your business."  Why would anyone put up with the extreme degree of nonsense Maggie dishes out?

It's Maggie's business because they're dating. If I were dating someone and his ex-wife told me that she "jumped him in the supply closet" I'd ask right away wtf happened. I wouldn't give a damn about anyone's tough time. No one wants to be taken for a fool. She went left with the silent treatment, but I was glad it didn't drag out longer than an episode. 

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, Sheenieb said:

It's Maggie's business because they're dating. If I were dating someone and his ex-wife told me that she "jumped him in the supply closet" I'd ask right away wtf happened. I wouldn't give a damn about anyone's tough time. No one wants to be taken for a fool. She went left with the silent treatment, but I was glad it didn't drag out longer than an episode. 

Related, she's fresh off of finding out she was in a relationship with a married man. So, yep, I can see a bad reaction here, even without the cumulative effect on her of all of the other lies of omission that have been visited upon her that someone listed upthread somewhere.  

Edited by pennben
  • Love 10

I would think anyone who knows anything about Jackson and April's history would be reluctant to get involved with them.  April was going to marry Matt, Jackson goes to the wedding with Stephanie (his girlfriend at the time), and then in the middle of the ceremony Jackson declares his love for April, and they run off together.  However, Maggie giving Jackson the silent treatment was immature.  Call him on his crap, break up with him, talk it out, fight, whatever.  Do something to actually deal with the problem.

One thing I ended up disliking about almost all of the couples on this show is they would constantly do the on again off again thing, only wanted each other when they were with someone else, or would do the "You should know what I want, how I feel without me having to tell you" crap.

  • Love 9
12 hours ago, TigerLynx said:

I would think anyone who knows anything about Jackson and April's history would be reluctant to get involved with them.

That's the crux of the matter.  Maggie should have known better than to get into a relationship with someone not that long out of a relationship with his ex.  I don't know how long he and April have been apart in Grey's Anatomy time, but it's not like it's been years.  Plus, he and April share a child together and so there will always be that bond.  Add to that mess the fact that they all work together in the same place so yeah, Maggie should have known better.  I still think that April dropped that "jumped his bones" nugget on Maggie for a reason.   It didn't just come out of nowhere and maybe she sensed that Jackson and Maggie were going to get together.   

Edited by Ohwell
Grey's Anatomy, not Scandal
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When the show was starting it up, I thought that Jackson/Maggie might be a cute thing. But now that they're actually showing it, I've seen relationships on cartoons shows that were more adult and had more chemistry.

Bello doesn't need a visa to get into Switzerland as long as she's going for 90 days or less. Presumably she can leave the country sometime during that period and re-enter with a visa.

11 hours ago, DEL901 said:

LOL'd at the suggestion they run off to Canada.  That would make her/them illegal in Canada. 

It's true that Bello would be an asylum seeker in Canada.  But there are a lot of them trying to get into Canada in the last 18 months.  After the cancellation of the program for Haitian, so many went to Canada that Montreal had to open up the Olympic stadium for a tent city because there were too many for the regular shelters to hold.

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Hi, I'm new here.

Maggie/Jackson. Can they end? It's just weird and creepy seeing them as a couple. Not because they are step-siblings, but because they've had a brother/sister vibe between them since she first showed up.

Bello. I liked her but didn't have a big opinion on her yet as I tend not to get attached to any of the interns their first season because at least half fade away by the next one. I think the guy with the glasses and Hellmouth will be the only 2 sticking around for next season.  And someone above mentioned the cameras tagging the license plate only and not the driver. That's probably just in states where only the back of the car is required to have a license plate. Here in California, we have front and back license plates and if you run a red, the camera gets the front of the car with the plate and driver. Washington state is the same way, license plate on the front and back of the car. As far as her getting into Switzerland without a passport, either they faked one for her (Meredith gave her a bunch of papers and who knows what was included), Catherine Avery has a jet she let Bello use, or they just omitted that part as being something needed since they will probably never touch on the subject again.

The Karev's. They are just the cutest thing ever and in my head, I can hear Alex saying not to say that kind of thing about him. 

Jackson/Catherine/Harper Avery scandal. Hello cliffhanger of the season. Though as long as someone doesn't end up dead, on fire, their hand in a body on a bomb, in a coma, etc I'll be ok with whatever it is.

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