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The People's Court - General Discussion

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Did anybody else think there was something weird about the computer guy's eyes?  He had tiny irises and I don't think he ever blinked.

His eyes were weirding me out.  The really light colour made him look like an alien.  The plaintiff didn't really have a case, but she was so cute and determined that I wanted her to get something.  


Hey. Alien Tech Dude, here's a thought- if you don't have the patience for older clients, don't keep taking their damn money!

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Did anybody else think there was something weird about the computer guy's eyes?  He had tiny irises and I don't think he ever blinked.

I thought he had Vladamir Putin's eyes and complexion. He needed to kindly refer that sweet, scrappy computer user on to someone who can really help her. How hard would that be?


Today's auction case was just sad- did he look at that jewlery up close before bidding? No way were those diamonds in that snake bracelet and we barely got a glance at them on screen. I'm hoping the bidder does a little more research and isn't so naive in the future. And autioneer guy thought he was still so smooth and the JM was swooning over his crazy snake bracelet. No accounting for taste, was her reply, but a little more nicely put.

What is it with people who buy used cars cars and are shocked and angry when something is wrong with them? The plaintiffs in the car case were annoying and ungrateful. The dealer paid to have things fixed when he really didn't have to, then they ignored the law that actually protects them and still thought they could get their money back. And I totally believe that her son did exactly what the car dealer said he did to the car, especially after his remark about how a 14 year old, $2,000 car shouldn't have any problems.

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Today I watched the episode where an elderly lady allowed a woman to move into her one bedroom apartment in Harlem with her; but, eventually that all went south. I find it hilarious-and a bit questionable- the lady "Mama Ra" tape recirded the plaintiff cussing her out. MM went in hard because the plaintiff was dressed in her nice African garb all pious acting. It was priceless I tell ya when Judge asked her if she knew she had been taped! I howled.

She was a nut in sheep's clothing!!!

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She really put on a show for the Judge...I'm so glad we saw that tape and saw the real person.  Boy was MM pissed!


Well that magician in the first case was a little diva bitch wasn't he?  He should have kept his mouth shut because a lot of potential customers had to see the way he acted in court.  Not that the girls were right but he should have been above it all and at least paid them something for the first day's work.

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Today I watched the episode where an elderly lady allowed a woman to move into her one bedroom apartment in Harlem with her; but, eventually that all went south. I find it hilarious-and a bit questionable- the lady "Mama Ra" tape recirded the plaintiff cussing her out. MM went in hard because the plaintiff was dressed in her nice African garb all pious acting. It was priceless I tell ya when Judge asked her if she knew she had been taped! I howled.She was a nut in sheep's clothing!!!

I just finished watching this one. That was a well-deserved MM smack down. Seriously, Veronica Pearson comes in the courtroom all decked out in her African garb, referring to herself at one point as a university adviser or something (then later admitting she's actually unemployed). Unbeknownst to her, Mama Ra had the wherewithal to record her lying ass saying horrible, abusive, things when the plaintiff didn't think anyone would know. I love a gotcha moment. There was little the plaintiff could say after that.

Veronica put herself out there as a surrogate daughter to the Mama Ra, who she painted as having no one who cared about her, when she herself is nothing more than a common con artist. She thought she hit the mother lode with Mama Ra. Well, Mama Ra had something for her. She whipped out that iPhone and started recording the abuse. Maybe when she first met Mama Ra and, as she described, admired how self-sufficient she was, she should have realized Mama Ra was not a demented, lonely old woman she could prey upon.

MM asked Veronica if she was a believer and then pointed out that no higher power would approve of the way she spoke in that video. I'm not even religious, but I had to shout out an Amen!

ETA Mama Ra's grammar was absolutely impeccable, and you all know how much I love that. If she ever needs someone to defend her from another con artist, I'd happily offer my services, although she can clearly handle herself. And good for her neighbor, Sherry, who seems to be looking out for her without being too intrusive in her life.

Edited by teebax
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And did you guys notice Mamma Ra had the Actor James McDaniel by her side in the Hallterview? Looking just as fine as he wanted to be in his grey suit. I don't recall him being pointed out in the courtroom. Did I miss something? Was this his mother or any relation?

I was impressed with how she was able to pull out her phone and record on the sly. It takes me 30 minutes to even find the damn camera on my phone. Forget about setting it to video.

Edited by Brooklynista
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The magician case was really a surprise to me when MM totally went after the magician.  I thought he was more right than the defendants.  As to the pay issue, I could see his point about the contract being for 2 days-plus for an act like that he couldn't just find someone off of the street to fill in.  Also, when MM made him admit that the secret was that he had two identical assistants for his illusions and that it was okay if he admitted it as everyone already knew the trick-I must admit that I had no idea.  So, good with spelling his secrets MM.   I don't know, I felt like the lying thief defendant who ADMITTED she took his camera basically got away with it due to MM's decision.  I rarely disagree with MM so was very surprised with this case.


As for Mamma Ra, I agree with everyone else.  I was so glad she had the video and that we all saw the plaintiff for who she is.

The magician case was really a surprise to me when MM totally went after the magician.  I thought he was more right than the defendants.  As to the pay issue, I could see his point about the contract being for 2 days-plus for an act like that he couldn't just find someone off of the street to fill in.  Also, when MM made him admit that the secret was that he had two identical assistants for his illusions and that it was okay if he admitted it as everyone already knew the trick-I must admit that I had no idea.  So, good with spelling his secrets MM.   I don't know, I felt like the lying thief defendant who ADMITTED she took his camera basically got away with it due to MM's decision.  I rarely disagree with MM so was very surprised with this case.


As for Mamma Ra, I agree with everyone else.  I was so glad she had the video and that we all saw the plaintiff for who she is.

I think it was the way the magician started going off that caused her to change her opinion. He was doing all that twitching and smirking and back talking. It may have gone more his way otherwise.

The magician guy was odd, like he needed his meds. All that twitching Eliza422 is talking about was just weird. But those girls got away with stealing a camera and then MM valued it at $100!!! What about the violation you feel from being stolen from? What about the time he had to do without? What about having to put out money to buy a replacement when he would not have had to if THE FAKE DOUBLEMINT TWINS HADN'T STOLEN HIS IN THE FIRST PLACE! Yeah, I disagree with her ruling but he still has the criminal case.

Mama Ra is a bad mamajammer. Her side of people were just all classy. That says a lot about who she is. Her home looked well decorated also in the video. Ra has dough and education. Even her witness was totally appropriate and measured in how she spoke and answered. That piece of crap smoocher could have fooled everyone - if not for the tape!

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The magician case was really a surprise to me when MM totally went after the magician.  I thought he was more right than the defendants.  As to the pay issue, I could see his point about the contract being for 2 days-plus for an act like that he couldn't just find someone off of the street to fill in.  Also, when MM made him admit that the secret was that he had two identical assistants for his illusions and that it was okay if he admitted it as everyone already knew the trick-I must admit that I had no idea.  So, good with spelling his secrets MM.   I don't know, I felt like the lying thief defendant who ADMITTED she took his camera basically got away with it due to MM's decision.  I rarely disagree with MM so was very surprised with this case.


As for Mamma Ra, I agree with everyone else.  I was so glad she had the video and that we all saw the plaintiff for who she is.

Regarding the jackass, bunny-toting magician, I think he has to pay the twins something. The problem with his conduct was that he told them he wouldn't pay them anything. Yes, it sucks for him to get stuck scrambling to find a replacement, but no one works for free. He may have been entitle to keep more than half of the contract price due to the extenuating circumstances, but he has to pay them something.

Plus, he was a jerk. For some reason, I'm not so bothered by women referring to each other as "girls," but when a man does it, it grates on my nerves.

And did you guys notice Mamma Ra had the Actor James McDaniel by her side in the Hallterview? Looking just as fine as he wanted to be in his grey suit. I don't recall him being pointed out in the courtroom. Did I miss something? Was this his mother or any relation?

I was impressed with how she was able to pull out her phone and record on the sly. It takes me 30 minutes to even find the damn camera on my phone. Forget about setting it to video.

Was that really James McDaniel? I thought he looked like him, but I wasn't positive.

I thought 'chain switch' lady was not thinking clearly, and her God shouting really annoyed me.  She just brushed off MM's comments about not noticing that he returned a herringbone chain.  Her answer that "I didn't really look at the chain because I trusted him" is not a good answer.  The way she toddled up to Kurt and got all in his face whispering that she's born again and her cackling made me cringe with embarrassment.

Edited by patty1h
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I am sure this is what happened with the switched chain. Her chain came undone, dropped the angel. She thought she should get the lock reinforced but when she went to get the chain out of her jumble of old chains - she took the wrong one.  

It is true why would a fairly reputable jeweler go to all that trouble to take her gold chain? They would be swapping out expensive for cheap all the time. 


And again - trying to claim the belief in Jesus as the reason why you are never wrong or you can never be suspected in lying.

Is that what you call a righteous defense?  Does our truth that anyone who says 'I was on my way to church is probably lying' hold here?


Please what did she say to Kurt in the hallterview?  I heard 'are you Phil? I could you tell were Phil because I am an ordained blah blah blah.'


He said I'm Kurt.  Did she mean are you philistine or did she think his name was Phil or was it something else?

My closed captioning for this show is laughably bad and didn't show what she said.  She seemed very confused.

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I am sure this is what happened with the switched chain. Her chain came undone, dropped the angel. She thought she should get the lock reinforced but when she went to get the chain out of her jumble of old chains - she took the wrong one.  

It is true why would a fairly reputable jeweler go to all that trouble to take her gold chain? They would be swapping out expensive for cheap all the time. 


And again - trying to claim the belief in Jesus as the reason why you are never wrong or you can never be suspected in lying.

Is that what you call a righteous defense?  Does our truth that anyone who says 'I was on my way to church is probably lying' hold here?


Please what did she say to Kurt in the hallterview?  I heard 'are you Phil? I could you tell were Phil because I am an ordained blah blah blah.'


He said I'm Kurt.  Did she mean are you philistine or did she think his name was Phil or was it something else?

My closed captioning for this show is laughably bad and didn't show what she said.  She seemed very confused.

Her hallterview did her no favors. Before that, she seemed fairly sane to me, and I wasn't sure she was just confused. After the hallterview, I thought she was definitely confused. The jeweler seemed really nice, too. And, yes, she's another one who thinks declaring herself to be religious should make others believe anything she says.

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The couple (or the woman, anyway) vacationing in "Bangor?, He hardly knew her, Maine" were interesting.  Frankly, $1200 for a waterfront cottage for a WEEK seems like a you-get-what-you-pay-for situation.  Plus I was a little put off by her over-familiarity with Douglas.  "Thank you, Sir." would have been a more appropriate comment to him as she handed over the photos.  I know, I am old and crotchety but I try to always be polite.  Now get off my lawn.

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Re: Motorcycle case: Loved the cop  who stood there, blatantly lying to a JUDGE. Those two misfits deserved each other.


"My chain link fence!" I love seeing how Judge M figures out and unravels all this BS to make a judgement. I know nothing about religious kind of stuff, so is there a religion that requires women to wear hats that look as though they've time travelled from the heads of  1920s Suffragettes?

Sorry if I'm incoherent. Two glasses of wine and a shot of Grand Marnier does that to me.


The Repulsive Ridiculous Levin and his penchant for making insulting comments aimed at women: "You hurt my rear." I guess those are words familiar to him.

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The litigants on TPC today were hard to like.  The plaintiff in the first case was a person with a lot of time on his hands.  He was the neighbor from hell!! The next case featured one of the most dysfunctional families ever.  Daughter-in-law hated former mother-in-law (who she was suing over funeral expenses for husband from whom she was separated); mother-in-law disliked granddaughter but liked grandson; mother was estranged from son (who was suing her) mother doesn't talked to sister (who slept with her husband); mutual protective orders all around; multiple arrests for PO violations, quite a family.  It was hard to find a litigant you wanted to win.

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The litigants on TPC today were hard to like.  The plaintiff in the first case was a person with a lot of time on his hands.  He was the neighbor from hell!! The next case featured one of the most dysfunctional families ever.  Daughter-in-law hated former mother-in-law (who she was suing over funeral expenses for husband from whom she was separated); mother-in-law disliked granddaughter but liked grandson; mother was estranged from son (who was suing her) mother doesn't talked to sister (who slept with her husband); mutual protective orders all around; multiple arrests for PO violations, quite a family.  It was hard to find a litigant you wanted to win.

I could barely follow the second case, so I can't comment on it, but that first case made me appreciate living in an unfriendly, impersonal suburb. I don't know any of my neighbors by name, although I will wave hello at my mailbox or while pulling out of my garage, and that's exactly the way I want it. I can't even imagine living next to that insane plaintiff.

He didn't just expect the defendant to pay to move a fence on his property, he ensured she couldn't continue running her hot dog cart from where she was working. Who does that? The fact that he submitted video evidence that hurt his case shows he's completely oblivious to how much of a lunatic he is.

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Wow...today's show gave me a headache.  First of all that mean mean tight lipped man..ugh.  I actually felt sorry for the defendant and the fact that he called the corporate office on her so she couldn't sell her hot dogs.


The second one I watched with my eyes wide...how can families treat each other like that?  I was on the plaintiff's side originally because mother in law had a bitch face but possibly she's the bad one when both sides of the family are fighting with her...Wow

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In the case of the mean, mean man with the time on his hands (we seriously need an acronym here), I am so confused about the dog video. 


Did he snatch the dog and then berate the owner?  At one point they said he gave the dog treats and rode it around in his golf cart - was that supposed to be abducting the dog?


Personally I hate anyone who is so lazy about using their god given legs that they use a golf cart instead.  It is a pomposity.  Hey look at me, I get to drive around in a golf cart and pretend I am master of everything. I'm up here, you're down there.  Gah!!

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Do I think it will change/humble him for the better?


No. Never. The worst part was him on that video, calling the def. ugly. Has he looked in a mirror lately, the doofus-y looking, overfed, big Baby Huey?


The Trash family was so appalling in their crudeness, ignorance and nastiness that it was almost funny, like a bad comedy. It just kept getting worse and worse every time someone opened his/her trashy mouth. Just disgusting how some people live their trashy, small lives.

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I loved the trash family case.  Crazy mom takes over funeral to make sure she can go and lord it over her sister who took up with her alcoholic husband. I'm guessing late husband was no George Clooney based on the looks of everyone involved. Crazy mom sabotages son's business by selling the snow plow so she can show him she is still boss. Nuts all around 

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Was it just me who thought that Mattress/Boxspring Lady was sort of crazy?

Oh no, you are not alone in that assessment. And we weren't the only ones- if you watched the guy in the blue plaid shirt and the woman next to him with the long hair directly behind the plaintiff, they were giggling, gasping and reacting the whole way through. I think furniture guy was correct in the hallterview when he said he hoped she took her medication. And her hallterview comment about not doing business with "those bunny rabbits" sealed the deal.


Case #2 with Leo the stubborn Ipad owner vs the pooper scooper was entertaining in the pure negligent delusion of Leo. That man was never going to admit that it was stupid to leave electronics directly under a water source. As JM said, you have to worry about his safety with those decision making skills.


Case #3- car payment rip-off with former family friend and nasty ex-boyfriend. Blah, blah, blah....then crazy meowing voicemails (grown man literally meowing on his ex's phone). Sadly they have a child together.

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Was it just me who thought that Mattress/Boxspring Lady was sort of crazy?

A little crazy but my opinion is she was one of those ladies who has been acting like a little girl in a cutesy, affected manner all her life and doesn't know it is time to stop.


You could tell because she says something she thinks is cute in that very loud voice and waits for affirmation.  She was playing to an audience.


I have an acquaintance like that and everyone wishes she would grow up. 

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Was it just me who thought that Mattress/Boxspring Lady was sort of crazy?

She was big time cray-cray. . . her and her "intern" (?) I had weird visions of all kinds of stuff hoarded in her house. As for the "little girl voice", I saw her akin to Baby Jane. She probably has a lot of porcelain dolls in her house that she talks to (and talk back)


Ipad man was a dingbat. It seemed like a set-up. He didn't even have the device plugged in to charge. I did enjoy the enthusiasm of Mr. SCOOP-MASTERRRRRR (said in giant echoing voice). 

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The mattress lady from yesterday, still stuck in my head.  I bet someone's scamming someone there not too sure if it's the mattress lady, or her nigerian "intern".


The mattress lady was crazy enough I was picturing Sonja (Real Housewives NY) and her interns.

Edited by CyberJawa1986
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She was big time cray-cray. . . her and her "intern" (?) I had weird visions of all kinds of stuff hoarded in her house. As for the "little girl voice", I saw her akin to Baby Jane.


OH my. Baby Jane! I can picture her in her home, twirling around and singing "The Good Ship Lollipop." I think the mattress guy summed it up best when he said she needs to take her meds.


Blah, blah, blah....then crazy meowing voicemails (grown man literally meowing on his ex's phone).


He's one repulsive lowlife and I'm glad JM smacked him down, even though it seemed as though Mr. Arrested Development just HAD to have the last word.


And yeah, when I'm not using certain electronics, I always put them down under a faucet or spigot. What could happen?

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Oh my word...sisters in a fight that was made worse by one of them having love in the afternoon with a homeless, shirtless dude that filled the house with a "foot smell." The woman said it with a totally straight face.


Though I love Judge M, I don't agree that the sisters should push to have a relationship just to honor their dead parents.  Some people are not meant to have a relationship, even if they're related.  JM claims that relatives are the only people that you can count on throughout your lifetime....sorry, but that's not always true.


Sidebar: the people who congregate around Harvey are always the most dull-minded bunch of misfits.

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I know most of you are tired of dog cases but I swear I'll take a dog case any day over the stupid used car cases.  These people are allowed to operate a 3000 pound vehicle, but don't have common sense when it come to purchasing a car.  They buy a 15 to 20 year old car with over 100,000 miles on it, off of Craiglist, and feel they have been cheated when it breaks down almost immediately, and files suit.  Give me break.  The outcome of these case predictable 99% of times.  I usually fast forward thru them.  /end rant

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Sidebar: the people who congregate around Harvey are always the most dull-minded bunch of misfits.


They have to be a bunch of pinheads to stand around outside, look at Levin's fugly face and itch for the chance to give their 0.02 about a towing case.


They buy a 15 to 20 year old car with over 100,000 miles on it, off of Craiglist, and feel they have been cheated when it breaks down almost immediately, and files suit.


Obviously, you don't "understand." If you get the 23 year old truck, that's been sitting for 6 months, from a deceased 85 year old man who kept it wrapped in cotton batting, you should expect perfection, you understand?

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I didn't understand. Did she run her business from her home? Because that can get bothersome for the neighbors. My neighbor has his own construction business. He works out of his home quite frequently. His two company vans are parked on the street. His employees park in front of everybody's homes. And you can hear the power saw or drill all day. I of course do not report it because they're nice people and I'm not the type to rat on someone that is just trying to make an honest living, but it does get quite annoying.

The hot dog business might not produce a lot of noise disturbance, but it might get a lot of people/cars into the area.

It wasn't at her home. He got her thrown out of the business where she used to park her hot dog cart and sell in front of. He called their corporate headquarters and got her thrown out.
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Oh my word...sisters in a fight that was made worse by one of them having love in the afternoon with a homeless, shirtless dude that filled the house with a "foot smell." The woman said it with a totally straight face.

Oh I'm sorry. . but the foot smell thing? I totally get that. I once had somebody slip their shoes off at my house and my dog came over and rolled on the shoes they were so stank. And I'm no Suzie Homemaker of a housekeeper either. 

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