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Spoilers and Speculation: Clink Boom and Cheese Fondue

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Oh Lord, I hope not. She should leave town to visit family because Michael's worried about her safety after Morgan kills TJ [/spec] while trying to kill Julian. Then she can die by crane off-screen, just like Michael's first girlfriend Abby. So many wins!

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In some weird sort of way, I miss Ron. He was such an easy target for derision. And, as long as he was getting paid a million plus a year to wreak havoc with GH, it seemed fair.

I think he was one of the few HWs with the balls to do a 2.5 year reset to clear out some truly terrible storytelling. It's too bad that he's responsible for the shitty stories that need to be erased.

I would watch this show religiously and without complaint if the scenes next month included Michael and Carly sitting next to a hospital bed because they'd been told the patient was waking up and AJ opened his eyes. Sonny could just be getting out of jail, Carly could tell AJ about his daughter Avery and Michael could fill AJ in on the past 2.5 years - which would not include Fluke, whatever is happening with Liz/Jakeson or Nik attempting to murder someone to facilitate a business takeover

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Well if they decide to have Michael go all mob boss maybe Sabrina gets knocked up and pulls an Olivia and hides it from Michael and then Michael will know first hand what its like to have his kid kept from him.

Maybe she'll die in a limo explosion! She and Lily can hang out and Sabrina can help her take care of all of Sonny's dead babies in the sky

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I was just thinking if all of Sonny's kids lived how many Corinthos spawn would be running around?  Including his stolen one I counted 8.


And how many baby mammas is there? 5?


And the female characters get trashed for multiple baby daddies. God damn.  Sonny has them all beat. 

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I think he was one of the few HWs with the balls to do a 2.5 year reset to clear out some truly terrible storytelling. It's too bad that he's responsible for the shitty stories that need to be erased.

I would watch this show religiously and without complaint if the scenes next month included Michael and Carly sitting next to a hospital bed because they'd been told the patient was waking up and AJ opened his eyes. Sonny could just be getting out of jail, Carly could tell AJ about his daughter Avery and Michael could fill AJ in on the past 2.5 years - which would not include Fluke, whatever is happening with Liz/Jakeson or Nik attempting to murder someone to facilitate a business takeover

Oracle42 for head writer! We get CarnAJ, Michael as a Q, and get to keep the worlds most adorable baby ever in Avery, who I'm guessing is now a CarnAJ baby?

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We get CarnAJ, Michael as a Q, and get to keep the worlds most adorable baby ever in Avery, who I'm guessing is now a CarnAJ baby?

Hell yeah. If by some miracle this show survives, there have to be non-Corinthos babies. Plus, Avery is adorable, the Qs need more kids and I need to see CarnAJ.

Baby Leo would also be Ned's kid because there is absolutely no reason for this Olivia/Julian crap to have happened.

Oh. Franco would've died during the surgery to remove his brain tumor - there was some question as to whether the surgical team let him die but no one cared enough to follow up because he is the worst.


And Sonny would've spent at least 3 years in jail without MB having to play it and without us having to watch it 

Edited by Oracle42
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Sorry, nope. No way in hell Carly gets to be Avery's mother. Ava is her mother. We can change the father to anyone else. We can still have CarnAJ though, they were hot.


EDIT: Okay, I finally was able to watch that new promo for this week. I couldn't earlier because I was at work. OMG, Alexis. She cracked me the hell up. Overdramatic much? I can't stop laughing.

Edited by tvgoddess
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EDIT: Okay, I finally was able to watch that new promo for this week. I couldn't earlier because I was at work. OMG, Alexis. She cracked me the hell up. Overdramatic much? I can't stop laughing.

Yes, especially since she grew up around Cassadine's. She should've grabbed the gun and bitch slapped Morgan!

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I was just thinking if all of Sonny's kids lived how many Corinthos spawn would be running around?  Including his stolen one I counted 8.


Which stolen one?  He has two now, you know.


Some people collect coins, some people collect books, some people collect cars.  Sonny Corinthos collects children.

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I was just thinking if all of Sonny's kids lived how many Corinthos spawn would be running around?  Including his stolen one I counted 8.


And how many baby mammas is there? 5?


And the female characters get trashed for multiple baby daddies. God damn.  Sonny has them all beat. 

Sonny would have 9 children, if you include Michael. If you include the baby mammas who are deceased, 7.  Yes, he does. He is the last person who should ever degrade a woman for having had multiple lovers/husbands/whatever.

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I read a very similar RUMOR - that Sabrina gets pregnant and is worried about the child being near Sonny/the mob (which they already hinted at last week), Michael refuses to disavow Sonny/the mob, so she takes off and that's how TeCa will be written out for leave.  Just a RUMOR, but sadly plausible, IMO.

Michael is dead to me now. Sonny is not his "dad". Sonny killed his dad. I want a meathook in Michael's future.

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I'm seeing some rumours on the Twitter that Sam & Paddy elope the same day as the Jiz wedding. Jiz wedding is canceled but Sam & her purse pup actually go thru with it.

Why do they keep throwing complication after complication at this story instead of just writing some really good fallout that would resonate across the canvas? Why keep putting new lipstick color after new lipstick color on the same tired, broke down ass pig?? Gah!!

I'm beginning to think doubling down is an FV bad habit, not just MoRon.

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I'm seeing some rumours on the Twitter that Sam & Paddy elope the same day as the Jiz wedding. Jiz wedding is canceled but Sam & her purse pup actually go thru with it.


Will Jason show up at the wedding right after Sam and Patrick are married? Will Sam tell Patrick she's pregnant right before she/he is shot? Will there be a Twist That Changes Everything: 2015 Edition?

Edited by LeftPhalange
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I don't get why Sam and Patrick have to get married in the first place. Not from a story view—it's all about stupid Jakeson—but regarding their relationship. They've only just said ILY, and neither seems to deeply mean it or feel it. So why get elope? It's way too plot-pointy.


I think I just answered my question. Sigh.

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I don't get why Sam and Patrick have to get married in the first place. Not from a story view—it's all about stupid Jakeson—but regarding their relationship. They've only just said ILY, and neither seems to deeply mean it or feel it. So why get elope? It's way too plot-pointy.

I think I just answered my question. Sigh.

Yup. Plot point. To show, "Hey, look! Sam and Patrick are SO IN LOVE and SERIOUS about each other even though the marriage isn't legal! Sam is going to be so torn!"

These are the same group of writers who attached the word "adventure" to a couple who never goes on adventures to try to show that they're adventurous.

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I'm really just wondering how many more times I'll have to pretend to be surprised about Liez feeling "guilty" about keeping the truth from Jason. Or her attempting to tell him the truth but then chickening out. Like, how much longer is this going to continue? Resolving this whole clusterfuck of Sam/Patrick/Robin/Jason/Liez should've been the first thing the new writers did after being hired. Well, second. The first thing should have been to get rid of 99% of Ron's creations. 

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No one wins, least of all the viewers.

Exactly. I wouldn't call myself a fan of either couple, but at some point a show has to CHOOSE. And the show eventually did. Yet here we are again, right back where we started with the insertion of useless Patrick who is useless.

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The most recent spoiler/spec is that Laura will out Nik and Liz's Jakeson secret? That would be interesting. I would also love to see Scotty walk up to Nikolas moments afterward, with Bobbie and Lulu standing right there, and say "Kinda pathetic that your mommy had to tell the truth for you. It's good to see though, that Laura truly understands the difference between right and wrong despite all the years she spent with that low life Spencer." (That's what the two deserve after their attitudes about Luke being a great man and blameless for his actions - gag.)


I would love to see the vets LC and GF have even just one good scene of them discussing their children - I don't even need a Rick or Lesley mention.

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I can't see Laura telling the secret at the wedding, either. That's not how she works.


I don't want Liz publicly humiliated. I don't mind the public knowing about it, but it should be the people she directly hurt—Sam and Monica, mainly—who read her the riot act. It's not anyone else's place.


I never liked Lucky yelling at her in the middle of GH for the affair. I thought it was really tacky.

Edited by dubbel zout
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I never liked Lucky yelling at her in the middle of GH for the affair. I thought it was really tacky.


You mean Lulu?


I would happily take Liz's comeuppance happening outside of Carly's eye line, but I know I'm not that lucky.

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There are a couple other rumors out there, that JaSam have an intimate moment which may or may not involve a kiss, and Sam makes a confession to Jakeson. Maybe she tells him about the stuff she did in the past involving Liez? If he makes excuses for Sam and/or absolves her, the collective heads of Jiz stans will explode, bet.

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There are a couple other rumors out there, that JaSam have an intimate moment which may or may not involve a kiss, and Sam makes a confession to Jakeson. Maybe she tells him about the stuff she did in the past involving Liez? If he makes excuses for Sam and/or absolves her, the collective heads of Jiz stans will explode, bet.

Eh, he just did the same for Liz, I doubt it'll be different for Sam.

And a Jake/Sam kiss? WTF?

It was at Liz's house, though Carly had stopped by to invite them to Joss' christening and was thus in the room when Lucky dropped the "rutting like farm animals" line.

I still use "rutting like farm animals" at least once a month. Lucky for me it's never because my fiance was banging my sibling.

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There are a couple other rumors out there, that JaSam have an intimate moment which may or may not involve a kiss, and Sam makes a confession to Jakeson. Maybe she tells him about the stuff she did in the past involving Liez? If he makes excuses for Sam and/or absolves her, the collective heads of Jiz stans will explode, bet.

I just don't see Sam or Jason "cheating" in any way. The show has gone so out of the way to make sure they're innocent in the whole quad from hell.

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I just don't see Sam or Jason "cheating" in any way. The show has gone so out of the way to make sure they're innocent in the whole quad from hell.


Next thing you know, either or Alexis or Monica will kick the bucket just to cement that in.

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It was at Liz's house


Wow, I have a vivid memory of Lucky at GH yelling at Liz. I'm either superimposing Lucky onto Lulu's rant, or I'm thinking of something completely different. Heh.


It's also crazy to me that Patrick was spared. They gave ALL the heavy to Liz.


Typical misogynistic GH. The women always go crazier, fall harder, pay more.

Edited by dubbel zout
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It's also crazy to me that Patrick was spared. They gave ALL the heavy to Liz.


Makes sense to me, in this case. Especially since Liz has a hell of a longer history with pining for Jason than Patrick has with Sam.


Not to mention the fact I think very few buy the latter. Maybe it's why the show skipped Patrick getting in on the clusterfuck. Since many don't give two shits about Samtrick, what would the stakes be, really?

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I'm actually glad Patrick doesn't know.  Because then Sam and Jason would have been able to leap right into each others' arms and nothing to me sounds more boring.


I'm just over this whole story.  Sam and Jason, even with this new actor, is not something I'm particularly into so all of this unintentional longing and talking about how amazeballs Jason was and things like these upcoming scenes at the Chinese restaurant...I just don't care. 

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I'm actually glad Patrick doesn't know. Because then Sam and Jason would have been able to leap right into each others' arms and nothing to me sounds more boring.

I'm just over this whole story. Sam and Jason, even with this new actor, is not something I'm particularly into so all of this unintentional longing and talking about how amazeballs Jason was and things like these upcoming scenes at the Chinese restaurant...I just don't care.

The longer it takes Jason and Sam to reunite the longer the story will go on. So I really want it to get to that point. Move on from this crap. It's been over a year. Sigh. Edited by HeatLifer
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And I get you, this shit dragged when the post-reveal was always going to be the most interesting.  I keep going back to Maria on AMC and obviously that was a little different because there wasn't the plastic surgery angle, but it was, what, a month before Edmond laid eyes on her?  Two?

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YES. Exactly. The post-reveal was always where the real story should begin. And Maria/Edmund is a great example. If everyone knew Jason was Jason from the beginning and they had to deal with him not remembering...

But now it's too much. Can you imagine another YEAR of his "visions"? I just can't. I want the drama and the tears now. Get it over with already.

Edited by HeatLifer
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YES. Exactly. The post-reveal was always where the real story should begin. And Maria/Edmund is a great example. If everyone knew Jason was Jason from the beginning and they had to deal with him not remembering...


And again, him remembering would be much more interesting if he had built a life as Jake completely different from Jason's.  But nooo.

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