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BB In The Media: Outside the Fishbowl

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10 hours ago, IndyMischa said:

I don't know if I'll survive a season of Paul AND Frankie; that sounds like a recipe for a ragestroke.

I don't know, I think there's potential. They would clash so hard and that could possibly be entertaining.

Hell fucking no to no live feeds. Fuck that! I wouldn't watch. The actual episodes are pure trash lol. They're so fake. lol though if it's true that returnees are requesting that. They're afraid they're gonna say something bad, which alone proves they suck lol.


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Supposedly Elaina called a bunch of BB people and told them they were not being recorded and that it was secret and got a bunch of them to spill that they were going on this season.

Who wants to take one for the team and listen to it? 

22 hours ago, ByaNose said:

I’m not exactly sure why Derrick would want to play again. I thought he was totally over it and moved on. I guess he needs another $500,000 for the family. I’m not into an All Star season but I understand it’s easier then casting a bunch of newbies since you don’t know what the hell they’ve been doing for the past 5 months. The same could be said about the returnees but I think there is less concern from TPTB. There is also the chance it could be a shorter season and the returnees were okay with that. If they start now it could end by September just in time for the shows “not” returning. LOL!!!!!

$$$ talks and he's likely getting $40k even if he gets booted first

8 hours ago, Nashville said:

FYI - @BBGossip on Twitter has a poll running about whether folks would watch a season of BB with no live feeds:



Fuck. No. If I wanted to watch a completely scripted fantasy land production, I'd re-watch old seasons of GOT. 

2 minutes ago, Dmarie019 said:

Supposedly Elaina called a bunch of BB people and told them they were not being recorded and that it was secret and got a bunch of them to spill that they were going on this season.

Who wants to take one for the team and listen to it? 

I'll do it. Where did she post it? 

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7 minutes ago, IndyMischa said:

Fuck. No. If I wanted to watch a completely scripted fantasy land production, I'd re-watch old seasons of GOT. 

I'll do it. Where did she post it? 

Should be able to find it anywhere you can listen to podcasts. 

Her's is called The Miscelenaeous Podcast

I'll see if i can find a link from the website/app i use for podcasts

try this https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/yea-networks/the-miscelenaeous-podcast-with-elena-davies

Edited by Dmarie019
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Dallas could be Cody or Jessica. I think they settled there.

I'm wondering who is in Minneapolis. I just googled it - most results were Big Brothers and Big Sisters Minneapolis - and two from season 15 are from here, Kaitlin Barnaby and McCrae Olson. I haven't seen season 15 so I don't know what these two HGs are like, but I've heard from you guys that it's a racist season.

Kaitlin had angry eyebrows (like, imagine Teresa Giudice's two-head and then stretch the two-head into an actual forehead but without also shifting the eyebrows an appropriate distance between her eyes and her hairline) and McCrae chewed on his warts on his stained mattress surrounded by garbage and dirty clothes while Amanda climbed on top of him and raped him. 


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So I went to look at pictures of Kaitlin to make sure I was remembering the Angry Eyebrows right (which have no relation to Aaryn's Tragic Eyebrows but were in the same season) and holy shit, this is like the demon you see in the corner of your bedroom when you're in the midst of a sleep paralysis dealio.


brb, going to smudge my Google search results and my computer. 

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33 minutes ago, Lamb18 said:

Dallas could be Cody or Jessica. I think they settled there.

I'm wondering who is in Minneapolis. I just googled it - most results were Big Brothers and Big Sisters Minneapolis - and two from season 15 are from here, Kaitlin Barnaby and McCrae Olson. I haven't seen season 15 so I don't know what these two HGs are like, but I've heard from you guys that it's a racist season.

Minneapolis is also Janelle. She claims she never got a call, but CBS has likely told all of their prospective stars to deny BB22 so....it could be her. It won't be Kaitlin and I highly doubt it's McCrae. They were on BB15 and I don't see a single person from that season getting a call for BB22 (even though I still think I wouldn't mind seeing a couple of players from that season come back).

It won't be Cody or Jessica this season. Jessica's four-five months pregnant now, and I do NOT see Cody doing BB without Jessica. I think there are a lot of players from or around Dallas, so it could be anyone.

Okay, this was more than an hour of my life that I'll never get back, so you guys know I love you. I left out my notes on the five or more minutes each of "blah blah no YOU'RE so awesome." 

These are in order of the calls she made, and SPOILER ALERT, Kat Dunn is the best by several miles. Where they're sketchy and didn't answer one way or the other, I've put "sketch [my guess on whether it's a yes or no]."

Jessica 19, didn't answer her phone, Elena was pissed. But Jess is pregnant again, so I assume she's a no.

Tommy 21, sketch [honestly can't tell]. Then they got on a five minute tangent about how when women shower, our hair falls out and we have to dig it out of our ass. I've had long hair since the 80's and this has literally never happened. NEXT.

JC 20, sketch [maybe, leaning to yes], he sounded like he knew it was a setup.

Unnamed person who didn't answer the phone.

Jason 19, yes. Made a final 2 deal with Elena, lol. References getting an appearance fee, but didn't specify. They talk about Mark selling his body on the internet, some cam website. One of y'all can take THAT disaster for the research team, tyvm.

Nick 21, no. Doesn't consider himself an all star (lol), but would do it if asked. His guesses are Janelle, Derrick, Tyler, Kaycee, Josh, Will. He says Frankie is a lock - kill me now - and Ariana said something about it in an Insta story. Rachel Reilly was asked but declined because she's pregnant, Christine was asked but declined. He was drunk during this call, so who knows?

Josh 19, sketch [yes, sigh]. His first question after he picked up the phone was "Am I on your podcast?"

Kat 21, yes. And buckle up.... Season will be pairs/duos. Her casting person has hinted that her duo is Brett. Leaks all over the internets are pretty much true, and the cast is already working together on alliances. McCrae will be on, and is Kat's final 2. They're assuming Amanda will be on, but McCrae doesn't want to work with her and Kat doesn't want to work with Brett. [Guessing they'll hook up before the feeds turn on, and she will have changed her mind about this.] Dan, Derrick, Holly, Jackson are all in the cast. Contract offer is either $40k or 40k new followers, but I can see that just being a Kat thing, haha. July 12th ish is the kidnap date. After all of this, Kat is probably getting cut. 

Winston 20, no. But he answered his phone, "House of Booty, this is Cutie." So I continue to love him.

Holly 21, sketch [yes]. She was the absolute best at playing coy and giving no info.

Rachel 20, no. Lots of self deprecation about how her season had such a lack of memorable characters, and she was the best player ever. Elena made a reference to Bayleigh and "Shaggy." 😄

Jack 21, straight to voicemail, the other non-answerers had that default robot voice, but he has a real message. And his mailbox is full. Take that how you will....

Morgan OTT, no. Referred to OTT as the "redheaded stepchild season." More talk about Mark and his cam site escapades. 

Unnamed person who didn't answer the phone.

Andy 15, sketch [no]. Spent most of the call praising himself and talking about how his persona on the show wasn't him in real life. There is not enough *eyeroll* in the world.

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Blah blah blah... no, you're so awesome, @IndyMischa


14 minutes ago, IndyMischa said:

JC 20, sketch [maybe, leaning to yes], he sounded like he knew it was a setup.

That problematic little weiner? Hell no. And lock up the ice cream scoops. What the fuck even. #teamMurderHornets


14 minutes ago, IndyMischa said:

Kat 21, yes. And buckle up.... Season will be pairs/duos. Her casting person has hinted that her duo is Brett. Leaks all over the internets are pretty much true, and the cast is already working together on alliances. McCrae will be on, and is Kat's final 2. They're assuming Amanda will be on, but McCrae doesn't want to work with her and Kat doesn't want to work with Brett. [Guessing they'll hook up before the feeds turn on, and she will have changed her mind about this.] Dan, Derrick, Holly, Jackson are all in the cast. Contract offer is either $40k or 40k new followers, but I can see that just being a Kat thing, haha. July 12th ish is the kidnap date. After all of this, Kat is probably getting cut. 

Nooooo! to the bolded. What the fuck even to the Jackson. #teamMurderHornets


14 minutes ago, IndyMischa said:

Jason 19, yes. Made a final 2 deal with Elena, lol. References getting an appearance fee, but didn't specify. They talk about Mark selling his body on the internet, some cam website. One of y'all can take THAT disaster for the research team, tyvm.

MARK IS ON ONLYFANS. WHAT THE FUCK EVEN. YOU PAY $30 A MONTH FOR HIS PEEN PICS. His OnlyFans link. It's basically porn from D to Z list celebrities that you pay for. #teamMurderHornetsInMyEyes

Edited by Callaphera
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10 minutes ago, Callaphera said:


Calling it now, that's the winning hashtag of the season.

10 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

MARK IS ON ONLYFANS. WHAT THE FUCK EVEN. YOU PAY $30 A MONTH FOR HIS PEEN PICS. His OnlyFans link. It's basically porn from D to Z list celebrities that you pay for. #teamMurderHornetsInMyEyes

Oh. LORD. But I can't lie, I'm now going to see who else is on there. For science...

  • LOL 4

Aw, man. Mark even went full OnlyFans - he started out with the whole "I'm so bashful/embarrassed/shy/uncomfortable but maybe it'll be good to put myself out there for the fans" and immediately jumped to "HERE'S MY PENIS. PAY ME."


ETA: Lord help me, I kinda wish I had an extra $30 USD hanging around because I'm curious to know if you get the full peen experience or tasteful softcore Vaseline on the lens shots. Who ever thought I'd be grateful for penny pinching during a pandemic? 

Edited by Callaphera
  • LOL 6

Well, that info is...quite a journey.

I don't think I like how Elena  went about getting this potential info (isn't it illegal in many states to record someone without permission? Wasn't this an issue with the Taylor Swift/Kanye West debacle of a year or two ago), but if it's true? Meh. But them getting someone from BB15 is almost unbelievable to me. I thought for sure that the show would forever ignore BB15's existence. 

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Other networks, like Bravo and MTV: *slowly starts firing some of their racist and problematic talent*
Big Brother on CBS: "Please welcome back to the house the guy who had an hours long argument with a black HG about how he should be able to use the N word whenever he wants and the guy whose final words on television after being crowned the winner were: 'Mom, I'm not a racist'."


Edited by Callaphera
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1 minute ago, DannyRugg said:

Any rumors that Raven may be back? Please please please! I know she suffers from two defective hearts, a hole in her stomach, brain cancer, an inverted spine, and cholera but I wanna see her reprise her iconic barking and puppetmaster skills.

Currently has a broken foot and is wearing an air cast/boot. Like, for real broken foot. (I mean with any Raven injury, there's a 25% chance of it being fake.) You can't make this shit up. 

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2 hours ago, IndyMischa said:

Nick 21

I had to look him up even though I just did when he was mentioned a few days ago in here lol.

1 hour ago, leocadia said:

Or Victor, lol!  Are they still together?

Yes. They're getting married this year. I always thought Victor sucked, so it's nice to have confirmation.

  • LOL 4

Holy cow, thank you @IndyMischa. Josh on, Frankie on, Mark doing low-grade porn.

2020 continues it's swath of destruction.

And on top of all that...MCRAE? That might be the one that gets me to cry mercy. I just have a visceral reaction of complete and total disgust towards him, and BB15 in general. He is so disgusting. Just...NO.

And JC? I can't believe they would entertain having him back right now.

I swear I already forgot who Holly was. Short-term reality TV memory loss FTW.

BB better have some other names pending to balance out the evil.

Dan being coy on Twitter.

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5 hours ago, IndyMischa said:

Winston 20, no. But he answered his phone, "House of Booty, this is Cutie." So I continue to love him.

Winston, one of the only names on this list I'd *want* to see, is a no. ALREADY NEED THE EYE ROLL REACTION AND THE SEASON HASN'T EVEN STARTED.

3 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

I had to look him up even though I just did when he was mentioned a few days ago in here lol.

HOW could you forget the tragedy that was his hair????

1 minute ago, Callaphera said:



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9 minutes ago, Alice Mudgarden said:

HOW could you forget the tragedy that was his hair????

I laughed so hard at the memory of Nick's hair that I forgot about the peen. This shit should come with a content warning.


ETA: The more I look at it, the more it looks like an uncanny valley Photoshop (his whole head, not just the hair.)

Edited by Callaphera
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1 minute ago, Callaphera said:

I laughed so hard at the memory of Nick's hair that I forgot about the peen. This shit should come with a content warning.


During the intro interviews before the season started, I said that Nick's hair was my most hated houseguest. And it really worked hard at maintaining that title, but it was just not prepared for the colossus of assholery that is Jack.

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I'm having a legit laughing breakdown over the memory of Nick claiming that he flew his hairdresser out to cut his hair all the time and all of us in hysterics over the idea of Nick not only paying for but paying the airfare for his hair dude to give him the J.C. Chasez Caesar cut with extra short bangs special. Oh God, we need to have him back. I'm not sure the hair situation has really improved but at least it's not that anymore.


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2 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

I'm having a legit laughing breakdown over the memory of Nick claiming that he flew his hairdresser out to cut his hair all the time and all of us in hysterics over the idea of Nick not only paying for but paying the airfare for his hair dude to give him the J.C. Chasez Caesar cut with extra short bangs special. Oh God, we need to have him back. I'm not sure the hair situation has really improved but at least it's not that anymore.


This is just reminding me of how much his tattoos made me conflicted, because the artwork itself is well done but what it's of is a headscratcher.

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1 hour ago, TimWil said:

Oh god, those pics of Nick brought back all the visceral hatred I felt about him all last summer. One of the worst HGs ever for so many reasons.

You see, I keep WANTING to like Nick and I almost do...and then he does something so douchey and assholey that it sends me into a fit of rage before I restart the cycle back to wanting to like him again. It's a really annoying cycle to go through, knowing that I never learn with this idiot.

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2 hours ago, Callaphera said:

I laughed so hard at the memory of Nick's hair that I forgot about the peen. This shit should come with a content warning.


ETA: The more I look at it, the more it looks like an uncanny valley Photoshop (his whole head, not just the hair.)

Is it some reality TV guy thing? At least they all seem to fix it post-show. Why none of their friends told them to change it before going on TV is a mystery though...


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4 hours ago, Callaphera said:


 My interest was piqued (there are a lot worse BB guys who could be doing this) so I googled.  If there was anything interesting it will find it's way to the free-range web quickly enough.  Nothing, and according to his Twitter 'no he's not a porn star and he's not even naked.....yet".    He's already roamed around in front of internet cameras in nothing but shorts for moths so what the hell is so daring and cathartic (for him and supposedly titillating for us) about this account?  Yawn.   Don't alert me at least until he reaches the 'two straight guys in g-strings rubbing oil on each other and wrestling' stage.  

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5 hours ago, Alice Mudgarden said:

This feels like a tweet any one of us could lay claim to.

I did not see BB2 live (I started watching the show during BB3) but the first time I saw Mike I thought he was lame.  Not sure why Blockstar wants to virtue signal about how she always found him to be trash when people on here and TWOP have been saying it for nearly twenty years.

2 hours ago, CrazyDog said:

Is it some reality TV guy thing? At least they all seem to fix it post-show. Why none of their friends told them to change it before going on TV is a mystery though...


Okay as much as I hate to admit this here goes.  I have gotten my head shaved for the past twenty years (Well that was until lockdown.  I went from having the Telly Savalas look, to looking like Robert Smith from the Cure in the span of a few months) but my last hair cut prior to my twenty year shaved head streak was the Caesar cut. 

I initially thought I looked cool before my sister told me, "You know you look like a tool right?  And you wonder why no girls want to date you."  Harsh, but true.  I got my head shaved for the first time a few days later.  Now the women still want nothing to do with me but at least I no longer have a damn fool's haircut.

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14 hours ago, Callaphera said:


I feel like it's a sign that you should do it tbh.

8 hours ago, BK1978 said:

Not sure why Blockstar wants to virtue signal about how she always found him to be trash when people on here and TWOP have been saying it for nearly twenty years.

I guarantee you Rockstar has no idea what TWoP is lol. Boogie has always been more popular elsewhere than he was on TWoP/here.

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 I guess this is supposed to be the "not fully naked" picture?   I'm sure it took a lot of hard work to get there, but I'm not getting 'vulnerable' from this or how it's supposed to promote being comfortable with yourself.   Who the fuck wouldn't feel comfortable looking like this?    What this says is I worked my ass off to get this hot and now I want the internet to pant after me and feed my ego.    



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12 hours ago, Maverick said:
  17 hours ago, Callaphera said:


I saw this and about spit my coffee all over my keyboard.

Why? My actual name is Mark. lol

But really, I should have known it was someone else. I'd send send pics for a lot less than $30...

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I am actually not excited about another all-stars.  These people do not age well when the come back on; even my favorites irritate the hell out of me when they come back.  And all these lists I'm seeing?  I hated most of these people the FIRST time around.  I will be hate-watching the hell out of this show.  I might even give @peachmangosteen a run for her money!

Also, I was perfectly happy not thinking about Mark's peen, so thanks for that.  


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