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BB In The Media: Outside the Fishbowl

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I'm officially going on the record to say if Zach and Frankie are on BB this year I'm out.

I. Will. Not. Watch. those two fame whores fame whore it up all summer.




It's leaving a really nasty taste in my mouth already and my heart is already deadening (is that a word?) towards Big Brother for being this desperate to bring those asswipes back. And you KNOW production will do everything and anything to KEEP them in the house as long as possible. No. I will not watch Big Brother AT ALL if they are on it.

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Which ones have said they would not return?

Dick, Dr Will, Eric Stein, I'm pretty sure Jun won't if they don't. I'm not sure Dan will haha.

I like all of them a lot and don't think it's really be All Stars without them. It's fine if newer blood wants to come back by call it what it is Second Chances or something.

On a related note its a lot about wanting or needing camera time. It's a big time commitment and they only make $1,000 a week before tax (if they don't win). So many people on the show lose money and maybe even jobs by going.

Edited by Petunia13
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Dan more than likely won't be back.  He and wife Chelsea just announced on Twitter that they're expecting their first child (they even tweeted an ultrasound of it).  I doubt he'd want to miss a nanosecond of their preparations for parenthood.

..or live down a nanosecond of the rest of his life with his wife if he did. ;>

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Until he was medivaced out, Caleb was my favorite on the island.  Now I don't want anybody to win.


I was beginning to like Caleb a lot more as BB neared it's end.  He was game for anything and always karate-chopping the air.


I really like Caleb and hope he returns to "Survivor" (AND BB) for a second chance.



I just saw a promo for a new game show hosted by RuPaul and...and...Frankie is one of the stars!!  FRANKIE!!


It's called Gay for Play or Play for Gay or something with those words.  It's on the Logo channel and it starts March 11-ish.  Can you tell I wasn't paying close attention to the deets?


You've been warned!


Edited by slasherboy
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Frankie is now on a nightly style show on amazon (5x per week) that streams live. Zach has gone far far off the radar in the last few months. Dropped his IG, never goes on Twitter, rarely streams on YouNow (he did one recently with Amanda)  and is allegedly now working in a school. He occasionally streams when he is with Frankie, but other than that, not much. 

Edited by sunsheyen

I saw Jeff and Jordan on one of the Marriage shows.  They are the strangest pair!  They had been together for a number of years like 10 and had never lived together, and resided in different states!   They were odd in that they seemed to barely know each other.  They had not talked about standard things that couples usually cover.  I wish my memory was better.  Hopefully someone will come by and fill in the story.  It was jaw dropping.  Jordan did not disappoint, she was still, if not more, quirky and peculiar in her cute way.   Jeff, oof.  

On 3/15/2016 at 2:44 AM, sunsheyen said:

Frankie is now on a nightly style show on amazon (5x per week) that streams live. Zach has gone far far off the radar in the last few months. Dropped his IG, never goes on Twitter, rarely streams on YouNow (he did one recently with Amanda)  and is allegedly now working in a school. He occasionally streams when he is with Frankie, but other than that, not much. 

I was just trying to innocently browse IMDB and there's Frankie Grande in an ad for this show, following me around IMDB. Hell to the no.

And I'm a little late with this, but just caught the pix upthread and holy crap, Jase has AGED. Wowzerz.


Jase's face when he realizes he's being backdoored is one of the best moments in BB history! Nakomis' five-finger plan was genius, and it was the first time that move was played on the show. In later seasons it's become something that generally ends up being the complete opposite of the original plan because everyone thinks that they have to vote with the damn house.

Edited by Scout Finch
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To no one's surprise, Will Kirby is the first former houseguest called to "come on down" on The Price is Right. 

The other three initial house guests were Rachel, Janelle (again, not a big surprise), and Frankie the Cloying. 

People magazine article: http://www.people.com/article/price-is-right-primetime-special-big-brother-frankie-grande-exclusive

Edited by Porterest
52 minutes ago, Wouldofshouldof said:

Jeff and Janelle are two of my favorite houseguests so I'm happy!

(Except for Frankie's mugging making me want to put my foot through the tv, that is.)

Frankie's mugging was horrible! So glad he didn't win anything. 

However, if I didn't believe that TPIR had more integrity, I would call interference. What are the odds that two of the most popular hamsters would be in the showdown, with the so-called master of the game winning it all? 

Edited by Porterest
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You know, there are maybe only two former houseguests that even after the show I still can't stand to  watch.  The first is Evil Dick (who I like to refer to as Erectile Dysfunction), and the second is Frankie.  Even after a year, his absence does not make my heart grow fonder.


It's also very telling who the fame whores are.  How about you stand BEHIND your contestant and not try to steal, focus every second of the game.  I noticed it first during the Survivor Price is Right. They asked for shout outs to the folks at home when it was time to spin the wheel.  A few of the survivor folks took so long thinking they are people at home, that the actual contestant didn't get to say much.  I mean you had an entire season of camera time, let them have their 10 seconds of fame.

Edited by brdwygurl
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Yep, as usual, Frankie thought the whole thing was about him.  When he would look directly into the camera, I would hiss, "Fucking Frankie!" just like I do every time he makes an appearance anywhere.  What will it take to make him finally vanish into obscurity forever?  Can the government abolish him?  Can he be officially cancelled by all the networks?  There has to be a way...think, everyone, THINK!!!!

I've never been a true fan of Rachel, although she did win me over with her tenaciousness and ability to power through things to get what she wants.  I would not want to spend any time in a room with her, but I've got to give her serious credit for being so far along in her pregnancy and still managing to not only wear heels, but also jump around and have incredible amounts of energy that would rival an athlete not carrying a big ole baby around in their body.  I thought she was very impressive tonight.

I really enjoyed this and the Survivor TPIR episode.  A good crossover is fun stuff.

Edited by Irritable
  • Love 8

Without a doubt an All Star season would include Frankie and just like his season, you would have a bunch of people hanging all over him because of who his sister is, hoping he/she can further their career somehow.

I have watched every season of BB outside of the very first one. I sit and watch more hours of the live feeds than I would care to admit. But, if Frankie is going to be on a season, I truly think I would skip it.

I just don't get how this jackass is popular? WHO likes his shtick? He completely ruined a season of BB for me....

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Frankie's fanbase is for the most part well outside the BB circle. He appeals to a younger, more upbeat, inclusive group of people than what I've seen in the BB fandom. That's why CBS includes him. I know he's an attention whore (he'll admit this himself) but I find that BB fans tend to dismiss his skills in the game and write his popularity off to Ariana when he got to the top 8 without anyone even knowing who she was (and at that point she didn't have nearly the recognition she does now). If it wasn't for that reset, he would have gotten further than he did, just on his comp wins and social skills. 

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12 hours ago, Jenkins said:

Without a doubt an All Star season would include Frankie and just like his season, you would have a bunch of people hanging all over him because of who his sister is, hoping he/she can further their career somehow.

I have watched every season of BB outside of the very first one. I sit and watch more hours of the live feeds than I would care to admit. But, if Frankie is going to be on a season, I truly think I would skip it.

I just don't get how this jackass is popular? WHO likes his shtick? He completely ruined a season of BB for me....

Honestly if he were on an All Star Season or a Second Chances Season (something with the whole cast being returnees) I don't think he would make it very far. Not only do they all know he's a Comp Beast but a lot of the BB Alum do not really like him,  I think they would have no hesitation to get him out ASAP. 

If its a 1/2 Returnees & 1/2 Newbies, then there might be some cause for concern. The Returnees would want him out, but he might be able to charm the Newbies. 

Edited by SiobhanJW
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I guess it all depends on how "star struck" they would be.

There was a noticeable change in how they treated Frankie after his big reveal (especially by Caleb).

Who am I kidding, even if he came back, I would watch the damn show...it has been my summer TV/computer addiction for over a decade, probably not going to change anytime soon.

Just not a fan of him or his sister (yes, the donut/America comment thing annoyed me).

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A couple of the other international Big Brothers (most notably BB Australia) have tried to con the contestants into thinking there was a second house full of contestants, complete with faux-highlights footage, so maybe it's a version of that. I don't think the BBUS format would actually make it possible to use a second house for filming those bits (especially if they want to mock up a few challenges), but with two weeks in between it's possible they could film some stuff in the house a couple of weeks before the season, then use the time in between them leaving and the actual players arriving to repaint a couple of walls or change the couches or whatever so it looks just different enough that you wouldn't instantly think it was the exact same house?

16 hours ago, Scout Finch said:

It drove me crazy how Frankie kept looking straight at the camera on The Price is Right, which no one else did. It's not.about.you. I found it interesting that Austin was nowhere near Liz. They might have just been arranged by height but there still seemed to be a disconnect.

You and me both.  It's funny I did not mind Frankie during his season at first but then the more I saw of him the more I could not stand the guy.

Is there anywhere that lists who were some of the other previous BB players who stayed in the peanut gallery during the Price is Right?  I recognized some of the people like the Austwins (Do Austin and the twins actually have fans?), Jessie, Lawon (Was Lawon a fan favorite?), Parker (Why would they have him on there?) but there were some who I was racking my brain trying to remember them.  For instance there was a guy named Kevin with gray hair and I have no clue who he is. 

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