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1 minute ago, rho said:

I think Teddi is really shaping up to be Dorit 2.0 especially with Lisa grooming her as the new pet project. They're eerily similar. Two betas trying to be the alpha, and that's probably why they don't get along very well.

What we really need to know is this: put them in a house for a month and see who gets her period first, and who else gets in line behind. (Guess we also need a time machine for that experiment as well). 

  • Love 4
4 minutes ago, Jel said:

Teddi did tonight what she's been complaining about Dorit doing all season. Come on now.

I agree,  and that's also why Dorit can't complain.  Wasn't Camille the one big time calling Dorit out for that?  And also,  Dorit was part of the convo discussing Erika so she ratted on herself too.  But left out what she said.  Lol

  • Love 6
3 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

I think Teddi is simply out of her depth on this show. I don't really believe she is trying to stir the pot. I think she genuinely believes honesty is always best. But this isn't real life. You have to be a bit more calculated when dealing with the RH. She either needs to develop some game, or she isn't going to last.

She's giving Andy a run for his money. There won't be anything left for him to tiptoe around at the reunion with the way she's carrying on.

  • Love 13
1 minute ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

I also felt Teddi was not on her game tonight.  She looked pale and the cheekbones painted on. She was extra extra emotional and Erika was extra extra extra bitch.

Teddi did tell Rinna that she had been really sick herself when they met for the mani/pedi just a couple of days earlier, so maybe she was still recovering from that.

  • Love 16
9 hours ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

The horse girl shit is real. If it were any new girl I would be right there with you Rho, but the horse bond is ride or die. They'll be ok and Teddi will be the only new girl she doesn't play. 

You’ve got that right. That’s why you always bet on us (horses/equestrians/jockeys). 


Edited to add: Remember that barns need all kinds of animals to function. Cats to smell out the rats. Goats who always have to be above you and an ass...well whether you need it one is usually there and if you tread on it’s terrtory or make it mad it will attack you viciously. Then there’s the dog. No reason needed other than they are loyal and nice to have around. 

Edited by Mindthinkr
  • Love 13
1 minute ago, breezy424 said:

I get why Teddi told Rinna about what Dorit and PK said about her, especially after hearing Rinna talk about how great she and Dorit were after Vegas.  But she went and told Dorit, which of course, Dorit had to  bring it up at drinks. 

Even if Teddi hadn't said anything to Dorit, I feel sure that Rinna would've.   Upon this being announced to all of the ladies, Rinna didn't seem to want to say a bad word about Dorit, so she pretty much kept mum so as not to make waves with Dorit.  Rinna tends to play both sides, much like Kyle does at times. 

  • Love 9
7 minutes ago, AttackTurtle said:

Erika is not a nice person.  I think the editors are subtly showing us a bit of the true Erika, but she is a straight up bitch.  She doesn’t like hang out with woman, but wants to be Queen B (hence her shade at LVP...even though I think Skype is the true Queen B).  She has on more than one occasion been shown to lie about things and/or overreact to situations.  Her issues with Teddie are ridiculous. She makes mountains out of molehills because she’s jealous that Teddie is the daughter of legit rock royalty and she didn’t have to marry a geriatric to make money.  Should Teddie have brought up the old gossip from Dorit? Probably not.  But it didn’t warrant this b.s. reaction.  

love your post!

  • Love 15
10 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

I think Teddi is simply out of her depth on this show. I don't really believe she is trying to stir the pot. I think she genuinely believes honesty is always best. But this isn't real life. You have to be a bit more calculated when dealing with the RH. She either needs to develop some game, or she isn't going to last.

Again, Teddi is just out of her depth. You can't expect to operate under normal social graces in this context. Pick a lane, stick to it. 

I agree that she is out of her depth.  I think she came into this thinking she could be Miss Upfront and Honest and that would work, but it doesn't matter if you are being honest if you are surrounded by liars and forgetters.  My main gripe with her is that she suffers from a severe disability in the MYOB department. It's not even a matter of operating under normal social graces - because very few interactions with these ladies is normal.  A normal outing with Rinna would have had them talking about their jobs, kids, husbands, travels, etc. She knows she has to take part in these conversations so she tries, and does end up starting stuff that she doesn't know how to finish.

  • Love 11
6 minutes ago, AttackTurtle said:

Erika is not a nice person.  I think the editors are subtly showing us a bit of the true Erika, but she is a straight up bitch.  She doesn’t like hang out with woman, but wants to be Queen B (hence her shade at LVP...even though I think Skype is the true Queen B).  She has on more than one occasion been shown to lie about things and/or overreact to situations.  Her issues with Teddie are ridiculous. She makes mountains out of molehills because she’s jealous that Teddie is the daughter of legit rock royalty and she didn’t have to marry a geriatric to make money.  Should Teddie have brought up the old gossip from Dorit? Probably not.  But it didn’t warrant this b.s. reaction.  


I actually really liked Kyle’s new house.  I really liked how the light came in.  I do feel bad about the robbery in light of the fact that they left s home they felt safe in.

Erica - major see you next Tuesday. She's such a bitch. Her husband is a turd. She's SO jealous of Teddie, who had a famous father. Erica's father bailed on her - good for him.

  • Love 13

Erika was MEAN tonight. And I normally like Erika. I don't even have so much of an issue with her immediate reaction at dinner. I don't like to be called a liar either. That was basically what Teddi said, even if not intended. I do believe Erika didn't remember. She was just trying to play pacemaker that night and probably said a lot of things. But, no, it was her THs that really put me off. Calling Teddi a crybaby? Not nice. 

Totally agree. I have a soft spot for Erika--I have no idea why--but she just lost her mind to bitchiness with Teddi tonight and in her talking head. I get being upset at someone basically calling you a liar or implying that you're deliberately forgetting what you said, but she just went way too far in her reaction.

That whole dinner was weird--Camille didn't speak, Lisa Rinna didn't speak (I did love her wide eyed watching, though, lol), LVP was oddly neutral and Dorit was being nice yet totally mean to Teddi after. I'm wondering if there was a huge chunk left on the editing room floor because no one was acting normally.

  • Love 23

I just realized tonight that Teddi is basically Eileen without any allies.

She has that same need as Eileen to never let an issue die until the other party that is actually in the wrong admits that they are in the wrong (or that whatever thing it was actually happened).  And she will not let it go even when its not her fight and its causing her more grief than it is worth.  She needs the admission of guilt.  And she's never going to get it.

It was pretty awful the way Teddi was treated at that dinner.  Dorit and Ericka were horrible to her.  And they are they type to weasel their way around word choice to eviscerate a person because it provides them cover or gets them payback even if it wasn't meant that way.  The rest of them don't want a part of this and just let Teddi twist in the wind.

I do think that Teddi brought up what Dorit said to LisaR because she doesn't like that LisaR is trying to get along with Dorit.  It was a bad, but understandable, move and one that came from Teddi being at odds with Dorit and feeling alone.  Teddi is basically going around trying to make everyone understand that Dorit is treating everyone the same as she is being treated because she can't get Dorit to admit she is mischaracterizing the minor issues they have had and now its turned into a major conflict.

I think Erika is still pissed about the beach house.  And she is terrifying when she is angry.  Maybe she should do the cover of her book in green Hulk paint.  Curious if she'll do another mea culpa at the reunion despite her TH.

I can't stand Dorit.

Aren't Erika's closest friends a bunch of paid sycophants?  And she's giving Dorit advice on how she should manage her friendships?  Good grief.  

Oh, Teddi.  When Erika barked across the table at her like a rabid dog, I think I felt the room spinning around me, too.  I loved that the Show reminded us of Erika chewing on Eileen last season.  But Eileen was able to help Erika with her "career" so I believe it when Erika says she won't ever apologize to Teddi.  

Has anyone gone head-to-head with Erika and walked away the victor?  I think Dorit tried last season but it seems like Erika kept her title.  

Kyle's backyard was so charming in a way that I almost didn't believe she was in Los Angeles.  

  • Love 23
9 minutes ago, hoosier80 said:

Teddi's blog is great.  I love the part where she basically says that Ericka doesn't have any friends who don't bow and tell her she's fantastic on loop.  Yes, all she's got around her are her paid minions who of course tell her she's the bestest ever.  Ericka's been out in CA for how long?  We don't see an of her real life friends.  She also lived in NYC for a while.  Surely she has a friend back from the old days who would film a scene with her?  Nope.  She wants people surrounding her who all just tell her she's wonderful.  Daddy leaving her has left her scarred big time.  

But thats the problem with Teddi. Where is this girl in the show? If you can only bring it bts/blogs....just be gone next season.

  • Love 8
19 minutes ago, ivygirl said:

I get the sense that LVP does genuinely like Teddi, and that she probably realizes Teddi is out of her depth with this group. I think the Teddi Bear nickname is intentional—as in, this woman is a teddy bear and not a real threat. To anyone. Except maybe Erika, a bear who shall not be poked except you don’t know when you poke it.

Also, Teddy is a full 20 years younger than LVP. She's closer in age to the VPR kids than Lisa. I feel like Lisa doesn't quite see her as a contemporary but rather a mentor for Teddi. She's treating her just like she treats the wait staff at her restaurant.

15 minutes ago, Mr. Minor said:

Erika has been on long enough for Bravo to get the drag queen demographic they wanted. I don’t see what she brings to the show. I don’t think she enjoys being on the show.

She's also never foot the bill. Even Kim hosted a getaway. Erika's only contribution in 3 seasons was taking Kyle to Mykonos for 48 hours. No one but Mikey ever gets to ride the private Girardi jet. I'm thinking Erika Jayne is just a facade.

  • Love 22
4 minutes ago, rho said:

Also, Teddy is a full 20 years younger than LVP. She's closer in age to the VPR kids than Lisa. I feel like Lisa doesn't quite see her as a contemporary but rather a mentor for Teddi. She's treating her just like she treats the wait staff at her restaurant.

Funny you should say that. I was thinking that she treats her the way she treats Brittany—like, what are you doing with these crazies? (Or at least, Jax.)

ETA LOL that we call them “kids.” (I do it too.) Jax is pushing 40!

Edited by ivygirl
  • Love 7
1 hour ago, ihartcoffee said:

You know,  half the time I can't remember Erika's name,  I think it's Alexa.  She's becoming a ridiculous Queen,  no wonder she's so popular with that scene.  I'm tired of her BS and going crazy eyes defcon 5 on people for no good reason.  What does she bring to the show? All she's doing is plugging her stupid music and whatever else shes shilling. I don't want to see her and the old fart. Or her and her glam team.  Or pics of her in skimpy outfits. So what's left? 

she's on there because satan andy loves vulgarity and p ss patting.  the more trashy a woman is the more he loves her'

  • Love 21
5 minutes ago, ivygirl said:

Funny you should say that. I was thinking that she treats her the way she treats Brittany—like, what are you doing with these crazies? (Or at least, Jax.)

Yup! She totally has her kid gloves on with Teddy. I was getting flashbacks to Katie and her ring on a string.

5 minutes ago, BusyOctober said:

  Erika and her “look at me! I’m sooo provocative!  I’m so above drama!  I am a cold gangsta gurl who doesn’t need any girlfriends!” and her skanky teeny bop K-Pop, Japanese anime kiddie porn, 3rd rate Key West amateur night drag show sense of style and sexiness have worn thin. When she lashes out in her full on bully mode, she exposes her insecurity. Nothing about any of Erika’s designer costumes  clothing read “expensive” to me.  She looks cheap and is aging herself with the sex clown doll makeup and hair.  She does have an amazing body. With her crypt-keeper’s husband’s money and Camille’s help, she could look stunning all the time instead of only 10% of her screen time.  

Erika spells it XXpen$ive so maybe she has a different definition of it too

  • Love 10
13 minutes ago, rho said:

Also, Teddy is a full 20 years younger than LVP. She's closer in age to the VPR kids than Lisa. I feel like Lisa doesn't quite see her as a contemporary but rather a mentor for Teddi. She's treating her just like she treats the wait staff at her restaurant.

She's also never foot the bill. Even Kim hosted a getaway. Erika's only contribution in 3 seasons was taking Kyle to Mykonos for 48 hours. No one but Mikey ever gets to ride the private Girardi jet. I'm thinking Erika Jayne is just a facade.

Erika hauled the women to NY for Yolanda's gala in the Gulf Stream.  That is a huge gift.

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, Mr. Minor said:

Erika has been on long enough for Bravo to get the drag queen demographic they wanted. I don’t see what she brings to the show. I don’t think she enjoys being on the show.

I think she does - showing off her plane and her tacky "designer" clothes and "glam squad" and thinking we all want to be Erika Jayne.  None of which I admire or covet, although I don't mind Erika herself most of the time, and I do feel sorry for her because I think she has an empty life.  And I don't like being called a liar either, so I get why she was pissed, but when Teddi backed down she should have too, and apologized for her aggression.

Edited by princelina
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