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S03.E11: Folie à Deux

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After a neighbor is stabbed, Dr. Choi enlists the help of April to figure out the real cause of the incident; Noah misdiagnoses a patient; Dr. Reese's estranged father comes to Dr. Charles as a patient without her knowledge.

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I don’t like Reese now days, but she doesn’t deserve a class A jerk like her father. He lies about writing her, blaming her mother, and expects her to take care of him now.

I don’t mind Natalie going off on that anti-vaxxer. 

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This episode should have been called "Be Careful Who You Trust":

  • I felt sorry for Reese, her father is soooo sketchy and manipulative.  Nice move (by which I mean super manipulative)  on his part talking to Charles and then invoking doctor/patient confidentiality when he had no intention of actually taking the medication. He just wants to have Reese on his side so she'll take care of him.  I also blame Reese's mother who may have had justification for her hatred of her ex but should have taught her daughter how not to be manipulated by him;
  • Brittany's and her sociopathic "friend" who was manipulating Brittany in order to get the apartment in her building;
  • the poor sister/aunt of the baby with whooping cough who probably thought that going along with her anti-vaxxer husband was no big deal;
  • Connor, keep away from Bekker, she's just a nasty person. There was no reason to come down so hard and so superior on Noah who is just a first year resident.  She's probably going to cheat to win that competition.   

I still don't like Noah but Roland Buck really made me feel for him this episode.  I also agreed with Natalie but she really went overboard yelling at the uncle. It must be upside down day.

Edited by statsgirl
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At the last scene with Bekker and Rhodes I was pleading "no please don't" and then they went mouth to mouth. Ugh.

2 minutes ago, LittleIggy said:

I don’t like Reese now days, but she doesn’t deserve a class A jerk like her father. He lies about writing her, blaming her mother, and expects her to take care of him now.

I don’t mind Natalie going off on that anti-vaxxer. 

I can see why Natalie blew up at the anti-vaxxer but her behavior was still not that of a professional.

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1 hour ago, watcher1006 said:

I can see why Natalie blew up at the anti-vaxxer but her behavior was still not that of a professional.

And she did it in front of the little boy!  Get your kid out of here!  Wow, that boy heard that and is going to feel like crap about it for a long time.  It's not his fault his dad is a dumbass about vaccinations.

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Wow, that was the quickest recovery from Whooping cough I've ever seen, all in the ER too. What a miracle healer that Natalie is.........one dose of AB's, a few hours on a vent & poof all fixed. This show doesn't even try anymore does it?

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Geesh another week of this Maggie bullshit??  You don't know who he is???  He's the guy who got shot saving the life of your bestie... His explanation makes sense.  What woulda been the point if telling her beforehand...  Seems like Maggie needed a parachute anf she got one

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8 hours ago, watcher1006 said:


It's been coming for months, so...  at least the "suspense" will be at an end, and perhaps, now that the surprise has been sprung. there will be no need for further on-camera lip-locks.

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When Dr. Charles was talking to Alanna (Brittany's friend), he asked her something to the effect of "Do you know what she's being seen for?"  I made a mental note of it, but that was last night and now I don't recall the exact phrasing.  But, ugh!  Why not simply, "Do you know why she's being seen?"  I know it happens in real life with real doctors.  But a screenwriter ending a character's sentence in a preposition when that character is a professional?  

I was somewhat impressed by the guy who played Reese's dad.  Maybe it's just because I'm a Reese fan.  Even though they aren't actually related in real life, I thought he nailed some of her expressions toward Dr. Charles - some of the same pleading, accept me and my faults, begging for validation looks and some of the same glances, aversions, and eyebrow/forehead furrowing.  I saw it.  Maybe no one else did.  But I love when actors appear to have studied not only their role, but the role and mannerisms of someone to whom their character may be related.  Likewise, on "This Is Us," a lot of the actors seem to do their best to mimic the mannerisms of the other actors who play their same roles, but at different ages.  

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Natalie can't pronounce whooping cough correctly. Gives me all kinds of confidence. Jeez. Don't these medical TV shows have personnel who tell them how to pronounce words?

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6 hours ago, debraran said:

This last show fell short for me, first time I really felt I should have just gone to bed. No mention of last week's issue with Reese, at all. "I might write you up" equals nothing I guess. Other shows have had vaccination episodes but this fell flat for me, an excuse for Natalie to call someone stupid while yelling at them? How professional.

Reese's dad is a manipulative guy that Dr Charles is treating without seeing him? He's obviously a jerk and when Reese finds out Dr Charles knew him better after he tugs at her heart strings and he talked to him, fireworks will fly, she'll look less sleepy and that will be tied up by the following week. Why didn't the writers have Dr Charles ask him why a few hours before he said, "I should have written her, I only did twice" and then lie to her? It's still confidential but he can ask. I also don't think someone is a patient that you spoke to in a room, no paperwork, no chart, no appt made or did I miss that?

It's a good point that we didn't see Charles writing up any notes on the meeting but he did phone the pharmacy and prescribe the pills so I think it counts as treating him and would still come under confidentiality.  As for why no follow-up appointment, the dad doesn't want treatment, he didn't even want the pills, he just wanted to manipulate it so that Reese contacted him so the he could manipulate her.

As for why Charles didn't confront him about lying to Reese, maybe he didn't want the dad to know that he was on to him.  There is nothing that Charles can do about the situation right now so being a smart guy, he gathers information, checks out his hypotheses, and bides his time.

2 hours ago, Netfoot said:

It's been coming for months, so...  at least the "suspense" will be at an end, and perhaps, now that the surprise has been sprung. there will be no need for further on-camera lip-locks.

For me it's not that there was on-screen lip-locking, it's that Bekker is a mean, self-centered woman who often crosses the line into emotionally abusive to other people like wanting to make Noah feel like crap here for missing something only an expert would have caught.  Connor is a nice guy when he isn't spiralling down.  He doesn't deserve the kind of relationship this is. And I don't deserve to have to watch it on screen.

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Yeah, they managed to make me feel sympathy for Noah.  It makes me uncomfortable.  But the error wasn't even his, really.  He's an intern, he's supposed to goof up, which is the whole reason that you do a residency.  I'm betting Becker and her sourpuss would have missed it as well.  If there was no mediastinal widening on the x-ray and even Stohl looking at it thought it was an MI, barring doing an echo of his heart, there wouldn't have been a way to tell.  And in the overwhelming majority of cases, all he would have done was delay getting a stent.

I am glad they seem to have finally dropped the noxious attempt to pair him with Sarah, though.

Run, Sarah, run.

Damn it, Natalie.  Stop making me agree with you.  That said, I wouldn't be screaming at an anti-vax parent.  I had a similar situation when I was in med school, and it honestly look a lot for me to hold my tongue, so I understand the impulse though.

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3 hours ago, GalvDuck said:

When Dr. Charles was talking to Alanna (Brittany's friend), he asked her something to the effect of "Do you know what she's being seen for?"  I made a mental note of it, but that was last night and now I don't recall the exact phrasing.  But, ugh!  Why not simply, "Do you know why she's being seen?"  I know it happens in real life with real doctors.  But a screenwriter ending a character's sentence in a preposition when that character is a professional?  

The whole “don’t end a sentence with a preposition” is a grammar myth. This is a rule from Latin grammar that was applied to English. 

3 hours ago, rhys said:

Natalie can't pronounce whooping cough correctly. Gives me all kinds of confidence. Jeez. Don't these medical TV shows have personnel who tell them how to pronounce words?

How do you pronounce it? Just curious. I wasn’t paying attention to her pronunciation.

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3 hours ago, statsgirl said:

For me it's not that there was on-screen lip-locking, it's that Bekker is a mean, self-centered woman who often crosses the line into emotionally abusive to other people like wanting to make Noah feel like crap here for missing something only an expert would have caught.

I agree with this, but I was saying that now we have seen the long-expected lip-lock, hopefully we won't have to see it again.  Heaven forfend, the next episode is them shagging in every laundry cupboard and under every gurney!

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2 hours ago, starri said:

I am glad they seem to have finally dropped the noxious attempt to pair him with Sarah, though.

Run, Sarah, run

Well for one I dunno that they dropped  it.. But even if they did.. What's so noxious abt the pairing.. And if anyone is to run its Noah.. Time and time again he's been seen trying to be there for her and listening to her problems and she seems totally self involved.. Even in this episode he's talking to her abt his case and she's ignoring him until he just gives up and asks abt her to which she perks up and starts unloading.. And then once she's done she just walks out. I like Reese and I like Noah and if the show went there I wouldn't mind.. But if anything about this pairing is off its her treatment of him

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4 hours ago, UNOSEZ said:

Well for one I dunno that they dropped  it.. But even if they did.. What's so noxious abt the pairing.. And if anyone is to run its Noah.. Time and time again he's been seen trying to be there for her and listening to her problems and she seems totally self involved.. Even in this episode he's talking to her abt his case and she's ignoring him until he just gives up and asks abt her to which she perks up and starts unloading.. And then once she's done she just walks out. I like Reese and I like Noah and if the show went there I wouldn't mind.. But if anything about this pairing is off its her treatment of him

While I like Noah better than Reese, I think the reason she's cold to him is because as I recall, initially, he was trying to hit on her.  Now though, perhaps she still thinks that he's romantically interested in her which is why she rebuffs him, even though he really does just want to be her friend. 

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Sorry about the lack of an episode thread, gang. The hard drive on my computer went belly up yesterday and I'm still learning how to navigate by phone! (Luckily I have a new computer coming.) So good for being proactive and starting the thread! (Anyone can, for the record. Just try to remember to do the episode format. But, if not, that's why I'm (usually!) here!)

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I was a bit checked out with the Noah/Bekker/Rhodes plot since my 12 year old son just had aortic root replacement due to an aortic aneurysm. I didn't have high hopes for the show to make a good storyline about it and I was correct.

Maggie and her AKA ex husband are lame

I'm glad Natalie went off on the idiot anti vaccine parent, but she should have yelled at him where the son couldn't hear.  Poor kid probably thought he did something wrong.  And if the mom felt so bad that her son infected her niece, I hope she took him to get vaccinated immediately!

I wasn't really interested in Reese and her dad, and now that he's shown to be a complete scumbag, I'm even less interested.  I love how everyone who talks to Dr. Charles for less than 2 minutes tells him all their sinister plans.  

NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!  I knew it was going to happen, but Rhodes and Bekker together makes me want to vomit.  She is an ugly person inside and out!!

Edited by juliet73
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15 hours ago, juliet73 said:


I wasn't really interested in Reese and her dad, and now that he's shown to be a complete scumbag, I'm even less interested.  I love how everyone who talks to Dr. Charles for less than 2 minutes tells him all their sinister plans.  


so true.

What I liked about this episode -maybe signs they will shift this show into a medical crime drama, which would be nuts but more interesting than it currently is since they are not bothering to write a good medical show. So, writers, please go ahead and make this a mash up of medical crime---because I actually was interesting in seeing what exactly was crazy neighbor up to? how will Dr. Charles smoke her out?

I'll take more crazy mysteries in the ER please. It's a new genre. Let's go with it.

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7 hours ago, RedbirdNelly said:

so true.

What I liked about this episode -maybe signs they will shift this show into a medical crime drama, which would be nuts but more interesting than it currently is since they are not bothering to write a good medical show. So, writers, please go ahead and make this a mash up of medical crime---because I actually was interesting in seeing what exactly was crazy neighbor up to? how will Dr. Charles smoke her out?

I'll take more crazy mysteries in the ER please. It's a new genre. Let's go with it.

YES!! They can bring Gabby in from Chicago Fire since she's a jack of all trades. She can run background checks at the nurses workstation...and warn Maggie in advance of any name changers who want to date her, take down any would be gang bangers wanting to retaliate in the waiting room, compare eyelash length with April, assist Dr. Rhodes with heart surgery...in hopes that Bekker falls off a cliff, foster the children whose parents were just arrested thanks to Dr. Charles and his crime solving skills of listening, and finally...work alongside Natalie so EVERY patient can be judged more than once while trying to get treatment in the ED.

Edited by juliet73
I heart punctuation
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On 3/7/2018 at 12:55 AM, watcher1006 said:

At the last scene with Bekker and Rhodes I was pleading "no please don't" and then they went mouth to mouth. Ugh.


I was right there with you; I kept thinking, please, just don't do it" but of course, they've been building this "tension"  and "union" since Bekker joined.    I would have rather they develop Rhodes relationship with the woman Fed from the previous week's episode.  She seemed much more interesting!    Just no with Rhodes and Bekker and, imo, there's no chemistry between them.

All the storylines/plotlines are just becoming too non-sensical, predictable and a bit boring.   Reese definitely doesn't need to be in psychiatry and you just knew her father wasn't going to be the loving father as portrayed initially.   At least Noah and Reese weren't "together" and please, Choi and April playing underwear paintball/laser tag--whatever--just no real spark of fun or any sexual undertones   Zero chemistry there, too.   Sadly, stick a fork in it; I'm done!

On 3/7/2018 at 9:37 AM, UNOSEZ said:

Geesh another week of this Maggie bullshit??  You don't know who he is???  He's the guy who got shot saving the life of your bestie... His explanation makes sense.  What woulda been the point if telling her beforehand...  Seems like Maggie needed a parachute anf she got one

Yeah, guess they don't want to write an interesting and plausible storyline about Maggie.  She's obstinate/stubborn without a reason to be so.   The entire season has gone downhill, and I don't believe I can watch it anymore *sigh*

Natalie (super doctor) - just no words for her!

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On 3/7/2018 at 1:22 PM, berwoman said:

That was the least passionate kiss I have ever seen on television.  They're like 2 robots.  Actually, that's unfair to robots...

LOL on the robots and yes, so true - just very wooden, unenthusiastic and passionless.   Just no to them, anyway!!

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On 3/7/2018 at 9:49 AM, GalvDuck said:

When Dr. Charles was talking to Alanna (Brittany's friend), he asked her something to the effect of "Do you know what she's being seen for?"  I made a mental note of it, but that was last night and now I don't recall the exact phrasing.  But, ugh!  Why not simply, "Do you know why she's being seen?"  I know it happens in real life with real doctors.  But a screenwriter ending a character's sentence in a preposition when that character is a professional?  


Yep - I picked up on that too.  Honestly, if we were to scrutinize all the bad grammar and sentence structure on TV, we'd be discussing it for years!!   As much as I hear, a "me and my friend", "me and her" or anything closing resembling that, my tv screen would be broken by now (throwing things at it).   It's on every show including precious Shondaland's series.  I understand that one of the Scandal cast members actually corrected her on a grammatically incorrect sentence and Shonda said, "this is what you say" so the actor said it (she might have gotten fired--you don't cross Shonda!)

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I can see a difference though; "Do you know why she's being seen?" implies a symptom (e.g. she had a fainting spell; she's having trouble breathing) whereas "Do you know what she's being seen for?" seems more related to a condition or diagnosis (e.g. she had an epileptic seizure; she has chronic pulmonary disease),

1 hour ago, cathmed said:

Choi and April playing underwear paintball/laser tag--whatever--just no real spark of fun or any sexual undertones   Zero chemistry there, too.   Sadly, stick a fork in it; I'm done!

I'd managed to forget about that scene till you reminded me.  Can anyone say "Trying too hard"? It was just awful.

I don't know what it is, maybe that both actors underplay scenes.  Put them together and it's just Dead World.

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Choi and April, well that was weird, to say the least, the paintball business I mean.

Connor and Becker, well we all knew they were gonna do it sooner or later (wouldn't have minded later or never!) But does anybody else feel she's gonna do something dirty to win that position? Connor I just hope you watch out, cause she's a b----h and she won't play fair,

Natalie, well I don't know if b----h is the word I wanna use here, I don't care what your feelings are about someone not immunizing their children, you don't call them out about it like she just did. All she yelled at that dad she could at least have the decency to do it in private, don't get me wrong, I get upset with the ignorance that ppl have regarding not immunizing, but I would never do what she just did, and when it comes down to it, as a parent is still his right, and as a professional she had no right to tell him off the way she did. But then again she's not very professional is she? (Once again I believe ppl should be educated about immunizations but certainly not someone as stupid as Natalie, I ask you, who actually is the idiot here?)

Maggie, oh gee I guess we need drama in her life too, so no forgiving Barry, or even giving him a chance.

I wish I could care about Sara enough to comment on her dad, but I don't, I still can't believe she got away with what she pulled with that knife last episode.

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7 hours ago, torqy said:

I accidentally deleted the second half of the episode. Could someone kindly clue me as to outcome of the feuding neighbors?
Thanks in advance!

There was a woman who befriended the female neighbor, and who had been harassing the male neighbor because she wanted his apartment.  This woman essentially preyed on the female neighbor's mental health issues to convince her the male neighbor was trying to kill her, so she stabbed him in what she thought was self-defense. The police came and arrested female neighbor, Dr. Charles confronted the woman, and it was basically admitted in a way that was not an admission (body language, the look on her face).  She's a real psychopath, it seems, but there was nothing the police could arrest her for.

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Naw its hoop (think hula hoop) cuz the sound one makes with the cough. I agree that you'd hear non medical people mid pronounce the word, but my point is that the show has to have medical folks on staff who should have alerted Nat when she mispronounced it. She did pronounce it correctly a couple times but not always.

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Natalie is incredibly unprofessional. 

Can't say I care about Connor and the South African. Bring back Mekia Cox!

I've really gone off Reese these past few episodes.

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4 minutes ago, Quark said:

Natalie is incredibly unprofessional. 

Can't say I care about Connor and the South African. Bring back Mekia Cox!

I've really gone off Reese these past few episodes.

Have no idea why they didn't just keep her around.  I hope it was a mutual decision because bekker has been horrible from jump.. Could be the show thought having too many IR relationships would be seen as one of my fav sayings " pushing an agenda down our throats"

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1.a loud cry of joy or excitement.
synonyms:    shout, cry, call, yell, roar, scream, shriek, screech, cheer, hoot; informalholler
"whoops of delight"
1.give or make a whoop.
"all at once they were whooping with laughter"


Wikipedia:  Pertussis (also known as whooping cough or 100-day cough) is a highly contagious bacterial disease...

Mayo ClinicWhooping cough (pertussis) is a highly contagious respiratory tract infection...

UK NHSWhooping cough, also called pertussis, is a highly contagious bacterial infection of the lungs and airways...

MedlinePlusWhooping cough is an infectious bacterial disease that causes uncontrollable coughing. The name comes from the noise you make when you take a breath after you cough...

WebMDWhooping cough (also known as pertussis) is a bacterial infection that gets into your nose and throat.

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1 hour ago, rhys said:

Naw its hoop (think hula hoop) cuz the sound one makes with the cough. I agree that you'd hear non medical people mid pronounce the word, but my point is that the show has to have medical folks on staff who should have alerted Nat when she mispronounced it. She did pronounce it correctly a couple times but not always.

If you google "how to pronounce whooping cough" you'll get both pronunciations, so I don't think that Natalie was necessarily wrong.   Plus, it's such a minor thing to harp on, given her annoying qualities overall.

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3 hours ago, Ailianna said:

There was a woman who befriended the female neighbor, and who had been harassing the male neighbor because she wanted his apartment.  This woman essentially preyed on the female neighbor's mental health issues to convince her the male neighbor was trying to kill her, so she stabbed him in what she thought was self-defense. The police came and arrested female neighbor, Dr. Charles confronted the woman, and it was basically admitted in a way that was not an admission (body language, the look on her face).  She's a real psychopath, it seems, but there was nothing the police could arrest her for.

Thank you @Ailianna!

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Not being a linguist, I still suspect that wh is a lost consonant in the English language, at least in the USA. When most people in this country say "whale" as in animal, they pronounce it as though they  were saying "Wales", as in part of the UK. On the other hand the word "whore" as in prostitute gets pronounced as one would say "hoary", as in old. A lot of common words such as "when", "why", "when", and so on are spelled with wh but often pronounced as if they were spelled with just a w, on the other hand "whose" might as well just be spelled with an h. Centuries ago, maybe there was a hybrid of the w and h consonants that was distinct from either by itself, but it isn't commonly heard now.

Natalie was annoying enough whatever way she pronounced "whooping".

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This whole conversation reminds me of the recent Family Guy Wheat Thins commercials.  



"Whoop!" is what Aggies yell during football season.

"Whoops!" is what people say when they drop something.

I've heard "whooping" pronounced as "hooping" cough most of the time, but then again, I work in a hospital.  

And, yes, Natalie is annoying.

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On 3/8/2018 at 3:52 PM, cathmed said:

Choi and April playing underwear paintball/laser tag--whatever--just no real spark of fun or any sexual undertones   Zero chemistry there, too. 

This whole scene had ZERO to do with anything. They may as well just have hung signs around their necks: WE HAVE NICE BODIES AND WANTED A REASON TO SHOW THEM OFF.

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9 hours ago, SnarkySheep said:

This whole scene had ZERO to do with anything. They may as well just have hung signs around their necks: WE HAVE NICE BODIES AND WANTED A REASON TO SHOW THEM OFF.

I felt the same way, and even my 24 year old daughter who came in the room during that scene, said, "They work out recently and need to show off" lol   Such an obvious ploy.

I find April so stiff and plastic, I just can't see her with anyone and although I don't feel comfortable criticizing makeup, I do find her eyelashes distracting.  (sorry) I know some of it is acting and some of it script, but I feel Natalie and April are more "soap opera" figures and others have the talent to do more with better writing. It's an art to do short segments, ER did it well, bingewatcing that now on Hulu, but I realize I can't compare.

I love the character  of Dr Choi and Dr Charles and hope they have more interaction especially with Choi's PTSD issues.  The Reese/Dad thing, please make them go away soon.

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On 3/8/2018 at 9:04 PM, Lyanna19 said:

Choi and April, well that was weird, to say the least, the paintball business I mean.


20 hours ago, SnarkySheep said:

This whole scene had ZERO to do with anything. They may as well just have hung signs around their necks: WE HAVE NICE BODIES AND WANTED A REASON TO SHOW THEM OFF.

Totally agree.  Pretty exploitative and had nothing to do with the storyline.  They could have been sitting at the kitchen table in their flannel pajamas eating cereal and drinking coffee and it would have been just as effective.  When I first saw Choi opening the episode, I thought he was having some PTSD sleepwalking thing happening.  April, wow, where does she hide those things?  Scrubs can be very deceptive.

I don't like that everything seems to be centered around Dr. Charles.  I don't think this is realistic of a real ER.  But he was pretty intuitive.  I didn't understand why he called the pharmacy to check if Reese's father had picked up the medication and was surprised when he did not.  So is that when he figured out that the father is just using him to get to his daughter?  He really doesn't have a mental condition, said that just talking to Dr. Charles helped him out, etc.?

I don't mind Bekker as much as everyone else here seems to.  I don't think she's out of this world attractive, but I don't think the average man would kick her out of bed either.  I am looking forward to this competition now that the lines are blurred.

Natalie would be suspended for an outburst like that in real life.  She should have brought that guy into a consult room and had a private conversation.  But that said, anti-vaxxers suck.

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11 hours ago, debraran said:

I find April so stiff and plastic, I just can't see her with anyone

Personally, I just can't get a real grip on who she is and what she's looking for in life. For instance, her ex Tate was a wonderful guy, handsome, smart, funny, very caring, etc. Yet the whole time they were together, she kept criticizing every little thing. He basically hopped around her, trying to please her. I know there are some viewers who saw Tate as really controlling, but in any case, she could definitely have done worse. I kind of felt like when she lost the baby and broke up with him, it had less to do with all that than April simply waiting for a "good" reason to separate and seizing upon it.

Now, with Choi, I also can't figure her out, though in a different way. The two of them argue a lot (I presume they toned it down on screen more because it would get really old for viewers, not because anything would realistically have changed with their work dynamic). Sure, they have sexytimes, but if that's what April is mainly interested in, I'm sure she could find it easily with just about any guy. Regardless of your mileage on Manstead, at least there has always been a solid feel of friendship between the two. IMO this little throwaway scene with them playing tag was more of a forced telling the audience that "see, there's fun between them too!" But to me, it felt like the old "show, don't tell."

3 minutes ago, greyhorse said:

 I didn't understand why he called the pharmacy to check if Reese's father had picked up the medication and was surprised when he did not.  So is that when he figured out that the father is just using him to get to his daughter?  He really doesn't have a mental condition, said that just talking to Dr. Charles helped him out, etc.?

What I don't understand is why Dr. Charles didn't immediately reveal his connection to Reese the moment her father mentioned her. I can understand him speaking to the man initially, as he had a different last name than his daughter, and even if it WAS also Reese, that's a common enough surname. But when dad mentioned it, Charles only said that he did know her...not that he's her boss! Yet if the dad was able to track Reese down to Med, then surely he must also know who she's working under. 

But if not, then Charles should immediately have recused himself from consulting with him. (Of course, if he'd done that, we wouldn't have a storyline, so alas.)

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On 3/11/2018 at 12:47 PM, UNOSEZ said:

Have no idea why they didn't just keep her around.  I hope it was a mutual decision because bekker has been horrible from jump.. Could be the show thought having too many IR relationships would be seen as one of my fav sayings " pushing an agenda down our throats"

Mekia Cox was a regular on this season's Once Upon A Time. Because it's on a different network (ABC), she couldn't do both.

Now that OUaT is cancelled, maybe she'll be back on Chicago Med next seasn.

On 3/14/2018 at 8:04 PM, SnarkySheep said:

This whole scene had ZERO to do with anything. They may as well just have hung signs around their necks: WE HAVE NICE BODIES AND WANTED A REASON TO SHOW THEM OFF.

I thought that the underwear game time was trying to round up some sexual chemistry between the two.  It failed miserable.

Both Connor and Ethan did so much better with their love interests last year than this one and it's a shame that both actresses got gigs on other shows and left this one because the chemistry and the depth of acting to make a believable love interest is not something you can conjure out of nowhere.

On 3/15/2018 at 4:56 PM, SnarkySheep said:

What I don't understand is why Dr. Charles didn't immediately reveal his connection to Reese the moment her father mentioned her. I can understand him speaking to the man initially, as he had a different last name than his daughter, and even if it WAS also Reese, that's a common enough surname. But when dad mentioned it, Charles only said that he did know her...not that he's her boss! Yet if the dad was able to track Reese down to Med, then surely he must also know who she's working under. 

But if not, then Charles should immediately have recused himself from consulting with him. (Of course, if he'd done that, we wouldn't have a storyline, so alas.)

The whole set-up stank.  Why did Charles never ask why this patient asked for him specifically?  And yes, he should have recused himself if not as soon as he found out the guy is Reese's father then when he figured out how manipulative the guy was.  But I guess then we wouldn't have the "Reese figures out how awful her father is and Charles helps her through it" arc that it coming.

At least he thought to check whether the guy had actually picked up the pills or was just using Charles to get to Reese.

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Yes, Dr Charles is too smart to act the way the writers are making the character act. You don't pick up a patient in a room in a hospital and give him pills without talking to him and making a chart. He finds out who he is and keeps seeing him? He knows he is lying and keeps seeing him? He isn't even a good liar, he told Dr Charles he only wrote her twice and then changes his mind and story later in the day. Sounds dangerous to me and just another emotional turmoil based on a bad script coming up.  They could have done much more with that premise and not directly involve Dr Charles as his doctor but just some good investigative work. 

They could have some good stories with Dr Charles and PTSD, depression, seeing children who are or potentially school shooters, a lot of good stories in the making if they want to write them. I really liked the short segment where he saw how an ER patient didn't walk off a curb looking at his phone, he wanted to hurt himself, something Sarah wouldn't have caught, his experience helping and intuition. When he talked to the patient later, in his own pain with depression, I thought it was a short but emotional moment. I hope for more.

Edited by debraran
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On 3/7/2018 at 10:48 AM, LittleIggy said:

The whole “don’t end a sentence with a preposition” is a grammar myth. This is a rule from Latin grammar that was applied to English. 


Thank you, was just coming in to make that point.  I've heard that Winston Churchill made fun of it by saying something like, "This is arrant nonsense up with whichI will not put." 

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