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S09.E08: The Truth Comes Out

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2 hours ago, laurakaye said:

Kody is an asshat with a bad perm.

But the above statement drives me nuts - so if a wife is unhappy and not legally married and there's nothing to keep her around...and if the husband makes it clear that there will be no more sexytimes because of trust or because he's got someone hotter down the street...what is the point of her sticking around?  Her misery is clearly going to affect the rest of the family dynamics.  Meri's desperation and sadness practically emanates off of the tv screen (or maybe that's just the patterns on her LulaNo sweaters giving off visible vibes, who knows).  But why - when Kody has three other wives who are currently pretty chill - would be really want Meri to stay and make everyone's lives miserable?  Even his kids are aware that she's no longer interested in being a part of the family.

I mean, it's just so twisted - if Meri is staying because Kody wants her to "for the family," but she's no longer really part of the family, then what the hell is the point?


I love this post so much I want to marry it.  But I won't share it with a sister wife.

Sponge Robyn Square Head played gullible naive Meri for all she was worth.  Yeah, I'll be your fake BFF, and I'll take what's always been yours so sneakily, you won't even realize what happened.  Snake in the grass replaced the old snake in the grass.  Meri, you are really stupid.  Maybe when you were 20, it was sort of understandable, but now that you're middle aged, have you learned ANYTHING?

  • Love 11
1 hour ago, JocelynCavanaugh said:
7 hours ago, Granny58 said:

 They say they are Christian (and I believe them, if they believe in Jesus as savior), but then they need to man to bring them into Heaven?  

Mormon theology is technically not even monotheistic*, which is a pretty indisputable  tenet of Christianity, so even though “Christ” is in their religion, paradoxically Mormonism doesn’t fit the most basic definition of Christianity. 

*”As man is, God once was. As God is, man can become.” Elohim is just the God of Earth, not the universe. 

Yeah, I know...and it makes me sad.  I have friends who are Mormon (and I was interested in it as a teen due to an Osmond obsession) and I go back and forth on this.  They also don't believe the atonement was Jesus' death but the sweating of blood in the Garden of Gethsemane.  I try to be charitable though and just say "well, if you believe Jesus is your savior, I guess you're Christian" even though they believe things that are far outside of historical, traditional, dogmatic Christianity.   You raise good points, which I do struggle with when the discussions come up on other boards.  

Edited by Granny58
  • Love 4
9 minutes ago, xwordfanatik said:

Sponge Robyn Square Head played gullible naive Meri for all she was worth.  Yeah, I'll be your fake BFF, and I'll take what's always been yours so sneakily, you won't even realize what happened.  Snake in the grass replaced the old snake in the grass.  Meri, you are really stupid.  Maybe when you were 20, it was sort of understandable, but now that you're middle aged, have you learned ANYTHING?

And that’s the problem with so many of these super strict, isolated, sheltered religions. Especially ones that encourage you to get married young and pop out babies. They never have time for personal individual growth and exploration. 

  • Love 8
50 minutes ago, JocelynCavanaugh said:

Maybe I’m remembering wrong or confusing them with one of the other 673 polygamous families on TLC, but is it really what Meri signed up for? I thought she believed they would be monogamous and then Kody sprung it on her after they were sealed and she had to go along with it to keep him. Why she stayed the past few years is a whole other matter since it’s obviously not working. 

Meri's family was in the AUB church when Kody converted.  He was a newly converted young male and Meri had eyes only for him.  She was shy and he was charismatic.  Kody talked about the fact that he had many philosophical discussions with her father (who had 5 wives) and her father would not give his permission for the marriage unless Kody promised to live the Principle.  She agreed because she only wanted Kody.....and because that was what she was brought up to believe.

Meri had Kody to herself for three years, so I'm sure that she was hoping that he would just love her, and her alone and change his mind.  Until he met Janelle and developed a deep connection with her, as well as the fact that Janelle was converting for the only reason to get Kody as well.  She wrote in their book that she was displeased with her first husband's (Meri's brother...) commitment to the faith.  Her light bulb moment to convert is because if she did....wow...it meant that she could have Kody too!! Win. Win. 

After watching this last Nancy session with Meri and Kody I'm wondering if that isn't one of the deep core issues at the bottom of their relationship.  Meri wasn't enough for Kody and the fact that he won't fall on his knees in front of her and declare his undying need to have her front and center in his life and in the life of the whole family, holding him tight and leading them all into the promise land..... is why she keeps deflecting everything away from her issues and onto others.  She needs others to declare that SHE is so important instead of making herself important to others.  She treats them all like shit with mean snarky comments, digs and attitude or just indifference to them as a whole, and then gets pissy because they won't work things out with her.  She will never change now and the only way to grow is to take a long look in the mirror.  Her issues lie there, and so does the solution.

What I want more than ANYTHING in a session with Nancy is for her to give Meri and long look and say..."Meri, when are you going to admit to what you are bringing to the table".  WHY does that woman never call her out on her role in the whole bloody mess?

  • Love 20
53 minutes ago, Kyanight said:

But again that requires business acumen, something they have repeatedly proven they do not possess.  Too bad they don't have a financial advisor.

My Five Wives moved into one house last year, I guess Brady earned enough money from that big contract they got, to build one big house for everyone to live in.  So It can be done.  Just wondering if they still have their own areas in the big home?  Or is it more like the Darger's house, where they all share the common areas of the house.  Some how I just don't see the Browns living like that ever again.

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1 minute ago, Roslyn said:

What I want more than ANYTHING in a session with Nancy is for her to give Meri and long look and say..."Meri, when are you going to admit to what you are bringing to the table".  WHY does that woman never call her out on her role in the whole bloody mess?

Amen to that!

I never got the impression that Meri was of a monogamist mindset.  I realize she was young when she met Kody, but seeing as how she grew up in a polygamist household who believed it was part of their religious faith, I can see where she desired to be his first wife, even if she wasn't necessarily cut out for polygamy, because that is what her religion dictates.

Choosing monogamy at this point for Meri doesn't just mean relieving herself of the unwanted burden of a polygamous relationship, it also alters her relationship with her spiritual life and the religion she has been a part of since she was wee.

  • Love 4
9 minutes ago, kicotan said:

I never got the impression that Meri was of a monogamist mindset.  I realize she was young when she met Kody, but seeing as how she grew up in a polygamist household who believed it was part of their religious faith, I can see where she desired to be his first wife, even if she wasn't necessarily cut out for polygamy, because that is what her religion dictates.

After watching the show from the beginning, and reading their book...especially watching Meri and Kody interact on their vacation scenes and when they went hiking for him to tell her he didn't want to have a baby...with HER.  I always had this feeling that she wanted him to beg her, to reassure her (using their favorite word...validate) that she was front and center in his world...somehow on a taller pedestal than the others.

In life, you so often see young women choose men that aren't quite right for them, because they think they can change that man through his love and adoration for her.  Meet a man in a bar and after marriage he never goes to the bar again because he loves his wife and now only has eyes for her.  But it doesn't happen, she married a man who likes to go to bars.  I think Meri was young and thought that Kody would be hers, and hers alone.  They would marry and he would change his mind because she was all he needed on earth, and beyond.  It's the kind of thinking a young teen girl has...Meri has always given me the impression she is emotionally stunted in her teen years...kind of stuck.  I think that's why she plays the behind the back mean girl so well. 

I know she was raised with the fundamental principle thinking/doctrine...but she has never been like Christine who is obviously a sheep following person who was raised with the heavy indoctrination that is classic closed bubble fundamental Mormonism.

  • Love 7
3 hours ago, silverspoons said:

While Salt Lake is not perfect it does have most medical care needed for kids. Las Vegas is so limited. I can understand Christine who has always seemed afraid of doctors and hospitals of wanting second opinions especially outside of Vegas but why not Phoenix.

And, for the love of God, why drag the poor kid to Flint, MI?  Flint is one of the most down-in-the-heels towns in Michigan (I live about 90 minutes north of there) and certainly isn't known for its quality of medical care.

I remember seeing pictures of them at a farmer's market in Flint last summer and wondering what the heck they were doing there.  Now I know.

  • Love 9


Meri wants to open a B&B.

Meri wants to show Kody the B&B.

Maddie is pregnant.

Mariah, Audrey, and Meri are going to have everyone over for St. Patrick's Day dinner.  Meri is wearing her ugly shooties.  She informs us that Mariah and Audrey have been dating for 3.5 months.  On the couch, Janelle tells us that she knows what Mariah and Audrey, and all the kids, are doing through their social media.  Interestingly, Robyn has been removed from Kody's side and shifted to the far right spot on the couch.  Meri and Robyn think Mariah is glowing and happy.  In Meri's kitchen, Mariah tells us that the kids were never told that she's dating Audrey.   Meri directs them to put pesto into something.  My Irish great-aunts would be aghast.  Meri thinks that Audrey really fits in with the Browns.  Audrey says she's excited to spend time with the family and she sounds like she really means it.  Garrison, Savanah, Sol, Logan, and Michelle show up, with Kody and some others in the background.  Christine tells us that all the kids act like brothers and sisters regardless of which mom they come from.  Meri says that this closeness between siblings doesn't always happen in plural families.  Madison is about 7 months pregnant and is wearing a very bodycon dress in emerald green.  Janelle muses that she doesn't know what being a grandparent will be like.  Meri informs the clan that they're having salad, pasta, and rolls.  (The aunts would cut her dead.)  As the resident evangelical Christian and object of Kody's affection, Caleb is asked to give a blessing.  Kody interviews that he likes Caleb's prayers because they're full of gratitude, whereas his own kids are, "trite."  As he prays, Christine tells us that she was raised to view all religious outsiders as a threat.  Now she realizes that there's goodness everywhere.  She has spoken too soon, because Tony and Mykelti just showed up for dinner.  Meri shows off a store bought sheet cake that's decorated with a leprechaun, but she implies that the rainbow really stands for... *wink wink.*  Mariah cackles.  Christine says she'll crochet the girls a rainbow pillow that says, "It's not about being Irish, it's about being gay." Kody tells us that many religions don't include lesbian and gay people, but that he lives his life with love and tolerance.  Robyn says that Sol knows about Mariah and Audrey, and Janelle adds that it's not an issue with her kids.  Christine is glad they live in a place as open-minded as Vegas.  Meri has had lots of questions for Mariah and Audrey, but Christine thinks that's a good thing that demonstrates Meri's support.

It's time for another family gathering, this time at Christine's to view Ysabel's x-rays.  Christine tells us that scoliosis was picked up on a routine school screening and was confirmed by their pediatrician a little over a year ago.  Her spine had a 26 degree curve and they started with the nighttime brace.  Kody and Christine hang x-rays up on the window while Maddie and Caleb appear to be cooking in the background.  Janelle says the x-ray is like looking at science fiction.  Meri says it, "blows her mind."  The next x-ray, from December 2016, shows a 38 degree curve.  Robyn's mind is blown as well.  Ysabel started wearing a brace full-time after the December x-ray, but it hasn't been working.  The doctor says that if it doesn't correct, she may need surgery to attach a rod to her spine.  Kody finds this idea barbaric.  This from a sensitive man whose hair is practically hanging in ringlets.  Christine tells us that polygamists don't take their kids to the hospital because polygamy is illegal in Utah.  Robyn piggybacks on that statement to tell us they're going to explore alternative medicine for Ysabel.  Christine tells the group that chiropractors have a new method called ScoliSmart that consists of exercises.  The medical doctors say the spine won't straighten out, but the chiropractors say there's a chance.  Ysabel is going to go to a 2-week boot camp in May.  Christine says that it may not eliminate the need for surgery, but they're going to hope.

A montage of cacti must be getting us ready for another prickly session at Therapist Nancy's.  Kody doesn't know why they're meeting with her, and says that Nancy's helpful but he wouldn't voluntarily choose to go to a session.  As Kody and Meri leave their SUV and head into Nancy's, Meri tells us that she wanted Kody to go see her grandmother's house in Parowan, but they've been struggling for quite a while. I'd like to see my grandmother's Bailey's bottle right about now.   Meri tells us that they've both been so busy and away from each other's space that it's even a big dill that they drove together.  They settle into Nancy's office and ugh, Meri is wearing the shooties again!  Kody sums up their last session where Nancy recommended that Kody and Meri just try to be friendly, and he says that they went out to dinner afterward to talk about things.  Nancy asks about dinner.  Meri says it was friendly and they talked about the house...and oh by the way have you heard about the house, Nancy?  Meri hijacks the session to launch into the story of the house.  Kody tells Nancy that he has agreed to go see it, but that he and Meri are not in the same place about actually buying it.  He thinks it would overextend the family and be a bad risk, and he wants Nancy to teach him a way to say no nicely.  Meri tells Nancy that she wants to buy the house and possibly run it as a B&B, but she doesn't really have the time for that so she'd move her mother down.  They re-hash the financials.  Meri's bottom line is that she really just wants the house.  Kody says that he and some of the wives look at the "big pitcher" for the whole family, but some, *cough* Meri *cough*, do not.  His position is that if Meri has the money she can do it, but if it won't turn a profit and help the family she shouldn't ask them all to buy it.  Meri says that this still feels like a separation where she's being told to go do her own thing.  She thinks he's telling her, to, "do life alone."  She adds that maybe this relationship isn't the best thing for her.  

After the break we're still at Nancy's, and Meri says that it feels like she and Kody are leading parallel lives that don't intersect at all.  Kody says that he and Meri have failed to take care of their relationship and it's only platonic at this point.  In the office, he mentions that apart from the financials his biggest concern is the new law in Utah that's against plural families.  He doesn't want to be in a position where Utah could confiscate his property.  Meri tells us again that in Utah they are felons.  Kody says they could safely own the house if he's not sleeping in Meri's bed there.  In other words, he says, Meri could safely invest in Utah, but Kody could not.  Meri tells Nancy that Kody's willingness to see the house is, "huge."  He says he's open to see if they can figure it out.  Meri asks Nancy if she can accept that statement or tell Kody that she needs more.  Meri gets choked up as she says she wants full emotional support.  Pardon my cynicism, but I think the word she's really looking for is financial.  Kody is not ready to go into a deep, intimate relationship with Meri.  He feels like during the past 3 years they were burning the bridge between them to the point where he was done with the relationship.  He thought Meri was choosing to leave them during the Catfish saga, and that now she's free to choose what she wants to do with her life.  They can rebuild the bridge, but, he reiterates, he doesn't want a romantic relationship.  Let's save the bridges and burn the shooties!  Meri would like the trip to be an opportunity to get to know Kody again.  Kody says that he and Meri would never have lasted 10 years without plural marriage because it gave them purpose and direction where they weren't always finding that with each other.  Meri thinks they might not have had these issues if they'd been alone as a couple.  Nancy tells them that if they both go through the grieving process they might find a new tenderness for each other but it may not be passionate.  

We're back at Christine's and Ysabel tells us about her scoliosis screening at school.  Christine helps her put on her brace as they prepare to visit the orthopedic surgeon.  Ysabel tears up as she talks about having to wear the daytime brace.  Her advice to other girls with scoliosis would be to embrace the brace because it doesn't define who you are, and it will make you stronger.  It's been two months since her last x-ray and Christine is hopeful that the brace has been doing its job.  Dr. Jonathan Camp greets Ysabel, Christine, and Kody.  Ysabel voiceovers that having scoliosis is not good, but it makes her realize that other people have it harder.  Dr. Camp notes that the curve was at 38 degrees, and that once that reaches 40 degrees the brace can't really provide more help.  Surgery is generally done at 50 degrees.  Kody brings up the possibility of other treatments, and Dr. Camp says that PT hasn't been shown to be helpful.  Christine tells him about the boot camp.  Dr. Camp is not opposed to that and thinks that core strengthening could actually be beneficial.  They take a new x-ray which Dr. Camp reviews with a protractor, and Christine says that every time he takes out "that tool" it's bad news.  He calculates the curve to be at 40 degrees today.  "The brace isn't doing anythingk," says Christine sadly.  Kody adds that surgery looks like the inevitable choice.  Christine is worried about an ugly scar showing when Ysabel goes to the beach, or in her prom or wedding dress.  She breaks down on the couch.  Back at the doctor's office, Kody gets verification that surgery wouldn't be performed until the curve was at 50 degrees.  Dr. Camp says that even in a worst case scenario where the curve progressed a degree a month, that would still give them almost a year.  Kody and Christine hope to exhaust every option before surgery is needed.

Now we're at Janelle's for Axel's Jack-and-Jill (ie coed) baby shower.  By the way, the adults on the couch have changed clothes and Robyn is back by Kody's side, so all is right with the world.  They tell us that the shower has a hunting theme.  Kody has never been to a baby shower before.  Janelle is excited that she'll have high priority with Madison's baby because she has to fight for a chance to hold Ari.  Maddie is wearing another bump-flaunting dress.  She says that the next person to ask if she's having a 10 pound baby or twins is going to get punched in the face.  At the party, Tony gives a gift to Caleb which Mykelti inexplicably takes away again.  Kody is, "not in charge of this gig," but he stands up anyway to announce to everyone that today he's only answering to Grandpa.  Aspyn and Maddie's friend Desi then blindfold Kody and Caleb and give them dolls to diaper.  Duct tape is also involved.  Kody wins the game.  Caleb models a camo diaper bag.  Janelle opines that this baby will be very spoiled.

And now we're in Grand Blanc, Michigan, for scoliosis boot camp.  Robyn is hopeful about the boot camp.  Ysabel interviews that some days she wishes she could just get the surgery and get it over with.  The boot camp has measured Ysabel's curve at 45 degrees.  Their exercises are meant to retrain neurological muscle memory.  On the couch, Janelle reminisces that Ysabel always had a strong force of will and would, "give Christine hell because she wanted Kody around."  That's just sad, and I'm surprised that's the example Janelle would put out there.  Ysabel puts on a "suit" that's supposed to help her body recognize the curve and fight against it.  Kody compares Ysabel's experience trying the suit to the first time he told someone he was a polygamist.  Pardon my Irish, but Jesus, Mary, and Joseph.  Ysabel loves the suit much more than the brace.  The family meets another patient named Mariana.  She's been going to the boot camp for a couple of years.  She and Ysabel chat and do some exercises together.  Kody thinks that having a peer will help Ysabel stick with the exercises.

Back in Vegas, Maddie and Caleb are preparing for an ultrasound.  One of their wedding dreamcatchers is hanging on the wall.  They roll up to a place called Baby's First Image.  Maddie tells us that she's planning on a home birth because birth is more natural than the U.S. makes it out to be, but she will have a midwife there.  Robyn pops up to tell us that there's nothing wrong with a woman having her baby in a hospital, but nothing beats a home birth where your mom and stepdad and their giant camera can sit right in the splash zone.  The ultrasound shows that the baby has a lot of hair and male appendages.  Caleb thinks the baby has a temper because he gets upset when you poke at him.  Maddie says that Axel will need his space with all the Browns wanting to get in his face.  On the couch, the adults confirm that they'll be all over the baby.  Back at the appointment, Maddie and Caleb see a 3D view of the baby's face.  Maddie thinks he looks like Caleb.  Their plan is to have 3 or 4 kids about 2 years apart.  

We're back in Michigan again, and Kody and Christine are leaving Ysabel at the boot camp while they go on a date to a farmer's market.  They look at some lamps made out of metal piping and Kody comments that Meri's really into that industrial look.  Christine thinks that a valve on the pipe is the switch to turn the light on, and Kody disagrees.  A worker confirms that the valve is the switch, and when Christine gloats Kody says that she can have her choice of two statements with, "three little words."  He says she was right, and adds that women would rather be right than be loved.  Christine hugs him and says she has both.  We flash through early photos of Kody and Christine as Kody tells us that it was fun, fun, fun in the beginning.  Christine explains that everything changed when she was pregnant with Truely and Robyn and the family started courting each other.  Kody recognizes that it was a hard time but doesn't know why because other wives had always been present.  Kody thinks that Christine was blaming plural marriage for taking her husband away and forcing the move from Utah.  Nah, I'm pretty sure that's all on you, dude.  Kody continues by saying that all of their problems come down to petty insecurity, and Christine can't expect him to solely focus on her because not even monogamists do that.  At the market, he hands Christine a rose.  Christine says that it sounds ridiculous, but the thing that helped their relationship the most was Robyn.  Christine didn't know how to be a friend to Robyn, but Robyn was so loving and phenomenal that she told Christine that she knew Christine was trying.  Christine says that people think Robyn's a homewrecker but she's the opposite of that.  Back at the market, Christine tells Kody that seeing him with Ysabel has been great.  Kody blathers about something that seems to imply he's in a stronger place with Christine, but ends by saying that he and Meri are now honest about the sad and sorry place they're in.  They pick up Ysabel who has finished day two.  She's going to put on her suit and go bowling.  Hearing Mariana's story and starting the exercises have given her hope.  Kody wraps up by saying that when you've got 4 wives, 18 children, and one grandchild, you have to be an optimist.  They're going home with hope and joy.

Next week:  Kody says Meri's not getting money for the house.  But that screaming that you hear is not from Meri but from Maddie laboring in the bathtub.

  • Love 23
7 hours ago, Mothra said:

And I was reading today about how the mainstream Mormon church does not allow women to have any major role in the administration of the church, that the role of women is confined to being a wife and mother. 

Baby blessings and child baptisms add insult to injury and really piss me off. The father holds the baby and a circle of worthy males (usually close family members) surrounds them, with interlocking arms/wrists, and they speak a ritual. The mother remains seated. Baptism is done at the age of eight years because that is the age of reason. The father dunks the 8-year-old (full body immersion) and there is another interlocked worthy male circle. Moms do prepare and deliver a meaningful message for their baptized child; much is said about sin, usually through tears. I have felt especially sad for women I've known who had a difficult pregnancy and/or delivery or have special needs kids which means they are on call/in service 24/7 because it seemed to me that none of that is "officially" noticed and valued.

(Physical discipline is frowned upon before the age of eight; I have heard fathers make sly references to "can't wait 'til they're eight" and "making up for lost time.")

  • Love 4

I thought it was very telling when the two reasons Kody gave about being against the B&B were financial, and Utah's laws. 

He never mentioned the fact that she would be away alot or express concern this would distance herself away from the family. 

Remember all the sister wives were concerned about her being away, but not Kody. 

Please someone rent Meri a copy of He's just not into you. 

  • Love 19
2 hours ago, Pickleinthemiddle said:

My Five Wives moved into one house last year, I guess Brady earned enough money from that big contract they got, to build one big house for everyone to live in.  So It can be done.  Just wondering if they still have their own areas in the big home?  Or is it more like the Darger's house, where they all share the common areas of the house.  Some how I just don't see the Browns living like that ever again.

Brady didn't build the house - it was a pre-existing plyg house.

I'm enjoying everyone's posts but had to skip to last page to ask Meri was only one married at time of house purchases and her name  was probably on mortgage. So now we know it was not a generous  act on her part to get divorced so Robin could Marry and protect her kids but wouldn't there  be a settlement of some kind? . Legally I don't think it matters who has kids in college or stays home to raise kids. No fault state?  After 20 years she would I think legally entitled to divided property 

On ‎3‎/‎4‎/‎2018 at 8:44 PM, Kyanight said:

What in the WORLD does Meri EXPECT?    I'm sorry - but I am totally on Kody's side here.  I think he is the voice of reason.    I honestly think Meri expects the family to sell all of the kids' toys and belongings on Ebay, maybe put a few kids up for adoption so that they can save on the cost of raising them,  two of the wives can sell their houses and move in with the third wife and they can ALL give ALL of their money and assets to Meri.  Because she wants it and expects it.


Because... otherwise I am just not "getting" where Meri expects the funds for the B&B to come from.  OBVIOUSLY she obtained the funds - but at this point in the show I want to know what she was EXPECTING!

I just HATE THAT WOMAN. She is one of the most self centered Ass Hats on TV. She turns this into her being told to be on her own, instead of selfish need to take take take and have more than the family. She is so GROSS, inside and out. (sorry it's playing in the background...) 

  • Love 9

"Robyn pops up to tell us that there's nothing wrong with a woman having her baby in a hospital, but nothing beats a home birth where your mom and stepdad and their giant camera can sit right in the splash zone."

THIS. THIS RIGHT HERE! I am honestly laughing and snorting and crying from this eloquent recap of Sobbyns birth experience. I'm going to have to come back later to share my thoughts cus I can't stop laughing long enough to gather my thoughts. I couldn't even stop laughing long enough to utilize the quotes properly. 

The look on her Pop's face while his snoot was 3 inches away from her gaping cookie was in my top 3 scenes from ANY reality show EVERRRRR! 

He looked so confused and bewildered...like he had an old rusty carburetor he couldn't fix with a screwdriver.


  • Love 15
On ‎3‎/‎4‎/‎2018 at 10:12 PM, cereality said:

OMG these idiots.  What is their insurance status? Why are they taking Ysabel to a chiropractor in a suburb of Flint Mich rather than staying with the surgeon in Vegas – an actual MD who had respectable credentials and experience when I looked him up.  And why are Maddie and Caleb getting ultrasounds at a strip mall as opposed to a dr. office? And we already know it’s a boy. We know you’re “proud” Caleb bc boys are better, boys are all that matter. Do we need to see you beaming in pride at your son’s dick??

I mean at least the surgeon didn’t say no to the chiropractor regimen but Ysabel is what 14? 15? The dr. who has done this for decades said these things don’t work but feel free to try.  But now you’re giving a 14-15 yr old “false hope” that this will fix it – I mean Ysabel so much as said it when they were bowling at the end. 

And in next weeks previews – Kody says something like – OMG I’m just now realizing how dangerous childbirth is, as Maddie is bellowing in the background. Um you have what 18/19 kids – it never occurred to you that it’s a bad idea to play fast and loose with childbirth? Again is this about insurance – can they NOT birth in a hospital bc it’d be too costly so instead Maddie is doing the whole – I have medical care via my midwife and women have birthed for 1000s of yrs? What exactly does Caleb do for work – doesn’t he have some insurance? Or if Maddie is still in school, couldn’t she have bought health insurance thru there?


17 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

Good Lord, then saying poor Ysabel's scars will show with her wedding dress. WTH is she talking about? You don't need to show your back in a wedding dress. Effin' drama queen! That should be the least of her worries right now with Yzzy and I hope the poor kid doesn't have to see that clip of her mother crying over all the wrong things. 

Meri- Kody is just not in to you. Give it up. If you stay, you will see him walking past your house to get to one of the other wives. That's as far as you're gonna get. I have to admit (and this really hurts), I'm proud of Kody. He really didn't buy one bit of Meri's BS poor me I was catfished excuses. I originally thought he was going to sweep the whole thing under the carpet and believe her. Far from it. 

I too (someone else wrote in another post) believe they have insurance. 

That being said, I have been happier with Christine's growth this season, except for wanting to slap her for saying those AWFUL things about having scars and making her daughter sound like she will be damaged goods. How does a daughter work on their self esteem after watching that awful shit show. 

and a little bit of science and research does go a long way to learning what can actually work for treatment modalities. Physics as well. "retraining the body to stop curving the spine?" stay in school kids. strengthen core sure...doing something to try and solve the problem, Kody can also mean getting surgery. 


  • Love 3
9 hours ago, Sandy W said:

Maybe we could get ourselves invited to one of their swell shindigs. I'll bring the boas.

I'm LMAO over here because I can TOTALLY picture myself dancing with the wives, swinging my boa and having a grand old time - Christine and I would be shoving each other out of the way trying to take center stage. :D  

  • Love 4
8 hours ago, ghoulina said:

Well, I mean, many people think monogamy goes against nature. Everyone has their different views and I respect that. But if you agreed to something, you live it. If it no longer suits you, you leave. She's playing head games with everyone, including herself. 

I think polygamy is male human nature, and monogamy is female human nature. And thus, the eternal conflict.

  • Love 5
5 hours ago, JocelynCavanaugh said:

If Mariah thought this, that would be pretty unfair and immature of her. You can’t help who you are/are not sexually attracted to. Mariah of all people should understand that.

A straight woman isn’t automatically homophobic just because she’s  uninterested in another woman. I’m straight and I would be “skeeved out” in that situation, too. (I wouldn’t be in that situation in the first place, but hypothetically...) Likewise, I wouldn’t blame a lesbian for being grossed out if she fell for a man posing as a woman. If she finds men as sexually unappealing as I find women then I wouldn’t judge her for not magically changing her orientation to accommodate a catfish. 

Well said and I agree. I don't even think Meri was grossed-out - she was hurt, angry, disappointed and most of all, humiliated, because she did and said very intimate things with someone who turned out to be a liar and a fraud and a very sick person.

  • Love 9
1 hour ago, loki310 said:

I asked my husband (who’s a spine surgeon) if you could reduce a spinal curvature from 35% to 4% with exercise and he laughed. Above 50% you need surgery he says. He also said that you’d need to wear a brace for 18 hours a day to keep the curve from progressing. And something about measuring peak velocity growth by determining if the girl has had her first period and measuring her height each month to see her growth rate. And another way of looking at the girl’s growth is to look at the growth plates in her hands. If she’s reached her full growth then the brace could come off.

I kept nodding and he asked me if I understood and I said sort of. And then he asked me which friend’s daughter had scoliosis and so I said this girl on Sister Wives and then he walked out of the room. Lol

I kind of get why your husband would have no patience for anyone on this show, but I actually kind of felt bad for Ysabel. She seems like such a nice kid, and her crying about other people who have it worse than she does tugged at my heartstrings. I hope someone can help her.

By the way, I could almost feel the waves of discomfort and hostility emanating from Meri especially during the later talking heads on this episode. Her body language and facial expressions  do not hide whatsoever what is going on inside.

Edited by gardendiva
Added comments about Meri
  • Love 5
25 minutes ago, gardendiva said:

I kind of get why your husband would have no patience for anyone on this show, but I actually kind of felt bad for Ysabel. She seems like such a nice kid, and her crying about other people who have it worse than she does tugged at my heartstrings. I hope someone can help her.

By the way, I could almost feel the waves of discomfort and hostility emanating from Meri especially during the later talking heads on this episode. Her body language and facial expressions  do not hide whatsoever what is going on inside.

I feel bad for her too - much for the reasons outlined above. I’ve always had an irrational fear of scoliosis, ever since I read Judy Blume’s Deenie.

fwiw, I think he was just amused that he gave me this detailed explanation for someone I don’t even know.

The Meri-Kody therapy session was really raw. I must say that this season has delivered. I also took look at Meri’s bed and breakfast and it looks like it’s haunted.

  • Love 9
9 hours ago, DragonFaerie said:

each wife gets a wing with their own kitchen/living room/bedrooms/bathrooms, and then have a central connecting area that is accessible through each wing, and from outside as well.  And in that area they could have a huge kitchen/dining/living area for all the family get togethers and holidays.

Don't forget the requisite plaques from AC Moore with sweet sayings about family, love, and coffee- along with one that has every family member's name painted on it.

  • Love 3
9 hours ago, Meghzie said:

I feel badly for Ysabel. I get that it’s hard. But Christine needs to chill. She isn’t helping.

Exactly. I was getting downright annoyed by the mini-breakdowns, the "ugly scar at the beach, ugly scar at prom..." Yes, it's surgery but quite honestly, I went through an ACUTE illness with a child (we're talking 12% chance of complete recovery) and the one thing I kept doing was to listen to the doctors, research on my own, and remain level-headed for my kid and the rest of my family. Her histrionics are ridiculous- and Ysabel is not in danger of death or life-altering disability.  And I just get annoyed watching Kody frown and talk about it with this "I'm so intelligent" look on his face, then pontificate "we are doing DUE DILIGENCE here..."  I fear that if they get to the point of surgery, despite all of the exercises (I'm highly skeptical- you could see that the bootcamp friend has pretty severe scoliosis) that Ysabel will feel that she let her parents down.  They should be there for her no matter what course the treatment takes, not wallowing in their own self-pity that they couldn't "fix it."

I watched again last night and was studying Meri on the couch scenes.  She's barely even paying attention.

  • Love 14
On 04/03/2018 at 8:24 PM, KateHearts said:

What the HELL is going on with Kody's hair? He looks psychotic. 

Kody's hair has always been his favourite vanity project, but it looks completly fried. Is it possible they drained the deep conditioner budget to pay for 4000 tacos and bridal pinata effigies?

Edited by ThinkerBell
  • Love 12

TLC really should run the following disclaimer at the bottom of the screen whenever this show repeats, during the conversations about scoliosis treatment, in the largest font that is available:


"The Brown parents are not behaving in a responsible manner regarding a critical, urgent medical matter for one of their offspring, because they are idiots and they don't really care about anything except how much money it will cost; talk to your board-certified physician to determine the best treatments available for your particular situation." 

  • Love 12
6 hours ago, Gothish520 said:

Well said and I agree. I don't even think Meri was grossed-out - she was hurt, angry, disappointed and most of all, humiliated, because she did and said very intimate things with someone who turned out to be a liar and a fraud and a very sick person.

Yeah, when she learned it wasn't the rich handsome guy she was gonna ditch the family for. 

Edited to add: I have no doubt Meri is unhappy. We've seen it progress for years. Finally I think the family has had it--go live on your own, Meri. Shit or get off the pot. Start a new life. 

Edited by TurtlePower
  • Love 11
8 hours ago, athousandclowns said:

I'm enjoying everyone's posts but had to skip to last page to ask Meri was only one married at time of house purchases and her name  was probably on mortgage. So now we know it was not a generous  act on her part to get divorced so Robin could Marry and protect her kids but wouldn't there  be a settlement of some kind? . Legally I don't think it matters who has kids in college or stays home to raise kids. No fault state?  After 20 years she would I think legally entitled to divided property 

If I remember correctly, she declined any sort of settlement as she said they would still be spiritually married.    Something like that.   

7 hours ago, loki310 said:

I asked my husband (who’s a spine surgeon) if you could reduce a spinal curvature from 35% to 4% with exercise and he laughed. Above 50% you need surgery he says. He also said that you’d need to wear a brace for 18 hours a day to keep the curve from progressing. And something about measuring peak velocity growth by determining if the girl has had her first period and measuring her height each month to see her growth rate. And another way of looking at the girl’s growth is to look at the growth plates in her hands. If she’s reached her full growth then the brace could come off.

I kept nodding and he asked me if I understood and I said sort of. And then he asked me which friend’s daughter had scoliosis and so I said this girl on Sister Wives and then he walked out of the room. Lol

Hysterical!   My husband would walk out of the room as well, he says he doesn't understand why I give them ratings.....  

  • Love 5
12 hours ago, Granny58 said:

I wonder myself why the hell she stays.  I wonder if she truly believes she needs Kody to get into Heaven.  

Well here's the fly in that ointment...she had no problem at all casting aside her belief in Kody's celestial Heaven when she was making plans to escape with a wealthy Catholic.

It seems she was willing to trade the promise of Kody's kingdom for a heaven on earth, flying private jets and international residences.

  • Love 20
10 hours ago, LilWharveyGal said:

He thinks it would overextend the family and be a bad risk, and he wants Nancy to teach him a way to say no nicely. 

Well, clearly Nancy had another epic fail with that one.

10 hours ago, LilWharveyGal said:

Kody compares Ysabel's experience trying the suit to the first time he told someone he was a polygamist.  Pardon my Irish, but Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. 

Yes, Kootie, those are exactly the same.  Flinging your hair and sharing your penis ((I am surprised he doesn't wear a shirt with an arrow pointing to it) is exactly the same as knowing that you will be facing life altering surgery.

10 hours ago, LilWharveyGal said:

Robyn pops up to tell us that there's nothing wrong with a woman having her baby in a hospital, but nothing beats a home birth where your mom and stepdad and their giant camera can sit right in the splash zone. 

You owe me a new keyboard.

Love the recaps, can never get enough of them and I never have to actually watch this pile of shit.

  • Love 10
Just now, Sandy W said:

Well here's the fly in that ointment...she had no problem at all casting aside her belief in Kody's celestial Heaven when she was making plans to escape with a wealthy Catholic.

It seems she was willing to trade the promise of Kody's kingdom for a heaven on earth, flying private jets and international residences.

And a guy with a really NOT masculine voice who sounds short and heavy - at best.  (Yesterday I listened to a voice message someone made of J.O. and posted on Youtube.)  You can DEFINITELY hear the southern "twang", too.     JMO.

  • Love 3
21 hours ago, TheGreenWave said:

I immediately thought of this too when Christine said on one of the THs that she couldn't believe she didn't notice it before it was checked out at school.  Good God, her shoulders were totally off!  How do you not notice that?!?

Also, agree completely with earlier posters about Maddie and Caleb obviously not giving two shits about what the adults were discussing.  Kudos to Robin for actually showing emotion during the X ray discussion.  Made me sick when Janelle started in on "well, when it's not your kid, you don't really get that emotionally invested in the situation" during one of the THs.  What the fuck???  Absent Robin's first three kids, all of those kids grew up together.  Shouldn't Janelle feel something when viewing those X rays??  I mean, DAMN!

Good grief! I felt emotional when seeing those x-Rays, and I didn't see the kid grow up for the last 15 years! WTF is wrong with Janelle? She's constantly proudly proclaiming how 'analytical' she is and how funny she thinks it is that she's so detached. She even said it again during the baby shower, how she really doesn't feel anything about the baby yet. We get it Janelle. You want to fill a certain roll and have people think of you in a certain way. But I think she's just trying to make people think she's so smart. She's a bore.   

  • Love 7
21 hours ago, kicotan said:

I'm going to have to disagree with you here.

1) She is a human being with the need for love and attention who willingly entered into a marriage with a devout polygamist as the first wife.

2.  and add to that the inability to have more children biologically.  She has 17 other children in her family she could have mothered and unless I'm mistaken that's one of the "perks" of the polygamy relationship she entered into, but decided to have a problem with because they didn't come out of her womb.

3. Kody was getting plenty of love and attention, but obviously Meri was not, however, when in a plural family, love and attention is also, in theory, shared between Meri's wives as well.  She specifically distanced/isolated herself from her wives.

4.  He, in fact was having an "extra-marital" affair in the actual sense, but only if you are a monogamist and consider an "extra-marital affair in the actual sense" to be sexual intercourse with someone who isn't your legal spouse.  Kody's wives are Meri's wives too, they just don't have sex.

Very well written! Yes, yes and yes! 

  • Love 4
On 3/4/2018 at 9:18 PM, Galloway Cave said:

Fuck you Christine and fuck your talk about the Ugly Scar. After two back surgeries, I have "ugly scars" that I wear proudly. They will only be ugly to her if YOU make them ugly. 

Ysabell honey, start researching some kick ass spine tattoos if you really don't want a long scar showing back there.

As someone with an "ugly scar"...... I too thought this whole rant by Christine was really offensive. 

  • Love 9
19 hours ago, laurakaye said:

So let me see if I have this straight...the other wives had to take a cut on their own homes because Meri needed a manse as big if not bigger than the other wives, as well as the infamous wet bar of tears...but now that she's living the high life with LulaNo, she doesn't have to kick in some of that money to the family bank account?  I literally cannot figure out how the other three wives haven't somehow risen up and revolted against Meri and her sad orange tears.  I also cannot fathom how Meri can frolic off to Disney every other weekend when there are still umpteen growing Brownies in the cuddle-sac who need new shoes and possibly surgery.  It boggles the mind and makes my brain hurt.


I think the "common pot" of money only extends to the TLC money and furthermore they only pooled incomes after moving into the Lehi house in 2005. Before then, Janelle had her own place and for all intents and purposes was a single mom. 

The houses are each owned by the resident wife. Kody however was added to Robyn's home after the legal marriage, and last I checked was still co-owner of Meri's. I don't think he WANTS to be co-owner on Meri's - I think he just doesn't have the wherewithal to either buy Meri out or vice versa.  Perhaps Meri wants to keep that one remaining legal tie. She however is the sole owner of the B&B. 

  • Love 3
14 hours ago, Meghzie said:

And that’s the problem with so many of these super strict, isolated, sheltered religions. Especially ones that encourage you to get married young and pop out babies. They never have time for personal individual growth and exploration. 


I forgot to mention that I enjoyed hearing Christine talk about having been raised in the AUB bubble. She said she was taught that anyone outside that bubble was out to get them. But now she has been outside the bubble and had the chance to see that there are good people everywhere and that realization makes her very happy. Baby steps. I also do give them credit for the freedom they allow their kids - opposite of the Duggars. 

  • Love 10
3 hours ago, Xena said:

TLC really should run the following disclaimer at the bottom of the screen whenever this show repeats, during the conversations about scoliosis treatment, in the largest font that is available:


"The Brown parents are not behaving in a responsible manner regarding a critical, urgent medical matter for one of their offspring, because they are idiots and they don't really care about anything except how much money it will cost; talk to your board-certified physician to determine the best treatments available for your particular situation." 

But Ysabel isn’t at the point yet wheee surgery is done. In the meantime they are trying another optio, which the surgeon did not object to. He acknowledged that wearing the braces can result in loss of core strength, which doesn’t help anything.  I thought Christine and Kody made it very clear that if Ysabel’s condition worsens, they would proceed with surgery WHEN (if) her spine reaches the 50-degree limit. The braces haven’t helped at all so they likely feel pretty desperate  

I think I would do the same for my child, with high hopes we could avoid surgery. 

Edited by Tabbygirl521
  • Love 8
2 hours ago, VedaPierce said:

Good grief! I felt emotional when seeing those x-Rays, and I didn't see the kid grow up for the last 15 years! WTF is wrong with Janelle? She's constantly proudly proclaiming how 'analytical' she is and how funny she thinks it is that she's so detached. She even said it again during the baby shower, how she really doesn't feel anything about the baby yet. We get it Janelle. You want to fill a certain roll and have people think of you in a certain way. But I think she's just trying to make people think she's so smart. She's a bore.   

She may have some sort of inability to fully attach to people (she even seems less than warm and fuzzy about her biokids), which might also explain why she is cool with being a plural wife. 

Sorry about the multiple posts. I messed up. 

Edited by Tabbygirl521
  • Love 2

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