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S09.E08: The Truth Comes Out

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3 minutes ago, kicotan said:

I'm going to have to disagree with you here.

1) She is a human being with the need for love and attention who willingly entered into a marriage with a devout polygamist as the first wife.

2.  and add to that the inability to have more children biologically.  She has 17 other children in her family she could have mothered and unless I'm mistaken that's one of the "perks" of the polygamy relationship she entered into, but decided to have a problem with because they didn't come out of her womb.

3. Kody was getting plenty of love and attention, but obviously Meri was not, however, when in a plural family, love and attention is also, in theory, shared between Meri's wives as well.  She specifically distanced/isolated herself from the her wives.

4.  He, in fact was having an "extra-marital" affair in the actual sense, but only if you are a monogamist and consider an "extra-marital affair in the actual sense" to be sexual intercourse with someone who isn't your spouse.  Kody's wives are Meri's wives too, they just don't have sex.

1.  It's easy to agree to something, particularly in her case when young and in love,  but it turns out to not work in real life.

2.  An honest emotion can't be logic'ed away.  

3.  Meri wanted "marital" love and attention, not the same thing as getting it from your friends.

4.  Biologically he was having an extra-marital affair because he WAS truly having sex with someone else.  

Polygamy requires that the women disregard and squelch A LOT of their needs.   

  • Love 9
20 minutes ago, kicotan said:

however, when in a plural family, love and attention is also, in theory, shared between Meri's wives as well.  She specifically distanced/isolated herself from her wives.

Sort of calls Kody out on his nonsense in his opening tag line about love being multiplied, not divided.  Meri hasn't had any portion of love from Kody for years and we've all witnessed it.

  • Love 7

Kody manages to incorporate polygamy and Utah into every scenario and it is super annoying.

Meri should not buy the house because it is in Utah and they are felons and someone could take it away from them and yadda yadda yadda. 

Then he relates the scoliosis to plygs!?  "This reminds me of when I had to tell people I was a plyg, Ysabel will have to confront her fears and say she has scoliosis".  And Christine is all next to him nodding..."Yes, yes, so true". 

We get it Kody.  Utah bad. Polygamy good.  Now STFU and actually do something interesting with your life. 

  • Love 22

Was it here someone mentioned Janelle said the X-ray didn’t hit her as hard because it wasn’t HER child? I didn’t watch, so idk the way it was said.


She has 17 other children in her family she could have mothered and unless I'm mistaken that's one of the "perks" of the polygamy relationship she entered into, but decided to have a problem with because they didn't come out of her womb.

From a post above, and one of the hypocritical things that piss me off about this “family”.

  • Love 8
17 minutes ago, Granny58 said:

1.  It's easy to agree to something, particularly in her case when young and in love,  but it turns out to not work in real life.

2.  An honest emotion can't be logic'ed away.  

3.  Meri wanted "marital" love and attention, not the same thing as getting it from your friends.

4.  Biologically he was having an extra-marital affair because he WAS truly having sex with someone else.  

Polygamy requires that the women disregard and squelch A LOT of their needs.   

I appreciate your opinion, but I think that coming to conclusions about a polygamist's marital situation by evaluating them according to a monogamist's standards isn't an accurate assessment.

for example, your #3, above.  Janelle, Christine and Robyn aren't just Meri's friends.  They are her wives.  They don't call themselves "sister friends".  So marital love, attention and affection (sans romance and sex) is something Meri can experience with her wives.

  • Love 9

The whole catfish scandal happened over 2 and 1/2 years ago! Guys in 2 1/2 years, Kody and Meri have only gotten to the point that the big step for them, was riding in the car together!

Kody can't and won't move past it. He's put in no effort to try, and appears to have no motivation to do so.

Meri wanted to try, got denied by Kody, and now just wallows how she is on her own, but then never really takes the step needed to officially end things. She knows if she leaves, Kody will not ask her to stay, and it would really be over. So they live separate lives. Meri sleeps in a cold bed every night, not having had sex in years, and hangs out with her friends, and Kody just moved on with his three wives.

I don't feel sorry for Meri. It's her choice to stay there, when her marriage is over.

  • Love 5
1 minute ago, jenifaohjenny said:

Kody manages to incorporate polygamy and Utah into every scenario and it is super annoying.

Meri should not buy the house because it is in Utah and they are felons and someone could take it away from them and yadda yadda yadda. 

Then he relates the scoliosis to plygs!?  "This reminds me of when I had to tell people I was a plyg, Ysabel will have to confront her fears and say she has scoliosis".  And Christine is all next to him nodding..."Yes, yes, so true". 

We get it Kody.  Utah bad. Polygamy good.  Now STFU and actually do something interesting with your life. 

Kody, first of all you've never had to tell anyone you were plg, you blurt that out to everyone and anyone. That's not the reason why people don't like you. They have met you. They've see how you treat your wives, your children, the lack of supporting (aka paying) your family, the lack of taking care of and raising your children, and an ever ending amount of crappy stuff you've said or done. None of this has anything to do with you be a plg. But you. The looks you get, the disgust, the dislike are because of you.  No one cares that your polygamist! No one! People don't care. Utah does not care.  The country does not care.     

  • Love 12
3 hours ago, Libby said:

I thought that Kody made it very clear that he has no interest in reconciling with Meri. Nancy knew it too. She was advising them how to work toward a platonic friendship. Meri didn't seem to get it. It seemed as though she was in a different room than Kody and Nancy. Meri thought she was there to fix the marriage. Kody was there to make her understand that it was over.

I believe that Meri is finally paying the price for her selfish behaviour through the entire marriage. I don't feel sorry for her at all.

I think Meri lives in her own little world and steps on everyone else to get her own way.  I think Kody found it easier most of those years to give into her.  I think that is part of what drove Janelle away.  

  • Love 19
15 hours ago, DragonFaerie said:

Dear Christine,

If dumbarse Derrick Dillard from Counting On, can get 3!, count them 3, gofundme's to send him and his ridiculous wife to Central America twice to attempt to be untrained and unlicensed missionaries and then again for his $10,000 minimum for his new church schooling - you can get Ysabel's surgery covered.  She's a sweet young girl who will end up with a  lifetime of pain and hardship down the road if you don't.  GET HER THE BLOODY SURGERY!!!!!  And all of the adults get real jobs to PAY FOR HER SURGERY!

Toaster-fearing Christine is a dumb-ass and if doesn't prove it to everyone, I don't know what will. I think she's the least intelligent of the 4 'adults', yet was put in charge of schoolin' those poor kids. The kids seemed to thrive in spite of her. 

  • Love 9
17 minutes ago, kicotan said:

I appreciate your opinion, but I think that coming to conclusions about a polygamist's marital situation by evaluating them according to a monogamist's standards isn't an accurate assessment.

for example, your #3, above.  Janelle, Christine and Robyn aren't just Meri's friends.  They are her wives.  They don't call themselves "sister friends".  So marital love, attention and affection (sans romance and sex) is something Meri can experience with her wives.

But women in both polygamy and monogamy have the same emotional needs.  I understand they don't consider it an extamarital affair, but the cold hard fact is that HE was able to get his love and affection and sexual intimacy from someone else.  She tried the same thing, but failed.  

Meri wants romance and sex....she wants the whole shebang.  Perhaps there are some women out there that can manage that, but I would be surprised if it were very many.  

28 minutes ago, jenifaohjenny said:

Then he relates the scoliosis to plygs!?  "This reminds me of when I had to tell people I was a plyg, Ysabel will have to confront her fears and say she has scoliosis".  And Christine is all next to him nodding..."Yes, yes, so true". 

Major eye roll.  That was ridiculous.

  • Love 7
12 hours ago, 80sBaby said:

Meri: "I know I totally distanced myself from the family, and told Kody I wanted to be left alone. Oh, I also had the whole Catfishing thing and live a separate life from you all. I show up for filming looking like I'd rather be walking over hot coals...but I want the family to pay for this B&B/house for my mother!! Also Kody I want to get back in rotation for sexy time." Really....

That was summed up perfectly!

  • Love 10
13 hours ago, Pachengala said:

I can’t like this enough. Polygamy is a disgusting, misogynistic practice specifically designed to empower men and marginalize women; HOWEVER, in theory the man is supposed to be responsible for the well-being of his wives, physical, emotional, and spiritual. In theory, what women get out of this paradigm is support, caretaking, and leadership from their headship. Of course, in practice, you get Kody Brown, a shallow, insecure, ego-driven narcissistic who is only in the game for what these people, his wives and children, can do for him, how good they can make him feel, how thoroughly they can stroke his ego. If and when Meri finally reads the writing on the wall and gets out, I’ll be rooting for her, just like I’m rooting for all the wives and kids to get away from that megalomaniac. Well, Robyn can stay. 


I actually had an unmedicated bathtub birth (the room was clean though!) and so if final editing rights are on the table, I’d do it for the balance of my student loans. [Kanye shrug]


I can’t help but suspect there’s underlying commentary here about where a girl’s value is. I sometimes get lulled into feeling like these people are sweet, mainly because [most of] their kids seem like good people, and then things like this happen and I remember how fucked up they are. 

Yes. They are fucked up. Even with the manipulative editing and propagandizing, It comes through loud and clear. These are very uneducated brainwashed people. I can't forget Kody's reaction to the victims of polygamy abuses that were at their march. Or Christine's behavior in the bathroom stall hiding from the truth during their panel discussion, which was so weighed in their favor. I think this was season 5. They are purposefully ignorant of facts that oppose their beliefs. Regardless of the victims it creates or damage it does.     

  • Love 8

So the other 3 wives who have kids at home and have college expenses, medical bills, and upcoming weddings each have 1 house each and they are supposed to send money Meri's way for her to have TWO houses, one for her Mom and one for her (with occasional visits from Mariah and gf). Yeah seems fair.  Oh and this is just to "make Meri happy".  Maybe she should sell her LV house and buy the Utah house.  There are no issue for her in Utah since she is legally divorced and her only child is an adult.

  • Love 19

I also believe that one of the reasons Mariah was so distant from Meri wasn't just because she disapproved of her sneaking around with "Sam" on the internets/phone/text.  When it came to light that Meri's love interest was actually a woman and Meri freaked out about being "tricked" because she thought it was a man and ewwww it was a woman showing her lovey dovey goo goo attention (how gross) and at the same time, Mariah was coming to terms with her own sexuality as a lesbian and how she was going to tell her family.

I think, if I was Mariah, I'd have pulled back from good old Mom a bit myself and think long and hard about the kind of relationship they could have in the future if Meri was so on board with "Sam" as a man and then skeeved at the thought she was engaging in a loving romantic relationship between two women.

  • Love 16

was it last night when Christine was praising polygamy again that she said "I got to choose the man I married."  Um....monogamists do that too.  

Yes, they are all brainwashed by this nonsense.  They say they are Christian (and I believe them, if they believe in Jesus as savior), but then they need to man to bring them into Heaven?  My Bible tells me that there is no difference between man and woman, slave or free, etc.  We are equal...they don't need Kody.  

  • Love 8
20 minutes ago, VedaPierce said:

Yes. They are fucked up. Even with the manipulative editing and propagandizing, It comes through loud and clear. These are very uneducated brainwashed people. I can't forget Kody's reaction to the victims of polygamy abuses that were at their march. Or Christine's behavior in the bathroom stall hiding from the truth during their panel discussion, which was so weighed in their favor. I think this was season 5. They are purposefully ignorant of facts that oppose their beliefs. Regardless of the victims it creates or damage it does.     

Telling everyone that polygamy is great despite the fact her own mother left it when Christine was a child. Bringing up her grandfather leaving out the fact he was murdered by other polygamist.  

Edited by andromeda331
  • Love 9
4 minutes ago, kicotan said:

When it came to light that Meri's love interest was actually a woman and Meri freaked out about being "tricked" because she thought it was a man and ewwww it was a woman showing her lovey dovey goo goo attention (how gross) and at the same time, Mariah was coming to terms with her own sexuality as a lesbian and how she was going to tell her family.


  • Love 4
6 minutes ago, kicotan said:

I also believe that one of the reasons Mariah was so distant from Meri wasn't just because she disapproved of her sneaking around with "Sam" on the internets/phone/text.  When it came to light that Meri's love interest was actually a woman and Meri freaked out about being "tricked" because she thought it was a man and ewwww it was a woman showing her lovey dovey goo goo attention (how gross) and at the same time, Mariah was coming to terms with her own sexuality as a lesbian and how she was going to tell her family.

I think, if I was Mariah, I'd have pulled back from good old Mom a bit myself and think long and hard about the kind of relationship they could have in the future if Meri was so on board with "Sam" as a man and then skeeved at the thought she was engaging in a loving romantic relationship between two women.

That's an interesting point. I assumed Mariah was distant because of what Meri was doing. She disapproved, she warned her mother, finding out her mother took her to Disneyland where she planned to meet up with Sam, the embarrassment of all those voicemails and pictures that came out and whatever comments Mariah got from people, plus you know having her mother dating someone behind her father's back and planning on leaving with him. That's a crap load to deal with for anyone to deal with. I hadn't considered that aspect. That's very interesting. 

  • Love 14

I'm going on record of saying, Meri will NEVER leave Kool and the Gang. Never. She is either stubborn or in denial or not wanting the others to have satisfaction in running her off...or whatever, but she will never be the one to pull the trigger. Maybe she will not get her money out of the house? Maybe Kool Kody already told her to leave, but he won't buy her out. But she doesn't have the courage or the balls to go at it alone, on her own 2 feet. It's scary, I get it, but so much worse for her to stay in this purgatory. She would have gone with a handsome, tall, vegan millionaire, but not on her own. She doesn't know how to earn something or get her way the healthy way, through hard work or negotiation and discussion. She only knows the art of the whining and nagging and manipulation. Then playing victim when all else fails. Meri can't have a slightly unpleasant conversation without falling apart, she needed Robyn holding her hand just to tell everyone about the inn. She can't handle being called on her shit and has no concept of accountability. And you can see how everyone is afraid to be honest with her and beat around the bush about everything unpleasant. They all know she can't take honesty.  Meri has very poor character. 

  • Love 18
3 hours ago, b2H said:

That's a fine thought, but who in the world would they sell the house to?  Can you imagine, as an outsider, moving into that cul de sac?  Talk about bad neighbors.......

We should all pitch in and buy it. Then take turns living in it like a time share! Lol lol. We can all sit in front of the windows and watch them live... Like on safari. Lol lol lol I know, I know, I'll see myself out :) the thought is so ludicrous, I cracked myself up! 

  • Love 21
16 hours ago, Granny58 said:

I realize I am the odd man out, but I feel pity for Meri.  Not that the new house demand isn't crazy, but still...she's lonely.  She THINKS Kody is who she wants but I think she just wants to be loved...with a man completely her own.  I don't understand why she can't see that she should leave.  He already divorced her!!!   Meri, read the tea leaves and do better for yourself.  I wish I could shake her!!!!!      

I agree 100%. 

  • Love 4

You know what I was thinking?  I wonder if the family might not know the extent of Meri's catfishing adventure.  They are very selective as to what they view/read online... I am thinking it is VERY possible they never saw "Sam" scratched on her thigh and the bathtub pics.... and they might not have seen the banana pics or even the back and forth dialogue.  That would make it easy for Meri to say she just "talked" with him and SHE is the victim, etc. etc.

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, Granny58 said:

They say they are Christian (and I believe them, if they believe in Jesus as savior), but then they need to man to bring them into Heaven?  My Bible tells me that there is no difference between man and woman, slave or free, etc.  We are equal...they don't need Kody.  

Yes, but... they have the Book of Mormon, not just the standard Christian Bible...and the Adam-God Doctrine and a bunch of other stuff like holy undergarments and whatnot that separates them from other Christian sects.  So yeah, in their brand of Mormonism, they need Kody.

33 minutes ago, VedaPierce said:

We should all pitch in and buy it. Then take turns living in it like a time share! Lol lol. We can all sit in front of the windows and watch them live... Like on safari. Lol lol lol I know, I know, I'll see myself out :) the thought is so ludicrous, I cracked myself up! 

I love this idea!

We could pitch a show to a rival network, set up a website with a 24 hour live streaming "Brown-de-sac" cam for fans to subscribe to with exclusive content...do interviews with the other neighbors.  I wonder if the Brown's have a non compete clause in their contract...

Edited by kicotan
Jargon nazi
  • Love 8
5 minutes ago, kicotan said:

Yes, but... they have the Book of Mormon, not just the standard Christian Bible...and the Adam-God Doctrine and a bunch of other stuff like holy undergarments and whatnot that separates them from other Christian sects.  So yeah, in their brand of Mormonism, they need Kody.

Exactly...which brings up a deeper subject not really suitable here.  I know they accept the Bible "as long as it is interpreted correctly," so....there's that. 

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, Pickleinthemiddle said:

I think Meri lives in her own little world and steps on everyone else to get her own way.  I think Kody found it easier most of those years to give into her.  I think that is part of what drove Janelle away.  

I agree and if Meri doesn't get what she wants when she wants it she will brow beat until her wants are granted.

  • Love 9
6 hours ago, CalicoskiesNC said:

They have a QX80?  That's a $75,000-ish Infiniti SUV. 

They must be leasing their cars. I noticed that someone else (forget who) drives a Lexus. That's a LOT of money for a car. What's wrong with a Ford or a Hyundai?

Either they are making major bank, or they are in debt up to their eyeballs.

8 hours ago, Mardo2044 said:

I agree.  I would be more concerned about reduced mobility, potential lifelong pain, surgical complications...  what terrible messaging for her daughter worrying about cosmetics.  Also Ysabel Her saying she wanted to get to 20% when he is already at 45% is completely sad....her parents are feeding her false hope.  do I think exercise could help?  sure, but to what degree? 5%? yeah, maybe, but 25% change is a pipe dream this late in the game.

I feel so bad for Ysabel, and honestly, that surgery sounds terrifying. I completely understand why Christine and Kody would want to try something else while they still have the time (as they cannot operate until she reaches a curvature of 50), but I do agree that the last thing Christine should be worrying about is scars. I'm sure people would rather not have them, but if the surgery is successful and leads to a better quality of life, then scars are worth the price.

  • Love 4

Re: The Scars comments

I haven't read the full thread yet, so forgive me if this has been said. As a mother, I see my daughter (and son) as perfect and beautiful. It would break my heart if one of them had to get surgery that resulted in a (or several) scar. That said, if getting a surgery saved their life or alleviated current or future pain, I would be first in line for that.

They make a LOT of creams and lotions that reduce the look of scars. Christine should look into that.

  • Love 6
3 hours ago, Granny58 said:

First, I in no way condone affairs...at all.  Marriage is for life (IMO) unless there are huge issues such as abuse, etc.  That said....I can't lay this all at Meri's feet.  She is a human being with the need for love and attention....and add to that the inability to have more children (from personal experience, this is cyclically devastating).  Kody was getting PLENTY of love and attention, but obviously Meri was not.  He, in fact, was having an "extra-marital" relationship in the actual sense.  I see them as equally responsible for the catfishing.  

But that's the nature of polygamy. Your husband is going to get attention from the other women. That's what she signed up for. They did not sign up for to cheat on the marriage. If she was THAT upset, she needed to address it before it got so far out of hand. But that's not what Meri does. She pouts and expects people to figure out what's wrong. 

  • Love 18
5 hours ago, absolutelyido said:

I'm surprised that no one has talked about Annie (Christine's Mom) seemingly just being tossed aside by Meri in this whole scheme. The original plan was that Annie would run the B&B for Meri, and everyone (particularly Christine) thought that would be a perfect fit for Annie. Now Meri's Mom wants to live in the house and Meri doesn't want to run it as a B&B. How does Annie feel about that? She seemed so excited about running the B&B. Have they ever even addressed the impact on Annie of Meri's change in plans? Not that it matters, of course. All that matters is what Meri wants.


I wish someone in the know would address this! I'm surprised they haven't answered it on social media, at least. Maybe they will mention it on the tell-all, if there is one this season.

  • Love 3
3 minutes ago, Emma C said:

Re: The Scars comments

I haven't read the full thread yet, so forgive me if this has been said. As a mother, I see my daughter (and son) as perfect and beautiful. It would break my heart if one of them had to get surgery that resulted in a (or several) scar. That said, if getting a surgery saved their life or alleviated current or future pain, I would be first in line for that.

They make a LOT of creams and lotions that reduce the look of scars. Christine should look into that.

Honestly, except in extreme cases scars are hardly noticeable.  Everyone is so wrapped up about themselves, they aren't looking for scars on someone else.

  • Love 8
1 hour ago, realitytvismyvice said:

My heart went out to Ysabel (and even Christine), as the diagnosis and the unknown progression of scoliosis is scary. We are going through this with my daughter now and you run the gamut between feeling scared to feeling grateful this is not something life-threatening (if we stay on top of it). I don't think people understand that it is common for parents not to know about/see the scoliosis.  One, I know my daughter has become more modest as her body begins to develop and I don't see her without clothes. Two, it can be an aha! when it is pointed out, but before that all seems normal.  I am a very on top of it parent, but I had no idea how advanced my daughter's curve was. To give you an idea, we were at an ortho appointment for something completely unrelated and she was by chance identified with a two degree curve at that visit (mid-September). Scoliosis is not diagnosed until at least a ten degree curve.  We were told everyone has some curve and to not worry. Fast forward to beginning of February (less than five months!) at the next appointment (once again, not for the spine as that was not on our radar!) and all of a suddent the doctor wants immediate back x-rays and we find she has a backwards S curve with a 17 degree and 31 degree angle.  We were off to be fitted for a brace the next week! That is how fast it can happen even with good medical care and involved parents!

Thanks for sharing your experience and it sounds like you're an excellent, supportive parent.  I went through my adult son having a very serious, life threatening condition that required surgery and it was due to a condition he had all his life.  Even though he received regular medical care and we knew something was not quite right, we kept being told his condition was due to other, easier to diagnose issues.  It wasn't until he had suffered into his 20's and the condition got so bad that he almost died that the doctors figured it out.  Even when it was diagnosed, it was found due to one doctor pointing out something strange on a test result that other doctors just blew off because the condition is very rare and usually affects teen girls.  Had we not followed up on this and demanded they look into it further, I don't know if I would still have my son.  My point is, it's easy to say "why didn't they know?" or "they should have caught it."  The reality can be very different.  I'm sure Christine feels guilty enough over this, even though she shouldn't.  I know I feel terribly guilty that my son suffered his whole life and I couldn't figure out what was wrong.  It's easy to think you might do something different, but being faced with a sick child (even a grown one) is horrible.

As far as the scars go, it's just one more thing to worry and think about.  Ysabel is a young girl in puberty where appearance is very important.  She's had to wear a brace and of course is going to worry about scars.  I don't think Christine was making that a primary issue, I just think she is overwhelmed and emotional, and frankly I don't blame her.  I would be that way, too.  I do hope she doesn't make Ysabel more uncomfortable about her appearance, though.  I really hate seeing the scars on my son.  It's hard to have to remember the pain and worry.

  • Love 11
8 minutes ago, Emma C said:

They make a LOT of creams and lotions that reduce the look of scars. Christine should look into that.

I worked in the operating room, assisting a spine surgeon, for four years. The scar is the least of their worries. We were meticulous about closing carefully. And young people heal remarkably well. Hell, the older veterans we close sternums on now often have chest scars you can barely see.

  • Love 13
1 hour ago, Sandy W said:

Kody would for sure and probably her sister wives would be happy too.

At this point, how much of a difference would it make? Meri shows up for obligatory family gatherings during filming; but, other than that, she's doing her own thing. 


8 minutes ago, Ravenna said:

The 3D imaging of Baby Brush was horrifying, and yet they were gleefully cooing on how handsome the pixel baby was

I HATE 3D Ultrasounds. I know everyone loves them. I know they're supposed to show much more detail. But at what cost???? Seriously, I don't mean any offense to anyone, but I always think babies look like evil, little goblins on those things. 

And then Caleb started remarking about how his unborn baby has a "temper". I really want to like that dude, because I generally like Maddie, but he is just so....odd....to me. 

  • Love 16

But what's funny about a woman is she'd rather be right than be loved.  - The Gospel According to Kody the Klown


That statement sums up what he thinks about his wives, and women in general.  How dare they question him, or even dare ask, as Christine did in a joking manner, to admit he was wrong. 

Edited by Ravenna
  • Love 11
4 hours ago, Normades said:

Except, if I understand the timeline correctly, Meri was already in deep with "Sam" and planning to run off into the sunset by the time of the divorce.  I believe she saw the divorce as a convenience to free her and make her available for "Sam."  Nothing noble about it (or anything relating to Meri).

The timing is suspect for me too. It's very possible that Meri used being noble as an excuse to get that divorce so the way was paved for her to bolt if things worked out with "Sam", or someone else.

Edited by Gothish520
  • Love 4
Just now, KateHearts said:

I worked in the operating room, assisting a spine surgeon, for four years. The scar is the least of their worries. We were meticulous about closing carefully. And young people heal remarkably well. Hell, the older veterans we close sternums on now often have chest scars you can barely see.


My podiatrist jokes with me about which foot he opened up 4 inches to remove a broken bone and excise a nerve tumor, because you literally cannot see a scar.

Considering Ysabel has a light complexion, that will contribute greatly to minimalizing the appearance of a scar.

I still think it is petty as fuck for Christine to whine and wail about an " ugly scar".

  • Love 8

I've watched this show since the very first episode. There is ZERO doubt in my mind that Meri will be out of there the second the show is cancelled. She's so checked out in the couch scenes and any commonality she shared with Jeanelle and Christine was when they all had kids the same age living at home. When Mariah left and Meri no longer had that one common thread with Kody and the other wives, she went searching online for some other kind of emotional gratification. In my opinion (despite all the BS they spouted), Meri NEVER wanted to have sister wives. Kody must have done a real number on her to get her to agree with "his calling." He probably told her she'd ALWAYS be the Head Honcho, A#1, Número Uno, his "First Lady," blah, blah, blah. And for a long time she was - as long as she could bully Jeanelle around. 


Then Christine came along and she and Jeanelle kept popping out all the babies Meri couldn't. Why she recruited Robin is something I'll never understand. Common thought was she couldn't stand Jeanelle or Christine and wanted a friend of her own. But I think she wanted the TLC deal more than anything (cha-ching!) and adding Robin to the fold guaranteed they'd get their show. As the saying goes, "be careful what you wish for." Robin was the shiny, new incubator and she knew it. Meri has been on a downward spiral since the beginning of the show and I agree with everyone who's said she would have been out of the cul-de-sac in a hot minute if Sam had been real. (She practically spelled it out in the episode when Kody and the wives were out to dinner confronting Meri about her lack of interest in the family). 

Having said all that, I still think Jeanelle is the happiest wife in the bunch. She seems almost asexual to me and this kind of set up would be great for someone who wanted to be part of a large family and have an emotional but non-sexual relationship with her "husband." When she was younger, she did what she had to (put up with Meri's crap, worked full-time) to fulfill her role in the family. And in return, she got a bunch of kids (all of whom she seems to love very much) and a part-time marriage. She gets a lot of grief on the boards, but she's still my favorite. It's obvious she's an introvert, but the difference in her now vs. the very beginning of the show is striking. She's learned to speak up and she looks legitimately happy almost all the time. 

Christine and Kody are obviously knocking boots again (thanks to Robin.. ewww) and Robin seems to have embraced her role as Head "B" In-Charge. My guess is she's "closed up shop" for awhile and is happy to let Christine take over. 

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1 hour ago, VedaPierce said:

We should all pitch in and buy it. Then take turns living in it like a time share! Lol lol. We can all sit in front of the windows and watch them live... Like on safari. Lol lol lol I know, I know, I'll see myself out :) the thought is so ludicrous, I cracked myself up! 

OMG I would so be a Mrs. Kravitz if I lived near them, lol! Forget watching tv, this would be way more entertaining!

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