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S09.E08: The Truth Comes Out

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10 hours ago, Galloway Cave said:

Fuck you Christine and fuck your talk about the Ugly Scar. After two back surgeries, I have "ugly scars" that I wear proudly. They will only be ugly to her if YOU make them ugly. 

Ysabell honey, start researching some kick ass spine tattoos if you really don't want a long scar showing back there.


Same here, I've had two as well. Wouldn't be upright if I hadn't. I'll take the scars. 

I once thought Christine was the most sane of the bunch but there goes that thought. 

Edited by TurtlePower
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7 hours ago, Onceafan said:

Here is the downfall of polgamy. Kody is getting his emotional and physical needs met by three other women. He's content so he has no real drive or need to try and fix his relationship with Meri. He's really over her.

this cannot be emphasized enough.   So, even though Meri agreed to polygamy, we all know she only agreed to keep Kody and ended up regretting it.  She is lonely!  If a highlight of your journey is that you and your (ex)husband drove in the same car, that's pathetic.  RUN MERI RUN!  If you're doing everything alone anyway, you're halfway there.  And given that the children do not want to be polygamous, they've already seen through the mess that is this lifestyle and eventually would support you (the ones you have relationships with, anyway, because I assume you must have a few).  


When he said that he and Meri only lasted as long as they did because of polygamy, I think he's got it backwards.  If they had been monogamous AND committed to "until death do us part," then all HIS efforts would have gone toward Meri and they may actually have had a good relationship.  Imagine having a fight with your spouse, who then is gone for 3 days having a relationship with another person/people.  You are just going to eat your feelings, push down the issues and keep it sweet.  It is a TERRIBLE lifestyle, especially for the first wife.  


As for scar-gate...I type surgical reports.  Day in and day out like an assembly line people come in for back surgeries with long incisions.  It's not really a big deal.  

Edited by Granny58
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I was curious as to why they went alllllllllll the way to Michigan, but then found the website of the place they went and apparently that's the closest one to Utah.  Perhaps their insurance helped to defray the cost of the trip for them?

From the ScoliSMART website:



...all of the therapy codes billed as part of the ScoliSMART treatment process are standard billing codes and are widely accepted by most insurance policies. Once your or your child’s case has been accepted into our treatment program through a no cost phone consult with one of our ScoliSMART doctors, we will be able to assist you in estimating your coverage and any out-of-pocket expense...

Treatment costs range from $600-$700* per day (10 day BootCamp, 5 day BootCamp, and 2.5** Boost program options) and include all treatment, physical evaluation, x-rays, consults, and standard core rehab equipment.
ScoliSMART Activity Suit (optional) - Additional $1,500* (adolescent or adult)...



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5 hours ago, Gothish520 said:

I don't recall them saying they don't have money for medical care. In fact, Christine said that the therapy they are trying will be very expensive. 

I believe this is based on their history of medical bills going to collection agencies.  Maybe they have insurance but I would doubt it.  The Brown Financial Plan does not deal with life realistically.  They way they spend money is insane - those interest only loans for the houses, 15 cars that don't work and may not be insured, weddings for 400 at the demand of a halfwitted groom.....

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33 minutes ago, Granny58 said:

this cannot be emphasized enough.   So, even though Meri agreed to polygamy, we all know she only agreed to keep Kody and ended up regretting it.  She is lonely!  If a highlight of your journey is that you and your (ex)husband drove in the same car, that's pathetic.  RUN MERI RUN!  If you're doing everything alone anyway, you're halfway there.  And given that the children do not want to be polygamous, they've already seen through the mess that is this lifestyle and eventually would support you (the ones you have relationships with, anyway, because I assume you must have a few).  


When he said that he and Meri only lasted as long as they did because of polygamy, I think he's got it backwards.  If they had been monogamous AND committed to "until death do us part," then all HIS efforts would have gone toward Meri and they may actually have had a good relationship.  Imagine having a fight with your spouse, who then is gone for 3 days having a relationship with another person/people.  You are just going to eat your feelings, push down the issues and keep it sweet.  It is a TERRIBLE lifestyle, especially for the first wife.  


As for scar-gate...I type surgical reports.  Day in and day out like an assembly line people come in for back surgeries with long incisions.  It's not really a big deal.  


I used to be on Team Meri and don't doubt that she is lonely, but she needs to shit or get off the pot. She cries and complains about her relationship with Kody, then doesn't DO anything about it (like leave 'cause it can't be fixed, ever). I'm wondering if she's obligated by contract (and income) to hang around and once the show is done she will be, too. 

Edited by TurtlePower
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11 minutes ago, Kohola3 said:

Maybe they have insurance but I would doubt it

Awwww c'mon!  What with the Browns being so hyper vigilant about being good upstanding law abiding citizens, I'm certain they are all insured so no one is dragged kicking and screaming from their house by an IRS agent. Bwahaha!

Edited by kicotan
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9 minutes ago, TurtlePower said:

I used to be on Team Meri and don't doubt that she is lonely, but she needs to shit or get off the pot. She cries and complains about her relationship with Kody, then doesn't DO anything about it (like leave 'cause it can't be fixed, ever). I'm wondering if she's obligated by contract (and income) to hang around and once the show is done she will be, too. 

Exactly why I want to grab her shoulders and shake her.  

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7 hours ago, Onceafan said:

Oh, I knew someone who did that 10 day boot camp for scoliosis. She paid nine thousand out of pocket for the boot camp. 

Oh. Can you tell us. Did it work? Did she have to get the surgery?  What was the end result?

7 hours ago, RoxieRambles said:

Officially the most boring episode yet!!! I barely made it through, I really need some loyalty points for this one...lol

Since I don't watch the Oscars, I sat through this crap. 

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9 minutes ago, Granny58 said:

Exactly why I want to grab her shoulders and shake her.  

I don't think it would help.  She's basically got Therapist Nancy on retainer and doesn't even use that resource to be honest about her part in the cat fishing thing.

For ONCE, I'd like her to hear her say, "Yano, I was all set to leave this shitshow for my man Sam, but then I found out he was a she and it grossed me out so much because ewwwwwwww lesbians, whoops sorry Mariah"

But that will NEVER happen.

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Since Kody is clearly through with Meri and they are legally divorced but still spiritually married (sealed), what are the odds he's going to call her code name to bring her onto his eternity planet?    I'm thinking less than zero percent.   Begs the question why she is still there.    

I'm over her poor me facial expressions, body language etc.   Just stop already.

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I don't understand why they have to drag this show in to 2 hr. episodes. Speaking of dragging out, horray for getting the baby shower over with quickly. They could have made that in to a multi-episode borefest. Ohhhh what food will we have, who will do the home made decorations, whose house will we have it in, what gifts will we give them, who will buy the very special cake, let's go the bakery for a cake tasting, and on and on and on...

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12 hours ago, ginger90 said:

I just want to tell you, ginger, how much I appreciate your postings of Meri's 'Deep Thoughts' on Twitter, over here. I don't follow that mule on Twitter and enjoy keeping up with them here on PTV. Thanks for bringing them over. 

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8 hours ago, taragel said:

For all Kody kept saying he was "done," he also kept saying Meri (alone) had to decide what she wants to do/how to handle this. Does he expect her to move out of that house? Maybe he's hoping she will go buy and live in that B&B?

Maybe he's hoping Meri will move out of the house, he will keep it and buy her out so she can use the buy out money and go live in the B&B.  Then he can search for a new wife and move her right in to Meri's old house. Easy peasy solution. Just a thought. 

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2 hours ago, Mardo2044 said:

Meri strikes me as someone who is going to wear everyone down until she gets her way.  I don't see how the family buying the house for her mother to live there helps the family financially or helps them try to grow together as a family post catfish.  (t seems to be Meri's exit strategy and she wants the family to pay for it.  She is already divorced, she should just move out and do it on her own if that is what she wants.

I think Kody should tell Meri that the family can only afford one house per wife, so that if she wants to buy the house in Parowan she has to sell the house in Las Vegas to pay for it. (That assumes that they actually have equity in their LV houses.)

I'm surprised that no one has talked about Annie (Christine's Mom) seemingly just being tossed aside by Meri in this whole scheme. The original plan was that Annie would run the B&B for Meri, and everyone (particularly Christine) thought that would be a perfect fit for Annie. Now Meri's Mom wants to live in the house and Meri doesn't want to run it as a B&B. How does Annie feel about that? She seemed so excited about running the B&B. Have they ever even addressed the impact on Annie of Meri's change in plans? Not that it matters, of course. All that matters is what Meri wants.

Meri just HAD to have the wet bar in her LV house. She even cried about it. I want to ask her, is that wet bar making you happy now? No? Then why do you think owning the house is Parowan is going to make you happy?

6 hours ago, Gothish520 said:

I thought she looked quite pretty in the THs this episode. 

I agree, and I thought Maddie looked very pretty at the baby shower as well.

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4 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

Maybe he's hoping Meri will move out of the house, he will keep it and buy her out so she can use the buy out money and go live in the B&B.  Then he can search for a new wife and move her right in to Meri's old house. Easy peasy solution. Just a thought. 

Maybe 6 weeks ago she reminded everyone on twitter that she was still there and with the family so, who knows what her deal is. Unless she's keeping it secret until the season is over, she's still there. 

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12 hours ago, Kohola3 said:

Well, with the number of kids in the various litters, I bet none of her parents noticed anything.  Poor kid.

See also: Truely's hospitalization for severe kidney distress.  That broke my heart.


11 hours ago, KateHearts said:

Someone at some point on this forum described Meri as a "Muppet," and I can't forget that every time I look at her funny face. She's also a little overdone on the orange-toned makeup, so she really does resemble Scooter or maybe Ernie?

Google Janice the Muppet.  That might be who you're thinking of.  Except Janice is cute.


32 minutes ago, tabloidlover said:

Since Kody is clearly through with Meri and they are legally divorced but still spiritually married (sealed), what are the odds he's going to call her code name to bring her onto his eternity planet?    I'm thinking less than zero percent.   Begs the question why she is still there.    

I lost the other quoted post, but someone mentioned that being the husband in a polygamous marriage means that the husband is supposed to support his wives emotionally, spiritually, etc.  Kody continues to show me that he is not following polygamy for anything but his own ego.  If Meri is struggling, doesn't he need her to remain in the fold so he can get his own planet?  If he doesn't believe in the tenets of polygamy (which I don't think he does), then he can easily dismiss her and let Meri figure things out by herself (which is what he is doing).  If he needed her for his faith, it seems like he'd be working with her to keep her in the family.  He's not, because he's over her, and I don't think he ever cared about having his own planet.  I will never not believe that Kody only wanted polygamy to feed his enormous need for attention, so Meri is disposable to  him.

Edited by laurakaye
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I too was wondering why Ysabel's scoliosis wasn't caught earlier, then I realized that all the kids were homeschooled until they went to Las Vegas. Christine didn't catch it because she has no idea what to look for. And Yzzy wasn't checked until later, when she had already developed her curve. That may explain why Christine is a little more hysterical than she usually is about things. She may be feeling some guilt. Even Janelle said as much in her tweet.

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11 hours ago, DakotaJustice said:

Re the teasers for next week:

So for the ladies here:  How much would YOU have to be paid to be filmed giving birth in a tub with no meds and in a probably not very clean bathroom??

Why do I seem to remember that Robin did one of her births this way?  Am I mis-remembering???

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11 hours ago, Galloway Cave said:

I just hope Christine and Kody are being open and honest with Ysabel about the chances of improvement with the exercises and the need for the surgery eventually.

Ysabel was in the doctor's office, listening to everything that was being said.  At junior high school age, she is old enough to sort out what's being said.  She's committed to taking care of herself and doing what's right and I applaud her for that.  She has a long road ahead of her.  Not from personal experience, but there was a kid in my junior high school a couple of years behind me that was wearing a back brace and that was in the 70s.  No idea whatever happened to her.

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I can give Christine a pass on the scar issue.  She’s worried for her child and very emotional.  My adult son had serious surgery a year ago and every time I see those scars I cringe.  It’s something about remembering that perfect little baby and now you see those scars and remember the pain and fear of surgery.  I also can understand being a bit more concerned about scars on your daughter.  Girls have enough body judgement going on without adding scars into the mix.  Don’t get me wrong, I know there are lots of parents dealing with much more difficult issues and I’m grateful that my son was able to get well, it’s just sad to see that perfect human you birthed being scarred.  And yes, I cringed about his tattoos, even though I have one myself!  I can’t fault Christine for worrying about anything and everything and being honest about it. 

As far as the alternative treatment goes, I don’t see it as a big dill since she isn’t a candidate for surgery yet.  They are not putting off treatment and the doctor didn’t seem to feel it would cause harm.  I don’t think it will help, although I wish it would.  I felt like those people at the boot camp were charlatans, just raking in money off desperation and misery.  Not cool.  I hope she gets the surgery if she reaches 50%.  It sounds like a horrendous thing to live with.

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54 minutes ago, absolutelyido said:

I think Kody should tell Meri that the family can only afford one house per wife, so that if she wants to buy the house in Parowan she has to sell the house in Las Vegas to pay for it. (That assumes that they actually have equity in their LV houses.)

That's a fine thought, but who in the world would they sell the house to?  Can you imagine, as an outsider, moving into that cul de sac?  Talk about bad neighbors.......

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My thoughts on two issues that have been mentioned numerous times in this thread (I don't watch the show any more . . . it's more interesting to just read recaps and thoughts here).

1.  Medical insurance:  Aren't they enrolled in the Affordable Care Act, if they don't have any other recourse to health insurance?  At the time of this filming, all law-abiding citizens were required to be enrolled.

2.  Scars:  In a "religion" which requires modesty, why is anyone concerned about scars on someone's back?  If they can't show their arms, I'm pretty sure a backless wedding gown would NOT be approved.  (Yes, I saw Mykelti's gown . . . but it hardly fit into Kody's "elder" teachings at their home church.)

3 minutes ago, b2H said:

That's a fine thought, but who in the world would they sell the house to?  Can you imagine, as an outsider, moving into that cul de sac?  Talk about bad neighbors.......

Maddie and Caleb?  Mariah and her girlfriend?  Kody's next wife?  All of the above?  Just - for sure - not Tony and Mykelti.

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2 minutes ago, AZChristian said:

Maddie and Caleb?  Mariah and her girlfriend?  Kody's next wife?  All of the above?  Just - for sure - not Tony and Mykelti.

They have even less money than Kody.  As young as Mykelti, Maddie and Mariah are, I'm pretty sure they have a non-existent credit rating to even get a mortgage.  I don't see that happening, but of course I can be wrong and not blink an eye at it.

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3 minutes ago, b2H said:

They have even less money than Kody.  As young as Mykelti, Maddie and Mariah are, I'm pretty sure they have a non-existent credit rating to even get a mortgage.  I don't see that happening, but of course I can be wrong and not blink an eye at it.

The Browns' credit ratings were poor when they first got the houses, but creative financing got them in.  Maybe they could just get Meri to do a "quit-claim" on her ownership (which would take her off the title), and the mortgage payments could continue to be made the way they apparently are now - one large pile of money goes to "Kody Brown Family Enterprises" and then meted out to support multiple households.  From Kody's twitter, it doesn't sound like Meri is contributing financially anyway, so all they would lose if she leaves is wear and tear on the front gate to the community.

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Slowest. Episode. Ever. 


Way too much time devoted to Kody and Meri's relationship....or lack thereof. I just don't want to hear about it anymore, because I know Meri is never going to take full accountability for the Catfish thing. She just keeps saying crap like, "Well, we were BOTH distant from each other". Yea okay, but there's a difference between Kody paying more attention to the new wife (who YOU supposedly helped bring in) and you secretly having a romantic relationship with someone outside the family. Period. And she'll never own it, so I don't see how therapy can ever truly be effective. 

And don't think it's not lost on me that she is suddenly caring so much about fixing what's wrong between them at the same time she wants to buy this house. I'm still Team Kody on that one. I liked how he acknowledged it was important to her, but that he wouldn't do it even if it was important to HIM. It's not a wise investment. He can separate sentiment from logic, and she can't. Meri even said, "I know it's not wise, but I really really want it". Ohhhh, okay. 

What is she? Five? 

I know she has it now, but I wonder if we'll ever learn how she paid for it? 


Conversely, I did NOT like how Kody talked about the issues with him and Christine. I'm definitely glad they're in a better place now, but I think he's minimizing what happened by chalking it up to "petty jealousy". I do not like how he mentioned there already BEING other wives, so why would Christine get so upset about THIS one? Well, okay, for starters - the first 3 wives were all added within a year of each other. They all had their first kids together. Then it was like that for about 15 years before they added Robyn. It's a HUGE difference. Not only that, but the whole thing coincided with Christine's pregnancy with Truly, and he didn't seem to get how that would be hard for her. 

I think what it is, is that Kody likes to compartmentalize his wives and he can't handle when they step outside of those neat labels he's put on them. Jenelle is the practical wife. The intelligent wife. He could count on her to be sensible and maybe to have serious discussions with (for them!). Meri, I do believe, was actually his first great love. I do believe they had a real connection from the start, a deep love. But I also think she was likely ALWAYS a lot to handle. Christine came along, and she was the fun one. And, I do think, for the most part that is who she is - just a loving, easy going, zany gal. She can make any situation fun. But that doesn't preclude her from having hard times. And when the Robyn addition, combined with the move, knocked her for a loop, Kody couldn't handle it. He was like, "Nooooo. You're not the emotionally need wife! That's Meri! Go back to being fun". 

Well, Kody....YOU signed up for four wives. You need to learn that they are people, not characters. You have to accept the highs and the lows. Man up and deal with it. 


I really feel for Ysabel and her back issues. I don't blame them at all for going this "exercise" route. Surgery would scare the crap out of me and I'd exhaust all other options first. At any rate, I don't think it would HURT, and I think it was probably very mentally healthy for Ysabel to meet other kids sharing the same struggle. I hate how they film so far behind. I want to know how she's doing in real time. 

I normally like Christine the most, but I hated how she was getting so upset about the scar. If my child was potentially in need of surgery, the SCAR would be the least of my worries. My biggest fear would be about the risk of putting them under. 


Caleb and Maddie's baby shower.....YAWN. 

Edited by ghoulina
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2 minutes ago, AZChristian said:

The Browns' credit ratings were poor when they first got the houses, but creative financing got them in.  Maybe they could just get Meri to do a "quit-claim" on her ownership (which would take her off the title), and the mortgage payments could continue to be made the way they apparently are now - one large pile of money goes to "Kody Brown Family Enterprises" and then meted out to support multiple households.  From Kody's twitter, it doesn't sound like Meri is contributing financially anyway, so all they would lose if she leaves is wear and tear on the front gate to the community.

I suspect that money is a lot tighter now than when they pulled that nonsense to buy those properties initially.  I would also want to know just how far behind they are in the payments, if they are at all.  That TLC money is going to dry up in the near future and they have no visible means of support other than the show.  TLC had a lot of influence on those initial mortgages that may not be available for a new set.

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Does anyone else think that maybe this house is Meri’s way to try to get a divorce settlement from Kody?  She went along with the divorce thinking she had her handsome prince of a millionaire waiting in the wings, so she divorced without asking for any money.  Now she regrets that and is trying to finagle some kind of cash out of the family.  If so, too bad, so sad, too late!

I think Kody was completely justified in his stance on the house.  He said exactly what many people on the boards have said about this house.  From the things Kody said in the show, Meri has always been this nasty, selfish piece of work.  I think they all danced around her until Robyn found a way to displace her.  It’s funny that Meri brought Robyn in as an ally against the other wives, but once Robyn saw how nasty Meri is, she switched up the plan on her!  I think Meri is reaping what she has sown.  She is an entitled ass!  I think Kody and the other wives are relieved that Meri’s true colors have been shown in a very public way.

Did anyone else notice that she said she wants to own that B&B, but she doesn’t want to have to run it??  Seriously, what a lazy piece of entitled garbage!!  Any money should be spent on health care and college for those kids, not some bauble for selfish Meri!

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I think if Ysabel was my daughter, I'd go for the alternative treatments, too.  The orthopedist agreed that it wouldn't hurt, and perhaps they will be able to put the surgery off for a while.  They admitted that surgery is likely in her future, but if the exercises can slow the progression of the scoliosis, why not do it?  I do feel so sorry for the girl, though.  She is so mature, realizing that others have it worse.  

I do not understand why Meri thinks the family should buy a house for her mom to live in, just because it has sentimental value to her family.  She is so unbelievably selfish.  And I hate when Kody is the voice of reason.

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To address the scoliosis issue:  usually what doctors are watching is the rate of progression of the curve. It sounds as if Ysabel's curve is progressing rather rapidly and this is why they are moving towards surgery- which is the right thing to do. She is at the point in life (adolescence) of rapid growth and as the spine curves in scoliosis, it also rotates (think of a corkscrew configuration). Correction of this in later life is more painful as the bones have matured and the disks are less flexible. It's a good thing they took her to a doctor at all, as well as a good one who noticed the curvature.

As for Meri, my thoughts there:  She was the premier, #1, first wife. I think she had a false sense that she would always be the queen bee, the head of the household, and the most cherished one.  Two things caused her topple from the throne:  first, she had only one kid.  In their religion, of course she would be seen as damaged goods for not being able to crank out dozens of mini-Kodys.  Now he has three other hyper fertile wives who can perpetuate his need to scatter his DNA all over God's green earth.

Secondly, Meri, upon realizing that she was small potatoes (especially once "hot Robin" came on the scene), tried to redeem herself in Kody's eyes by giving up their marriage in favor of him legally marrying Robin to protect her children.  While this was a noble move, she didn't get the recognition she wanted and again felt slighted.  So what does she do? Seeks companionship online, because she isn't getting enough attention at home. She actively flirted with this "person," had every intention of leaving for him, and then got the death blow of being outed AND realizing she was totally duped.

So here she is, embarrassed, trying to find some sort of place in this family. How does she do that? By turning the tables and saying how Kody caused this, he rejected her early on, she was in need of love and attention, and of course, was duped by the online fictitious Sam.  She was a victim.  And somehow she deserves to be given money to fulfill her dream of owning a family home, since Kody failed her and the other SWs have stuff to do, thus ignoring her. I don't really think she's all that interested in rekindling her relationship with Kody; I think she wants money to take off, go to another town, all the while eking out as much of TLC's money as she can possibly make.

PS- LuLaRoe is in a lot of hot water and likely will fold soon, from what I've been hearing and reading.

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10 hours ago, HahYallDoin said:

Speaking for myself, possibly others think similarly, it was the manner in which Kody and Christine almost 'demonized' the surgery that led me to believe that even if she'd gotten a 51* result from their local Ortho, they'd have *still* wanted to try the alternative therapy. 

It was all about the ugly scars, how the long rods are placed and screwed in, how serious the surgery is, what hell it would be for her to go under the knife, how she'd still have restricted movement...the certain negatives associated with the procedure. For sure, it's a lot to digest. But it works in stopping the curveture in real time. It works and alternative therapy may or may not work. I got the impression they weren't trying to make peace with the best option and their fears associated with it and instead sought out something less involved, with no guarantees. 

Just my two cents LOL 

I didn't get that impression at all. I think they were scared about the thought of surgery, as many parents would likely be. And Christine tends to be OTT, so of course she's going to make it sound worse than it actually is. But I never thought they were eschewing the idea of surgery entirely. She's not a candidate right now. So it seems like they're going to try the physical therapy route in the meantime. If it helps it helps. Her doctor wasn't against it, and he even talked about kids becoming brace-dependent. The exercises she's doing, in addition to that other thing she's wearing, are going to help build up her core, which can be a huge help with back issues. I'm just not ready to rake them over the coals until she actually gets to 50 and they refuse surgery. 


9 hours ago, Onceafan said:

1. Kody didn't even want to go see Nancy. 


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3 hours ago, Mardo2044 said:

Meri strikes me as someone who is going to wear everyone down until she gets her way.  I don't see how the family buying the house for her mother to live there helps the family financially or helps them try to grow together as a family post catfish.  (t seems to be Meri's exit strategy and she wants the family to pay for it.  She is already divorced, she should just move out and do it on her own if that is what she wants.

Hard to change the habits of a lifetime. Seriously, this is the same woman who has demanded an equal allowance to the others wives who have incredibly large households of 6+ kids compared to her one. The same woman who felt she was being punished by getting less money for only having one child. The same woman WITH ONE CHILD about to go off to college who demanded a home as large as the other women with multiple young grade/middle/high school children. The same woman who also threw a hissy fit about a wet bar in said mcmansion. The same woman who sent her daughter to an expensive private college and expected everyone to pay for it. I swear when she said if she could get away with just buying the house and having her mom live in without running it as a B&B and did that stupid lil' "ain't I a stinker!" giggle of hers I just wanted to slap her. 

Kody and Meri make me think about how it is theorized that men are less forgiving of infidelity. For a betrayed woman, an affair by the man is an offence against her dignity, but for a betrayed man, a woman’s infidelity is an offence against his manhood. It goes right to the core of his identity, more so for Kody given how he beats his chest and wants to crow all the time about having 4 wives and 18 kids.

10 hours ago, Pachengala said:

I can’t like this enough. Polygamy is a disgusting, misogynistic practice specifically designed to empower men and marginalize women; HOWEVER, in theory the man is supposed to be responsible for the well-being of his wives, physical, emotional, and spiritual. In theory, what women get out of this paradigm is support, caretaking, and leadership from their headship. Of course, in practice, you get Kody Brown, a shallow, insecure, ego-driven narcissistic who is only in the game for what these people, his wives and children, can do for him, how good they can make him feel, how thoroughly they can stroke his ego. If and when Meri finally reads the writing on the wall and gets out, I’ll be rooting for her, just like I’m rooting for all the wives and kids to get away from that megalomaniac. Well, Robyn can stay. 

Kody is actually on record as saying that he doesn't feel responsible for the mental health and well-being of his wives. He said this when those out of town plygs visited LV a few seasons ago, which was before the catfishing. 

9 hours ago, taragel said:

For all Kody kept saying he was "done," he also kept saying Meri (alone) had to decide what she wants to do/how to handle this. 

Reminds me of the the whole does Meri want to have another baby via science vs. Robyn as surrogate. What a debacle that was. Meri held that family hostage for as long as she could until Kody finally made the decision for her. Kody has made a decision himself and it is a no for him. Meri has to decide if she wants to leave and do her own thing or stay and forever be without sex, intimacy. Maybe once and a while Kody can tolerate a car ride with her. He is not gonna kick her out of the family but he will never embrace her as a wife in the biblical sense again. 

I thought it was very interesting that he actually is admitting that their marriage has been in jeopardy for 10 years. Robyn married Kody in 2010 after "courting" for a year, so since about 2009. So was Robyn a bandaid wife?

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11 minutes ago, KateHearts said:

Secondly, Meri, upon realizing that she was small potatoes (especially once "hot Robin" came on the scene), tried to redeem herself in Kody's eyes by giving up their marriage in favor of him legally marrying Robin to protect her children.  While this was a noble move, she didn't get the recognition she wanted and again felt slighted.  So what does she do? Seeks companionship online, because she isn't getting enough attention at home. She actively flirted with this "person," had every intention of leaving for him, and then got the death blow of being outed AND realizing she was totally duped.

Except, if I understand the timeline correctly, Meri was already in deep with "Sam" and planning to run off into the sunset by the time of the divorce.  I believe she saw the divorce as a convenience to free her and make her available for "Sam."  Nothing noble about it (or anything relating to Meri).

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21 minutes ago, Normades said:

Does anyone else think that maybe this house is Meri’s way to try to get a divorce settlement from Kody?  She went along with the divorce thinking she had her handsome prince of a millionaire waiting in the wings, so she divorced without asking for any money.  Now she regrets that and is trying to finagle some kind of cash out of the family.  If so, too bad, so sad, too late!

I think Kody was completely justified in his stance on the house.  He said exactly what many people on the boards have said about this house.  From the things Kody said in the show, Meri has always been this nasty, selfish piece of work.  I think they all danced around her until Robyn found a way to displace her.  It’s funny that Meri brought Robyn in as an ally against the other wives, but once Robyn saw how nasty Meri is, she switched up the plan on her!  I think Meri is reaping what she has sown.  She is an entitled ass!  I think Kody and the other wives are relieved that Meri’s true colors have been shown in a very public way.

Did anyone else notice that she said she wants to own that B&B, but she doesn’t want to have to run it??  Seriously, what a lazy piece of entitled garbage!!  Any money should be spent on health care and college for those kids, not some bauble for selfish Meri!

JO/Sam didn't come in the scene until well after the divorce. 

Sept 14: Meri files for divorce

Dec 14: Kody quietly married Robyn

Dec 14: Meri goes on LIV cruise and afterwards attempts to kickstart her MLM, scheduling meetups. 

Jan 15: JO, funded by her then-victim, comes to Vegas and attends a LIV Meetup and signs up under Meri. 

Shortly thereafter the Sam stuff began. 

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9 hours ago, Onceafan said:

1. Kody didn't even want to go see Nancy. 

I can't say I blame him. Nancy seems to favor Meri, IMO. I've never heard her call her out on any of her shit before. 


7 hours ago, Gothish520 said:

I thought she looked quite pretty in the THs this episode. 

I did too! And I thought she looked really cute in her dress at the baby shower. I don't get why people would comment on her size. Her bump is out there, but otherwise she looks so tiny to me. 

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1 hour ago, laurakaye said:

See also: Truely's hospitalization for severe kidney distress.  That broke my heart.

I immediately thought of this too when Christine said on one of the THs that she couldn't believe she didn't notice it before it was checked out at school.  Good God, her shoulders were totally off!  How do you not notice that?!?

Also, agree completely with earlier posters about Maddie and Caleb obviously not giving two shits about what the adults were discussing.  Kudos to Robin for actually showing emotion during the X ray discussion.  Made me sick when Janelle started in on "well, when it's not your kid, you don't really get that emotionally invested in the situation" during one of the THs.  What the fuck???  Absent Robin's first three kids, all of those kids grew up together.  Shouldn't Janelle feel something when viewing those X rays??  I mean, DAMN!

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13 hours ago, Sasha888 said:

I agree with you...and I hate agreeing with Kody but Meri is so ridiculously selfish. Meri says she wants to be part of the family, but she's just been told how severe Ysabel's scoliosis is - how could anyone not see that right now, every extra resource the family has needs to go to help this child.

I think when Meri wants something, she's going to make damn sure she gets it, and she doesn't care who she has to step on to get it.

That's for sure. Why doesn't she sell her damn house with the wet bar ? Is it because there's no equity? Kids in college, kids going to college soon, Ysabel's illness. WTF Meri, it's always all about you. She's already checked out of this family and was willing to go when she thought she had a man waiting.

Mariah seems to have blossomed since she left the Cody compound, I'm happy for her.

Poor Ysabel. It was my understanding that they wouldn't do the surgery for 8 months or so, I don't see any problem with them seeking alternative treatments in the meantime.

And Christine, you moron, your main concern is the scar and prom? God, you really are an idiot. You need to boost your child up, not add to her feeling self consciousness.

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10 minutes ago, DakotaJustice said:

JO/Sam didn't come in the scene until well after the divorce. 

Sept 14: Meri files for divorce

Dec 14: Kody quietly married Robyn

Dec 14: Meri goes on LIV cruise and afterwards attempts to kickstart her MLM, scheduling meetups. 

Jan 15: JO, funded by her then-victim, comes to Vegas and attends a LIV Meetup and signs up under Meri. 

Shortly thereafter the Sam stuff began. 

I stand corrected on the timeline, however I stand by my statement that Meri has never done anything noble in her life!

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2 hours ago, TurtlePower said:

I used to be on Team Meri and don't doubt that she is lonely, but she needs to shit or get off the pot. She cries and complains about her relationship with Kody, then doesn't DO anything about it (like leave 'cause it can't be fixed, ever). I'm wondering if she's obligated by contract (and income) to hang around and once the show is done she will be, too. 

To me, Meri is a petulant brat who was fine with polygamy when SHE was the favorite wife. When Robyn began to get more attention, she lost her shit. Christine had a hard time too, but she eventually worked past it and it never diminished from her participation with the family. Meri is like, "Oh, I'm not queen bee anymore? Well, fuck ALL of you, then!" She is very scorched earth. 


1 hour ago, Galloway Cave said:

I too was wondering why Ysabel's scoliosis wasn't caught earlier, then I realized that all the kids were homeschooled until they went to Las Vegas. Christine didn't catch it because she has no idea what to look for. And Yzzy wasn't checked until later, when she had already developed her curve. That may explain why Christine is a little more hysterical than she usually is about things. She may be feeling some guilt. Even Janelle said as much in her tweet.

Ysabel was only 7 when they moved to Vegas. Do they check for scoliosis that early? When I was in school, they did it around 5th or 6th grade, if I remember. But she's ostensibly been in public school since around 1st or 2nd. I do believe they're probably feeling some guilt about not catching it earlier, but sometimes when you see someone every day, you don't notice things as much. Also, as girls start to develop they often want more privacy and you're not seeing them up close and personal any more.

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I have no sympathy for Meri.  She has put no work into being a part of that family as far as I can tell.  Has she helped Robin with her brood, helped chauffeur kids to practice, etc? An extra pair of adult hands could find plenty to do in support of that family.  They have even said she often doesn't show up for family events.  She wants her queen position back, and until Kody gives it to her, she is on strike.  Buh-bye Meri,  your crap don't work no more!

I think Meri's mother has something to do with that mortgage.  I don't know if it was money from her own sold house or money she had but somehow she must have played into the decision.  Do we know who is on the mortgage?  Annie had no money to contribute, and it's too bad because I think she could be successful with a B&B. 

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2 hours ago, ginger90 said:

New title or addition for Meri’s thread, Shit or get off the pot!

If she would actually leave I would leap up and cheer.  

1 hour ago, Galloway Cave said:

I too was wondering why Ysabel's scoliosis wasn't caught earlier, then I realized that all the kids were homeschooled until they went to Las Vegas. Christine didn't catch it because she has no idea what to look for. And Yzzy wasn't checked until later, when she had already developed her curve. That may explain why Christine is a little more hysterical than she usually is about things. She may be feeling some guilt. Even Janelle said as much in her tweet.

I forgot about the homeschooling, but they never had pediatrician check ups?  Yeah, what am I saying...probably not. 

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1 hour ago, ghoulina said:

I just don't want to hear about it anymore, because I know Meri is never going to take full accountability for the Catfish thing. She just keeps saying crap like, "Well, we were BOTH distant from each other". Yea okay, but there's a difference between Kody paying more attention to the new wife (who YOU supposedly helped bring in) and you secretly having a romantic relationship with someone outside the family

First, I in no way condone affairs...at all.  Marriage is for life (IMO) unless there are huge issues such as abuse, etc.  That said....I can't lay this all at Meri's feet.  She is a human being with the need for love and attention....and add to that the inability to have more children (from personal experience, this is cyclically devastating).  Kody was getting PLENTY of love and attention, but obviously Meri was not.  He, in fact, was having an "extra-marital" relationship in the actual sense.  I see them as equally responsible for the catfishing.  

1 hour ago, ghoulina said:

And don't think it's not lost on me that she is suddenly caring so much about fixing what's wrong between them at the same time she wants to buy this house. I'm still Team Kody on that one. I liked how he acknowledged it was important to her, but that he wouldn't do it even if it was important to HIM. It's not a wise investment. He can separate sentiment from logic, and she can't. Meri even said, "I know it's not wise, but I really really want it". Ohhhh, okay. 

But I fully agree with this.  Kody can actually make sense.  

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7 minutes ago, Granny58 said:

I forgot about the homeschooling, but they never had pediatrician check ups?  Yeah, what am I saying...probably not. 

Of course they had that plyg fear (eye roll) of going to the doctor and fear being exposed. Why can't they just say they are single mom's or baby mom's? Is lying by omission against their faith?Or are they only allowed to lie on welfare applications?

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59 minutes ago, islandgal140 said:

Hard to change the habits of a lifetime. Seriously, this is the same woman who has demanded an equal allowance to the others wives who have incredibly large households of 6+ kids compared to her one. The same woman who felt she was being punished by getting less money for only having one child. The same woman WITH ONE CHILD about to go off to college who demanded a home as large as the other women with multiple young grade/middle/high school children. The same woman who also threw a hissy fit about a wet bar in said mcmansion. The same woman who sent her daughter to an expensive private college and expected everyone to pay for it. I swear when she said if she could get away with just buying the house and having her mom live in without running it as a B&B and did that stupid lil' "ain't I a stinker!" giggle of hers I just wanted to slap her. 

I really should just copy everything you do and comment!  LOL.  Yes to this too.  Meri has 2 sides, which I see.  I still pity her though and wish she would leave and go monogamous somewhere.  

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20 minutes ago, Granny58 said:


3 hours ago, ginger90 said:

New title or addition for Meri’s thread, Shit or get off the pot!

If she would actually leave I would leap up and cheer. 


I doubt she’ll go anywhere as long as the TLC money is coming in ...

I wish she’d go, though.  She’s turning my fun, love-to-hate-watch show into a real slog. I need laughs on Sunday night before facing another week of work!

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21 minutes ago, Granny58 said:

 ...I can't lay this all at Meri's feet.  She is a human being with the need for love and attention....and add to that the inability to have more children (from personal experience, this is cyclically devastating).  Kody was getting PLENTY of love and attention, but obviously Meri was not.  He, in fact, was having an "extra-marital" relationship in the actual sense.  I see them as equally responsible for the catfishing.  

I'm going to have to disagree with you here.

1) She is a human being with the need for love and attention who willingly entered into a marriage with a devout polygamist as the first wife.

2.  and add to that the inability to have more children biologically.  She has 17 other children in her family she could have mothered and unless I'm mistaken that's one of the "perks" of the polygamy relationship she entered into, but decided to have a problem with because they didn't come out of her womb.

3. Kody was getting plenty of love and attention, but obviously Meri was not, however, when in a plural family, love and attention is also, in theory, shared between Meri's wives as well.  She specifically distanced/isolated herself from her wives.

4.  He, in fact was having an "extra-marital" affair in the actual sense, but only if you are a monogamist and consider an "extra-marital affair in the actual sense" to be sexual intercourse with someone who isn't your legal spouse.  Kody's wives are Meri's wives too, they just don't have sex.

Edited by kicotan
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