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S14.E13: You Really Got a Hold on Me

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Seattle firefighters Ben Warren and Andy Herrera head to Grey Sloan after rescuing two boys that are injured in a house fire. With one of the boys' lives literally in Andy's hands, her skills are put to the test. Meanwhile, the doctors are hard at work on their projects for the Grey Sloan Surgical Innovation Contest; and Amelia brings Tom Koracick in to consult on her and Alex's patient.


So, a lot of the characters got on my nerves in this episode. The one that got on my nerves the most was Ben, who is supposed to be a firefighter now; yet, he spent the whole day at GSMH getting into secure areas of the hospital that he no longer had privileged access to. I can’t remember how, but Webber found him at one point and told him off, which is probably the only productive thing Webber himself did the whole episode.

I’m really feeling like Webber is back to his season 9-11 self again, just being there and in the way. He no longer contributes towards the characters’ storylines or the situation they are put in. He harassed Bailey when she was ready to come back and work. Though, I have to say, Bailey annoyed me as well. She got all high and mighty, and for a split second, I thought she was offending Qadhiri in a racist manner. I don’t think she was, but that might be privilege on my behalf. Feel free to clarify fo me

As a matter of fact, speaking of Qadhiri, it makes me happy to see a Muslim-American character being portrayed in a way that doesn’t demonstrate they have terroristic or extremist tendencies. I doubt a religiously abiding Muslim-American would take their hijab off no matter what the circumstances are, but privilege. I don’t pretend to know other cultures or religions. There’s probably different branches of Islam that I’m not aware of. Back to Qadhiri, I think she seems to be most promising of all the interns.

Taryn, who I loved in previous episodes, was a bit of a let-down here. Sam, on the other hand, was a bit better. That whole dancer shout out was funny as well. Cheers to that.

Arizona annoyed me so much for the vast majority of the episode, until she saw April partying on the bartop with the interns. It was kind of reminiscent of Season 4 PP Amelia after her friend killed herself. She just needs to get a bag of Oxy and a loser boyfriend, and it’s Amelia 2.0! However, I hope it doesn’t go down that route, where April becomes hooked on drugs, booze, and spends a week and half getting high and drunk with a junkie in a hotel room.

Jackson wasn’t an ass for once, and I thought him telling that slimy intern to do his dirty work was completely called for. However, I did not need the interaction with Maggie. I actually felt my stomach react when that came up. I know, not consanguineous incest. I don’t know what was happening or being said in the previews for next week’s episode, but I am happy (for now, until April shows ulterior motives and just wants to ditch Harriet to get high or drunk with not-yet-existent junkie) that April knocks on the door.

  • Love 2

@UNOSEZ  - who is Hellmouth? Is that a nickname? The only intern I don't like is the one April is sleeping with, and I'm not sure if I would've disliked him regardless, or if it's because of April. 


I think Richard's improved... I know we didn't really see it this week but I like his evolving relationship with Maggie. And I think there's value in having an elder stateman/wise sage/quasi father figure on the show. 

I never thought I'd say it, but I am warming up to the idea of Maggie & Jackson in spite of myself. 

I want Arizona to be a good friend to April & try to help her. I predicted after the last episode that they'd have a blow up because April was hurt that Arizona failed to notice what she was going through - people not noticing or truly valuing April is a recurring theme - and now I suspect it's more likely to be a situation where Arizona does confront her with her concerns & April blows up, rejects the support/help. 

Can Koracick please stay? I'd happily trade him for at least three current characters. One of the moments I loved in tonight's episode was him and Kimmie sparring over musical theater. 

The other moment was Alex singing with Kimmie.  Swoon! 

I didn't care much for Ben moping around the hospital. At this point, I only really tolerate him because he's married to Miranda. I don't care about his third major career change so, needless to say, he's not a huge draw for me for the spin off. The new leading lady, Andy, seems pretty cool though. 

Maybe now Arizona will start being a supportive friend to April. Up until these later seasons, she didn't used to be as self-centered and shallow as she has become. 

Hellmouth, Dahlia, and Casey Parker are great examples of how to use the interns. They're charming and cooky in the right ways. I find the ones the show has tried to force front and center, Glasses and the Dancer, to be very annoying. 

  • Love 8

I never remember which one is Casey, and I normally love Taryn (Hellmouth) but she just didn't do anything for me this episode. While Qadhiri got to shine a little bit and made some progress/character development, it feels like Taryn is stuck taking everyone's order. It's almost reminiscent of Jo 2.0 again; which is ironic because most of the time, she takes orders from Jo. I agree that Glasses and Dancer (and Pej, whatever his name is) are quite annoying. I do kind of get a kick at how skittish Glasses is, so maybe he's supposed to be comic relief. Any guesses that he will be the first to get killed off in the season finale? (Think Mousey)

I did enjoy that scene with the cocky doctor and the ill girl aruging over music. That was rather amusing, and especially seeing Amelia/Alex's faces when they hurried in. I kept holding my stomach a couple times, hoping Amelia's former mentor wouldn't kiss her, especially when he had his epiphany.

  • Love 1
40 minutes ago, kinnej5 said:

So, a lot of the characters got on my nerves in this episode. The one that got on my nerves the most was Ben, who is supposed to be a firefighter now; yet, he spent the whole day at GSMH getting into secure areas of the hospital that he no longer had privileged access to. I can’t remember how, but Webber found him at one point and told him off, which is probably the only productive thing Webber himself did the whole episode.

I'm not sure that it bodes well for the spinoff that the only "known" character on it seemingly spent one of his first days on his new job lurking around at his former place of employment. His speech he gave to Andy in the gallery made it sound like the only reason he became a firefighter is because he got suspended for that clipboard surgery he did (I thought it was the impromptu C-section in the hallway he got in trouble for) and this way by being a firefighter he wouldn't ever be reprimanded for doing "whatever it takes." Not that he actually wanted to be a firefighter specifically.

  • Love 6
42 minutes ago, funnygirl said:

Can Koracick please stay? I'd happily trade him for at least three current characters. One of the moments I loved in tonight's episode was him and Kimmie sparring over musical theater. 

The other moment was Alex singing with Kimmie.  Swoon! 

I didn't care much for Ben moping around the hospital. At this point, I only really tolerate him because he's married to Miranda. I don't care about his third major career change so, needless to say, he's not a huge draw for me for the spin off. The new leading lady, Andy, seems pretty cool though. 

Maybe now Arizona will start being a supportive friend to April. Up until these later seasons, she didn't used to be as self-centered and shallow as she has become. 

Hellmouth, Dahlia, and Casey Parker are great examples of how to use the interns. They're charming and cooky in the right ways. I find the ones the show has tried to force front and center, Glasses and the Dancer, to be very annoying. 

Greg Germann was the best part of the episode, as was Alex singing with Kimmie.  Fantastic.

The rest was pretty much meh.  Also liked the new firefighter (Andy?) getting on the phone and going off in Spanish, picking up the slack for Meredith's project.  I'd gladly swap Andy for five current Grey's characters.  She's interesting.  Not sure I'll watch the firefighting show, though. 

  • Love 8

The opening scene showed why Amelia's research should have been funded first, so I was glad that they didn't drop the idea. Also it was nice to have Korakick bad, he's fun even if he is a major jerk.

Thank goodness Jackson noticed that there was something wrong with April.  Arizona should have caught it too -- that when someone starts acting 180 from who they were before, it's not just recovery from a bad break up.

3 hours ago, kinnej5 said:

I’m really feeling like Webber is back to his season 9-11 self again, just being there and in the way. He no longer contributes towards the characters’ storylines or the situation they are put in. He harassed Bailey when she was ready to come back and work. Though, I have to say, Bailey annoyed me as well. She got all high and mighty, and for a split second, I thought she was offending Qadhiri in a racist manner. I don’t think she was, but that might be privilege on my behalf. Feel free to clarify fo me

As a matter of fact, speaking of Qadhiri, it makes me happy to see a Muslim-American character being portrayed in a way that doesn’t demonstrate they have terroristic or extremist tendencies. I doubt a religiously abiding Muslim-American would take their hijab off no matter what the circumstances are, but privilege. I don’t pretend to know other cultures or religions. There’s probably different branches of Islam that I’m not aware of. Back to Qadhiri, I think she seems to be most promising of all the interns.

Webber and Bailey is the sort of neurotic lack of boundaries that's SOP for this show.

In terms of Qadhiri and the hijab, I think it depends on how conservative they are in their religion.  Qadhiri said that she wears a hijab to show that she honors her religion but she seems okay with people seeing her hair if it happens, and then she covers it up again. I have a friend from the Middle East who is much more conservative, she only wears the traditional dress and coat outside of her home. One day a male friend of her family showed up at the door when she was expecting a female friend and wasn't dressed and she felt such shame  that he had seen  her, she didn't answer the door herself for weeks.

If she did take off her hijab to save a life, she would have felt it much more deeply than Qadhiri did.

Edited by statsgirl

The whole musical theater debate with Kimmie and Koracick was the funniest thing that's been on the show for ages!

Can we trade Koracick for Deluca's sister?

I like Hellmouth so I hope she gets to do more in the future than be Meredith's phone holder (but realistically I get that sometimes the interns are given menial things to do and fielding phone calls from Spain is better than having to clean the nasty abscess that Jackson gave to the other intern).

I just had one of those dye injections a few weeks ago and before they injected it, they warned me that a very small number of people are allergic to it, so they told me to let them know right away if I felt weird. I didn't expect the allergic reaction to be as rapid as what we saw on the show though!

  • Love 2
24 minutes ago, marcee said:

So are we to believe that first-responders don't have any rules with regard to how they choose to save a life? SHUT UP BEN.

Apparently paramedics are medical cowboys who won't be reprimanded for impromptu C-sections or slicing people open with clipboards (at least according to Ben). The fact that he said that's why he became a paramedic made him sound like he just didn't want to have any consequences for being a medical cowboy.

  • Love 11

The issue I have with this April storyline is that they’re writing her as someone would someone in her 20’s, not her 30’s. I just think this notion that she should need a babysitter of sorts is ridiculous.

It should’ve been interesting in theory to see a wilder April, but it’s just stupid. And having Jackson once again only care because she is sleeping with/seeing someone else is the cherry on top of the stupid, in my opinion.


I assume their thought process was “well, crap, we haven’t given that intern anything to do yet.”

Edited by CED9
  • Love 6

I loved the Kimmiee/Koracick debate.

Maggie was only in the episode briefly but I actually liked her for the 3rd episode in a row. Her interactions with Meredith and the kids were cute along with her clearing Bailey. I'm sure this will end next week.

I liked hellmouth and quadrhi--glad to see Quadrhi do something besides hyper-ventiliate at Jackson.

I liked Andy and wouldn't mind seeing her cross over more. It was weird for Ben to now have second thoughts on his current career change. Maybe they should have come up with a better reason for him to switch shows.

  • Love 1

So firefighter gal is exceptionally rude to the Spanish doctor's staff (one of the things she yelled was "put your boss on the phone, NOW!") and that's what finally gets him to pay attention to Meredith's project. Of course, nobody can resist the lead of a Shondaland show.

Arizona, if someone needs IV fluids after a night of heavy drinking, they're not OK. Jackson is right to be worried since not only is April the mother of his child, she's also an employee at his hospital. If she screws up at work because she's hungover, the hospital would be liable.

Ben always seems to want the job he doesn't currently have.

Show, please make Greg Germann a regular. If he's too expensive, you have my permission to cut DeLuca's sister, and Glasses and Dance interns.

  • Love 19
34 minutes ago, Shellie said:

Is Alex falling for Amelia?  I think this was speculated on the forum after another episode, but it looked even more like that last night.  When Jo hugged him, he didn't even take his hands out of his pockets.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought so! I already thought I was becoming a bit paranoid, but I really thought this episode was full of Alex/Amelia anvils, with those long stares at each other, Alex clearly not being comfortable around dr Koracick and what not. And yeah, that scene with Jo hugging him really did stick out.

I didn't have a problem with dr Qadhiri taking off her hijab. People hold on to their religious beliefs in various degrees, and if a woman is religious to the extent she'd rather die or let someone else die than be seen with her hair uncovered, it's not likely she'll choose a profession that requires her to touch unrelated men on regular basis. 

It was logical and believable that Ben would be expressing some remorse over quitting his job, but I really hope they don't make him have another change of heart and want to return. It would be too ridiculous at this point and I don't know how they'd ever take him seriously again. I mean, what if after all the time, effort and resources invested into his training he suddenly decides he actually wants to be an accountant or an actor? 

I was pretty shocked to see Arizona condone April's behaviour until it was revealed she actually didn't know how much it had escalated. I guess it makes sense that she saw her simply drinking and having fun a couple of times, and so assumed it was all she was doing. I hope there won't be some ugly confrontation between the two in the following episodes, though. And I'm really disappointed that after making at least a bit of an effort to write Carina as a normal person in the previous episode, they're already back at the same old tired cliche of painting her as some sort of sex crazed maniac. 

Edited by Joana
  • Love 5
1 hour ago, chitowngirl said:

Didn’t we do Doctor Gone Wild with Christina? Yes, she wasn’t practicing at the time, but still...

Wash, rinse, repeat. 

While season 14 is a lot less frustrating and all around better than season 13, I'm starting to find it rather boring. And to think there are probably two more seasons to recycle, retcon and twist characters around. 



I was pretty shocked to see Arizona condone April's behaviour until it was revealed she actually didn't know how much it had escalated. I guess it makes sense that she saw her simply drinking and having fun a couple of times, and so assumed it was all she was doing. I hope there won't be some ugly confrontation between the two in the following episodes, though. And I'm really disappointed that after making at least a bit of an effort to write Carina as a normal person in the previous episode, they're already back at the same old tired cliche of painting her as some sort of sex crazed maniac. 

April told Arizona in the last episode that she drinks a bottle of wine in order to sleep, but of course Arizona brushed that off because she completely disregarded her friend in favor of reading maternal mortality stats.  I'm glad Arizona got her wake up call at the end of this episode, but it shouldn't have even had to get that far. Not much seems different from last season where Arizona's number one priority is her sexual relationship. I do hope to see more Supportive Friend Arizona and less Sexual Partner Arizona. And where's Mom Arizona? She's raved about sex more than her daughter, who is now home with her. 

Edited by funnygirl
  • Love 8

I understand Ben might have to adjust to being a fireman, and it's hard to bring people in and then just leave them .   But how come he was able to spend so much time at the hospital?  Are firemen, paramedics, etc, whereabouts not accounted for?  It's not like I'm saying they are allowed so much time, per call because that would be ridiculous. But once they take someone to the ER and relay the information they need to relay, don't they need to get back out there?   I guess I would think he would have to justify to someone, why he was spending so much time at the hospital, and not back at the station or on another call.    Maybe he was supposed to stay with Andy?  I don't think so though.   Seems like she told him to get back out there too.  

  • Love 9
7 hours ago, CED9 said:

The issue I have with this April storyline is that they’re writing her as someone would someone in her 20’s, not her 30’s. I just think this notion that she should need a babysitter of sorts is ridiculous.

It should’ve been interesting in theory to see a wilder April, but it’s just stupid. And having Jackson once again only care because she is sleeping with/seeing someone else is the cherry on top of the stupid, in my opinion.


7 hours ago, CED9 said:

I have a different view re April. She grew up in a very religious home on a farm and went from there to several years of study. When she WAS in her 20s I very much doubt she ever actually acted like a typical 20-year-old. It makes sense to me that a crisis of faith could trigger off a much delayed "rumspringa", so to speak. I think it is an interesting arc for the character but I do agree it is ridiculous to write it as though her supposed best friend Arizona and her ex-husband Jackson have not noticed her extremely OOC behaviour.

  • Love 10

I didn't liked Jackson at all in this episode. This is just Greys style of brushing of its male characters behaviour as being worried and all but it never comes across as such. I feel for the most part, Arizona associated April's partying & one wine bottle a night situation to her owns when she Callie moved on to downgrade Penny. I remember Arizona was also going to trivia night every night at that time and she even asked April to accompany her but April politely declined and Arizona had to settle with Webber (which was an fun arc btw). Also Meredith's dinner party when Callie introduced downgrade Penny to everyone had Arizona drinking herself to oblivion. 

What I didn't liked is they never had Callie give two cents about her ex-wife being OOC but obviously they have Jackson doing the same. But I wish it seemed genuine. For the most part it came out nosey. 

April's arc right now is a promising one and I hope the writers don't push it to once again to service Jackson's story line (or his ego). I will never understand why Greys, which supposedly a female oriented show, mostly have its male characters as some kind of god's (except Alex, ofc, Alex is the only gentleman) I wish April could have a big medical story line (maybe with Tom?) or just a solo story line)

Also, I will never understand why the women on this show when seen partying or dancing or drinking or having casual sex or considered to be having a downfall when the male counterparts are praised as being free sprit or smiling or happy or cool (viz Mark, Jackson, Derek etc)

  • Love 2
9 hours ago, CED9 said:

The issue I have with this April storyline is that they’re writing her as someone would someone in her 20’s, not her 30’s.

I agree with this, but I also find it believable.  My friend's now ex-wife went through sort of the same thing in her 30s and, in many ways, she was a lot like April--she always felt the need to be "perfect" and was, in many ways, horribly insecure.  Watching this story line with April is appropriately uncomfortable for me to watch because I've seen these spirals in real life.

  • Love 3
9 hours ago, CED9 said:

The issue I have with this April storyline is that they’re writing her as someone would someone in her 20’s, not her 30’s. I just think this notion that she should need a babysitter of sorts is ridiculous.

I think they're writing her as someone who is having serious psychological issues that she doesn't know how to deal with and she doesn't know how to deal with them so she's pushing them by partying.  April's not happy, she seems desperate.  Too bad her friends haven't seemed to notice.

With Jackson being the first to notice and be concerned, I wonder if the show will revisit them again after Jackson/Maggie is done.

6 hours ago, RedbirdNelly said:

 It was weird for Ben to now have second thoughts on his current career change. Maybe they should have come up with a better reason for him to switch shows.

Ben is such an adrenalin junkie, he leaps first and thinks later.  Anesthesiology was a terrible match for him; surgery is slightly better but he should have been an ER or trauma surgeon in a war zone.

5 hours ago, Joana said:

I didn't have a problem with dr Qadhiri taking off her hijab. People hold on to their religious beliefs in various degrees, and if a woman is religious to the extent she'd rather die or let someone else die than be seen with her hair uncovered, it's not likely she'll choose a profession that requires her to touch unrelated men on regular basis.

Great point.

  • Love 6
8 hours ago, OtterMommy said:

I agree with this, but I also find it believable.  My friend's now ex-wife went through sort of the same thing in her 30s and, in many ways, she was a lot like April--she always felt the need to be "perfect" and was, in many ways, horribly insecure.  Watching this story line with April is appropriately uncomfortable for me to watch because I've seen these spirals in real life.

The issue I have with it, is that they have other characters drink themselves to death in similar situations (Meredith, Callie, Arizona, Yang downing bottles at a time comes to mind) and no one bats an eye, or it’s played as comic relief, so now that I’m supposed to take it seriously it’s just...meh.

  • Love 4
9 hours ago, beautifulGA said:

I didn't liked Jackson at all in this episode. This is just Greys style of brushing of its male characters behaviour as being worried and all but it never comes across as such. I feel for the most part, Arizona associated April's partying & one wine bottle a night situation to her owns when she Callie moved on to downgrade Penny. I remember Arizona was also going to trivia night every night at that time and she even asked April to accompany her but April politely declined and Arizona had to settle with Webber (which was an fun arc btw). Also Meredith's dinner party when Callie introduced downgrade Penny to everyone had Arizona drinking herself to oblivion. 

What I didn't liked is they never had Callie give two cents about her ex-wife being OOC but obviously they have Jackson doing the same. But I wish it seemed genuine. For the most part it came out nosey. 

April's arc right now is a promising one and I hope the writers don't push it to once again to service Jackson's story line (or his ego). I will never understand why Greys, which supposedly a female oriented show, mostly have its male characters as some kind of god's (except Alex, ofc, Alex is the only gentleman) I wish April could have a big medical story line (maybe with Tom?) or just a solo story line)

Also, I will never understand why the women on this show when seen partying or dancing or drinking or having casual sex or considered to be having a downfall when the male counterparts are praised as being free sprit or smiling or happy or cool (viz Mark, Jackson, Derek etc)

First off... Why are you crapping all over penny?  Wasn't her fault Arizona cheated on Callie and Callie moved on... 

Second.. Jackson sees the mother of his child walking thru the hospital they both work at and have respected positions in hooked up to a banana bag obviously hung over and asking to hold their child. That's not nosey to ask what's going on.. Ppl were just complaining that she was being ignored so can't be both.. Then he hears a young intern talking outta turn abt his friend/ ex and puts a stop to it.  Not sure where you see some huge ego.. Is it fun to hear abt ur ex doing stuff sure but he was keeping it together like Arizona told him until intern Roy said too much.. As to Alex being the only gentleman in the show... I dunno what that even means.. 

As to the men of the show being allowed to be free with the sex and drinking.. Who are we talking about besides mark who everyone loved... I always felt it was pretty equitable with the sex.. The few times characters have been drinking a lot.. It was a real problem Webber Christina now April 

  • Love 2
14 hours ago, Joana said:

And I'm really disappointed that after making at least a bit of an effort to write Carina as a normal person in the previous episode, they're already back at the same old tired cliche of painting her as some sort of sex crazed maniac. 

Technically, they didn’t. They wrote Arizona having that perception. What I noticed last episode was Carina caring about Arizona as more than sex and Arizona not wanting to acknowledge beyond the sex right now.

  • Love 1
On 3/2/2018 at 3:10 PM, Efzee said:

Was anyone else kinda hoping to see Hannah the paramedic (from the bomb in the body cavity episode ages ago) when they said the first responder had stuck their hand in the victim's body? 

I was hoping too! Would have been such a great callback.

Am I the only one who sensed some chemistry between Meredith and Andy Herrera? I like Meredith as a character, but I've never felt she had chemistry with any of her romantic pairings on the show, but the awkward hallway convo between the two of them was the most I've "shipped" her with someone.

  • Love 1
15 hours ago, CED9 said:

The issue I have with it, is that they have other characters drink themselves to death in similar situations (Meredith, Callie, Arizona, Yang downing bottles at a time comes to mind) and no one bats an eye, or it’s played as comic relief, so now that I’m supposed to take it seriously it’s just...meh.

For the other characters it's not healthy behaviour but it is consistent with how they normally act. Drinking and sex has been how they've always handled stress.  For April, it was a 180 from her behaviour up to this point in her life so we are supposed to think that it's a big thing.

  • Love 8
19 hours ago, UNOSEZ said:

Why are you crapping all over penny?

I am not @beautifulGA, but I'll give this one a go since you asked: Penny sucked as a character, she and Callie had zero chemistry (actually, they had negative chemistry), that relationship could not have felt more rushed and forced, the show had multiple characters (Meredith, most notably) exalting her virtues as a doctor when we were shown almost no evidence of that (that bullshit was epitomized by her applying for that grant in New York that we were told should go to a resident with one more year than she actually had but that she won anyway over doctors like Stephanie and Jo, whom we actually know to be great doctors), she was played by a very bland actor, and she basically ate the show for a whole season.  I will say, in her defense, that she didn't deserve to be blamed for Derek's death; that was stupid.  Still, she sucked.

I'd say that about covers it.

  • Love 12
On 3/2/2018 at 6:23 AM, kinnej5 said:

As a matter of fact, speaking of Qadhiri, it makes me happy to see a Muslim-American character being portrayed in a way that doesn’t demonstrate they have terroristic or extremist tendencies. I doubt a religiously abiding Muslim-American would take their hijab off no matter what the circumstances are, but privilege. I don’t pretend to know other cultures or religions. There’s probably different branches of Islam that I’m not aware of. Back to Qadhiri, I think she seems to be most promising of all the interns.


I'm not Muslim but I live in the Middle East.  So, most Muslim women that I'm friends with would rip off their hijab/niqab/sheyla if it meant saving a life. Saving a life is greater than modesty. There was a woman in Dubai just a couple of months ago who took off her hijab (and I believe her abaya also) to help put out a man that was on fire. My OB/GYN used to regularly take off her hijab in front of my husband to adjust it. Also, keep in mind that hijab is a highly personal choice.  I have several friends that wear the abaya and hijab while in our country but once they travel outside, they take them off.  It is an outward sign of their faith but not all of them make it more than that. 

  • Love 8
On 3/2/2018 at 9:34 AM, statsgirl said:

In terms of Qadhiri and the hijab, I think it depends on how conservative they are in their religion.  Qadhiri said that she wears a hijab to show that she honors her religion but she seems okay with people seeing her hair if it happens, and then she covers it up again. I have a friend from the Middle East who is much more conservative, she only wears the traditional dress and coat outside of her home. One day a male friend of her family showed up at the door when she was expecting a female friend and wasn't dressed and she felt such shame  that he had seen  her, she didn't answer the door herself for weeks.

If she did take off her hijab to save a life, she would have felt it much more deeply than Qadhiri did.


Each person views hijab differently though.  I have friends that switch between sometimes they wear it, sometimes they don't.  Some friends are scandalized if men see them without it whereas others aren't. I think what they were trying to portray was that Qadhiri views it as an outward sign of her faith but she wouldn't let it get in the way of saving a life. Abaya and sheyla are typically worn where I live but you will also see just hijab or abaya and niqab.  Most of my friends wouldn't be particularly disturbed if a male saw them without the sheyla/hijab (my niqab friends would be though) but that is because they recognize that oops moments happened.  Heck, my youngest accidentally ripped off a woman's sheyla when we were living in a more conservative Wahhabi country and she just laughed , said "Mashallah," and then gave us money for him.  LOL

  • Love 4
On ‎3‎/‎2‎/‎2018 at 4:11 PM, Shellie said:

Koracick is the first time I've been really interested in a new character since I can't remember when.

Is Alex falling for Amelia?  I think this was speculated on the forum after another episode, but it looked even more like that last night.  When Jo hugged him, he didn't even take his hands out of his pockets.

in that Alex/Jo scene I wasn't sure if they were trying to show us that their relationship had no warmth or if it was the usual Jo/Alex complete lack of chemistry (in my opinion, I get no chemistry from them and would be happy for them to break up and move onto relationships that are actually interesting)

  • Love 6

After all these years and I stillbfont really care for Alex.. He's not a bad character and he's had some good storylines.. I just never got too up or too down abt anything Alex related.. Same goes for Jo.. If an episode went by and she didn't show up I really wouldn't have a problem with it..  She was the least interesting intern in her group and I think she's the last one left.. Shane is off being too hyper in Europe.. Tina majorina got killed.. Jerrika hinton is in HBO doing something or the other and they brought back Tessa ferret who I always enjoyed then she vanished again.. If the plan was to turn her into a Meredith type lynchpin... They failed.. I won't front tho I've always been a bit biased to her after she nearly killed chest peckwell and basically got him fired because he grabbed her (was it more than that I don't totally remember)  but what she did yo him was waaaay worse than what he did and she got away with it never seemed to have any remorse abt that... Ah well

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