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S06.E07: Lisa's Story

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Somebody please tell me reasons to feel sympathy for this woman.  Why is she treating everyone so badly?  What makes someone feel justified in behaving the way she does?

I am bewildered by my callousness.  I actually feel like I could care less if she suddenly doesn't wake up one morning.  And, yeah, I'm not okay feeling like that usually.

  • Love 21

Do you ever marvel at how the staff are able to grab blankets and lift the obese patient from bed to bed?  I know there are at least 8 people and they are sharing the load, but, still......OMG.  I am amazed each time they do it.  What is the trick?

With a 700 pound patient, how are their organs not squished up?  How do they maintain an airway?  How do their intestines still work under that huge load?  How is her heart not enlarged due to the strain?  I just don't get how they survive this long.

Does Lisa's daughter realize that her mom is a toxic person?

Edited by SunnyBeBe
  • Love 8
5 minutes ago, sidka said:

Somebody please tell me reasons to feel sympathy for this woman.  Why is she treating everyone so badly?  What makes someone feel justified in behaving the way she does?

I am bewildered by my callousness.  I actually feel like I could care less if she suddenly doesn't wake up one morning.  And, yeah, I'm not okay feeling like that usually.

I got nothing. I can usually muster up a teeny tiny bit of sympathy for most of the people on this show. Not Lisa. I was actually hoping someone from another patient's family would come into the room and slap the crap out of her when she was wailing in the emergency room. It would have been awesome if Dr Now would have done it but, I didn't want Lisa to be able to sue him.

  • Love 15
8 minutes ago, libgirl2 said:

If she really wants that pizza, eggs, ice cream etc.... make her get up for it. Don't even buy it in the first place. 

I think that is where the insanity comes in.  To me, it's soooo dysfunctional that the family member/enabler just obeys the bedbound, obese family member and serves them up their favorite plate of garbage.  It's like, here it is.  This high calorie, high fat, high carb, high sodium, highly processed crap that is killing you.  And, would you like seconds, thirds, or more? And when you poop, I'll clean it up ad keep making you an invalid.  It's beyond preposterous. That's why I think that some accountability should be made on the caregivers.  

Oh, this is another concern.  If there were a fire....no way the caregivers would be able to get the obese person out safely.  Even fire fighters would have a hard time rescuing her. 

Edited by SunnyBeBe
  • Love 13

I could not stand this woman.  OMG.  If I was one of the crew people who had to film this woman I would have left, she creeped me OUT!  All the manipulation about sex....gross.  Herbert was a pervert.  He didn't love her...he just wanted her to blow him every time he gave her food.  Blech!

There was not a single tear coming out of her eye when she was in the ER.  What a complete and total baby.  I hope her daughter gets away from her immediately.  Her wailing in the ER was ridiculous.  Let her wail and cry herself into a puddle.  Close the door.  She does it because people react.  


  • Love 8
1 minute ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I think that is where the insanity comes in.  To me, it's soooo dysfunctional that the family member/enabler just obeys the bedbound, obese family member and serves them up their favorite plate of garbage.  It's like, here it is.  This high calorie, high fat, high carb, high sodium, highly processed crap that is killing you.  And, would you like seconds, thirds, or more? And when you poop, I'll clean it up ad keep making you an invalid.  It's beyond preposterous. That's why I think that some accountability should be made on the caregivers.  

It is like someone going out to score some heroin for a family member and then complains about it. Just don't do it. And you are at an advantage if they can't get out of bed! 

  • Love 8

Now that you mention it, there WERE crotch carpets at Fashion Week. I think they were (incorrectly) called “vagina wigs.”

(I love picturing groups of fashion designers guffawing in a back room somewhere as they brainstorm increasingly ridiculous ideas to sell to the gullible.)

11 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I think that is where the insanity comes in.  To me, it's soooo dysfunctional that the family member/enabler just obeys the bedbound, obese family member and serves them up their favorite plate of garbage.  It's like, here it is.  This high calorie, high fat, high carb, high sodium, highly processed crap that is killing you.  And, would you like seconds, thirds, or more? And when you poop, I'll clean it up ad keep making you an invalid.  It's beyond preposterous. That's why I think that some accountability should be made on the caregivers.  

Oh, this is another concern.  If there were a fire....no way the caregivers would be able to get the obese person out safely.  Even fire fighters would have a hard time rescuing her. 

Also what the hell was wrong with Danielle that she subjected her son to Gramma’s Cooter Show?

  • Love 14
4 minutes ago, Tabbygirl521 said:

Now that you mention it, there WERE crotch carpets at Fashion Week. I think they were (incorrectly) called “vagina wigs.”

(I love picturing groups of fashion designers guffawing in a back room somewhere as they brainstorm increasingly ridiculous ideas to sell to the gullible.)

WHAT?  What are they for, the follicly challenged? lol I thought the goal was the opposite.  Like a Brazilian. 

Edited by SunnyBeBe
  • Love 2

I had to turn this one off halfway through and just finished watching the second half. Lisa is a reprehensible, manipulative, ignorant drama queen. We've seen many people on this show who do not want to take responsibility for the weight they gained, or how they will lose it, but this one was excruciating to watch.

I sincerely commend Dr Now for taking on the patients that no one can, or wants to, help. He tries the "straight talk" angle often, but I think even he could see she was a lost cause. She wants to live on Denial Island and stuff her face while maggots live in her leg wounds and her daughter and grandson have to do everything for her. Obviously, we've seen a lot of other people on this show who are first-class passengers on the Denial train; but most times we at least see a glimmer of reality. But nope, not with Lisa. 

Here's another follow-up show I'll be sure to miss. 

  • Love 5
1 minute ago, Lunula said:

Obviously, we've seen a lot of other people on this show who are first-class passengers on the Denial train; but most times we at least see a glimmer of reality. But nope, not with Lisa. 

Here's another follow-up show I'll be sure to miss. 

That would be a 2 minute show - tops!  They use a crane to hoist Lisa onto the special bed-scale they brought to her house.  "1012 pounds".  Yep.  She's been eating.   When she dies they will need a shipping crate to bury her in.

  • Love 5
12 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Do you ever marvel at how the staff are able to grab blankets and lift the obese patient from bed to bed?  I know there are at least 8 people and they are sharing the load, but, still......OMG.  I am amazed each time they do it.  What is the trick?

With a 700 pound patient, how are their organs not squished up?  How do they maintain an airway?  How do their intestines still work under that huge load?  How is her heart not enlarged due to the strain?  I just don't get how they survive this long.

Does Lisa's daughter realize that her mom is a toxic person?


 Worked in a hospital for years involved in patient care.   Lifting people this size is very difficult.  Many  of them couldn't even lift their own head off the pillow.  Always amazed me how heavy their heads were!

 I think Danielle is well aware of how toxic her mother is.  One can only hope Danielle did or will make a complete break with that nasty woman.  Get out Danielle ...save yourself..and your children!

Edited by Swiss
  • Love 9
10 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Guys, for real, I laughed for an hour when Lisa gave that nutritionist her steely glare and growled "PUT. IT. BACK." And the nutritionist didn't blink. It was just like David's Countdown to Beatdown on Teem Mom 2, which ended with him sheepishly returning to his car without going off on anyone. Hahahahahahahahahaha! You may be able to browbeat your family, Lisa, but you have no hold on the physical therapist, the nutritionist, or Dr. Now. They are not impressed.


I think this is very likely. I think Lisa's been a brat and been enabled her whole life. Her brother says she was spoiled as a child. She liked it so much she just found a way to keep it up.

Exactly. S. "you know you have to give me what I want, so you can get what you want".he said it herself

I agree, except that I don't really believe that Lisa would have the energy involved for this kind of thing.  I mean, with her penchance for being slothful?.....hmmm.....she doesn't seem that inclined to do that much work, imo.  I mean.....they don't call it a job for nothing. lol

Edited by SunnyBeBe
  • Love 4
12 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Guys, for real, I laughed for an hour when Lisa gave that nutritionist her steely glare and growled "PUT. IT. BACK." And the nutritionist didn't blink. It was just like David's Countdown to Beatdown on Teem Mom 2, which ended with him sheepishly returning to his car without going off on anyone. Hahahahahahahahahaha! You may be able to browbeat your family, Lisa, but you have no hold on the physical therapist, the nutritionist, or Dr. Now. They are not impressed.


I think this is very likely. I think Lisa's been a brat and been enabled her whole life. Her brother says she was spoiled as a child. She liked it so much she just found a way to keep it up.

Exactly. She said it herself. "you know you have to give me what I want, so you can get what you want".

   The last line in your comment just creeps me out.  I couldn't believe I was hearing that.   Trading sex for food is beyond disgusting. 

Edited by Swiss
  • Love 3

Hmm. So everyone else thought Lisa was serious when she told the nutritionist she was trading sex for food? I took it as just another lie/manipulation after she kept insisting that nothing in the fridge was hers. To me, it was exactly as the nutritionist surmised - for shock value. Perhaps Lisa thought she was try and embarrass her into leaving all the food? 

She would have to be giving out A LOT of sex to get that big. I have gained 8 pounds since the beginning of December - all my own doing - not working out, eating carelessly, etc. - and I can say, I feel like I'm on a food bonanza. I cannot imagine gaining - what was it - 29 pounds in a month?! I guess because I've fought with eating disorders since college I am hypersensitive about what I eat, but even when my bulimia retreated and it was 100% binge-eating disorder in effect, I think the most I gained in an entire year was like 30 pounds. Of course, I was never bed-ridden and I could always, you know, sit up on my own - but still. That's officially a crap-ton. 

  • Love 9
2 hours ago, sidka said:

Somebody please tell me reasons to feel sympathy for this woman.  Why is she treating everyone so badly?  What makes someone feel justified in behaving the way she does?

I am bewildered by my callousness.  I actually feel like I could care less if she suddenly doesn't wake up one morning.  And, yeah, I'm not okay feeling like that usually.

You can feel sympathy that the sum total of all experiences in her life has caused her to be this way.  It's not really sympathy for the person, but sympathy for the fact that her soul is so poisoned that it led to such a doomed existence.

  • Love 8

OMG.  I'm only 1/2 hour in, and I hate that nasty-faced bitch.  Those stupid expressions make me sick. 

Oh gawd, the screaming and squealing like a pig, the paramedics can't possibly make enough $ to have to deal with that shit.  I really hate her, and there is no way I could put up with that.

Bless everyone that has to deal with that mess.  She's going to fuck it up, I already know that :(

  • Love 5

I have to admit that I laughed very heartily when she screamed "ow mah laig!" I am a bad person and I'm OK with that.

24 minutes ago, Lunula said:

Hmm. So everyone else thought Lisa was serious when she told the nutritionist she was trading sex for food?

I did. She did whatever she could to get and keep control over the people in her life. I don't think she traded even steven for food--you know, one handy = one donut, or whatever. But I do think that when Herburt hinted that he'd like a little sexytime, she'd histrionically sigh "oh, all right. But get me 2 dozen pizza rolls and a chocolate cake first".

  • Love 16
1 hour ago, Kid said:

And sue she would. She had lots of resentment about the fact that he makes the big bucks.   Fact she misses is that he works his ass off for those big bucks and has to put up with excuses for human beings like her.

And, he managed to go to medical school, then study even more to excel in several different specialties while managing to not eat himself to the point of having to shit in his own bed.

  • Love 7
14 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

When Lisa's daughter said her mom really loved fruit and that giving it up would be a struggle, I imagined strawberries, oranges,.....but, FRUIT LOOPS! I've never thought they were a food group.  OMG........you can't make this stuff up. 

The whole show I kept thinking that Lisa and Herburt were dumber than a box of rocks, but you want to give them the benefit of the doubt.

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, CaughtOnTape said:

I could not stand this woman.  OMG.  If I was one of the crew people who had to film this woman I would have left, she creeped me OUT!  All the manipulation about sex....gross.  Herbert was a pervert.  He didn't love her...he just wanted her to blow him every time he gave her food.  Blech!

There was not a single tear coming out of her eye when she was in the ER.  What a complete and total baby.  I hope her daughter gets away from her immediately.  Her wailing in the ER was ridiculous.  Let her wail and cry herself into a puddle.  Close the door.  She does it because people react.  


I'm going to hell, I know it, but LOL!  

Herbert the pervert, oh my GAWD!  Truer words were never spoken.  

  • Love 1
4 hours ago, calpurnia99 said:

I swear I am normal but I melt American cheese into rice. I do not understand the repulsion at this. It's not spaghetti and ketchup.  It's just 2 basic ingredients that taste good together. I don't know why putting shredded cheddar in the rice is somehow superior to American cheese slices. It's still shitty cheese. Bags of shredded cheddar that you buy at the supermarket is shitty processed cheese too.

I used to make this for my kids when they were little.  I called it "Cheesy Rice!"  American cheese microwaved with leftover rice!  They loved it!

  • Love 2
14 minutes ago, Kid said:

From what she explained, My childhood was much, much, much worse than hers. I would’ve gotten killed exhibiting behavior that she exhibited as a kid. Just being a kid got you beaten up in my household.  And that’s not even counting the emotional abuse .   I’m not exaggerating and I do not see myself as a victim but as a proud survivor.  I am just sick to death of people blaming their childhood on the fact that they weigh 700 pounds or that they murdered somebody or that they sexually abused somebody or they took a gun and commited mass murder in a school.   And I don’t mean you,  I mean perpetual victims like Lisa.  Like they say in 12 step programs, they broke ya but you have to fix yourself.

I am not without my issues, but I do not weigh 700 pounds, I have never killed anybody, I have never sexually abused anybody, and I have never committed any crimes of any kind.  And, I’m a productive member of society.

My point was that the sum total of her experiences turned her into this and she doesn't seem to be able to change.  It doesn't matter if anyone thinks her experiences shouldn't have, just that she did.  Even if she had a happy, blissful childhood, the fact that she's like this now is saddening.

  • Love 7
4 minutes ago, Kid said:

From what she explained, My childhood was much, much, much worse than hers. I would’ve gotten killed exhibiting behavior that she exhibited as a kid. Just being a kid got you beaten up in my household.  And that’s not even counting the emotional abuse .   I’m not exaggerating and I do not see myself as a victim but as a proud survivor.  I am just sick to death of people blaming their childhood on the fact that they weigh 700 pounds or that they murdered somebody or that they sexually abused somebody or they took a gun and commited mass murder in a school.   And I don’t mean you,  I mean perpetual victims like Lisa.  Like they say in 12 step programs, they broke ya but you have to fix yourself.

I am not without my issues, but I do not weigh 700 pounds, I have never killed anybody, I have never sexually abused anybody, and I have never committed any crimes of any kind.  And, I’m a productive member of society.

Well said! From what Lisa said, her childhood seemed pretty average and she was spoiled rotten because she was the only girl. So, her mom wouldn't give in to her demand for cake and took her special ice cream bowl and spoon away. Cry me a river. She got pregnant at 14 and continued to get pregnant every couple years until she had 4 kids by 20. That was someone else's fault and it was something that just kept happening to her through no fault of her own? She started drinking a lot? Yeah, it's sad that her brother got shot but millions of people live through the loss of a loved one every year. Her mom died when Lisa was a grown ass adult? Boo fucking hoo. She loves being a nasty, manipulative blob that needs more care than an infant and has no desire to change. I just hope her kids stay away and have their own lives.

  • Love 20

My concern is the pool of willing participants for this show may be dwindling to the point where the only morbidly obese people ready, willing and/or able to go on the show are exemplified by those we've seen so far in the new season (with the exception of James)---People with little or no ability, motivation or desire to make the drastic changes that are necessary to succeed in arriving at a reasonable weight and coping with all of life's challenges without resorting to numbing their emotions with horrible food choices.

My sense is that maybe the $$$ compensation for prospective participants (whom I presume come from Dr. Now's client roster) is so meager (in comparison with the the "big bucks" the producers and, of course, Dr. Now earn based upon the huge audience this show has attracted) and the fact that the show has been on long enough for people to see the massive indignities suffered by the participants, the number of success-driven candidates may be near depletion.

Also, I think there was so much media-buzz about the Assanti episodes that maybe the producers think the audience wants to see episodes with little weight-loss and compliance.

 I respectfully disagree!!

Last night's episode was a big disappointment for me.  A total waste of my time.

  • Love 8
2 minutes ago, pdlinda said:

My concern is the pool of willing participants for this show may be dwindling to the point where the only morbidly obese people ready, willing and/or able to go on the show are exemplified by those we've seen so far in the new season (with the exception of James)---People with little or no ability, motivation or desire to make the drastic changes that are necessary to succeed in arriving at a reasonable weight and coping with all of life's challenges without resorting to numbing their emotions with horrible food choices.

My sense is that maybe the $$$ compensation for prospective participants (whom I presume come from Dr. Now's client roster) is so meager (in comparison with the the "big bucks" the producers and, of course, Dr. Now earn based upon the huge audience this show has attracted) and the fact that the show has been on long enough for people to see the massive indignities suffered by the participants, the number of success-driven candidates may be near depletion.

Also, I think there was so much media-buzz about the Assanti episodes that maybe the producers think the audience wants to see episodes with little weight-loss and compliance.

 I respectfully disagree!!

Last night's episode was a big disappointment for me.  A total waste of my time.

I so agree, tune in for the circus. Kind of like a cat fight on some Housewives show. I like to see people who are trying, who are making progress, who still have some pride in themselves to get up and do something, even its as mundane as using the toilet. I cheer these people on. 

  • Love 8
3 minutes ago, pdlinda said:

My concern is the pool of willing participants for this show may be dwindling to the point where the only morbidly obese people ready, willing and/or able to go on the show are exemplified by those we've seen so far in the new season (with the exception of James)---People with little or no ability, motivation or desire to make the drastic changes that are necessary to succeed in arriving at a reasonable weight and coping with all of life's challenges without resorting to numbing their emotions with horrible food choices.

My sense is that maybe the $$$ compensation for prospective participants (whom I presume come from Dr. Now's client roster) is so meager (in comparison with the the "big bucks" the producers and, of course, Dr. Now earn based upon the huge audience this show has attracted) and the fact that the show has been on long enough for people to see the massive indignities suffered by the participants, the number of success-driven candidates may be near depletion.

Also, I think there was so much media-buzz about the Assanti episodes that maybe the producers think the audience wants to see episodes with little weight-loss and compliance.

 I respectfully disagree!!

Last night's episode was a big disappointment for me.  A total waste of my time.

There is NO lack for morbidly obese people in the United States that could be on the show.  I have been all over the U.S. and there are extremely overweight people everywhere these days.  Of course the ones I am seeing are the mobile ones - you know there have to be quite a few that are bedridden.  I think the problem is that TLC really doesn't know who will actually be successful and who will not from the onset/interview.... most want to be thin or SAY they want to be thin - they just don't want to put forth any effort.  "I want to be thin as long as I don't have to watch what I eat or how much I eat".  "I want to be thin as long as I don't have to exercise".  "I want to be thin - MAKE me thin, Dr. Now.  Give me the magical surgery that will make 450 pounds melt off of my body instantly and I will continue my life eating everything in sight and sitting in front of the television".     I suppose TLC COULD stop filming a few weeks into the episode when they see that the person really isn't going to commit and do the work necessary... but I think that it's important for viewers to see that not everyone is going to be successful.  Dr. Now says less than 5% will be successful - so how is TLC supposed to find that 5% out of the thousands of morbidly obese applicants?

  • Love 20
1 hour ago, AZChristian said:

I say, "I'm not a victim any more . . . I am a victOR."

I completely agree with your entire post.  I loved "They broke ya but you have to fix yourself."  Succeeding in that is more wonderful than eating 3 pizzas at one sitting.

That is what I love most about 12 step programs. The thing that they try to eliminate the most is self-pity because self-pity keeps you down and  does a lot to make you use. And the thing they try to instill the most, is personal responsibility. People who are truly in recovery, working their program, can see right through people like Lisa.  

All Lisa did was wallow in self-pity and blame everybody else that she got NO help (after he gave her a diet, he hospitalized her for months, he sent her a nutritionist, he sent her a physical therapist, and he sent her a psychologist all at no cost to her).  Self-pity and no personal responsibility creates Lisa.

And you know what, you don’t need a 12 step program to eliminate self-pity and gain a sense of personal responsibility. What you need is to grow up.

Edited by Kid
  • Love 12

OMG, that poor grandson! I guess at this point, she's past being a "human" form. 

Maggots!? In her leg folds!? I can't even! And all that screaming...was driving me crazy.

I just cannot figure out what they expect Dr Now to do.  He cannot wave a magic wand over her to have the weight disappear.  

I really wish her daughter would follow this diet and lose some weight..She seemed like a good person.

Edited by alegtostandon
  • Love 8
1 hour ago, Lunula said:

Hmm. So everyone else thought Lisa was serious when she told the nutritionist she was trading sex for food? I took it as just another lie/manipulation after she kept insisting that nothing in the fridge was hers. To me, it was exactly as the nutritionist surmised - for shock value. Perhaps Lisa thought she was try and embarrass her into leaving all the food? 

She would have to be giving out A LOT of sex to get that big. I have gained 8 pounds since the beginning of December - all my own doing - not working out, eating carelessly, etc. - and I can say, I feel like I'm on a food bonanza. I cannot imagine gaining - what was it - 29 pounds in a month?! I guess because I've fought with eating disorders since college I am hypersensitive about what I eat, but even when my bulimia retreated and it was 100% binge-eating disorder in effect, I think the most I gained in an entire year was like 30 pounds. Of course, I was never bed-ridden and I could always, you know, sit up on my own - but still. That's officially a crap-ton. 

Yes I do think she was serious.  If Herbert doesn't bring her what she wants, she screams and yells and insults him and withholds sex. Of course she could have made it up, but there is no reason to believe she does not manipulate her boyfriend into bringing her food by whatever means she can. We saw her yelling at him. And she said to him too: "If you don't give me the pizza, you are not going to get what YOU want" We saw her whining and going off on him. He was trying because the cameras were there to say no.  He seemed to understand the doctor and think that he should help her diet-- but then he couldn't do it! Because she used all her manipulating tactics on him.

  • Love 1
7 minutes ago, alegtostandon said:

OMG, that poor grandson! I guess at this point, she's past being a "human" form. 

Maggots!? In her leg folds!? I can't even! And all that screaming...was driving me crazy.

I just cannot figure out what they expect Dr Now to do.  He cannot wave a magic wand over her to have the weight disappear.  

I really wish her daughter would follow this diet and lose some weight..She seemed like a good person.

Its sad to have to say that, but I think when a person gets to that point they have lost some of that humanity, the addiction is just so severe they no longer really care. Just going over that edge where you accept having maggots living in your skin, trading food for sex and letting everyone clean your butt..... because all you want is that drug. 

  • Love 9

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